Arc 2 Post 19: Small Magics
Small Magics
The Twenty Fourth of Elnu-hamba [Elnu Descendent] Year 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)
Looking down at Inge you see more than a girl-child, more than a sorceress, you see one who is herself seeking a place in the world after setting out into it and finding only death and ruin. "Far be it from me to deny a generous heart, young one. You are free to accompany me as far as you wish, though I shall not hold you to seeing the end of a journey which even I do not see the end of."
She opens her mouth, closes it, expecting perhaps that she would have to argue longer. A small shy smile steals over her face. "Maybe you not have to stop, maybe journey be home, rocked on Her waves."
"Alas, I do not have such love of the sea young one, but we shall see. For now I would rather keep to my own two feet, or better yet to Silver's hooves..."
And thus you do, your old friend eager for the chance to ride under the sun after all the weeks he had spent in the darkness of the hold. The sun is high, the sky is blue and the wind is warm rippling through your hair. Faster and faster you ride, hoping perhaps to outrun the shadows of your own thoughts and for a few stolen hours in the sun you do. You are not sure why Inge had brought a basket out for lunch, or for that matter where she had been keeping it, but you are not one to looks a gift horse in the mouth, if Silver would pardon the expression. The bread is still fresh, the goat's cheese is pleasantly sharp and the boiled eggs are nice, though you still do not know what laid them, some kind of pheasant from the description maybe. Inge had even brought a small watermelon along.
The two of you eat under the fragrant crown of a laurel tree, the shadows of growing evening turned soft green. Wary as you are now in mind and heart, and thanks to the ride in body too, it seems the simplest thing to question Inge on matters which you had so far shied away from, the workings of her magic and the ways of her goddess.
While she struggles to explain the latter for in her own words, 'Ikomi has as many moods as the sea', she is surprisingly forthright as to the former. She can in some manner 'see' magic when she chooses to and as long as she is in sight of the sea she can always find north, south, east and west even with her eyes closed, a skill for which you suspect Antonio will want to hire her for even if she had no other. She can also conjure light to see by, 'for the living and the dead alike' in her own words and...
"Alright, you can try..." Maybe you are a little mad to let her try this on you, but then this has been a rather mad day.
Inge whispers something, like the wind passing through bay leaves, and for just a moment you feel a flash of insight. You do not know what else to call it, or even if there are words for the feeling in any of the tongues you know.
"A little nudge from the other side. You can use it to duck out of way or hit true with sword, can use it to jump, ride and swim, just a little nudge though." The girl shrugs a little awkwardly. "It does not always work, but it is small magic see. It works on anyone though."
"Anyone?" Strange as it might be to consider that the goddess of which she speaks exists in some manner it is stranger to think that she would give counsel to anyone.
"Anyone I choose; me, you, Silver, all the same," Inge confirms, tossing a piece of sweet melon at the horse for emphasis. "All that is small magic. I can do... that I can do when I like. Then there is big magic, only so much big magic I can do before it goes dry. Three times each day now, mist or..." she pauses a long moment, then her voice falls to a near-whisper. "Ice."
You nod quickly, needing no demonstration, the image of the already dead Ilfa's chest exploding in a flash of unnatural ice heavier than a warhammer's blow is not one you will soon forget.
Sounding more subdued she continues. "I can make magic stronger by touching the world-magic, the streams like in the temple, like the standing stones where Ohun wants you to look. I think he wants me to look too."
Name: Inge
Alias: Sea-seeker
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 9
Race: Human (Small Humanoid Child)
Level: 1
Class: Witch 1 (Ley Line Guardian, Sea Witch)
Feats: Extra Hex* Touch of the Sea (Stage One)**,
Traits: Easy Target, Savage, Guiding Spirit
Class Features: Patron (Storms);
*Feat consumed to allow the character to take both archetypes
**Benefits apply to Water spells, not evil
HP: 7/7
AC: 10 +3 (DEX) -1 (Easy Target) = 12
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Attack: +0 (BAB)
Spell Save: 10 +3 (INT) +1 (Water) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Staff
7 (-2) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
16 (+3) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
12 (+1) Charisma
FORTITUDE: 0 +1 (CON) = 1
REFLEX: 0 +3 (DEX) = 3
WILL: 2 +0 (WIS) = 2
Intimidate: 4 +1 (CHA) = 5
Knowledge (arcana): 4 +3 (INT) = 7
Knowledge (nature): 4 +3 (INT) +1 (Savage) = 8
Spellcraft: 4 +3 (INT) = 7
Survival: 4 +0 (WIS) +1 (Savage) = 5
Spells Known (CL 1):
Level 0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Stabilize (At will)
Level 1: Snowball, Obscuring Mist (3/day)
Spell-like Abilities:
Know Direction (At Will when near the sea)
Special Abilities
Conduit Surge: At 1st level, a ley line guardian is adept at channeling energy from ley lines to enhance her own spells. As a swift action, she can increase her effective caster level for the next spell she casts in that round by 1d4–1 levels. After performing a conduit surge, the ley line guardian must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + level of spell cast + number of additional caster levels granted) or become staggered for a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell cast.
Sea Creature Empathy: A sea witch can influence the attitude of water-dwelling animals and animals that live along coasts and shores, including birds, as if using wild empathy. The sea witch uses her witch level as her druid level for this ability. If the sea witch has wild empathy from another class, her witch levels stack with the other class's levels to determine her wild empathy bonus for these kinds of creatures.
Guiding Spirit: Once per day as a swift action, you can look to your guiding spirit for advice. The next time you roll a d20 in that same round, roll twice and pick the better result. If one of these two rolls is a natural 20, you can use this ability again that same day.
Alias: Sea-seeker
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 9
Race: Human (Small Humanoid Child)
Level: 1
Class: Witch 1 (Ley Line Guardian, Sea Witch)
Feats: Extra Hex* Touch of the Sea (Stage One)**,
Traits: Easy Target, Savage, Guiding Spirit
Class Features: Patron (Storms);
*Feat consumed to allow the character to take both archetypes
**Benefits apply to Water spells, not evil
HP: 7/7
AC: 10 +3 (DEX) -1 (Easy Target) = 12
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Attack: +0 (BAB)
Spell Save: 10 +3 (INT) +1 (Water) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Staff
7 (-2) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
16 (+3) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
12 (+1) Charisma
FORTITUDE: 0 +1 (CON) = 1
REFLEX: 0 +3 (DEX) = 3
WILL: 2 +0 (WIS) = 2
Intimidate: 4 +1 (CHA) = 5
Knowledge (arcana): 4 +3 (INT) = 7
Knowledge (nature): 4 +3 (INT) +1 (Savage) = 8
Spellcraft: 4 +3 (INT) = 7
Survival: 4 +0 (WIS) +1 (Savage) = 5
Spells Known (CL 1):
Level 0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Stabilize (At will)
Level 1: Snowball, Obscuring Mist (3/day)
Spell-like Abilities:
Know Direction (At Will when near the sea)
Special Abilities
Conduit Surge: At 1st level, a ley line guardian is adept at channeling energy from ley lines to enhance her own spells. As a swift action, she can increase her effective caster level for the next spell she casts in that round by 1d4–1 levels. After performing a conduit surge, the ley line guardian must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + level of spell cast + number of additional caster levels granted) or become staggered for a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell cast.
Sea Creature Empathy: A sea witch can influence the attitude of water-dwelling animals and animals that live along coasts and shores, including birds, as if using wild empathy. The sea witch uses her witch level as her druid level for this ability. If the sea witch has wild empathy from another class, her witch levels stack with the other class's levels to determine her wild empathy bonus for these kinds of creatures.
Guiding Spirit: Once per day as a swift action, you can look to your guiding spirit for advice. The next time you roll a d20 in that same round, roll twice and pick the better result. If one of these two rolls is a natural 20, you can use this ability again that same day.
For all stings your pride to think that you had been tasked with a mission on the assumption that you would have a child's aid it does make sense. You know nothing of magic or its ways, perhaps you might not even be able to spot the trouble without Inge's second sight. Hopefully in this at least you had made a good choice.
Who do you set out with on the morrow in search of the Standing stones Ohun spoke of?
[] Write in (Inge included automatically; Antonio will be harder to persuade as he has not yet sold all of his cargo and does not wish to leave his ship)
OOC: As a child Inge would normally only get one trait, but she gets one more due to Easy Target, since she is not combat trained in anyway.
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