Wanna be Isabella's bc Isabella is cooler than Vlad
Defo. Isabela's brood for sure, and if we're lowborn as well it creates this conflict where the highest of the high quite like us despite our background... but everyone else thinks we're jumped up trash (and we kinda are).

Also lady vampire pls.
I definitely like the idea of a Von Carstein with low born origins. Should help us with our task anyway since both Necromancy and banditry are dirty jobs.

Not certain about the bloodline. Its been a long time since I read any Warhammer fiction. Can anyone tell me why there is this distinction?
Voting High-born for the little things like literacy, class, taste, and a refined thesaurus of backhanded compliments.
-[ ] Isabella's Brood
+ Significant bonus to status in the eyes of Vlad and Isabella themselves
-Small malus to status in the eyes of other bloodlines and among lesser vampires of the Von Carstein Bloodline

-[ ] Born High
You were of the aristocracy before you were of the Aristocracy of the Night.

These are my picks, being used to status and privilege even before vampirization, and now you've been Turned other vampires treat you like a jumped up commoner while you're in better (and more recent) taste than any of them sounds fun to me.
I definitely like the idea of a Von Carstein with low born origins. Should help us with our task anyway since both Necromancy and banditry are dirty jobs.

Not certain about the bloodline. Its been a long time since I read any Warhammer fiction. Can anyone tell me why there is this distinction?

Just political/inter-Vampire within the overall Von Carstein bloodline or with how other vampires not of Vashanesh's Vlad's lineage would see you.

Also, Isabella tends to Kiss more women than men and the reverse for Vlad. No, not in that way. Vlad's picks more often tend to be warriors or necromancers before the Kiss, while Isabella was the source of much of the couple's early political and diplomatic savvy. Mind, that's not an absolute, as Isabella would've been modernly characterized as something of a tomboy in her younger years, preferring falconry and hunting to needlework and music practice.
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[X] Who Sired You?
-[X] Isabella's Brood
[X] Standing before the Kiss?
-[X] Born Low
plan useless lesbian turned with giant immortal unrequited crush on Isabella is a go.
I would rather not. Becaues that does not sound fun at all. And I am tired of female MCs at this point.
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I would rather not. Becaues that does not sound fun at all. And I am tired of female MCs at this point.
While you're welcome to your own preferences, that last line seems...odd, contextually? Warhammer-wise, most of the non-crossover stories and quests I've seen have male MCs. Divided Loyalties is the one exception I can think of off the top of my head.
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