Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

1. Please follow any other site-wide rules.
1. No Discriminatory Language or Uncivil Behavior
3. This is a Hartford Subseddit. Please take any discussion of any other cities in the metro area to the appropriate Subseddit.
4. Any questions about moving to Hartford
4. No calls for, or encouragement of violence.

They aren't rebuilding Texas Ted! I heard that it would cost too much to replace him. Between him and Losing Mr. Nightmare, Hardford had the worst Halloween ever!
Posted by u/Strung Out Surfer


It was an eyesore anyway. Maybe we can replace it with something that doesn't look like melted shit.



u/Jetstream *VERIFIED HERO*

Wow. I didn't know you hated punk so much u/Jetstream

Honestly, I almost died at least twice that night because of Nightmare. Screw him.


What the hell happened here...?

u/kristyziegler, if you call Mr. Nightmare punk one more time, I'm traveling back in time and giving your dad a condom.

u/GeorgiethePeach Chaos, my friend. Chaos.
View all 17 comments

Storm Clouds from Last Night
Posted by u/ElDorado

*Sigh* Sometimes, I want to fly into a cloud and just get lost for a few hours...

I swear, those things bring bad luck, but I think we have the best storms.

u/ Xannis
Yeah, try saying that when you're on45 trying to get to work.

Yeah. Most storms here are just gray and depressing. Just like your mom.

Vigil fighting some Nomads by Lauren Street Station!
[Attached Video}
Posted by u/SendMeToJail

Well, I know someone whose waking up handcuffed to a gurney.

I wish he would actually use that sword of his on those lowlives. Maybe push one under a train.

[MOD] u/VictoriousHenchman
u/188Reasons, you know the rules. Do you want another ban?

Hey, it's THE Vigil, OP. respect the THE.


[MOD] u/VictoriousHenchman
Don't argue with the mods.

u/188Reasons. *She*



[MOD] DefBludd1372
Enjoy your ban, u/188Reasons.

u/ Xannis
With The Vigil as a Paladin, Inquisitor as a Cleric, Saber as a Rogue, we have a DnD party up here.
Edit: Alright, THE Vigil. Happy now?

u/Trailblazer *RETIRED HERO*
It's easy to be brave when you're wearing half a ton of metal. Still, at least those hooligans were arrested.

Hey, Inky doesn't have any healing powers. He's obvs a Wizard.

Wizards get their powers from studiying like a bunch of nerds. He's a Sorcerer.

So, who'd be the Bard?

One of the other guys that wears The Vigil's armor, duh! ;)
View all 31 Comments

x Post from s/PoliticsUs Texas Senator Robert Stuart lambasts California's Citizen Heroes Bill
Posted by u/JennyPop

God, this man spends more time bitching than governing

u/Temple *Verified Hero*

I saw that u/Temple! I got a screenshot before you deleted it!

u/ ElectricTribute
30 minutes calling California a Post Apocolyptic Communist Hellhole, 25 minutes saying how this couldn't work, and 0 seconds on a better idea. Just what I'd expect from him.


[MOD} IceCould
I was having a good day until I read that. You know what? You may already be banned for what you said in the Vigil thread since you typed that, but just for that, have another ban, u/188Reasons.

Yo, I hurd you liked Banning. So I put a Ban in your Ban so you can get Banned while you get Banned. LOL Goodbye!

u/Temple *Verified Hero*
I'm taking back what I said before. I was tired and a little frustrated. I shouldn't have said that.

I was gonna say something, but I don't wanna get banned too. But still, fuck Stuart.

He hates people with Powers. That's the only reason why he's doing this.

And how does this show he hates Powered people?
Edit: Here comes the snowflake brigade, downvoting anything that goes against their narrative.

And it's against the law for rich people to steal bread and sleep under bridges. Have you seen the kind of legislation he tried to push?

So, Powered people are more likely to be Vigilantes? That just means that some people are more dangerous and deserve longer sentences.
View all 102 Comments
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[x] Sonya's Five Year Plan for Hero Work
-[x] Equipment
---[x] Equipment purchases for Vigil occurs as illusioned Vigil.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to make a tag, even if only one use for large objects to be prepped for summon without spending time with the object itself.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to tag a box for summoning and objects inside come with.
---[x] Experiement to summon away from self in a controlled manner.
---[x] Use mansion internet access and either the already present setup or specific Vigil laptop. Sonya life does not go on it.
--[x] Metalworking
---[x] Tag Metal Working Equipment for summon to self. Do this regardless if box summon works.
---[x] Work on Armor and other such occurs at Mansion or other secured location.
----[x] Summon Equipment to self, do work, clean equipment as necessary, then either summon back to self when home/workshop. Or reverse summon.
---[x] Five Years Later Type Goal: Two sets of metalwork equipment for Vigil and Sonya.
--[x] Clothing
---[x] Keep Clothing worn as Illusion masked Vigil separate from Sonya.
---[x] Try to go for different styles of clothing. Men's shirts/ different patterns.
--[x] Motorcycle Related
---[x] Can you put the bike under an illusion? How about the motorcycle gear?
----[x] If so use that for occasions where Vigil can't be tracked. Extra sensitive equipment buys. Or places where Vigil is going to be I.D'd such as when working with a live-streaming vigilante.
---[x] Maintenance of Bike is to be done either at mansion or if husband needs to be involved summoning to work garage after closing.
---[x] Vigil has different bike gear than Sonya. The two sets stay in the respective locations of the two identies.
--[x] Mansion Upkeep/Repair/Maintenance
---[x] Money used to buy stuff for upkeep/repair is to be taken from the Vigil funds. See Finance tab.
---[x] Transportation is to be through summoning.
-[x] Finances
--[x] Golden Rule - Treat the two as separate accounts.
--[x] Account Transfers
---[x] Vigilante to Civilian
---[x] "Sales" - specifically calculated to buy metal (which will go into general stock) with "payment" for work done.
---[x] Civilian to Vigilante
---[x] Lost "Sales" - like already doing with armor.
--[x] Vigilante
---[x] Cash payments for equipment.
---[x] If other vigilantes want to help/repay quality metal, mansion improvement supplies and some such are to be encouraged.
-[x] Defenses
--[x] Obscurity
---[x] Find and memorize all the ways to and from the mansion where cameras can't track.
---[x] Mission control needs to learn this too.
---[x] Is it possible to find a way to teleport to Mansion and away again? (Five Years Pie in the Sky thing)
--[x] Learn how to make/use wards.
---[x] Ward Selection
----[x] See if there are defenses you can put up on the house, workshop and mansion for security. Warnings and stronger walls. Possible enhance/magic channels. Or - Magic users gets bonus on prepared ground.
----[x] With mansion - any "There's nothing this way" type thing turning back guests.
--[x]Wards Other
---[x] Use different language/style of wards as Sonya and Vigil. If Sonya uses French, Vigil uses Japanese. Aim for something with different symbols, grammar structure.
It's going to take me three years to read through this, but as soon as I do, I'll get started on the next update.
Five Year Plan
---[x] Equipment purchases for Vigil occurs as illusioned Vigil.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to make a tag, even if only one use for large objects to be prepped for summon without spending time with the object itself.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to tag a box for summoning and objects inside come with.
---[x] Experiement to summon away from self in a controlled manner.
---[x] Use mansion internet access and either the already present setup or specific Vigil laptop. Sonya life does not go on it.
--[x] Metalworking
---[x] Tag Metal Working Equipment for summon to self. Do this regardless if box summon works.
---[x] Work on Armor and other such occurs at Mansion or other secured location.
----[x] Summon Equipment to self, do work, clean equipment as necessary, then either summon back to self when home/workshop. Or reverse summon.
---[x] Five Years Later Type Goal: Two sets of metalwork equipment for Vigil and Sonya.

--[x] Metalworking
---[x] Tag Metal Working Equipment for summon to self. Do this regardless if box summon works.
---[x] Work on Armor and other such occurs at Mansion or other secured location.
----[x] Summon Equipment to self, do work, clean equipment as necessary, then either summon back to self when home/workshop. Or reverse summon.
---[x] Five Years Later Type Goal: Two sets of metalwork equipment for Vigil and Sonya.

--[x] Clothing
---[x] Keep Clothing worn as Illusion masked Vigil separate from Sonya.
---[x] Try to go for different styles of clothing. Men's shirts/ different patterns.

--[x] Motorcycle Related
---[x] Can you put the bike under an illusion? How about the motorcycle gear?
----[x] If so use that for occasions where Vigil can't be tracked. Extra sensitive equipment buys. Or places where Vigil is going to be I.D'd such as when working with a live-streaming vigilante.
---[x] Maintenance of Bike is to be done either at mansion or if husband needs to be involved summoning to work garage after closing.
---[x] Vigil has different bike gear than Sonya. The two sets stay in the respective locations of the two identies.

--[x] Mansion Upkeep/Repair/Maintenance
---[x] Money used to buy stuff for upkeep/repair is to be taken from the Vigil funds. See Finance tab.
---[x] Transportation is to be through summoning.

-[x] Finances
--[x] Golden Rule - Treat the two as separate accounts.
--[x] Account Transfers
---[x] Vigilante to Civilian
---[x] "Sales" - specifically calculated to buy metal (which will go into general stock) with "payment" for work done.
---[x] Civilian to Vigilante
---[x] Lost "Sales" - like already doing with armor.
--[x] Vigilante
---[x] Cash payments for equipment.
---[x] If other vigilantes want to help/repay quality metal, mansion improvement supplies and some such are to be encouraged.

-[x] Defenses
--[x] Obscurity
---[x] Find and memorize all the ways to and from the mansion where cameras can't track.
---[x] Mission control needs to learn this too.
---[x] Is it possible to find a way to teleport to Mansion and away again? (Five Years Pie in the Sky thing)
--[x] Learn how to make/use wards.
---[x] Ward Selection
----[x] See if there are defenses you can put up on the house, workshop and mansion for security. Warnings and stronger walls. Possible enhance/magic channels. Or - Magic users gets bonus on prepared ground.
----[x] With mansion - any "There's nothing this way" type thing turning back guests.
--[x]Wards Other
---[x] Use different language/style of wards as Sonya and Vigil. If Sonya uses French, Vigil uses Japanese. Aim for something with different symbols, grammar structure.

I'm making this post so I could keep things organized, and can check things off as they are complete. Of course, not all of this can be done in a single post, so we're gonna chip away at this behemoth of a list.

That said, since we're formalizing a lot of things in order to conceal our identity, I'm going to have to ask someone to roll Will to avoid a quirk, Paranoia (Secret Identity).

If you get the quirk, you get a bonus on actions that are specifically to avoid outing yourself. But you'll also have to roll Will to take actions that may but your identity at risk but you may want/need to do anyway.
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Looks like we have a plan of action for the next while. I'm going to start working the next update. Hopefully, it'll be out soon. But for now, I'll leave this post for any rolls I may need for NPCs.
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Jasmine Electronic Engineering Total: 8
1 1 2 2 5 5
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunrunner's Rifle (14-2) Total: 12
4 4 3 3 5 5
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mercenaries Rifle (14) Total: 12
4 4 3 3 5 5
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@Agent 99
Just wanted to get some set definitions of what our skills mean:

Such as

What do these two specific skills mean in relationship to each other.

Same with Brawl versus Hapkido.

What does each do, what bonuses apply, limitations. I know I like to argue using the shield and the armor as knuckle dusters so how does that play into things. Would either skill work better with say holding a fireball in one hand for a direct application without the ranged risk?

Also just what does the shield skill cover period.

And with these two skills, (especially Metalworking) given the sheer frequency that they are used will they grow and develop over time?
From the word definitions, accounting is where the money went (tracking for money things) and finance is predicting where the money will come from (weather forecasting for "how am I going to sleep indoors and eat?).

Brawl is probably non-weapon striking, where Hapkido is more throw-related if I recall correctly.

Possible the skills do different things but the words are a good place to start.
Accounting - Keeping the books for a business. Can also be used to analyze books for any irregularities.
Finance - Managing your personal funds.
Brawl - Basic unarmed attacks. (No martial arts, just punches and kicks)
Hapkido - Focuses on Locks, grappling, and holds, but also utilizes strikes.
Shield - Blocking things with your shield. Can be used instead of dodging
Metalworking - Can be used for making new equipment or making art for your day job.
Pursuit riding - Chasing people on your motorcycle. Or getting away from people chasing you.
Friday, November 13th, 2015
Just fourty minutes ago, you placed three sets of clothes in one of the many dressers left behind in the mansion. You're making plans on how to make sure that you aren't connected to your alter ego and part of that is to try to separate them as much as possible. The first step is to get some clothes that you, as Sonya, don't wear. It's only for if you need to go somewhere as without your armor The Vigil, but it's good to be prepared.

That's not all you're doing, of course. You're going to experiment with summoning and placing illusions on your equipment. You're going to set up some tools and spare parts in the detatch3ed garage so you can work on your motorcycle here. Eventually, you plan on buying an entirely new workshop here. Someplace where you can repair your damaged armor or build new weapons. The only issue is where to set it up. Most of the mansion is made of wood, and metalworking deals with a lot of fire and heat. The basement is mostly concrete, but there isn't much in the way of ventilation. You'd need to do some costly renovations for a workshop down there to be viable.

But that's for a more long term plan, when you aren't paying off your current workshop, your mortgage, and a million other things.

For now, though, you're planning on spending a couple of hours tomorrow to make your mansion more livable. You've long since cleaned out a lot of the rooms, gotten rid of all but the most stubborn pests, set up solar panels for power and (mostly) gotten running water. But now, you're getting the most important part set up. At least according to Jasmine.

You're getting internet set up.

It isn't just for browsing the internet, at least that's what Jasmine assures you. It's also for doing research and purchasing things online that neither of us want traced back to us. And apparently, even if either of you do get on Cyber Crime's radar, they'd trace the computer back to Brazil instead of here.

You hope she's right.

Though that is for tomorrow. For tonight, though, you're on patrol. You're on your Mercury Custom, riding through Hartford, wearing a helmet plus a visor to cover your face, ready to summon your armor at a moment's notice. It's late at night, but the streets are still moderately filled with other drivers. As you ride on, passing other motorists you start to wonder, just how recognizable your Custom is. Sure, most people may not even be able to recognize one of these, but if they know bikes, or have seen a picture of The Vigil riding it and recognize you, they might call the cops on you.

You make a mental note to try to work on your illusion magic. Right now, you can only disguise an area around the size of your head. But you'd feel a lot better if you could disguise your bike as well when moving around the city.

"You hear they're retiring Texas Ted?" Jasmine asks over your earpiece.

"Huh?" You jolt up. You're riding somewhere the border of Arts District South and Riverpark, just below the river. Artisanal coffee houses and Vietnamese cuisine quickly give way to run down houses and hourly-rates motels just by crossing a highway. You're pretty sure that even the sewage from the river smells a little worse when you come here.

"What?" You ask. "Sorry, I zoned out a bit.

"I said that the guys in charge of the fair aren't gonna rebuild Texas Ted." Jasmine repeats as you speed down the street.

"Shit.... I really liked him. The fair isn't gonna be the same without him. Seeing him get get destroyed and then reading about it in the news... it's kinda surreal" You say.

"I mean, he always looked a little creepy, but it's gonna feel weird without him there" Jasmine says. "I heard that there's gonna be a petition to rebuild... wait..."

"Something going on?" You ask. You haven't seen anything all night, and so far, the police have beaten you to the calls that Jasmine's heard.

"Call just came in" Jasmine said. "There's-"

[] A large scale gunfight, both sides with automatic weapons at ZeroedIn Logistics Riverpark, close to a residential area.
[] A windowless van was seen driving around Battery Park. The driver and passenger were both wearing hockey masks.
[] A wanna-be Vigilante hastling the owner of a motel about alleged drug dealing by one of the guests in Southlake. Non-powered apparently, but he's brandishing a cattle-prod and has threatened people with it.
[] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.
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[X] A large scale gunfight, both sides with automatic weapons at ZeroedIn Logistics Riverpark, close to a residential area.

Fight at the docks, classic superhero trope. Let's go for it!
[X] A wanna-be Vigilante hastling the owner of a motel about alleged drug dealing by one of the guests in Southlake. Non-powered apparently, but he's brandishing a cattle-prod and has threatened people with it.
[X] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.

Honestly I suspect this one is connected to the windowless van just because of how East Battery Park versus Battery Park seem to be.

I expect that a whole bunch of vigilantes and or heroes to come down hard on the gunfight. An immigrant that doesn't speak English well? I'm much less sure that someone will come to help him or at least find out what the situation is.

That said if we do go to the gun fight - I'd be rooting for focusing on the defense/pushing the fight away from the residential area. Penetration from the machine guns into the homes would be bad.
[X] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.
[X] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.
[X] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.
We might not have Spanish but I bet Jazz and her computer do.
[X] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.
[X] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 17, 2021 at 10:46 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] A panicked phone call from East Battery Park. Not much information, as the caller was speaking Spanish and the dispatcher didn't, but in broken English, he begged for the police before the call went dead.
    [X] A large scale gunfight, both sides with automatic weapons at ZeroedIn Logistics Riverpark, close to a residential area.
    [X] A wanna-be Vigilante hastling the owner of a motel about alleged drug dealing by one of the guests in Southlake. Non-powered apparently, but he's brandishing a cattle-prod and has threatened people with it.

Looks like we have a winner. I'll post an update ASAP
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Civilian Stealth (6) Total: 8
4 4 1 1 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Thug Guns(shotgun) 10+2 Total: 12
4 4 2 2 6 6
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Civilian Fright Check Total: 8
1 1 5 5 2 2
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: IQ to recognize you (10-1) Total: 12
4 4 2 2 6 6
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You speed through RIverpark and head south towards Battery Park. You have a feeling that the cops would be all over that. But someone in danger who couldn't speak English too well? Depending on what was going on, there may not be any help coming.

It isn't hard to know when you hit Battery Park. The old and crumbling houses, the strip malls with parking lots that haven't been paved in decades, and fast food places and small family owned restaurants dot the sides of the road. All concealed in darkness since there are few streetlights, and even fewer are working. You see large tenement buildings in the distance as you ride further east.

East Battery Park isn't a separate neighborhood from the rest of Battery park, but this slice of it feels like a different city. You've been in this general area before. In fact, it's a few minutes north of where you chased Lussiac onto the highway. The rows of houses thin out as you go further in, until there is little evidence of human presence aside from the road you're on. You occasionally pass lonely, crumbling, houses surrounded by trees and grass, and at one point you see a rusted-out car being swallowed by trees, you almost wonder if anyone lives here at all.

"There aren't any traffic cams around there, so I'm pretty much blind." Jasmine says. "Hell, I don't think there any traffic lights at all."

"You're right about that." You say. There are four way stops at every intersection. Though since there is no one here, no police, and possible no residents, you wonder if there is even a point to them.

But the lack of anything here makes the two lights in the distance stand out even more. They're headlights, moving quickly away from you. Or towards something else. You speed up, trying to close the distance between you and the source of the light, which is now two blocks away. As you get closer, you see more lights, these more like flashlights spread from the original source, and scatter. You get closer and closer, you hear shouting over the sound of your engine. As you get close, you see a white windowless van, its headlights still on, and at least four men, all carrying longarms with flashlights attached. There's a fifth man, sprinting towards a treeline about 300 feet away. One person is chasing the fifth man on foot and another takes aim with his shotgun.


The fifth man falls down. He tries to get up, but the goon chasing him grabs his legs, pulls him back, and gives him a swift kick to the gut.

As you speed towards the scene in front of you, you see the van parked at a dead end. There's a corrugated iron fence to the left some distance away with a large hole in it. In front and to the right is a large open field between you and the treeline.

That's when you see the apparent leader, illuminated by the headlights of the still running van. He's a tall, well built man. Like the rest of his group, he's wearing a hockey mask. But unlike the blank white ones sported by the other men, you see a pair of black lightning bolts painted on his as he turns towards you.

You're pretty sure that is Mr. 13. You looked him up a while back when you were getting a feel for what Villains were around the city.

Well, stealth doesn't look like it's going to be an option here.

[] Go on the offensive
- Write in how you're going on the offensive.
[] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
[] Write in
[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
*crosses arms* Okay given this guy's whole deal is coming off as 'the hand of racist violence of the people!' I feel like it's a VERY good idea to make sure he's not good but misguided before we do much more then a soft intervention like this.
[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.

Lets put on our hero hat.
Hmm. Any way we could prep a barrier on the guy they shot at? That could let him get out and give them a nasty surprise.
Hmm. Any way we could prep a barrier on the guy they shot at? That could let him get out and give them a nasty surprise.

One of the guys is close enough to be simply kicking him. That barrier would have to be awfully exact to get between the two.

And yeah - Mr. 13 is very much the racist bastard we've been thinking he was. Because if "Stopping Gangs" was priority over hurting "Poor/Not White/Suspicious" individuals he'd be over at the two way fight with machine guns.

Though he really does fit into Sonya's gallery of villains. Think about it - besides the law and villains tracing Vigil back to Sonya one of the big factors threatening her family is that Sonya has super powers. And the attitude towards those with such powers is steadily declining. And the fact that Sonya has powers while not that much of a secret doesn't feel particularly well known in the neighborhood her and her family lives in either.

Actually, I could see Sonya having the same problem Black Americans have. Property Values dropping being simply a thing that happens when Black/Powered individuals live there.
[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.