Of the Chalice, Overflowing - A Mordheim Quest

[X] One
[X] A spot outside the city walls where Ghur stilled into Shyish.

Every Dracula needs a Renfield!

I like the idea of leaning into the Carstein tradition of being masters of undead beasts like wolves and bats, it's a fair bit different. If we can cultivate a nest of fell bats as spies and sentries we definitely should!
From what I can tell just normal human's that work with vamp's for reason's. And apparently they are called "The lowest of the low"... make of that what you will cause I can't find any other info on em.

Desperation. Many in the city were driven mad or left mutated or disfigured or deformed by exposure to the warpstone. Many others were injured in ways others would consider laming or were simply left too weak and without possessions of note to really have anything to offer in exchange for what they need to survive.

The dregs are those too weak and poor to flee the city who are typically saved by the vampire, engendering a fanatical devotion.

They're represented in the video game by Igor-ish hunchback to play into the Universal Monster movie style they went with on the Undead warband.

They are weaker fighters who fight alongside monsters because the monsters are kinder than their fellow man has been.

Could be anything from a hunchback or an old soldier with a bum leg to an aggregation of orphans.
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Mitterfruhl, 2000 IC Vote Results
Adhoc vote count started by Thief of Words on Aug 31, 2021 at 11:19 PM, finished with 21 posts and 15 votes.

Will work on getting the story side post up either in the next hour or two before I sleep or first thing that I'm up tomorrow.
Mitterfruhl 2000: Before -- Recruitment: First Steps
[X] One
[X] An odd pool of desperate, burning Aqshy commingled with Shyish.
Looks like everyone who voted properly decided to take a chance on the highwayman, and hunting for dregs squeaked out a one-vote win over hunting for a necromancer.

This, Ditmar Dolch had concluded, was too lucky a find. For all his prayers, he knew deep down that the Night Prowler had no true love for men of his profession. Yet, there, in a small clearing in the forest, perhaps a half-hour's ride off the road from Stirland to Ostermark, was an abandoned merchant's wagon. Beneath him, he could feel's Bernadine's muscles tense and her heart set to racing. Leaning forward to rub a gloved hand against her flank and calm her, for he could smell the corpses of the wagon's draft team from here, overpowering the leather of the mask on the bottom half of his face. They couldn't have been too long gone; they reeked so. Tying Bernadine to a stout-enough looking tree and shaking the excess rainwater off his semi-sodden cloak, he padded with long-practiced care toward the steel-bound, chain-wrapped money chest left locked to the dark, water-stained wood of the driver's bench.

42+10 (former poacher)=52/100; Trait ???? revealed as former Stirland poacher: +10 to ambush, tracking, dealing with beasts
At precisely the moment he got within reach of the coin chest, Ditmar felt a sharp point press itself to his back, lined up between two ribs and pointed straight at his heart. Freezing, hand still in the process of drawing a set of picks out of his cloak, the dark-haired highwayman stopped moving, fingers warmed by the still-burning match of one of his brace of hidden pistols.

"I'd stay entirely still, were I you. Do so, and you might survive trying to rob me." The voice was low, for--at a guess--a woman. It was smoky as a damp campfire and soft-yet-textured as the fine velvet jacket he'd once lifted off a minor member of the Grand Duchy's aristocracy. It also--strangely--had a Stirlander accent.

88+20 Expert Pistolier = 108, Critical Success!
The boom of his pistol going off was echoed shortly after by the snap of a leather lead, as across the clearing, a terrified Bernadine tore free from where he'd tied her and bolted. Ducking into a roll as the shot went off, Ditmar could feel the speartip tear a long scrape across his back to his shoulder. Coming up from the roll, he spun and drew his rapier, only to freeze at the figure in front of him. Her dark hair hung in lank tippets about her neck and face, like the fur of a rain-drowned wolf. The face it framed was pale, uncomfortably so. Neither was what froze his muscles or choked off his breath, however. A fanged snarl twisted the otherwise beautiful face. Even that wasn't what most stopped him, however.

What stopped him was the visible bullet wound where his shot had hit her heart; well, plus the fact that she was still moving and standing in spite of it.

35-20 Terror=15, Critical Failure!
That, of course, was when his body ceased obeying his mind's frantic orders. Behind him, he could hear the horse-corpses shake themselves and stagger to their hooves, rain sluicing off exposed bone and tattered flesh-scrap alike as they did. As the blade of the spearhead rested against his neck, Ditmar had no chance to react before the vampire's arm tensed and:

VOTE: Choose ONE (1)

[ ] tore his throat out.
-This Kills the Man
-Gain +1 Corpse, suitable for reanimation into a zombie, at no additional cost.
- Gain Equipment, following:
-- One (1) brace of pistols
--One (1) rapier
--One (1) cloak
--One (1) dagger

[ ] tossed a pouch of coin that barely weighed less than a fifth of brandy square into his chest.
-an Offer He Couldn't Refuse
-Spend 35 gold as hiring fee, leaving you with a remaining 465 gold in your war-chest.
-Gain Hired Sword: Highwayman -- Ditmar Dolch.
-Ditmar retains his equipment, and he is eventually able to retrieve his horse.
-He is (as demonstrated) an expert shot with a pistol.
-He is additionally an excellent rider.

This week has been hellacious regarding my major clinical depression. It should get better, since I'll be going back on my meds next week. There will be an additional update following the second half of the previous vote as soon as I can get it written, which will likely be after I return from a family obligation on Tuesday.
Hmmm. Hiring him is a risk, but he has useful skills. I'm a little worried his faith will be a problem, but I'll take the chance.

[X] tossed a pouch of coin that barely weighed less than a fifth of brandy square into his chest.
He appears to still pray to Ranald anyways. Maybe it's not faith exactly, but it makes me worry that he wouldn't like working for a vampire.
[X] tore his throat out.

I won't mind if this loses, but it's the principal of the thing. Forget the hole in our heart our expensive clothing was torn and now blood is everywhere on it! Does he have any idea how hard it is to find a good tailor these days that doesn't question anyone the blood on their suit? You have to pay for silence or mind control them and that's just so much work!
[X] tossed a pouch of coin that barely weighed less than a fifth of brandy square into his chest.
[X] tossed a pouch of coin that barely weighed less than a fifth of brandy square into his chest.
[X] tore his throat out.

I won't mind if this loses, but it's the principal of the thing. Forget the hole in our heart our expensive clothing was torn and now blood is everywhere on it! Does he have any idea how hard it is to find a good tailor these days that doesn't question anyone the blood on their suit? You have to pay for silence or mind control them and that's just so much work!
Yeah, I should know… Clean up is always so messy:V
[X] tore his throat out.

I won't mind if this loses, but it's the principal of the thing. Forget the hole in our heart our expensive clothing was torn and now blood is everywhere on it! Does he have any idea how hard it is to find a good tailor these days that doesn't question anyone the blood on their suit? You have to pay for silence or mind control them and that's just so much work!

I'm not saying this to change your vote, but he totally didnt. Petra doesn't travel in her nice clothes. That's how you get them torn or dirty, and ruining nice clothes is how you end up beaten by your asshole of a father not having nice clothes. She's only been a vampire for less than a calendar year. A lifetime of trauma lessons doesn't go away overnight.
If you'll forgive the double post, the warband status thread mark in Informational has been updated with Information currently available to the players regarding our MC.
Additional update: will be driving home tomorrow from visiting my exceptionally conservative family. Will probably not be in the headspace to write that evening as a result.
Thief of Words threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Sort of Dregs? Total: 6
6 6
Don't Panic. Chaos is at Work.
Adhoc vote count started by Thief of Words on Sep 9, 2021 at 7:50 PM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

Update to info posts and new story post are incoming in the next few hours.

In the meantime, can someone roll me a d6 and halve the result, rounded down? First posted roll counts.
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