Monster (A Star Wars Imperial Navy Defector Quest)

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With that said Vaere isn't trying to set up the navy of a galactic scale polity but rather one of a handful of systems with limited recruitment opportunities and industrial capabilities in contrast to her more substantial neighbors. Her circumstances are similar to that of the earlier Rebellion, having to make do with a smaller force that will take longer to replace losses.

Given that it makes more sense for her to invest in more advanced weapon systems, preferably those superior to what her enemies intend to roll out in future, that allow her to output more punch for unit and will lower the amount of causalities her forces suffer per engagement.
With that said Vaere isn't trying to set up the navy of a galactic scale polity but rather one of a handful of systems with limited recruitment opportunities and industrial capabilities in contrast to her more substantial neighbors. Her circumstances are similar to that of the earlier Rebellion, having to make do with a smaller force that will take longer to replace losses.

Given that it makes more sense for her to invest in more advanced weapon systems, preferably those superior to what her enemies intend to roll out in future, that allow her to output more punch for unit and will lower the amount of causalities her forces suffer per engagement.

This is exactly why Strike Wing is A Thing
Given that it makes more sense for her to invest in more advanced weapon systems, preferably those superior to what her enemies intend to roll out in future, that allow her to output more punch for unit and will lower the amount of causalities her forces suffer per engagement.
Of course, quantity has its own quality. An inferior force will, in theory, typically, take greater losses, so if, in any given engagement, one can bring fewer forces, than superiority that fails to make up for the reduced numbers is probably not going to help. Of course, this has a bit of a flaw when the environment has a minimum hostility (dem glorious head-on passes...), and one's ship's are made of tinfoil with a face-plate design stolen from a dart-board. There are also various doctrinal things that can be attempted to engagements into more-or-less even numbers...

It is a good, valid idea that I am inclined to share, it is just that it can go bad if not monitored...
[X] [Lon] "-Put on a shuttle back to Fedalle"
[X] [Vaere] Organize a hand over of captured rebel auxiliaries to Commander Cade
[X] [Vaere] Secure her position with the Skakoan establishment.
[X] [Fleet] The First Bormea will be dispatching forces to secure Ganthel.
[X] [Fleet] Fortify friendly systems against Operation Cinder
[X] [Yard] Repair Intractable
[X] [Strike] Use Strike Wing to disrupt Operation Cinder
[X] [Strike] Drill Strike Wing.

Fighters are far less important than capital ships for deterring or dealing with an imperial aggressor.

Guess who we're most likely to be at at war with?

Also, a damaged/unfinished ISD is a juicy target for everyone from rebels to warlords..
Best to get them out of the docks ASAP.
[X] [Lon] "-Put on a shuttle back to Fedalle"
[X] [Vaere] Organize a hand over of captured rebel auxiliaries to Commander Cade
[X] [Vaere] Secure her position with the Skakoan establishment.
[X] [Fleet] The First Bormea will be dispatching forces to secure Ganthel.
[X] [Fleet] Fortify friendly systems against Operation Cinder
[X] [Yard] Repair Intractable
[X] [Strike] Use Strike Wing to disrupt Operation Cinder
[X] [Strike] Drill Strike Wing.
The realities of controlling a galaxy verses running a galactic insurgency are quite different. The Thrawn campaign basically beat that into the New Republic's head I think
I feel like that's not really fair to the new republic? If anything, they were doing much better about the entire thing than the empire ever did, even before the Thrawn campaign.
I feel like that's not really fair to the new republic? If anything, they were doing much better about the entire thing than the empire ever did, even before the Thrawn campaign.

I am being fair to them, they learned. The Empire never did until it was far too late. The Thrawn campaign was just the first time that an Impierial opponent really seems to have had the realisation that the tables were turned and ran with it on scale... Then operation Shadow Hand rolls through and we're back to the status quo >: V
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