There was a Spi...dea. (Sony, Spider-Man Producer Quest)

That escalated quickly, I mean that really got out of hand fast.

[X] No, don't reroll the script.
[X] No, don't reroll the script.

I am not stupid, and for the writer who wrote the Nat 1 script: FUCKING WRITE BETTER!
Jesus that Nat one the fan base is going to blame this guy
Wasn't a Nat 1; (6-5=1).

Sounds like the dude went and grabbed his paycheck, snorted it all and delivered what he thought were genius notes written while he was coked out, but were really napkins with "Step 1: Gwen dies, Step 2: Spider-Man kicks ass, Step 3: ???, Step 4: Profit"; shoulda payed more attention to his work than that girl at Tobey's...
Yo, does anyone have any ideas for the Spider-Man 2 Director?
Cameron was an option to direct a Spider-Man movie at some point. Can we still get him?

Burton crossed my mind but he's probably more well-suited to a darker project. Like maybe a Ghost Rider movie.

Thinking about this made me realize just how few directors I actually know.
61- Spider-Man 2 Director and Other Stuff.
[X] No, don't reroll the script.

You decided not to get another script done, because why the fuck would you risk that? Especially when the higher-ups really liked the one you already had.

After that, you decided to try and find a director for the Spider-Man sequel.

Director Interest: 93.

An absolute plethora of directors had shown up, truly interested in working on the highly anticipated. Spider-Man sequel.

Who do you want as the Director of Spider-Man 2?

[] Edgar Wright had come in, wanting to direct the sequel to his original Spider-Man movie. (+5 to Spider-Man 2 Quality)
[] Mark Webb had expressed some interest in doing the Spider-Man sequel.
[] Sam Raimi could definitely be an interesting choice, if you want to bring him back to Spider-Man.
[] Taika Waititi is a pretty good director, from what you've seen of his work, and maybe he could be a good fit for this movie?
[] Jon Watts seemed interested in making this movie.
[] The Russo Brothers, a pair of brothers known for working together. You had seen some of their work, and you were impressed.
[] James Cameron seemed interested in telling the story of Spider-Man.
[] Tim Burton had come in with an... absolutely fucking insane vision for Spider-Man 2, featuring Vulture growing actual wings, Spider-Man growing a pair of actual spider limbs for an incredibly weird dream sequence, and honestly? You were interested in seeing it. Though, he could maybe work better for a different movie down the line.
[] Brad Bird's an excellent animation director, and he expressed interest in doing Spider-Man 2... but you'll be honest, you have some doubts about whether or not he'd be able to do it.
[] Kathryn Bigelow has expressed some interest in directing Spider-Man 2.
[] David Fincher also seemed interested in directing the movie. And you could definitely see him working on it, after Fight Club and Seven... though, he might also work better for another character. David Fincher directing Moon Knight could be neat... as soon as you got the rights to the character.
[] Maybe you could get a couple of the directors to work together on the project? (Write-in you want to work together, combining their forces to create the perfect Spider-Man movie!):
[] Maybe you could find someone else to direct the movie? (Write-in):

After that, you decided to get some other work done.

You can do up to 3 things before you get to do casting for Spider-Man 2.

[] Network in Hollywood for Directors (Roll)
[] Network in Hollywood for a specific Director (Roll)
-[] Write-in:
[] Network in Hollywood for Actors (Roll)
[] Network in Hollywood for a specific Actor (Roll)
-[] Write In:
[] Try to talk to the higher-ups about giving you a higher budget. (Roll)
[] Network with Avi Arad. (Roll)
[] Convince Sony to negotiate with the studios (Marvel, Fox, and Universal) for the rights of a character. (Roll)
-[] Marvel has a vast majority of the characters, maybe you could try to get one? (Medium Roll) Write-in:
-[] FOX has the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Maybe you could get a character from them? (High Roll) Write-in:
-[] Universal still has the rights to Namor and The Hulk, at least in their own movies... maybe you could get the rights to them? They might be willing to, just to spite Disney. (Medium Roll) Write-in:
-[] You know... you already have such a fucking hodgepodge that you may as well try and poach some characters from Warner Bros and DC, right? It makes as much sense as inFamous and Uncharted, at least. (Ridiculously High Roll, like... 98-100, high. But even on a nat 100, you're not getting Batman. That's just too unrealistic.) Write-in:
[] Try to get the rights to some other property (Roll)
-[] Ben 10 seems to be quite the success, maybe you could get the live-action rights to it? (Medium Roll)
-[] Mortal Kombat has quite a lot of potential with their characters. Sure, they've recently been bought out by Warner Bros, but maybe you could try to get some character rights? (High Roll)
-[] Maybe instead of Mortal Kombat, you could try for the rights to Street Fighter? They're both popular fighting games, so it could work. (High Roll)
-[] Maybe you could get Danny Phantom from Nickelodeon? It's a bit of a reach, but you might be able to manage it. (Medium Roll)
-[] The Venture Bros have some interesting ideas for superheroes and villains, and you were honestly quite a big fan of the show. Maybe you could get the live-action rights to them? Adult Swim doesn't seem to have anything lined up for any live-action adaptations, so you could probably get it pretty easily. (Low Roll)
-[] GI Joe is a big franchise, and if you somehow managed to get it? You'd be able to get your own version of SHIELD, alongside a bunch of other fun characters. Though, they may take away from the Spider-Man limelight. (High Roll)
-[] Dick Tracy was a pretty famous comic strip in the past... maybe you could do something with that? The director of the '90s movie, a man named Warren Beatty owns the rights. Maybe you could strike a deal with him for them? (Medium Roll)
-[] Gargoyles was an amazing show back in the '90s... sure, it'd be hard to get the rights to them... but you wanted David Xanathos, damn it! (High Roll)
-[] Maybe you could try to talk to Robert Kirkman into selling the live-action rights to Invincible over to you? (High Roll)
-[] Spawn was immensely popular in the '90s... and he still is. Maybe you could talk to Todd McFarlane about getting the live-action rights to it? (High Roll)
-[] There's this new book that came out online, it's called... Worm. It's not finished yet, but it's certainly interesting. Maybe you could get the rights to it? (Medium Roll)
-[] Dresden Files could add some extra, much-needed Magical stuff to the setting. Though, it would fit better for a TV Series. (Medium Roll)
-[] Harry Potter has ended... maybe you could try and get those rights? (Ridiculously High Roll)
-[] Maybe you could try to buy out the rights to Percy Jackson from FOX. It could definitely be an interesting setting to use. (High Roll)
-[] Maybe you could try to get the live-action rights to Wanted? It was a good comic, and deserved more than the Wanted-in-name-only movie it got. (Medium Roll)
-[] Do you know what would be absolutely stupid, but also fun? Getting the rights to the Power Rangers. (High Roll)
-[] The Incredibles was an... incredible movie. Maybe you could buy the live-action rights from Disney? (High Roll)
[] Participate in interviews and events in order to hype future movies and shows. (Roll)
[] Work on what to do for the next movie.
[] Maybe see about potentially adapting some Sony properties for integration into the Spider-Man Cinematic Universe?
-[] God of War could be your own way to add Gods to your Cinematic Universe.
[] Investigate a bit, see what your competition is up to (Roll)
-[] Marvel.
-[] Fox.
-[] Warner Studios.
[] Promote a character for one of the upcoming movies.
[] See about getting a new Spider-Man videogame made, The Amazing Spider-Man Game was an amazing success, so why not?
-[] Write-in your game idea:

Alright, please use a plan vote format.

Also, put any Casting choices you want either in the thread, or the discord. I don't really mind where.
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[X] Plan: I Love Magic
-[X] Edgar Wright had come in, wanting to direct the sequel to his original Spider-Man movie. (+5 to Spider-Man 2 Quality)
-[X] Network with Avi Arad. (Roll)
-[X] Try to get the rights to some other property (Roll)
--[X] Gargoyles was an amazing show back in the '90s... sure, it'd be hard to get the rights to them... but you wanted David Xanathos, damn it! (High Roll)
--[X] Spawn was immensely popular in the '90s... and he still is. Maybe you could talk to Todd McFarlane about getting the live-action rights to it? (High Roll)
--[X] Dresden Files could add some extra, much-needed Magical stuff to the setting. Though, it would fit better for a TV Series. (Medium Roll)
[X] See about getting a new Spider-Man videogame made, The Amazing Spider-Man Game was an amazing success, so why not?
--[X] Write-in your game idea: A stealth action game set within the Spider-Man Noir universe.
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