Monster (A Star Wars Imperial Navy Defector Quest)

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[X] "-I'm going to Corulag to get my ships back.

We get the ship's back, return to Chandrilla and kick General Thiromer (hopefully winning some brownie points for ending a massacre) and then move to secure the neighboring area.
[X] "-I'm going to Corulag to get my ships back.

Will Operation Cinder be a thing? Because if so it would provide us a good reason to detect to the NR.
I suspect if we abandon Chandrilla, General Thiromer is going to just slaughter an entire swath of innocent people. If this was a different quest and saving lives was a priority, the choice is clear. However, that's not the goal of this quest.

From what's been said, walking away more or less is saving our own hide and probably a practical option if said repression turns out horribly for him (AKA the people he's trying to shoot start shooting back).
@Winged One Cinder is essentially 'Plapatine is dead so no-one gets to live" essentially. Basically burning down the empire out of spite.

[X] "-I'm going to Corulag to get my ships back.
I'm not familiar with that particular atrocity. Would it affect our evil protagonist personally in some way or something?

I think it's the Emperor's contingency for his death where a bunch of fanatics are ordered to BDZ a large number of planets and basically plunge the galaxy into a dark age as bad or worse than the New Sith Wars

I think it's that one at least.
I'm not familiar with that particular atrocity. Would it affect our evil protagonist personally in some way or something?
The most infamous part of The Contigency, the Emperor's plans for the Empire in the event of his death.

To stay on topic, after his death Sentinal droids were sent out to select military officers with a recorded message from Palpatine himself. Each one contained orders to destroy a particular planet. The means were varied, but weather control satelites were used multiple times.
The chosen planets ran the gamut from openly rebelious to fanatically loyal. Surface garrisons were left to die.
The Imperial Military (and government?) was secretly a surveillance state. The Emperor had a super-algorithm use all of that accumulated data to determine which officers would follow through with the orders.
Operation Cinder's purported reasoning was to both terrify the galaxy back into submission and to punish the galaxy for failing to preserve the Emperor's life. It also handedly confused the whole "the Emperor is dead" thing.
The Contigency's overall purpose was to destroy the Empire for its failure while disguising the disappearance of large amounts of resources and men into the Unknown Regions. (Jakku was supposed to explode taking the New Republic's military with it too).
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[X] "-we're going to stay put here, assess the loyalty of the fleet and the system.
I prefer this one, because you see nothing is wrong, this is a minor hiccup and everything's going to go back to normal soon.
[X] "-we're going to secure the Perlimian and Hydrian ways in Bormea.

An unpopular opinion, but it gets us out of the Chandrila mess and puts us in a position to rally more forces behind us than just the ships at Corulag.
[X] "-I'm going to Corulag to get my ships back.

Can we send out an open message or one to the rebelling leaders of that planet that we disavow the rampaging idiot below? Cause fuck man this guys gonna slather us with more bad press than we need atm
Also, man, things are shortly going to get really crazy. The first warlords pop up soon. And the Central Committee of Moffs launches in opposition to the Imperial Ruling Council/Sate Pestage/Isard soon. (You know the guys who try to put "Palpatine's three eyed son" in charge, "I bid you Dark Greetings" and all that)
*sad Mas Ammeda noises*
[X] "-I'm going to Corulag to get my ships back.
We need all the material we can get if we are to combat all the various warlords effectively.
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