What would readers prefer?

  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is open for the next 2 days, 11 hours
Off topic, but what does our Manakete form look like anyway? Not all manaketes look the same from my understanding…

I have a picture for Ryza's dragon form: I was planning on saving it for the big reveal when you all finally decide to transform :p. In general: four legs, bright yellow-gold scales, horns. A bit like Myrrh's dragon form, except without the back crest.
I have a picture for Ryza's dragon form: I was planning on saving it for the big reveal when you all finally decide to transform :p. In general: four legs, bright yellow-gold scales, horns. A bit like Myrrh's dragon form, except without the back crest.
Honestly I would have accepted it's a surprise, but that's pretty sweet.
[X] Forest Path: A more roundabout path, going through the interestingly-named Eternal Forest. You will hopefully be able to avoid the bandits, though there might be… other things, among the trees. Axton favors this option.
[X] Getting to know your companions. You've talked to Artemis, and you consider her a friend, but you don't know a lot about her. You also haven't had much time to talk to Axton and Lancel. Get to know them, and maybe they can get to know you too.
[X] Plan Early Chapter

I also want to do this. I know FE never did this but is Rule of Cool in this quest?

I understand if it's not but I think a Manakete doing this in human form would both be awesome and broken.

At the current moment, I doubt it would be available but it would be really broken if it was.

Edit: I would have used a Laxus one, but I figured it wouldn't fit because our Manakete isn't exactly a buff guy.
Edited my vote. Kinda wonder if artificial mages are a thing in this setting, or if it's just Artemis' necessary fiction for understanding Ryza's arcane prowess.
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I was thinking on that too. The fact that Artemis's mind even could go there at all though suggests to me that if they're not actually a thing in-setting, the necessary magic/technology/...magitech? is apparently close enough to achieving it that three non mages all apparently leapt to that same conclusion when presented with Ryza's abilities. Four if we assume the bandit who called Ryza a monster did so for making the same assumption.
I was thinking on that too. The fact that Artemis's mind even could go there at all though suggests to me that if they're not actually a thing in-setting, the necessary magic/technology/...magitech? is apparently close enough to achieving it that three non mages all apparently leapt to that same conclusion when presented with Ryza's abilities. Four if we assume the bandit who called Ryza a monster did so for making the same assumption.
I think the bandit might've seen one of the brief moments Ryza's wings were visible?
Also possible. Honestly that moment was why I thought Artemis had figured out we were a manakete until she came out with the artificial mage bit. The way that scene was written I thought for sure that Axton and Lancel noticed and was why they were "gawking" at Ryza (and that Artemis's constant shutting down any of their attempts to protest was because she knew too but did not want to talk about it right then) but apparently they didn't... or just omitted it from their list of Definitely Not Normal Things she's demonstrated in front of them.
I love all the theorizing, and I hope to answer most if not all of the questions as they come up in-story.

In the current winning vote, talking to your companions will give some ideas as to what people did and didn't see that made them somewhat nervous about Ryza.

Most of all, though, I'm just glad people seem to like the story.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Dec 21, 2021 at 6:43 PM, finished with 45 posts and 25 votes.

EDIT: Cool, this is the automatic one.

Happy holidays all, next post probably won't be up until Sunday sometime, but you'll get some more information about the world and its people.

EDIT 2: Or not so cool, it gave me a line format rather than a plan format. Here's the better version.

Adhoc vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Dec 24, 2021 at 9:37 PM, finished with 53 posts and 25 votes.
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Homeward Bound
[X] Direct Path. The most obvious choice, it will take the least amount of time to get back to Artemis's home. However, it does leave you somewhat vulnerable to the bandits. Artemis favors this option.

[X] Getting to know your companions. You've talked to Artemis, and you consider her a friend, but you don't know a lot about her. You also haven't had much time to talk to Axton and Lancel. Get to know them, and maybe they can get to know you too.

[X] Plan Early Chapter
-[X] A talented newcomer joins your band of travelers.
-[X] A friend thought lost returns the band.
-[X] Kindly locals help you gather enough supplies to keep your band going.
-[X] A plea that cannot be ignored delays your travels.
-[X] A shadow moves beyond your sight.

"Country road, take me home, to the place I belong…"

"My lady, I'm not saying it's impossible, but this is the riskiest path," Axton says warily.

"I know," Artemis says. "But it also has the most benefits. The faster we can get back, the less time the bandits will have to call for reinforcements. There is someone else behind all this: it's clear that somebody is paying for these men to kidnap me. If this mysterious person has the resources to buy not only these men, but Robert's loyalty, then they surely have other resources they can bring to bear." She points to the map. "Besides, we know this path well: we've traveled it before. There are multiple villages that can help supply us: with four mouths to feed, we're going to be stretched thin for a roundabout path."

Lancel nods. "If this is what you think is best, my lady, then it will be done," he says. "We should get moving: the bandits may have discovered the breakout by now."

"I would say it's likely," Artemis says. "And with clear lightning burns, they'll know we have a mage with us now: we won't be able to rely on them splitting up into small, easily eliminated groups." She smiles grimly. "Of course, that means they're going to be a bit slower: even having taken our horses, it will take them some time to force them to follow orders from strangers." Her face becomes downcast. "I hope Actaeon's okay."

The two men glance at each other. "I'm sure they won't hurt him," Axton says. "If nothing else, the majority of them seem to be profit-oriented, and… well, Agrithian horses are valuable." Artemis flinches, but nods.

"Are you ready to go, Ryza?" Artemis asks.

You nod, having spent the past few minutes quietly eating as you watch the more experienced travelers debate the best path, your eyes following them like a ball being thrown around. "I'm good," you say.

"Then let's get going."

The four of you slip out of the hidden back-cave, carefully checking to make sure no bandits were wandering around. Thankfully, you were alone, and so you began your trek.

As you reach the bottom of the mountain: you pause for a moment to look back. Everything you'd ever know, nearly a century of life, you were leaving behind on that tall, cold mountain. You don't know when you're going to see it again, and for a moment you want to tell Artemis and the others to go on without you: you could sneak back up and start trying to fix all the damage that had been done. Maybe you could still make a shrine to your parents: it wouldn't have their dragonstones, but…


You turn. Artemis and her friends had stopped a few meters away and were watching you. "Sorry," you say, hurrying over. "I just… this is the farthest I've ever been from home…"

Artemis smiles gently. "I know," she says. "I was nervous the first time Father took me away from Agrithe; and I was with people I'd known all my life. But I swear to you, Ryza, you will be safe with me." She holds out a hand. "Will you trust me, Ryza?"

Slowly, you reach out and intertwine your fingers with hers. "I trust you, Artemis."

Hand in hand, the two of you set off, flanked by Axton and Lancel. The journey will be long, but you will see it through together.

"Artemis, what's your family like?"

The four of you had been walking for several hours, and it was getting harder and harder to resist the urge to spread your wings and just get moving. Of course, even without Artemis's suggestion that you should not make humans jealous, doing so would only be a temporary reprieve. After all, while you could fly, you didn't think Artemis, Axton and Lancel could, so you'd still be going just as slowly.

It was so tempting, though…

Instead, you force yourself to think about things other than the glacial pace you were moving at. You'd started by doing some minor exploring; trotting ahead and occasionally lagging behind as you studied the strange new world you've found yourself in. Other than it being more flat than you were used to and with fewer big rocks, things were actually pretty similar. There were small creatures that would either stare at you as you moved or dart for safety, even though you had no interest in hurting them. There were rises and divots that you could dive into. It's actually kind of nice.

However, you couldn't really indulge as much as you wanted to, as Artemis would call you back whenever you started too far. She was staring to act like Mother, and that created its own confusing jumble of feelings: annoyance that she was still treating you like a fragile little girl, affection and happiness that she cared enough to, and pain whenever you remembered that Mother wasn't here to fuss anymore.

So instead, you wonder about the new home you were making your way towards. What would it be like? Would it be large but empty like your old home? Would it be small and teeming with life? Would the people there be like Artemis: kind, gentle, but fierce when crossed? Would they be like Axton and Lancel: quiet, deferential, but still wary of you? Would they be something else entirely?

These are things that you want to know, and when you want to know things, you ask questions.

The human looks down at you. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, if I'm going to meet them, I'd like to know a bit about them first. I was just wondering, but if you don't-"

Artemis waves a hand. "No, no, it's fine," she says. "I just guess I wasn't expecting it." She pauses for a moment to think before continuing. "Well, as I said when we first met, my father is Archduke Letoro Cartese of Agrithe, the most powerful of the Southern Kingdoms. Because of this, he's often busy, trying to maintain the delicate balance of alliances and rivalries that keeps us all free from the Empire. However, he is a good man, and above all he pays his debts. You saved me: he will make sure you're rewarded for that."

You frown. "I didn't do that for any reward," you say.

"I know you didn't Ryza," Artemis says, ruffling your hair. "But please, don't argue when he offers. He is a good man, but he is also a proud man, and he does not want to feel that he's in someone's debt for longer than he has to. He will insist, and I assure you, he will win the argument. Best just to smile and go along with it."

"Okay," you say.

Artemis laughs. "I'm sorry, that's just the way Father is. My stepmother is just about the only person who can outlast him in a debate."

You cock your head. "Stepmother?" you ask. "Where is she stepping?"

Artemis blinks down at you in confusion before letting out a sigh, suddenly seeming tired. "No, that's not what I mean," she says. "It's… complicated, Ryza, but the short version is that I never knew my blood-mother: she died giving birth to me, and so-"

You gasp: that's- "What?! How?!"

"Father said Mother was always a fragile woman; I guess childbirth was just too much for her. The healers did everything they could… but sometimes, the Sentinel sees fit to conscript someone for his Wall, and there's nothing we mortals can do about it."

You're shaken: humans could die giving birth? The thought was just impossible to you: when Mother had told you how babies were made, you'd done some reading, and there hadn't been anything about there being risks involved! How… how could humans let that happen? Why would the human's First Mother let a child lose their mother in the act of coming into the world?

Artemis had paused, seeming to consider what to say to you, before patting you on the shoulder. "Ryza, it's okay. I know Mother loved me, Father has told me enough stories about her to fill that void, and my stepmother is a good woman. Father remarried not long after Mother's death, so I don't remember a time without her. I love her, she loves me, even though she didn't give birth to me. She will also be grateful that you saved me; expect to be hugged very tightly as soon as she gets her hands on you. I promise to pry her off as soon as I can."

You shake yourself out of your fearful thoughts as you nod. "Okay," you say. That doesn't sound too bad. Better that Artemis had a mother to love her, even if you're still confused as to why someone hasn't done anything about the whole dying-during-childbirth thing.

"Lastly, there's my brother, Apollo," Artemis continues. "Well, technically he's my stepbrother: he's four years younger than me, but for all intents and purposes he's my brother." She smiles. "It's a shame he won't be there: he's currently going to school at the Marble Hall: I mentioned he had a gift for magic that I lack. I think you two would get along; he's only a few years older than you, and he loves magic. I was actually just visiting him, that's why we were out here." Her face falls. "Sprits, how am I going to tell him about Selena…"

You gently reach out and take her hand again. "I'm sorry for making you talk about this," you say.

"No, no, it's alright," Artemis says. "Selena… she wasn't related by blood. She was my bodyguard, my confidant, my best friend. She was the one I could talk to when I had things I just… couldn't discuss with my parents." The human takes a shuddering breath. "I… I still can't believe she's gone."

The pair of you walk in silence for a few minutes, lost in your thoughts. You liked the sound of Artemis's family, and you wanted to ask more about them, but she seemed to be grieving, and you had learned enough about that in the past day to realize that sometimes it's just best to let the pain flow rather than try to distract from it. Instead, you simply squeeze her hand to let her know that you're still here for her.

Finally, Artemis takes a deep breath before glancing down at you. "So what about your parents? You mentioned they're both great sages, and they certainly raised a fine young lady, but what about them as people?"

You perk up. "Well, I was always closer to Father," you say. "He taught me about magic: taught me how to channel it, how to keep it from getting out and doing anything I didn't want it to. He was going to teach me about runewrighting, though… he didn't have time." You push the pain back: you want to focus on the happy things for now. "He was patient, he was kind. He was always willing to take the time to explain anything I had questions about. He loved teaching; I think that was just about his favorite thing to do."

Artemis smiles sadly. "And your mother?"

"She was great too. She was more focused on keeping us all safe: she was the one who dealt with any outsiders. She was the head of the tribe, and so when people came it was usually to talk to her." You frown. "Though… that didn't really happen often. There were so few of us… mother said that once that whole mountain was crowded."

"Truly?" Artemis says. "It was so big."

You nod. "Yes. Mother told stories about the old days, how we were just one of many families that made up our tribe. There were a few others still around when I was younger, but they all left as I grew up. It was just the three of us, Father, Mother and I at the end."

"What changed?" Artemis asks, and as you glance at her you notice the same strange, questioning look on her face, the one that she wears whenever you're talking about yourself. You bite back a sigh: you thought you'd sorted everything out with her last night.

Still, she's your friend, and you trust her. "I don't really know," you say. "That's the one thing Father and Mother never told me about: I tried to listen in on them sometimes, but they wanted to keep me calm, keep me happy." You grit your teeth. "All I know is that whatever it was, it was all Shyrlonay's fault."

"Who was that?" Artemis asks, cocking her head.

"He was a High Lord; one of the leaders of the Five Tribes," you say warily, looking around as if he was about to swoop out of the sky when you dared to mention his name. "I don't know much, Mother and Father never talked about him to me, but apparently he wanted more power, and so there was a lot of arguing and fighting about it. Mother didn't like him, she said he was going to destroy us all."

Artemis's lip curls in disgust. "Sounds like an Imperial," she growls. "I know his type; never satisfied, uncaring about anything other than their own power. Willing to destroy anyone who dares to speak against them. It seems that some things never change." She looks down at you, any trace of sadness and grief driven out by determination. "I know not who this man is, but I swear that if he comes for you, I will protect you."

A part of you wants to laugh: you could beat Artemis with both wings tied in your dragon form. Mother, your heart-form's magic could beat her so long as you had a moment to prepare. An adult manakete would barely deign to notice her, let alone a High Lord… but the determination and fire in her eyes give you pause. Whether or not she could actually succeed, Artemis would do whatever she had to do to protect those she cared about. A group that apparently included you.

"Thank you, Artemis," you say quietly. "I'll protect you too."

(Support rank C reached.)

You continue to travel through the day, and thankfully there's no trouble. That night, after finding a wooded area to take shelter in, the group stops to rest. You are once again able to argue your way into the watch cycle, and you manage to resist the urge to read while you're doing it. That's a good thing, as you thought you heard something in the distance, but rather than go exploring you simply hunker down with the others, clutching Thunder's Cry so tightly that you left grooves in your fingers that you could almost read. However, thankfully, what or whoever was out there didn't actually find you, so the night passed peacefully.

When you tell Artemis about it in the morning, she frowns. "I know I said they'd do this, but a part of me had hoped they would just cut their losses. We're going to have to be even more careful now." She looks down at the map she'd sketched out. "We should avoid the road itself: the ground is flat enough that the horses will give the bandits a major advantage, even with poor riding. If we stick to the outskirts; the terrain will be rough enough that we should be able to move somewhat undetected, and if they do find us we'll have some defensible terrain nearby."

Everybody nods. "There's a village not far from here," Lancel says. "It would be a risk, but we could go there; we would be able to gather enough supplies that we could move more quickly afterwards. Even with horses, only a fraction of the bandit's force could have reached us, at least in any fit state to fight."

Artemis slowly nods. "That sounds like a good idea," she says. "You're talking about Miau, right? It's a small village, but the people there have always taken hospitality seriously. We shouldn't have a problem getting their help, especially once they hear what happened. If nothing else, they'll appreciate the warning."

The four of you set out again, moving warily through the countryside. The desire to explore had faded, and you stuck to Artemis and kept Thunder's Call in hand, expecting the bad men to leap from the brush or trees at any moment. Thankfully, it seemed that if it had been the bandits you heard last night, they had decided to take a nap, as you were able to travel for a few hours unassaulted.

Finally, as the band is passing through another wooded area, Artemis comes to a halt. "That sound… I hear something: an axe against wood…" She glanced up at the sky, seeming to think. "I think we're near enough to Miau that it's probably a woodsman. We should check it out."

Creeping forward, you peer around a tree to see a massive man wielding an axe. For a moment, you think Artemis is wrong and it's another of the bandits, but this man is wearing a shirt if nothing else, and his axe is biting into a tree. He pauses, wiping sweat from his brow, before picking up his axe and restarting.

"Stay here," Artemis breaths, pushing your head down. "Lancel, with me."

With bated breath, you and Axton watch as Artemis and Lancel make their way towards the man. He notices them almost immediately, pausing mid-swing. "Who goes there?" he asks with a voice that sounds like it's normally jovial but is now laced with wariness. His axe shifts, held in front of him defensively.

"Hail," Artemis says, pulling her hood back and raising her hands palm-out. "Are you from Miau?"

The man stares at her. "I am," he says. "I… feel like I've seen you before, girl," he rumbles.

"I passed through a few weeks ago," Artemis says. "I hope you are all still well."

The man continues to stare at her, only to start as another voice cuts in. "Bill, don't interrogate the poor dear!" an older woman calls, bustling out the brush with a basket full of plants. "Look at the state of her! Look at her eyes! Look at her clothes! Have you slept at all, dearie?!"

"Mother…" Bill says wearily. "With everything that's happened…"

"Oh, you don't think this girl is a bandit, do you?" Bill's mother says. "Especially not with a child in tow."

Artemis looks back at you with a sigh, and you realize that you'd peeked too far out and been spotted. "Thank you," she says, gesturing for you and Lancel to join her. "You're right: we have not had easy travels these past few days. I had hoped to warn you about the bandits from the mountain, but it seems I was too late."

The woman shakes her head. "The mountains? Oh, no, we haven't had any trouble from that direction for months. No, it's the forest boys that are giving us difficulty these days." She peers closer at Artemis. "But my Bill is right… I think I remember you…"

"As I was saying to your son; I passed through recently. I am Artemis of Agrithe; your village treated my company and I hospitably when we were heading west, and I pray you will find it in your hearts to do so again as I return."

Both villagers gasp. "My lady!" Bill says, falling to one knee. "Forgive me-"

"I understand your suspicious, especially if you're having trouble already," Artemis said gently, making a gesture with her hand for him to rise. "Please, there is no need for that."

The woman bows with a soft smile. "You truly are young Lady Cartese," she says. "I remember your kindness and humility well. Come, I'm sure you wish to speak to the mayor. Let us not delay: it is not safe for a young lady to be out with so few guards, even on this side of the village."

With the two villagers leading the way, it doesn't take you long to reach Miau. You wish you had a dozen more eyes as you look around, there is so much to look at. Thatched-roof houses belch smoke from chimneys, in the distance there is a tall tower with odd sails that spin in the wind. A large stone building hulks in the center, standing tall and proud. Having grown up in a cave, seeing shelters that were built from scratch and not carved out of stone is new and incredible.

Then there were the people! There were so many, more than you'd ever seen in one place before in your life. Dozens of them are out and about: children your own age run around throwing things to and at each other. Adults alternate between talking in hushed voices and shouting across the square. Everywhere you look, there is bustle, movement, energy.

"Stick close, Ryza," Artemis breaths. Obediently, you reach out and take her hand as she follows after the two villagers. You half expect everyone to stop and stare as you pass: whenever outsiders came to your home, it was a big deal, but other than some waves and curious glances, people seem to ignore your group. Finally, you reach the big stone house and Bill holds the door open for his mother and the rest of you.

As you troop your way in, you see a portly man look up from the rough wooden table he's using as a desk. "Rebecca?" he says. "What brings…" he spots the rest of you. "Oh."

Artemis nods. "Mayor Preston," she says. "It is good to see you well."

The man rises swiftly to his feet and bows. "My lady," he says. "You honor us again with your presence." His eyes flick between you all, taking in your dusty clothes, haggard appearances, and other small signs, and he frowns. "Although… forgive me my impertinent, but your travels seem to have been less peaceful than when last we met."

"You are correct, good Mayor," Artemis says. "It started in the mountains to the west of here…"

As she tells the story, you find yourself a seat and put your bag down, Artemis seems to have things well in hand, so you focus on rubbing your tired feet. Forget subtlety, as soon as you get out of this village you are going flying!

A soft hand draws you out of your mental whining. "Take these, dearie," Rebecca says, holding out a bundle of berries. "I don't know how you came to travel with Lady Cartese in these troubled times, but you are safe here."

"Thank you," you say, taking the offering and munching on them.

Artemis, thankfully, doesn't ask you add to the story, and you realize that she's downplaying your part in the escape from the mountain: saying only that she found you and you helped guide her, nothing more. Remembering her words about human jealousy, you can't blame her, especially when Mayor Preston and Bill give you sympathetic looks and say what a brave little girl you are. A bit patronizing, perhaps, but better than the early, fearful glances Axton and Lances gave you.

"-and so, there are almost certainly bandits out looking for me," Artemis finishes. "I do not have much of value at the moment, but I will find a way to repay you for any food or other supplies-"

"My lady, think not of that!" Mayor Preston says, waving a hand. "Here in Miau, we do not turn away those in need, especially those who have dealt fairly with us in the past! We will see what we can find to aid you, though I admit it will take us some time. Feel free to rest until then: there have been no signs of the bandits from the mountains, so they must not have reached here yet."

"Truly?" Artemis says. "I do not want to cause you any troubles…"

"We are not so weak that we cannot turn back some bandits if we are forced to," Bill says grimly, tapping his axe against the ground. "Enough of the lads are ready to fight if they come, and Shaman Dreamseer is also here. Let these beasts come; you will not find us wanting."

Artemis takes a deep breath. "I appreciate your kindness," she says, nodding deeply enough that it is almost a bow of her own. "Spirits willing, they will not think to come, but if they do, we will stand alongside you to fight."

The villagers look like they want to argue with that, but after a moment Mayor Preston nods. "The Sentinel will see us through," he says. "Now, Rebecca, Bill, would you be so kind as to take Lady Cartese and her companions someplace they can rest: I must organize the supplies so they can be on their way."

It seems that you're going to have a bit of time on your hands. What do you want to do with it?

[] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.

[] Explore the village. You know Artemis wanted you to stay close, but you just can't help yourself: this is all so new. Slip out and wander around; who knows what you'll find.

[] Do a bit of reading. You won't be able to get far in a short time, but you've been itching to get into the scrolls for a while. (Choose one scroll to look at.)

[] Write-in

AN: I have not forgotten the other things you voted for. I simply wanted to spread things out rather than cram it all into one post.

I'm also testing the auto-vote again, so keep that in mind.
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Are we doing Modern FE supports, where you can have as many as you please, or old FE supports which were more limited, out of curiosity?

I'm also, perhaps, interested in talking shop with the Shaman while we're here, perhaps borrowing a book to use as a 'tome'? But it's also kinda a double edged sword, since it's kinda blatantly running against the whole 'lay low, hide the bits that make you seem inhuman' thing, though at least if these villagers trust the Shaman, that doesn't seem to be a problem...
I kind of want to have our little dragon explore. Getting acquainted with our allies is great and all, but Ryza is still unfamiliar with the world.

A curious child would either want to hide from it, or see it with their own eyes. That's my take anyway.
[X] Do a bit of reading. You won't be able to get far in a short time, but you've been itching to get into the scrolls for a while. (Choose one scroll to look at.)
-[X] Beyond your Stone: A Guide to Practical Magic
[X] Explore the village. You know Artemis wanted you to stay close, but you just can't help yourself: this is all so new. Slip out and wander around; who knows what you'll find.
[X] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.
Talking and trying to know the others sound nice,

[X] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.
[X] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.
[X] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.

I feel getting to know them better and showing them we're not a threat would be good in the long run.
[x] Explore the village. You know Artemis wanted you to stay close, but you just can't help yourself: this is all so new. Slip out and wander around; who knows what you'll find.
The thing I take away from this conversation is that Shyrlonay seems to have been forgotten, and if he persists, it's going to be in legacy only.

Choices need to be mulled over though.
[X] Do a bit of reading. You won't be able to get far in a short time, but you've been itching to get into the scrolls for a while. (Choose one scroll to look at.)
-[X] Beyond your Stone: A Guide to Practical Magic
[X] Explore the village. You know Artemis wanted you to stay close, but you just can't help yourself: this is all so new. Slip out and wander around; who knows what you'll find.
Voting is open for the next 2 days, 11 hours