Rebirth Of Man: Unification Of Terra

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A quest in the 29th millennium of Warhammer, the time before the Emperor has taken over the world. A time where grand nations via for control of humanity's birth world. In this ancient time where fate is yet to be marked, a new force enters the fray.
Prologue to Unification: Nation Creation Part 1
It is the dawn of the 29th millennia upon the shattered and broken world of Old Earth now known as Fallen Terra. The one time greatest jewel of the Federation of Man, the heart and soul of the greatest empire to arise after the legendary precursors took to the stars. It had ruled across the galaxy in the name of humanity and the vessal races of humanity. It had once boosted a military and navy enough to crush all but the Aeldari under its iron heel, as the unending legions of thinking machines led the charge across the endless void in the name of humanity.

Yet, that is forgotten history, known only to a few upon the surface of the world today. Nothing remains of the once pristine forests, of the legendary gardens, the space lattice that surrounded the world. Now, all that remains is dusty windswept plains of radiation baked ground and ever dwindling water and resources. Invaders from the other worlds of the system pillage what little remains upon the surface after all these years for their own gain, caring not for the plight of those upon the cradle of humanity.

The Cult of the Machine that claims Mars at their own, send raiders forth to claim any example of relic technology from the grasp of those that they see as unworthy of holding claim to the relics of their ancestors. The lunar cults watch from the moon of the world and test their concoctions upon the unsuspecting populace below them, careless of the disasters that they leave in their wake.

It is a time of horror unending as the 29th millennium dawns upon Terra, yet the winds of change begin to stire. The aeon long war comes to a head as the greatest forces of the world ready their nations for war to decide the fate for the homeworld of humanity. Across the centuries and eons, they have built themselves into unassailable bastions and now their focus turns upon the world at large.

The mighty war engine of Albia churns as it unleashes armies upon armies of power armored soldiers ready to fight and die at the commands of their generals and lords. Preparing to wash across the world in a tide of iron and steel, las guns fire day and night as they make final preparations for the final war to begin.

The Hordes of Ursh pray for their victory in temples adorned with blood and skulls, from their dark gods come power at costs belayed for now. The unending hordes swelled with forces carved from the country side and careless of their skill and gear. The Tyrant of Ursh turns his gaze upon the world and makes preparations to bring the light of Chaos to all upon the future Throneworld.

Within their city bastions Nordafrik waits as their spies report the movement of the others upon the world, defenses built over the course of centuries thrum with power as they are roused to full effect for the first time in history. The legions of men under arms take their place upon the walls and stand ready to repel any invaders that might try their luck upon the eternal walls.

The Pan-Pacific Bloc readies its legions for war as its Tyrant begins to push forward technology, new foundries arise from the rad wastes under his command as new designs are tested upon terran soil for the first time in eons. Legions of men in power armor and simpler fare guard the borders waiting for the coming signal ready to unleash their power upon the chosen target.

Upon the once island of Albion a man drinks blood from a thousand men and roars his rage to the sky above as his body burns with unnatural might and from visions in the blood he begins to ready his forces for a crusade of blood. In lockstep do his legions of twisted men march towards the borders of his land, ready and waiting for the chance to sake their thirst for the sanguine liquid of life.

The hidden Ethnarchy sees the world begin to change from the standard course and watches the course of actions from their secluded hive and underground bastion. Their caches of ancient relics are opened for the first time to give rise to new legions of unprecedented might upon Terra for the first time since the first fall of the world so many eons ago. Their psykers caged and trained begin to read the whims of the future to predict the outcomes of all that might occur, and so the masters of the Ethnarchy sit back and wait for the stage to move forward.

The rulers of Adedji hear the reports of action across the world and send forth word to their legions to ready for defense. Across their land legions mobilize and ready themselves for danger, even as the ancient wormgate workers move forward with their designs to reactive the ancient relics of the Dark Age.

Cardinal Tang of the Yndonesian Bloc sees the actions of the heretics and snarls even as he pushes his foundries to the breaking point to produce enough aircraft to make the difference enough. Across the sky of his land do fleets of warhawks and thunderbirds soar as they are forged in the countless funances of his lands. He smiles as he sees the beauty of the sky become his and he stares out across his land as those that he considers lesser are removed from the populace by any means needed.

The great nation of Nord Merica sees the changing currents of the world and in the resplendent halls and ballrooms the high noblity of the land nod their heads in glee as their time has come. Their military small as it might be, but elite non the less is roused even as the once nearly forgotten diplomatic corps is reactivated and scholars ready themselves for tearing the secrets of their future foes free from their left overs.

Unknown to all, in a hidden vault in the greatest mountain range a being beyond any other sees the world and prepares for his crusade across the land. Legions upon legions of transhuman warriors at his back as he readies himself for a war for the future of humanity. His golden eyes see the world and he awaits a proper moment to begin the crusade of the New Imperium of Man.

Yet, the grand nations were not the only actors upon the stage of the world. The thousands of weak nations little more than tribes huddling together for what little warmth they could find, could tell that the world was shifting. The ground under their feet trembled as the countless legions of the world shifted and began to ready for war. Thunder roared across the winds as weapons were tested and war games were played among the leaders of the world. In the light of this, the weak nations began to act and tribes that had once been bitter foes began to slowly gather together around potent leaders of will beyond other men.

Where the weak nations thought they had a chance of holding their own, the middle children of the world knew better. They saw the wonders and horrros of the mobilizing Grand nations and knew to a one that they would not be able to halt their advance and so they reached out to others of their level to begin formating alliances that might just give pause to a grand nation for a time. Not to defeat them upon the field of battle, but to bring them to the table of diplomacy. They knew that it was no longer possible to remain independent for the world was sure to be soon ruled by a single hegomon and if they wished to survive then bending the knee was the only choice to be made.

From the shadows of fate and history an unknown nation exists and might indeed play a pivotal role in the times to come, but even know the records are spotty and uncertain.

Choose scale of nation
[] Weak - a tribe of unknown providence, of unknown secrets hunts and lives in the rad wastes lacking the scope of the world's greats, they would never be a force upon the world stage without sacrifice beyond comprehension. (Start with 2 pops, no income, no technology, no cities, no bonuses to anything. Also be completely unknown and no one cares about you unless you do something stupid.)
[] Medium - a nation of several cities that sees the world and knows the inevitable future. One that bares only a few echos of the past in their deepest vauts. Unable to bend the face of the world upon their own will, but perhaps able to shift the direction of their future lord and master. (Start with a handful of pops based on a roll, start with 2 cities and low city and pop modifers. Diplomacy is possible with other equal nations and can engage in surrender negotiations with Grand nations at quest start)
[] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 5 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age, unlocks the ability to build/invent a Capstone Technology that can match Emps in some fashion. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)

Choose Type of nation
[] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[] Patron - another force is behind this power's arise to notability. Perhaps its benevolent or malign. Or it could be a secret plundered from its proper owner by scavengers of the dunes, it could be all and none of these things. (Choose from a preset list of possible Patrons. Will gain items that will give power equal to Grand nations, but have MASSIVE CURSES AND MALUSES with the bonuses)
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[X] Weak - a tribe of unknown providence, of unknown secrets hunts and lives in the rad wastes lacking the scope of the world's greats, they would never be a force upon the world stage without sacrifice beyond comprehension. (Start with 2 pops, no income, no technology, no cities, no bonuses to anything. Also be completely unknown and no one cares about you unless you do something stupid.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)

I'd rather not be constrained diplomatically if I can avoid it. And I'd prefer to avoid the curses with a patron.
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
randomcringyjoke threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: intimidation Total: 92
92 92
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I will note that the weak option is for all intents and purposes flat out impossible to do anything with, if you take a Relic option. The medium and grand nations have entire tech branches from their relic techs and you would have a single one shot use relic that wouldn't even dent a thunder warrior barring some really stupid rolls in your favor. A Weak Nation's relic would be basically a hotshot las gun that has twice the ammo capacity as a normal one, its that bad. Weak is only viable with a Patron, unless you want to speedrun to being conquered and finding what it feels like to be the feral worlders facing off against the Great Crusade.

I do not say this to prohibit choosing Weak/Relic, but just to inform everyone that it is very much Impossible Mode.
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[X] Medium - a nation of several cities that sees the world and knows the inevitable future. One that bares only a few echos of the past in their deepest vauts. Unable to bend the face of the world upon their own will, but perhaps able to shift the direction of their future lord and master. (Start with a handful of pops based on a roll, start with 2 cities and low city and pop modifers. Diplomacy is possible with other equal nations and can engage in surrender negotiations with Grand nations at quest start)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Medium - a nation of several cities that sees the world and knows the inevitable future. One that bares only a few echos of the past in their deepest vauts. Unable to bend the face of the world upon their own will, but perhaps able to shift the direction of their future lord and master. (Start with a handful of pops based on a roll, start with 2 cities and low city and pop modifers. Diplomacy is possible with other equal nations and can engage in surrender negotiations with Grand nations at quest start)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
I will further note that only the Grand Nation option lets you have direct influence in the course of history. Just stating that this quest isnt locked with Emps winning, as there are ways for the Grand Nations to beat him and conquer the world in their own right.
[X] Medium - a nation of several cities that sees the world and knows the inevitable future. One that bares only a few echos of the past in their deepest vauts. Unable to bend the face of the world upon their own will, but perhaps able to shift the direction of their future lord and master. (Start with a handful of pops based on a roll, start with 2 cities and low city and pop modifers. Diplomacy is possible with other equal nations and can engage in surrender negotiations with Grand nations at quest start)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
One last note of importance and a slight edit to the Grand option that I forgot to mention. Is that Grand nations have individual capstones that individually match Emps in terms of effect/power in one region of existence. For example there is one that is literally just Immortality For All Heroes In A Can with a side helping of military buffs.
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)

Patrons, As in non-humans or non-human gods? disgustin'
[X] Medium - a nation of several cities that sees the world and knows the inevitable future. One that bares only a few echos of the past in their deepest vauts. Unable to bend the face of the world upon their own will, but perhaps able to shift the direction of their future lord and master. (Start with a handful of pops based on a roll, start with 2 cities and low city and pop modifers. Diplomacy is possible with other equal nations and can engage in surrender negotiations with Grand nations at quest start)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)

Ayy, a non Emperor led earth, sign me the fuck UP
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Medium - a nation of several cities that sees the world and knows the inevitable future. One that bares only a few echos of the past in their deepest vauts. Unable to bend the face of the world upon their own will, but perhaps able to shift the direction of their future lord and master. (Start with a handful of pops based on a roll, start with 2 cities and low city and pop modifers. Diplomacy is possible with other equal nations and can engage in surrender negotiations with Grand nations at quest start)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Patron - another force is behind this power's arise to notability. Perhaps its benevolent or malign. Or it could be a secret plundered from its proper owner by scavengers of the dunes, it could be all and none of these things. (Choose from a preset list of possible Patrons. Will gain items that will give power equal to Grand nations, but have MASSIVE CURSES AND MALUSES with the bonuses)

40k's Emperor was a colossal screwup that doomed all of humankind. It would be extremely difficult to do worse. So why not aim for the top? A Grand nation with a Patron to boost our power up even higher has the best chances of defeating Mr. Gold Trim. The price of victory may be high, but the prize is worth the gamble.
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options) most scenarios I would very much like to keep the possiblity of diplomacy and peaceful negoiation always open.

40k Earth pre-unification is not one of those scenarios.
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)

We need every edge we have to survive the colossal fuck up that was pre-unification Earth and to hold a leverage against Big E.
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)
[X] Grand - from a hidden place a new force upon the world emerges from seclusion, ancient and mighty technologies are their's and under their aegis billions live and fight as with all such forces. Their steel clad and las armed legions march forth to take the homeworld as their own. (Controls thousands of pops, controls at least 10 cities and has reasonably high city and pop mods. Army is one of the strongest in the world, has up to 6 heroes, has immense technology and relics from the Dark Age. Can NOT engage in diplomacy except from a position of strength and will refuse to bend the knee unless completely beaten.)
[X] Relic - secrets of the past are this nation's privilege to hold and control. They hold secrets that the other Grand nations missed in the scouring of the world after its collapse. (Will have a second vote on what kind of tech you salvaged from the Dark Age, higher level nations will have more options)