SyndIntern Abilities
Name | Flavor Text | Cost (Relations) | Effect |
Smuggle Foreign Currency | Reserves of precious metals and more stable American-used currencies such as yen and marks can be smuggled in through a variety of methods, either by incredibly favorable deals for open transactions or through concealing the transportation of such valuables for hidden ones. | -5 | +10 Resources |
Syndicalist Spies | The Third Internationale has many skilled agitators, organizers, and infiltrators in their ranks, all of whom who could be tasked to aid you. | -5 | Gain +20 to the next 4 uses of Union Organizers, Covert Union Organizers, Agitators, and Sending Spies, improved impact of these actions. |
Enforce Party Discipline | The Syndintern is officially a forum for allowing unions and parties to communicate and collaborate as equals, but the British and French syndicalist parties have immense weight. To quell factionalism and disruption in the ranks, they can be asked to intervene in the affairs of the SPA and CSA. | -5 | Gain +5 Relations with all SPA factions, temporarily reduce the impact of controversial decisions, overuse may have consequences |
Smuggle Small Arms | The booming, worker-run industries of France and Britain can easily supply their armies. And supplying yours will be little trouble. | -5 | Gain +10 to the next 6 logistics or combat-based Militant actions, improved impact of these actions, improved capabilities of the Red Guards |
Supply Heavy Weapons | The booming, worker-run industries of France and Britain can easily supply their armies. And supplying yours will be little trouble. | -10 | Gain +20 to the next 4 logistics or combat-based Militant actions, improved impact of these actions, improved capabilities of the Red Guards |
Artillery Donations | The booming, worker-run industries of France and Britain can easily supply their armies. And supplying yours will be little trouble. | -20 | Gain +30 to the next 2 logistics or combat-based Militant actions, improved impact of these actions, improved capabilities of the Red Guards |
Establish Underground Contacts | Diplomatic immunity and practical experience allow Syndintern representatives to make contact with those you cannot in places you cannot reach. | -10 | Gain +30 to the next 4 uses of Covert Union Organizers and Sending Spies, improved impact of these actions. |
Provide Military Trainers | There are many experienced and disciplined soldiers willing and eager to advise and improve the Red Guards. | -10 | Gain +20 to the next 4 training or recruitment based Militant actions, improved impact of these actions, improved capabilities of the Red Guards |
Propaganda Support | The propaganda engines of the Commune of France and the Union of Britain are mighty and powerful, working day and night to free the minds of workers from the chains of capitalism. They are waiting eagerly to support your struggles with words and images. | -10 | Increase growth of support, gain +15 to all propaganda design or creation actions for 3 months. |
Economic Expertise | The syndicalist nations of the world are already familiar with the challenges of reorganizing and rebuilding an economy. Call on that expertise to help convert yours to run on principles of democracy and efficiency. | -20 | Gain +25 to agricultural and industrial union actions for 3 months, increase in effectiveness of these actions, increase in income. |
Economic Aid | Raw materials and industrial equipment will be vital to the efforts of the SPA. Both of these can be supplied by your contacts in the Syndintern. | -15 | +30 Resources |
Encourage Voluntary Assistance | The shining beacons of syndicalism reveal what is possible through revolution. And those shining beacons can persuade others to sacrifice in order to follow in their path. | -15 | +2 Temporary Influence |
Place Diplomatic Pressure | The Union and the Commune are not the great powers they once were with their empires at their back, but their strength is nevertheless significant, and the threat of the Third Internationale's displeasure is no small thing for such a weakened, divided nation, or for the politicians in it. | -25 | Gain +75 to one Political action. Severe danger if overused. |
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