- Yes, I do mean the last turn before the next mandatory operation. Something that seems to be forgotten is that shopping is not guarantee too work out. We don't quite know in what way as we never tried the action and has to be more specific mundane shop. I may be fighting a bit hard for clothes but say it grants something even petty number (better than training), like+5 Stealth in a crowd, or +2 Persuasion to talk to teens, we would never know if never bothered until durability runs out.
Well there ya go, our good friend the hardworker Gatling has confirmed it, and why wouldn't shopping be guaranteed to work out? I know Fred's emo and all (and we love him for it) but that doesn't mean he's too shy to walk out into a clothing store and buy clothes.
@Gatling45 Two questions, number 1, is this a limited time event for Vincent and Greg, and number 2, can a trip to the store to buy clothes and items like rope and whatever be summed up in a single action? Like heading out to buy necessities? And like it was said, buying dark clothes to help with stelath would be a great boon, while also being fashionable. Who would say no to a good charcoal suit?
Fred got into this job because his life is rough and I haven't seen any strong goals from Fread other than no part in the inherence battle. Theres a bit of a mixed response of "we shouldn't press too much on social actions" and We should definitely risk Helping G and V (Acquaintances) with a crime. How does it "works towards to long-term goal" too? What is a connection between a Aznatoth police Chief and Xenola old family?
Well as I said,
our current long-term goal is to rise through the ranks. As you said that we shouldn't expect to get powers or become batman (though Gatling45 said becoming Batman is fairly possible) the quest prompt also said that our goal is to rise through the ranks. Fred got the job because his life was rough, and why? He had no money, and his family was most definitely going to bonk him to death, and why? Wasn't able to find a job, and because he had no protection from them. Joining the organization of Calculator provides minimal protection as the lowest level of grunt, and we're not exactly privy to the higher and wider array of info that they recieve. Rising through the ranks solves both of those. I said a long-term worry is the Xenola family, and that's not the only thing Fred has to worry about. He's in a city of heroes and technology for goodness sake, so he has to be prepared for the crap they throw at him. I'm nintey percent sure that the police have informatino on everyone who comes in and out of the city/state because they were abole to check Fred's credentials and I.D. on the street with a scanner and cybernetics, remember? If any of them migrated to the city to find us, then the police'd probably know. I love the social actions, and as I said before, if we were not in this situation I would have gone with your plan, but we have an opporitunity as of now that doesn't come easily.
I wouldn't underestimate the stress of first time at armed robbery. Plus daily stress of entirely new continent/ nation than the one you grew up in, everyone you work with are likely levels of violent criminals, and just fact that powerful family members want you dead. Take slow weeks while we can before plans start to heat up I would say. But ya… low priority for me too.
It's not about underestimating the stress, it's about what's presented to us and how he feels, and what we know he feels by just looking through the text. Presumably he's already been around technology for awhile, and he doesn't seem affected by working with criminals, as you can see from his inner monologue from speaking with Gwen
"A blatant rip-off but we are criminals, she is likely monopolizing on the fact she is the only skilled person in demolitions as well" he's already accepted it, and it's not liek this place is some huge culture shock for him. He literally didn't feel any adverse affects from it, except if this one line here could be stretched to say that:
"$3,900? That is great money for what couldn't be more than half an hour, sure we had to beat up a man, but it is to be expected." He's made peace with the fact family members want to hunt him down, he's complained about it, and we've seen his thoughts on it. And I'm pretty sure remaining weak isn't how you ward of people who want to harm you for their own gain. You want to take it slow...so their plans can heat up? That...sounds like deliberately putting him in danger without any countermeasures.
ll be more clear, I don't think Fred is at experience level to start doing crimes on his own reliably. We have 3 skills (Melee weapons:, Persuasion:, and Tactics: ) to leverage and they aren't as impressive compared to 35~55 from other normal people the same age as us. This job feels off too, G and V to our knowledge are not tactics so the actual plan quality might be distorted. Wile there is a reward for the job I don't think it's better social standing. This isn't a job you should just do for just new Acquaintances, may paint us as desperate for any job and not stoped at risky, killing, crime.
But you see but you see, he's
not doing this alone. He has two
very experienced people who'll work with him, with the names of Vincent and Greg.
Vincent Stats - Skills known: Mechanics 30, Computers 35, Driving 20.
Greg Stats - Intimidation at 45, Unarmed at 55, Persuasion at 35.
The plan as I said before, can be changed, and I think you're severely underestimating them. These are only the abilities that we're sure of, and they're NPCs, so their spread won't be like ours. Vincent is the classic smart computer guy, so I wouldn't bat an eye if his tactics was at 50. Our goal isn't to fight or storm a building or rob a bank: it's to sneak in and sneak out to gather information. Literally anything else is a violation of the mission. To our knowledge that we
see, it's not high or low, but all we have to do is look at their manner, they way they talk, what sterotpes they portray. Vincent was arguing with Greg because he believed that Greg's plan was good except for the fact he was going to kill an officer for DNA. Now Greg's not the smartest barrel in the buck- I mean smartest fish in the barrel but it's obvious that Vincent has more than common sense. I mean Greg's idea of killing the police officer probably could work, if the body is just disposed of and no traces are left. Sneak attacks and all that. But Greg is objecting due to morals, and the unecessariness of it (as are the rest of us). And why
wouldn't a part of the rewards be better social standing?
@Gatling45 You said that if the mission is taken and we succeed, we cna count on Vincent to spread the word, yes? And what traits does Calculator look for in a henchman?
We're not just doing it for them--we're doing it for information and reputation. On one hand, you siad we need to establish connections. Helping them and working side-by-side does that. On the other you said we shouldn't jsut do it for new acquaintaces. We're doing it so we can get information, rewards, higher social standing, and so the news will get back to the big boss--Calculator. I don't get what you mean that it would paint us desperate for any job and not stop at anything. 1. Literally every job has risks. 2. We already estalbished that we can convince Greg to
not kill, because common sense and super technology dictats that there are easier ways to get DNA 3. My guy....did you just say crime

everything is crime. We're literally henchman to villains. It's all crime.