The Dragon Ascendant: NO SV: Welcome To Another Viserys Targaryen Quest (A Ck2 Quest)

[X] The Path of Ashes
...from which life rises anew. Fitting both in-character and out of it. heh. So, here's my thoughts and suggestions for roles (I promise, it's coincidental that almost all the choices are different ones from the last time around)

-[X] Areas of the Dornish Marches will be removed from the jurisdiction of the Reach and added to Dorne and/or the Stormlands.
-[X] All Debts from the Hostile Great Houses will be forgiven, and the Kingdom of Westeros will only have allied Debts to pay, and foreign creditors.
-[X] The hostages Robert took from across the Seven Kingdoms will remain in King's Landing for one year, to give the new King an opportunity to get to know the future lords of the realm
--[X] Permit the hostages' guardians to appoint a sworn sword to each hostage, at the Crown's expense.

Getting the belligerents to eat the cost of propping up Robert does have a delicious irony to it, and the Dornish Marches have been a source of tensions for too long. Keeping the 'hostages' isn't a bad idea (though we should figure out something else to call them; Wards of the Crown?) but their families will feel a lot less uneasy about it, I bet, if they have a sworn sword at their sides ... and the Crown covering the cost makes it more of a gesture of goodwill, rather than a "let's see which of you puts a monetary value on your kid's life and safety". I mean, it's one banana, Michael, what could it cost? Ten dollars?

-[X] Master of Laws (Diplomacy Advisor)
--[X] Mace Tyrell
--[X] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
---[X] Olenna Tyrell

It's a position appropriately elevated for the Fat Flower to feel his importance (and ego) have been appeased, but with Mace comes the one I really want: the Queen of Thorns. Also, putting a former belligerent in charge of your coin or your spies is just asking for trouble, I think ... but telling them "okay, now you're the public face of the regime; any screw-ups are equally on you as they are on me" would encourage them to do well rather than to undermine us or work at their own ends.

-[X] Master of Coin (Stewardship Advisor)
--[X] Genna Lannister

Not on the official list of options, but I'm sure she'd love an excuse to leave the Westerlands without worrying her idiot boys are going to get themselves killed, and she's a Lannister -- her Stewardship has to be at least decent.

-[X] Master of Whispers (Intrigue Advisor)
--[X] Aurane Waters
--[X] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
---[X] Arianne Martell

Let's be real, it's not a great look to have a family member be your spymaster, and Westeros has a history of that not going well when it's the king's wife. Also, it's work that requires a sharp mind, which Aurane has, but isn't as hands-on as Ships, which frees him up to mind his young wards (and if Arianne picks up some of the slack when he's not around, well ... I guess we'll see if he's practical or gets pissy about it)

-[X] Hand of the King
--[X] Oberyn Martell

He is, after all, one of the smartest and canniest minds in Westeros. He just needs a push to be responsible. It'll keep him too busy to cause trouble, and it gives Dorne the pride of position they deserve.

-[X] Master of Ships
--[X] Rodrik Harlaw

Simply put, the Iron Islands need a place at the table, and he's objectively the best man for the job.

Your Martial advisor will be:
-[X] the Master of War
--[X] Stannis Baratheon

Stannis needs a place at the table, also, but he's a poor choice for Hand or for Laws (banning brothels, Stannis, really??) but let him focus on what he's best at, and throw the occasional genuine compliment his way, he'll be set.

-[X] Lord Commander of the City Watch (not a Small Council position, but important nevertheless)
--[X] Davos Seaworth would be an unconventional choice, to say the least. A native of King's Landing, he is familiar with both sides of the law here, and is a loyal lieutenant of Stannis Baratheon. Older than the other options, he is still quite competent at management from what you can tell, and anyone who has spent as long as him on the seas has to be able to swing a sword properly.

It tells Stannis he at least has the ear of someone in Laws, and it keeps Davos around (plus, really, I think it's delightful to take a smuggler streetrat and put him in charge of the goldcloaks).

-[X] Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep (not a Small Council seat, but a position of prestige and importance)
--[X] Jory Cassel is the nephew of Ned Stark's master-at-arms, and has more or less been trained for the role since he was ten. While neither a knight nor a man of the Faith, he served you and Lord Stark well during the war, and unlike Kingsguard positions this is not a life appointment, so he could return home when he wished.

It's not nearly the gesture of thanks that the North deserves, but it means the castle will be well-in-hand by someone who's had his life shaped by Ned Stark's influence. Definitely a better choice than risking Ned's neck South of the Twins.

-[X] The King's Justice (not a Small Council seat, but a position of some prestige and dignity)
--[X] Sandor Clegane remained in the city, apparently, and has no qualms about killing people he's told to. Considering who may be in the Black Cells in the near future, he would probably jump at the opportunity.

Giving him total legal cover to kill his shithead brother and be free and clear of 'kinslayer' slanders should be reason enough for him to take the job. Not to mention that it also means he doesn't have to go home and play 'lord of the keep' to the little place Gregor will leave behind.
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I'm unclear of the year?

[] A New Dawn
-[ ] A significant amount of ships and material will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses (Royal Fleet & Red Keep Garrison become Full Strength)
-[ ] The hostages Robert took from across the Seven Kingdoms will remain in King's Landing for one year, to give the new King an opportunity to get to know the future lords of the realm
--[ ] Permit the hostages' guardians to appoint a sworn sword to each hostage, at the Crown's expense.
-[ ] A highborn hostage will be sent to the Red Keep (Write-in)
--[ ] Loras Tyrell
-[ ] A substantial but reasonable sum of gold and silver will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses, with smaller incriments to be paid as extra tax at the end of every year for a period of 5 years (+250,000 Dragons each)(+50000 Dragons per yer each for 5 years)

-[ ] Master of Laws (Diplomacy Advisor)
--[ ] Yohn Royce (Diplomacy 15)
-[ ] Master of Coin (Stewardship Advisor)
--[ ] Selwyn Tarth (Stewardship 15)
-[ ] Master of Whispers (Intrigue Advisor)
--[ ] Arianne Martell (Intrigue 19)
-[ ] Hand of the King
--[ ] Eddard Stark
--[ ] Jaime Lannister
--[ ] Jon Connington
-[ ] Master of Ships
--[ ] Rodrik Harlaw (Martial 17)
-[ ] the Master of War
--[ ] Brynden Tully (Martial 19)
-[ ] Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
--[X] Barristan Selmy
-[ ] Lord Commander of the City Watch
--[ ] Aegon Targaryen
-[ ] Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep
--[ ] Bonifer Hasty
-[ ] The King's Justice
--[ ] Sandor Clegane

Haven't decided on a Hand of the king beyond narrowing it to those 3. Other than the hand, I'm mainly going for people who we don't typically see in a position to determine the fate of westeros, and brynden Tully, because only a simpleton would pass on having him as a martial advisor.

Bonifer for neat lore. Sandor for cussing. Aegon for family bonding.

Shadow councilors and puppet small council members is a mad with power cersei move, and should therefore be avoided.
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I believe whatever we chose, the following option must be taken
[ ] A significant amount of ships and material will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses (Royal Fleet & Red Keep Garrison become Full Strength)

Getting the Royal Fleet and the garrison of our capital back to full strength is a must and should be first priority if we want to avoid a coup attempt from whoever is unhappy with our decisions (or just stupid enough, Looking at you Greyjoy)
[X] The Path of Ashes

-[X] Areas of the Dornish Marches will be removed from the jurisdiction of the Reach and added to Dorne and/or the Stormlands.
-[X] All Debts from the Hostile Great Houses will be forgiven, and the Kingdom of Westeros will only have allied Debts to pay, and foreign creditors.
-[X] The hostages Robert took from across the Seven Kingdoms will remain in King's Landing for one year, to give the new King an opportunity to get to know the future lords of the realm
--[X] Permit the hostages' guardians to appoint a sworn sword to each hostage, at the Crown's expense.

-[X] Master of Laws (Diplomacy Advisor)
--[X] Mace Tyrell
--[X] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
---[X] Olenna Tyrell

-[X] Master of Coin
(Stewardship Advisor)
--[X] Genna Lannister

-[X] Master of
Whispers (Intrigue Advisor)
--[X] Aurane Waters
--[X] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
---[X] Arianne Martell

-[X] Hand of the King
--[X] Oberyn Martell

-[X] Master of Ships
--[X] Rodrik Harlaw

-[X] Lord Commander of the King's Guard
--[X] Barristan Selmy

Your Martial advisor will be:
-[X] the Master of War
--[X] Stannis Baratheon

-[X] Lord Commander of the City Watch
(not a Small Council position, but important nevertheless)
--[X] Davos Seaworth would be an unconventional choice, to say the least. A native of King's Landing, he is familiar with both sides of the law here, and is a loyal lieutenant of Stannis Baratheon. Older than the other options, he is still quite competent at management from what you can tell, and anyone who has spent as long as him on the seas has to be able to swing a sword properly.

-[X] Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep (not a Small Council seat, but a position of prestige and importance)
--[X] Jory Cassel is the nephew of Ned Stark's master-at-arms, and has more or less been trained for the role since he was ten. While neither a knight nor a man of the Faith, he served you and Lord Stark well during the war, and unlike Kingsguard positions this is not a life appointment, so he could return home when he wished.

-[X] The King's Justice (not a Small Council seat, but a position of some prestige and dignity)
--[X] Sandor Clegane remained in the city, apparently, and has no qualms about killing people he's told to. Considering who may be in the Black Cells in the near future, he would probably jump at the opportunity.
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Oh and do not worry:

The consequences of your actions will be on full display over the next couple of turns.

I promise you that because it is going to be to damn funny to not show some of the things people are saying or thinking about you.
[X] Plan Rise of the Dragons
-[X] Areas of the Dornish Marches will be removed from the jurisdiction of the Reach and added to Dorne and/or the Stormlands.
-[X] A significant amount of ships and material will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses (Royal Fleet & Red Keep Garrison become Full Strength)
-[X] All Debts from the Hostile Great Houses will be forgiven, and the Kingdom of Westeros will only have allied Debts to pay, and foreign creditors.
-[X] The hostages Robert took from across the Seven Kingdoms will remain in King's Landing for one year, to give the new King an opportunity to get to know the future lords of the realm
--[X] Permit the hostages' guardians to appoint a sworn sword to each hostage

Ok, my reasoning for this is very simple we need both the ship and a garrison, and reducing the debt... And for the other two we need to both punish the Tyrell and get at least a year of stability... I disagree with the "At the Crowns Expense" because it may seem like an implicit threat (The Sworn sword is on our Payday)

-[X] Master of Laws (Diplomacy Advisor)
--[X] Eddard Stark (Diplomacy 17)

This is a place in which we need an honest and incorruptible man like Ned, so let´s put him to good use... And in a few years when we have consolidated our powers, we will be able to let this guy go back to the North and we can put Dany here with any fuss

-[X] Master of Coin (Stewardship Advisor)
--[X] Mace Tyrell (Stewardship 10)
--[X] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
---[X] Olenna Tyrell
(Stewardship 18)

Ok this is very easy to me, we need to throw the Reach a bone and a seat on the council is a great idea let´s be honest Olenna is probably the best administrator in the Seven Kingdoms

-[X] Master of Whispers (Intrigue Advisor)
--[X] Oberyn Martell (Intrigue 17)

While I love our wife and she is "in theory" more skilled than his Uncle I would rather have someone with more experience in the post.

-[X] Hand of the King
--[X]Jaime Lannister.

What can I say? Jaime was the MVP in the last quest, he has earned this position

-[X] Master of Ships
--[X] Rodrik Harlaw

This is a great way to link us Closet to the Iron Islands, and this guy is probably the most reasonable of all the Ironborsn, and he is an extremely skilled as an Admiral which is necessary for the post

Your Martial advisor will be:
-[X] the Master of War
--[X] Stannis Baratheon

Nothing to add here, he is the best Commander in Westeros, it would be stupid to give this position to anyone else.

-[X] Lord Commander of the City Watch (not a Small Council position, but important nevertheless)
--[X] Jacelyn Bywater is an officer in the goldcloaks, who served with distinction (but not infamy or cruelty) during the Kraken's Folly. Losing a hand in the rebellion, he was knighted for his troubles and has since served ably in the City Watch, yet has not advanced through the ranks nor gained loyalty from many goldcloaks. Privately, you confirm that this is because he is not on board with extortionate bribery or wanton cruelty, and because Commander Slynt rather openly despises him.

This guy gives me a lot of "Commissioner Gordon" vibes, one of the very few Goldcloakc that is really incorruptible, and since he has been in the organization for year he is probably the best guy for helping us reforming into a worthy force

-[X] Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep (not a Small Council seat, but a position of prestige and importance)
--[X] Bonifer Hasty is a somewhat older knight of the Stormlands, who apparently was once close with your mother, and more recently did not involve himself in the war, except to protect smallfolk from predation from either side. Appointing him would be seen as a move of reconciliation towards Stormlanders not named Connington or Baratheon, would please the Faithful, and he'd possibly be someone to talk to about your mother.

Ok, besides the fact that he seems to be a good and honest man, it gives us some really nice benefits, like a way of pleasing both the Faithful and the Stormlands, and an interesting plot hook for our dear old mum

-[X] The King's Justice (not a Small Council seat, but a position of some prestige and dignity)
--[X] Sandor Clegane remained in the city, apparently, and has no qualms about killing people he's told to. Considering who may be in the Black Cells in the near future, he would probably jump at the opportunity.

OK, I like the Hound, he will make a good job as our executioner, and of we let him kill his brother we will have his eternal loyalty
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I'm unclear of the year?

[X] PlanA New Dawn
-[X] A significant amount of ships and material will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses (Royal Fleet & Red Keep Garrison become Full Strength)
-[X] The hostages Robert took from across the Seven Kingdoms will remain in King's Landing for one year, to give the new King an opportunity to get to know the future lords of the realm
--[X] Permit the hostages' guardians to appoint a sworn sword to each hostage, at the Crown's expense.
-[X] A highborn hostage will be sent to the Red Keep (Write-in)
--[X] Loras Tyrell
-[X] A substantial but reasonable sum of gold and silver will be taken from each of the defeated Great Houses, with smaller incriments to be paid as extra tax at the end of every year for a period of 5 years (+250,000 Dragons each)(+50000 Dragons per yer each for 5 years)

-[X] Master of Laws (Diplomacy Advisor)
--[X] Yohn Royce (Diplomacy 15)
-[X] Master of Coin (Stewardship Advisor)
--[X] Selwyn Tarth (Stewardship 15)
-[X] Master of Whispers (Intrigue Advisor)
--[X] Arianne Martell (Intrigue 19)
-[X] Hand of the King
--[X] Jaime Lannister
-[X] Master of Ships
--[X] Rodrik Harlaw (Martial 17)
-[X] the Master of War
--[X] Brynden Tully (Martial 19)
-[X] Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
--[X] Barristan Selmy
-[X] Lord Commander of the City Watch
--[X] Aegon Targaryen
-[X] Master-at-Arms of the Red Keep
--[X] Bonifer Hasty
-[X] The King's Justice
--[X] Sandor Clegane

Haven't decided on a Hand of the king beyond narrowing it to those 3. Other than the hand, I'm mainly going for people who we don't typically see in a position to determine the fate of westeros, and brynden Tully, because only a simpleton would pass on having him as a martial advisor.
Have decided on Jaime, because following in his fathers footsteps would annoy him and having to stay south would annoy eddard, and I hate Jaime and like eddard, and have zero interest in Jon.

Bonifer for neat lore. Sandor for cussing. Aegon for family bonding.

Shadow councilors and puppet small council members is a mad with power cersei move, and should therefore be avoided. That said I can tolerate a single Shadow Councilor. Feel free to suggest your pick while voting and I'll edit in the first shadow councilor to get more than 3 votes.
-[] All Debts from the Hostile Great Houses will be forgiven, and the Kingdom of Westeros will only have allied Debts to pay, and foreign creditors.
-[] The hostages Robert took from across the Seven Kingdoms will remain in King's Landing for one year, to give the new King an opportunity to get to know the future lords of the realm
--[] Permit the hostages' guardians to appoint a sworn sword to each hostage

Ok, my reasoning for this is very simple we need both the ship and a garrison, and reducing the debt... And for the other two we need to both punish the Tyrell and get at least a year of stability... I disagree with the "At the Crowns Expense" because it may seem like an implicit threat (The Sworn sword is on our Payday)


-[] Master of Coin (Stewardship Advisor)
--[] Mace Tyrell (Stewardship 10)
--[] Appoint a Shadow Councilor
---[] Olenna Tyrell
(Stewardship 18)

Ok this is very easy to me, we need to throw the Reach a bone and a seat on the council is a great idea let´s be honest Olenna is probably the best administrator in the Seven Kingdoms
trimmed to focus on specific points:

'at the Crown's expense' could only be taken as an implicit threat if the Crown was the one selecting the swords, which it explicitly is not. Someone could choose to be a spiteful shit and send a former belligerent to watch over their kid, and we'd cover the cost of housing and feeding them the same as someone who sent their regional flavour of Arthur Dayne. It's the aftermath of the third major war on this continent inside twenty years, and Winter is Coming; many if not most houses are going to be having harvest and monetary shortfalls, the least we can do is relieve one expense (that we're inflicting on them in the first place, by keeping their kids for a year).

Appointing the Tyrells to head up Coin after 1) they just were at war against you and 2) you just made them eat the cost of supporting Robert's regime by forcing them to forgive the Crown's debts to them, really feels like asking for trouble. Like, going "Yes, you have great financial incentive to screw me over and cook the books to make back the money you just lost to me, but we're totally all good now, so here's the keys to the Treasury!" is either brazen or careless.

To be clear, I don't think the Tyrells are the worst choice for Coin ... but they are if you also want the debts they hold over the Crown forgiven. And the debt forgiveness is pretty important, so that's why I offer a different seat to them.
How many swords does it take to forge a valyrian steel armor suit?

The thing is about those swords, they are mostly the standard longsword, along with a few great swords and Zweihanders among them.

However, there is enough steal in there to outfit your entire guard in Steel, weapons that is.
...from which life rises anew. Fitting both in-character and out of it. heh. So, here's my thoughts and suggestions for roles (I promise, it's coincidental that almost all the choices are different ones from the last time around)
Glad to see that just because you didn't finish the last quest, doesn't mean you can't enjoy this one.

Though I shall say: I hope to see an omake or two, that would be awesome, and help you return to form.
It's a position appropriately elevated for the Fat Flower to feel his importance (and ego) have been appeased, but with Mace comes the one I really want: the Queen of Thorns. Also, putting a former belligerent in charge of your coin or your spies is just asking for trouble, I think ... but telling them "okay, now you're the public face of the regime; any screw-ups are equally on you as they are on me" would encourage them to do well rather than to undermine us or work at their own ends.
All I shall say is be careful: The Queen of Thrones is really my favorite character, but she's also one of the few people that Viserys may have a problem dealing with.

And that is all I will say.
Not on the official list of options, but I'm sure she'd love an excuse to leave the Westerlands without worrying her idiot boys are going to get themselves killed, and she's a Lannister -- her Stewardship has to be at least decent.
GEnna's Stewardship is 18. so she isn't a terrible choice.

Just not a Tywin, a Tyrion or Keaven choice.
He is, after all, one of the smartest and canniest minds in Westeros. He just needs a push to be responsible. It'll keep him too busy to cause trouble, and it gives Dorne the pride of position they deserve.
Oberyn as hand of the King, is either going to be a disaster, or he'll be one of thegraetest Hands that Westeros has had in a long time.

There is no middle ground.
Simply put, the Iron Islands need a place at the table, and he's objectively the best man for the job.
The Reader is Many things:

Sane and rational are definitely his best traits.
Stannis needs a place at the table, also, but he's a poor choice for Hand or for Laws (banning brothels, Stannis, really??) but let him focus on what he's best at, and throw the occasional genuine compliment his way, he'll be set.
Stannis the Mannis is perhaps one of the few commanders in Westeros who can Revolutionize Warfighting in Westeros.

Like he can probably start the infantry Revolution is we really give him enough tools to do so.

Or found a naval academy. Grumpy headmaster Stannis is a sight that will never grow old.
It tells Stannis he at least has the ear of someone in Laws, and it keeps Davos around (plus, really, I think it's delightful to take a smuggler streetrat and put him in charge of the goldcloaks).
Davos is also one of the few people in the city that know just how dark it is.

Plus, there is always a chance for a Batman and Robin to show up and do justice in the city.
It's not nearly the gesture of thanks that the North deserves, but it means the castle will be well-in-hand by someone who's had his life shaped by Ned Stark's influence. Definitely a better choice than risking Ned's neck South of the Twins.
Why we love Jory:

1. He's Fucking Loyal to the Ned, and to us.

That is all.
Giving him total legal cover to kill his shithead brother and be free and clear of 'kinslayer' slanders should be reason enough for him to take the job. Not to mention that it also means he doesn't have to go home and play 'lord of the keep' to the little place Gregor will leave behind.
The Hound is someone I really want to write.
I'm unclear of the year?
The Year is 297 AC.

The Sixth Year of the Long Summer.
Getting the Royal Fleet and the garrison of our capital back to full strength is a must and should be first priority if we want to avoid a coup attempt from whoever is unhappy with our decisions (or just stupid enough, Looking at you Greyjoy)
Balon is not in the position to really.... start any thing.

At all.
This is a place in which we need an honest and incorruptible man like Ned, so let´s put him to good use... And in a few years when we have consolidated our powers, we will be able to let this guy go back to the North and we can put Dany here with any fuss
Starks don't last long south of the neck, just a reminder.
What can I say? Jaime was the MVP in the last quest, he has earned this position
But will he be smart about it this time.
This guy gives me a lot of "Commissioner Gordon" vibes, one of the very few Goldcloakc that is really incorruptible, and since he has been in the organization for year he is probably the best guy for helping us reforming into a worthy force
Who's to say he isn't the Commissioner Gordon of Kings Landing.
OK, I like the Hound, he will make a good job as our executioner, and of we let him kill his brother we will have his eternal loyalty
Just make sure to get him his chickens.
Shadow councilors and puppet small council members is a mad with power cersei move, and should therefore be avoided. That said I can tolerate a single Shadow Councilor. Feel free to suggest your pick while voting and I'll edit in the first shadow councilor to get more than 3 votes.
Shadow Councilors are actually far more common in Westeros than you think.

In the Dance of Dragons, there was a lot of them. Chief among them: Daemon the Rouge Prince.
Shadow Councilors are actually far more common in Westeros than you think.

In the Dance of Dragons, there was a lot of them. Chief among them: Daemon the Rouge Prince.
Wow! So it was most prevalent during the most depopulating war in Targarian history? What an amazing endorsement. Truly, only the most foolish of kings would fail to emulate the masterful orchestrators of the Dance of Dragons, even in spite of the Throne Destruction and desire to break away from the Tyranny of his predeccessors.
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Glad to see that just because you didn't finish the last quest, doesn't mean you can't enjoy this one.

Though I shall say: I hope to see an omake or two, that would be awesome, and help you return to form.
Definitely can enjoy it, and seeing how things go differently will be enjoyable, too. Can't promise a return to form (or a return, period) but fingers remain crossed!
All I shall say is be careful: The Queen of Thrones is really my favorite character, but she's also one of the few people that Viserys may have a problem dealing with.
That actually sweetens the deal on my end; an oppositional, antagonistic force (that isn't murdering children, and has his sense of humour) is just what V needs.
Davos is also one of the few people in the city that know just how dark it is.

Plus, there is always a chance for a Batman and Robin to show up and do justice in the city.
Half-jokingly, I'll say be careful what you wish for; a SW quest in 2020 started to get real off-the-rails because the OP inserted Harley and Ivy as a laugh, and I took that ball and ran with it. King's Landing as Gotham stand-in does make sense on some level, too...
Balon is not in the position to really.... start any thing.

At all.
Well, now that's unfair.

He's in an excellent position to make a mess on the floor, what with the drooling and the incontinence.
Definitely can enjoy it, and seeing how things go differently will be enjoyable, too. Can't promise a return to form (or a return, period) but fingers remain crossed!
I can hope, and that is all I can do for you.
That actually sweetens the deal on my end; an oppositional, antagonistic force (that isn't murdering children, and has his sense of humour) is just what V needs.
Well the problem is, the REach is still powerfully bullshit in its manpower reserves. So we still need to worry about them. Plus they are now the Economic heartland of Westeros still.

We need to play nice.
Half-jokingly, I'll say be careful what you wish for; a SW quest in 2020 started to get real off-the-rails because the OP inserted Harley and Ivy as a laugh, and I took that ball and ran with it. King's Landing as Gotham stand-in does make sense on some level, too...
Kings Landing is a cesspool of scum and villany, a shitty place (pun intended) to live that is full of crime.

I would be surprised if it doesn't get a batman... or we clean it up by the power of being very good at our job.
He's in an excellent position to make a mess on the floor, what with the drooling and the incontinence.
True, but he's closer to death then some people realize.
Kings Landing is a cesspool of scum and villany, a shitty place (pun intended) to live that is full of crime.

I would be surprised if it doesn't get a batman... or we clean it up by the power of being very good at our job.
Let's be careful with this. Where there's a Batman, there's a Joker. And that would be all kinds of headaches to deal with...

Half-jokingly, I'll say be careful what you wish for; a SW quest in 2020 started to get real off-the-rails because the OP inserted Harley and Ivy as a laugh, and I took that ball and ran with it. King's Landing as Gotham stand-in does make sense on some level, too...
Could you link me that Quest? It sounds fun!
That moment where you see Vs new stats and wonder:

Shit even with his depression hes still over powered!?

Well the problem is, the Reach is still powerfully bullshit in its manpower reserves. So we still need to worry about them. Plus they are now the Economic heartland of Westeros still.

We need to play nice.
Oh yeah, definitely. I meant it in the sense of "Viserys has already cowed Tywin Lannister and has the Martells on-side, the only other person who can go toe-to-toe with him, without being a straight-up villain like Baelish, is Olenna." And that should be fun as hell to watch, especially as he has to at least try to make nice rather than just pull out the dragon trump-card.
Kings Landing is a cesspool of scum and villany, a shitty place (pun intended) to live that is full of crime.

I would be surprised if it doesn't get a batman... or we clean it up by the power of being very good at our job.
Let's be careful with this. Where there's a Batman, there's a Joker. And that would be all kinds of headaches to deal with...
[casually starts humming the Animated Series theme]
Could you link me that Quest? It sounds fun!
Lady Ciaran has been the centre of a few SW quests the past few years, but this is the one with the DC transplants (and set in the 19-0BBY range; the height of the Empire). She is also (like Viserys here) another SV protagonist who has entirely too much luck with statistically implausible amounts of success on dice rolls. Seriously, some of those rolls are just reality-breaking.
Wow! So it was most prevalent during the most depopulating war in Targarian history? What an amazing endorsement. Truly, only the most foolish of kings would fail to emulate the masterful orchestrators of the Dance of Dragons, even in spite of the Throne Destruction and desire to break away from the Tyranny of his predeccessors.
In all fairness, just because the Practice was most prevalent during one of the worst times of Targaryen Rule doesn't mean the Practice in itself is bad.
Oh yeah, definitely. I meant it in the sense of "Viserys has already cowed Tywin Lannister and has the Martells on-side, the only other person who can go toe-to-toe with him, without being a straight-up villain like Baelish, is Olenna
It will also mean Oleana is bringing her A game and so much can be done to protect her interests and that of her family.

But she is also smart enough to not assasinate anyone.

She's smart enough to know one more war will destroy Westeros for generations.
And that should be fun as hell to watch, especially as he has to at least try to make nice rather than just pull out the dragon trump-card
Viserys and Oleana sipping tea is now something I am furiously writing!
[casually starts humming the Animated Series theme]
I mean what can Aegon do in his spare time as Prince of the throne when not given a job anyway?
In all fairness, just because the Practice was most prevalent during one of the worst times of Targaryen Rule doesn't mean the Practice in itself is bad

And it may be great for keeping the council running smoothly.
Starks don't last long south of the neck, just a reminder.
I was counting on it... The main reason why I didn't include Dany as our Shadow Councilor is because Ned will probably leave us, by his own initiative and with our blessing, in a couple of years... And then we can have Dany as our official Master of Laws, once we have consolidated our powers enough that no one beat an eye to having a woman in a position of authority
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