40k Cult Quest
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In the Hive City of Keltist, the cult known as The Human Ascension is dedicated to claiming the might once held by the Aeldari through their connection with Chaos. Perhaps a mistaken version of events, but belief is a strong force, and the cultists believe deeply. Their worship of the Primordial Truth shall lead them on a winding path; perhaps they shall find what they seek, perhaps not.

Riot your way to rebellion, Chaos, and probably a painful death.
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Cult Creation Part 1
A Pit Of My Own Making
+++ Thought For The Day: No army is powerful enough to conquer the galaxy. But faith alone can overturn the universe +++

Date: Approx 750.M41

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of His inexhaustible armies.

One such world is Kelt, a fairly standard world in an out of the way system. Upon it is the Hive City of Keltist, home to around ten billion. A sizable city by any standard certainly. But one that is repeated on countless worlds across the width and breadth of the Imperium. Hive Cities hold the teeming mass of humanity, decrepit arcologies often dating back to before the age of humanity. Each city has its own character, its own style version of humanity society, usually formed around the main use or production of the world . And this is true on Kelt, which holds the designation of an -

[*] Administration World
Thousands of clerks, record keepers, and various other pen pushers toil here, working to keep the heaving, labyrinth bureaucracy of the Imperium alive, somehow. There are more halls used to store parchment than there are for living, and most of their contents are long forgotten, the dust of centuries covering them.
- The populace is mostly drones, completing their tasks with little thought
- Information from across the sector and beyond pass through, and are stored in this city
- Glory Rating: Changeable

[ ] Industrial World
Like a living black hole, this city takes in mass amounts of resources, usually from off-world. It then outputs the vast amounts of items the Imperium needs, but are not specialized enough to be built on a Forge World. Las-guns, groundcars, basic spare parts; all are made here, somewhere in the tangled maze of manufactoria.
- Large workforce, often working & living in substandard conditions
- Increased off-world traffic, primarily bulk haulers.
- Glory Rating; Middling

[ ] Pleasure World
Dedicated to art, culture, and the high life. Wealth and wine flows like rivers, as all the luxuries mankind (and beyond) can produce are found in the upper spires of the city. Only for the High-born however. For others, they toil in the dark, working so this wonder can continue. Some have no idea of debauchery occurring above their heads; others look heavenwards with envy.
- Large discrepancy between classes
- Regularly visited by rich off-world
- Glory Rating: Middling

[ ] Agri-World
This planet is home to farming on an industrial scale. Vast fields of crops are harvested and replanted in never-ending cycles. Grox and other cattle live short, pointless lives, destined for the slaughter house. The city is part administration center, part storage center for the mass of foodstuffs, part distribution center, sending its products to hundreds of worlds.
- Population mainly commutes across the world to their work zones.
- Bulk haulers leave daily with their cargo of food
- Glory Rating: Middling

[ ] Fortress World
The Astra Militarum is a galaxy spanning war machine, and this city is but one cog. Its industry is set to the production of weapons & armour, and great regiments are formed annually, sent to distant battle theatres, many never to be seen again. The world is covered in defensive fortifications; any outside enemy would be hard pressed to take it. Any outside enemy…
- Strong martial culture at all levels
- Great stores of equipment
- Glory Rating: Middling

[ ] Shrine/Cardinal World
Perhaps it is the site of a great cathedral, a great miracle? Perhaps a saint was born there, or interred somewhere within its myriad temples? Regardless, this city stands as a bastion of Imperial faith, and a stronghold of Ecclesiarchy power. Yet the brightest light can create the darkest shadows…
- Population largely devout, fanatically so
- Large numbers of priests, temples, and holy orders.
- Glory Rating: High

Yet all is not well on Kelt. Dissent, held at bay by the words of the preachers and the shock mauls of the law keepers, is slowly growing, gaining firm anchors. In shadowy corners whispered discussions are held, suspicious glances are traded, and the downfall of Kelt, perhaps the Imperium beyond, takes shape.

Where does the cult form?

[*] Upper Hive
-Cultist Income: 10
- Mostly well off administrators, satisfied with their lot. But some are quite ambitious
- Well funded security with little experience

[ ] Spires
- Cultist Income: 20
- Plenty of opportunity, and access to the most power positions in the city
- But rife with political struggles; hidden knives that are both literal & figurative

[ ] Lower Hive
-Cultist Income: 5
- Downtrodden workers that are integral to the Hive's function
- Trouble is always expected - they're neighbours with the Underhive after all

[ ] Underhive
- Cultist Income: 3
- Less a part of the city, and more a no-man's land of lawlessness
- Mutants, Gangers, runways, oh my!

One hundred souls are brought together in some forgotten hall, brought by traded notes, rushed words, some even by guiding dreams. All are gathered for a singular purpose, although perhaps they do not yet know what that is. All are bound, for reasons many and singular, by the strongest force in the universe. One that can turn aside blades, produce miracles, or damn whole worlds.


Whom does the cult serve?

[*] Chaos Undivided
The Primordial Truth. The Ruinous Powers. You worship Chaos as a great whole, either as a single entity or all four gods at once.
- Blessings of the Four - The gifts of chaos are many and multifaceted. Gain access to limited boons of all the gods.
- Path to Glory - at the end; Godhood. Chance for your leader to eventually achieve demonhood.
- The Many - All the Lost and Damned gathered under a single banner. Increased general recruitment
- Temptations of the Four - The gods do not share easily. You will be driven to choose a single god.
- Fragile Truce - Rivalries of the Divine are echoed in their followers. Separate groups of worshippers that might act against each other.
- Path to Total Damnation - Failure, in the eyes of all four gods, is not tolerated. More severe repercussions, decreased chance of resurgence

[ ] Khorne
The Blood God, Lord of Skulls. His domain is War, Murder, & Rage.
- Martial Might - Your cultists are strong in body and skilled at warfare. You have a bonus for any military action
- Hardy Recruits - Strength attracts strength. You have a bonus to infiltrating militant organizations, such as the PDF.
- Worship Through Bloodshed - The spilling of blood, no matter it's source, is worship enough for Khorne. Bloody deeds count as worship.
- Dark Honour - Khorne despises those who use sorcerous might, or skulduggery. You will be unable to recruit psykers, and have a malus to intrigue action.
- Prove Your Worth - Fighting to the top is the natural order of things. Chance each turn your leader will be replaced.
- Blood Must Flow! - Your god demands blood, and he will have it. Going without combat for a turn will cause your cultists to start killing each other, stacks over time.

[ ] Nurgle
The Plague God, Lord of Decay, or more familiarly, Grandfather. His domain is Disease, Despair & Rebirth.
- Spreading The Word - The worship of the Plague Father spreads like a disease itself. Increased passive recruitment in unsanitary environments.
- Circles of Life & Death - To die is to be reborn anew. Increased chance of cult resurgence
- Friends? Friends! - Grandfather's children are jolly indeed. Less attrition from aligned "allies"
- Something Rotten - Those that search for plague and disease can find more than they bargained for. Possibility for heavy stealth debuffs
- Death, Death, Death - Not all who fall to Nurgle's gifts rise again. Increased attrition
- Ho Ho No. - The Grandfather's wrath is legendary. Serious failures have serious consequences

[ ] Tzeentch
The Lord of Change, Architect of Fate. His Domain is Change, Knowledge, & Sorcery.
- Bird Is The Word - Knowledge is power, and power is knowledge - Bonus to intelligence gathering & infiltration
- Brain Power - All wyrds and witches are bound to the God of Magic. More psykers, and easier access to sorcerers
- Fateful Path - The future is always changing. One reroll per turn
- Bird Up! - The Mark of Change is ever shifting. Increased mutations, giving stealth debuffs
- Did you see this coming? - Treachery is the dawn of change. Chance each turn your leader will be replaced, or even greater betrayals
- LoL So Random XD - Tzeentch is just as likely to give you a boon as he is to curse you. Additional random event each turn, will always be negative

[ ] Slaanesh
The Prince of Pleasure, Lord of Excess. Their domain is Excess, Pain & Pleasure.
- The "High" Life - Sometimes it is hard to tell the loyal from the heretical. Stealth & recruitment buffs for upper society.
- Children of Decadence - Some fleshy acts have natural results. Increased cult growth
- Tantalizing Temptation - Even the purest have their vices. Buffs to corrupting
- Pricey Pleasure - The cost of excess is high. Reduced cult funds
- Divine Distractions - Why toil when pleasure is freely available? Every turn, up to 60% of your cult will be unavailable
- Violent Births - Naturally beings born of Pride see themselves as better. Demons are harder to summon, and cause more attrition

(Voting Complete!)

Separate votes for each section.

Glory can be seen as a challenge rating, and how high the reward will be.

Hi, this is my first quest! There may be bumps, especially at the start, but I really want to try it! I want to hope this is the first of many varied quests.

This is somewhat based on ScottishMongol's ANT QUEST. I looked at it, looked at the description of Hive Cities as anthills, and decided "well, why not?"

If you have questions feel free to ask! This first voting period should last a while, then the second post will take a while as well, as I need to modify it for the chosen cult.

Before you post, please read this post.
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[X] Agri-World
[X] Upper Hive
[X] Nurgle

Basically this is my idea, we use our position in the administration of the Agri-World to taint the outgoing food shipments and spread a plague across multiple planets.
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Cult Details
The Human Ascension
Cult of Chaos Undivided (Aspect of Primordial Truth)

Stated Goal: To Claim For Humanity The Glory The Aeldari Once Possessed

Cultist Numbers

Spires: 0
Upper Hive: 288
Lower Hive: 0
Underhive: 0
Total: 288

Special Members
Ogryns: 4

Tetriach - Valsen Stockhouse
Leader of the cult

Sovereign Of The Waves - Coy Hold
Manages the cults' water supply methods and stores, whatever they may be at a given time, as well as improving efficiency.

Director of Public Outreach - Dougle Vile
A somewhat ironic name, the holder of this position will direct all the cult's infiltration activities

Master of Scrawls - Simms Vellum
Manages day to day paperwork and mundane Administratum forms and requests, thereby reducing operation friction with the Adeptus Administratum

The Unseen Hand - Marc Eli
Tasked with keeping the cult concealed from its enemies; their responsibilities include inventing plausible explanations (and providing appropriate documentation) for cult activities, baiting investigators into pursuing the wrong leads, falsifying and destroying evidence, and- should the need arise- silencing those both within and without the cult who are deemed a security risk.

CEO - Boyce Holding
Runs the everyday operations of Brethren Kelt, the cult's front organisation

Head Researcher - Rosten Lowitzhs
Directs the cult's research projects

Cult Mood
8/10 - Bodily threat has caused some doubts, despite good successes

Administratum - Level 1 (0/10)
Clippers - Level 1 (1/10)
Ogryns - Level 1 (0/10)
House Hyarrstor - Level 1(1/5)
Logistics Corp - Level 0 (2/5)

Undivided: 26
Khorne: -1
Tzeentch: 8
Nurgle: 1
Slaanesh: 2
Total: 30


Cultists - 2090 (4180) (currently halved)
Water Deal - 1000
Buildings - 525
Total Bank (as of Turn 4): 7256

Unique Resources
Water Supply - On a hot world like Kelt, a clean, cool cup of water can mean a lot (+5 to recruitment)
Produced 5 : Utilised 1 : Total 4
Profane Candles - Made from the rendered down bodies of sacrificed cultists (+ 5 to religious and esoteric actions)(Will only be used on highest voted relevant action)
Stored 2

The Aeldari Files - Data files found by Valsen. Although at first she thought they were just tales of the old Aeldari Empire, she has since discovered the pages are filled with secret meanings and hidden images. (Must be researched to reveal secrets)
The Clipper Files - Stolen from House Forstor, contains details about the Clippers

Completed Research
Xeno-Study: Alderi Enhanced Emotions
Clipper Equipment Standards
Alderi Movement
Paper Knives
Clipper Holdings - Spires

Shadowy Abandoned Meeting Hall - out of the way and currently unused (not owned)
Church of the Undivided Fourfold Path (Church of Unification) - Once an abandoned Imperial Church, new turned to glorious purpose (200 upkeep)
  • Stealth bonuses; harder to be found or overheard
  • Far from transport, harder to get to
  • Holy Consecration Trait
    • +5 to all piety actions performed within
    • +2d4 passive recruitment rolls
    • Church stealth improved
  • Moisture Collectors - +2 Water Supply (under drought % of unavailable cultists -5%) (25 upkeep)
  • Building Slots - 3/5
    • Water Stills - +2 Water Supply (50 upkeep)
    • Public Library - +5 to all research (50 upkeep)
    • Brethren Kelt Office
Pump House - (200 upkeep)
  • Basic Assault Course
    • Allowing for basic cultist training (+2 to Martial Actions)
    • Allows for Training Action, producing Trained Cultists (+2 upgraded to +5)
  • Building Slots - 0/3
Enforced Silence - Cultists that share secrets a bit too freely don't last long (-5 chance of discovery)
Waste Collection - Cultists collect their waste to be recycled in the Stills. (+1 Water Supply) (Lasts until drought ends)
Criminal Distancing - Cultists caught performing illegal activates stay away from the Cult of a year, lessening the chance of their crimes being traced back to the group (Cultists imprisoned for criminal activities will be unavailable for next turn)
Seek Snitching Opportunities - When your cultists discover illegal activities (that are not your own, of course), they will debate on alerting the Clippers (Monetary reward based on severity of the crime, diplomacy debuffs)

Active Deals
One Water Supply to Disciples of Nourishment for 1000 Resources


Hero Units
Krok The Ogryn Prophet

Brethren Kelt

Org Bank: 794
  • Minor House Senistor - 500 per turn
Type: Charity
Purpose: Alms for the poor, as well as literacy and spirituality programs.
Profit: 25% goes to the cult, the rest goes to the charity to fund various programs like public libraries, soup kitchens, etc.
Membership: Public
HQ: Church of the Undivided Fourfold Path
Those who are inducted into the cult shall have crafted for them a paper badge meant to signify their status as one who understands the deeper mysteries. Outwardly, these individuals will be positioned as clerks and managers throughout the charity.
  • Schools Without Borders (250 upkeep) - +3 to growing Influence in Lower Hive, Increased reputation within the Lower Hive workforce.
Cult Modifiers
Character Traits
Valsen Stockhouse -​
Easier to grow Administratum infiltration
+5 to Historical Research
-5 to all Piety or Esoteric actions​
Coy Hold - +50% profit on selling water
Dougle Vile - Infiltration actions failing are less likely to expose the cult
Simms Vellum - Actions less likely to draw the eye of the Divisio Vigilat
Marc Eli - Debuff for anyone attempting to infiltrate the cult
Boyce Holding - Decreased chance of money laundering being discovered
Rosten Lowitzhs -​
+2 to a Research action each time it is repeated
Aeldari Language Primer - Gives +5 to studying Aeldari Files​

Positions Modifiers
Sovereign Of The Waves - Increases effectiveness of water production/saving methods (Both Moisture Collectors & Water upgraded - Give +2 & +2 permanently, not just under drought conditions)
Director of Public Outreach - +5 to all infiltration actions
Master of Scrawls - +5 to actions involving the Adeptus Administratum
The Unseen Hand - +5 to actions taken to conceal the cult and its activities, increased chance of advanced warning of events that could reveal the cult
CEO - +5 to Diplomacy actions with other organizations
Head Researcher - +1 Research action per turn​

Abandoned Toll Gates
Can move between Hive Levels secretly

Upper Hive Menial Jobs
+1 to actions within the Upper Hive

Highly Placed Clipper Insider
+10 bonus to Clipper actions including Infiltrating

Krok The Ogryn Prophet
Easier to grow Ogryn infiltration
Easier to recruit Ogryns
1d4 Ogryn recruitment each turn

Brethren Kelt
+2d4 passive recruitment rolls
-5 to protecting against infiltration

Undivided Boons
Through Knowledge Power
Completed research actions give an amount of Undivided Devotion, equal to their difficulty level​
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Sorry, plans aren't active, so each vote is separate!
Fair enough, still I am going to be doing my best to play this like a smart cultist. Since Chaos Cult 101 is to disguise what we are actually doing, so I'll probably spend time creating a "offshoot" sect of the Imperial faith that worships an "aspect" of the Emperor. Then use that as a means to filter out the liabilities and induct the worthy into the true faith.

One thing I want to do is publish a series of children books that secretly teach daemonic knowledge.
[X] Administration World
[X] Upper Hive
[X] Chaos Undivided

Do you know how much damage we could do from an administrative center? We could literally import small cults to every planet we know of and then burn all records of those planets if we gathered enough power for example and the planets would be liable to never be discovered again that means we could have dozens or potentially hundreds of planets to corrupt to our own ends that wouldn't be able to receive outside support.

Edit: I'm not even exaggerating either the administratum routinely miss files paperwork and loses planets as a result think about what active sabotage from the inside could do.
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[X] Fortress World
[X] Lower Hive

[X] Khorne

Khorne because I love his synergy with Fortress World (martial culture means plenty of recruits). Lower Hive gives us income and ability to theoretically recruit upper hivers while still being close enough to the Underhive that we can launch regular expeditions to feed Khorne's bloodlust. Heck if we can arrange for our agents that have been recruited to the guard to mutiny at the same time we rebel, the devastation could be quite impressive.
[X] Administration World
[X] Upper Hive
[X] Khorne

I prefer this combo just to see what happens when paper pushers go berserk.
[X] Administration World
[X] Upper Hive
[X] Chaos Undivided

Tempted by the possibility of exporting the Cult. Still want to go big or go home with Chaos Undivided, though.
If we go Undivided I am going to be the more Nurgle aligned sub faction. Will still help the overall cult but I have a lot of Nurgle ideas.
[X] Shrine/Cardinal World
[X] Spires
[X] Chaos Undivided

There's just something about ripping an entire world dedicated to worshipping that rotted-out old corpse out of HIS hands that gets my guts all a-trembling.

Welp there goes plan A, time to pull out play B.

[X] Gork and Mork

They/he are/is (an) Ork god(s), not Chaos deities, so I don't think that'd work.
[X] Administration World
[X] Upper Hive

[X] Tzeentch

Seems like an environment where Tzeentch cult would thrive
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