"Why did you make me do this? You're fighting to watch everyone around you get killed by Dien. Think Aobaru! You'll outlive every single indenture task in this universe. You'll live to see me finish my mission and whisk away! Everything I set up will be gone! What will you have after 100 years?"
It's hardly Aobaru's fault that we spent 28 Arete to make something spectacularly implausible happen! Rather, it's a real credit to him that he proved so resilient to the Apocryphal and the Shogun
despite our relatively distant relationship. This is more a kid in the grip of madness than a display of his genuine character.
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[x] A House Divided

The only bad thing about this option is that we can't kill him, still beating the pathetic little shit near to death will have to be enough.

[X] Full Speed Ahead
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It was fun memeing about "THINK, Aobaru, think!" thing but let's not bring ourselves too close to the actual context of that scene.
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[X] Full Speed Ahead

It has the highest chance of killing Aobaru and it maximizes the lives saved. How fortuitous.

If allowed to fully integrate his new powers, he might become a threat to Hunger himself, at least enough to credibly achieve his stated objective of permanently weakening the Cursebearer.
Aobaru is a direct threat to Hunger's ability to defeat the Hidden Ones, mitigate his curses, save his wife and survive.

If Hunger is permanently weakened such that Aobaru can challenge him he will never even be close to the kind of power he needs to achieve his goals.

I'm assuming the Apocryphal spent the majority of it's ability on making this believable or possible, because in the context of Progression permanently weakening Hunger such that he can be challenged by Aobaru should be all but impossible without killing him.
It has the highest chance of killing Aobaru and it maximizes the lives saved.

Hardly. Killing Aobaru means triggering Apocryphal Onslaught, remember? If you thought Dien was bad, the kind of trouble waiting for us at our current powerlevel isn't going to be something you'll enjoy. Moreover, it's not something the Human Sphere will survive.

permanently weakening Hunger such that he can be challenged by Aobaru should be all but impossible without killing him.

Nah. It's entirely possible that Aobaru just wants to impose a sufficiently onerous and lasting Condition on Hunger to diminish him for his Indenture. Though of course, I imagine the Shogun's thought processes is more along the lines of diminishing us and then using the continued Apocryphal procs to justify killing us outright later while continuing to mentally influence Aobaru until the latter is possible.
It was fun memeing about "THINK, Aobaru, think!" thing but let's not bring ourselves too close to the actual context of that scene.

Yeah I'd rather not beat our boy too bad, I think it's possible to talk him down though even without fighting. His hearts there he's just angsty and rebellious taken up to 11 by manipulation. The problem is that ShogunBaru realizes that we're too powerful to beat without Dien distracting us. We just need to convince him that leaving Dien to his own devices is worse than any benefit his distraction could give us. Deals can be worked out, compromises made, but if the Human Sphere is obliterated we all lose.
Word of Rihaku, A House Divided does not kill Aobaru. A Simple Transaction I Original
A House Divided doesn't kill Aobaru, Hunger is too strong to need to do that. Do take note that you are talking to the Shogun as well as Aobaru, however! The Shogun may not contribute much to his outward seeming, but their influence is clear in every movement and sword-stroke. And they have one objective.

On another note, we paid a lot of Arete so the Apocryphal would make Aobaru do this out of universe. Part of why we spent so much Arete was to exhaust it. It had to exhaust itself to make Aobaru fight us.

Like, there's a major existential horror element to the Apocrypha. A valid ending for a Rihakuverse SI is "Get fate puppeted into fighting a Cursebearer and die".

What culpability does Aobaru have in the face of Apocrypha?
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It was a considerable exertion simply to keep Aobaru's power from obliterating the universe
Every single update post Companions 2 brings more regret that Leeway didn't win. First Apo attacking universe, and now casual powerup of our opponents?

Hell, can we even rely on Aobaru tanking Apoc procs for us? He might not be able to stop universe-destroying auras or deal with opponents scaled to Hunger.

[X] There Can Only Be One

his has best odds of Dien surviving, which I want. Our Vegeta can't die so fast!
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[X] Full Speed Ahead
-[X] Argument for Aobaru: "You say your only chance is treachery - but you're not betraying me, not really. You're betraying the billions of people whose lives you're prepared to discard because you value them less than your chance at glory. Who did you learn THAT from? It's not a hero's choice. You say you learned this kind of stratagem from me, but when Procyon came to attack Nilfel, I put myself between the enemy and the innocent civilians, even at tremendous personal risk, even though I could have vastly enhanced my odds of victory by allowing him free rein for a time. You're doing the opposite - you're using my unwillingness to accept mass civilian casualties to protect yourself. What do you seek, to claim your destiny in truth? Know this, Aobaru - even if you win like this, a hero isn't what you'll be. I'm not ignoring your attacks because I don't see you as a threat; you're a greater threat to me personally than Dien is. I'm ignoring your attacks because I'm worthy to rule, and you aren't. Beating me in a fight can't change that."

Hopefully this is a valid write-in. I figure we can spare enough attention to talk to the boy even while fighting, what with all our ridiculousness.
I was considering selling my vote this time, but I like your tactics.
[X] Fayhem
Anyways, the Shogun tries to convince Aobaru that he cannot be free unless he can prove he's more powerful than Hunger. Basically, as long as there is anyone stronger than you, anywhere, you can't be free. The Accursed might approve of this attitude, but I think most people would think this a bit much. For instance, there's nothing stopping Aobaru from carving out a kingdom in the Voyaging Realm or outside the Human sphere. He doesn't need Hunger's permission for that.

This does not seem like a particularly good faith reading of these arguments. Hunger is not stronger then other people in the sense that he bench presses a bunch more then anyone else in the world or that he could fight 5 normal guys at once and win.

Hunger is stronger in such a way as to be able to create arbitrary changes to the laws of physics and bend the very stuff of probability to his sheer will on astronomical scales, his actions happening at such speeds that some of the highest ranked things in this failing struggle to even perceive him, with a presence so overpowering that if he wanted to the 'normal' people of this setting cannot even concave of disobeying his every whim, much less meaningfully opposing anything he does.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely is a old cliche, but it's important to remember that if Hunger ever desires it, the amount of functional power Hunger can have over populaces that dwarf the entire population of earth is so absolute that it would make the most invasive and unassailable autocracies to ever exist irl seem like utopias of freedom and autonomy in comparison.

If Hunger wins her and has a mental break one day, then decides he'd like to consign every single inhabitant of the Human Sphere to hellish torment for the duration of his geass and perhaps beyond depending on how self sustaining the enchantments he uses to do this are, then their is absolutely nothing any being in the universe not empowered by the mad whims of the apocryphal curse can do about it, save maybe the chain of fates entity.

That would be true if he stayed at his current power level indefinitely, but the power of progression and the fact that he's gotten this strong in a matter of months likely means that near the end of his reign the current hunger will seem to have the strength of a protons pull in comparison.

You might balk at the Hunger would ever consider to use his powers for something immoral, but remember, people ICly can't see into his head or that people who wouldn't vote for that sort of thing are controlling his actions, and it's worth it to point out that Hunger isn't exactly immune to the potentially extreme psychological impacts of stress from the sort of lifestyle many people would mentally fall apart trying to endure.

Now the other actual characters that express concerns are either tainted by Dien's monstrous moral compromises or the Shogun's hypocrisy, so I understand how easy it is to dismiss them out of hand, but I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to fear someone else having that much potential power and that little ability to stop them if they misuse it, to the point they might take drastic measures to atleast make it viable to stop them if they do something bad.

This is compounded by the problem of the Apocryphal curse. While Hunger is technically correct that his curses won't let up just because he's weakened in certain contexts, in a very real sense weakening him really does effect the kind of collateral damage they impose on other people. This is tribally true in the case of Decimator, but the apocryphal introduces enemies and challenges into Hunger's life that it finds intresting, and it doesn't find throwing Hunger into hopeless unwinnable fights or do the reverse for what it throws at Hunger. There was a time when the greatest challenge apocryphal threw at Hunger was the Gamer, who while not the greatest example of human decency, whatever foibles they had paled in comparison to the evil of Dien Bravo. When the only thing is at stake from the procs were the millions of the Elixer Kingdom, not the trillions of the entire human sphere.

Now Apocryphal Procs that come into existence by us existing at the power level we do create things like the Surgeon who even if we prevail against here now will probably be one of the worst atrocities every perpetuated on Humanity in this universe, much less whatever monstrous ends he might pursue should he succeed. One of the alternatives to Mordred was the near instantaneous destruction of the entire human sphere which only Hunger could even react to, and only stop via clever tactics like arising from his new Soul Evocation.

These probably won't be the last time Hunger ever sees these sort of procs, and unless something is actually done will almost certainly continue to threaten ever more vast sums of people with untold suffering until one finally kills him or he mitigates the curse into irrelevance, a task of such magnitude that it's plausible the universe the Human Sphere is in would have spiraled into Heat Death long before a hypothetical Hunger could accomplish such a task.

Aoboru correctly identified that this would be his only chance of ever affecting that after apocryphal mindwhammied him, and even then agrees to work with Hunger as soon as he has managed to place some manner of limitation on his unchecked might. Now obviously I don't want Aoboru to win, but I can't find the motives entirely unsympathetic, and while using Dien as a distraction I think causes a lot of needless suffering that I don't this is justified...

Aoboru is also entirely right when he says that the only way he has a chance against Hunger is by not helping him against Dien until he's effectively beaten the Forebear reincarnated. Now, you might say that makes fighting Hunger morally unjustifiable and I might even agree, but I think it's important to remember that not only have quite a few people in this very thread argued in favor of those sorts of moral calculus's, but that Hunger has personally allowed and even caused a great deal of mass suffering in order to achieve a greater good like back during his rebellion against the Tyrant, with his main IC justification for exercising more moral restraint in the present is that he has so much power that he can accomplish his ends without it, not that doing so is actually wrong.

The kid is following Hunger's examples in more ways then exercising treachery.

Of course their are good argument to be made, ones I agree with, in favor of Hunger continuing his pursuit of power to right injustices, take veagence on cosmic evil like the Hidden ones, and aid the Accursed goal to bring a fair and just world to the Rihakuverse, but I feel like it's worthwhile to play devil advocate for why someone could oppose that without being a awful person given the attitude prevalent in the thread.
Every single update post Companions 2 brings more regret that Leeway didn't win. First Apo attacking universe, and now casual powerup of our opponents?
It was rather obvious that it would happen soon enough given our rate of growth.

Anyway, some thoughts:
  • Shogunbaru seems to struggle in travel department, what with having to use flame to manifest himself. We were also capable moving him away. As such we could move him away, extinguish stars near Dien and try and finish off Dien before Aobaru can interfere much
  • In case that we choose to fight Aobaru, we can CtF with him afterwards to fight Dien together, provided we don't kill him
  • We could consider throwing Adorie(or Gisena) in his path and have them argue with him for a bit to buy us some time. Would be even better if we had Adorie with HtQ, but alas
I currently don't have any amazing battleplan, however. Hopefully I will come up with some idea sooner rather than later.
Yes, how dare Hunger have power, shame on him.

10/10 argument, would let galaxy get exterminated over it.

Jesus fuck
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Yes, how dare Hunger have power, shame of him.

10/10 argument, would let galaxy get exterminated over it.

Jesus fuck

I don't know what you want me to say here. I mean, yes, their is obviously some threshold of personal power some person can accumulate before it gets just a tad worrisome. Is there anyone who actually disagrees with that point?

If Elon Musk built a cartoonish fortress impervious to WMDs and a drone army capable of winning against the world's combined militaries, I think most people including you would be reasonably worried them having those things, and that's not even a millionth of the sort of power Hunger currently has, much less what he'll have after a IC year or a decade or a single geass task.

I'd be even more worried if that caused a alien invasion of the planet that killed half the human race in a horrific manner as a incidental side effect, and I had the rest of my lifetime to look forward to the continued escalation of that with ever increasing alien threats as some byproduct of his existence. That too is a fraction of the consequences that the apocryphal curse is currently foisting upon the plane of existence that Hunger happens to be on.

That doesn't mean that Dien or the Shogun are right or whatever, though obviously the latter justifably thinks he can fix this without killing Hunger or sacrificing the Galaxy to Dien, but I'm honestly surprised this is in anyway a controversial point.
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I don't know what you want me to say here. I mean, yes, their is obviously some threshold of personal power someone can accumulate where said power gets just a tad worrisome. Is there anyone who actually disagrees with that point?
Of course I do. Your entire point is based on "having ability to affect other people without their consent is evil" which is just something we don't give a shit about in reality. Do you think that we shouldn't apply laws just because people disagree with them? That we shouldn't push towards gay marriage because some rando KKK dude hates gay people? Of course you don't. Only difference here is that real world derives authority from the technology and numbers while magic spell realm derives authority from personal might.

"B-but muh power". Just increase the scale. We are forced to act as we do due to physics - gravity means that you don't get to fly and so on. You don't go around whining about how evil physics set up all the rules without consulting with you over the every single thing. Hunger remaking the universe to be more fit for human species is a good thing regardless of what rando #9109938510 from Human sphere might think about it. And that is where this is heading, as we grow in the power we will become less of a "Tyrant"(and stop fucking taking Dien's dumbass roleplay seriously) and become a fact of reality that does its best to make humanity prosper. And there are already vastly greater powers that are accomplishing the same(i.e. Haeliel and heroism, Accursed himself etc) so you can think of current reality as something controlled by higher beings anyway.

Coming back from world of bullshit into world of whats actually going on, we just saw that entities ruling Human Sphere were just about to nuke entire fucking thing - Republic did actually awaken a Shard and Association was doing their dumbass experiments that would nuke souls out of existence. This is not "humans living in a perfect Star Trek harmony vs meanie Hunger torturing everyone for lulz", this is Hunger going out of his way to save HS from certain extinction and then make everything better. Our fucking alternatives are guy who likely ate your home planet and traitorous motherfucker whos fundamental drive is ruling something.

In which fucking world is Aobaru letting walking extinction that is Dien carry on just so he can cripple us so he too can rule something you can argue for?
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I don't know what you want me to say here. I mean, yes, their is obviously some threshold of personal power some person can accumulate before it gets just a tad worrisome. Is there anyone who actually disagrees with that point?
In addition to Wolfy's points, there are many people far more powerful than Hunger. Especially the Hidden Ones, who actually did make Hunger's OG isekai unimaginably worse. Idk why this is a major concern when we're stilll nowhere near fulfilling vengeance yet.

Is Hunger so mentally weak that despite his Uttermost roleplay and IC knowledge of Apoc, he'll get convinced by DienShobaru's Hero roleplay and give up any amount of power? If not, what are we arguing here?
I mean, this is about understanding other people's perspectives. If nothing else, understanding Aobaru's concerns would make it easier to generate tactics to talk him down, y'know? Like, I don't know you could read a post that includes:
Now obviously I don't want Aoboru to win,
Now, you might say that makes fighting Hunger morally unjustifiable and I might even agree,
Of course their are good argument to be made, ones I agree with, in favor of Hunger continuing his pursuit of power to right injustices, take veagence on cosmic evil like the Hidden ones, and aid the Accursed goal to bring a fair and just world to the Rihakuverse, but I feel like it's worthwhile to play devil advocate for why someone could oppose that without being a awful person given the attitude prevalent in the thread.

And think Sara believes Hunger is powerful and thus evil and must be stopped. Both in-universe and out-of-universe, actually engaging with the points people make instead of going off on your own faulty assumptions is how you reach productive discussion.

What culpability does Aobaru have in the face of Apocrypha?

Indeed. And not just that, how culpable can a teenage boy be for being manipulated by a god-shard that's older than human civilization? Getting mad on the internet over something like this is absurd. What sort of Hero would Hunger be if he couldn't even save his apprentice from the dark side?

And beyond that, just pure self-interest makes it clear that we should figure out how to talk him down as best we can. An Imprisoned Aobaru isn't nearly as useful to us as a willing lieutenant and a dead Aobaru is actively detrimental to all of our goals!
In which fucking world is Aobaru letting walking extinction that is Dien carry on just so he can cripple us so he too can rule something you can argue for?
Luckily for Sara, she is not taking the position that your Strawman has so thoroughly attacked:
Now obviously I don't want Aoboru to win

As for the rest of your post, you're outright mischaracterizing some parts of her argument just because you woke up pissier than usual today.
Only difference here is that real world derives authority from the technology and numbers while magic spell realm derives authority from personal might.
Sara's post is about how Hunger's Rank is fundamentally different from real world rulership under technology and numbers. There is not room for dissent, reform, or evolution under a system where coincidence or causality will prevent anybody from going against Hunger or even having a thought that doesn't advance his interests.

This is an interesting line of discussion, and trying to step on it is actively costing the thread Arete in the form of wordcount and multipliers. So, I'll list some of the ideas that I came up with about Hunger's Rank. Maybe that'll move the conversation back to what could be a neat line of inquiry:
  • There are lots of fiction & video games where endless psionic domination is one of the Bad Ends, and we've basically given that to Hunger without a second thought. I'm terribly uncultured, but Jade Empire by Bioware is the one that comes to mind.
  • Then there was that Dien Interlude by Vali (?) where the protagonist realized that he couldn't make choices anymore, and the thread was mostly horrified by it. The reality-warping powers of Rank seem just as effective in constraining muggles as Dien's mind control.
  • We've been told that Rank 10 Armaments can overcome bad social engineering to just fiat any system of rule into feasibility. Hunger's Rank is "insurmountably" above such tactics. So, Aobaru knows that Hunger's rule of the human sphere does not need to be in-line with any kind of ideal or effective principles in order to succeed.
  • I think it's reasonable to object to power like Hunger's, to whatever degree that normal moral instincts apply to someone with such extreme abilities. You might even be able to argue that the Accursed's master plan echoes that very objection: "a fair universe" doesn't replace free will with Hunger's Rank or the Ur-Mother's sadism.
Coming back from world of bullshit into world of whats actually going on, we just saw that entities ruling Human Sphere were just about to nuke entire fucking thing - Republic did actually awaken a Shard and Association was doing their dumbass experiments that would nuke souls out of existence.

I don't think the rest of your post really engages with what I was saying for reasons Zamp and Lea already laid out, which I really appreciate from them, but this does actually. It's worthwhile point out that the Republic awakening a shard was a direct result of a Apocryphal Proc, the one that created Dien in fact, and had we not voted for it would not have happened at the time. The associations experiments going so astry is also a result of the apocryphal result. Hunger's prescence here were what created the opportunities for these things to come to pass via his crowning curse.

I realize now even if I did argue for why I still think Hunger is in the right people are going to say I think Dien should eat the universe or something but since I'd like to generate arguement tactics against Aoboru here goes, so to lay this out

1. This doesn't justify Dien or the Shogun for obvious reasons
2. Their is a lot of good Hunger can and already has done despite this, from ending the horrific abuses of the temple to saving Elixer from the Rotbeast to stopping Nilfellian imperialism to bringing down Republican agression to stopping horrific shards like the above
3. Their are various entities just as bad and stronger then Dien out there in the Rihakuverse that Hunger continued progression can help stop, saving and embettered countless lives, like say the Hidden Ones
4. Hunger's power isn't just the power to destroy others, but the power to enrich others live as shown by the Evening Realm which he can externalize
5. The Apocryphal curse is preexisting and presumably affects large swathes of the Rihakuverse in bad ways via the Accursed, which Hunger taking it on allows him to mitigate

and I'm sure I can think of more later.
I never get to join Page Gang!

It's probably the ONE gang I've never been a part of at some point! (not counting Whale Gang, and possibly Aeira Gang, though that one might actually only be an urban legend).


well... quoque tu, Aobare?

ah, wait, I already made that joke.

The Ides of March

Aobaru squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fingers on the armrest. Fortified by Vigorflame, it did not yield.

Sweat trickled down his brow, stinging his eyes. He worked his jaw, the febrile tension of imminent action swelling in his gut, his sternum.

The Shogun's words redounded through his mind. A flat impartial tenor, devoid of all feeling but certitude; the unrelenting and unshakeable honor of a being that had been ancient when Procyon itself was young.

Procyon was dead at the hands of Lord Hunger. As its emergence had inaugurated one Age, so would its passage one day mark another: for that was when Hunger had turned the corner, become truly unstoppable. When the greatest Implements of the Human Sphere threw their herald against him, and it was found wanting.

Ereadhihr could not oppose Praehihr. Any fluctuations from this precept would bend towards compliance, in time.

well, yeah, that was definitely the moment the current powers of the HS lost their supremacy, and it was certainly poetic that it was PROCYON the Armament that fell.

And yeah, until that moment our party members (except maybe Gisena, who could see at least the most superficial layer of the lathe of heaven) didn't really understand the true potential of a progression-type cursebearer.

To be fair, it would have taken most cursebearers YEARS, maybe even DECADES, to reach that level. Not the 2-3 months it took us instead.

This is the moment, Chen Aobaru. The Shogun had spared no niceties. This is the hour of Hunger's accession. It was already inevitable; this will render it irreversible. Dien Bravo is the mightiest remaining Shard. Without his opposition, Lord Hunger will reign supreme. Unquestionable and invincible.

And was that really so bad? Considering what Dien had done... and Hunger had always treated him well. To simply betray the man who had been mentor and protector to him - felt wrong. No - was wrong. It was an unconscionable act.

The Shogun is using the most dangerous argument of all: the truth.

After this we WILL be unstoppable, at least as far as this universe is concerned. Even Apocryphal will need to bring out threats from outside this universe if she wants to make things interesting, or even just wait for the next one.

the internal argument Aobaru is having is reminding me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it... some anime character going to more or less the same thing.

Sasuke from Naruto partly fits, but I don't think it's him..

oh well, maybe it will come back to me later.

No matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise, the truth will always shine through.

You are Chosen, Chen Aobaru. Our Foremost selves seeded that potential within you, and not by chance or mere happenstance. If Hunger prevails today, you will never in any meaningful respect surpass him ever again. Not in your field of strength, nor in any field. He is a Progression-type Cursebearer, and you are merely the hero of a single universe. Less prey than fodder, at best an ornament.

No matter how brightly you shine, you will never eclipse him. Not even for an instant.

You cannot deny what you are. You cannot deny the disquiet that burns within you. The fundamental in-correctness of your current role. Will you not act?

Fuck his chosen role. Hunger hadn't done anything to deserve betrayal. If Aobaru turned on him over something as shallow as that, wasn't the 'Chosen' one just a puppet dancing on another set of strings?

He clenched his teeth. All he had to do was, nothing. Let Hunger win and things would work out. To raise his own sword against the King of the Elixir Sovereignty was utterly ridiculous, and literal treason besides. And even if he did, there was no chance he would actually win.

Again, The Shogun uses the truth as a weapon.

It's true that this is Aobaru's last chance to truly reach and surpass us.

But Aobaru, for one moment, acknowledges one important point: is being the hero, being the best one, as important as keeping himself loyal to his mentor and friend, which he KNOWS doesn't have bad intentions and has NEVER actually treated him badly, at most ignoring him a bit for completely understandable and justifiable reasons?

Isn't destiny just another type of chain? Is DESTINY even important here?

WHY should he care about Hunger being the one to save the day, beyond his bruised ego? He's objectively MUCH stronger than he would have been without Hunger's help at this point, possibly even stronger than he would have been even at his apex. Is that really not enough just because Hunger is stronger still?

His strength and being the hero more important than friends, mentor and loyalty?

Sadly this isn't a fair game, and Aobaru is not just facing a supernaturally convincing being. He's facing a supernaturally convincing being supported by the Apocryphal curse giving it her best shot.

It's about as fair as.. I don't know... trying to resist mind control through mundane willpower.

As fair as a rattata facing a Mewtwo, or Krillin standing up to Ultra Instinct Goku.

The one thing Aobaru is wrong about is that he would have a chance. A small one, but Apocryphal can promise a chance at least exists.

That is why you will join with me. I shall be your sword and armor, and yourself the animating flame. Nor do we seek the Praehihr's undoing. Merely, independence. Independence from the incidental tyranny of his overwhelming might. We shall see to it that Dien is defeated, and the Praehihr weakened only to the point that we might reasonably establish a realm of our own. That, would be entirely within our merged capabilities, once I have unlocked your true strength.
and here begin the half-truths and honeyed lies.

We're not really betraying him, Aobaru. We're just seeking freedom, Aobaru. We don't want to actually kill him, Aobaru.

Of course he's forgetting to mention how the Shogun definitely wants to rule everything, and Aobaru should KNOW that we HAVE to rule if we want to not die to Indenture... though to be fair the Shogun does not know about that last bit.



guys, we might have made a mistake.

His true strength... was capable of rivaling Hunger? Hunger, as he was now, with the Realm of Evening overlaid upon reality around him? But even so, if Aobaru wanted a realm of his own, surely he just had to ask. Hunger was not much into ruling directly anyway.

eh, Aobaru would get bored with ruling inside of a week. He's not wrong though, we'd likely give him a kingdom if he wanted one.

Maybe start small, just one planet, or get a few advisors, just to see if he actually likes it...but we'd definitely be fine with that.
Enfeoffment is not conquest, just as power inherited is not earned. Do not confuse utility for purpose, or means for ends. Freedom, rather than a mere facade thereof, will never arise merely from entreating that man. The nature of his Curses are such that he will never regard another authority as legitimate, save for that of his patron.

All while his mere presence summons endless calamities upon his head, upon his realm and entourage. Calamities which he may have the strength to repel, or endure - but for which the survival or well-being of those around him, is nowhere near assured.

..ok, Shogun is not wrong, but he's obviously missing the point: He's tempting Aobaru with the freedom to defy rules he'd normally be fine with following!

It's like... I don't know.. imagine there was a rule of reality stopping people from killing each other without a morally valid justification. MOST PEOPLE WOULD NOT WANT SUCH A RULE TO BE REMOVED.

He's sort of right about Apocryphal, but he's also ignoring another important point: Our Apocryphal is just a fragment of the curse limiting the Accursed.

Whatever apocalypses it might bring here, they're more than likely much LESSER than what they'd bring if they happened to other Cursebearers, or to the Accursed himself.

Maybe the Shogun doesn't know. Maybe (and more likely) he doesn't care.

Aobaru shook his head. No, he didn't have to do anything. He would acquiesce to Hunger's victory and see Dien defeated once and for all. Whatever came next... he didn't have to think about now.

If you acquiesce now, the flame of your spirit - of your purpose - will be banked utterly. You will be extinguished in meaning, if not in essence. Is that the act of he who bears the Vigorflame? The indivisible spark of heroism itself?

Lord Hunger will either bring ruin upon this realm by his presence, or ascend to such unassailable strength that no catastrophe could dislodge him. In the former case, you will not survive. In the latter...

..If only Aobaru had met and talked to Haeliel I'm pretty sure this would have NEVER been an option.

After all you can't really go against a champion of the Seraph of Heroism, and still call yourself a hero.

He has a point in regard to the "Hunger might lead to the destruction of this universe", though while the stakes are VERY high the payoff is so staggeringly high as to be worth it..

Recall the Realm of Evening in its cosseted, suffocating splendor. The extinction of all conflict includes with it, dissent. The annihilation of one's troubles, is the amputation of destiny. He would turn all the universe into that prison: for what matters that the body and mind are unshackled, if the spirit is trapped inescapably? All that unfolds from such provenance would be as meaningless as artificial challenge, little more than a game.

And most people suffering in the real world probably would not care.

One might argue about the injustice of removing free will... but in this universe, FATE and DESTINY are actual forces. that means that there ARE people destined to suffer and die.

When you consider that, the philosophical justification of stopping beings like the Accursed and his cursebearers actually loses a LOT of his moral weight, especially when you remember the Accursed is actually powerful enough to make the world a perfect place, free of suffering and conflict, when everyone is meaningfully happy, while at the same time preserving (or even actually CREATING) free will.

If you can do that, there's quite literally no excuse NOT to do it/support it.

Allow me to show you the destiny you might have claimed, which the Praehihr unwittingly severed from you. The destiny that we might yet restore. Understand now that the purpose of the Elixir Springs was solely to bring about their counterpart; all other elements mere radiation. From the life-giving waters, which merely imbue power, arises the solitary flame, that embodies it.

For the Vigorflame numbers among our finest weapons, and there is no weapon which I have not mastered.

Behold, the might and the fury of our Chosen One.
interesting. It also implies that the only element that might have been an equal to Vigorflame would have been that one water element we could have chosen, actually.

Again, the Shogun doesn't know or care that Vigorflame is an emanation of the Vitalizing Flame of the Seraph of Heroism, who approves of us...

Power came upon him then, power in an onrushing flood, ocean of oceans too vast for comprehension; brilliance beyond sight or reckoning, heat like a supernova flare, a torrential advance delirious and inconceivable, all-conquering and - constrained. Dammed behind the wall of his arbitration, not by force but by volition held away.

For it was only his own power, and could not arise if he were not willing.

It pressed against his form, as if bursting from the seams of his skin, radiance spilling forth incontestably, uncontrollably. He could bear it, he could keep it contained, but it was simultaneously too much to bear.

Aobaru grunted, and clutched at his eye. Tears of flame dribbled from his fingers. This- All this, if he'd stayed in the Voyaging Realm, if he'd gone his own way- should have been his?

There were other ways, he knew instinctively, with the curious affinity his Element had always exhibited for him. He could turn it aside. Dismiss it. Diminish, and become merely Chen Aobaru, the chosen one no more.

Or keep it contained forever, if he so wished, and some how find a way to endure.

In his heart of hearts that wasn't what he wanted.
..ah, but of course.

The Shogun is basically tempting Galadriel with the One Ring, except Aobaru knows/believes that the One Ring was his destiny and right.

Of course we could have also prevented this from happening by taking the two EFB-equivalents for Aobaru in the past, but I'm sure Apocryphal would have come up with something equally annoying. Maybe it would have targeted Adorie instead, or Aeira, or maybe Letrizia.

Aeira and Letrizia together... a stealth attack boosted by sharpbright might actually have accomplished something, with sufficient powerups.

Marvelous as the Evening may be, it is not your nature to go gently into that good night.

Rage, Chen Aobaru. Rage against the dying of the light.
That's not how that quote should be used! :mad:

Ok, I'm now personally offended by the Shogun.

This means war.

The Foremost Chosen accepted his destiny.

And the Blade of the Shogun appeared in his hand, and the Armor of the Daimyos around him: he roared, and a great heat and vehemence erupted from him. Power that ruptured the bounds of the real, power beyond all grandeur and reason, force and glory racing outwards to the bounds of the universe and still pouring endlessly forth.

A mere pulse of that power subdued the system of the cosmos, matter yielding to energy in looking-glass inversion. And all the realm became fire, and the stars bowed to him; for He Who Was Chosen had come before them at last.


And so Aobaru falls to temptation.

Again, not his fault really. I'm sure Hunger will understand, even if it will inevitably hurts him anyway.

Betrayal always does.


Hunger had been prepared for Apocryphal intervention, but this was sheer insanity. Utterly ludicrous and brazen - the Shogun fusing with Aobaru and making a play for independence, right as Dien attacked!?

yeah, yeah, we know.

Good news: if/when you win your underling got a pretty big power boost at Apocryphal's expenses, and you should have earned a few years of peace.
Nonetheless, there was only one thing to do. The magnitude of his task had greatly increased, but its directionality remained unchanged. He merely had to cut through, even if it could not be cut.

that's the spirit!

Expanding from Aobaru's former position was a sphere of molten light, bright coruscating pressure that retextured the universe in its wake. Luckily Hunger's other companions were positioned elsewhere around the system; with transcendental quickness he threw himself forward, retrieving the others and teleporting them to safety. Hunger spared a moment for Dien; Novakhron's primary cannon barked once, discharging a torrential pillar of energy towards his manifestation. At the same moment he displaced Aobaru to a distant uninhabited star, swiftly following afterwards.

The boy stilled, every muscle tensed as if straining against the efflux of power that raged within him. At Hunger's arrival he locked on, exploding forwards as if grateful for a target to vent his strength on.

Then the Shogun was upon him: blink-spasm forth as his blade severed space, gliding with eerie smoothness around Novakhorn's suppressive fire as he skated into melee range. The impression of his descent was unearthly grace married to unthinkable power, sheer ravaging might that seemed to roil the universe at their collision, shake loose the cosmos from its moorings.

But Novakhron the Dog of War was mightier still. Unmoved and unbroken from the severity of that impact, Hunger's Armament shifted out of its defensive stance to retaliate with a blow of its own: power focused rather than wastefully extruded, brutal driving mass like a hammer-blow crushing the boy, whose form fractured and distorted under such concerted might. Aobaru spun out wildly, but an instant later corrected himself; somehow converting and dissipating the force as discharged heat, no more than a judicious flare of the fiery nimbus that constantly emanated from him.
well, battle started, and I suppose it's too much to hope Dien died in the first attack...

Hunger frowned. It was a considerable exertion simply to keep Aobaru's power from obliterating the universe, even with his own Pressure fused to Novakhron's. Adorie's power of winter was slightly effective at neutralizing it, but at the cost of expending its own force. And his clones were thoroughly occupied containing Dien.
..and Aobaru lacks the control needed not to destroy everything.

unfortunate, and something the Shogun obviously didn't mention.

I wonder if it could be part of an argument we could use to turn him to our side again, that even right now, while we're fighting against each other, the only reason he hasn't destroyed the universe is that we're stopping him.

Unless he's doing it on purpose, which would mean he's quite literally holding the universe hostage to get an advantage against us.

..I'm not sure if I should be annoyed, or impressed/proud. It definitely follows the "Age and Treachery" mindset... after all he KNOWS we'd NEVER let the universe be destroyed (for multiple reasons, including we kinda need it to not die ourselves), so there's technically no risk on his part until we're weakened to the point we can't do this any longer...

Such effortless skill from the unseasoned teenager was the Shogun's contribution, no doubt. This would not be trivial, even with the advantages of his form and all his magics. He was the faster and stronger of them, but not unassailably so, even with his attainments in the Praxis. And his opponent now drew from a well of battle-knowledge, instinct excruciatingly internalized, that might be unmatched in this realm.

"What is this about?" Hunger asked in the thundering basso of Novakhron's voice.

Aobaru shook his head. "You wouldn't understand. But we want Dien gone too, just without you too mghty ever to challenge. Let me weaken you enough and then we can destroy him together. Your current strength, alongside those Curses, is an unsustainable combination!"

"My Curses will not let up just because I'm weakened. The Shogun is using you," Hunger replied. "They will rationalize anything to justify their rule. That's all this is."

Aobaru sighed, and tightened the grip on his blade. "I knew you wouldn't understand."

yeah, friendship no jutsu requires us to win first. it's the basics of the basics, hunger!

Also how exactly would he weaken us? maybe we could bluff... but I imagine the shogun would not fall for it.

All about them came the sense of a great retraction, spacetime breathing in: inversion of the all-pervading fury that had accompanied Aobaru's ascent, power drawn back and condensed, refined into faultless clarity. He moved.

If his first strike was heat then this was light, flash of steel and pure shining sharpness, singing partition as the blade-stroke approached.

Hunger exerted the Realm, diminishing his opponent along every aspect and parameter, heightening his own prowess as he drew on the Refinement of War. He did not meet Aobaru's blade but evaded it, curling around to strike at his flank with an unabated haymaker blow.

This, too, the Shogun anticipated, as blades of compressed Vigorflame appeared along Aobaru's shoulders and back, cleaving through and deflecting the main body of Hunger's strike as the boy twisted, cleanly severing the shoulder of Novakhron in exchange. Hunger grunted, and without hesitation detonated the Armament's gun-arm, which lay directly beneath that shoulder. If maneuver would not suffice, then simply trade resources.

A typhoon of energy washed over them both, atomizing the boy's armor; Ruin burrowing deep as claws of entropic magic savaged Aobaru's reinforced flesh.
well, round 1 goes to us I think, though he got a good hit in.

The Shogun beat a hasty retreat, vortex-jets of Vigorflame propelling him away from the heart of the explosion, juking and angling with supernal ease even as Hunger teleported to pursue. Hunger's dominion over life and essence already restoring the sacrificed arm, but without the Refinement of War he was not quite able to close the distance. His chaser-volley was ultimately ineffectual, lines of missed fire like scars in the universe fading slowly as Aobaru recovered. A swell of gold-white flames congealed across his body, forming false limbs and skin to replace Ruin-splintered flesh. Cautiously they circled, preparing to re-engage. Neither had truly tapped their depths in this fight, but they were both wasting time, giving Dien a window to act.

uh, we can restore the Armament this quickly... somehow I didn't expect it.

Hopefully Dien doesn't get too much stronger after this, though at least if he does we could probably pull an "enemy mine" and immediately go against him.

"Hah... unbelievable." Aobaru panted, drawing ragged breaths. An artifact of habit, seeing as they were in space, but their mutual Pressure smoothed over such tiny concerns. "Even after all I've gained, you're barely even taking me seriously."

"Neither of us are fighting to kill," Hunger replied. "Whatever your concerns are, we can address them in time. Cease this contest. We ought to deal with Dien first."

"Feel free," Aobaru said, "But I can't let up. Your being distracted by Dien is the only chance I have to actually win."

Hunger frowned. "And how many will the Surgeon massacre in that time? You're relying on me to save them, while simultaneously carving up my flank? Hardly the actions of a hero, or of any worthy ruler."

"What matters a hero in the face of a Cursebearer?" He shrugged. "I'm just a theme park manager. Without strength enough, my only recourse is treachery. You taught me that."

..I don't know if I should be more annoyed, or proud.

On the one hand, he's really internalized our lessons.

On the other, he's using them against us, and putting us in the spot of having to basically stop him from killing the audience!

They did not have any more time to waste. Both were quicker than Dien, himself considerably so, but the Surgeon had well-demonstrated on countless occasions why it ought not be left to its own devices. From their interactions so far, Aobaru at least had retained some semblance of sanity, and the compression of his nimbus mitigated his threat to the greater universe. Assuming his aura was even dangerous to life - Hunger suspected it might re-contextualize biological entities into beings of pure spirit.

Aobaru was the deadlier opponent, but would inflict less collateral damage upon the cosmos. Without the ability to decisively crush one of the Shogun's apparent skill, the correct decision was clear. Hunger had no choice but to prioritize Dien first.

Hunger said nothing, and swiftly departed, teleporting back to their original system. Aobaru followed in hot pursuit, winking out like a spent ember only to re-emerge from a nearby star, birthed from a tongue of coronal flame. At his appearance, all the stars in the sky flared in metronomic unison, dead suns re-igniting like ash become the phoenix.

so, the goal is obvious: we kill Dien as quickly as possible, then used that power to stop Aobaru.

...I actually wrote "to kill Aobaru" there for a moment. Bad habit I suppose.

well, let's see what are our options. I suppose there's "prioritize Dien, Prioritize Aobaru, try to delay/seal Aobaru before dealing quickly with Dien... maybe some hirh-risk bet like releasing an attack capable of destroying the universe, and force Aobaru to tank it...

Aobaru is developing mastery over his vastly-expanded capabilities with outrageous speed. If allowed to fully integrate his new powers, he might become a threat to Hunger himself, at least enough to credibly achieve his stated objective of permanently weakening the Cursebearer. On the other hand, every moment wasted gives more time for Dien to generate yet another atrocity for some invented purpose. Small mercy that this is occurring at speeds too quick for the other companions even to perceive, much less get involved - but that means they will be little help here, as well.

eh, from their point of view Aobaru's betrayal will have lasted not even a full second.

If we wanted to, we could even hide it from them if we can get him back. Except maybe Gisena, because she's just THAT good at noticing things.

I still wonder HOW he'd permanently weaken us though. Also that means he'd have to KEEP us weak for the next 60 years or so, which is OBVIOUSLY unsustainable. Apocryphal would send us some challenge, and we'd either die against it or become stronger in the process.

or.. well, there's the RoE monthly procs. He probably can't follow us in there against our will, so we COULD surpass him during those weeks maybe.

[ ] There Can Only Be One - Aobaru's intractable for now, but Dien seems to have some fixation on combating Hunger directly. Perhaps that can be usefully channeled in this case? Attempt to join forces with the Surgeon until this 'interloper' is subdued, so that they might have an unbiased contest of who is truly more able.

Treachery is your only recourse, Chosen One? Two can play at that game.

*Tactics can improve odds, though remember that Hunger has never really met Dien
*It's not really in Dien's interests to do this, and the Hero will do anything to win
*On the other hand, he may not take kindly to another attempting to usurp his role!
*And Hunger will only accept if Dien can credibly commit to not performing any atrocities for the duration...

..I can't see ourselves actually taking this one. I can't really see Dien accepting without backstabbing us right at the most critical moment.

I don't like it.
[ ] Full Speed Ahead - Just let the boy do his worst while Hunger focuses on taking down Dien. Unfortunately there's no truly superior solution here. The faster Dien falls, the sooner Hunger can turn his full attention to the root cause of this uprising. Perhaps he'll be able to extirpate the Shogun from Aobaru, see if that makes him more reasonable.

*Hunger can probably destroy Dien pretty quickly, if he's doing his uttermost
*Simplify the equation, even if at a cost
*Aobaru will certainly get some damage in, all the while scaling even further. It's nearly at the point where his Vigorflame can strengthen or incinerate arbitrary concepts in anyplace touched by heat or light...

I think I'm fine with this. Maybe we could try to separate him from heat and light then? Trap him in a sphere of darkness at absolute zero temperature, or something like that?

We can probably bear the cost. Between future RoE procs, the power we'd get from winning this fight AND the apocryphal being COMPLETELY exhausted we'd probably have time to recover.

[ ] Usurpation Containment Wave - The Seal of Ruin has an almost unacceptably large wind-up at these speeds, but if successfully executed will cripple Aobaru's destructive capabilities and his ability to scale. But while Hunger performs the Praxis technique, he will either have to endure the heroes' combined onslaught, or attempt to evade and leave the universe at Dien's mercies. Perhaps the boy will step in if the Surgeon attempts anything truly unconscionable.

*A fairly straightforward strategy, though one that risks much in exchange for establishing control over the parameters of the engagement.

too risky. unboosted seal is just too slow, and Aobaru is currently in a delicate mindstate. He might not realize we're actually leaving the universe undefended, and allow Dien's atrocities to happen just because he doesn't realize we're not stopping him any longer.

[ ] A House Divided - Hunger was bluffing; Aobaru is too great a threat to merely give free reign. Dien has little chance of actually slaying his projected Tyrant, while Aobaru's power is unfathomably immense and his skill now greater than Hunger's own. Hunger has no choice but to bring now the full weight of his still-greater might to bear, and crush the boy before things escalate further. His clones will have to do their best to defend the Sphere in the meantime.

mh.. I think I'd rather focus on Dien first. it gives us moral superiority, and he IS the weaker opponent.

We should be able to defeat him faster, and we can then use the pick/picks to buy something to deal with Aobaru if needed.

So, right now I'm leaning towards Full Spead Ahead. Dien comes first, even if this means following Aobaru's prediction.

1890 words
Sara's post is about how Hunger's Rank is fundamentally different from real world rulership under technology and numbers. There is not room for dissent, reform, or evolution under a system where coincidence or causality will prevent anybody from going against Hunger or even having a thought that doesn't advance his interests.
Yes, "having power = bad". I've already covered it in both gravity example and pointing out that this universe is already as it is due to powers that are(i.e. fucking Hidden Masters who were never reviled because they are vast universal concept, but because they are cunts). This entire line of discussion is just pointless fucking navel gazing that ignores reality of situation - it is either Hunger happy awesome time, universe remaining in current status quo before getting nuked or everyone dies, the end. It is just clutching at pearls about "but what if we do a bad thing" when the bad thing is already fucking going on.
Indeed. And not just that, how culpable can a teenage boy be for being manipulated by a god-shard that's older than human civilization? Getting mad on the internet over something like this is absurd. What sort of Hero would Hunger be if he couldn't even save his apprentice from the dark side?
One living in real situation with real consequences. Despite what you people want to claim, Hunger is not omnipotent and his ability to convince people into stuff is not unlimited. We are on hard clock as Dien is exterminating countless innocents because of a dumbass, so we don't exactly have time to sit down and talk. We can't acquiescent to his demands, he doesn't seem keen on listening so the only way is to Cut Through.

And what is there to talk, really? That we should cripple ourselves to Shogun can indulge his rule boner? At this very moment there are entire multiverses of people suffering under yoke of this or that force; crippling ourselves means not being able to help them, which is just unacceptable. Despite what our philosophers want to think, Hunger is a force of good and just like him there are forces inherently malicious to humanity out there. Going "b-but who will watch the watcher" is irrelevant in the face of such suffering.

You can't reason Aobaru out of hole he got Apo's into. At this point it is not even Aobaru, but trying to convince Shogun that he should go against his very nature. Only way I can think of is to make him our lieutenant as we conquer countless realities, but that still doesn't address the fundamental difference between us.
I don't think the rest of your post really engages with what I was saying for reasons Zamp and Lea already laid out, which I really appreciate from them, but this does actually. It's worthwhile point out that the Republic awakening a shard was a direct result of a Apocryphal Proc, the one that created Dien in fact, and had we not voted for it would not have happened at the time. The associations experiments going so astry is also a result of the apocryphal result. Hunger's prescence here were what created the opportunities for these things to come to pass via his crowning curse.
Yes and no. Apocrypha just pushes thing along, but these were already there. It didn't create Procyon ex nihilo, it was already searching for Letrizia so Apo just pointed it at us. Republic was already looking at Shards and Association was already doing dangerous Astral experiments. Given everything long standing survival of humanity is very much in doubt. There are too many sleeping terrors on this galaxy.

Likewise, Apo targeting us is a good thing. We are capable of fighting and defusing its procs better than many others, which is entire point of being a Cursebearer, taking on the brunt of curses to protect humanity. It sucks locally to be next to cosmic lightning rod, sure, but they will also benefit from our rule in the long run so it works out. And this bears reinforcing - imagine humanity far beyond ours, one that can perceive world deeper than we can, that can feel harder and that can love stronger. The world Hunger has potential to bring is not merely a paradise, but a realm which allows humanity to be vastly more than we are right now. Especially since soon enough we can do a Nameless and undo all damage done by Apo so far anyway.

Provided Aobaru doesn't fucking cripple us of course.
  • There are lots of fiction & video games where endless psionic domination is one of the Bad Ends, and we've basically given that to Hunger without a second thought. I'm terribly uncultured, but Jade Empire by Bioware is the one that comes to mind.

to be fair, Jade Empire also had this empire be "powered by a forsaken child dying dragon god".

It's been a LONG time since I played it, but I remember the big bad solving a drought by basically torturing the dragon god of water, as he bleeds... well, water.

also in that ending we can actually see a child questioning his teacher, and getting an implied threat of violence from the omni-present robot-golem-guards checking everyone all the time.

It's not quite the same. In Hunger's perfect society people would be HAPPY. causality control means they would not even feel the need to rebel.

Sure, from a philosophical standpoint it might seem worse... but it comes with a LOT less suffering, which makes me prefer it by a lot.

It's the difference between being forced to live in a dystopia or a utopia. You're still being forced, but being forced to be happy and healthy is different from being forced to be enslaved/miserable.

  • Then there was that Dien Interlude by Vali (?) where the protagonist realized that he couldn't make choices anymore, and the thread was mostly horrified by it. The reality-warping powers of Rank seem just as effective in constraining muggles as Dien's mind control.

as effective, but without that level of suffering.

That's a lot like the Forebear actually. he wasn't cruel because he didn't need to.

And the funny thing is...well, Dien didn't need to be cruel, but he IS anyway.

What he did to those people, trapping them in their own minds, is in many ways WORSE than killing them after all. He could at least have the decency of putting their thoughts on pause!

[x] Full Speed Ahead
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As fair as a rattata facing a Mewtwo
To be fair, if the Mewtwo doesn't know Me First, this is a favored matchup- For the Rattata!
(From what I can see, that's the only priority move mewtwo can learn which has attack capabilities, at least up to Gen 7.)
EDIT: wait, Me First isn't even a priority move! Mewtwo just loses!
EDIT2: on further analysis, a Mewtwo specifically spec'd to handle a rattata can win reliably, by way of a held Sitrus berry.
EDIT3: (Oran Berries also work, as do the several types of nature-based berries and leftovers, and a rocky helmet will ensure a tie. Of these options, Leftovers is probably the most common, and also works on a team of 2 Rattata.)
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