[x][Workers] Codify Anyways (-8 Morale, -50/100/150/200/250/300/350 Progress Needed for Stage 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Projects (Warning! Does not auto-complete projects!))
[][Cultural Vote] (How are the mined gemstones used by the wider population?) Etched & engraved with Hymns, Psalms & Sacred Icongraphy dedicated to the God Emperor and his Loyal Sons. Attached and worn on Prayer Beads
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Can we please try not to rush construction way too quickly by doing multiple stages on such things? That along with using up way too many people to the point of going into the negatives? The latter issues are obvious but the former is seriously pissing off the planet. We don't really have a critical need to rush such things and there are numerous other projects we can do anyway like working on education and health.
We don't really have a critical need to rush such things and there are numerous other projects we can do anyway like working on education and health.

Thing is that we were very low on Resources last turn, but thanks to Plan: Same thing as last time: Morale Edition winning we now have more then enough to seriosuly expand pretty much everything we want.
I wonder if we should try attracting immigrants or something to help with the labor shortage.
[][Cultural Vote] (How are the mined gemstones used by the wider population?)
Placed into studs that are worn throughout the body as the central figure of tattoo art. Some smaller gems are ground up into the in to make the tattoos shimmer

[][Movies #1] (Typical Lenght)
1 hour 45 mins
[][Movies #2] (Two Popular Genres)
Heist movies: Plucky IG heros tricking important stuff out of xenos hands with quick thinking and faith in the Emperor

Sports movies

[][Movies #3] (Most Popular Title)
Cenote's Fifteen
Please not too much, I don't want to deal with Sylvaneth Titans.

Don't worry nothing big like this Turn, it will be mainly focused on Education, Health, Storage, Tourism and Sharkhounds.

Also we burnt so much spare Morale for progress we went into negative resources. Never again.

We've had negative Resources before and we had them when our situation was way worse. Let's hope it will never happen again, but you never know what future will bring.
[]Strategic Economic Activities Act
-[]Preamble: In His Imperial Majesty's Republic of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo it is the duty of the state to protect and reinforce economic activities deemed strategic and critical concerning the prosperity of His citizens in Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo as well as concerning the collective defense of His Imperium in the name of His Regents until He can walk with us once more.
-[]What Constitutes a Strategic Economic Activity: A strategic economic activity is action organizations partake that can only be done by one or a select few players in the economy deemed important enough by the government. Such economic actors engaging in these activities will be noted as strategic and critical for the survival of the Republic's economic system. If such activity is deemed obsolescent to the economic and social systems of the republic it can be quietly removed.
-[]How to Identify a Strategic Economic Activity: The identification of strategic economic activities lies in the hands of the government of the day but has to be approved by Parliament for it to take effect.
-[]When can the List of Strategic Economic Activities be effective: The list of identified strategic activities and their attendant organizations would only be in effect until after the first sitting of the next term of the House of Representatives seeing the need to periodically update and renew the understanding of strategic economic activities in the modern-day.
-[]The Conditions in Providing Aid to Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--[]It is in the discretion of the Governor and the Government to provide regular short-term material aid, and non-material aid to businesses operating strategic economic activities for reasons of ensuring and growing the prosperity of the citizenry. Non-material aid includes but is not limited to the use of government personnel to assist in non-essential business functions for no more than a year in a parliamentary term, providing security to facilities, personnel, and officials if deemed important enough written in an Order in Council from the Governor-in-Council which can be scrutinized by Parliament and assisting in the acquisition of contracts outside the jurisdiction of the republic.
--[]It is through a decision by the Governor to provide substantial emergency short-term aid to businesses operating strategic economic activities through a declaration of a State of Economic Emergency for a period of two months extended by Parliament to six months so that a supplemental budget can be passed concerning providing aid to organizations. Such short-term aid will be drawn from emergency funds earmarked in the budget for organizations operating strategic economic activities. If such emergency funds prove insufficient for short-term aid it would be retroactively approved by Parliament through the supplemental budget in addition to the funds to provided for the emergency.
--[]In a State of Economic Emergency Parliament would craft a supplemental budget for providing long-term aid to organizations operating economic activities with those operating strategic economic activities the priority for aid in the budget.
--[]In a State of War, the Executive without an enabling act for the duration of high-intensity conflict within the republic will be able to redirect resources to provide aid to organizations providing strategic economic activities for a maximum period of six months until emergency powers are given or a war budget passed that includes economic aid.
--[]In a State of War Parliament would have to craft and approve a war budget for the duration of conflict which includes economic aid to organizations providing strategic economic activities.
-[]Provisions in Providing Aid to Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--[]In providing short-term regular material aid it is through the ear-marked budgetary items for strategic economic activities aid are the funds provided in this endeavor.
--[]In providing non-material aid it is the duty of the Executive to report Parliament on their dealings with these organizations through regular written reports in the necessary committees for transparency in government.
--[]For disputes in providing regular aid it would be adjudicated in the courts in respect to disagreement between the Executive and Parliament for cases of irregularities committed by organizations operating strategic economic activities.
--[]In a State of Economic Emergency the provision of providing non-material aid is loosened but still needs to be reported to the Parliamentary Committees promptly.
--[]A State of Economic Emergency extension can be passed until at most after a month of the next parliamentary term for each decision for an extension which can be revoked by Parliament either by itself or at the request of the Executive.
--[]In a State of War the provision of providing non-material aid is loosened and the reporting of such activities will be provided after the engagement of high-intensity conflict throughout the republic.
-[]Conditions for Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities in Receiving Aid:
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must regularly provide reports of their business activities as well as the professional activities of their high-ranking officials to relevant government offices which the data must be protected to those not eligible to review them.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must be able to regularly have a liquid reserve for at least 2 months of pay for all employees to be eligible for aid. It can be exempted by the government for a period of 2 years and requires parliamentary approval beyond that term.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must have a database of its employees, officials, contractors, and the dependents of all three available for review by Court Order from the authorities.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must have an internal affairs division to remove corruption both material and spiritual under the supervision of the Oihana Hooia, Mea hoʻokō, and the Ecclesiarchy in regular affairs and emergency economic affairs. The military will be added as part of the organizations to supervise internal affairs departments if the economic activities are related to the military or wartime conditions.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities and their officials must always be available concerning parliamentary hearings concerning them and other such invitations.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must have a regular audit of its activities whether provided by the state or the private sector which must be verified by the Oihana Hooia before the start of a parliamentary term.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must be able to provide a budget concerning social activities aimed at the health and well-being of their employees, officials, and their dependents. This budget would be given to both the Executive and Parliament.
-[] The Rights of Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to set their own salaries and bonuses as long as the pay scale is not deemed egregious by their internal affairs department.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to set separate standards in hiring and firing personnel as long as it is not deemed egregious by their internal affairs department.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to arbitrate and adjudicate internally as long as it is overseen by the Judiciary and has a resident liaison from the Judiciary.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to independently conduct their businesses outside the borders of the republic as well as entering into agreements with outside governments of loyalists, and the greater governments of His Majesty's Imperium without interference with the requirement that such activities be reported regularly.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right set-up or hire security forces outside the borders of the republic in cases the host government has insufficient means to protect their economic activities. Though it must still be reported regularly on their activities and operations.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities core personnel are exempt from conscription to keep the economic engine of war running.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to determine their internal rules and regulations subject to review by the courts.
--[]Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to conduct political activities as an organization as long as it is supervised by the Electoral Branch.
-[]Penalty System for Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--[]The system of penalties reserved for is a points system with three different categories: Code Blue, Code Yellow, and Code Red.
---[]Code Blue is the set of penalties reserved for warnings and minor infractions that would require minimal fees paid out to the government.
---[]Code Yellow is the set of penalties reserved for punishments relating to irregularities and criminality conducted by personnel and officials of Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities but explicitly removes the organization itself from responsibility. Actions such as these are reserved for the adjudication of courts in the republic.
---[]Code Red is the set of penalties reserved for harshly punishing the organization itself which includes but is not limited to nationalization, stripping of significant assets, and forced sale of the organization. The punishment requires an Order in Council to proceed as well as a case filed before the courts before it can proceed. Such an act is only if the organization has been deemed too unworthy to save in its current form.
--[]The points system is to be decided by the Executive and approved by Parliament.
--[]Matters of leniency such as reduction of points will be decided by the Executive on a case-by-case basis.

I created a monster of a too-big-to-fail law in all its glory. Now I do need feedback if the law is alright in its current state.
I think we should go big on fortifications next turn. The trees are pissed and we still have orks that have gone kommando.
[X][Movies #2] Man vs Nature

I feel like there can be a lot of fun with movies about man surviving in the wilds in a hostile environment given our world. It just feels fun to me

[X][Movies #2] Sharkpup movies (think Air Bud and Beethoven but sharkhounds instead)

Self-explanatory cause dog movies are improved by cute sharkpups

[X][Movies #3] Swiss Family Robinson but with a crashed spaceship instead.

Basically a story about a family crashing in uncharted lands and having to survive without the resources and technology they had relied on. Maybe have it be the first of a trilogy of movies where the 1st movie is about the set up of making a home in the hostile world, the 2nd movie is meeting the natives played by Beastmen (with it being ambiguous if the beastmen are xenos or abhumans in the movie to provoke discussion) and basically the plot of avatar and a third movie about the Imperium coming to the world and all that entails. Just feels fun to me both for the concept and what it might mean for our society (which is what we really should be thinking about for these votes cause really what does it say that our people's most used electronics are dehumidifiers and steam cookers? Those are just kind of boring from a culture standpoint even if they logically make sense for our people to use.)

Oh yeah forgot the first movie vote

[X][Movies #1] 10 years

What? We have to cater to the untapped Necron demographic somehow :V
[X][Movies #2] Man vs Nature

[X][Movies #2] Sports Movies

[X][Death] Drop Legislation (-1 Morale)


[X][Cultural Vote] (How are the mined gemstones used by the wider population?) Etched & engraved with Hymns, Psalms & Sacred Icongraphy dedicated to the God Emperor and his Loyal Sons. Attached and worn on Prayer Beads

We had strong hints about not mining the gem cave, so we might as well use them for something we consider holy. It doesn't make it right, but it might blunt the grave robbing.
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[X][Cultural Vote] (How are the mined gemstones used by the wider population?) Etched & engraved with Hymns, Psalms & Sacred Icongraphy dedicated to the God Emperor and his Loyal Sons. Attached and worn on Prayer Beads