I think one of the reasons the first Garfield movie wasn't liked because it showed the origin story again, when it wasn't needed. Let's do MCU route. Also I think that we should have both Black Cat and Silver Sable not necessarily as antagonists, but as anti-heroes or anti-villains and potential love interests for our new Spidey... or at least a big thorn in the relationship he will have with his main love interest. Love Square!
I disagree on the reason why it wasn't liked. Showing the the rigin story is not bad, but the execution of it was. In the origin story it shows Peter as, bascially, the one guy who is at the bottom of the pecking order. he's shy, he's a cowardm he's bullied and can't talk to girls. But then he gets power, let's it go to his head, and because of that his Uncle Ben, one of the key figures in his life, one of the few people who could say loved him unconditionally, died.
Garfield's movie makes the mistake of showing Peter Parker as too cool. He skateboards, he can talk to girls (save Gwen Stacy) and he even stands up for others, whcih while a great quality for a hero to have, is not something that Peter Parker was known to do before he got his powers.
Not to mention that he is also shown to have done some negative actions before and after getting them (stealing a guy's identity to get inside a lab, actually holding his laughter as he's dragged away, ripping a woman's clothes on accident but then beating down those that came to her defense), some of them can be excused, but all of them paint a negative picture of our "hero" from the very beginning.
Then, the death of Uncle Ben, in most adaptations is shown as something tragic, this old man through no fault of his own is killed, but this adaptation had him fight a criminal on his own volition. I'm not saying that it makes him wrong, but it moves him from the "victim" angle that worked best for him.
After that, Peter goes mostly on a revenge inspired rampage. He does not become Spider-Man because of guilt, or because of an understanding of responsability, but because of vengeance, looking for the one who killed Uncle Ben. That alone made me think "Who the Hell is this guy?!?"
The Amazing Spider-Man did not play like an Origin for Spider-Man, but more as a dark reconstruction of the character, which did not endear him to Spider-Man fans nor audiences in my opinion.