Legacy of The Tenth Crusade - A Divergences of Darkness Nation Quest [Finished]

PyrrosWarrior - Americas Mod Lore

The map as well. I didn't want to include it in the opening post since I thought it'd take up too much space. It's massive so it's hidden behind spoilers to be considerate. It was a lot of fun to make and there's a lot of fun stuff to cover as this goes along.
Okay guys, for newcomers to DoD, I'll give a brief overview of things. That said, this is 80 years after canon ends so some things could be incorrect. Also, there really isn't a lot about Asia, Russia or Australia as those were incredibly neglected areas of the mod both content and lore-wise. The only thing to remember there is that the Chinese Treasure Fleet turned into a mass colonization project spreading Chinese tributaries across Oceania, Australia, and a colony in North America.

First thing I'll note is that DoD South America is called "Ameriga" after Amerigo Vespucci. Still referring to it as South America though just so people don't get confused.

Starting with South America, the orange country is the Incan Empire which successfully resisted colonization from Spain (which here is a union of Portugal and Castille). They wish to reclaim the bits of their country that the Spanish colonies and their successor states took from them, and ensure the protection of the Quechua people.

The red country is the KIngdom of Beornia, a country made of Protestant English refugees whom settled there after a cultural split happened between the Francophone south of England and the more Germanic north later erupted into a religious split between southern Catholics and northern Protestants. Their goals in-game can have them try to reclaim England for the English, or conquer all of South America and become the Holy Britanian Empire which I later learned is a reference to an anime called "Code Geass."

The light blue country is the Republic of Lotharingia (though an illiberal one), and they are a former colony of Burgundy. They are also defined primarily by their border disputes with their green neigbor, Amazonie. Should they defeat their rival, they can form a federation of nations and attempt to unite all the European-descended countries in South America, as well as buy Hispaniola and Jaimaca from Scandinavia and attempt to conquer the Incans and forcefully bring them into the federation.

The green country is the Federation of Amazonie. They are a former colony of the England-France Dual Monarchy and in 1836 have MAJOR racial tensions in their country. There is a large division in the country over slavery (which have likely passed by now) and can even erupt into civil war, though that likely didn't happen here as Amazonie is whole. As mentioned in Lotharingia's blurb, they have a historic rivalry and regular warfare with Lotharingia. It can also form the federation of nations like Lotharingia, albeit their version is much more liberal should they have successfully abolished slavery and integrated the Afro-Frankish population into the country's social apparatus.

I'm gonna guess the light green country is (Gran) Colombia. In 1836, they are leading the revolt of all of the Spanish colonies in Ameriga in a federation of five republics that Francisco de Miranda abolishes to consolidate power into his hands as the war for independence becomes more dire. Should they gain independence, they will have to maneuver carefully in the following Congress or Gran Colombia will immediately balkanize. They appear to have indeed fragmented by this point.

To start, North America is called "Arcadia" rather than "North America" or even "North Ameriga."

The yellow and dark green countries to the north of Colombia are the Mexico and Lusitania respectively. They are both successor states to Gran Colombia alongside Colombia itself, with Mexico being the strongest of every possible successor state. Lusitania is named as such because it received more settlement by the Portuguese side of Spain than the Castillian. There isn't much more lore over them.

The extremely light blue, almost white, country is the Qingqiu Federation in 1836. It's a colony founded by Zheng He but is independent due to China having lost all authority and fragmented by the time of 1836. In 1836, it is EXTREMELY unsettled and doesn't even have more than a nominal control over its territories as a result. No clue if that's changed by now, or what the political situation could be now with a stronger China around and they themselves having had decades for immigration to happen after the gold rushes (which are events).

The dark red part over Alaska is Kita Kaigan, a Japanese colony. I don't know much about them because, like I said, Asian countries didn't really get much content and that includes the Japanese colony. I also think they might be directly controlled here, but not sure.

The lighter red covering most of Canada is the Republic of Vinland. Despite the name, there was no PoD of the original Vinland surviving. Scandinavia just recolonized the area when their European rivals began rushing to Arcadia and Ameriga. I also vaguely remember something about the Iroquois having to do with their independence. They compete with their neigboring rivals, the Belgian Confederacy and Plantagenia, to form the Arcadian Union and eventually colonize/conquer their way to uniting the Arcadian continent. Obviously that didn't happen here though.

The light green country to the west of Vinland and east of Qingqiu is likely Rohnnst, a fusion culture between the Cree nation, the Qingqiu culture, and the Vinland culture. I can't think of any other country that might be in that spot, barring be something original for this advanced timeline. There isn't much more lore to say over them.

I cannot tell what the lighest green country to the south of Vinland, the cyan country in the midwest and east coast, and the dark-green-blue one that controls Florida and the surrounding areas. Thus, I'll just give you a general understanding of the areas and speculate lightly which could be which

Easiest is that the dark-green-blue country is probably Athesia, the Venetian colony in Arcadia in 1836 that controls Florida. It is almost certainly independent by now if that is the case, because it was mentioned Venice's overseas department got destroyed (and probably lost even before then in Arcadia). The main reason I'm somewhat unsure is because Athesia can be sold off to Plantagenia, and thus that state is big enough it could technically be a rump Plantegenia state rather than an enlarged independent Athesia.

The Kingdom of Plantagenia in 1836 is a former colony of the "Dual Monarchies of England and France" and was founded as a result of a succession war between two princes. The prince that had ruled over the Arcadian colonies ended up dropping his claim when the title, "King of Plantagenia," was created for him as a compromise and he ruled it as his own demesne. It is heavily populated by the French side of the Anglo-French union and controlled most of what we would know as "Dixieland" IOTL. If that Floridian state is Plantagenia, then something bad must have happened to it because its capital is supposed to be New Orleans and control more land than that. Plantagenia, unlike Vinland and Belgium, don't really believe in Pan-Arcadianism (which is largely a liberal movement), but they can achieve it nonetheless due to wanting revenge and to permanently take out their rivals in stuff that happened in their backstory.

The Belgian Confederacy/Seven Republics (though I think it got renamed later) is a former colony of Burgundy based out of New England in 1836. They could be that cyan country if they were extremely successful. Belgium in 1836 is the most industrialized and populated country despite being extremely small. It is highly urban and any Arcadian Union formed by them would become a great power. They compete with Plantagenia and Vinland for dominance. They could also technically be a tiny rump as that lightest green country near the Great Lakes, but I am unsure.

@Fission Battery This is all I'll right for now since this is Ameriga and Arcadia done. I'll do Europe (and what few parts of Africa are relevant) later since this is way too long already and I've been writing for hours.
Okay guys, for newcomers to DoD, I'll give a brief overview of things. That said, this is 80 years after canon ends so some things could be incorrect. Also, there really isn't a lot about Asia, Russia or Australia as those were incredibly neglected areas of the mod both content and lore-wise. The only thing to remember there is that the Chinese Treasure Fleet turned into a mass colonization project spreading Chinese tributaries across Oceania, Australia, and a colony in North America.

First thing I'll note is that DoD South America is called "Ameriga" after Amerigo Vespucci. Still referring to it as South America though just so people don't get confused.

Starting with South America, the orange country is the Incan Empire which successfully resisted colonization from Spain (which here is a union of Portugal and Castille). They wish to reclaim the bits of their country that the Spanish colonies and their successor states took from them, and ensure the protection of the Quechua people.

The red country is the KIngdom of Beornia, a country made of Protestant English refugees whom settled there after a cultural split happened between the Francophone south of England and the more Germanic north later erupted into a religious split between southern Catholics and northern Protestants. Their goals in-game can have them try to reclaim England for the English, or conquer all of South America and become the Holy Britanian Empire which I later learned is a reference to an anime called "Code Geass."

The light blue country is the Republic of Lotharingia (though an illiberal one), and they are a former colony of Burgundy. They are also defined primarily by their border disputes with their green neigbor, Amazonie. Should they defeat their rival, they can form a federation of nations and attempt to unite all the European-descended countries in South America, as well as buy Hispaniola and Jaimaca from Scandinavia and attempt to conquer the Incans and forcefully bring them into the federation.

The green country is the Federation of Amazonie. They are a former colony of the England-France Dual Monarchy and in 1836 have MAJOR racial tensions in their country. There is a large division in the country over slavery (which have likely passed by now) and can even erupt into civil war, though that likely didn't happen here as Amazonie is whole. As mentioned in Lotharingia's blurb, they have a historic rivalry and regular warfare with Lotharingia. It can also form the federation of nations like Lotharingia, albeit their version is much more liberal should they have successfully abolished slavery and integrated the Afro-Frankish population into the country's social apparatus.

I'm gonna guess the light green country is (Gran) Colombia. In 1836, they are leading the revolt of all of the Spanish colonies in Ameriga in a federation of five republics that Francisco de Miranda abolishes to consolidate power into his hands as the war for independence becomes more dire. Should they gain independence, they will have to maneuver carefully in the following Congress or Gran Colombia will immediately balkanize. They appear to have indeed fragmented by this point.

To start, North America is called "Arcadia" rather than "North America" or even "North Ameriga."

The yellow and dark green countries to the north of Colombia are the Mexico and Lusitania respectively. They are both successor states to Gran Colombia alongside Colombia itself, with Mexico being the strongest of every possible successor state. Lusitania is named as such because it received more settlement by the Portuguese side of Spain than the Castillian. There isn't much more lore over them.

The extremely light blue, almost white, country is the Qingqiu Federation in 1836. It's a colony founded by Zheng He but is independent due to China having lost all authority and fragmented by the time of 1836. In 1836, it is EXTREMELY unsettled and doesn't even have more than a nominal control over its territories as a result. No clue if that's changed by now, or what the political situation could be now with a stronger China around and they themselves having had decades for immigration to happen after the gold rushes (which are events).

The dark red part over Alaska is Kita Kaigan, a Japanese colony. I don't know much about them because, like I said, Asian countries didn't really get much content and that includes the Japanese colony. I also think they might be directly controlled here, but not sure.

The lighter red covering most of Canada is the Republic of Vinland. Despite the name, there was no PoD of the original Vinland surviving. Scandinavia just recolonized the area when their European rivals began rushing to Arcadia and Ameriga. I also vaguely remember something about the Iroquois having to do with their independence. They compete with their neigboring rivals, the Belgian Confederacy and Plantagenia, to form the Arcadian Union and eventually colonize/conquer their way to uniting the Arcadian continent. Obviously that didn't happen here though.

The light green country to the west of Vinland and east of Qingqiu is likely Rohnnst, a fusion culture between the Cree nation, the Qingqiu culture, and the Vinland culture. I can't think of any other country that might be in that spot, barring be something original for this advanced timeline. There isn't much more lore to say over them.

I cannot tell what the lighest green country to the south of Vinland, the cyan country in the midwest and east coast, and the dark-green-blue one that controls Florida and the surrounding areas. Thus, I'll just give you a general understanding of the areas and speculate lightly which could be which

Easiest is that the dark-green-blue country is probably Athesia, the Venetian colony in Arcadia in 1836 that controls Florida. It is almost certainly independent by now if that is the case, because it was mentioned Venice's overseas department got destroyed (and probably lost even before then in Arcadia). The main reason I'm somewhat unsure is because Athesia can be sold off to Plantagenia, and thus that state is big enough it could technically be a rump Plantegenia state rather than an enlarged independent Athesia.

The Kingdom of Plantagenia in 1836 is a former colony of the "Dual Monarchies of England and France" and was founded as a result of a succession war between two princes. The prince that had ruled over the Arcadian colonies ended up dropping his claim when the title, "King of Plantagenia," was created for him as a compromise and he ruled it as his own demesne. It is heavily populated by the French side of the Anglo-French union and controlled most of what we would know as "Dixieland" IOTL. If that Floridian state is Plantagenia, then something bad must have happened to it because its capital is supposed to be New Orleans and control more land than that. Plantagenia, unlike Vinland and Belgium, don't really believe in Pan-Arcadianism (which is largely a liberal movement), but they can achieve it nonetheless due to wanting revenge and to permanently take out their rivals in stuff that happened in their backstory.

The Belgian Confederacy/Seven Republics (though I think it got renamed later) is a former colony of Burgundy based out of New England in 1836. They could be that cyan country if they were extremely successful. Belgium in 1836 is the most industrialized and populated country despite being extremely small. It is highly urban and any Arcadian Union formed by them would become a great power. They compete with Plantagenia and Vinland for dominance. They could also technically be a tiny rump as that lightest green country near the Great Lakes, but I am unsure.

@Fission Battery This is all I'll right for now since this is Ameriga and Arcadia done. I'll do Europe (and what few parts of Africa are relevant) later since this is way too long already and I've been writing for hours.

That's all pretty spot on but some minor corrections. The light green country in Ameriga is Granada, while the yellow country above it is Gran Colombia. The navy blue state beside Granada is Guyana. Plantagenia broke Lusitania off from it when it took half of Texas back in like the 1850s/60s. The dark teal nation in the American South and Florida is Liberie, the black socialist republic that overthrew the monarchy mentioned in the WW1 post. The Bahamas are still controlled by Venice. Kita Kaigan was directly annexed into Japan, yeah. It's no longer independent.

Rohnnst is indeed still around, managing to play both Vinland and Qingqui off each other and offer their expertise in the Prairie Wars against Plantagenia. The green state around Lake Eerie is a surviving Iroquois Confederacy. Vinland had to rely on native allies to prevent Belgian then Plantagenia from spreading north. Qingqui also had to rely on native allies to make up manpower shortages, so they managed pretty well compared to real life. Hispaniola and Puerto Rico make up Ayiti, which was colonized by Scandinavia.

I plan on doing a post for each Ameriga and Arcadia to cover them in more detail.
[X] Egypt

More interested in this. Turkey always get mired in trying to be diet Europeans. Egypt can do better.

In all likelihood we should prepare to have our own revolution considering how shaky the fig leaf of democracy seem to be.
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I kind of want to bring back the Pharohs. That's why I chose Egypt.


Yeah no.

If we manage to get out of under the colonizers' thumbs, let's not put ourselves under a god king.

Edit: fuck it, if people are going to be like this about it, I'll vote for the country where they already did the revolution so there can be no debate about the ideological nature of things.

[X] Turkey
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Despite what it says, it's actually tied. For some reason it isn't picking up veteranMortal's vote for Turkey, which brings it up to 10-10 for each. I think I'll leave voting open for a few more hours because deciding things by a coin flip would feel incredibly unfair.

Adhoc vote count started by Shebe Zuu on Feb 16, 2022 at 6:31 AM, finished with 32 posts and 19 votes.
It's tied again at 12-12. I do love the enthusiasm, so I feel bad that that one side won't be getting their way. I'm going to die a coin toss/dice roll to determine the winner then.

Edit: Egypt has won. For anyone concerned about Egypt as a choice all that I ask for is a bit of trust. It's going to be a fun ride.
Fission Battery threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Turkey is 1, Egypt is 2 Total: 2
2 2
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I'm fine with either

Vgh...realizing Nasser's & Amer's dream in another TL. Time to create a relevant non-aligned movement, fellas
Egypt, Spring 1916 - The Governor's Decision
Egypt, Spring 1916 - The Governor's Decision

Off the shore of the city sailed a private yacht. The sun shined brilliantly down onto the water below, softly warming those beneath its gaze as a gentle breeze blew coolly over the bay. The port was a hub of activity as ships of all sizes constantly came and went. Steel behemoths carrying hundreds of tons of cargo lumbered alongside smaller wooden fishing ships, crewed by locals eking out a livelihood off the sea. Rising above the skyline of the city was a towering lighthouse, built of steel and concrete and dressed in a grandiose covering of stone to give the illusion it was built by ancient hands.

On the deck of the yacht, Governor Francesco Marcato glanced up from his lounge chair to glare at the offending vanity project. It was an impressive monument, but one built to appease one man's ego and deranged ideals to rebuild the ancient wonders. It'd also eaten up a significant portion of the city's budget, leaving the capital's infrastructure in dire need of repair and expansion.

'Drakos,' Marcato darkly thought to himself, blood pressure spiking. The cousin to the Macedonian king cast a long shadow over Egypt, figurative and literal.

"More concerned with the aesthetic of prosperity than actual prosperity," Marcato muttered beneath his breath in disgust. Alexandria and Egypt would be warped to fit Macedonia's desires. The middle aged Venetian laid back down, shutting his eyes in an attempt to relax.

"Did you say something, sir?" Jason, the governor's secretary and valet, asked, speaking up from the elevated wheelhouse and looking down from above. "Did you want us to move?"

Marcato cracked open his eyes, twisting his head to glare up at Jason. "Yes, I think a trip to Venice would do wonders for my mood."

A sardonic smile spread across the Greek man's stern, youthful face. He slowly shook his head and chuckled good naturedly. "I'm afraid not sir, you understand," he said before disappearing back into the wheelhouse.

The governor had expected nothing else, but the routine had to continue on. It was a token form of resistance, little more than a gesture to point out the bars of the gilded cage he found himself in. How Marcato's fortunes had turned, once such a long and promising career had turned to ash in his mouth. He was nothing more than a puppet meant to dance to someone else's tune, prevented from even returning home for fear of shattering the lie that nobody believed.

Retirement forced upon a man who yearned to do far more. In charge while advisors that surrounded him held true power, and they expected him to play the part without question. It was a galling demand to make of a man of his abilities and drive, and had eaten at him for years.

A faint smirk found its way onto his face as the corners of his lips turned upwards, his idle mind spinning its gears as plans began to be set into motion. The election would be held that year, the first since the Crusade, which meant more voters than ever before. The administration was stretched thin, leaving it weak, filled with appointees and desperate for more manpower since the bulk of the Venetian civil service had returned home.

The Macedonians assumed their preferred candidate would win, Mina Psoy and Iskandar Drakos, a native Copt with the cousin to the king as his running mate, under the banner of the Christian Alliance Party. Their party victory seemed all but assured, backed by the Coptic and European population of Egypt. The entire electoral process was built to favour them after all. The governor before Marcato had seen to it to lock the majority of the populace out of power.

'Reversing that stance could prove to be an opportunity,' Marcato thought to himself. The governor was normally elected, but in the case of Egypt they were appointed by Venice directly, while the council beneath him served as the legislative body, seats held by political parties and headed by a prime minister with a deputy minister beneath them.

The only challenger was the All Egyptian National Congress, a broad coalition party held together in their opposition to Coptic domination of political life officially, and opposition to Venice then Macedonia unofficially as holding such views openly would have seen them imprisoned. The leadership was well known to Marcato, previously watched for fear of subversive activities. David Hakim, a prominent figure in the country's Jewish community headed the party, and Jabari Nadir, an Arab writer of some note was his running mate, one who'd publicly converted to Christianity in order to even qualify for political office.

Were Marcato to try to tip the scales in the latter's favour, it would present an opportunity to begin removing Macedonian appointees from power. Their gaze would soon be drawn to Anatolia to face down Turkey in time, he was sure of it. His post still held a great deal of power, were he to try to exercise it.

That was if he were to pursue such a course of action. The possibility of waiting for his jailers to release him and send him home in due time was an option, since without his intervention the All Egyptian National Congress would assuredly lose. The election would no doubt give the Macedonians more than enough legitimacy to quietly remove Marcato from power, his purpose served. The correspondence he kept up with allies back home in Venice had made it clear he would bear no shame for his conduct under their occupation, and perhaps he could even salvage his political career.

Marcato settled down, closing his eyes as he laid there sunbathing. Possibilities raced through his mind, knowing at some point he'd have to make his decision, one which would alter the course of his life, and Egypt, forever. He would decide his destiny in due time, after a bit of relaxation to clear his mind.


Mina Psoy stood in the dressing room of a hotel, adjusting the suit he'd been requested to wear. It uncomfortably clung to his thin frame, no matter how much he tugged and pulled at it, unfortunately he finally abandoned the jacket and tie all together. The rest of the outfit was formal enough. He took one last glance at the mirror before nodding and walking out.

The Copt politician was escorted by staff towards the conference hall that his party had booked for the evening. They were organizing the beginning of campaigning, but really it was an early celebration party. Their highest ranking members, backers, and allies would all gather together to pat each other on the back for a victory they had in the bag. Few, if any, had any concerns about their chances. Psoy shared their confidence, if taking issue with their presumptiveness.

He soon reached the room and was ushered inside, finding the celebration nearing full swing. The atmosphere was lively and invigorating, with many of the attendees speaking animatedly with each other or even dancing with mistresses. Psoy made his way through the crowd to his table, spotting his running mate and the two made brief eye contact as he approached.

Iskandar Drakos rose at once from his seat, broad grin spread across face and spread his arms wide. "Mina!" he cheered loudly, moving to meet the party head halfway. He was a large man, towering over nearly everyone in the room, and enveloped Mina's hand in a firm handshake before bringing him into a hug. "I was wondering when you'd appear! I was worried you'd gotten cold feet on me."

"Never," Psoy replied, matching the man's energy with a vigorous shake of his head. It was also nearly impossible. All the windows were open in an attempt to air out the stifling room. He quickly joined Iskandar at the table, where three other politicians sat.

"Gentlemen, our future prime minister," Iskandar introduced the party head with a wave. "With him at the helm and our expertise Egypt will surely prosper. We'll finally enter the twentieth century." The remark got a round of muted cheers from the other men at the table, all raising their glass and downing its contents.

"The support is always welcomed, though I'm afraid we haven't met before," Psoy said, a strained smile on his face as he glanced between the two men. The dig at his nation's underdevelopment had not gone unnoticed.

"Spiro Pepotis," spoke the older bespectacled man, reaching up to adjust his glass. His hair grey and thinning, stern face covered in wrinkles. "Former ambassador to Venice. I'll be serving as your foreign minister." That was all he felt like saying before returning to his drink.

Another man then replied, younger than Pepotis and more tanned. The faint dark spots beneath his eyes spoke of long hours in the office. "Gavriil Dellakis, former head of the national bank. I'm honoured to be your economic minister. We're going to hit the ground running on day one. I've already started to chart out possible sectors we could invest in to improve the country's growth-"

"Please, please, no more of that Gavriil!" Iskandar interrupted with a laugh, shaking his head and holding his hands up in mock surrender. "We can save the spreadsheets for another day."

The third and final man cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention to him. They watched in silence as he gently patted his mustached face with a napkin before speaking. "General Christos Farmakis, charmed to finally meet you. I look forward to whipping the military into shape as your war minister." Adorning his chest were a tasteful amount of medals.

"It's very nice to meet you all three of you, I'm sure you'll make meaningful contributions to the administration," Psoy replied, keeping his tone neutral. He shot a glare at Iskandar, who noticed it, and motioned for the two future ministers to step away. They quickly stood up and left the two alone. "I thought that I was picking cabinet ministers. We are not importing our whole administration from Macedonia."

"They're experts in their field," Iskandar readily countered. "They bring a lot to the table. If I hadn't pushed them to come here, we'd have missed a golden opportunity. Spiro turned down a post in Warsaw, while Gavriil left the board of directors of an investment firm, and Christos stepped down as head of the Imperial Academy. They've put their careers on the line, all for you."

"Be that as it may, we must signal to the people that the future administration truly represents them," Psoy responded, meeting the larger man's stare.

"And it will. They're but merely the heads of their ministries, but the rank and file will be your people and you of course will be the guiding hand." Iskandar dipped his broad head as he turned his palms upwards. "I meant no offense, my friend, your cause is my cause."

Despite the chatter of the room, silence reign over their table, stretching on for several seconds. Psoy's let out a sigh and forced a smile, softly chuckling. "Of course, my friend, as long as we are clear on that matter. I welcome their expertise."

Psoy was very aware of the precious situation Egypt found itself in, and knew the risks in latching himself to the colonial regime. He would bite his tongue and play their game, while stacking the deck in his favour as much as he could. If he could steer Egypt towards independence, then it would all be worth it.


In the back of an old bookstore, sat David Hakim. The middle aged man scribbled down hastily written letters to be sent to correspondences elsewhere across the country. He knew their chances were slim, perhaps even impossible, but yet he would work until the day he died before giving up. It was only when the door to the backroom opened did he pause his work, glancing up to see who was intriguing on his late night writings.

It was his friend, and fellow head of party, Jabari Nadir. The man's eyes twinkled in amusement behind his glasses as he tutted. "David, perhaps it'd be best if you turned in for the night. You need to sleep, same as anybody else."

"I am nearly finished," David said, shaking his head. He waved his hand before returning to work, splitting his attention. "I'll turn in once I'm finished."

"Finished this letter or the next twenty?" Jabari remarked in a light voice, walking around to look down at his friend's writing. It was responding to previous questions from party heads in Alexandria and providing instructions to them. He let out a hum and frowned. "Drakos is already moving."

"It's not as if they need to move far. The governor's palace is practically in their hands already. He even lives across the street from it," David darkly muttered, a grimace spreading across his face. "This farce will commence and end the way they want it too. We'd be lucky to receive a fraction of the votes." Despite his dire prediction his pen never stopped moving. Orders had to be given. "Even if we win, in spite of the impossibility of it, do you truly think it will change anything? The governor would never invite us to form a government."

"And that is exactly why we must go through with it!" Jabari exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. "The people of Egypt must be mobilized and educated, and we shall move them as one, and show the world the hypocrisy of their supposed democracy! If we earn but a single seat then it will be a victory! If they throw out our votes and arrest our party members and bar us from holding office then it too would be a victory because we would have exposed the process for the farce that it is!"

David paused and glanced up at his friend, raising an eyebrow. "I'd rather we avoided prison. We did enough time behind bars under the Khedive."

"That we did, but now we are free and he's the one behind bars," Jabari replied with a chuckle, smiling fading a moment later. "It will be a struggle, but it is a righteous one. I'm certain that we can find the votes, somewhere." He rested a hand on his chin. "The workers are on our side, as are the poorer farmers. They'll support us despite their religion. Drakos has most of the European vote, but we'll have aid from the communists. We can definitely count on Jewish refugees from Levant, we're the only party to denounce them."

At the mention of the crusader state David's face darkened. "Macedonia still supports it with arms and money. We best remind everyone of that fact."

"Exactly," Jabari replied with a nod. "It's not much, but it's not nothing, and if we lose there are always other options…"

"There are, though we best save such plans until we truly need them. When the gaze of Salonika is turned elsewhere," David cautioned his friend.

"Ari will be ready when the time comes. I have the utmost faith in him," Jabari declared, pointing his finger upwards. "Hanif too. When the revolution comes it will be an international one."

"As it should be." David resumed writing, pen scribbling against the paper in quick strokes, until finally the letter was complete. With a groan he straightened his back and stood up from his stool, letter in hand. "Walk with me to the courier so I can have it on its way."

"Of course, my friend."

As they walked the busy streets of Cairo, David held his own doubts close to his heart. He was unconvinced of their chances, yet determined to fight for them all the same. Much like Sisyphus, he would push the boulder up the hill day after day no matter what, because he knew their struggle was a righteous one, and if it fails then he could at least go to his grave knowing he did all that he could.


What will Governor Francesco Marcato do?

[ ] Do nothing and allow the Christian Alliance Party to win

Content to be done with Egypt, Marcato decides to do nothing. The election will run its course with the unfair rigged system ensuring Christian Alliance Party wins a supermajority of votes. Mina Psoy will lead the country as prime minister with his cabinet predominantly made up of Macedonian Greeks.

[ ] Interfere and begin working with the All Egyptian National Congress

Retirement be damned, Marcato decides to bite his thumb at his captors. This will unlock decisions to interfere in the campaigning and election process in order to allow the All Egyptian Nation Congress a chance to win. In the event that they do lose the vote, Marcato will use his right as governor to invite them to form a government anyway.