Tarkin's Favor and Folly
(Tarkin POV)
It was a difficult thing to admit to being wrong...but it was far more dangerous to let one's pride and sense of ego cloud judgment.
How could you have been so blind on what should have been so obvious? What about Palpatine and this situation of the War caused you to put aside your intellectual and rational mind and let him take sway?
Was it the Firey Speeches? The Plans to honor your kinsman Randolph? The greater funding to the Outer Rim Judicials? Or was it that he spoke to the heart of a difficult situation?
He offered a solution to a dying republic, he gave answers to where once none seemed to exist.
Damn...how long had Palpatine played you along?
"Chief Tarkin, the Files on the Officers are here", an Aide said over the intercom. "Shall I send it with the drink you requested?"
"Yes...and make sure your tasks are finished before leaving...I'll be staying late tonight. Again", you said as the files and the bottle of Corellian Brandy were brought in.
The Files were up to your chin, most of them relating to Officers who recently graduated to the Academy on the 90-day training regime.
It was going to be a long night indeed.
As you went through the various Files, you shook your head. Quite a few of them showed promise, sure. But 90 days was a short time to become decent Officers, no matter how much you crammed into them.
Many of these Graduates would have to hone their skills in the field...or die trying.
Hmmm...Ahh, someone looked promising? This early?
You opened the File and sighed. "Maximilian Veers, Republic Armored Calvary."
Impressive showings in Mock battles between the Clone Training Batallion, unorthodox, ruthless, and without many political connections.
Hmm, this man had a future.
So did some others he found as he looked through the files.
But most of them were simply just not ready for the Frontlines. And yet, they had no choice but to place them there.
Surprising no one more then yourself, you actually found yourself missing the Jedi as Commanders. Sure, you had had his criticism of them and their Leadership in the past - and still did - but at it still had been better then the current situation.
It was especially apparent that despite your own misgivings, the Jedi themselves have adapted to many points of command. For one thing their ability to adapt to strategic command and knowledge of customs made occupation very much less of a chore.
It wasn't a proper military structure...nor were the Jedi qualified at all, but they did, like their forefathers before them step up when war came to the Galaxy.
It was almost admirable in how they did it, yet also concerning given...recent events.
The news that 100 Jedi had defected and, likely, joined Palpatine were concerning to say the least. You were well read in Galactic History. The last time such a Schism had shook the Jedi Order, it had lead to the devastation of the New Sith Wars, culminating in the Battle of Ruusan. And that had only been 50 Jedi defecting.
Though one must consider the other options they may have had?
Exile, personal rapprochement to family, Draft Dodging and other crimes that may or may not be happening...the Jedi haven't yet allowed you to see into their records on this situation.
Mace Windu had said "A Full and detailed report is being compiled per your request...and it will take time."
Time was something the Republic was slowly losing...
Between the raids in the Midrim, a Sith Lord on the Loose with an apprentice that had more or less gone rogue from said Lord...
Hundreds of Jedi going out of their way to be loyal to a traitor and a lack of officers to pick up the slack in the line left behind, it was a miracle that Order 66 didn't destroy the republic outright and force a Galactice Warlord Period...
The Universe knows you had enough problems at this point.
You poured another glass of brandy.
"What next...?"
Your eyes came to rest on another report, one brought in earlier.
You scowled. Oh, right. The kriffing Logistical issues.
Now, the Logistical nightmare that was the republic military took the power of a dark unfeeling god to truly understand. One that could fill several training manuals and logistical simulations on why logistics is important.
And that was just the Clone Army...
Now, the clone army you could handle with enough time, energy and underpaid soldiers looking for work. No...the real nightmare was the Volunteer army's that Garm Bel Iblis sought to open the floodgate for by creating his own.
You looked at the report again and gagged. So many Weapons deficits. So much armor requisitions! And it was getting bigger by the day.
Granted, you saw the potential benefits of such a Volunteer Army. But without sufficient Armor and Weapons, it was a Pipe Dream at best and a colossal waste at worst.
"Damn Garm and his Anti-Palpatine Ambitions", you mused.
Now...where were you...ahh yes.
Your Staff.
While Yularen was in charge of all Fleet operations, he was only one man in the Totempole of the Wider Republic Military. But before you could take proper notice of the Papers concerning this topic...
"Chief Tarkin...that report on Jedi defectors has arrived", the aide said over intercom.
Ah. It was finally here.
You sat down and began to read through the names.
The first one to catch your eye...Master Pong Krell.
You snorted. Not surprising. You had met Krell once and it had been a thoroughly unpleasant experience. The Casualty Rates alone made even you gag. 85%...in one battle.
Not to mention his attitude. At times, it seemed almost like he didn't care about the Greater War at all beyond his own personal Success and Victories. Perhaps that had been exactly the case...
You shook your head as you continued down the list. Some of the Names you recognized, others you did not.
Okay...this was interesting two more were coming up. Sora Bulq, legendary lightsaber duelist, master of the order...Student of Vaapad and fallen jedi warlord under mercenary contract with the CIS...he's been busy in the last several months. Kadrian Sey, Jedi Knight, difficult individual to work with even at the best of times. Also working for the CIS as a mercenary.
It was a disturbing trend that some of them now worked with the enemies of the Republic. Now you only hoped it didn't get worse.
You chuckled tiredly at that. This entire damn War had had a trend of 'and then it got worse'. Why should it stop anytime soon?
Still, ultimately, that just meant you and your fellow Officers would have to keep going more then ever.
You had a duty to fulfill and you would not fail.
A.N.: First Omake for this Quest, written in collab by @Cyberphilosipher and me. Enjoy!