Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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Neat lore.

Hmm, not sure about taking dagger since could be cursed or dangerous to wielder, but don't want to leave it to be taken up by others later.

[X] Wrap the dagger tightly in cloth and rope, better to take it with us and secure than leave it here. Later can have it examined and properly destroyed if needed, or use if proven safe. It could even be important evidence of our mission should it have any relation to standing stones later.
Divination sounds good.
There is a cavalier-specific enhancement with Divination.

Valiant – d20PFSRD

otherwise Divination is very rare for weapon enhancements. Anything in that school would be great.
Maybe even a Truestrike.
Also divination is not really known for its terrible curses.

I guess at worst someone could use some curse in the dagger to spy on us.

Necro or Enchantment has a far greater range of hostile effects.
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Divination sounds good.
There is a cavalier-specific enhancement with Divination.

Valiant – d20PFSRD

otherwise Divination is very rare for weapon enhancements. Anything in that school would be great.
Maybe even a Truestrike.
I think it might be a limited use True Strike effect, maybe aimed solely towards the one(s) responsible for its death.

[X] Yes, you will need a weapon that can harm things that are of magic.
Also divination is not really known for its terrible curses.

I guess at worst someone could use some curse in the dagger to spy on us.

Necro or Enchantment has a far greater range of hostile effects.
Even using it to spy on us is unlikely. If Scrying exists as a spell in this setting, it's going to be en Epic level ritual, and I don't think we rate that kind of attention yet.
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I think it might be a limited use True Strike effect, maybe aimed solely towards the one(s) responsible for its death.

[X] Yes, you will need a weapon that can harm things that are of magic.

Even using it to spy on us is unlikely. If Scrying exists as a spell in this setting, it's going to be en Epic level ritual, and I don't think we rate that kind of attention yet.
Can't you get Scrying as a level 3 spell?

But I meant lesser spying, like nearby Fey sensing our presence through the dagger or something like that.
[X] Write-In: Point out the strange dagger to Inge. It may be a piece of the puzzle of what's going on here and, given that she is more versed in these strange magics than you, she might know if it is even safe to touch. For all you know, it is some cursed blade.
[X] Write-In: Point out the strange dagger to Inge. It may be a piece of the puzzle of what's going on here and, given that she is more versed in these strange magics than you, she might know if it is even safe to touch. For all you know, it is some cursed blade.
We've pretty much already gotten all the info about the dagger that Inge can provide using Detect Magic. It is enchanted in some manner and it radiates an aura of Divination magic. That's all we're going to get about it for now.
Can't you get Scrying as a level 3 spell?

But I meant lesser spying, like nearby Fey sensing our presence through the dagger or something like that.
Scrying is only a 3rd level spell for Bards, but Bards don't get regular 3rd level spells in P6.

There are more limited forms of Scrying, though. Forest Eyes is just barely possible, since it's a 3rd level Druid spell. It wouldn't be out of the question for our current circumstances, but I still think it's unlikely.
We've pretty much already gotten all the info about the dagger that Inge can provide using Detect Magic. It is enchanted in some manner and it radiates an aura of Divination magic. That's all we're going to get about it for now.

While it is true that you are not going to get anything more out of Detect magic you could take the dagger to Ohun who might know more about it than Inge. That is how I would interpret @Massgamer's vote at least.
[X] Yes, you will need a weapon that can harm things that are of magic.

Roland has diplo stats, and "something magic killed this thing and we need magic to kill it back" is as good a justification as any imo.
So, to put things simple, right now we have nothing that can hurt incorporeal foes besides Inge's single Iceball spell.
We have nothing to pierce DR/Magic.
We have no magic items to eventually trade against magic items more suited to our style.

We need magic to start playing beyond rookie-level, here is some for free, take it.
[X] Wrap the dagger tightly in cloth and rope, better to take it with us and secure than leave it here. Later can have it examined and properly destroyed if needed, or use if proven safe. It could even be important evidence of our mission should it have any relation to standing stones later.

It will probably be fine, but let's show a bit of caution when grabbing the vengeance knife.
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