Picking this because I think it could lead somewhere interesting.
Defiance is a mystery box. It could give us something, it might not. Might give us a boost, might not. Impossible to say.
Yosuke, as I noted, has heals. That's probably all we really need to keep going. Only problem is that he's a bit busy with the other Knight, and distracting him could lead to putting everyone in trouble. Unlikely, but possible. I'd still call it the safest option.
Calling in Shooter is, eh. She'd probably help, but she might not. It'd probably just lead to another fight with her if she saved our skin. Not a fan.
Now the Persona, that has a lot of exciting possibilities. Maybe even dangerous ones. But, it will save our hides, and we've got someone to save. Time to us some power.
Not Power mind. Sadly Power isn't here yet.