[X] [Burial Pits] Inform the Sky Child of this discovery and decide together. Part of their being is woven into this and they deserve to know.
[X] [Warriors] Favour the warriors to be placed under the Shamans authority.
[X] [Burial Pits] Inform the Sky Child of this discovery and decide together. Part of their being is woven into this and they deserve to know. [X] [Warriors] Favour the warriors to be placed under the Shamans authority.
Glad to see the Forest People were indeed responsible, still they probably were encouraged by whatever being lived in those woods, did they try to empower him or create a new devourer I don't know, but telling Sky Child is a good idea, he also might have got more influence with his help this war maybe even enough faith to be more useful next time we hunt the Devourer.
[X] [Burial Pits] Inform the Sky Child of this discovery and decide together. Part of their being is woven into this and they deserve to know.
[X] [Warriors] Bless the warriors to organize themselves independently.
[X] [Burial Pits] Inform the Sky Child of this discovery and decide together. Part of their being is woven into this and they deserve to know.
[X] [Warriors] Bless the warriors to organize themselves independently.
The way this is starting to look is like sky child played different sides against one another. Heck the reason behind his neutrality might be that he was the God of the sky for forest people as well...
Knew it, never trust a sky god. He gives me those Zeus vibes, or better said Jung Zeus.
The way this is starting to look is like sky child played different sides against one another. Heck the reason behind his neutrality might be that he was the God of the sky for forest people as well...
To me it seems like Sky Child was neutral because he had positioned himself to benefit no matter who won. Which on one hand is understandable, we had no deal of mutual support or obligation to help each other, on the other it proves that we'll never be able to fully trust them.
[X] [Burial Pits] Inform the Sky Child of this discovery and decide together. Part of their being is woven into this and they deserve to know.
[X] [Warriors] Bless the warriors to organize themselves independently.
[X] [Burial Pits] Inform the Sky Child of this discovery and decide together. Part of their being is woven into this and they deserve to know.
[X] [Warriors] Bless the warriors to organize themselves independently.
It might be the Sky Child, but they're a power of the sky, not the earth, and we had our own power woven into the Lampray and we certainly didn't assist in making that one. So while we might need to rename the Sky Child the Dead Sky, it also might well be innocent of (these) wrongdoings. We should probably keep more of an eye on the Sky Child, but we shouldn't start by assuming it was involved in monster making.
I also want to point out we've never personally met the forest people's spirit, or even know its/their name, so... who knows? Maybe we've been engaged in a Proxy War with the Harsh Mountain all this time even (though I doubt it).
When you approached the Sky Child the first time after the Forest People had been driven off, the other spirit was evasive and nearly refused to meet you. They expected an attack, not a calm talk. Without having known about the events in the Bay Village, they had assumed you had attacked the Forest People unprovoked to expand your realm. It took a while to explain what had happened during the healing rite and afterwards, and you knew that the other spirit was not quite convinced by the story. For them, it could just have been a ruse and justification for your acts. They told you how the Harsh Mountain sometimes acted, punishing people and even his own followers for minor things they perceived as slights, and so the Sky Child had assumed you had become similar.
That all changed when you showed them the burial pits. For one, the other spirit could easily tell that you spoke the truth about the link to it, for when it approached the pits, the buried bones and moss reacted to their presence. It was just a brief shaking, as if something readied itself to crawl from the earth, but it was over just as quickly, the power resting within unable to maintain the effort. While they still questioned the wisdom of indulging your followers thirst for vengeance, the Sky Child was much more amenable to your presence after seeing what rot had festered in the forest. As far as they were concerned, you could do with the burial pits whatever you wanted, with the only stipulation being that you would disperse the trace of the Sky Childs essence instead of doing something else with it. To that, you agreed, and the other spirit left again, saying it had to think about some things.
While you still pondered what to do about the pits, the Sea People had to decide about their future. Without the Forest People, the traders of the Wandering People had lost many places where they used to trade and rest, and that had strained their relationship. To make amends, the shamans promised to encourage a few of the Sea People to settle in a small village in the forest to serve as a rest spot for traders, and to encourage some families to build homesteads on the paths there. When listening to these talks you also learned that the Mountain People apparently had settled two more villages since you last paid attention to their efforts, though it sounded as if they were small affairs. One to the north, where the winters were harsh, and one deeper in the mountains, where they dug for pretty stones.
The traders also spoke of another village far to the south, which had attracted the attention of quite a few explorers as it was supposedly on the sea, but they had no success in finding it. A few abandoned boats that had been washed ashore, likely by a storm, had been found on their travels, but neither the people who built them nor their village. During their attempts to reach ever further south, they had found a large island in the sea, barely seen through the haze of the horizon on a clear day. None of them had reached it though, as the current between the land and the island were treacherous and quite a few explorers lost their lives when their boats capsized in the rough sea. Likewise, the explorer that had moved north had found nothing but storm swept coasts and mountains of ice that floated in the sea, even in the midst of summer, forcing them to turn home without having achieved much.
None the less, the people were torn. Some wanted to settle a new village in the south on one of the many empty beached. Others wanted to claim the forests properly, seeing the empty lands as a waste. The explorers meanwhile prayed to you to guide them through the ice mountains, or towards the island they had found, all of them expecting riches and glory for those who managed to achieve such a feat. There was plenty of disagreement that a sign of favour or blessing from you could have changed the Sea Peoples focus, but there were also so many other things calling for your power.
You have 8 Power to spend.
You can have your Herald perform / assist with one action that has the Sea domain.
[] Plan Name
-[] name of action – amount of Power to spend / if Herald shall perform or assist this action
-[] next action – Power / Herald
-[] etc.
Bestow a boon without expecting something in return.
[] Inspire the boat makers.
Description: The canoes of the people have greatly improved, but further blessings might yield new inspiration for the boat makers. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
[] Give Signs.
Description: You have quite successfully communicated with the shamans. Maybe you should try to help the people by giving signs to other people too. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Bless the goats.
Description: Your efforts with the fish prove that your power could change an animal. Maybe your would have more impressive results from the goats. Domains: None Power: 1 max
Answer the requests of the people making sacrifices to you.
[] Bless the fishers.
Description: Steer fish to the fishers and protect them from the dangers of your sea. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
[] Bless the explorers. (Southern Expedition)
Description: The Travelling People talked of a village in the far south and the explorers are trying to explore the coasts until they find it. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
[] Bless the explorers. (Northern Expedition)
Description: The ice and coldness of the northern waters is troubling the explorers, so they ask for your boons to range ever further. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
[] Bless the explorers. (Island Expedition)
Description: The island on the horizon has been taunting the southern explorers for a while and they ask for your aid to survive the journey over the open sea. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
[] Bless the settlers. (Forest Village)
Description: To mend relations with the Travelling People and to claim the area, the shamans agreed to settle some of the Sea People in the forests and now ask for your aid for the settlers. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Bless the settlers. (Shore Village)
Description: Some of the southern shores are promising locations for another village to grow on and the families interested in settling there are making offerings to your for safe travels and good catches. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
[] Heal the people.
Description: The healing rites have become a cornerstone of the Bay Villages seasonal cycle and the people pray regularly for you to take away their ailments. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Bless the bereaved.
Description: With the old forest burials discredited due to the people seeing the burial pits, it would be a good moment to further the acceptance of your burial rites. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Protect the dead.
Description: You can not tolerate that the dead given into your care would be devoured by some beast. Spend some of your power to protect their bodies from further attacks. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Find and slay the Devourer.
Description: The people call upon you to fight the Broken Serpent that lurks in the sea. Answer their prayers and slay the creature. Domains: None Power: 1 max
Punishments Smite your enemies. It is not in your Nature to hurt people.
Anchor your power to a thing or creature to change their nature and aid your efforts.
[] Align a location.
-[] Domain
--[] Sea
-[] Location
--[] Bay
--[] River (Warning: will turn river into saltwater if imbued with Sea domain)
--[] Write-In
Description: Imbue your power into a place to align it with one of your domains. Domains: - Power: 4
[] Claim the Deep Reef
Description: The undersea mounts you have found are brimming with power that seems to come from nowhere. Imbue your own essence into the location to claim it as yours. Domains: Sea Power: 6
[] Imbue a shrine.
-[] Shrine
--[] Bay Shrine
--[] River Shrine
-[] Write-In which Blessing / Prayer / Punishment to imbue. (must be a Domain action)
Description: You can mould your power to shape itself to a limited degree and anchor it to a shrine. Thus, you can have that shrine provide some of the same benefits as your own acts. Domains: - Power: 6
Spend power to change yourself and to increase your might.
[] Obtain the Healing domain.
Description: You have healed many wounds, both of our followers and even your own herald. The power you gain from the healing rites of the people is changing and you can change too. Domains: - Power: 6
[] Meditate on the Sea.
Description: Your recent acts have shown you that your might knows limits, even when commanding the sea. Try to find a way to surpass your limits. Domains: - Power: 6
There are a lot of things you could do with your powers that would not directly involve the lives of the people.
[] Explore the land.
Description: Move further inland and see what you can find there. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Explore the sea.
Description: While you know every detail of the bay, you could always explore the wider sea and its coasts. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
[] Find the village near the mountains.
Description: While you know decently well where to find the village that your people are trading with from listening in on the nomads, it is too far away to travel there without spending some power on the effort. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Try to learn more about the nature of your power.
Description: You still don't really understand how an offering gives you power and why there are so many things that can make the effect weaker or stronger. Experiment a bit and see if you can find out more. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Try to learn more about the nature of the world.
Description: The world is a vast place full of mysteries and you have seen and know little about it yet. Spend some power on trying to understand it better. Domains: None Power: 1 max
[] Imbue power into sea life for later use.
Description: You cannot hold onto your power on your own, but you found a way to sidestep that problem by instead storing it in the creatures of the sea. Domains: Sea Power: 2 max
Special – Burial Pits
While the pits seems stable enough, you are uncertain if it would be wise to leave them be for too long.
[] Try to take the power of the pits for yourself.
Description: The power resting in the bones and moss is tainted, but you are confident that you can purify it and put it to good use. Domains: None Power: 4
[] Cleanse the pits.
Description: As the Sky Child cares not for them either, it is time to destroy these pits and disperse the power within. Domains: None Power: 2
AN: I've been thinking about this a bit and since I'm posting pretty early for my usual schedule, I'd like to try a voting moratorium of 2 hours. So you can vote from
Glad we told Sky Child about it. Would be sad to lose an ally.
I am for taking the Death-scented power of the pits. Costly, but it's essentially another domain at 2-point discount, compared to Healing.
Either this or Blessing the bereaved + protecting the dead. We need to fight the Devourer, and that requires proper tools and preparations. We grow, and we need to stop our enemy from growing.
It is important to note that unlike Civilization quests, this isn't single player. Even if other people settle first, we can still move in later; and even we move in now other Spirits are likely to show up.
That being said, I do like blessing settlers this turn.