Rebirth Of Man: Unification Of Terra

Ok here is what I have so far.

[] Plan: Mutual-ish Benefits
-[] Requests
--[] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
--[] Relic (gain a random relic from them, Nord Merica has Cultural and Diplomatic relics)
--[] Telegraph Line (a Telegraph laid between Umbral and Weshiton)
-[] Offers
--[] Craft Tier4 Relic
--[] Non-Aggression Pact
--[] Resources

Could this work?
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[] Plan: Mutual-ish Benefits
-[] Requests
--[] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
--[] Relic (gain a random relic from them, Nord Merica has Cultural and Diplomatic relics)
--[] Telegraph Line (a Telegraph laid between Umbral and Weshiton)
-[] Offers
--[] Relic
--[] Non-Aggression Pact
--[] Resource (Diamonds)
This plan would work in general. However, Diamonds are a thing that no one needs. Technology is both too primitive and too advanced for diamonds to matter for use in industry and no one has the type of civilian market that would prize diamonds. Also are you offering a current relic or making a new relic for them? I forgot to separate those two options out, sorry.
[] Plan March to Unity
-[] Requests
--[] Federation (begin merging the Umbral Lands and Nord Merica into one larger superpower, both sides retain sovereignty over their lands (similar to IRL US Federal/State)
-[] Offers
--[] Loaning of heroes for Nord Merica's use
--[] Offers of terraforming

Would this be something that we could do?
[] Plan March to Unity
-[] Requests
--[] Federation (begin merging the Umbral Lands and Nord Merica into one larger superpower, both sides retain sovereignty over their lands (similar to IRL US Federal/State)
-[] Offers
--[] Loaning of heroes for Nord Merica's use
--[] Offers of terraforming

Would this be something that we could do?
Yes and no, Khas would offer terraforming of their land, but woudnlt offer all the Heroes. She would max out at offering 3.
@Leon12431 What about glass or maybe stone like granite for construction material?
That is rolled into basic resources. I am abstracting most things into Resource and Production. Resource is fundamentally the stuff that is unrefined and or harvested directly from the ground. It includes mundane building materials such as stone, unrefined metal, food stock, basic chemical production. The stuff that any group needs to survive for longer than a few years in an area.

Production is basically a sum of everything a city makes. It covers the electronics, the refined production of metals and alloys, the production of more complex compounds such as meta-materials. That kind of thing, the stuff that is needed for more advanced technology.

Only extremely rare/esoteric materials are going to be governed outside of those two umbrellas. Things like Necrodermis, Auramite, Phase Iron would be tracked independently due to their sheer value and rarity.
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@Leon12431 Okay, final set of questions. How much resources is 50 when compared to our current output? what Relics do we have that we can trade? And how powerful are the relics we could make?
Okay, final set of questions. How much resources is 50 when compared to our current output? what Relics do we have that we can trade? And how powerful are the relics we could make?
buying Resources and Production is hideously inefficient compared to improving your cities for you. For other nations its a much more reasonable thing to ask as it would be a notable increase due to the amount spent on militaries. But for you if you need more stuff you can more or less terraform your land to get better land without needing to use the very inefficient trading. You can trade any relic list on the Hero sheet, you currently don't have any unallocated relics and some of your Heroes would be very unhappy if you traded away their relics.

I mentioned this a while ago, but Khas works 5x better than anyone else save Emps in crafting. A relic you make for 100/100 is equal to a Tier 5 relic that another would make for 1600/1600. Note that no one knows of this little fact as of now, Khas thinks everyone is working on her general level when it comes to forging.
buying Resources and Production is hideously inefficient compared to improving your cities for you.
I mostly want to sell Resources to NM to balance out the telegraph line to their capital. Depending on how useful those Diplo relics are, getting allies or vassals from the smaller powers might be easier with that so crafting an average relic for exchange might be worth it.

Terraforming a barren desert into an Oasis to get a Mock battle could give us insight to how well our army performs but it does give NM an idea on how our army performs too so I am hesitant in doing this, we already have a one of their officers and their likely outdated manual so weighing this with keeping our capabilities a complete surprise is very challenging.
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[] Plan: Dont touch my stuff, I dont touch your stuff
--[] Stay away from eachothers lands
--[] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
--[] Do not militarize nearest border to Umbral Lands
--[] Stay away from eachothers lands
--[] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
--[] Do not militarize nearest border to Umbral Lands
I will note that so far no one has voted and if it remains like this I am probably going to end up making a plan that contains aspects of all offered ideas.
[X] Plan March to Unity
-[X] Requests
--[X] Federation (begin merging the Umbral Lands and Nord Merica into one larger superpower, both sides retain sovereignty over their lands (similar to IRL US Federal/State)
-[X] Offers
--[X] Loaning of up to three heroes for Nord Merica's use
--[X] Offers of terraforming

I should probably vote.
[X]Mutual understanding
--[X] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
--[X] Schools (request Nord Merica to build a series of schools in the Umbral Lands)
--[X]Craft a T3 relic
--[X]Terraform their 3 most populated areas
--[X] Telegraph Line (a Telegraph laid between Umbral and Weshiton)
--[X] Wargames (have both sides fight each other in mock battles)
--[X] Technology Share (share aspects of terraforming in exchange for their tech branch)
The Anvil Of The World
As the Anvil is the single most potent item in your possession and one of the most potent items still working on Terra I am making this info post to clarify just what it can do and how Charge affects it.

Bolded is the current status of the Anvil
Unlike other Wonders or Relics it has discrete durability levels. Going from Wrecked -> Damaged -> Worn -> Normal -> Restored -> Mint -> Pristine -> Perfect

Each level affects the Charge functionality of the Anvil in a flat manner.
Wrecked: reduces Charge Cap to 1 and charges once per 100 turns or 1000 years
Damaged; reduces Charge Cap to 5 and charges once per 40 years (4 turns)
Worn: Reduces Charge Cap to 10 and charges once per 20 years (2 turns)
Normal: Reduces Charge Cap to 15 and charges once per 10 years (1 turn, current level)
Restored: Charge Cap is 20, charges once per 10 years (best you can currently reach)
Mint: Charge Cap unlimited, charges once per turn
Pristine: Charge Cap unlimited, charges 2 times per turn
Perfect: Charge Cap unlimited, charges 3 times per turn

The Anvil is due to its nature a Narrative Scale item in which its effects are less hard and fast and more based on what I consider to be worthy of the amount of Charge spent on them.

Notable things that the Anvil can currently do
Produce resources and production in lump sums of significant amounts
Construct cities from the ground up
Produce Dark Age materials in bulk
Forge relics and wonders if designs are had
Terraform the land to make it better across the board
Create esoteric compounds and materials that lack warp significance
Reshape the land as long as it has beacons to outline the area to affect
Produce Beacons

Strange things about the Anvil
There are five connection ports into the Anvil that Khas believes expand the range of effects that the Anvil can engage in. This is to the point that Khas herself is terrified of what the Completed Anvil could possibly do.
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Strange things about the Anvil
There are five connection ports into the Anvil that Khas believes expand the range of effects that the Anvil can engage in. This is to the point that Khas herself is terrified of what the Completed Anvil could possibly do.
So the Anvil was a hand down relic or a scavenged relic from the ruin of Earth? What exactly did Dark Age scientists smoked when they designed and created this monstrroity?
So the Anvil was a hand down relic or a scavenged relic from the ruin of Earth? What exactly did Dark Age scientists smoked when they designed and created this monstrroity?
Khas has explored all the rooms she can find and found all the records that have survived and from her best guesses, the Anvil was intended to serve as a Shaping Engine of some sort. The records are beyond spotty and she is missing tons of the context but from the little she has found, she fully believes that the Terraforming aspects of the Anvil are a mere happy accident compared to what it was intended to do.

She has also found symbols that she is fairly sure is meant to represent Antimatter reactors and cables that lead her to the conclusion that the Anvil is meant to be powered by such things.

It is also not a salvaged relic the Umbral Lands formed around the Anvil, it hasn't moved since before the Fall Of Man. It has been simply here in the heart of the continent all that time, intermittently used and in times of non use harvesting energy from the convection currents of the Earth's mantle.

Edit: Khas expects one of the 5 ports to be intended to read a Biological/Chemical Database allowing for bio-sculpting via the Anvil.
[X] Plan: Mutual-ish Benefits
-[X] Request
--[X] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
--[X] Relic (gain a random relic from them, Nord Merica has Cultural and Diplomatic relics)
--[X] Schools (request Nord Merica to build a series of schools in the Umbral Lands)
--[X] Wargames (have both sides fight each other in mock battles)
-[X] Offers
--[X] Craft Tier3 Relic
--[X] Non-Aggression Pact
--[X] Resources (50)
--[X] Offer to Terraform a Barren Land to a Fertile Land to grow food.
[X] Plan: Mutual-ish Benefits
-[X] Request
--[X] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
--[X] Relic (gain a random relic from them, Nord Merica has Cultural and Diplomatic relics)
--[X] Schools (request Nord Merica to build a series of schools in the Umbral Lands)
--[X] Wargames (have both sides fight each other in mock battles)
-[X] Offers
--[X] Craft Tier3 Relic
--[X] Non-Aggression Pact
--[X] Resources (50)
--[X] Offer to Terraform a Barren Land to a Fertile Land to grow food.