Rebirth Of Man: Unification Of Terra

Turn 1 Results Part 1: The Envoy
"Please excuse the interruption, Lady Khas." The voice of your assistant came through the heavy stone doors that guarded the way into your personal office. Cocking an eyebrow at the surprising interruption, you return to your throne before raising the Heart and with an action that you had trained into your muscles over the course of months, slide the doors open.

As the stone rippled and shifted under the influence of the Heart, you pondered why your assistant would have come to you at this moment. They were generally a competent person that rarely had to bother you for things, and your advisors were more than able to request meetings with you in person without going through him. Leaving this interruption a strange event that you could not quickly decide on any possible reason for.

As the doors slide out of the way, their mass returning to the walls for now, you saw that your assistant stood nervously next to an unknown man that was clearly not of your nation. As you looked over their body with an eye towards figuring out where they came from, you noticed that they were taller than the average of your nation implying a nation that ensured nutrition for its people. In addition they wore cloths that would have been out of style in your lands, being much more ostentatious and fine than the more somber and subdued styles favored in the Umbral Lands.

"May I know your name and origin?" Based on the appearance of the man, you could make the inference that they were likely from Nord Merica, one of the largest nations on the world at the moment and one of the two to your direct north. But, there was a chance that the appearance was only coincidentally similar to that of Nathan.

The man smiled and bowed deeply to you before replying, "I am John Adam. I greet you warmly in the name of Nord Merica. I have been sent to your lands as a diplomatic envoy to ensure that in this current time of strife that our two nations need not be concerned about each other." You frown at his words, for you knew enough of the habits of Nord Merica that their professed diplomatic overturns were little more than subtle forms of enslavement to their whims over time.

"Why do you believe war is inevitable?" Modulating your tone to ensure that a skilled diplomat would hear the silent question in the seemingly innocent question.

John maintained his smile even as he gestured towards a chair in front of your desk, and controlling your emotions you nodded. Letting him stride across the room to the chair before he began to reply. "We don't believe that war is inevitable, otherwise why would I have been sent with gifts for you and your people. We simply dislike the current state of world tension with no firm alliances between any peer powers. This has lead to this meeting." John fell silent for now, even as he relaxed into his chair perfectly content to be within arms reach of a person able to tear his body apart without issue.

"May I know what you have brought to my lands?" You ask staring him in the eye, for this was not something you had expected to deal with so soon after your emergence from the shadows and frankly some gifts might be too good to pass up.

"Certainly, I have no reason to hide them for they are yours regardless of how our talks turn out. I have brought roughly five years worth of basic resources that any nation could need, and 3 years worth of technological supplies. In addition to the basic supplies, I have brought three items with me of note that I thought your nation would enjoy and benefit from." John opened a small briefcase he had brought with him as he began to pull out files.

"The first is a simple but comprehensive structure on which our basic schools work. It contains enough material to ensure all citizens can have at least basic literacy and general education in the lowest rungs of sophisticated work. The second is a gift for your military advisor, as he might have left our employ, but he was always skilled and loyal to those he choose to serve and we reward those aspects, this gift is a training manual that our Front Commanders receive upon promotion. It should help him in his new position, lastly we brought the basic blueprints and theory behind the telegraph." As he spoke of each one he placed a piece of paper down on the table facing you, so that you could read over the gifts he had brought with him.

Assuming nothing was a lie, which is the last thing you would, do the papers he gave you confirmed what he was saying. He had brought a basic gift of resource and production related materials, which would significantly impact the speed at which some project would be able to be done in the future. Along with the lump sum, he had also brought a manual on how to set up schools and train teachers, a primer for a military advisor position and a basic means of near instant communication that would tie nicely into how terraforming functioned.

"This is a significant gift. One might wonder what is expected in return for such a bounty of free resources." You reply hiding your emotions the best you can, even as you continue to read over the papers hoping to spot some flaw in their language.

"Of course, anyone sane in this world would be rightfully suspicious of our offerings and expect a viper to be lucking within. And you would be correct in that I did come here for more than to simply hand over these gifts to your nation and yourself." John leaned forward slightly as he brought out more papers.

"May I assume that this is the point where you ask me to devote my lands to the production of resources and technology for the benefit of Nord Merica?" It might have been a tad too pointed, but this was grating at you due to the way John had danced around your first question.

"No, nothing of the sort. I won't ask where you got such a twisted idea of what Nord Merica is like, but I will say that the only thing I wanted to have on the treaty was you refusing to form any joint wars against us. In the current climate of the world, having certainty that only individual nations would engage in war against us would be a relief to our civilian population."

You frown at John as his words seemed to hold a large gap in their reasonableness. "I raise a point against that claim, you would only ensure that the Umbral Lands would remain out of battle. If I am not mistaken you are to the south of Albia, and close enough to Hy Brasil along with the Pan-Pacific Bloc that you could very easily find yourself in a three way war if all attacked you at once."

"Yes, it does seem as if we are in danger of being attacked on three directions, but only the Umbral Lands, Pan-Pacific Bloc and Albia are the nations that we need concern ourselves with. Hy Brasil and our other neighbors are too weak to affect the state of a war. This means that if you sign the treaty, we can reduce the focus on the southern border to shift troops and defenses to the north and eastern borders to defend against possible aggression on those sides easier." John replied as he leaned back in his chair sliding a piece of paper with the title of it marking it as a preliminary list of points that a treaty would entail between the Umbral Lands and Nord Merica.

Reading over the paper, the list was remarkably fair, too fair. It was suspicious in terms of how unsuspicious it was. The aforementioned forbiddance on attacking Nord Merica forces in case of them being under attack by another peer force, the promise of payment if the Umbral Lands came to their aid in a peer war and nothing else was currently listed.

"Why are there points currently unlisted from this sheet?" You ask pointing towards the rather obviously missing lines of information.

"Because, those two lines are your side to be filled in of course. No treaty worth the name only ever gives one side a say in the matter, except in cases of unconditional surrender. This isn't that of course, so you get to add in your own points to help us come to a fair and balanced outcome for both our nations." John responded without losing his smile, even as he pulled out a pen to lay on the table.

"What is Nord Mercia accepting for this treaty?" You ask even as you refuse to move towards the pen offered, "And where is the full write up for the treaty?"

"Nord Merica trusts me to find the best possible deal with the situation at hand and due to the nature of the world I am in charge of the treaty, in short my word is binding. As for the second, it does not yet currently exist, as the points of note haven't been decided upon there is no point in coming with a treaty that would be without a doubt rejected several times over before being approved in the end. As such, once we come to a conclusion of points I would work with your legal department to help craft the treaty here with your legal oversight." John replied even as he shrugged as if to say what could he be expected to do, but you very much doubt he lying in any sense of the word when he said that he was given full authority in this matter.

"What if I refused to accept a treaty between the Umbral Lands and Nord Merica? Or asked for something that you could not meet?" You prod at him even as it become more clear that you were on the backfoot even as you asked the question.

"It is your right as the ruler of this land to refuse a treaty, in that case I would simply return to my nation and the matter would be closed. Of course, such a refusal would dampen relations between our nations, and I for one do believe that working towards a mutual goal is a better plan of action in this age than trying to survive Independent of all others. After all, Albia has just made a blunder in trying to infiltrate all of their peers, for what can only be the prelude to the ignition of wars. In the case of you asking for something we could not meet, I would stay and work to bargain for a fair deal for both our nations, for crippling one side of a treaty that is meant to aid both would only result in negative outcomes would it not?" John stated with sadness apparent on his face, the first sign of true emotion that he had shown in this matter so far and it made you even more distrustful of him and what he presented to be.

"Either I refuse and you return to Nord Merica and unofficially officially label my nation as a foe on your books, or I do not reject your offer and you instead remain in my capital to try to form a treaty until it is done. What surety do I have that you won't spend your time infiltrating or subverting my populace to serve your will in the case of you remaining here?" You could tell you were scrambling, but this was not where you were skilled. This was the furthest thing from a place of skill for you, you were good at crafting, terraforming and generally skilled but this specialized area was beyond you for now.

"In a twisted view that is correct. Although, I find it sad that you are so against Nord Merica's efforts to reach out to your nation with my presence here. I came bearing gifts and am met with open hostility from you. I can't level blame on you for I am somewhat of a horror story among the world, I know my reputation, but I always hope that one day I will find a way to bypass it. As for your concern about me subverting your people, simply provide me with psyker or blank guards. Either one would defeat or otherwise ensure that I would not be able to engage in any unwanted schemes." His doubtlessly fake sadness became even greater as he spoke, his earlier smile now gone from his face.

[] Refuse anything and everything to do with him and Nord Merica
[] Let him remain in the Umbral Lands and continue working on the treaty

Gifts gained
127 production, 150 resource
Education manual: unlocks new actions related to schools and teaching
Telegraph blueprints: unlocks new actions related to integrating faster communication lines within the Umbral Lands
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Telegraph blueprints: unlocks new actions related to integrating faster communication lines within the Umbral Lands
I think this is Nord Merica's poisoned fruit. I can see them being able to intercept our telegraphs (since it is their tech, they will know how to subvert it) and get an early warning on if we plan to invade NM or when we are invading be able to disrupt or just outright give false orders through our comm system. Unless we reverse engineer them and make our own completely different system, we are liable of getting sabotaged.

Since we are going to get them, either way, best to make friends with the Mericas for now and when we found a better comm system that wasn't from NM we can overhaul our comm system and just wait until an opportunity presented itself.
think this is Nord Merica's poisoned fruit. I can see them being able to intercept our telegraphs (since it is their tech, they will know how to subvert it) and get an early warning on if we plan to invade NM or when we are invading be able to disrupt or just outright give false orders through our comm system. Unless we reverse engineer them and make our own completely different system, we are liable of getting sabotaged.
its a telegraph, unless you are saying that they somehow can force you to build an underground wire to their cities they fundamentally can't intercept the systems. This isnt radio this is literal telegraph wires being buried under ground. Technology is beyond broken at the moment, only a handful of Grand Nations have radios let alone anything more than absolutely basic stuff, hell no one knows how to encrypt their radios yet its so rare.

Your current comms is people carrying paper letters from point a to point b on foot or if they are super lucky be able to hitch a ride on one of the rare military boring machines. That is the common level of communication speed at the moment, with some carrier pigeon level mixed in. Also you are one of the better Grand Nations in terms of communication speed due to terraformed tunnels connecting all of your major places.
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[X] Let him remain in the Umbral Lands and continue working on the treaty
[X] Let him remain in the Umbral Lands and continue working on the treaty

Looking at what Nord Merica is up to here, and just looking at what Leon has said throughout the thread, I think that both options have merit here.

If we want to be the overlords ourselves, we should just throw them out. These guys are good at their job, and they'll likely try and vassalize us eventually. However, at the end of the day, Terra does need to be unified, and if it's us or someone else doesn't matter. (as long as it's not Ursh).
[X] Let him remain in the Umbral Lands and continue working on the treaty

I'm sure there is something hiding in the wings following this agreement, but signing a non-aggression pact is fine by me.
[X] Let him remain in the Umbral Lands and continue working on the treaty

Perhaps it would be good to look through the teaching materials for any potential problem they might hold. I am not the most versed in Warhammer but would it be possible that Nord Merica was infested by Chaos-related cultists and could those have put memetic materials in the teaching they are offering? A long shot, but paranoia is never wrong in Warhammer.
Perhaps it would be good to look through the teaching materials for any potential problem they might hold. I am not the most versed in Warhammer but would it be possible that Nord Merica was infested by Chaos-related cultists and could those have put memetic materials in the teaching they are offering?
I will say this outright, the only true Chaos Empire is Ursh. All the others do their best to purge any cults that crop up over time as soon as they find them. Even implying that another nation is Chaotic/Cult Driven is grounds for immediate war due to the sheer insult of saying that. The only reason Ursh isnt currently under siege by every single Grand Nation is because the Tyrant is just stupidly broken as he is meant to find and Kill Emps and no one has found anyway to actually harm him so far.
[X] Let him remain in the Umbral Lands and continue working on the treaty

Personally my favorite of the canon warlords if the half-mad half-genius half-sand enthusiast Dume. He was rather cool in his one singular appearance in Lord of Lightning and his Cameo in Master of Mankind. It was kind of hinted he was not killed but escaped to somewhere after his empire fell.
[X] Let him remain in the Umbral Lands and continue working on the treaty

Yes peace will be hard but the reasons for them to want a secure border is the same reason we do. We will just have to make our building techniques so good they submit and become our diplomats.
Vote closed
Turn 1: The Treaty Begins
As much as you disliked the idea of letting a possible subversive individual to remain within your lands, the offer was too beneficial to deny. It would cause more problems for you in the future if Nord Merica decided to leave behind the talks and instead turn towards military means.

And it was fairly clear that it was a trap written by John long before now, either way ensured that you lost. If you refused on the basis of rumors and urban legends, it would play into the hands of Nord Merica in painting you as nothing more than a tyrannical despot that refused an offer of peace made in good faith and given gifts without assurance of return. Which in turn would have made your word on the international scale, ash before you could even begin building up credibility.

If you take the other side of the poisoned coin, it was but a slower but no less deadly problem. For then you would have the best diplomat in the world working closely with your laws and by extension giving them all the knowledge of the inner workings of your government that they could wish for, in order to craft a treaty. A treaty which you had no doubt would be rife with loopholes and exploits that would in the end ensure that Nord Merica would eventually come out on top of the Umbral Lands.

You could respect the skill at which your response had been crafted to ensure a victory for Nord Merica no matter what you did. Dammed either way, the safer option was by far to simply throw him out of your lands and call it a day. Your diplomatic worth might be forever tarnished, but few if any nations would be willing to move towards alliances of note anyway so it would change overall little. However, a treaty offered more than just a chance to gain a momentary ally, it would also include access to their nation and what they had could be asked for as payment.

In the end, you decided that it was better to keep Nord Merica on your general side rather than needlessly antagonize them. As long as you made some progress on the treaty, they should be placated for a while allowing you to somewhat ignore the issue for the time being.

"The Umbral Lands accepts the gracious offer from Nord Merica. I hope that this gesture of trust is not wasted." You say even as you hate the words that you speak at this moment. Diplomacy is not your skill set, non of your people has it and you have the feeling that you just made a bargain with the devil.

"Wonderful, I will begin working on the treaty as soon as you give me your general points." John smiled faintly as he pulled the pen over to him, as he pulled out a new sheet of paper, blank save for a handful of bullet points.

"I would have expected you to require to familiarize yourself with our laws, prior to beginning construction of the treaty." You prod at his actions as he begins to ready the overly fancy pen of his on the clean paper.

"My Lady Khas, do you think of my as a fool? I already have studied your laws on my way to the capital. I might not know them all, but I know enough to know what is legal and what is not even for you. Now then, would you please give me two to three general points you would wish to use to form the base form of this treaty." His voice was cheerful now, almost ecstatic as he smiled broadly at you.

Expected Requests
[] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
[] Production (write in amount, anything more than 100 will be not be accepted)
[] Resource (write in amount, anything more than 75 will not be accepted)
[] Relic (gain a random relic from them, Nord Merica has Cultural and Diplomatic relics)
[] Military Corp (gain a Nord Merica Advanced army for a set duration, cycles through their corps)
[] Do not militarize nearest border to Umbral Lands
[] Write In

Unexpected Requests
[] Schools (request Nord Merica to build a series of schools in the Umbral Lands)
[] Technology Share (share aspects of terraforming in exchange for their tech branch)
[] Telegraph Line (a Telegraph laid between Umbral and Weshiton)
[] Wargames (have both sides fight each other in mock battles)
[] Write In

Insane Requests
[] Defensive Alliance (If the Umbral Lands are attacked Nord Merica will declare war on aggressors, same applies for Nord Merica)
[] Technology Fundamental Sharing (share all that is known about both technology branches)
[] Migration Treaty (people can freely move between Nord Merica and the Umbral Lands)
[] Write In

Never Dreamed Of Requests
[] Federation (begin merging the Umbral Lands and Nord Merica into one larger superpower, both sides retain sovereignty over their lands (similar to IRL US Federal/State)
[] Empire (merge Umbral and Nord Merica into one massive Empire that has merged command lines and policies)
[] Write In

Offers (as Khas you have final say in what the Umbral Lands will offer so anything goes. I will note that the more out there requests need equally out there offers)
(The one thing Khas will not offer is Access or even Knowledge of the Anvil. She is also willing to either trade current relics or make new relics for trade, the latter option will if the treaty is signed lock in relic crafting actions)
[] Write In
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The Requests are broken down by what Khas thinks John expects her to request for Nord Merica to offer/accept. Note that this means that the above is not necessarily the truth of the matter.

Plan voting please for this
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@Leon12431 So this
Expected Requests
[] Nord Merica will not attack you in case of another Peer attacking you, will expect payment if they come to your aid in a peer war.
[] Production (write in amount, anything more than 100 will be not be accepted)
[] Resource (write in amount, anything more than 75 will not be accepted)
[] Relic (gain a random relic from them, Nord Merica has Cultural and Diplomatic relics)
[] Military Corp (gain a Nord Merica Advanced army for a set duration, cycles through their corps)
[] Do not militarize nearest border to Umbral Lands
[] Write In

Unexpected Requests
[] Schools (request Nord Merica to build a series of schools in the Umbral Lands)
[] Technology Share (share aspects of terraforming in exchange for their tech branch)
[] Telegraph Line (a Telegraph laid between Umbral and Weshiton)
[] Wargames (have both sides fight each other in mock battles)
[] Write In

Insane Requests
[] Defensive Alliance (If the Umbral Lands are attacked Nord Merica will declare war on aggressors, same applies for Nord Merica)
[] Technology Fundamental Sharing (share all that is known about both technology branches)
[] Migration Treaty (people can freely move between Nord Merica and the Umbral Lands)
[] Write In

Never Dreamed Of Requests
[] Federation (begin merging the Umbral Lands and Nord Merica into one larger superpower, both sides retain sovereignty over their lands (similar to IRL US Federal/State)
[] Empire (merge Umbral and Nord Merica into one massive Empire that has merged command lines and policies)
[] Write In
is stuff what Khas thinks Nord Merica will offer us while Offer is what we can give to NM in exchange. Also wasn't the school, training booklet, and telegraph a gift and would be in our possession anyway? shouldn't they not be included to prevent confusion?

Also what can we offer? like how much Production, Resources, and etc. can we offer without bankrupting our faction? I think we could supply NM with very hard to find resources like diamonds, we could make a diamond farm with the Anvil just crushing carbon into Diamonds and then leaving it there for a week, then use the Anvil to open the ground and then voala huge chunks of Diamonds.
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is stuff what Khas thinks Nord Merica will offer us while Offer is what we can give to NM in exchange. Also wasn't the school, training booklet, and telegraph a gift and would be in our possession anyway? shouldn't they not be included to prevent confusion?
Requests are what Khas wants from Nord while the offer is what She/Umbral Lands are offering in trade. Yes, but the school option is hiring Nord Merican Teachers and Architects to build a school system to their Current Standard in your lands, what you have is stuff that is expected to be decades out of date. The Telegraph is basically offering to open more permanent lines of communication between the seats of power, its a rather massive step that no other Grand Nation has taken with regards to another Grand Nation.
-[] Request
--[] Empire (merge Umbral and Nord Merica into one massive Empire that has merged command lines and policies)
-[] Offer
--[] The Anvil

So, a bit of a stretch, but, uh, would this work?