That may be harder to do in all honesty. And if I have to choose between fighting our former alliance members or the Federation then I choose the Federation any day.
The problem is the infighting and self-interest that always occurs in these sorts of situations. I feel that it might be more stable if we just conquer them. However, that is for later after we can get through this political crisis.
DC: 30, better rolls grant better rewards. Guaranteed rewards:
The Type 60 locomotive, affectionately named the "Kriegslok" by machinists for good performance under pressure and being extremely capable of doing war-time tasks, enters service.
Needed to gain a fourth "Industries, Agricultulture and Infrastructure" option slot, which is opened by also taking two of the following options: The New Germanian Economy, or The Expansion of Pöhle Eisenwerke, or Agricultural Revitalisation.
Railway guns with the calibre 120mm-203mm can now be produced.
A new glossary page is unlocked
No mention of Any specific Political Impact.
DC: 55. Guaranteed Reward:
Germania will become insulated against the increasingly harsh winters that are sure to come - as a consequence, there will be less economic damage and life can go on as best as it can.
Minor parties will like this initiative. This will have knock-on effects later depending on if this option was selected or not.
Needed to gain a fourth "Industries, Agricultulture and Infrastructure" option slot, which is opened by also taking two of the following options: The New Germanian Economy, or The Expansion of Pöhle Eisenwerke, or The Class 60 Ragnite Locomotive Initiative
Unlocks glossary page: "The Great Europan Winters"
Increased opinion of minor parties.
DC: 40, and better rolls get better results.
The stagnant economy will begin to gather steam and grow - perhaps limited at first, before the profit, economic growth and the increased resources kick in.
The GNVP approves, and the chance of a successful Vote of No Confidence lowers by 1 per-cent.
With the implementation of a 'Social Economy' and the government beginning to spend on welfare and healthcare, the
GDP is expected to gain a large amount of additional votes in the next election.
Needed to gain a fourth "Industries, Agricultulture and Infrastructure" option slot, which is opened by also taking two of the following options: Agricultural Revitalisation, or The Expansion of Pöhle Eisenwerke, or The Class 60 Ragnite Locomotive Initiative
GNVP approval and lowers Vote of no confidence success rate.
DC: 70, and higher rolls get better results. Failing this roll will lock it in for next turn - the DC will be lowered, while rewards, including additional ones, remain the same. Guaranteed Rewards:
As the Eisenwerke expands, production capability increases, improving equipment reliability and availability.
The Type 60
Kriegslok, if this option is taken with it, will have additional bonuses to reliability and production speed.
The Eisenbahn-Artillerie-batterie "Kronprinz William" will form, with four 203mm railway guns, if the Type 60
Kriegslok option is taken with this one.
The KPG will gain a minor influx of new members, as will the GNVP, and, luckily, the GDP will too.
Needed to gain a fourth "Industries, Agricultulture and Infrastructure" option slot, which is opened by also taking two of the following options: The New Germanian Economy, or Agricultural Revitalization, or The Class 60 Ragnite Locomotive Initiative
Member influx to 3 Political Parties with assumed increased favor. Production increase.

These make it very clear that any significant political impact from completing the options is recorded in the rewards. Passing on option which supports the overall plans goal of converting the GNVP to a Loyal party for an option with no significant Party impact is foolish.
Member influx to 3 Political Parties with assumed increased favor. Production increase.

These make it very clear that any significant political impact from completing the options is recorded in the rewards. Passing on option which supports the overall plans goal of converting the GNVP to a Loyal party for an option with no significant Party impact is foolish.
Hmm that's true alright which one of the three economic actions should I change it out for again and why?

Edit: Wait this is why had a brain fart. Though I am still wary with that DC I'd rather get at those low DC ones first. And the fourth option will only increase membership not lower the Vote chance that can wait a turn if the option is still there next turn.

Question @Ojou-Sama for the four economy actions will whichever one that isn't chosen still be there next turn?
Last edited:
Hmm that's true alright which one of the three economic actions should I change it out for again and why?

Edit: Wait this is why had a brain fart.
[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on Mark 2
-[X] Maintaining control
-[X] Begin discussions with opposition parties
-- [X] The GNVP
-[X] A refurbished Navy
-- [X] First Naval Reinforcement Programme - Lohmeyer
-[X] The need for new tactics
-[X] To soar through blue skies
-[X] Agricultural Revitalisation
-[X] The New Germanian Economy
-[X] The Expansion of Pöhle Eisenwerke
-[X] Tea in Theodorichstadt
-[X] An appeal to the south

I'd rather take the risk and trigger an increase. Just starting TEoPE could get us the Political impact as it locks the the action, which makes it's completion a certainty even in the event of a negative vote outcome, which means the part7 impact could be immidiate do to the inevitable conclusion.
No mention of Any specific Political Impact.

...For fucks sake, what happened with my notes there that it would increase KVP support?

These make it very clear that any significant political impact from completing the options is recorded in the rewards. Passing on option which supports the overall plans goal of converting the GNVP to a Loyal party for an option with no significant Party impact is foolish.

Note that these options have an impact on various parties depending on their ideology, even if it is not directly stated because otherwise that list would have six additional rows with percentages and party support levels, and... you get the idea. The GNVP may love to have an expansive state-run railway network to maintain a resurgent Empire for example, while the ZP would hate it and try to privatise it, and move into opposition, while the SP (sozialistische partei) will observe and so forth and so forth.
[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on

The superior plan clearly
Question @Ojou-Sama for the four economy actions will whichever one that isn't chosen still be there next turn?

"The industries, agriculture and infrastructure
Take a maximum of three options. Untaken options, unless marked as time-sensitive, will carry over to the next turn."

It will remain, perhaps with the title and the text somewhat modified, but it will remain.
I'd rather take the risk and trigger an increase. Just starting TEoPE could get us the Political impact as it locks the the action, which makes it's completion a certainty even in the event of a negative vote outcome, which means the part7 impact could be immidiate do to the inevitable conclusion.
Fair enough then! May the best plan win!
"The industries, agriculture and infrastructure
Take a maximum of three options. Untaken options, unless marked as time-sensitive, will carry over to the next turn."

It will remain, perhaps with the title and the text somewhat modified, but it will remain.
Ok thanks for clearing that up then and I think I'll stay the course then.
The problem is that it does not outright state that we would get increased favor. Additionally, I would like to get the fourth industrial research slot early. We can increase party membership when we hopefully have them on our side.
We can still get the fourth action slot by succeeding in any two of these 3 projects. Given we only failed a single roll last turn, our odds are decent for at least 66% success here. This way we have twice the chance improve our Rep with GNVP insread of the singular chance in New Germanian Economy and begin discussions. We have enough effort going into the GNVP that one of our good will projects has to succeed. Them joining us with increased numbers from TEoPE can't hurt.
We can still get the fourth action slot by succeeding in any two of these 3 projects. Given we only failed a single roll last turn, our odds are decent for at least 66% success here. This way we have twice the chance improve our Rep with GNVP insread of the singular chance in New Germanian Economy and begin discussions. We have enough effort going into the GNVP that one of our good will projects has to succeed. Them joining us with increased numbers from TEoPE can't hurt.
Hrmmm... You are right, I would have voted for your plan if it was not for the problem of the DC. However, I expect we will see the results of it soon enough.
We can still get the fourth action slot by succeeding in any two of these 3 projects. Given we only failed a single roll last turn, our odds are decent for at least 66% success here. This way we have twice the chance improve our Rep with GNVP insread of the singular chance in New Germanian Economy and begin discussions. We have enough effort going into the GNVP that one of our good will projects has to succeed. Them joining us with increased numbers from TEoPE can't hurt.
Yeah your sound logic has definitely won me over only reason I'm not changing my vote is cause my plan is superior to Rolen's! No way am I letting his foolish plan win! His plan will surely lead us to ruin!
I'll put it out here that I'm strongly supposed to using Valkyria Bombs. Not only is it a moral atrocity (using Children. As. Weapons.) it is supremely wasteful of a military asset that is very finite and the YPG will crucify us. Perhaps literally.

Proceeding to the actual vote

[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on

We're going to need those trains when an enemy army starts knocking on our doorstep.
[X] Plan Winning the Vote and Moving on
-[X] Maintaining control
-[X] Begin discussions with opposition parties
--[X] The GNVP
-[X] A refurbished Navy
--[X] First Naval Reinforcement Programme - Lohmeyer
-[X] The need for new tactics
-[X] To soar through blue skies
-[X] The Class 60 Ragnite Locomotive Initiative
-[X] Agricultural Revitalisation
-[X] The New Germanian Economy
-[X] Tea in Theodorichstadt
-[X] An appeal to the south