[X] [Exam] As a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy - you'll be the best new Grey College graduate in 50 years.
[X] [Exam] As a competitor to Volans - you're a Lady Magister, with all the skills you had and almost all the spells. If you give it your all you'll be the best Grey College graduate in history.
[X] [Staff] Your newfound affinity for time and timing - how time is ultimately the deciding factor of everything that happens.
[X] [Exam] As a competitor to Volans - you're a Lady Magister, with all the skills you had and almost all the spells. If you give it your all you'll be the best Grey College graduate in history.
[X] [Staff] Your newfound affinity for time and timing - how time is ultimately the deciding factor of everything that happens.