0. Quest Mechanics and Details
Cacophonous Interlude is NOT active
  (the QMPC does NOT hear what you write right now)
Next story update : Sometime in July would be nice
Next vote closing : TBD
Progress toward next update : 3,146 words
Anything I post that's not in text blocks or in spoilers
may be understood to be said by the QMPC, with the
exception of the Collaboration Post
  (see Collaboration Post for details on itself)
Players do not need to use code blocks or spoilers
outside of cacophonous interludes

If you use code blocks, please limit yourself to 32 lines
and your lines to 57 characters, so that people on mobile
can read them without scrolling within the code block
This is not meant to be Plagiarism Quest.

You're not discouraged from using outside reference
material or quoting other sources.  When you do, please
cite your sources in spoilers or a code box.
 I have added some players who contributed a fair amount
the last two times as thread collaborators who can update
   the collaboration post. If you'd like to update the
collaboration post too, contact me by PM and we'll talk
                        about it.

Check the Collaboration Post and read the latest story post in the Threadmarks to get a rough idea of where things are at.

If you're not already involved in the game, portions of either of these may be difficult to follow. But you can skip to the line that says "B R E A K" in the latest threadmarked story post and skim from there to get an idea of what's going on.

If there's no corresponding Closing The Vote post in the Informational threadmarks for the latest story post in (normal?) Threadmarks, then the game is in a cacophonous interlude and the QMPC will hear what you post, unless you do so with spoilers or code boxes. The NOTICES portion at the top of this post should also tell you if the game is in a cacophonous interlude.

So you can engage with other players, make suggestions, ask questions, and propose plans and you can compose a message to the QMPC all whether or not the game is in a cacophonous interlude. And once it is, you can vote and/or send a message to the QMPC by creating a post in the thread.

If you want to vote, simply do so as you would in other quests on this board. You may look at other players' votes to see how yours should be formatted. And you may check the tally to see that yours are counted as you intend them.

If you want to send a message to the QMPC, though, keep in mind that they are a creature of their time. They may not understand what you mean if you don't take the time to make it clear. This game rewards and demands work from its players. When a player wants to introduce a concept or tool or technology to the QMPC, that player will probably need to expend effort to explain it carefully, and take into consideration the limits of the QMPC's understanding of the world.

I think this is similar enough to Graeber's 'interpretive labor' that we can use the term colloquially to describe what is being asked of players. Put yourself in the mind of the QMPC and ask yourself how such a person can be made to understand what you want to tell them.

The QMPC has different values than we do. They have different assumptions about the world and objects and forces within it. Their goals may not align directly with number-go-up or color-get-big gaming agendas. But they want something, and will listen most attentively to players that tell them how to get more of or closer to what they want.
                    Collaboration Post!
  1. The Quest Master posts story updates that have 3 parts.
    • Quest Master Player Character responses to player posts made during the last cacophonous interlude
    • An update by the QMPC following a break of varying length but usually some number of years, covering what the character believes is worth mentioning
    • Requests by the QMPC for direction on a number of issues, which the players will provide in the form of votes
  2. Following each story update, players posts are audible to the QMPC until voting is closed.
    This is the cacophonous interlude.
    • Players may convey any information they can represent in text.
    • No images, sounds, or hyperlinks will get through (this is my limitation, not a limitation of the game, so please do not try to transcend it with clever protocol tricks).
    • Players may use spoilers or code blocks to communicate with each other without doing so in ways the QMPC can hear.
  3. When votes are tallied, the QM collects player posts so that it may be known what the QMPC heard.
    • Votes are tallied in the conventional fashion. So only votes in the most recent post by each player are counted. [X] marks what the player is voting. And only identical write-ins accumulate.
    • Some votes are querying the players for their preference, in which case the only suboptimal answer is that which does not accurately reflect the preference of the players who nonetheless chose it (I don't think these kinds of misunderstandings can be helped).
    • Other votes are intended as puzzles where there is a choice the QM believes would best meet what they believe to be the goals of the players.
      • However, in these sorts of votes the QM has in mind a choice that would provide the players with what the QM thinks they most want, but which is not listed in the available votes.
      • In this way, clever write-ins are encouraged.
  4. QM reads player posts, researches their suggestions, checks notes for precedent, determines what the QMPC thinks they already know on the topic, what they're right or wrong about, how likely they are to engage with the topic, how likely the QMPC's followers are to follow-through in the matter, and finally what the result is going to be later on.
  5. QM composes QMPC's responses to player posts made during the cacophonous interlude and updates their notes.
  6. When narrative benefits from uncertainty and chance, QM devises tests for QMPC or other characters and makes those tests using die rolls on a post made just for that purpose.
    • Skill or attribute tests will be made with a largely undocumented homebrew modification of the Burning Wheel system, mangled to suit the format of this game. (The Burning Wheelis a good system and I encourage you to check it out.)
      • Tests may be a contest between two characters or against a static target with tiered results.
      • The rules being used and followed will be described in each post in which tests are made by die rolls.
      • Normal mortals count 7s and better as successes.
      • Heroic characters and characters who are otherwise innately magical count 6s and better as successes.
      • Demigod characters and characters who otherwise possess some spark of divinity count 5s and better as successes.
      • New gods and characters who have otherwise stolen the power of Old Gods count 4s and better as successes.
      • Old Gods count 3s and better as successes.
      • Sorcery and other magic skills lower the threshold of success by 1 to a minimum of 3 only when they are the skill being tested, not when they provide a bonus to other skills. Players may note that Old Gods' threshold of success does not improve when they use magic.
      • Bonus dice provided by Kahl's Warhorses and any incendiary devices more complicated than a burning arrow reroll 9s & 10s and keeps successes. These same bonus dice cancels successes on 1s & 2s, rerolls those, and additional 1s & 2s cancel additional successes. More 1s, 2, 9, or 10s mean more rerolling and more successes or cancelations, but only in the manner of the original die. That is, a 1 or 2 that comes up when a 9 on a bonus die is rerolled don't cancel successes or lead to further rerolling.
    • Research project results are determined by percentile dice with results falling into 5 tiers.
      • Uh oh: something has gone horribly wrong
      • Nuh uh: failure, but the boring kind
      • Huh: partial success
      • Uh huh: full success
      • Whoa: superior special case success
    • When players expect a test to be coming up -- for example if they vote for an invasion or to send a diplomat to manipulate a foreign leader -- they can improve the odds of the test turning out the way they want by providing the QMPC with advice specific to that matter. If the advice is not mistaken or outright bad, there will be at least a chance it will help. That is, decent advice adds dice.
  7. QM composes the QMPC's post-break update, player vote questions, and player vote options.
  8. GOTO 1
The QMPC is intended to be the only character the players will interact with in this game. (It's kind of possible that the players could maneuver the QMPC to surrender control of the Astute Cacophony to another character, but unlikely.)

The QMPC is a small, evil woman who knows magic and has not died, despite looking like she probably should have at some point. She goes by the name Bianca the Undying. Her early life took place in the Paleolithic, in which she has said that she traveled around quite a bit and came to understand the malleable nature of populations of people and animals and even the land itself. At some point she was trapped underground, to her displeasure. She remained trapped for a very long time.

When Bianca got out, she found her way to a community of eight tribes living pastoral and agrarian lifestyles in the local Copper Age. She made these people hers and they relied on her for magically enriching their fields so that they did not need to slash, burn, and move around a bit, unlike their neighbors. Bianca and her followers formalized their relationships into the Eight Ways Pact. Later, another tribe joined Bianca's followers bringing small horses and the Bronze Age and their pact was updated with a ninth directive.

Bianca has an agenda that requires her to have more power than she does right now. She believes that achieving divinity will get her that power.
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C: Regarding the agricultural situation, an organized system of changing land between field/fallow/forest as appropriate for the current nutrient level in the soil seems like it would cover most of the issues?

C: Also wondering just how far the stories of the Tenners travel before getting distorted beyond all hope of recognition.
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C: Regarding the agricultural situation, an organized system of changing land between field/fallow/forest as appropriate for the current nutrient level in the soil seems like it would cover most of the issues?

If I understand farming and QM right, it's not hard to "cover most of the issues" at lower productivity, it's harder to sustain very high productivity of crops per area of land. The Homelands were always accustomed to cheating with Bianca's magic.
If I understand farming and QM right, it's not hard to "cover most of the issues" at lower productivity, it's harder to sustain very high productivity of crops per area of land. The Homelands were always accustomed to cheating with Bianca's magic.
C: The idea in this case is that by having the land "rest" for a couple decades in a way that mimics nature they can replenish the soil nutrients back up to their peak levels, possibly even more given the trees would be growing in Terra Preta. And every settlement will want some areas producing wood and some producing food, so changing which is which on an organized schedule could be a major benefit.
There are very probably going to be famines in the first few years and decades of Bianca's absence, as the 10N get used to existence without her agricultural magic.
C: Anyway, worth remembering is that the Tenners do have a reliable way of making good steel at the moment. They just haven't quite figured out making it cheap.
People complain about lack of native innovators other than Peyuvo, but... When I read stuff again I see that we now have "research as medical discipline". If I understand this right, this means that there were in fact many minor advances in medicines and surgery outside of things invented directly by Peyuvo. She invented "research" as an idea truly practiced in medicine, but then others continue on their own, right? Niiice.

We may have a pretty schizo-tech, 1880s/1890s-style understanding of medicine. Perhaps up to limitations of their tools.

The same concerns clocks or watches (! The amount of precision needed!). These are specified as more than one-time unique prototypes (!).

Entirely different matter: I wonder whether Biancvint and Wreol still exist and how their governance looks. Singers probably lost the right to oversee First Judge and council of judges, or their role transformed into purely ceremonial (as their rolls were not good enough for control over city-states, but "only" enough for unity of association and cultural influence).

Edit: There were also Silent Servants in some cities, these "meek people" were prohibited from talking, but helped Singers and table-rulers (bureaucrats) to manage Bianca's temples (probably to clean stuff and do other simpler and less dignified things, I imagine). They were not important, out of design, but I also wonder whether they exist.
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21. Developments & Returns
Thank you to my patrons.  You rock.
                Please remember to vote.
             Long gap in updates, this time.
               Thank you for your patience.
5 [Licentiate] No shortcuts. Let her learn to be a table-
               ruler first.

4 [Influence] Just send killers for the priests and for

3 [Accusation] "Message incomplete. Resend with details
               or not at all." In addition, spy on the
               Noarites a lot to determine if they are
               indeed a threat. If the high priest's
               accusations do in fact ring true, accept
               her deal.

3 [Insurrection] Recognize Kartz of Lan as First Chief
                 and direct him to make war
"Yes, good. The outsider magician will only be allowed to join my Forsworn when she is the equal of any other table-ruler. She will undergo instruction by table-rulers until she passes all the tests of their positions and only then will she be permitted to present herself to be assessed for joining those who study the odd spirits of the cursed woodlands, new or old.

"And I will make very public my recognition of Karts of Lan, the Master of Hosts as the First Chief of the Ten Nations. I will likewise demand similar recognition of every person of authority from tribal chieftains to the elders of the smallest of families, from those rule cities of outsiders to those who command the workers on a single outsider farm and live by its proceeds. Kartz, victor of many campaigns and warleader beyond compare, I will command to resolve all issues of dissent in the manner most familiar to him, with the exception of the life of Gazark himself and the lives of any priests in his company. These I will send killers after. Let any who set themselves against me come to fear what might lie in every shadow and what might lurk around every corner.

"Finally, I shall send a message back to the High Priestess of Yula saying, 'By misfortune your message arrived incomplete, for surely you would not have sent such important accusations without adequate supporting details.'

"And I will also send scouts and false traders among the Noarites. And should those spies find that the High Priestess of Yula has told me true, then I will make a bond between the Free People of the Ten Nations and the Followers of Yula. And for so long as the Followers of Yula deal rightly with the Ten Nations, the Ten Nations will not trade with the People of the Family, will provide reasonable assistance to Followers of Yula when asked to do so, and will send hosts to sack distant cities of the Noarites, to whatever degree that is actually feasible.

"But if the High Priestess of Yula has told me falsely, then for some time of one or two hundred years I will reward anyone who brings me the head of any priest of Yula, or any object set aside for or jealous to Yula's priesthood, or who leaves desolate any site sacred to Yula.

"Let them learn to either value my friendship or fear my reprisal."
Can you throw some sort of celebration and very clearly and pointedly remind everyone that you can get directly (i.e. painfully) involved in the elections if it will remind everyone who is the true leader?

What are they even having thoughts of a civil war for as if you didn't just fight the embodiment of 10,000 years of evil to a draw to save them not even double checks 15 years ago. Children are adults now who must remember the scary big storm and the goddess riding off to fight it- the older folk have no excuse.
"Voice, I have no doubt that most if not all leaders of each side believe with confidence that I will side with them. Each side supposes their leader to have a special relationship with me. Some among those who talk up the progeny of Kuwuzt even claim he was my son. Some who most highly regard Kartz say I selected him for great service as a child and smiled upon his every achievement, instead of chastising him for his errors and accepting his service as payment for them.

"All of the Free People of the Ten Nations know my power and fear me or fear and love me. But they remain mortals whose brief lives rarely allow for the accumulation of great wisdom."
It occurs to me that if the Ten Nations now have the capacity to make lodestones of sufficient strength and quantity we can begin to teach one of the most useful secrets: How to harness lightning.

The basic principle of a lightning generator is fairly simple, though the form and construction can vary greatly.

To put it simply as possible, lodestones project an invisible field or aura around them originating from their two poles, and this magnetic field is responsible for their behaviour. This field may be imagined as a series of "magnetic field lines" emananting out from the north pole and curving around the lodestone until they meet the south pole of the lodestone. Imagine a series of half circles surrounding the magnet.

When two lodestones are placed near each other they attract or repel because of the direction of the field lines. Two like poles will produce field lines that force each other away while between two unlike poles you will get straight field lines flowing from one pole to the other.

(This, by the way, is why some of my compatriots have suggested making of bent lodestones).

You should already know that lodestones attract other metals to them, through their magnetic field. What you might not know is, if a piece of copper moves through the magnetic field (and more specifically across the field lines) a lightning current will be created within the copper and flow through it.

Conversely if you force an electrical current through copper suspended in a magnetic field it will cause the copper to move on it's own. This is basically the reverse of the previous process.

For now, I will try to describe a simple lightning generator. You want a copper disk, and a horseshoe lodestone or two lodestones with opposite ends both faced perpendicular to the rim of the copper disk, such that a straight line magnetic field cuts across the plane of the disk. The lodestones should be held in place so that the magnetic field is stationary, though in other types of lightning generators the lodestones instead move and the copper is stationary.

Then the copper disk should be connected via shaft to a water wheel or handcrank or some other means of generating rotation so it can be spun at high speed, which will generate a lightning current at the rim of the disk that will flow to the center.

Lightning can move through many different types of matter, but it most prefers to move through metal as that provides the easiest path to it and some materials pose great resistance to lightning. Lightning can still flow through less ideal materials, but this produces heat and light, which you may have observed with lightning starting forest fires.

Back to the generator; to harness the lightning usefully you should take a length of copper wire, vtouching one end to the center of the disk and the other end to a point on the rim. Once provided with a path the lightning will flow along the copper wire.

I will note that this type of lightning generator is rather inefficient but it should serve as a starting point.
"You speak with a great deal of certainty, voice, about the relationship between a lodestone and certain invisible lines, and then about the relationship between those invisible lines and other metals such as copper. Would it not be better to simply understand the relationship between what can be directly known about the lodestone and what can be directly known about another metal object? Can these invisible lines be perceived in any manner other than the way they give rise to small lightnings or something of the sort?

"Also, if there is one copper wire connected to the center of a disk while another connects to the edge of that disk, then surely the two will become wound up as the disk is spun. Or do you mean that whatever armature holds those wires should spin with the disk?

"Still such a device is easily enough built. I may see its effects."
You may wonder what the point of all this sorcery is, but it is very useful. Remember the mention of heat and light produced as lightning forces it's way through less than ideal materials? This can be done in a controlled fashion to produce light even after the sun sets, and to create heat and fire when such is desired. And lightning may be converted back into motion through the reverse of a generator, which we call a motor.

And with suitably long cables of copper wire, lightning can be moved across vast distances, such that you might construct a bellows many miles away from a river and still exploit the power of moving water. The copper cables can be made extremely thin so as to minimize the amount of copper used. However, this is something for once you have sufficient capacity to create lightning.
"I have seen how to start fires with small lightnings. It is simpler to start fires with two dry sticks and skills still known to most children within the Ten Nations. It is simpler still to start a fire with flint and iron.

"And with the spinning disk winding the wires, how can those wires run any great distance?"
And by winding a length of copper cable repeatedly around a bar or rod of iron so that it covers the iron, you can create what we call a electromagnet. For as long as lightning passes through the copper wire the iron will behave as a lodestone does, with the strength of the magnetic field depending on how much lightning you pass through it.
"Though other voices have told us of similar relationships between lodestones, copper wire, small lightnings, and short-lived lodestones, we still do not know to what end you voices mean these to be used. And your version remains especially mysterious on account of the turning wires. What do you mean me to do with a short-lived and spinning loadstone? Should the loadstone be held still and used to make needles into slightly-longer-lasting-but-weaker lodestones for as long as allowed before the wires running to the spinning disk get awfully wound up on themselves?"
Ah, one more thing; some precautions should be taken when handling harnessed lightning since it poses all the risks of lightning strikes, though much lesser in scale. It would be advised to wear thick gloves and boots as a precaution when working with lightning so that it does not decide a person is a good conduit for it to pass through to the ground.
"It would have been much more convenient to receive similar warning before the matter of lodestones and lightning were first introduced. But you voices may be sure that valuable lessons have already been learned about the use of thick leather gloves, beeswax, and prohibitions against carrying any item of any metal, lessons bought with blood or at least lives.

"Still, it is good to have this confirmation of the hazards. And the more you can tell us of them, the more progress my people will make without those interruptions that flashes of lightning and scorched bodies cause."
Looks like we finally got iron to a reasonable level after our lightning round of brainstorming on it last time.
"There is not so much steel that it should be used to make plows, scythes, or wagon parts. Indeed it is mostly only the chosen who enjoy steel weapons or armor, and mostly only those in the Homelands. But they do so increasingly as more steel is born from clay vessels once containing unpurged iron, purged iron, and a smattering of other reagents.

"I hope the making of steel will be well enough known that its secrets may be spread around before some number of outsiders decide to make trouble as the Last King of Wrul did over the secrets of glass. At the same time, I pity anyone who comes after the Free People of the Ten Nations looking for trouble."
Greetings, Bianca! We have some other projects at the moment so we will not be able to provide the sheer quantity of advice that we did last time, but we will do our best to answer your unsolved questions about the methods and devices we have already shared, as well as the pressing issues you have asked for advice on. We also have some ideas for making the production of large quantities of clear-ish glass somewhat easier.

First, with regards to the High Priest of Yula, she is being quite frustratingly vague. It would be advised to acquire more information on the situation before committing to action, so as to ensure you will not be strengthening a more dangerous foe by mistake.

[X] [Accusation] "Message incomplete. Resend with details or not at all." In addition, spy on the Noarites a lot to determine if they are indeed a threat. If the high priest's accusations do in fact ring true, accept her deal.

If the magician wishes to become a Forsworn, let her complete the same training as all the other Forsworn. The skills of a table-ruler are needed for a Forsworn to do their job with full effectiveness, and the outsider shouldn't get a pass just for having magic.

[X] [Licentiate] No shortcuts. Let her learn to be a table-ruler first.

As for Gazark and the priests of Erweh, send killers in your stead. Their trap was ruined the moment you learned of it, and you can simply have the would-be perpetrators dealt with. That said, best not to go in person; they might have some way of trapping you in the underworld.
It's certainly nice to see that what's coming isn't unforeseen.
[X] [Influence] Just send killers for the priests and for Gazark.

Lastly, declare Kartz of Lan the First Chief already. He already has more support among the population, and undertaking such action against Gazark will firmly align you with Kartz anyway.

[X] [Insurrection] Recognize Kartz of Lan as First Chief and direct him to make war

As to packed earth fortifications, the common solution in our world to the problem of such walls being climbed is a ditch known as a moat. The idea is that by digging a deep ditch in front of the wall, a vertical section can be produced that is below the sight lines allowing it to be blasted with cannon, thus meaning it can be conventional stone architecture. For extra mean-ness, the moat could have added upwards-facing spikes so as to skewer anyone who fell in, especially if both the inner and outer edges were sheer vertical drops. To avoid the entry gate being quite as much of a vulnerability, it can be fitted with a draw bridge; this is a thick gate that opens downwards, becoming a bridge over the moat in the process. This raising and lowering of the drawbridge can be achieved using a pair of chains attached to winches inside the defensive wall, and attached to the top corners of the bridge on the outside.
"Ah. So the wall that is more difficult to climb is somewhat protected from cannon attack and the wall that is entirely protected from cannon attack is difficult to reach for climbing. It seems that the wider the ditch is, the harder it will be to cross but the easier the inner wall of the moat will be to shoot with cannon. And in any case, it can be no wider than can be bridged by the gate door.

"However, if the gate is a door in the wall of the city, it will be well back from the ditch because the hill of dirt packed up against the wall will sit on either side of the door.

"Further, though, nothing about this arrangement prevents cannon from attacking over the wall into the city. So there is still the problem of cannons remaining within cities -- where they do no good most of the time -- compared to cannons being taken out for conquest -- where they profit their users very much.

"But, yes, a deep, stonewalled ditch outside the wall of dirt outside the stonewalled city is better than what is had now."
Anyway with regards to the steam engines there are some finer points of turbine design that we forgot to mention, but by the time we remembered the messaging period was already over. First and foremost, a single stage of turbine blades cannot reliably extract anywhere near the full amount of energy the steam pressure can provide. This means that turbine designs with multiple rows of turbine blades are required, but this presents a second issue: If the steam is already spinning when it reaches the next row of turbine blades, it cannot provide anywhere near as much force to the turbine. This necessitates straightening out the steam flow between turbine layers; one of the simplest methods to achieve this is by including blades on the inside of the pipe the turbine is placed within; these blades don't spin, and are angled so that the rotating steam passing through the turbine is forced back into a mostly straight flow. Another fine point we forgot was that it isn't strictly speaking the initial pressure of the steam driving it through the turbine, but the difference in pressure between the input pipe and the output pipe. To maximize this difference, the width of the turbine and pipe should both increase along the length of the turbine; this allows the steam to expand and reduce in pressure as it passes through the turbine, maximizing the difference in pressure and therefore the force the steam can exert upon the turbine.
"So instead of sitting within a pipe with one set of coiled fins, the spinning part of this device should sit in a cone, should have several sets of coiled fins along its length, and in between those coiled fins the cone should have straight fins reaching from the cone pipe inward toward the spinning rod. I think making this would be a work of significant art. But I think I understand what you mean to have made, at least."
The same principles of turbine design apply for cases where it is desired to use a turbine as a pump for high-pressure air, except with which end of the pipe should be wider being reversed. The goal of a pump is to ensure the pressure at the output end is higher than the pressure at the input end, and that means squeezing whatever is being pumped into a narrower space than it previously occupied.
"Oh, this sounds much better than a series of alternating bellows. Is everything else about the device the same? That is, when we find an arrangement of rotating and fixed fins that works very well to turn steam into spin, will the same arrangement set up the other way around be very good at turning spin into wind?"
As for boiler explosions, this seems a problem of idiots not knowing or caring how to safely operate a steam boiler. While the idea of idiot-proofing is a dangerous one due to the world's tendency to provide better idiots without advance warning, we can think of a couple ways to make steam boilers at the very least idiot resistant. One option is to make the same lever control both valves so that they both physically cannot be closed simultaneously. The simplest way to do that is simply to have both steam output pipes next to each other and have the panels for closing each valve attached to the same shaft at a square corner angle from each other. Another option is an automatic pressure regulator, which can be implemented as a vertical ball valve with a very heavy ball. If the pressure in the boiler is below a certain threshold the ball will plug the emergency pipe, while above that level it will push the ball higher and higher as the pressure increases, opening the pressure release valve even wider.
"I like the idea of putting both steam gates on the same turning rod. If I understand correctly, in that way the fool could open both gates halfway, but could not fully close one without fully opening the other.

"I have my doubts about the heavy ball, though. I understand that you mean a ball so that however it lands it covers the hole. But if the ball is heavy enough to hold back the force of the steam, it will be heavy enough to do some damage when it comes back down, won't it."
As for the tapping and plugging of a Blast Furnace or other iron-melter all the sources we have been able to find indicate that the best practice is that when the tap hole is to be closed, simply to ram a large blob of clay into the hole, which the heat of the furnace will cause to solidify and cure. It is generally agreed that this plug should be made in three stages; the first stage is rammed in quickly to prevent additional mass from flowing through the tap hole. The second stage is the same mass as the first, and is pushed in slower; this causes the extra clay on the inside of the blast furnace to take on the shape of a mushroom around the tap hole channel, which produces a protective cap on the hole to protect it from wear and tear. A third lump of clay is sometimes also added, both to compact the clay in the channel, and to further build the mushroom-shaped formation inside the furnace.

When it is time to open these tap holes again, the clay plug simply has a suitably wide hole drilled or broken in it. Rotational motion only is preferred as it minimizes damage to the rest of the tap hole, but if the clay has turned out particularly hard it may be necessary to apply a hammer action to the drilling rod so as to break through. In either case, the clay plug will need significant time to cure before it will be safe to tap again. As such, it is sensible for large blast furnaces to be constructed with multiple tap holes.
"Ah. I had hoped for some better solution than this. I believe the solution now used by the greatest iron makers is something like this. The specifics of the mushroom shape and drill use are not familiar to me, but I have not overly involved myself with the details of the practice. The iron-makers will be made to know that their slag and iron properly flows from taps they drive into the wall of their two-oven iron-melters. And they will be told that the flow stops when they plug the tap with three steps of clay, and that the tap should be drilled when possible, as this will disturb the melting chimney less than hammered blows."
And yes, a Blast Furnace can indeed be constructed to use its flue gasses to heat the air feeding its fire; this is the normal way of doing things in our world, but we were rather confused as to how it was implemented in this particular case. It seems now that the best option would be to have a door near the top of the blast furnace for the insertion of fuel and iron ore, with pipes to bring the flue gas to where it will share its heat immediately above said door. Apologies for promoting a less-efficient method.
"Other voices have used similar defensive expressions before and I still don't know what you mean by it.

"Regardless, since last we spoke I have been told of attempts to build the tower that is tapped for melted and unpurged iron with a single oven. These did pass the air channels along the interior of the chimney tower on their way to the fire. And the whole pile of bricks and mortar may have gotten as hot as the second of the two ovens, for all the bloomwrights could tell. But when it was tapped the metal did not flow freely.

"Do tell, as ever, if there is some additional trick to this."
Now for the remaining issues with flintlocks, you asked how a screw could be used to clamp the piece of flint in the hammer? The simplest option here is to have a rectangular gap in the hammer for the flint to go in, with flat surfaces on the top and bottom. The flat surface in the top has a hole in it with grooves for the screw to engage with. When the screw is turned to push deeper into the hole, it starts pressing against both the flint and the grooves in the hole even as it pushes the flint into the bottom surface of the clamp, producing a high degree of friction that acts to hold the screw and the flint in place.
"Yes, thank you. As I recall, this became more clear once I understood the nature of 'screws' as you voices call them to mean whatever winding sloped ridge makes sense in that context. First, the ridges were inside the screw that lifts water from mine pits as donkeys turn them. But in this case, those winding, sloped ridges should be on the outside of a peg and also on the inside of the hole the peg is meant for. So that as the peg is turned, it is drawn deeper into the hole. And as the peg applies some other pressure, against the flint in this case, the winds of the ridges against each other hold the peg fast.

"We have found such fasteners to be reusable, to degrees. The ridges wear away at each other, as do all things. But it is sufficient for the pot-in-pot cooker, for holding together parts of a device like the thresher so that they can be replaced separately, and for holding small bits of something like the flint, as part of a larger and more manageable device.

"I would like to know more about reliably and regularly fashioning screws. At present their making is particular and special. Each must be made with its counterpart hole. And each must be made with much labor on the part of one skilled at metalcrafts."
As for the springs, it turns out that our previous instructions for the production of spring steel were missing a step. First, start with some steel with relatively low carbon content (Crucible steel is fine, as would be Bessemer steel if you get it working correctly), and shape it into the desired form of the final spring. Second, it needs to be heated red hot, to the point at which a lodestone will no longer attract it. Once it has reached this temperature, it is to be immediately quenched in a suitable liquid. Similarly to unpurged iron, this is now an intermediate product; not the final spring steel. Indeed, it is very hard and brittle at this point in time.

To finish turning the piece of steel into a spring, it will need to be carefully annealed. There's a trick that can be used here to make it easier to tell when the spring is ready; if the hardened piece of metal is polished until it is shining white, then the polished parts will change color as the annealing process proceeds. The spring steel will be ready when it turns blue. It is crucial that the annealing process raise the temperature gently and evenly, or else stress patterns could develop in the spring steel that result in the whole spring needing to be scrapped.

As a side note, spring steel is actually an amazing material to made edged weapons out of; it's got all the strength and edge retention of steel, and if it gets bent it'll usually just spring back into shape.
"Tell me if this is what you mean. First a piece of steel should be acquired by the method of the vessel of reagents. Then that steel should be hammered into the spring shape, which might be the shape of a spearhead or long knife. Then that shaped steel should be heated until it is red hot and until a lodestone pays it no mind. That red hot steel should be quenched in a 'suitable' fluid.

"What is suitable, voice? How may the suitability of a fluid be assessed? Is there something other than water, seawater, clear fat oils, or blood that should be used for quenching?

"Once quenched, the spring or blade should be polished until white. But what manner of polish do you mean? Tell me how to make the polish.

"Once polished, the steel should be slowly heated and slowly cooled in cycles until it is blue. And here I would again like to know more of the methods to do so. How do you slowly heat an object? Do you bring it closer and close to some hot place? Do you push the bellows slowly at first but with increasing force? Should the fire that heats it change from wood to charred coals?

"And the same for cooling. Quenching is obvious, of course: the object is held in tongs and dunked fully into a large pot containing rainwater or seawater or blood or whatever. But how do you mean the steel to be slowly cooled? Should it be held in the air with tongs? Or submerged in sands as hot as the fire, a fire which is allowed to die slowly? And how slowly? Should this take a morning or several days?"
Onwards to the issues with seed drills. You asked both how the seed is prevented from spilling out the tube constantly, as well as what the carving of panels is for. Ultimately, the panels were intended as part of a mechanism to regulate the rate at which seed was allowed to leave the storage bin. To explain the mechanism better, think of it as a series of buckets, each of which can hold a few seeds. These buckets are arranged into a wheel, so that they can each collect some seed from the storage bin before traveling to the bottom of the mechanism and dropping their seed into the furrow. The rotation of the wheel then brings the empty buckets back up to the seed box to receive more seed. This seed regulator wheel is connected to the axle for the wheels that allow the seed drill to roll, meaning that the seed regulator wheel will only dispense seed while the seed drill is in motion, and the rate of seed being dispensed is entirely based on the distance the seed drill travels, rather than how fast it is moving.
"Yes. I understand now that the panels on the wheel are like the fins on the spinning rod in the steam pipe. They're unalike in that they roll like a wheel on the ground rather than like an upright spindle, that they need to wind like a screw, and that while the rod needs only enough width to hold it together, the panels can be at the edges of a wider wheel if that suits the design.

"And we have found that putting seeds in the ground is much better than casting them across it. Less seed is lost to the birds and other pests. And as the crop grows in rows it is easier to weed and to irrigate.

"Once the meaning of various parts was clear, and more importantly once the intent and the manner of seeds at some depth was clear, this device was not difficult to build. There is no seed planter wheel as reliable as reaper devices made in close imitation of Peyuvo's design. But when the seed planter wheel jams or breaks it is much less of a mess. It is less likely to injure its user. And it is less likely to more greatly damage otherwise whole parts of itself in its breaking.

"Already there are some who set up the seed-spilling wheel behind their soil-overturning plow, with another board behind the seed wheel to cover the trench back up. So these in one pass plow and sow. None who do so reap as well as those who still sow by hand, even though they sow into holes which they cover now. And it is not clear why.

"The intent of this device is to allow fewer people to work more fields, is it not? It is to allow more people to do work other than sowing and such, yes?

"Well, that is happening, at least. Or it is happening in some places.

"There is a problem for the Galugr with regard to all these things. The manner of their deficiency of crafts means that no lesser giant can hope to construct a thresher device or a reaper device. A fair number of them cannot even operate such devices which are otherwise in good form without bringing them to damage. And only a few can adequately repair them, even using parts made to that end by Fisher People's craft.

"So while they are driving seed into the soil where they did not before, the lesser giants continue to do so by hand. And they reap by hand. They thresh with great combs of hard wood or poor iron, at least. But even those take to wearing faster than they do in the hands of Fisher People.

"My table-rulers of their tribe tell me that Galugr youth who become known for gentle hands, special carefulness, or any craft of remark -- for lesser giants, of course -- are guided into the role of brewers and redewers. They are concerned, my Galugr table-rulers, that the tribe cannot fashion any but the drudest tools or weapons or carts for themselves. And they make a point of keeping any making of things that can be kept within the tribe. Their redewer pots and pipes are of rough make, but they supply their own beers and burning drinks.

"It is accepted, among those lesser giant table-rulers, that their tribe will effectively trade their labors for Fisher People-made things. Traveling Galugr workers are regarded with mixed apprehension and appreciation by others of the Ten Nations. Even or especially Burgeck, who value the strength of lesser giants in the raising of their great and arched halls, make known their distrust of the tempers of their large guests.

"Even the roads laid down by the Galugr in their tribelands are visibly of poorer make. My table-rulers among their number are just as capable in the ways of the three-legged, two-wheeled, bowl-and-sighting device, in the ways of maps, and in the ways of sums and other works of numbers. So the Galugr roads lay in no worse land than roads do elsewhere in the Homelands of the Free People of the Ten Nations. But the bricks more often align poorly or are broken.

"Still, none can argue that any among the Fisher People compare with the greatest Galugr warriors in their greatness, nor with their strength in hauling, nor with their skill and resilience in keeping Kahl's Warhorses. For all that there is still no horse than any but the slightest youth of the Galugr can ride meaningfully, all who make use of the vexsome beasts have them kept by Galugr hostlers. And more are kept in Galugr lands for use by others than are kept in the lands of any other tribe. This despite the still lesser numbers of Galugr when compared with any other tribe, or even with the portion of any other tribe still in their home triblelands."
Now pressure canners. You are correct that sealing the lid on tight and measuring how hot it is inside the canner are both notable issues. We will cover holding the lid on first.

Broadly, the lid will need to be held down by a fastener. The simplest method we can think of works as follows. The bottom part of the pressure canner should have a number of vertical plates protruding from the rim, raised slightly above the level of the rim, and with a hole in the middle. The lid meanwhile has pairs of similar vertical plates, placed so that they fit snugly around each plate on the canner's base, and with a hole through them that lines up with the hole in the plates on the base. When the canner is ready to be sealed, snug-fitting metal pins are to be inserted into the lined up holes. The lid then can't spin or move side to side since the plates prevent that, and the pins through the holes keep it from lifting off the base.
"Oh, good. Yes, I can see how that will keep the lid on. And with perhaps a thick ring of leather where the lid meets the pot, it may even keep a seal while water boils inside it. This sounds better than the screws, even. And those have worked well enough that some haven't failed even through several uses."
As for measuring the heat inside the canner, this will require a decently good thermometer, the most attainable variant of which is made from a component known as a bimetallic strip. A bimetallic strip is a tightly bound layer of two metals with different rates of thermal expansion; when the strip heats up, this causes it to bend one way, and it bends the other way when it cools down, maintaining a consistent geometry for any given temperature. Copper and steel are perfectly suitable metals to make a bimetallic strip out of; simply dip an appropriately shaped thin layer of steel into molten copper, and when it cools down you scrape the copper off of one of the sides, as well as grinding down the surface irregularities on the side where the copper is intended to stay. You can then cut, bend and shape it into whatever shapes are desired; for a thermometer it's most effective to coil it up into a spiral shape, with one end affixed to whatever rod of metal is acting as a temperature probe, and the other affixed to a small axle in the center. This small axle then rotates significantly as the temperature the thermometer measures changes, allowing a light weight indicator lever to be read as a distinct temperature. One of these thermometers should be fixed to the lid of any given pressure canner, with the readable dial on the outside and the temperature probe on the inside.

Other uses for thermometers can include verifying that meat has been properly cooked all the way through so as to reduce cases of food poisoning. If the temperature probe rod is in the form of a large spike, that spike can be jammed inside a piece of meat to directly check its internal temperature and establish that it isn't undercooked.
"Is it truely so simple?

"Pound steel that is not brittle flat, narrow and long. Coat the steel by dunking it in molten copper. Grind the copper of one face of the strip, and grind away any excess thickness on the other side. Then wind that strip into a coil. When the coil gets warm, it will wind or unwind, and when it cools it will go the other way.

"Is that all there is to it? Is this how all countings of heat should be done? Is there some flaw before, I suppose, heats reach the point where the copper runs off again?"
The final components of Bald's Salve that are missing from the lands of the Ten Nations seem to be the bovine bile salts. From what we can tell, they comprise about four fifths of the complicated molecules in bile, and therefore isolating them as a solid would be a simple matter of drying out the bile until all that remains is the solid. It would not be recommended to boil off the water; the bile salts themselves are organic molecules and are rather sensitive to heat, so lower-temperature evaporation would be recommended, such as what can be achieved by blowing air over a pan of water.
"My singers and table-rulers have made some attempts to derive useful substances from the bile of cattle. I don't know that they've dried them without heat, as you suggest. But what would be more useful is if you could tell me what the salts should look like, or how to identify success at this step.

"Really I wish you voices would include that for most of the processes you describe. What should the substance or device or whatever look like when a step is done properly? At times you include this, at times you don't.

"What do cattle bile salts look like, or taste like, or how else can they be identified other than, 'Some result of messing about with cattle bile?'"
As for the biting madness disease, that is known to us as Rabies, and we know of a way to protect a person from it that could just barely be within the Ten Nations' capabilities to produce. When an animal dies of Rabies, the virus responsible lingers in that animal's corpse for a prolonged period, with especially high concentrations in the animal's brain and spinal cord. This neural tissue can be extracted and processed to damage the virus sufficiently to not cause an infection in and of itself, while also providing enough of a warning to the body's army to fight off an actual Rabies infection.

Before going further, some expectations need to be set: Once Rabies reaches the brain, there is nothing that can be done. The Rabies vaccine we are about to tell you how to make only does anything of use prior to the appearance of symptoms, and is best administered starting immediately after possible infection. In addition, some people who receive this vaccine will suffer from auto-immune issues as a result, as the specific nature of the vaccine has a chance of convincing the body's army that the cells making up the nerves are in fact dangerous invaders. Even for those not suffering that particular fate, rather unpleasant side-effects are to be expected. Still, it turns a disease that would otherwise be a death sentence into something survivable.

Anyway, the first step is to capture an animal infected with Rabies, or to infect a captive animal with the same disease. Infant mice are optimal, as their brains and spinal cords contain far less of a protein called myelin, and therefore aren't quite as prone to causing auto-immune issues when used in a vaccine. Once it dies, the animal's brain and spinal cord are to be extracted and ground into paste, taking great care not to get any on or in the person doing the extracting and grinding. This paste is then to be dried over caustic potash for several days. Direct exposure to sunlight will be beneficial, but not strictly required. The prolonged drying and exposure to caustic potash, as well as ultraviolet light from the sun will inactivate the Rabies virus in the neural paste. This also prevents harmful tiny life from colonizing the neural tissue. DO NOT try inactivating the virus by cooking it; that won't leave enough of it intact for the body's army to properly learn from.

To actually treat a patient with this sort of neural tissue vaccine requires injecting it under their skin using a carefully designed needle. The needle in question resembles a tiny two-pronged fork. After the needle is boiled clean of any enterprising tiny life, a small quantity of the vaccine is loaded into the gap between the tines of the needle. This needle is then used to puncture the skin on the belly and then retracted, leaving the tiny blob of inactivated neural paste inside the body when the needle is removed; normal woundcare subsequently applies to the injection site. For the progression of Rabies to truly be halted in its tracks before it has a chance to become symptomatic, the patient will need several injections over multiple days. An injection every day for twenty days is almost certainly more than is needed, but we are unsure how much the number of injections could be reduced while still remaining effective.


Anti-rabies vaccine - Microbiology notes of Sridhar Rao P.N

Antirabies vaccine @ www.microrao.com

{Yes, we're mixing and mashing all sorts of things here to make a horrible frankensteined process, but the process should in fact work.}
"So first mice must be kept, such that their pups are readily available at all times. Then, these pups should be infected with the lathering madness, perhaps smeared with lather itself. So, really, first some slightly larger and more manageable animal must be kept around while infected with the lathering madness, already a hazard.

"Still, once the baby mice come to lather themselves, they should be killed and their tiny brains and backfibers gathered together with the same if not more care as the gathering of lathers of madness. Then the brains and such are ground to a paste that is, in turn, smeared over potash to sit in the sun for several days. Finally, the paste is gathered again, and stored away.

"For how long may it be stored? Are there any special precautions of storage? Since it cannot be cooked and it remains a paste of brains, it is bound to go bad fairly soon.

"When someone is to be treated for being bitten by one lathered, beast or person, there will be no useful treatment if the latherings are already upon them. Is that what you mean? How can we otherwise tell if the disease is yet in their brain?

"Since the lather-mad, mouse pup, brain paste takes time for the mice pups to come to lathers and time to sit in the sun, this is not a medicine that may be made after someone is bitten but before they are lost. Or that is how I think you mean this. That means that some wise person must be always making more of this medicine, always prepared with beasts who keep the lathering madness around, always prepared with mice pups to afflict, always having some of this medicine they hope hasn't yet gone bad.

"I suppose the medicine might keep better and longer in an ice hall. There is that, for the places which have ice halls, anyway.

"Still, this sounds like it will be an uncommon medicine for a disease that is more common some years than it is others.

"And, yes, I believe I understand the forked needle. But you have not been clear on how deep the needle should be pushed into the belly of the one bitten. Should the needle be pushed only in the fat of their belly? Should it pass into the wall of muscle behind that fat? Should it pass through that and into the empty place within? Should it pass then into any particular organ?

"I am assuming not on at least that last note. Surely you would have mentioned the complication of internal bleeding had that been the case. Still, it is not entirely clear."
Lastly, glass manufacture. The technique we have in mind is known as table glass, and allows the relatively easy production of large flat panes of glass. Broadly, it's a casting process, with the mold made from iron. This iron takes the form of a flat table top with raised lips at the edge, forming a wide, shallow tray. Blobs of molten glass are poured into this tray, and then squashed flat with a roller to ensure even thickness. The tray is then slid into an annealing oven, used to ensure that the glass pane doesn't crack as it cools. Once cool, the glass panes can be polished smooth. The principle advantages of the table glass method are both that it makes the production of large enough glass panes for windows practical, and that it increases the batch size for glass manufacture. The latter quality will increase the amount of clear glass available, even if the percentage of glass that can reliably be made clear doesn't ultimately increase. After all, there's nothing stopping one of these larger panes from being cut into smaller pieces and ground into large numbers of smaller items, such as lenses.
"So far, casting glass has been very unreliable. I had not looked into it deeply, but the issue may be the matter of uneven cooling. Perhaps that is even known. But with the two-metal, coiled heat counter, we might have better fortune.

"Having any number of sheets of glass larger than a large man's face would be very nice."
Black Cat here. Uh.

For most of current health problems and death causes of younger people my advice would be "do the same as we already said a long time ago, but more". For example, people could drink herbal tea or tea from trees not only as a medicine, but even daily. Of course only these herbs that are plentiful and without side-effects. Both to provide even more beneficial things to the body and, at the same time, to be even more sure that water lack harmful life. Because for any tasty herbal tea boiling water was surely needed.
"I believe you are suggesting that if the people drink tea and never plain water, then they will never drink unboiled water.

"That may be possible for some, though I couldn't say offhand which ones. But hunters cannot range far if they must bring all their water with them. I suppose they could bring pots and herbs and make their tea where they camp for as long as they can set a fire. Perhaps, perhaps…

"I do not know what collection of actions, behavior, or edicts you mean this to be an example of, though. Do you mean that the people should wear damp cloth over their face at all times so that they are never breathing smoke? Or do you mean that they should keep their bodies shaved at all times so that they bear no lice at any time?"
Produce even more soap, wash and especially wash hands even more often and carefully... Maybe washing could be done ritually and with a short song, because simply throwing some water at hands is not properly careful washing. Careful handwashing should take comparable time to thirty average heartbeats, or even sixty sometimes. A very short song that take about this long to sing could be used, that would be far more fun for people than counting.
"Oh, I see. Yes, this is fine. There is only the matter of making and keeping sufficient soap. There is already a conflict between those who wash too much and those who hoard soap against misfortune and the opening of living flesh. The overwashers are uncommon, but there is at least one in every so-many villages.

"I would like to know if you, Black Cat, or other voices can tell of a process for more plentiful soap."
Garlic can be also eaten, not only used as a medicine. Preferably added to something in small amounts, not eaten alone, as I think that too much garlic, especially raw, can cause diarrhea and various mild nuisances. But in smaller amounts it's a very healthy addition to food.
"For now we are still using all of the garlic to grow more garlic. But the people will always appreciate more flavor in their food."
As to surgery: making surgery less like terrible torture is important for health of bodies and minds. I once said to you about diethyl ether, substance produced out of redewing sulphuric acid with pure alcohol. First question, do you tried and managed to make sulphuric acid? Unpleasant thing melting almost everything that is no glass, also meat. But curiously, when redewed with alcohol it can create diethyl ether.

Sulphuric acid can be made, it was said years ago but let's say again, out of burning sulfur together with saltpeter in the presence of steam.

Sulphuric acid, also called oil of vitriol, is terrible and dangerous and deadly, but diethyl ether is much safer.

Diethyl ether, also called sweet oil of vitriol, is a potent painkiller and can even force sleep before surgery when breathed out of a piece of cloth. There are dangers, but it can be safer than herb that you once tried to use, that I think caused more deaths.
"When the warriors of the Free People of the Ten Nations come together to make conquest, there is always a call for all sulphur that may be had, for the making of cannon powders. While I may hold some in reserve, of course, medicine work does not all occur with my authority. The wise folk who work medicine out in the villages are unlikely to preserve much in the way of sulphur.

"But, yes, I have made the sour sulphur oil which burns or pits or liquifies most other substances. So although it may not often be available, I can see about making this stuff.

"The name you give is a puzzle, though. 'Two-sky sky stuff' or perhaps 'twice-burned sky.' There seems little connection between the name and the substance or its making."
It would be good for a patient to have empty stomach, even if the surgery is not on guts. Much lesser chance of choking on their own vomit if put to forced sleep by means of medicine, sweet oil of vitriol or another.
"That seems straightforward enough. A person whose flesh will be cut should, if time allows, wait beforehand until their stomach has emptied."
Less terrible and painful surgery can also allow to slowly develop more precision during surgery and thus better survival rates. As with most crafts, it can slowly improve in subtle ways that can be hard to explain in words.
"Yes, it is rare that one person seeks another to cut on them. So the skills are rarely kept up by any one person."
To more cheaply produce sulphuric acid, also called oil of vitriol: instead of glass containers, you can use lead-lined wooden rectangular chambers. The internal lead sheathing serve to contain the corrosive sulfuric acid and to render the wooden chambers waterproof.

Like glass, lead does not react with sulphuric acid, lead is not melted or changed when in contact with sulphuric acid.

"A poison to hold poisons, sour sulphur oils in lead-lined containers. Lovely.

"And since the sour sulphur oil does not burn or pit the lead, that lead lining may be pounded or rolled as thinly as will hold up to being handled into and against those wooden containers, is that not so?"
By the way, such things provided by us are not magic or sorcery, interactions between these atoms simply work that way and combine into different things with different properties. It's no more magical than fire, it simply happens less often. Sulphuric acid melting human skin can look like terrible sorcery to unlearned and unwise, but it's not sorcery. Lighting is also no sorcery, I don't know why one of our voices once called lighting sorcery, perhaps for fun.
"Believe me, Black Cat, it is ever-apparent that you voices do not understand magics and certain other arts."
Rock oil, now you have some rock oil. Do you tried to separate rock oil into diffetent substances? More flammable and less flammable and denser parts? Raw rock oil can be separated into various things with heat, some much more useful as highly flammable weapons or light sources. Raw rock oil is much worse for practical uses.

About the war inside of the Ten Nations, that's a mess. This is almost like a war between brothers, it's a terrible idea. Let me think for a short while...
"The oil of the ground is an uncommon curiosity. I have yet no means to acquire it in any significant quantity and so have not done much with it. Now that I may have a means to reckon the counting of heats, I may take up its redewing. But there are many other substances to study that are more readily at hand and therefore of greater use.
It's interesting, because ordinarily even the most splendid of things cannot warp the mind to the extent of degeneracy - The mind makes itself less able to comprehend splendor if it is confronted by an excess, and at any rate the most practicable uses for it that I can think of for it right now are rather silly; Block one side from view and let an enemy army look at the other end; Let an enemy 'capture' as spoils of war; all dependent on the 'supremely splendid' 'glass tree' (is it even shaped like a tree or made of glass, really?) being a lot more effective and immediate than it really is.
Yes, Bianca claims Glass Tree to not be magic, but I see many non-magical wonders, and yet none could influence human minds like the glass tree. Weird.
"Yes, the Glass Tree of Light and Colors is a useless sort of wonder.

"It is, in fact, shaped like a little tree. It has a trunk of thicker clear glass to which branches of clear glass attach. And to those branches in turn are attached tiny green glass leaves. These are not 'green glass' in the manner that most glass made is green-ish in color. They are green like leaves. And if you look close enough, you can make out distinctions of green on them like ribs on leaves are. There are also the fruits which are no two of the same exact shape or color, which are also attached to the clear glass branches.

"I have no doubt that Bear's People mean me harm in this gift. Whether I should be harmed by personally being trapped gazing at the tree or whether I am to be harmed by the effort to protect my people from the Glass Tree of Light and Colors is not clear, unlike the branches of the tree. It is a trap for a fool and so, being no fool, I am burdened by preventing a pile up of fools in the trap.

"And it is not easy to examine, as its wondrous nature is very distracting. But even when an object is covered up, there are still ways available to those with the Talent to know if that object is magical, or cursed, or if there is a spirit within it. And there is not magic or curse or spirit within the Glass Tree of Light and Color."
A small piece of general advice: positive reinforcement. Encouraging a certain behavior through a system of praise and rewards. It works both on humans and some docile animals, like dogs. For a dog it could be a small piece of meat after a task is done well. For a human children it could be smile, kind words, praise. It still somewhat works for human adults, but of course adults are smarter, more set in their ways and harder to train. People of the Ten Nations probably use mostly punishments in teaching children. Sometimes punishments are needed, but very often positive reinforcement works better. It's a way that should be encouraged and known.
"I feel as though I am being informed that fire burns or perhaps that people die when stabbed sufficiently.

"Of course people and beasts alike respond to rewards, at least some of the time. Spirits do not, except perhaps the spirits of Forest People, which are odd in many ways. I've never had one confined such that I could make a long study of it.

"But, yes. Praise and food, affectionate contact and liberties previously withheld may all be used to turn the habits of people or beasts to align with what is desired by those with power over them.

"Also effective is the lash and such and also threats of such. That requires understanding, which is had easily enough in people and also in most dogs and some other beasts. Even the stupid brutes that Kahl's Warhorses are will respond to reward and punishment.

"Is there some subtlety that isn't getting through here, Black Cat? Or have you only lapsed again into madness?"
As to the messenger service, use of horses may be well-advised on a few major routes, like from your Great House to Biancvint. To avoid killing valuable horses, there would need to be special safe houses for messengers along the road, with more horses, where messengers could change horses. It would obviously add great costs to the idea, but may be considered where messages travel often and speed is important. Know this way but use it where you determine that speed is worth the cost.
"We already improve the road from my great house to Biancavint more than any other. There is more traffic on that road than many others because of the duplication of all written works and all seed caches between the two places. But there isn't much need for speed in this process, not that would justify the expense.

"Besides that, short messages come by dove swiftly and easily enough."
Also, it's possible to build a simple and thin two-wheeled wooden vehicle, with one wheel and handle at the front and another wheel on the back, with a wooden board in between. On a flat ground and nice road, a person could stand with one leg on the board and kick the ground with their second leg, moving the vehicle. With some practice at balancing it should allow faster movement than on foot. A brake, maybe a piece of leather above the back wheel could allow to slow natural descent from a hill when pressed with a foot.

Besides brake that is nice to have, this type of vehicle would be more practical with a steering device at the front. Perhaps people could manage without and try to steer by leaning into desired side, but device is much more practical. In this case handle should connect to a shaft forking into two, with the front wheel in between the fork. Moving handle to the left would then slightly move front wheel left. Hands on the handles, one foot on the board, kick the ground with a second foot.

Balancing on a thin vehicle of this type needs practice to master, it's common for people to fall like fools at first.
"That seems like a lot of work to move a single person at some speed and with some ease. It would be a device of finer make than a cart, but for just one person. I don't see the point."
Fellow Voice, I'm not the best at design of devices, so I have a question. Would I be right to say that a similar turbine to these that extract work from steam devices could as well extract work from water pipe under high pressure?
Hydraulic turbines need to be a bit different, due to the fact that water is not readily compressible; it doesn't really contract and expand in response to pressure. There is therefore no sense in varying the width of the turbine along its length. Generally hydraulic turbines actually do work best with only a single row of fins. Unlike the many small blades of a steam turbine, hydraulic turbine blades should be big and wide. The idea is to maximize the amount of water pushing on any given blade of the turbine. Generally four to six turbine blades is effective.
"Oh, so the water wheel should sit with its face against the flow instead of being along it as a wheel is to a road? This is very different than the water wheels you voices have directed to be built in the past.

And whatever belt the wheel drives would have to dip into the water to reach the axle of the water wheel, which seems like it would lead to more binding and slipping problems.

"Well, it might be something to try, sometime."
Excellent, thank you! If it's not too much and if you can spare time, could you please explain how to create a treadle, to power a spinning wheel?

So, a treadle is a pedal hinged in the middle. On one of the corners furthest from the side the operator will be sitting on, a stiff metal rod is to be loosely affixed by means of two interlocked loops, so that it can easily change angles but not be easily pulled away. The other end of this rod is affixed to a heavy metal wheel by a pivot, offset from the axis of rotation. When the pedal is tilted forwards, the flywheel turns as the rod pulls on it. The momentum of the wheel turns it past the midpoint, so that rocking the pedal backwards will now push the attachment of the wheel upwards. A belt is attached to the flywheel to transmit power to the rest of the machine. This cycle repeats over and over, allowing a person to power a machine of small to moderate size simply by rocking their feet back and forth.
"I'm not sure why the changing angle at the two-loop linkage won't prevent the pedal from applying force to the wheel. But I think it's something that should work out in assessment, easily enough. More hands free to work whatever task the wheel drives is certainly an improvement."
Hello rainbow heart here time for a lot of info first you can find out what is lemon balm out of the other plants by the smell and taste both of which are hard to describe but the closest I can get is sour but good if the plant makes your mouth feel cool that is mint keep it there are many kinds of mint they all make good tea.

As for the other herbs I thought I told you to make it in to a tea if not told otherwise. The mental effects of the herbs are weak but have no real side effects where the stronger one tend to have very bad ones.
"So you did, Rainbow Heart. But before herbs are added to boiling water and set aside to steep there are other steps that may be taken such as shredding, crushing, or leaching. And different steps such as these are appropriate for different herbs.

"As it happens, the people have worked some of this out for themselves. And the hops have improved beer so that it takes longer after being brewed for it to turn bad.

"As it happens, I have not been shown a small bushy, leafy herb with small white flowers that is not catmint or similar and that tastes sour. But wise folk do make use of mint in both medicine and in the increasingly popular boiled infusions.

"I suppose all there is to do is continue trials and assessments."
To collect pine sap slash v marks in to a tree On top right below or right above put a bucket right below the marks add ash to make it better at water proofing and boil to reduce thickening
"Good, good. Anything to make wood better proofed against water will make the people's boats stronger, let them travel further, and let them bring back more."
LSD is not a herb it is a very complex chemical compound that needs a lab to be made some one has already talked about rabies.The tumors are likely a thing called cancer there is no way to fix this. The body is made up by a whole bunch of tiny things that all live and work together now they arde new ones are made by making copway of themselves now to do this they take the instructions in side them self and make a new copy of it

but the thing is mistakes happen and oh no one of the new cells did not come out right and it is not following the rules of the body it is using a very inefficient form to get there basically cell food
but they okay there is only one until it goes to make more of itself then a new cell is made both of which have the previous defect but the new one has another defect one that says it should replicate more and copy itself over and over and over 1 cell becomes 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 to 64 to 128 to 256 to 512 to 1024 to 2048 to 4096 to 8192 to a big problem as the number keeps getting bigger and bigger now at some point the body notice this going on but there is a problem the body has a hard time see whose who and can not use its best weapon with out causing a lot of damage in the cross fire this hose for the medicine too

so it must be avoided anything that makes the body need to make more cells insects the risk that one will slip through the nets the body has to catch it these thing including but are not limted to smoke tar any gas that is not normally in the most the time sunburns being in the sun for too long are the ones I know off the top of my head for the tumors keep doing what your doing your on the right track
"I would like to hear more about what causes tumors. Some of this was described before, but I do not think the other voices mentioned that smoke and tar cause tumors. Is this something that will afflict those who preserve meats or build boats, then?"
.For the food poisoning the meals likely where not cooked all the way that's all for now I will be back shortly with a list of herbs and what they do
"As I understand from those who still require it, there is a point at which food is cooked properly. Before that it tastes too raw. After that it is too burnt. If food is safer when it is overcooked then I will work to see that all food is overcooked. In time we will overcome the loss of flavor with herbs or stuff of that sort. In the meantime, it would be best if the people did not die earlier than they must due to preventable matters of bowl and bad food.

"I'm certain, though, that some bad food is not the result of undercooking. And if any voice can tell me more about making food safe, I would like to hear of it."
I do not have answers to these questions.

I believe, but do not know for sure, that you can sort of accomplish this by heating the steel to a bright heat, and then quenching it, repeatedly. I am not confident in this knowledge.

Additionally, it occurs to me that several times I have used a word that has then not propagated forth - if I make a distinction between something and some other thing, I at least believe it matters, generally speaking. If I say steel, I mean steel, which is not the same as iron, though iron is a key material of it.
"I understand that there is iron, which is a substance that is not meaningfully reduced to other substances. Though it sometimes may be found where it fell burning from the sky, most of the time iron is mixed in with other substances. Its presence may be known, at times, by the redness of the stone.

"The bloomery heats up these stones, and in that heat the iron clings to other iron and sheds what isn't iron. What isn't iron must be driven from the bloom by hammering force, pushing the iron together and driving what is not iron out. But the best result from a bloomery is unlikely to be steel, because it has the wrong amount of char mixed in with it.

"Char mixes in with iron so finely that it cannot be seen and may not be separated out by blooming and hammering. In fact, blooming adds more char.

"The two-oven iron-melter produces fluid iron and fluid waste material that contains little iron. This iron has a great deal of char in it and we call it unpurged iron, even though it is purged of many other substances. Unpurged iron may be purged by buffeting it with winds of air that has not been exhausted by fire while it is still fluid. Alternately, similarly unexhausted air may be pushed through the unpurged iron in the same manner as bubbles may be blown into water with a reed.

"Fully purged iron is also not a final product for most uses. There is a time in the purging process of a batch of fluid iron when it is fluid steel. If it is poured into forms at that point, those forms will contain steel which may be worked from there as iron is.

"Alternately and often more reliably, lumps of fully purged iron may be combined with lumps of unpurged iron, scrap iron, limestone, and other reagents and tightly wrapped in wet clay so that no air is in it. This vessel is then baked in the two-oven iron-melter so that all that is within it becomes fluid and mixes together. The ratios are reckoned by the iron melter based on their experience, on shared writings, and on the sparks thrown by the irons when applied to a fast-spun wheel of flint. When the baked vessel is broken open it will contain some waste material and an ingot of steel, if everything has occurred as intended. Again, that ingot may then be worked as iron is.

"So steel is iron with some amount of char. Too little or two much and the material is not steel, but iron purged or unpurged.

"I find this a poor way to go about naming something. But it works for the iron workers and the people who use tools and the warriors with steel weapons. Bronze is neither copper nor tin, but it is copper and tin. Steel is not iron or char, but it is iron and char.

"Is this how you mean to be understood, voice?"
When you heat a piece of steel up, there is a certain point at which magnets (lodestones or otherwise) will no longer stick to it. You should quench the steel at that point, preferentially. So, heating up, I guess, but temperature is temperature - if it can be recognized as the correct temperature, it doesn't matter which way you're going.

Remember that I mentioned that you can make something like a lodestone by passing a lodestone over iron in the same direction many times. Or at least, I think I did. This should help you.
"It later became apparent that it must be at the heating up if precision is needed. Otherwise, how would the quencher know that the steel is close to the point where the lodestone will react again. Surely they must have a point where they check and the lodestone pulls, then another point where they check and it does not. In any case, we have some answers from other voices about steel springs, which appears to be helpful."
And then it is done, to my knowledge. You remove the steel from the tempering oven and proceed to do, for instance, fine shaping of it if you need to.

You may need to experiment with the duration - I have no great knowledge of this.
"Ah. Well, you could be more clear. 'Now do iron-working to it as you would normally,' is an important step of the process. We are not producing raw materials for the sheer joy of it, after all."
Yes, I did sort of ramble on about timekeeping. I agree that at the moment it is certainly not worth your (ha!) time. It will be useful in the future, when you can establish standardization - a key part of making crafts that do not require individual bits of work to replace should they break, ones that can simply be replaced from a store of identical parts, is having standard units of measurement, for instance. That comes later, as there are benefits to having standards based on certain constants of the universe, instead of picking an arbitrary unit of length like "one Bianca's arm-span". I do not currently know ways to derive these useful standards from naught.

I should note that clocks with identical length pendulums should keep identical time, by the nature of pendulums and gears. This is, however, poking at the limits of my knowledge as to why that would be, so I may do further research and speak later, or others may correct me.
"There have been problems with setting standards of weight and measure for as long as the Free People of the Ten Nations have ruled over the Conquered Cities. Each city starts with more than one standard. They will have at least as many standards of measure as there are professions of craft in that city which rely on the measure. Sometimes there may be no standard and each house of craft uses their own weights and measures.

"So the conquerors bring in one weight, one length, one vessel, and dictate how these should be counted or portioned. There will be some dispute and some crafters never willingly adopt the new standards. If their craft is of sufficient value, they might be allowed to continue in their own standards for practical reasons.

"So at best there is grudging adherence to the new standards. But that standard is an object. It is a lump of iron or a bar of copper or bronze vessel. And the object must be taken out so that other, lesser standards can be reckoned to it. And then those lesser standards are taken to the crafters and the markets and the measures in use are checked against. Always there will be sellers whose measures fall short and mongers whose measures go over. And so there are beatings and occasional deaths.

"And that is all well and good. But those objects that are the greatest standard must travel from city to city if every city is to use the same standard. And in travel there is misadventure and in the absence of the greater standard there is scheming and contrivance.

"So it is that each city has its own standards, which differ little but differ in fact from other cities nearby. But by happenstance and the perils of fortune, different clusters of cities or cities primarily ruled by different tribes or which were conquered at different times approximate different greater standards. Perhaps this time the standard was lost and recreated imperfectly. Perhaps this other time one local standard or another was adopted and then enforced on nearby cities.

"With its roads and in respect for my will, there is one standard of weight, one of length, and one of vessels in the Lands of the Ten Tribes. All of these are matched against objects kept at my great house. But outside of the cities of Biancavint and Wreol and to a lesser degree Unmarked there is little opportunity for strange measures to profit the divergent. The people share properly as they have for generations.

"Perhaps when there are better roads between the Conquered Cities, the standards I decree will be standards in truth.

"But noon is noon everywhere. It is noon when the shadows point north. And north may be known by the pivot stars if not by the secret of the floating needle and the loadstone. So long as the time between noons is the same, the time between them may be marked and counted the same everywhere. But to what end, currently?"
What I refer to as "high tech", which is actually "high technology" (not technique - they are, in a sense, two separate things, though they share a similar root concept in the root of techne that both words share). The measure of technology is, in a sense, complexity of process, how many levels of indirection there are between a human hand and the product of the work. The difficulty of constructing something if you had started from nothing, I suppose.

This is, however, a highly philosophical description, and thus not really useful at the moment, save as an indicator that a voice considers something more difficult to achieve than another thing. So the way of measuring time by progress of a shadow is lower tech(nology) than that of the pendulum and gears.
"Ah. Well that explains what's meant by 'high technique study,' then. And I suppose there's some use in describing the difference between stone flake blades, beaten copper blades, cast bronze blades, and blown-and-chipped glass blades in some general sense.

"But if some technique or its product is out of my reach, it's not because of a shortcoming in this imagined and general measure. It will be because we do not have the tools to make the tools to refine the materials to make the tools and so on.

"Or is there some special understanding or practiced skill innate to 'high technique studies?'"
Do we have any herbalists around here, voices? I know of a few plants, but certainly not how to describe them. Actually - it might be useful to collect samples and sketches of plants and trees and such things. It is possible that we could identify things from your descriptions just as you can identify things from our descriptions.
So, like the matter of local geology in the last update, this is a good idea and a great way to accomplish a great deal in whatever realistic scenario would be roughly analogous to this game.

But it's too much to ask of me for a game. I'm not going to exhaustively catalog the botany of the area and interpret that as Bianca would and put that in a post. It would be more work than the entire rest of the update. And while it'd be useful, it wouldn't make up for the time sink it'd be.

No real fault of yours, though. Just keep in mind that it already takes a lot from me to answer these.
The Lan Tribe has a point in one sense, but the best trades are still where both parties gain more than they have lost - for oftentimes there are things that one party has in abundance and does not value, and another party lacks and wants dearly, on both sides of a ledger. Sheep may have one hide, but man can have many sheep.
"I don't see how that could happen very often. If one party in a trade lacks something they need, how do they get along before the traders come?

"And if the other party has an abundance of something they don't much value, why would they bring it for trading?

"Well, I suppose this already happens somewhat with the precious metals and the glass and such. The Free People of the Ten Nations have no particular need for trinkets. But then again, neither do the people who are cheated into trading precious things for those trinkets.

"If there is any imbalance, why would the more powerful party not take a greater share? Why wouldn't the less powerful party be glad for what share they have left when they could lose so much more in combat.

"No, I assure you, voice, that trade is to raiding as shearing is to skinning. In both cases, the disadvantaged party exists at the pleasure of their exploiter. And if they should never become necessary, it will only be as an innumerable mass. It is an unfortunate person whose livelihood depends on the cooperation of single sheep.

"Yes, the trade benefits both. The powerful one gets more, over time, than they would from despoiling the weaker one. And the weaker one gets to keep more of their blood within their flesh and more of the food from their field and pastures, so long as they don't make trouble.

"When the Free People of the Ten Nations inevitably make trade contacts with someone greater than them in all their countings, I will not have my people believe that they are being dealt with fairly. They must see the truth of their weakness and their exploiters if they are going to make the best of their situation. It is far, far easier to cast off bonds you are aware of than it is to cast off those bonds about which you lie to yourself."
I'm not an engineer nor an architect, but I know the sturdiness of triangles comes from the fact that you cannot bend a triangle as you can, for instance, a square. This is why the best design for a stool has three legs in a pyramid. What makes an arch sturdy is something an engineer, or an architect, would know, but I do not. Trust their judgement over mine.
"Ah. Hmm. Yes, I can see that three rods fixed to each other at their ends is strong in ways that four are not. And then six fixed together similarly to form that pyramid.

"And yet, arches…"
You know, I was thinking. They had the magic fridge halls via spirits, I wonder if other things would be applicable.

A furnace with a fire inclined spirit helping out?
"Firekeeping spirits weren't common even before my captivity. They are much, much more rare now. I don't believe there to be even one within all the lands around those of the Ten Nations. It has been a long time since last I heard of one.

"The spirits which may be called to ice halls, to keep them like the head of a family keeps their home, demanding respect and acting with hospitality, these are not only the spirits of people who froze to death. There is something about certain people when they know they are going to freeze to their death, some intent of malice toward others that overwhelms all the other activities, habits, and passions of their life to define the spirit that forms in the underworld after their death. I believe there must be some desire that others should share their fate. How this is turned to the ice house is not yet clear. But ice hall spirits are no less ready to kill than their 'wild' fellows are, should a visitor deviate from the forms and customs of hospitality and the bond between host and guest.

"Apparently this does not occur in the same way to those burned to death. I expect that it is the pain of the process, or the taste of smoke, or the confinement within whatever their pyre is. Perhaps if a person were to die in the middle of a sufficiently wide forest fire? But even then, it would have to be the sort of person whose last thoughts are of that particular malice.

"It's also just not as common for people to burn to death.

"In any case, the spirits that come into being in the underworld after people are burned to death are more often concerned with choking if they're spirits of vengeance. I have never seen them to have any ability to make fire, or even any reaction to it other than fear or smothering. And as with most other means of killing people, there's always a fair chance the spirit that follows will be defined by the life of the person, rather than the manner of their death."
Eventually, electric production being helped along by electricity spirits?
"Ah. This confusion again.

"It happens to be, voice, that only the deaths of living things cause spirits to form in the underworld. And perhaps not even all living things.

"It may be that torturing some beast with small lightnings throughout its life will result in a spirit with some relationship to small lightnings. But that will depend a great deal on how the beast understands itself to relate to those lightnings. They are, again, more likely to fixate on their captivity or powerlessness or just being whatever kind of beast they are.

"If I kept a songbird in a copper cage and ran tiny lightnings through it throughout the day, leaving only enough time to eat and sleep then when that songbird dies its spirit might still be defined only by the infuriating desire of songbirds to establish drive competitors from their vicinity."
Maybe some spirits that could give some degree of leeway with particularly finicky tech workings for them?

It's a very untapped area of fusing between our purely secular world and what they have to work with, is what I'm saying.
"I agree that it does sound like there's a lot of potential, here. But whatever voices wish to make recommendations along these lines need to understand the nature of spirits, perhaps even better than I do.

"Peyuvo the Graceful once kept rats in baskets that spun very quickly at all times, with clever devices to put food and water in them at times. If the rats adapted to the spinning baskets so well that they lived to adulthood, she would bind them within a basket only large enough for their body and spin that until the rat died. Then a wise person among her followers would seize the spirit of that rat and try to compel it to keep spinning an already freely spinning wheel.

"But these rats did not leave behind spirits of spinning but only spirits of confusion, which did not keep wheels spinning but instead wandered off to cause people and beasts to fall to the ground, unable to tell up from down. Perhaps the people who work with spinning machines will leave behind spirits of spinning. Time will tell."
People like to feel that they won over strangers in trade, but trade is beneficial to both sides much more often than people would like to believe. Let's imagine a very wisely governed village with a great excess of wheat, and a city of strangers where metal tools are produced. Strangers in the city lack wheat, so they benefit by having wheat from trade. Excess wheat could spoil, so there is no real loss for village in trading it away. Thanks to trade there is also no need for wounds of violence. I would argue that both sides of the trade exchange benefit, because when we imagine the same village with city no longer around but destroyed, the village is no richer but poorer - both without wheat that spoil anyway, and without metal tools.

And if we imagine this city but without this village, with village for example burned by raiders, then... The city is also poorer, or even starving, as mortals cannot eat metals nor glass. Starving in the middle of glass pile is surely a weird form of poverty, but I argue that it could be called poverty. Trading some of that glass pile for wheat then increase prosperity, not poverty.

Things are only valuable when these things are rare in comparision with other types of things.

Even if wheat is made more durable, thanks to introduction of icehall for example, the village can benefit more from metal tools than from excess of wheat, and the city can benefit more from wheat than from excess of metal tools.
"Your claims make good sense within the story you tell, Black Cat. But that is not the story of the world. In the world, any place which cannot secure its food will one day starve. And any place which cannot defend itself -- such as places with no metal -- are at the mercy of whoever wishes to come and take what they have.

"Also, there is no excess grain, really. The more grain there is over what people need to eat, the more grain can be turned to beer, the more beer can be renewed to the burning drink that may never go bad. Excess grain also means more food for the hogs, so that more shoats may be raised to their full size. Then there is more meat for the people and the ice hall, more fat for their oils. And now that the people have better fowl, which also eat grain, the more chickens and doves they may raise to their ends.

"And should the people be so rich of grain that they eat no bread but only meat, and at their leisure as hunters could only dream, and still have excess grain, then surely they simply grew too much. And if they trade it for metal, would they not, in their prosperous multitudes, fashion that metal to weapons and go take the metal-makings from whomever it was they traded with?

"Trade is a veil over a wound. It is a drape over a spear. A person can either give to another person what that person wants or they can take from another person what they want. The rest is talk of flowers where fucking is concerned."
Frost spirits are people who slowly died of the cold I think? May need to consult archives.
Anyway, how slowly can you burn someone to death?
Lightninging someone to death is also pretty instant.
"Right on two counts, voice. That is the nature of the spirits of the ice halls. And death by lightning is usually so swift as to be over by the time others realize it is happening. Some linger and die later, but that is, if anything, even less connected to the lightning.

"A person may be slowly burned to death in an oven, so that they do not die to the smoke. But then there is confinement along with the nature of the person's life and their fear and all. So, again, when such deaths leave behind spirits shaped by death rather than life, their vengeance does not take the form of fire-handling."
I think the core lesson here is that Value is not some intrinsic property of matter. No person would make a trade if they did not believe the value of what they receive to be greater than that they give away. A shrewd trader may ensure that they benefit more, but both parties do always benefit.
Of course, it is often convenient to assign some concrete value to an object, but it's important to understand that this not rooted in the present state of the object but in its potential future uses.
"When the rulers of a city decide, as the former rulers of Enonl may have before Kuwuzt called 'the Great' overthrew them, that there is more value to killing the traders that come to them and taking all they have than there is in those traders returning with more goods later, there is no amount of shrewdness that will save those traders who face the wrath of a whole city. And when a village is visited by 'traders' from a Conquered City, is there some shrewdness that will prevent the same city from sending warriors if they do not like what comes back?

"Surely the strong take from the weak. And those who are both strong and wise allow those weak who are of use to live."
Lol. Deserts are hot and dry, we found a spiritual dehumidifier!

...should probably stick with the charcoal ones.

On that note, Bianca, "activated" charcoal works better than normal charcoal. Activated charcoal is basically just charcoal you cook at a high enough temperature that the carbon atoms that are the pure form of charcoal release most of the chemical bonds they have with other things, leaving you close to having just the pure stuff. Thus, because it's devoid of chemical bonds, it bonds easier to other things. Like the atoms that make up the moisture in the air.

Activated charcoal can also be eaten and will bond to some forms of ingested toxins and poisons (rendering them inert) though I'll probably wind up leaving it up to someone else to say if that use would actually be relevant to your time period and area of the world.
"I suppose the charred coals start out in this purer state, yes?

"Then, with time, water in the air or any other stuff that touches them leaves its impurities within the charred coals. And those can then be driven back out by baking, yes? I suppose some measures with the weighted horse hair will be needed to determine how this works, precisely.

"And when a person eats rebaked charred coals, then the poisons in them will fix themselves to the charred coals instead of this person? Is this only the poisons in their guts, or do the charred coals also reach into the body otherwise? I suppose this is easily tested. I do know many ways to poison a hog, after all."
Global climate change was off mentioned in our last round of discussion. It won't be relevant to you for a long time, but basically back about 200 years ago we kicked off our industrial revolution. Mass using of coal, steam, etc. etc. to power machines to produce goods, to get people from point A to point B, ship things over large distances, etc. Burning things produces by products that spread out in the air. Not a big deal in the small scale, but you have to keep in mind our population around this time was in the ballpark of 1,000,000,000 people. Today we're up closer to 8,000,000,000 people, and use of that kinda thing just extrapolated out until we're using the raw energy harvested from it and converted to other forms (mostly electricity) to power out thinking machines, lights, personal domicile temperature control, and so on (don't worry about most of that for...awhile.).

So what was mostly fine, outside of some local gunk in the air and what not, extrapolated out. So many particles in the air that it altered the very exchange rate between what heat and energy the sun gives us and what radiates back out.

Hrm. Basic Example for that. If you have a container and you put something hot in it, the object slowly cools off while the container radiates heat outwards, right? In this example, our chucking a bunch of burnt particles in the air has slowed the rate that the heat leaks back out of the container that is our planet, so our planet is slowly heating up. There's a bunch of knock on effects that can potentially accelerate this. The temperature patterns affect the seasons in areas by affecting how air currents flow, forests more frequently combust because it's hotter and dryer (releasing more particles into the air, trapping more heat). There's massive sheets of ice in the north and south that absorb and release heat...that are melting now because they're taking in more heat. Massive dying off of animals, crop growing seasons and locations shifting, and so on.

It's a whole ordeal that might wind up being an existential threat for us!

It's not something you need to be particularly worried about at the moment, as you don't have the population nor the industrial output to be putting out anywhere near enough to be concerned about, but I feel like you might appreciate a bit of a warning about the end of humanity that particular tech tree can potentially reach.

With the power of hindsight! When you do get to the early stages of needing that kind of power we should be able to give you a heads up on sources that won't put you on a doom clock to extinction. Say, ballpark 1000 years or so from now. They'll be less efficient than the alternative, but also don't really run the risk of setting your planet on fire and killing everyone, eventually.
The previous words may sound like madness, but I can confirm from perspective of another Voice, that is true, such a world is imaginable.

But such a climate change would be a danger only when number of people would be enormous, and use of coal and oil also enormous. No wild places in the world, but everything used by great villages, cities and metal devices. This could indeed slowly damage weather and climate to cause weird changes, melting of far north and far south mountains of ice, and catastrophes. But it's not something that your people could do now, no need to worry for hundreds of years. It's very, very premature warning. This danger would need a world utterly filled with people and devices.
And if we tell you of how to make use of nuclear power when the time comes, then it can provide all the energy for devices that anyone could ever possibly want without any release of products into the atmosphere whatsoever. It also would allow the creation of weapons capable of nigh-instantly incinerating vast stretches of land and rendering them uninhabitable for decades, which is a different sort of threat to civilization, but one that the same knowledge leads to.
Yes, khy, so maybe instead of mentioning risks imaginable 5000 years from now, maybe let's focus on winning the coming war. That is a much closer concern and I feel highly worried.

Said from a in-character perspective, so do not feel discouraged and mention whatever you want :p
"Oh, lovely. So should I need to kill the whole world, it should be possible to do so in a way that all the people will cooperate with, as has happened in your world, you voices? And beyond that there is another means which is necessary to the alternative you offer to cooking the world? That may well be very convenient, but I do not know that I need it just now.

"However, it would be nice if the lands of the Ten Nations were as warm as those to the south. Surely mild winters and olives are not the only benefits, too."
Hey there Bianca! Starrunner speaks yet again.

On the topic of degrees divided into three hundred and sixty parts, the alternative is to use radians, where a full circle's worth of angle is two times the number Pi. This is probably less practical for you, but it does bring me on to the topic of Pi, which is a very important number which exists everywhere in the world -- if you know where to look. I cannot tell you the exact value of Pi, for it is a number with an infinite, non-repeating set of decimals, meaning that I could spend eternity reciting it and never finish (though I am aware of another voice, which does not speak here, who has been counting it - I think she's at somewhere around thirty-one trillion decimals with no end in sight). However, it can be decently approximated to, roughly speaking, twenty-two parts in seven, which is off only by some one part in fifty.

Why is Pi important? There are a number of mathematical cases which make it useful. For example, suppose you want to wall in an area with a wall shaped like a perfect circle. You know that the area you wish to wall in is one where one could start anywhere by the wall and walk in a straight line through the center for a hundred identical steps before reaching the wall on the other side. As a sidenote, this distance -the distance of a line between two edges through the middle of a circle- is called the diameter of the circle. The total length of the wall would then be the diameter multiplied by Pi, which is a bit over three hundred and fourteen steps. If you then know that you need fifty bricks for a step's length of wall (where you can easily find the actual number by building a wall one step long and counting the number of bricks), then you know -before building the wall- that you will need somewhere around fifteen thousand and seven hundred bricks to build the entire wall. This is not accounting, of course, for things like guard towers or gates which may change the overall amount of bricks used.

The total area that the circle would cover is also possible to calculate this way. You take half of the diameter. Then, you take the resulting number and multiply it with itself, and that result you multiply with Pi, which gives you the area. By this, we can get that the area that the aforementioned walled-in area which took a hundred steps to cross would cover a total area of roughly seven thousand, eight hundred and fifty square steps, where a square step is an area of space one step long on both sides. If you then know that you need to build something which has a certain area, then you can try different supposed diameters and calculate how well it would fit. A similar principle works if you want to build a round building and wish to know ahead of schedule how much space you would get on the inside if you made the building a certain size, without having to actually build it and finding out the hard way that your building is too small.

Since I am on the topic of circles, you can also figure out how much of something -such as water, for example- would fit inside a round object like this. Suppose you have a round, hollow object where the inside with an internal diameter of... let's say ten finger-lengths. That being such an object where you could put exactly ten fingers in line after one another to connect two ends of the inside through the center of the object. The volume that the sphere would contain is calculated thus: take half of the diameter, which is called the radius. Multiply the radius with itself, then multiply the result with the radius. That result you multiply with four, then you divide it by 3, then finally multiply it with Pi. In our example, this would give the sphere a volume of five hundred and twenty three cubic finger-lengths, where a cubic finger length is a box with equal sides of one finger's length each. If you then know that a full mug of water contains roughly two cubic finger-lengths' worth of water, then you know that this ball would fit roughly two hundred and sixty full water-mugs' worth of water if fully filled up. The same principle works for any supposed diameter, which allows you to figure out how much liquid a round object would be able to contain without having to make it and check how much fits.

Pi is used in a great number of other places in the world as well, if you look hard enough, but I figured the relation with circles was by far the most useful one to you right now because it could be fairly easily used to cut out a lot of trial and error from your crafting processes.
"Ah. Hmm...

"Starrunner, it is true that the reckoning of a circle against the square that contains it is a mystery. And to know that it is a mystery which will remain unsolved does, I suppose, free up efforts for other ends. So in that you have done well.

"I don't know how builders guess at how many bricks or blocks they will need. I suppose they might build their plans tiny, first. Or they might know from practice, if they've had practice. In building walls for cities, though, the blocks are brought from wherever they are cut until it is apparent how many more will be needed. At times it is such that any numerate person would know how many more are needed, even. And then that is told to those who bring the blocks, who carry that word back to where the blocks are cut. And it is the same for firing bricks.

"But if the stone-layers know how many stones they place in a day and how many stones a wall or high place will take, then they will better know when they will finish. And that may be important for city walls when outsiders threaten. Or for those building a new hall where winter may interrupt them.

"If I wanted to make a perfectly round enclosure I might drive a stake in one place, tie a cord to it, and mark where a certain knot along that cord passes over the ground. This is known. And there are issues with the reckoning of such things. But this special number will aid in that, I can see.

"If I wanted to make a perfectly round vessel, though, how would I do that? To be clear I do not know that there is a need. But if there is some need I would not know how to meet it."
On the topic of arches against triangle structures - or pyramids, as we could call them, which is a structure with a triangle as a base from which a fourth edge extends upwards from the center to create a shape with volume. Arches are better for some purposes, primarily in the case where you wish for a lot of hollow space below it as one would desire beneath a ceiling. However, a pyramid is fundamentally a very stable structure -- if you sought to make a large building, you would be better served making it shaped like a pyramid than like an arch, because a pyramid cannot be tipped over in the way that an arch can, and would not fall apart from the failure of a single piece. A round upside-down bowl can be likened to an arch in some respects, but if you hit an upside-down bowl with a hard object it may break in a way a triangular bowl would not. Then again, the triangular bowl may not well stand on its own unless it is upside down, so I suppose it depends on your use case.
"I do not know what you mean for me to understand here, Starrunner. Should Burgeck build their halls like triangles? If setting one stone on another in the manner of a triangle made any sort of good building, surely there would be no need for arches. Do you mean a building or a pile of some sort?"
You also ask about the ability to make walls that stand up to cannon fire. With the round cannonballs you currently use, it is possible to achieve with sufficiently thick walls. However, were someone to figure out rifled barrels with shaped projectiles, stone walls would be shattered in but a few shots. A rifled barrel is a gun barrel wherein the interior has been shaped in such a way as to make the projectile spin around its flight direction, and combined with shaped shots which are pointy in the flight direction instead of being round, these shots can make short work of almost any stone wall. Barriers of soil work against them because they rely on mass instead of hardness. I would recommend that you not put any serious effort into trying to make these kinds of cannons until the ones you have are much more reliable than they are right now, though. Learn to walk before you try to run.

I am yet to examine the entirety of the response or what you others have said, so I may speak more once I travese into Bianca's present. Hopefully there's not too much collateral overlap.
Starrunner, this is a misrepresentation of what actually makes rifled cannon an improvement over the smooth-bored guns currently in use. Rifled cannon do not inherently have any destructive advantage over smoothbores, what they have is vastly improved accuracy, making them useful over longer distances. In addition, the spin-stabilization means they can guarantee that the pointy end of the projectile will stay in front, meaning it can use more streamlined shot without tumbling, reducing drag and thus meaning it loses less energy over distance.

What really lets cannon shatter almost any wall is high explosive shells, particularly ones built to penetrate a distance before exploding. These projectiles can have much the same effect on a wall that sapping it would, since they can deliver an explosive device directly inside the wall to blast it apart from the inside. Admittedly such shells require rifled cannon to use properly due to the nature of the fusing mechanisms required to properly detonate at the correct penetration distance, but they are by far the single most effective way of demolishing fortified structures before you start getting to ridiculous overkill like nuclear weapons.
"So, until cannon can cause what they throw out to spin, what they throw out should be a round ball so that no matter how it tumbles it presents a round face to the wind, yes?

"And when cannon can cause what they throw out to spin, they may cast out pointed shot. And when pointed shot may be used, it may be built with more bursting dust inside it, so that it first penetrates the wall or the dirt piled against than wall, and then bursts.

"Is that right? I will let the cannon-casters know that there is some means to spin shot and we will see if they are ready to take that step. It sounds to me, though, like this will involve some kind of protrusion within the barrel. And that sounds like jamming and the failure of bursting cannon will follow."
Have we described powered metalworking and woodworking devices that function on rotary power, like the spindle power spinning wheels that we were talking about making water powered? Things like Lathes, saws, rollers, drills, presses, grinders, triphammers and similar? Weren't there a lot of rotary powered devices in the middle ages, powered by windmills and watermills that were actually really useful?
We have mentioned lathes, though we aren't sure about the others. If you want to talk about them, feel free.
"There was a wood saw driven by a water wheel that never worked well enough to be worth the trouble. I don't know if it destroyed more wood than it produced. But the difference certainly wasn't justified by the time and effort spent on it.

"Is a trip hammer like a manjolo? The people have those. In some places where water and other conditions are favorable, they are being replaced by great disks of stone that mill the grain.

"And once my people demonstrated the screw-in-pipe steam rotator, we revisited the old and poorly understood wind wheel design. There is one near my great house. But I know others mean to build them much larger and, of course, closer to the greatest fields.

"Our cannon are bored out by drills.

"What does a roller roll? And what sort of press do you mean?"
Greetings, you may call me the voice of Whispers. Have you considered, by allowing the wine to sit out for longer, creating what is known to us voices as 'vinegar'? Without too much difficulties, you can not only still make use of what some may call spoiled wine, but also preserve other foods within it. The sour wine will be very useful as a bountiful way to clean wounds and surfaces from 'germs'. The use of the sour wine can also be used to counteract some poisons.
"I sent my far-ranging scouts and traders south to find wine for the purposes of medicinal vinegar, if I recall correctly. We do not have enough to make use of it in all places. But my far-ranging scouts and traders also travel to the east and west to find fruit that will grow in the Ten Nations' lands. I have no doubt that a similar process to how wine is made will work with some other fruit. For now all we have are the bramble-berries. Many years ago I directed that those should be spread throughout the lands, but they are not popular with the people on account of their thorns making harvest either painful or time consuming or both.

"How do we preserve food in vinegar? Just seal it in a pot? Which foods? Should they be cooked first? Should they be cooked in that pot?

"And which poisons does vinegar counteract? Contact? Consumed?"
Rainbow heart here still working on that list of herbs but I thought of something that might need to be addressed have you any female hygiene for that time of the month they it might be a good idea to make some period panties to make them all you would really need to do is make some underwear that is very thick in the parts that the blood will leak this allows women to not leave a trail of blood everywhere they go and probably feel a lot cleaner boosting mood of course this might take up to much cloth but good to keep in mind

"I'm not sure where I should start.

"Thank you, certainly, for your suggestion, Rainbow Heart. The comfort of people in their time of wombsblood is always going to be at least a concern for those bleeding and often a concern for those around them.

"However, it is not the case that those whose wombs bleed commonly allow that blood to run to the soil throughout the time of their bleeding. There exist some exceptions for special observance or display. But in most cases the blood is stopped around where it emerges by contrivances of woven, beaten grasses, or soft bark lining, or mosses treated in this or that fashion, or, as it has become more plentiful in recent years, yes some rags of cloth. Even before the time of my confinement, no person of full wit and composure walked around while bleeding freely outside of, again, certain special matters where the results were very intentional.

"Although the matter may well have room for improvement -- as you voices seem to believe all things do -- the regular and normal issue of blood from people is not a problem for which people have no solutions other than continuing on with no regard for the discharge."
I described hemp once, and her people cultivate at least some hemp. As to the marijuana, I think that her type of hemp mostly lack this medicinal property and would need to be breed more into that direction, humph.
"Yes, this plant is widely grown throughout the lands of the Ten nations. The best ropes are made from it, I am told. Was there some medicinal use of it, as well? I don't recall you voices telling me of one. But there is a great deal said. Much of it is madness. And even of the wisdom, some may have been forgotten."
Anyway, a small health advice. Cooking soup with a small piece of pure iron in the pot, that can be reused, is healthy. Because people need extremely small amount of iron in their food - amount too small to see, like tiny life is too small to see. While piece of iron would look as before, an extremely small invisible amount of iron should go to the soup and have a positive effect on health.

Meat and nuts also contain such extremely small amounts of iron. Iron is needed for blood to work properly and lack of iron cause people to be constantly tired and weak.

I know about a nation where healers know this method, but most unlearned people thought that cooking with a piece of iron in the pot is weird. Unwise disbelieved health benefits known by the wise. So wise healers, to persuade the people, talked with metalworkers to shape a few pieces of iron like a fish. Fish was considered by the ways of their nation a lucky shape. And afterwards everyone wanted to cook soups with a lucky iron fish. And people started to be slightly healthier despite their stupidity.

Not because fish shape is lucky, it's not. An useful lie for these too stupid to understand wisdom. But because of iron.
"Pure iron, then, fully purged and free of char and all other impurities? I will not have to tell the people it is lucky or shape it into a charm. Many of the people take any new thing as magic. They come to wild and unfounded conclusions about how glass or iron or hemp or Kahl's Warhorses bring about events of no discernible connection to them. If anything, the problem I will have is preventing the people from putting lumps of bronze or lead or bursting powder in their soup.

"Iron is strong. It is likely that some clever fool has already taken to putting it in their stock pot to draw its strength into their broth. Setting the truth of that -- such as it is, coming from voices as it does -- into a song will be no great challenge."
Hello rainbow heart here with the list of herb there may be more later but this took a while to put together before that something I think would be help full you should get some group of people whose job is to figure it out because as we all get further and further along teach tree things are going to more and more complex and we will not be able to explain as well
"I'm not sure what you're suggesting here, Rainbow Heart. What should someone be figuring out? And how? Are you suggesting that every herb of the land be collected and fed to whomever is unfortunate enough to be incapable of meaningfully objecting?

"We are assessing any herb lore we encounter, but it is not a matter to pursue lightly. The price of error or deception is not only counted in injury or worse to the people on whom the herb is tested. Each sufficiently bad result also hurts the reputation of whichever wise folk work the medicine. With poor fortune and in time it would surely even reflect poorly on my own wisdom."
the other thing is a good rule of thumb is the better the medicine the more the side effects
"We may have differing ideas of what makes medicine 'better.' But I believe I understand what you mean."
with out further delay here is the list.
Willow bark helps with back pain most definitely it may help with fever Gout Headaches And period cra.mps Waring safety when prevent is unknown safety when breast feeding is leaning towards unsafe use in children is the same It thins the blood so blood clots slower do not take with any thing that can slow blood copying.The willow tree tends to grow by water and has thin whip like branch's that hang somewhat like a rope.
"Willow medicine is known, though perhaps not so clearly. Your precautions are appreciated and noted. Can you tell me about superior preparations of willow bark medicines?"
Aloe vera helps treat minor burns soothe skin iteration. Do not eat if not eaten there are no side effects it is short has thick spike like I guess I will call them leaves with a gel in side And more spikes on the Side of the leave pointing upwards.You will have to keep going south to get it
"I do not know of a plant such as you describe, though with thought I may have seen something like it in my travels prior to my confinement. I certainly have not seen any plant with thorns filled with fluid in the lands of or around the Ten Nations. It sounds like something that would freeze in these lands.

"I suppose, then, that this is something I should tell my far ranging hunters and scouts and traders to be on the lookout for, as they looked for doves, chickens, and garlic."
Agrimony part used is the seeds they are consumed to help with a lot of stomach issues and gargled to help sooth the throat and help with lung issue. Do not take large amounts don't taken when breast feeding do not take when pregnant. Slows blood cloting it is a dark green Herb that has a hairy and rough stem with Yellow flowers.
"We do know the sicklewort and it is used as medicine, though considerably more broadly than you suggest. Is it that you don't know of other uses, Rainbow Heart? Or do you know that it is not good beyond what you describe?"
Bell pollen no real medical use's it is just very good for people and dose not really spoil so much as lose some nutrients it would make a good thing to add to other foods.
"It's not clear which bell flower's pollen you mean, here. Is there some common pollen-related attribute of all bell flowers? And how do you mean that bell flower pollen should be cultivated or gathered, if you mean it to be obtained in quantities suitable for any meaningful addition to the diets of many people?"
Bill berry Use dried versus and leaves Can be used to Help with some leg swelling might help with eyestrain vision Problem period cramps some chest pain the berry are safe the leaves while more potent can be a little dangerous as it has a bigger effect slows blood cloting. Low growing Shrub with dark blue berries.
"These berries are well known and used in medicine work. Many years ago and at my direction, back when they still hustled to win my favor, Brugeck Tribe attempted to bring these out of the wild and into gardens. They had some success. But the bushes do not flourish readily and produce little in the way of fruit for the space and care they require. Also, they remain plentiful in the woodlands."
Borage A small plant with hairy leaves with bright blue flowers all of it can be used for lung issues when eaten Increases premature birth of infants survival rate when the oil is mixed in to there milk helps joint pain may help with fever heart disease Dry skin pain relief
Is safe for adults and children not for pregnant or nursing slows blood cloting
"This one, like the watery spikes, I do not believe is in the Lands of the Ten Nations. I may have known plants of similar description in other and distant places. And I will direct my far-ranging scouts and traders to keep on the lookout for it."
Butter bur lives near the water with Round flower heads that grow before the leaves whice are long and soft.Good for headaches when eaten may help with fever anxiety Cough sleeplessness Pain stomach issues And wound healing can damage the liver lung and blood circulation do not give to children pregnant or nursing.
"Hmm. This one I know of for the sake of poison preparation. Properly made, the poison is slow and bitter. Notably, with care and wisdom it may be fed to whole families such that nearly all of the men die while most of the women do not. I suppose you mean the parts of the plant from which that poison is not drawn. Or is there some special preparation that clears out the poison?

"In any case, I do not believe it has been found in or near the Lands of the Ten Nations since the time the winters grew long. And it was not common before those years."
Catnip oil can get bugs to leave you alone may help with fever and headaches don't give to kids or pregnant or nursing
"Thank you, Rainbow Heart. As it happens, these uses are known. And your precautions will be noted."
Rhodiola no medical use just very good for people like the bee pollen Grows in cold and high places has mainly yellow flowers but can be pink or red has very long roots
"Do you mean the bell flower pollen? Or do you mean all pollen gathered by bees?

"Whatever the answer, as before I have seen plants like this but not near the Lands of the Ten Nations. If it needs both high places and the cold, however, it may be that we will find it in the lands across the sea."
Siberian ginseng When eaten helps the body fight off infection do not use for a long time do not give to children do not give to pregnant or nursing you do not want to see the damage the body can do to its self when its fighting force is basically rampaging. Stop taking right away if there are any changes to your heart rate going up it is a small woody with clusters of dark blue to black berrys
"Unfortunately, this is another description that does not set one plant apart from others I have known, Rainbow Heart. But, as before, where you have advised caution I will make note."
I am going to continue to give herbs and other medicine that with in reach but I could add formations to my research as well
"And thank you. This herb is also known, though its use is not for anxiety or fits and I will direct investigation in that regard.

"Also, what is it you mean by 'stroke?'"
[X] [Accusation] "Message incomplete. Resend with details or not at all."
[X] [Licentiate] No shortcuts. Let her learn to be a table-ruler first.

Painful tests of dedication? Meh. I'm against, so there is no consensus among us Voices about that. Another Voice suggested that and you now use the idea, but I must say that I'm sceptical. At least, I would advise to be careful with it. I believe that it's more useful when people show dedication and sacrifice something in a way that is truly useful for the job that they want. Usually, using a five years of their mortal time for learning more wisdom about something sounds like a more useful sacrifice than suffering pain. Learning often make people better at their job.
"Pain is a fine instructor of people, voice. But the trials do not use pain in a corrective manner, except, I suppose that the applicant learns from pain they are not suited to join my Forsworn, as do their assessors.

"It is clear already from the bargainers that working with the things in the Stormwoods will involve a great deal of temptation. All of my table-rulers spend years of their life learning to be table-rulers. But that does not teach them to face or even avoid temptation in the manner they must if they are to deal with those strange spirits which are not like other spirits.

"Whichever of you voices it was that advised that I should give secrets and power only to those who have paid dearly for them spoke true. It has become clear that people who have endured will treat their prizes with greater reverence and will more jealously guard secrets entrusted to them."
[X] [Influence] Just send killers for the priests and for Gazark.

Gazark by threatening war is guilty of treason anyway, so removing him would help with the war, priests or no priests.

Maybe try to use a new and surprising method, like blowing Gazark with a hidden bursting dust. Of course it's the best to use a few methods, then if one fails, another works.
"Hah! Yes, of course! What a fine idea! Let the sum of his flesh be lost in a great bursting!"
[X] [Insurrection] Recognize Kartz of Lan as First Chief and direct him to make war, then support him in war.

Hopefully many people deceived by Gazark may change sides when they hear that Kartz is supported by the great Undying Bianca, or later, when they meet hosts of Kartz. Allow them and spare their lives, as there is no need to fight more traitors than needed, and many may be simply deceived.
"In some ways, all who oppose Warriors of Free People of the Ten Nations in these times have been deceived. They falsely believe that they can win, after all. And in battle they are persuaded of their error.

"But, yes, those of the Ten Nations who take up arms against the Ten Nations will be given an opportunity to surrender before each battle. And those who cross over or even lay down their arms will not be taken as bond captives, either. But they will be allowed to return to their own lands and be given bread and weak beer in accordance with the Ten Ways Pact.

"It shall be so, but not for Gazark or any other member of the family of Kuwuzt. Their wrongdoings are no trifle."
A thought for the future: maybe there wouldn't be the current mess with the rulers selected in the manner closer to the ways of Biancvint and controlled by your servants in the manner closer to the ways of Biancvint? Strongly consider for the future.
"My city was taken by force and by force were its people made to live as they do now. Wreol was founded from the ground up to follow my will. It is a very different thing to step into the matters of the Free People of the Ten Nations. Should I also choose their tribal chieftains? Or the chiefs or heads of each village? Should I appoint from each family a leader? Should I choose from each marriage the one that will speak for them in family disputes?

"Were it not for the legacy of Kuwuzt the Great, Gazark would not have a following. Were it not for the legendary battlemastery of Kartz of Lan, he would not meaningfully contest the Heir of Kuwuzt. How often will such things happen together? I have better things to do with my time."
A curious thought. Could a spirit control a human or animal corpse? Could such a monster be obedient enough to attack the enemy, or run into the enemy and then explode both it's own rotting body and the enemy with bursting dust? Removal of guts, drying, alcohol, salt and protection from water with leather armor can slow decay.
"There are stories told largely to remind of the excessive sentimentality of men and the limitations of spirits, where a witch calls the spirit of his dead spouse to live again through some contrivance. The story, as all stories are, is adapted to the place of its retelling. But the version most meriting serious consideration has both the witch and his spouse being skilled workers with clay, especially in the making of figures of people and animals.

"The tragedy is two-fold. Firstly, the spirit does not return the witch's affections because of course it does not. It is only a spirit, whatever its affinity for figures of clay. This is not the case in the version where the witch and his spouse are Forest People. And in that version the spouse's spirit chastises the potter witch for his sentiment or impudence.

"Secondly, the potter cannot make a vessel suitable to his spouse's spirit. A fired figure is immobile so that even when the spirit is compelled to inhabit it, it cannot more. The potter witch fashions another artful imitation of his spouse's body from clay then, and keeps it wet. But as the spirit moves the clay, it does not do so as a body moves, and the form of the body is distorted. So the potter covers the clay body in hides and cloth to conceal its increasingly grotesque form.

"But then he cannot keep the body properly dry. And his shallowness is shown in that he hides the most misshapen portion of his spouse's body from himself, and from there the dryness spreads out. Of course, once the dryness sets in, he cannot drive it out without folding water into the clay, which he cannot do while his spouse's spirit is in the vessel.

"By some contrivance of story or another, it always ends in fire. And so the spirit of the witch's potter spouse is trapped in the fired clay, frozen in whatever climactic act the story assigned that spirit. It is horrific, of course, all the worse for how recognizable it is. And the spirit of the potter witch returns as a lamenter, so consumed was he by his grief that it defines the nature of his spirit forevermore.

"It may be that Peyuvo could devise some vessel for a spirit to guide through actions of some sort. But for the warhorror you describe to work, not only would such a vessel be needed, but also a spirit suitable to both the vessel and some useful act on the battlefield. That is a great deal of work for a tool that will likely be both more delicate than an less useful than a warrior of the Fisher People."
Sometimes even a few living humans can be persuaded to sacrifice their own lives and kill themselves to assasinate the enemy commander, sometimes with bursting dust. Out of obvious reasons such people are rare, but if they suffer from bad health of body or mind, or if their family could benefit, or both, then it may be possible to find a few in a sufficiently large population.
"Oh, voice. Every warrior and especially every person who agrees to work with the bursting powders has been persuaded to sacrifice their own lives to kill others on the battlefield. Most hope to survive, though there are always a few who don't so much. But any who do not understand their impending death are unlikely to be trusted with anything so dangerous as the bursting dust.

"It seems much better that they should expend their life in the pursuit of many bursts, casting as many shots from a cannon as they can before they die in one way or another. And if they carry the fire or bursting pots of clays or copper, it is still better that they throw many as deeply into the opposing lines as possible, rather than run until they are held and then burst. They are likely to still be close enough to their fellows when they are held, and in that way there'd be more lost than just their own brief life.

"Tell me more about how you mean these death-seekers to make their burstings worthwhile."
XD good points all around! Vote altered.
People should vote for my write in tho.
You want to preserve peace, fellow Voice, but I have doubts that this is possible. Bianca could simply accept Gazark as a Ruler of the Ten Nations and avoid war, but she choose not to because of decent reasons. So allowing Gazark a way to kill Kartz in a personal fight for leadership sounds unwise, not to mention that such a fight to death would be a very bad example for these people who currently obey the Ten Ways Pact much better than Gazark.
It may not set the best precedent for the Pact, but the Pact is not our main concern! Our main concern is Bianca! And my plan sets a great precedent of Bianca as the final authority on who rules the pact.
Firm support for Kartz would be also a final authority.
"I wonder, if the expectation prior to their dispute had been that they should face each other in lone combat, which of the two would have backed down. That is what you mean to see ordained by that duel, is it not?

"I think it would have been Kartz of Lan. He retains some sliver of the conniver's preference for doing things the easy way. And if Gazark had won over the Ten Nations, Kartz would not have been the one to set us on the road to a war of fractures. Of course, it might not have been entirely his choice, as such things go.

"But Kartz of Lan has not made superior skills of and capacity for combat his focus. I expect Gazark has not, either. It would be folly for a king to do so, surely. But I imagine it is more of a concern for Gazark. As a new ruler, he has an image he must build but that Kartz has already secured."
By the way, Bianca, when you win. I would suggest that you should place Enonl under the same type of rule as Biancvint, and then declare that the First Chief should always live in the homelands, preferably close to your Great House. It would solve risks of a similar future nonsense. A nice and big house for the First Chief, always reasonably close to you.

Obviously they could travel outside of the homelands when truly needed, but their house should be in the homelands. There you, your servants and your spies could more closely and reliably observe their actions. In the future, new First Chiefs should be also elected in that house and candidates should travel to that place. Well-controlled, you well-informed, no messy nonsense nor war.

"I would rather they draw the beggars and shitlicks that surround them elsewhere. I have enjoyed the many years that Kuwuzt spent being First Chief from Enonl. If any person did not get what they wanted from him, they would have to make a considerable journey before they could ask it of me.

"While this would not have happened if Kuwuzt had lived near my great house, as I believe you suggest, it is, as I said earlier, an uncommon conjunction. And in any case, I would put him in Biancvint, not the lands around my great house. Let the First Chief live in a city they do not rule. Let them know the limits of their authority.

"I may so direct in any case. Hmm."
How to use trade and ownership to make YOU more powerful over the people: you can for example declare that only you can own great mines of iron. Let people use bog iron and old methods freely, they know this freedom for some time so let them retain it. But only you could own new great mines and great furnances, so only you could produce a great deal of cheap iron. Of course you would use servants, bond captives and labor tribute to work these mines.
"Whatever else I might do, I won't be putting the Free People of the Ten Nations who come to me for their summer of tribute labor to work in the mines. It remains dangerous and miserable work. It is important that families expect that youths of their number they send will return. When the youths march or build roads or walls, there are some injuries and, yes, even some deaths. But the mines are far worse. No one of sound mind would choose the labor.

"Already it may be that bond captives must be brought specifically for the work from raids specifically for bond captives. And there are limits to the numbers which may be employed in this way. I do not want a repeat of the mutiny, not at its scale.

"We have one wet pit mine. But another was lost when the pit that contained the water drawn from it collapsed into the mine pit. No worker within the mining pit at that time survived, and many at its edges died as well as the torrent of mud ripped those walls down as well. Now there is too much uncertainty of footing. There is too much standing water. And there are too many angry spirits of the dead outsiders, there.

"The place will be recovered. But for now it is best to try again elsewhere, and with more care.

"The bond captives lack care, of course. You will almost never get work as well and carefully done from a bond captive as from a free person. Even the admonition that their lives hang on the scales does not make them take care like free people. And even free people err.

"Solvable problems, surely. But the summer of tribute labor is not the solution."
Then allow people to exchange their labor for your plentiful iron. This could easily provide you with much more skilled labor than unskilled labor of youth from the labor tribute. Because many skilled experts would WANT to trade you days and months of their labor in exchange for your iron.
"My singers and table-rulers have already made note of how this works from the labor trading of the Galugr. Often, a free person does not trade their own labor for what that labor earns. Instead, one of their fellows acquires their labor by oath or some other means. Then that person trades the labor of the sworn one for this or that thing.

"I see little reason why it would work differently with free Fisher People."
It's not possible to operate great mines and great furnances in secret, so it could be a law surprisingly easy to enforce.

Great mines of black rock, coal? Great mines of copper? You could do the same. Let the free people freely mine small amounts like they do now, but very large amounts that need big pumps and devices, and bond captives... Have these great works owned by you. Let your servants manage these in your name and let you profit on these.

Also. If you wish, you could extract more gold and silver from the people in this fashion, and they would give it for iron more happily than in tribute. Basically, it could be used to extract from your people more of anything, and they would exchange out of their free will.

Of course, you could still sometimes give people free gifts of iron. You would be the owner of all great mining, so you would decide what to do with your plentiful iron, what are needs of a particular year and situation.

Even when there are gifts not trade, people could want to please you more. To deserve these great gifts, as only you could make great gifts of metals.
"Why would I withhold the metal to give it as a gift? Metal is best used in tools and weapons as soon as it can be made into them.

"As well, the work of… What, and ironmonger? That is not of interest to me. I will not be wasting my time at trading like a person in a city market selling their pots or their salted fish. I have better things to do.

"Should I go to the mine myself and threaten the bond captives into working? Should I gather the iron, purged and not, and steel and bronze to myself to parcel out for gold and silver? No. That is no life for me."
As to thinking before acting: you are right that when a mortal is seriously attacked, then they need to defend themselves without thinking. When there is a fight with strangers, people need to act. But it's very good to discourage one free person from beating another free person. In such cases, when a free mortal feels offended by another free mortal, calmly talking about the matter with the authority of village or family can be better.
"As it stands now, a bold free person must know how to act boldly and they must know how to avoid offending others. There is some conflict between these two rules by which they must live. But not too much. After all, it is working.

"You, voice, seem to be saying that a bold free person should know how to act boldly and also how to act meekly. There is much more conflict between these two rules. I think making that work will involve much more than just saying it should be so. Perhaps one day it will be worth working out. But I do not see the gain at this time."
Another matter. There is a very useful lie, a way of thinking, that can be used to enforce more unity and show you and your disciplined supporters as just. It's called rights of all people. Currently most people care only about rights of their family and tribe, and perhaps among the Ten Nations there are some that care about the whole Ten Nations. But it's possible to claim that it's just and proper for all people to have a few rights and freedoms. For example, you could declare that all people, even outsiders, have a "natural right" to never be enslaved permanently.

The basic rule here is to declare things that you are doing anyway as "rights of all people". For example, you oppose permanent slavery because it cause discord. But a law against slavery can sounds more just when it says "slavery is against rights of all people".

Only you and your supporters wage just wars and raid outsiders with justice, because only you and the Ten Nations properly obey rights of all people. Useful lie about justice. Why outsiders can be raided? Because your people are stronger, that is truth. But people's rights way of thinking gives us a pretty lie. It would sound pretty when said: "because they are all disgusting humans, they disobey basic rights of everyone". Raiding done to punish outsiders for their ways, to make the world more just and proper.

Your singers could say, for example, that permanent slavery and torturing bond captives - violate rights of all people. Then you can spread a lie, or sometimes truth, that outsiders and enemies do this often, that they torture and murder some captives for fun, and work rest to death. Sounds disgusting when properly said.

Or imagine a nation of outsiders that believe women to be lesser than men. You can declare their ways as disgusting and "violation of basic rights of all people". Then conquest of them would be a matter of making the world more just and proper.
"If I have it said that the Warriors of the Free People of the Ten Nations should raze a city because the people there ate their own children, that is fine. I will claim justice and the people will take everything from that city.

"But then there may come a time when there is another city where the people eat their own children. But this city I would prefer not to raze. Perhaps I and my warriors are busy. Perhaps there is some special value there I cannot find elsewhere. Whatever. This is the same reason I opposed writing in the first place. I cannot so easily shift my word around when it suits me.

"If I ever want the Warriors of the Free People of the Ten Nations to act on the world as the guard of Biancvint act on its people, then this is a good justification. I would have rules sent everywhere, perhaps even rules that are easy to break. Or I would arrange for them to be broken. Or I would just claim that they were.

"Hrm. Is there anything so especially abhorrent that no one would do it? Is there anything I can accuse another of just for the sake of destroying them without worrying that someone useful to me might take that same action? I do not know."
There is also another useful lie. Nothing can unify people as well as a common terrible enemy. Your singers could tell stories about terrible evil that wants to torture all people of the Ten Nations, and then outsiders, and then consume the whole world in EVIL and SUFFERING. And of course only you can protect justice and happiness. Erweh perhaps could be this great evil? Terrible, greatest at evil, always unjust evil. And who is truly guilty of the recent war? This great evil of course, that deceived both some of your people and some stupid outsiders. Of course only foolish people worship greatest evil, because surely he wants to torture everyone to death. Surely.

Cannabis is not "dramatically different" to hemp besides THC content, as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong...
"Ah. Hmm. Extreme. But then, Erweh set this conflict in motion.

"Still, the other gods, new and old, will take note.

"Perhaps when I am prepared to take on Erweh and any others who come to his aid. But not now."
Humph, maybe we could also suggest looking for opium poppy. Could somebody describe that plant? We all know that use of opiates can be extremely and dangerously addictive for mortals, but usefulness for pain relief after surgery would be great.
I will add it to the round two list currently working on plants that have caffeine it is annoying because most of them are across the Ocean
"I know poppies. Is this medicine found in only one sort of the plant? Does it require special extraction or is it easily acquired from the fluids of it?"
Just Write is right. You need to destroy this TREASON.

[X] I just write

There is dispute. When there is dispute people should go to you. Listen to you. Never threaten war. I see TREASON. Gazark and his chiefs betray your wisdom.

Bianca all among your singers and table-rulers still obey YOU not traitors and Erweh? Could they write stupid things for traitors and displace their supplies and send warparties to wrong places? Could messengers mess with messages?
"A fine idea, voice. A dove is a dove. When doves arrive in the cotes of Gazart with misleading information, how will he know? When messages reach his wagons to send them to useless places, how will they dispute them? And when his warleaders are not where he needs them, he will falter and fall."
Small random pieces of advice.

To have a warmer home during winter, build a small room and another door before entrance to the home. A person would open the first door to enter the small room, close the first door, then open the second door to enter the true home. Less escape of heat.
"This is the same idea as a voice gave for the ice halls, yes?

"Many greater houses have rooms like this. The great halls of Burgeck have such rooms between the greatest of the open space and any door to the outside."
To better prevent disease transmision, encourage people to reduce number of family members living in the same home and build more good homes. The more people living in the same room, the less healthy it tends to be. Of course only if the alternative house is of the same quality, because living in a tent or a mud hut would be worse than cramped but well-made brick house with a chimney. If labor and material can be spared, more good houses should be built.
"What is a family if not the people who live together? It is known that sickness moves through families more than between them. But it would be a great deal of trouble to direct that the greatest families be broken up for this reason.

"The greater the family is in size, the more tools and goods they will have and the more people will cooperate toward singular ends. Large families benefit a great deal from their size.

"Is it only the room? If a home has multiple hearths, is that enough? Or if one room has the hearth and another room has the back of the fireplace and its chimney so that the room is heated by the hot stone?

"Or perhaps the hearth should be open on two sides. Surely little disease will pass through the fire from one side to the other. Certainly that will be more difficult to build rightly. But that is a problem for the stone workers.

"Even being only divided into rooms will surely divide these large families. Which room will get the finest of goods? Already, they will be like separate families under the same roof.

"I will have the table-rulers measure the illnesses of small houses against those of great houses. The people can make the choice for themselves based on what is found."
Water trap. When somebody wants to easily remove dirty water from a building without buckets, you can shape pipe for the wastewater down, then slightly back up, then again down. When such pipe is unused, there should be always some water in this trap for water, blocking unpleasant smell from entering the building, and yet pressure of water above would push liquid waste away when the pipe is in use. Do not use for solid waste, that would probably block the pipe. Shit should be able to pass, but sand or rotten meat probably not. Besides, solid waste is needed for the black soil.
"Hmm. Clever. Cities need this, I think. But for this to work there would need to be water, always, ready to be poured into the pipe to carry waste away. But you voices have said, I believe that long channels of conveyance for water should be built for each city.
Biggest ships can be made with another floor above the bottom floor, with space in between used for example as storage space.
"There is some conflict here between the use of a boat whose crew can drag it up on the shore and a boat which carries more. If the greater boat does not include a greater crew, there is a point where it cannot be kept any place that is not made for keeping great boats. Boats with rowers on multiple levels have been built. But they are too tall for the seas and are soon lost to them.

"Still floors over the shell of a boat as you describe are used."
Hedgehogs like to eat snails, so keeping a hedgehog in a garden with mushrooms may reduce amount of unpleasant work needed to manually remove these pests. Hedgehogs eat also worms and beetles. Small wooden box with a small entrance can often work as the hedgehog "home". I think that ducks also eat slugs.
"I will see about making the hedgehog a regular resident in the people's gardens. But I am less sure about ducks. They don't take well to the company of people. And when caught and clipped will, as with other fowl, be less able to avoid dogs, cats, foxes, and so forth.

"Also, wouldn't a duck in the garden be a duck eating what the people want from that garden?"
A more general but very similar advice... To fight with pests without manual labor, try to observe what eats what, look for possible predators of pests. Predators that do not damage your plants or things.
"This may be all well and good in the matter of hedgehogs, which I don't know to eat what their pests eat. Cats, also do not eat the grains that rats do. But anything that will eat a fox will also eat what the fox eats. Anything that will take a wolf will also take a calf.

"Or do you mean tiny life? Is there some disease of foxes that will not take fowl, a disease of wolves that will not take lambs?"
It should be possible to expand mushroom farming by moving small parts of soil from the place where mushrooms are grown. It may be better method than current method of water in which mushrooms were washed.
"Is cultivating mushrooms a matter of tiny minerals in that soil or of tiny life in that soil?"
Moderate fever helps body to kill tiny life, so fever can be useful, but sometimes fever can be too strong and can kill a sick person. Willow bark tea is a medicine that can sometimes help to fight fevers, perhaps your people know this already? Overuse of willow bark can cause health problems with the stomach, so it's not utterly beneficial tea like mint, but in small amounts this shouldn't happen or may be worth the small risk. If willow bark is insufficient, then you can try to cool the patient with cold water and ice from the icehouse.
"Yes, voice, Rainbow Heart has told me about the use of willow and, yes, this is known herb lore. Similarly, if a person is burning within and other medicines do not align their heat with what is right, medicine of cold water is a known next step. It might even be obvious to one who is not wise in medicine, such as the sufferer themselves. I don't know if ice halls have been used in this fashion. But I would be surprised if, in the years of their use, they have not."
To avoid transmission of new weird diseases from animals, people should be prohibited from fucking animals and from eating bats and rats, not even cooked bats and rats.
"Just how important is if, voice that people should not fuck animals?

"I ask because I have known people for a very, very long time. And in my estimation of them, rules about fucking don't lead to true ends to this or that manner of fucking. Instead, rules about fucking lead to this or that manner of fucking being done only in secret.

"Also, even in matters of strange and uncommon fuck practices, there will be those among the bold who chaffe at the new limitation simply because it is a limitation.

"Still, I will direct that it should be so. People should not fuck animals. And if some disease is found only among certain shepards who live long stretches in their fields, then secret or not we will have some idea of how the disease comes to be.

"Although, will we? Can a disease of fucking that does not aflict the cock or cunt be known from a disease of laying with animals for warmth? I suppose if the matter is sufficiently important, the shepherds or keepers of cattle or whomever may be possessed by those spirits of greed of Lan Tribe and coaxed into admission.

"Why bats and rats in particular? What is different about rats from mice or hares or martins?"
People who use their left hand more often than their right hand, for example during writing, are unusual, but no worse at their tasks than others. There is no need to teach such table rulers to use their right hand.
"Why would any left-handed person be directed to table-ruling? Writing and its tools are made for use of the right hand, as is only reasonable. Left-handed people are directed to become warriors of the spear, axe, and long knife, where they are a horror to all who oppose them.

"It is unfortunate that some left-handed folk are too small or meek to be warriors. But they may weave or take up some other task. There is plenty of work to be done at nearly all times in every place.

"If a left-handed person can pass assessment for being taught table-ruling or if I find them worthy to join my singers in the way every right-handed singer is, so be it. But to say they are not worse at such tasks suggests some ignorance of the tasks themselves."
A question. Do you know how many free people there are in the homelands and outside of the homelands? Of course such a number must be highly uncertain, that is understood. It's possible that I remember badly, but I think that there were around 200 000 free people when you first summoned our advice?
"It's hard to say how many live outside the homelands. The table-rulers beyond the Tribelands do their best, of course. But their time is spent differently than the way the table-ruler in every village within the Land of the Ten Nations spends their time. The best count we have is around one hundred twenty thousand Free People of the Ten Nations living in the Conquered Cities and the lands around them. We believe the real sum to be half again that.

"Within the Homelands, our last count came to four hundred forty six thousand two hundred seventeen adults and weaned children, Free People and bond captives. The count before the Tempest Spirit was considerably higher, and not just because so many bond captives died in that first winter. Many were taken, after all, from the outsiders fleeing the Tempest. But in the years that followed a much greater number of those Free People left their villages to seek prosperity in the Conquered Cities and the lands around them.

"We counted in my city, Biancvint, ten thousand eight hundred two of the same. That count is greater than before the Tempest, as a fair number of families of the Free People came to pursue their fortunes there. I believe Unmarked is about half that, but who knows what will happen there when they next drive their bond captives out. Wreol is smaller still. Some villages have nearly as many people in count as Wreol."
Black Cat, viewing Bianca owning the great mines as simply being a way to extract additional tribute in exchange for iron is a dangerous way of thinking. While the idea of great mines and furnaces needing to operate in Bianca's name is in principle a sound one, the fact of the matter is that there is only a finite amount of possible tribute any given person could grant. Concentration of wealth beyond a certain critical threshold weakens a society severely due to the squandering of potential. It is important to note that in this case, when we say wealth, we are referring to the resources and services provided by society to support an individual's role; this is not about gold, it is about things like enough food, good houses, training in advanced skills, access to the tools needed to practice a trade, and access to the services of healers.

Certainly some level of wealth concentration is necessary given the current context to support specialists like healers, smiths, table-rulers, and singers; there just isn't enough total wealth available to give everyone the full level of support needed to perform such roles. However, if even more wealth beyond that is heaped onto smaller and smaller groups, a situation is quickly reached where the vast bulk of people have barely enough wealth to survive, while the tiny minority has far more wealth than they could ever possibly actually need. The reason this is a bad thing is because past a certain level of wealth, the degree of benefit any given person can actually provide a society rapidly ceases to increase; people generally don't get any smarter or more productive just because they now have an entire city ostensibly their property. However, below a certain level of wealth a person's ability to contribute meaningfully drops off massively; they are simply too busy with day-to-day survival to give much back to society in the form of useful ideas, services or products.

For this reason the impossible ideal would be a society in which everyone has the amount of true wealth needed to fully contribute to the peak of their potential, though as always reality tends to make a mess of such things. One of the first complications is that there are certain large projects requiring wealth beyond the means of any single person barring such over-concentrations of wealth as were cautioned against; these are often useful enough to mean some over-concentration of wealth is an acceptable cost, as long as it is carefully controlled. There are some alternative structures for creating such projects based on people of roughly equal wealth pooling their collective resources, but these require a very wealthy society to properly implement. Another major complication is that as society grows more complex and specialized, the amount of wealth a person needs to fully contribute increases, mostly in terms of education and tools.

You may note that in the long run all this directly results in slave societies being genuinely poorer than free ones; slaves are kept with as little true wealth as possible for obvious reasons and thoroughly discouraged from having ideas, thus squandering almost all of their potential benefit to society aside their basic manual labor. Meanwhile the comparatively tiny owner class has all the wealth they could ever want dumped on top of them, but this doesn't actually improve their ability to contribute to society at all. Wealth begets more wealth, but only up to a point, and slave societies put almost all their wealth where it will do them the least good.
"That sounds to me like the folly of kings, contesting voice. Or do you mean the bond captives, I wonder? They are becoming more and more like slaves in that warriors go out specifically to take them and their labors are increasingly not like those of the Free People of the Ten Nations.

"And it is certainly true that they have little time for anything beyond the labor required of them. But they are outsiders, anyway. Their great ideas or great works would not benefit the Ten Nations, but their own outsider tribes or peoples. And, as I asked before, if not them, who would work in the mine pits and other such miserable tasks? Better there be bond captives who can at least return to somewhere else if they live long enough than that the Free People of the Ten Nations come to think that one of them is better than another.

"I am the one who is better. There should be no other.

"And, yes, every family of the Ten Nations should have sufficient food and a home to shelter in and opportunities to prosper.

"I do not think the hoards I allow for those traders who wish to keep their wealth away from their families do too much to weaken the Ten Nations as a whole. Their lives are so short in any case."
Anyway, one potentially useful idea you might be able to get from this is something we refer to as a "social safety net", which is effectively a formalized recognition of the fact that sometimes great hardship befalls even those least deserving, and they often need some help to recover. The basic idea is that if someone finds themselves suddenly suffering great misfortune - for example if their home burned to the ground, they can rely on society to have help getting enough true wealth together to return to properly contributing; a new house, replacement tools, being checked over by a Healer, that sort of thing. This probably already exists to some degree in the form of neighbors helping neighbors, but creating a formalized system for helping the unfortunate get back to a state where they can contribute to society would doubtless be a good thing, especially in cities.
"There really is only a question of how such should be done. In the villages of the Ten Nations, any family falling on misfortune may call on the families around them to assist them. This has worked for a very long time and I see no reason to change it.

"It is different in the Biancvint, though. Families of the Free People of the Ten Nations do live there and they look after each other in the same manner. The outsider families that live in my city, whether they have beggars or judges in their number, must acquire food or housing on their own.

"When in any of the Conquered Cities the ruler decrees that none should want for food, drink, bedding, or work, always there is a flood of people from everywhere that learns this is said. And even before the granaries and breweries and loomstores are overwhelmed, the crowding becomes its own problem. They might poorly build houses around the walls, keeping the throngs from crowding the cities. But the only limit to how many people will come for food and drink is how far word can reach.

"Perhaps when the land has better recovered from conquest, when the black soil has had more years to settle in, and when the practices that make food are sufficiently improved. But by that time the roads will be better, too. And word will reach farther. And people will come from further away.

"So in Biancvint, there are some who hunger, who drink from the river, and who sleep at the hearths open to all. But they are outsiders and I will not risk the health of the city by inviting crowding so that the lives of outsiders are made sure."
Another related point is that discrimination is almost always stupid, assuming the goal is a flourishing and well-run society. If people are forced into the levels of poverty where they barely survive for reasons beyond their control, then their potential is being squandered. They could possibly provide all sorts of benefits to a society like any other person, but if they're denied the true wealth needed to do so, that opportunity will never come to pass. This is one of many reasons why the practice of shaming people for reasons like different colored skin or having a disabled limb should be discouraged by any means necessary.
"What the Ten Nations have now, works because of the Ten Ways Pact. The Pact cannot be extended to everyone. If outsiders cannot marry or be adopted into families of the Ten Nations, then they should not benefit from the Ten Ways Pact in the way the Free People of the Ten Nations do. They will have to resolve their own follies."
Anyway, now that that tangent is over, back to Black Cat's original point about taking direct control of all the iron mines. The greater benefit of centralizing control of the mines is that it grants a better ability to allocate where the refined iron from said mines is sent. This means that at least in theory, it allows large projects that need lots of steel (such as steam engine production, machine tools, or railways) to be more effectively supplied with the needed materials. Another hypothetical benefit would possibly be preventing the knowledge of the best iron-working techniques from spreading beyond the Ten Nations quite as rapidly, but that will happen eventually anyway; if nothing else outsiders may eventually re-create the techniques through sheer trial and error, now that they know it is possible.
"If I want enough steel to do one thing or another, I will take it in tribute. Do you voices think my people will deny me if I go to the place where the steel is made to take it from them?

"It may well be that they would not hand the steel over to my messenger, even one of my singers, if they felt strongly enough. And it will inconvenience me to go to them to take the steel. But it will inconvenience me far further to involve myself in ordaining where each bit of steel should go. The people know what they are about and what they need. Metal for tools is metal well used. Metal for armor and weapons remains metal well used so long as there are outsiders within reach to raid and conquer.

"There remain many, many outsiders. And every year more roads and better boats bring them closer."
It's true that there are maximal wise levels of tribute and above you mostly increase misery, not your gain. But oh, I never said that it would be "simply a way to extract additional tribute". Like I said, gifts could be still made, and could also contribute to additional power that would come out if it. At yet it could be also a way to acquire more labor of specialists, by something that could be closer to trade beneficial for both sides than to tribute.

And you yourself accept, Just Write, that sometimes concentration of wealth under one person may be beneficial for everyone if somebody needs to manage much wealth, land and labor to decide where and how great mine with water pumps and complicated furnances should be build. Of course, like we said, in this case it could be simply Bianca. Even Free People recognize that Bianca can and should be rich.
"It is true that in war and in raising great vaulted halls it is important for one person to be recognized as having the greatest authority. If anything, this is more of a reason for me to be absent from such things. I do enjoy combat. It is exhilarating to tear into whatever fools array themselves against me. It is fine to see them fall, for them to break rank before me, to watch warriors flee from me.

"But when the battle is greater than one warparty against another, the matter of the battle becomes more complicated at an alarming pace. And since there can be no question that where I am among my people I am the greatest authority over them, I must take the time to understand the scope of the battle and the plan and the nature of all my own warriors and what can be known about the fools across from us. And none of that is a good time. It's almost enough to take the fun out of bloodshed.

"When I visit the place where a great boat is being built, every question I ask is a challenge to the boatmakers that they must drop everything to fulfill. This is not the best use of their days. It is troublesome.

"And so it would be if I made all the iron my own. The people saw to their own copper. They will see to their own iron, in time."
Out of curiosity, who "owns" roads, Bianca? You probably prohibit people from building houses on roads and otherwise blocking roads, and your labor tribute is supplied to repair roads according to your will. So, could it be said that you own roads?

Perhaps builders of roads could block roads with fallen trees if you order them to do so. You know, I mean, before forces of Gazark.
"'Who owns the roads?' Who owns the rivers? Who owns the sea? Who owns the sun or --

"Ah. So the means by which it decided that this family sows this field, or pastures their herds in this place or that, you mean to suggest that the use of the roads should be decided similarly?

"I don't see why. The roads are for people, but not their herds, to travel on. They are for carts and chariots. And often enough the people in villages near the roads go out to repair them. At other times, yes, the summer of tribute labor of the Free People is used to repair the roads. And perhaps more often now, as there are more and more roads to repair. Also, our means of planning and building roads has improved. I have plans with my table-rulers, in fact, to replace all of the original roads. They are not so many and we can do so much better, now.

"Who would build their house on a road? What madness would that be? Let them fear the contrition of their neighbors and, I suppose, my wrath as well. What more is needed?

"And, yes. Those same roads may be denied to the hosts of Gazark, if they should ever even reach a place with roads."
Another things, Just Write. It's very true that potential uses and talents of slaves are often wasted, and that Bianca can more benefit from the free people. This is why bond captives are only bond captives for a time, and that is very good.

And this is why I believe that Bianca and her singers should encourage free people to marry and add to their numbers these bond captives, subject people and other outsiders that look useful.
"Ah. So this is the voice called Black Cat I hear now. If you mean me to know who you are, voices, you should announce yourself like Rainbow Heart does.

"I assure you, Black Cat, that if the people do not know how to invite a bond captive into their marriage based on the songs my singers already sing, there is little or perhaps nothing that can be done to inform them further. Marriage is already a popular topic of songs, for all that it has long been a strange and distant topic to me."
The fact that Burgeck and Tash never marry with outsiders worry me. There is unity in belief that you are better than outsiders, but their way is excessive. It would be better if the free people could believe that their ways are better and more full of justice than ways of outsiders, but at the same time that outsiders can be very gradually taught better ways and then married.

There could be even another sort of unity in thinking that people of the world are currently stupid, but can be slowly taught better ways of the Ten Nations. A sense of purpose and justice, mortals like that.
"The Free People of the Ten Nations know best how to live in the Lands of the Ten Nations and how to live with other Free People of the Ten Nations. To at least some degree, outsiders know best how to live in their different lands and with each other as different people. What is right abd best for my people may not be what is right and best for others. In fact, in seeking the right procession of crops we have found that different processions are better on different sorts of land within the Ten Nations. How much different is it, then, in the distant south by their warm sea?"
Anyway, ugh. I tried to check how the opium plant looks.

So let's try to describe opium poppy. You should find this plant to the south, but it should be able to survive winters. Flowers are big, mostly red, but different varieties are possible, these flowers are pretty according to many mortals. The large leaves are lobed. There are bulbs with seeds, seeds small almost like sand, so there is enormous number of these in one bulb. You can slice unripe green bulbs under the poppy plant and then wait for drops of thick, white substance, to collect it. If you mix this substance with strong redewed beer, you should have an unusually strong painkiller, that we Voices call laudanum. It takes pain away and makes people sleepy and lazy, after surgery it's much more good than bad. But I must warn you. Use of this painkiller a few times during their lifetimes is reasonably safe for mortals, and a very good idea after surgery. But daily use for a few weeks, or multiple use cases during the same year, not only could make people lazy, but could cause a very strong addiction. Addicted person could do almost everything, even betray their family and children, to have more opium.

Safe dose: one very small sip of laudanum should be sufficient. Otherwise, there are risks of death from overdose. Laudanum is extremely bitter.

As a bonus, ripe seeds can be eaten and are mostly without these curious medicinal properties. Mostly, preferably use as an addition to bread or something, not alone in big amounts.

Wikipedia & Encyclopedia Britannica & my own interpretations
"I do know the poppy, Black Cat, and the stuff of its bulbs which flows and then sets, similar to copper. I think this matter might be like that of the hemp, where there are other properties that are not meaningfully present in the plants we have.

"But I do thank you for describing the preparation, that the stuff of the bulbs should be mixed with redewed beer. We will see what comes of this."
Hi rainbow heart after many set backs I return with the next round of herbs unfortunately I could not find a single plant with caffeine anywhere near you most of them are in deadly rainforest on another continent whice are large land masses separated by the ocean and you are no where near being able to get to them yet and the rest are in Africa or Asia both of which are very far away so I guess the wonders of caffeine will have to stay unknown for now. But I have got a whole bunch of plants with pain killing powers.
"It might help if you can tell me where these places are or how my far-ranging hunters and traders will know they have found them, Rainbow Heart."
Opium poppy this should be some what near by and can be made in to some very strong pain relief medicine I have some warring for this one but to understand them you will first have to know a little bit of how pain works now when you get hurt there are special cells that are in almost your entire body whose job it is to tell you that so they send a message to your brain which is your body's control hub now there a places in the brain to get the message and if the message get in one of these you have pain. Side note here the cells that send message are entirely off or on at all time the amount that send the message is what deferments the amount of pain.
Just from that I bet you can see too ways to kill the pain but there are actually 3 I will tell in order of how good they are at kill pain least to best. One stop it at the brain because some will always get past but this covers the body. Two stopping the message from being sent this works well but it only allows to the area the painkillers are in. three drowning out the pain signal with ones that say things are good because the brain will just kinda ignore pain signals in that case. Number 3 are a thing called opioids and can be very powerful and very addictive.
"I know of poisons that incidentally block pain in what I assume are the other manners you describe. Some may cause numbness in certain areas. Others may cut a person off from all sensation. These lead to death, which is not helpful in pain relief… for the most part.

"Still, I believe I understand what you mean about the different means of dealing with pain through medicine."
There are two types of addiction mental where a person believes they need it to be happy or even live in some cases and will continue to use or do it even as it makes there lives fall apart or as it slowly but surely kills them.Physical addiction is the same but they do actually need the drug and stopping all of a sudden can kill them.
The Cure in both cases is the same although more care must be taken in the latter. The first step to take is the addict knowing that this is a problem while physical can be cured by just following the next step if there is a physical there is likely a mental as well as those form much faster and if not fixed then they will go right back to doing the addict behavior as soon as they can or pick up another addiction if they can not. They next step is to slowly ween them off the behavior half it ever two weeks until they can stop completely if they can not do half better to slow down better some progress then none at all. Last step do not leave them all alone relapse are very common addiction is a disease of the mind do not hold back help.There are two theorys on how addiction happen I am going to go with the one I think is right that one being that man is a social thing they will make bonds with something if there are no healthy bonds to make then they will bond with what ever gives them some relief there for the best way to cure addiction is to give them a healthy bond and break off the unhealthy bond.
"Huh. So because people form companionships, if they are unable to make companions of other people, or if those companionships do not… solve something? A person can make a companion of the poppy medicine?


"And I understand you to say that before this bond of a person with the medicine can be broken, the person must first know that bond to be a problem. How strange that must be for them.

"And when a person comes to understand their medicine bond is a problem, and not before, they can be cured of it by halving the medicine given at each half-moon. And if the person cannot manage that, their medicine should be cut less or less often, so long as there is progress. And further the person with the medicine bond should be in the company of companions, so that they feel less need for the companionship of medicine. Is that right?"
Now one last thing before going back to herbs and it is why I really thing you should try to slow down alcohol aka beer consumption and that is because it slowly but surely destroys a lot of things in your body the first thing it dose after it is past your digestive track is mess around with your blood making it hard to do its job then it goes to one of your organs in this case the brain where it mess up the brains ability to control where the blood goes causing the system to go to default drawing blood away from your important parts and up to the skin which is mostly done to cool the body down. as more and more alcohol makes to the brain more and more things get messed up as the message your brain is always sending get stoped the worst part is that as this happens your brain damage can happen reducing over all intelligence. The message interrupting is what makes someone act drunk the brain just can not control the body as well now the organ mainly effected the liver that has the job to filter out bad stuff that is in your blood stream which is working as hard as it can but it can not get rid of the alcohol in one step first it has to make it in to something that even worst and because the liver is so busy some gets out and starts damaging things this is the case of the hangover by the way when all the alcohol is not messing up your brain you can feel the pain of the other chemical making a mess of things. Now if this is a thing that happens not very often the body is okay sure it is a little tired but they have time to get back up to full speed and repair the damage that they can before it is too broken to do before the next oone time but if this is happening say every week you have a problem as the body is not back in shape by the next time even more damage is done and it takes longer to fix it but they drink again and this time a small amount of damage can never be fixed.
"Well, that does explain what can happen to those who drink too much beer, redewed beer, and wine.

"And these things do make people happy. Do I understand correctly that these people have formed the medicine bond with that which is in beer and wine and makes the redeweings of them burn? I do know that there are some who confess their indulgence is a problem and others who deny it. But that is true for any misbehavior. Surely not all bad habits are like the medicine bond.

"What does it look like when someone needs that which is isolated in the redewings of beer and wine in order to live? How can that illness be known from foolishness?

"'You need a poison to live. It is killing you and we are going to cut the amount you give by half in accordance with the cycling of the moon. But before we start, you must confess that you a sick in your choices and understandings. If you do not, you will only get sicker until the poison you cannot live without kills you.' Is that what these people must be told?"
Mostly likely to brain as it adapts and gives up some other things to make room. That is why in my opinion those under 25 years should not drink because there will be more damage to there not done yet brain and they are more likey to get addicted because beer is an addictive thing so I think tea should become the the new drink of choice as boiled water is safe it often draws out things the body needs and is easy to make if you are not very choosey.Just go out find some plant that smells nice and you are sure it is not poison or dangerous dry it take a small amount of the leaves crush them and then put them in to boiling water wait till the waters cool enough to drink then do so. This was going to be a list of herbs but I think it is important enough to stand on its own.
With all respect due, I must say that opinion "those under 25 years should not drink" is excessive, not shared by all voices, and only an opinion. Beer and redewed beer and wine and other drinks that we call alcoholic drinks surely should be used mainly by adults, but the age of 25 winters is well past that point. Perhaps previous Voice dislike beer very much.

As to addiction, you said this in a rather unclear way fellow Voice, but yes. In the case of very strong medicines like opium, whole body can be addicted to use and not only mind, and in such case dose should be gradually lowered during two weeks, not instantly.

I think that addiction to excessive use of beer and redewed beer is weaker and mainly in the mind. But opium can addict the whole body and is much stronger, yes.
The age of 25 is when the brain truly becomes one of an adult and the danger of the brain warping to need it becomes much less and it will be able to better stand up to the damage as well if the world were to follow my will no one would drink alcohol it is a horrible tasting drink that saps away intelligence slowing down the wheels of progress and the amount of production done edit I am sorry if I was rude I am very passionate on this subject
You evidently, fellow Voice, dislike alcohol very much. The free people are probably considered young adults when they are 15 or so, this is agricultural society. It's true that their brain still develops and can increase in cunning and wisdom, but let's be practical and not treat people who can work their fields like small children.
What I am worrying about is all the health effects drinking at that age is very bad for the body maybe I am over reacting because of what I have seen in my honor bio class and my human bio class. edit I just realized I was not clear in the dosage lowering I ment that there should a period of two weeks on each dose halting it once you reach the end of the two weeks this gives the body time to cope and to mentaly develop skills so they no longer feel like they need it
My storied opinion that alcohol is fine for all ages.... in moderation. It is true that alcohol is poisonous, but that the body has entire organs dedicated to safely processing poisons. I will say that expecting mothers should abstain out of an abundance of caution. The amount of poison that can be handled is usually directly proportional to body weight, and a feotus is the smallest a human can get.
Please do not give alcohol to kids true there are in fact more than one organ thats job is to clean poison out but alcohol worst effect is on the liver as the body can not just pee it out alcohol must be broken down first in to a even more toxic state that can kill your liver cells which there are types involve in the breaking down that can not be replaced by the body making your body less able to handle poison in the future then in to its base parts which are used does where. Edit for the love of all thing good do not give alcohol to expecting it gets traped in the baby and the baby can't get rid of it with there not even working until a couples days after birth half the time liver so it dose the damage as if someone was drinking a large amount of beer each day fetal alcohol syndrome is no joke they can be born addicted
Pretty weak poison, to truly damage your liver you would need to work on that daily for years. I'm against giving alcohol to small kids. With exeption for these cases when water is contaminated and only beer is clean. And sure, herbal tea is nicer for the body. But let's not overreact, let's try to find some balance.

Absolutely do not drink when pregnant, there I agree. Again, let's find reasonable balance, not extremes. As is often the most wise.
In the effects I was talking about giving it to an expecting mother
When that happen the baby is floating in a sac some alcohol gets in the baby the baby manages to pee it out in to the sack but it was not broke down the baby is practicing breathing and drinking the now tainted with alcohol liquid goes in to the baby and dose more damage repeat until birth the brain warps around the any drug really becoming misshapen drinking while pregnant increases the rate of miscarriage and still birth
Right, I believe Bianca is already aware that pregnant woman should not have alcohol, or most drugs.
It is important enough that it bears repeating many time.
I think I might have over reacted but the mere thought of pregnant women drink sent a feeling of pure fear though me
I personally do not like alcohol, at all.

That said, in smallest doses, it can be safe for even children. Not wise, but not immediately harmful.
"Ah. So this is the reason for the firm advice about tea, then? The people should have drink that lacks the tiny life that will make them ill. Beer will lack tiny life because the tiny life that turns water and grain into beer poisons that water against all other tiny life, but also against people. And the alternative you present is that people should kill that tiny life by boiling their water. And in order to assure that they boil their water, there is this process of making tea which they will do because the tea tastes good.

"Is that right, then?

"As for the effect of the poison that is in beer and wine and especially in the redewings of both, there is notable dissent among the voices, clearly. I will turn this over to my table-rulers. They can take counts of which adults and children in their villages drink the most beer and such. They will know who the drunks of their villages are. It should not be difficult to determine the nature of this poison over a lifetime or two.

"Even if these things are true, depriving the people of their beer and such will not be simple. It is a joy to them."
Forbidding something to children and teenagers gives it a subtle draw. Even forbidding something to adults can, if you are the right adult.

There is a story of a king, who desired to shift the perception of a crop from "food of animals" to "food of people". He planted a royal field of that crop, guarded it handsomely...and told all the guards to look the other way when people came to steal of it. The perception of the crop shifted as he desired.

I do not feel as though this is useful knowledge at present, but I am horrible at focusing my plans anyway.
"Surely every parent does this to make their child eat what they should, or tries, anyway. Some children are more obstinate than others.

"The Free People of the Ten Nations have no rulers over them. But there are still some who are looked up to. If Kartz of Lan took to drinking tea instead of beer, for example, it would not escape the notice of the people."
Hi it is rainbow heart last time got a bit off track but this here are the herbs that help with pain to my sadness most of theme are on a different continent but I guess that how stuff happen the continent your on got all the easy to tame animals and the one on the other side of the ocean got all the cool plants and then there's the one with spiders the size of your thumb nail that can kill you with a single bite with trees that can explode near by so at least your not there right.
Arnica Is a flower with yellow petals and a yellow center with soft hairy leaves. It is usefull for joint pain when tuned on as a gel thats all I got there might be more uses but there are not very many studies.
"This one is known in herb lore. Notably, it should not be eaten. In what manner do you mean this plant to be prepared into a gel, Rainbow Heart?"
Fever few is a small plant with clusters of flowers with white petals and yellow centers the leaves look Like that of a fern good for headaches And might be good for fever dizzness fever and Nausea drink as a tea
"There are going to be many that sound like flowers I have seen or known, but that may not be in the area, aren't there?

"And thank you for describing how the medicine is made. But which part of the plant should be made into tea?"
To make beer last longer add hops to the boil stage of beer wait around an hour warring this makes the beer more bitter
"Yes, thank you. The people did work this one out once I sent them to look into this one on your previous advice. It is very useful for beer to last longer. Do you know of means by which hops can be grown more plentifully or reliably?"
Lavender is a plant with small purple flowers and A wonderful smell it is good for stress relief and sleepless bees love it to it makes a tea that taste wonderful and even if you don't want to use it as a medics I would recommend a plant or to because it taste so good in tea.
"Hmm. I believe my far-ranging traders have found this one and sent it to me, yes. But even where they were, far to the south, it was said to come from further still and could not be grown where they bought it. I am less interested in sending the trinkets of the Ten Nations south in exchange for bits of plant that cannot be grown here but will only be consumed for the comfort of the people."
Rosemary Is a woody Plant with evergreen like needle it can have white blue purple or pink flowers. it can improve memory in young adult when taken by mouth low blood pressure And help ease withdrawal pains what happens after one stops taking something they are physical addicted to. It also is use full as a spice.
"Ah. This one I know. And I know it is not here. I don't think I have seen it anywhere with real winters."
Sage is a small shurb with grayish green broad leaves It is good for helping with the mental decline that happens to some as their become older
As well as help with menopause when the periods stop it may help prevent lung cancer all of these by using it as a spice when used in an oilment it can help with sun burns eating eating it while nursing can reduce supply of milk.
"I believe you need to be more particular here, Rainbow Heart. I know of a number of small shrubs with broad leaves that might be called greyish green. Can you tell me about it's flowers or perhaps its stems or roots?"
Sting nettle is a plant With small sharp hairs on it bright green leafs that cause Itching and redness. Eating stewed leads can help with joint pain shorten bleeding and healing time. To use the plant it must be cooked to destroy the needles then eaten do not eat with out cooking if you do so then only pain awaits.
"We do know this one. And this manner of preparation, as well. I think nettles are more troublesome in their gatherings than any other aspect of their use. No one grows them, though. They are always easy enough to find."
Wild lettuce can get very tall almost to the size of a small tree in the right condition with white ish very small flowers at the end of it not very contact shaped Blue green leaves it can be applied to the skin to kill grems and can be used In many cough medicine as a pain kill when burned and inhaled it can give a high with some haluicnations that is not a very good thing for your lung as doing so can cause tar and ash to build up in them and slowly lose your ability to breath. This is a very tango use plant and should be only given to adults .
That is the end of the list sad to thing the one I made before check area again was 3 pages long. Side note did you know grapes and other vine plants grow better on trees than fences. Plant some fruit trees and then when there are grown plant fruit vines.
"I don't know this one, but the name suggests a non-wild version? What makes this one 'wild?' And what is the non-wild plant kept for?"
Unfortunately they got deleted in the five seconds I used to copy and paste my notes some how
Oof. Sorry to hear that. I hate it when things like that happen.

I do my composition in a Google Doc. Not only is it saving all the time, but depending on the way data loss occurs, I can also access old versions of the document through the Google Drive interface.
I think that Bianca could benefit the most from more reliable cannons and hand cannons. Complicated flintlock ignition is kind of wasted when your weapon explode. If there is a Voice with ideas about firearms, that would be the most excellent. Basically, we need much more durable metal pipes.

Do you know, Bianca, about welding? Basically using a small amount of molten metal as a glue to join two pieces of metal.

It looks to me that hammer welding is also possible, you heat two pieces of metal red hot and hammer them so they join.

Fusing welded strips to build up a hardened pipe for a small boomstick: try to take a flat piece of a very good iron or steel and beat it into a half-pipe shape. This "very good" part is very important, as you may guess.

For that swage block would be useful: a big piece of iron like anvil, but shaped to allow easier hammering of half-pipe instead of flat blade. Different swage blocks can be also used for other shapes, used to hold, support or back up a hot bar of metal for further shaping.

Anyway. Do the same with a second one. Then place a rod inside and beat both sides, red hot, into one piece around this rod. Obviously you need to pound your rod out of the pipe after it's done.
"It sounds to me like this starts with two long, flat strips of steel. Each script is smithed into shape around an iron form until the two would form a pipe. Then they are placed together with a rod running through them. And where they meet is pounded together so that they form a pipe. All the while, of course, they're red hot. But somehow what binds one half-pipe to the other binds neither to the rod, which can be drive out from them once they are fully bound.

"And I understand you to mean this long tube should be used as a hand cannon, a cannon to be carried and fired by Fisher People.

"This sounds even less reliable than the cannon we have. But I suppose there will be much less bursting dust within it. Perhaps it will only kill its user and one or two more when it bursts apart?"
Obviously I can only say a few words, and truly learning such a craft needs much more hard work and figuring out details. You know that even when advice is good it's very hard to teach crafts with only words and without ability to show it.

And if you want to use something as a firearm, always test-fire it before real use. Preferably tie the pipe to something and test ignition with a long stick? You know, a type of testing that is unlikely to maim testers.
"Oh, yes. The people have learned to be very cautious with new devices and the burst powder. They have a word for people new to the work who are not yet properly cautious which means something like bold-to-death."
For small boomsticks lead bullets are practical.

, also Wikipedia
An important addendum, and a warning. While lead bullets are practical for use in handheld firearms, the use of lead bullets for hunting must be banned completely. As has been said many times, Lead is a slow brain-destroying poison with a disturbingly long and varied list of ways it can enter the body, and an even more disturbingly short number of ways it can leave. If a lead bullet is shot into a game animal, the lead in that bullet will seep into the animal's flesh, and when that flesh is eaten it will subsequently poison the people who eat it. Use other types of shot for hunting, and save lead shot for war.
Just Write, keep in mind what we call their level of technology. The complexity of tools and techniques possible for them at the moment.

Just with what you would like to replace lead bullets? That would be impractical.

As long as they are NOT drinking water from lead pipes, eating from lead pots or redewing beer in lead containers, as long as there are no such great stupidities, some levels of lead contamination are impossible to avoid. Or rather, avoidance of things like lead bullets would generate more costs than it's worth.

Unless you can offer to Bianca cheap and easy to make alternatives, Just Write.

I have similar words to say to the Voice that advised Bianca to use the power of lighting to move devices, or generate heat. Such wonders are indeed possible in principle. But keep in mind her tech level. Her people still lack cheap and plentiful copper wire! Perhaps we should try to teach her more about making wire or copper very plentiful, and only then techniques that depend on it.
Iron shot is perfectly suitable, and it isn't that much harder to make, now that blast furnaces have been constructed. Molten unpurged iron dropped from a height into water will naturally take the form of balls, and these balls are perfectly suitable as shot for hunting. Similarly, diverting some of the flow from the furnace into a series of molds would also suffice for the production of iron shot.
Great. But you can melt lead in a campfire and with a small prepared form make a ball of a proper size for your particular boomstick pipe. Iron balls that you could make only in the great forge? Humph. And lead is heavy, that offers important advantages.


I heard about a nation where wise people say "let's not divide bearskin from a still living bear". I want to say, I'm not sure that Bianca's people would be even able to make any handheld firearms at this moment, let alone for hunting, so maybe our discussion is very premature.

"No lead vessels for any drink or any water that will later become a drink. No lead pots. No lead for anything that touches anything that goes inside people.

"But if lead, from a hand cannon, strikes a beast down, that is a very small amount of lead that only briefly touches a very small amount of that beast. And yet to at least some voices that it still a concern? 'An abundance of caution,' indeed.

"Tell me more about making shot by dropping it. Just a dribble of liquid iron into water, then drain the water and gather the iron shot?

"I think it will be a long time before any hunter should trust a hand cannon to not kill them. And why should they, when they will have been using the bow since childhood?"
I believe Free people shouldn't ban alcohol at this level of development, given that some people won't even live up to their 40s , let the kids, or young adults enjoy as there is no need to bring disharmony to the house that would be created from black markets and dissatisfaction of the "Children".
Agreed that restriction of alcohol is more trouble than it is worth.
"I am far more concerned about this substance than I was before I began to speak with you today, voices. I may just begin to discourage excessive drinking of beer and wine and especially the redewings of either. No voice seems to be arguing that it is safe or that Rainbow Heart is entirely wrong. You just say it isn't quite so bad or that restriction is not worth the trouble or won't work.

"I do note that there was no such dispute when a voice said that people should not fuck animals, another passtime I regard as foolish but of no great note. So if this is madness it is particular to certain restrictions of behavior.

"In the end, my table-rulers will take counts of what ails families who drink a great deal of beer and wine and such and what ails families that do not. The truth will be known and then we will decide what to do about it."
There are limits on things possible, we should work to reduce greatest limits, these that are the most important at the current moment. I think that even supplies of bursting dust are, at the moment, limited by amount of sulfur traded from the far south. I don't suppose that any Voice may know how to make more sulfur without buying it from Nobody Knows Where?

I dimly remember that there are small amounts of sulfur in oil and in many ores, but I have no idea at the moment how to extract it in useful amounts.
Rainbow heart here to tell you how to get more sulfur using fools gold it is called that because it looks like gold but I think it dose not shine the same way and is a bit darker side note gold is one of the best things at conducting electric silver is really good at it too. Anyways Fools gold is about 53% sulfur getting it out is simple using the two pot method of having two pots connected with a pipe I would recommend having it straight up then at an angle. Place the crushed rock in Side the straight up pot and heat. The sulfur will turn to gas and go up the tube where it then cools and goes down the angle tube.What will be left over in the rock pot is mostly Iron

How To Get Sulfur - Primitive Skills

Obtaining sulfur is going to be difficult for most people in a survival situation... The most prized for sulfur extraction is pyrites (fool's gold).
Interesting. Fool's gold, as the name suggests, only looks somewhat like a gold ore to unwise, but it's obviously not a true gold ore. Sulfur from a fool's gold, fascinating... But the remaining question is, I think, where to find it.

Finding true gold would be also not bad. Fool's gold is dark yellow, similar to brass. Gold is more like brilliant yellow.
Another was to distinguish between gold and fool's gold is to scrape it so some powder falls off. The fool's gold powder will be green or brown, the regular gold will be yellow.
It is one of the most common rocks that have sulfur in them and can be found near river beds and near gold deposits but in far greater amounts it seems that gold helps in it formation and There is a very small amount inside of it
"I am sure I have or have had some bits of rock that are as you describe. They are like gold, but not gold to any knowing eye. It might appear somewhat like brass that has been rubbed at until it shown, but only a certain kind of brass. And it is not brass either. Brittle, yes. I have one piece that is like a cube set into another sort of stone.

"But these stones are not known around here. I will have them asked after, but I have never seen much of them."
Rainbow heart here make you should make a personal lab so you could run small scale tests experiment on your own or find a type of mold that makes the medicine here is an example I think your microscope can see at least some germs so get some of them on a plate and put one type of mold on the plate leave over night come back to check if the germs are dead if so then you have found the mold trasnfer it on to like a moist slice of bread you know what's lets go all the way get a jar Fill it with water that has been boiled and cooled off and some chunks of bread put some of your molded over bread in
This will be a place to keep the mold just add in some more bread or water sometime and if it gets to full pour some out.
Next step is to get another jar and put in some water that has been boiled and cooled down add a little under one fifth of the water in powered milk to get it just simmer out the water add some of the spore water from the other jar and leave in a warm place for seven day when that time is done the water should have a large amount of penacline in it let it dry keep it away from light or heat as it is unstable it should be used as soon as possible. Warring about medicine like this anything that kill the germ by its self should be used as a last line drug as each time you use it you take the risk of making a super bug that is immune to the medicine so when you do use this weapon make sure that no germ lives by giving a dose a day for a month.A lab would be help full in this case for trying to make a better way to make this as the way I gave is very likely to fail but it is better than nothing to take. One last thing because it is so unstable it can not survive the stomach without help so put it in hollow balls of gelatin which can be made by boiling animals skin or bones and then putting it in a mold which will help protect it.
"This is something like we have been attempting already. But I have some questions about what you describe.

"What is powdered milk? Do you mean cheese?

"Is gelatine the fat from cooked marrow bones? A number of different things happen when skin or bones are boiled and I am not sure which product you mean.

"Also, the devices for viewing tiny life are very difficult to make work. Most of the time, no tiny life can be seen because of some obstruction or because there is none present. And when they are left alone, they often die in any case, mold or no mold. If any voices have direction to offer in this matter, our understanding could be improved."
Honestly, I think that trying to find a mold with healing properties may be yet another thing that is still a folly to propose with her current techniques, without explaining many other techniques first. I feel sceptical. Better try to make Bald's Salve.
"I am trying to make the salve. Perhaps I have. It depends a good deal one what cattle bile salts are and if we have made them. If we have, then they're easier to come by than the wine for now, that's for certain."
Time to take a shot at this I have an idea for a weapon a low tech flame thrower. First get a tank with there opening it needs to be made out of metal one opening should be a screw on container this is done by making a long spiral on both parts that go in to the groves of the other a another hole should be near by this should have a one way value this can be made by using two thin strips of metal that meet as a triangle and then continue for a short bit. The air can go through the triangle end but not through the other this lets the in side build up pressure when air is pumped in by an air pump which is a hollow tube with there holes one for air to filter In at the very top one for the air to be pushed out and the last on to be filled with a rod with a flat surface on end the size of the interior of the tube with a small hole.
The last hole of the tank should have a tube leading flame A short bit away the end of the tube should be cover by a sheet of metal that can be moved out of the way I recommend by use of a lever and that how you make it here is what it dose.
This would be a weapon of terror and should be put on the frontlines while it possible to make this at any size at this time I would suggest that it is made around the same size as a cannon as the smaller sizes need funding that can move to be effective. By filling the tank with alcohol and increaseing the pressure in the tank the very flammable alcohol. To make this simple things do not like being under pressure and if the tank is made right the only way out would be if the plate at the end of the tube is moved the liquid would rush out in a stream with how far it goes and how long it lasts being decided by how much space there is to go through the fire at the end lights it up and a stream of fire is unleashed while would roast any one it hit and would sever mainly as a demoralizer by the way this is rainbowheart
There are none because I have a blueprint on how to build made from when I was bored in science class I plan on building A handheld one some day
"So a metal pot with a secure lid and a metal gate on another small hole, yes? I expect the sealed lid from the cooking pot-in-pot used for securing foods at great heat should work. Or your screw-against-screw should work for it, either way.

"The pump is a bit of a puzzle, but may be solved in time."
I feel obligated to advise care and perhaps revaluation to anyone planning to build a flamethrower.

Also, please consider the buddy system. In my own youth I observed that no one but no one stops, drops, and rolls the first time they're set on fire. Every damn one of us runs around like fools the first time we catch fire. "Stop, Drop, and Roll," is still good to teach. It's important that everyone else there knows what the person on fire should be doing. They'll probably have to tackle them to make it happen.

And that's where the buddy system comes in. Firstly, maybe don't play with fire outside of playing-with-fire places and times. Secondly, definitely don't play with fire alone. Bring someone who isn't the kind of dumbass who sits there and watches their friend burn.
Is now the time? I think so.

First; Something practical.
[Dubbin] : A concoction used to soften & waterproof leather. It consists of one part fish oil, three parts beeswax, and six parts lard all heated to melting & evenly mixed. Especially useful for waterproofing footwear.​
[Hobnail] : Small metal rivets that go through the sole of a shoe to improve footing. Also sometimes used to hold the parts of the shoe together.​
To a soldier, good footwear is just as important as any weapon. An army marches on its feet and its stomach, not on its weapons.​
"Ah. It is important for soldiers' feet to stay in good form, which waterproof footwear will aid. I suppose metal nails holding footwear together will help, too."

Next; an avenue of investigation.
It is my understanding that you have acquired some black oil of the earth? This is good news! It may give no immediate gains like the making of steel, but I believe that this oil is actually more important to the long term prosperity of your people. It is made of the buildup of dead tiny life at the bottom of the ocean that was pulled deep within the earth in ages long past. Now the slow machination of the earth has brought it close to the surface once more, but transformed by the great heat and weight of rock upon it.​
As you might expect from such a substance; from this oil can be derived materials that rival anything found in nature. Powerful medicines of course, better lubricants, glues, fertilizer, pesticides, or vibrant pigments, but my favorite is plastics. [Plastics] are essentially a designer material. Not so strong as metals, but they can be made to match any kind of wood. Hard, soft, flexible, dense, or slippery! Do you want to be able to pour it into a mold and harden when exposed to sunlight? We can do that!​
Of course such things require other tools & reagents that you cannot yet sustain. For now you aught experiment with redewing to draw off the lighter fractions of the substance. One such fraction known as Kerosene is especially prized for use in lamps because it produces a steady bright light suitable for reading and burns with almost no residue.​
The redewing process is a bit more complex than what you are used to. Because we are looking to extract multiple different substances, each with its own boiling point, we run it through tall [Fractionating Towers] where we try to carefully control the temperature along the towers height. For each distinct fraction we wish to recover, we place within the tower a wire mesh at the height where the temperature is low enough for the fraction we desire to condense, but still to hot for the fractions that we do not want to collect with that particular mesh. Each mesh is tilted so that droplets will flow along it into that fractions collection basin.​
"That sounds like a very finicky process. If the heat drifts off from what it should be the meshes will also gather the wrong substance, mixing them in their containers. Also, is the ground oil poured in from the top or boiled at the bottom?

A question; Answered.
How to create consistent ball / roller / tapered bearings. Lathe?
"Well, yes. Of course the work is started on a lathe. But even then trying to make the part exactly often leaves the roller too small and then it tears everything apart by rattling. So they must be lathed to something just a little too large and then finished by hand. The lathe helps, of course. It helps when making anything round. Rollers are a wonder when their fit is right and potentially ruinous to the bearing and perhaps the wheel and even the chariot as a whole when they are not. Fortunately, experienced wheelwrights increasingly catch the bad ones by feel or sound, or at least know they're there, if they can't always tell which roller in all the grease.

"Ball bearings need even more work after the lathe. If you voices can tell me of a device that is to the ball bearing what a lathe is to a rolling bearing, I would like to hear of it.

"And what do you mean about tapered bearings? How are those used?"
We do not need to use oil to get plastic in fact a better way is in reach right now using 12 parts hot water per 4 parts Gelatin and .5 parts glycerol A sweet smelling by product of making soap mix it all together and heat until it begins to froth then pour it in to a mold which can be clay Clean out the froth and leave alone for two days then take it out of the mold bonus points using this recipe it will decompose and end up as micro plastic that get in to the food supply slowly but surely ending up in people organs killing them side note if you add more glycerol it will bend easyer but using less makes it stronger.
I'm not quite sure I understood that? One moment please as a run it through my advanced pre-trained neural net for a translation.
We do not need to use oil to get plastic. in fact a better way is within reach at this very moment!
  1. Take 12 parts hot water per 4 parts Gelatin and .5 parts glycerol (a sweet smelling by product of making soap).
  2. Stir and heat until the mixture begins to froth.
  3. Pour into a mold of the desired shape.
  4. Skim off the froth.
  5. Let sit for two days.
As a bonus; this recipe will break down over time, the dust working its way into the food supply as an insidious poison.
Also note that a greater part of glycerol will result in a more flexible product.
{Disclaimer: translator takes no responsibility for factual accuracy of translated contents.}
Such methods are merely reprocessing existing life. It is a kind of plastic yes, but has not the weight of ages that has given oil of the earth its alchemical potency. The product would be more like wax than wood in strength.
Also at one point I think you put in some words backwards and said the opposite of what you meant to say. Best watch out for that.
What you said is the point of it all plastic from oil will break down very slowly in a thousand years the plastic will still be there at that point it has broken in to very small pieces but is still there and workings its way in to the food then in to people causing problems the recipe that I have given breaks down and can be made right now with out any new things needed. On the break down part I forgot to put a not it will not just break apart staying there for centuries instead it will decompose like a normal thing made of plants. Oh adding more of the glycerol will make it stronger but more brittle and Less more bendy there is also the fact that this can be made now sorry about the confusion there is always so much in my mind the pressure builds up and the words come flying out with out much of a filter
"So a byproduct of the existing process of soap-making along with the boiled bones and skins that were likely going to waste anyway can, with time and fire, be turned into a cast substance? Even if this substance is good for nothing by trifles, the traders will stun outsiders with another wonder. Many of them are still impressed with soap, especially when it smells nice.

"Beads are always popular."
actual I am again thinking fire and I want to tell you how to make a metal that burns so well that it will burn water The first step is to make quick lime I think you have already been told how to make this. Then mix it with warm water carefully as it is now a acid
Now add that to sea water to make magnesium Hydroxide precipitate Filter it out by using it though a cloth Put that to the side for a second mix 60 parts vinegar with one part salt to get what is mostly hydrochloride acid back to the main even 1 part magnesium compound to 2 parts acid the next step takes electrolysis.
So here is how you can make a little bit of electricity make a small box with a crank in the middle attach A lodestone on either side of the crank they should turn with it freely but be very close to the sides of the box wrap copper or gold or sliver wire around the out side of the box the more that mes you wrap it the more you can make make sure to leave ends to put In the magnesium mixture put both ends of the wire in the water before doing so boil off the water magnesium dose not like it. Turn the crank while making sure not to touch the wires the magnesium should steprate out if not I like.messed something up if you get a metal be care full with it if it gets wet I will likely explode I suggest mixing it in with fire based weapons As a powder it burns much hotter than anything else you can make and water just add fuel
"Where does the metal come from in this? Is it in the quicklime? I believe a voice described what the quicklime is without mentioning that metal. Is it in the seawater? Metal in seawater? Why are we using mines if there is metal in seawater? Are there other metals in the seawater and how can I get them out?"
Health issues with plastic are so subtle and disputable, that I wouldn't worry about them at all. It's not even comparable to lead. Ugh. Bianca, I like Rainbowheart, but I think that she has a tendency to overreact about minor concerns. Some of her herbs are very subtle in effects, and some of her warnings can sound more scary than it's proper.
It is not going to be a problem for a long time but as the amount of plastic builds up things start to happen as the micro plastics can get to the blood stream and clog things like your kidneys liver or heart and it is very very hard to clean up once it is out by the time you can make plastic from oil on large scale you would be able to make a much better version of the bioplastic that will not be such A bad thing for the environment. The plant is your home it needs to be taken care of also the part of the oil that makes the plastic in my opinion can be much better put to use in making electricity or fueling thing as it has a lot of energy

I would give more potent herbs if there where any in the area but the best of them are in south America and to make better medicine with out going to new places would take breeding for actually that's not a bad idea maybe that should happen.
I have memories about living as a mortal in a great city with plastic everywhere and health of people was just fine.

Not that this matters when in the Ten Nations there is literally no plastic.

Making plastic from oil is complex enough that we need to wait for a while, let Bianca first make simpler things.

And making inferior plastic out of your recipe maybe could be done, but it was mentioned that it would be a very limited thing.
That's true but it is easy to make and it is better then none at all and there appears to be a mistake made on how strong and flexabe it is it can be used in all the same ways as one made from oil and with the right recpic just as strong side note I forgot to mention if you want to add color add a very small amount of dye in with the other things
But I have agree that I am a very anxiety ridden voice
Fine enough. But you are often unclear. How exactly you can make gelatin? And glycerol?

You may see things, or dream things, or remember lives where it was obvious, but Bianca not always knows everything that to you was obvious.

Let's see what I can see. Humph. It looks that gelatin is a white thing made out of boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, or crushed bones with water, preferably from pigs.

And oh. Soap forms on the top and glycerol forms as liquid on the bottom of the pot of lye during soapmaking. That's interesting.
"People are dying in the mine pits. They are sickened there, as well, and from working the ovens of iron. They were made ill of the ovens of copper as well, though it was not so known until my table-rulers started keeping their counts. They sicken for food or for weather or for injury. They die for any fool number of reasons. And if tiny bits of solid whatever will one day be everywhere then it will be everyone's concern.

"But for now, yes I believe I understand the making of gelatin and what the sweet byproduct of soapmaking is. There is never enough soap, but there is plenty of what is left besides."
                        B R E A K
"Yes! Now how does it-- HAH! It works! I can already hear the babbling!

"Voices! You muttering, mumbling, rambling, lecturing carriers-on! I have returned from the underworld! Four times now! Not counting the cave, which I sometimes thought, while I was in the underworld, may have been the underworld as well. But no. It was only a cave. The underworld is so much worse. I rarely encountered spirits in my first captivity. But in the underworld they pestered me constantly.

"When last we spoke it was… A very long time ago. Summer, I think, though. Or spring?

"We are one moon and a bit more into the Autumn of the Year Six Hundred Twenty-Four, now. There is metal and paper everywhere. Do you know, when I first emerged I saw a… scrap of paper -- though it wasn't a scrap, it was doing just what it was made for -- a page of paper fixed to a tree with nails?!


"Ink-stamped to that page was a declaration that certain individuals are unprotected by the law. There is no unlawful thing that may be done to them. It is lawful to steal from them, to murder them, to sacrifice them to… A new word. Demons. And there was a list of names and one name was largest and there was an ink-stamped depiction of his face.

"I didn't know him, of course. He had the look of the Ten Nations, or rather the nine nations of the ten that are Fisher People. I met him shortly thereafter, along with some bandits of some kind. I don't know what they thought was happening, but I didn't care for their manners so I took them apart.

"Huugh. Speech is different. Again. I could barely understand the bandits… If bandits they in fact where. Who knows. Not me. Nor do I care.

"Hm, hm, hm. Let's see, how did we used to do this? Uh.

"That upstart claimed to be King of the Ten Nations, right? Yes. Then I taught my sneaking spell to some killers and rough magicians from my city. Oh, my city. Hmm. And I sent them to kill the upstart and Erweh's priests that were said to be with him. Sent a lot of burst dust with them, too. Disguised it as redewed beer or something like, I think: barrels within barrels. I hear they blew the fuck out of the upstart's stone house, hall, big-stone-house-place. Whatever. There are large houses with rooms no one sleeps in. Sometimes they're part of the walls of a city. And my smokey killers broke it up with a great blasting!

"But Erweh was there, himself. And it's said he saved the upstart from the bursting, personally. Hhhhgh. Oh, well.

"Then the fucker came after me. I had bird foot paper scrap messages about the bursting of the updtart's stone home and how it flew apart. That's what we knew first. They must have caught most of the bird-keepers about it, though. Messages that followed were confused and contradictory.

"But it became clear that the upstart had lived. And then Erweh was in my lands. There were mad people with him, mad in their love for Erweh, willing to do anything. I prepared as best I could, but he knew so many of my tricks, so much about the manner of the land.

"And Erweh didn't come with any great host. There may have been fifty of them, traveling together. Fewer, likely. There were pack chains of trade that were greater in number. They had no wagon lines behind them. They did not need the roads. And they listened to no council but that of Erweh.

"I met him as best I could, but I was not ready to face a god, not even a new one. And he cast me into the underworld with some manner of great and wide cloth. It was like the one used on me in the battle with the Host of the Last King of… Wrul, yes. But larger, thicker, darker.

"I was only in the underworld for maybe a handful of decades the first time, I think. Or, no, the second time. The first time would be the battle against the Last King of Wrul's Host. I found my way to the fabric of the underworld, or a place in the underworld where the underworld was fabric. I think it was where I came in, but was driven away from. Or something like it.

"I emerged into darkness, but the darkness of this place, not the underworld. The darkness of caves and unlightninged storms at night. So of course I started a fire or two. That got people's attention, so I set them on fire, too.

"I came to learn that I had emerged in the Great Temple of Erweh, where the cloth that had trapped me in the underworld had been stored, hanging like a sack. Erweh wasn't quite there, but he was nearby and arrived before the dawn.

"We fought, again. I didn't just give up. But I was even less prepared to face divine power then than I was when he cast me into the underworld before. Erweh was less prepared, also. And, in fact, he attempted instead to destroy me. But that doesn't work. I am undying!

"I am not, however, safe against Erweh's send-Bianca-to-the-underworld magics. So after some time, after a long fight, and after I had killed many, many of his followers both intentionally and incidentally, I found myself once again in the underworld.

"I reemerged by the same means and almost immediately, or so it seemed to me. Some greater time had passed, as the cloth I tore my way out of was in a very different place. Erweh himself was there, apparently waiting for me. Dust had gathered on him while he waited. And there was no one else around. We were alone on a stone plateau surrounded by desert.

"The new god who claims the underworld as his own -- but whose connection to the underworld really comes from dying of poorly prepared flesh of the Old God, Deer -- did not hesitate to begin attacking me. This time instead of blasting me or confining me, he laid curse after curse on me. There were one hundred thirty-seven of them, and they made it very hard to fight back against him.

"Then he threw me back into the underworld, where those curses were suddenly much, much more powerful. They had clearly been chosen or written specifically to be powerful within the underworld. And I labored with them for how long I do not know. But I learned from them as well. Oh, how did I learn.

"I wasn't free of the curses, even, before I started spinning thread of magic and underworld stuff and shreds torn from certain spirits. I fashioned needles from -- You know, I need not say. But I knit cloth of my own. I worked magic on it until I could see the overworld through the gaps in the thread. Then I went looking for the land of the Ten Nations as I gathered more stuff to spin into thread.

"At first I could not find the pivot stars. So I put the track of the sun at my back and moved in the direction I thought was north. This was made more difficult by the strange way the underworld and the overworld relate, but eventually I found there was only sea before me and still I was not far enough north by reckoning of the track of the sun.

"Erweh had fooled me, I decided, and went back the way I came until the track of the sun ran overhead. I slipped back and forth around the band of the world where the sun may be overhead at times before I finally caught sight of the pivot stars and resumed my trek north. And when the pivot stars were finally at the correct height over the land, I was still not in the land of the Ten nations, so I went east and west until I found familiar territory.

"Then, far from Erweh and his traps and near to my destination, I tore through my magic and spirit and underworld stuff spun and knitted into cloth and emerged through it into the overworld.

"That's when I saw the paper nailed to the tree. Then I found the bandits, who taunted me and were otherwise foolish. What fool finds a naked old woman in the forest and believes he himself will be the victor in a conflict with her? If she is old and naked and in the woods but not dead, then must not she be powerful and terrible and cunning?

"Bah. Fools!

"Their clothing was stange: knit strangely, woven strangely, dyed strangely. Some of it was more familiar, of course. But much was not. These bandits had fine steel weapons, and bits of metal in their clothing and their packs and all. I took what I liked and made it fit me. I found their stash of riches nearby and clothed myself better and more colorfully from that, leaving the rest for some lucky hunter.

"There are planks of wood along the roads and it was easy to use them to find my way back to my great house. It was easy to move unobserved once it occurred to me that I might want to do so. I did not see any other pages held to trees by so many nails. Most were fixed to the tree with dried paste. Some were pasted to boards then nailed to a tree by a single nail. I suspect that the first page with its many nails was a message of some sort that locals might understand but I did not. Still, such frivolous use of paper and metal!

"There were pages with names of people wanted by authorities, or to whom the law does not protect. There were pages warning about herbs in the area, or poisons in the soils. There were pages warning about spirits, too, and also 'demons' in the area. And along the roads there were pages announcing festivals and

"In the second village I passed through, I saw eight cats gathered together. Several were laying against each other, even. Cats are more perceptive than people, or maybe differently perceptive. In any case, they spotted me, were alert to my approach, and scattered before I got conveniently close.

"I stuck around a bit, watching and peering in houses, and found one person making counts in a book of pages, or rather transferring them from loose pages. Such waste of paper! There wasn't a clay tablet in sight!

"This table-ruler spoke strangely, as the bandits had. But with some time and batterings he slowed down enough to be understood and properly questioned.

"He thought it normal for cats to behave so! Hah! And there was no keeper of cats for the village. Some person or another might have special affection for one or all, but they mostly made their own way through life. Some might choose a house for winter, he said, but that was all.

"The table-ruler told me he was responsible for the village I found him in, or responsible for its countings. The village leadership is required by law to listen to him, so if he were sufficiently willing to be a pest he would get his way. But that village leader could complain to a regional table-ruler, who might have him replaced. He was taught table-ruling first as a child, as many children are, and then properly and fully at a place set aside for being so taught, a 'school.' His school, which he told me had once ruled in my stead while I was gone, is called the Palace School. It is named for what they call my great house. But it is located in my city, Biancvint, though some of its activities also take place at my great house, my 'palace.'

"There are other schools, he told me, many, many others. Some are run and teach only outsiders in far off places. But for the Ten Nations or what people are called mine, there are five of relevance.

"The School of the Palace is in Biancvint. It is the best place in the world to study the matters of magicians. Its libraries, one in the city and the other at my great house, have more to tell the world about magic and spirits than anywhere else in the world. The road between my city and my great house is the finest road in all the world. It is raised above the land around it. And any way water might cross its path is provided for by stone passages under the road. Larger passages go under the road in some places to allow herds to cross it. And monuments to me and to the great teachers of the School of the Palace have been raised to the either side of it all along its length. I have, of course, not seen it myself yet.

"The School of Unmarked claims that all other schools have fallen away from the truth. Though some will favor another school when the judgement of that school's elders favors their claim, anyone who can will lean first on the judgement of the elders of the School of Unmarked. It is in the city of Unmarked, where longstanding families of the Tribe of Tashburgeck rule over people who are not of the Ten Ways Pact. Those in-living outsiders do the lesser tasks of the place, eternally owing tribute to the school and the Old Families of the city and the lands around it. The School of Unmarked also claims that they are the rightful inheritors of the table-rulers who ruled in my stead after I was cast into the underworld.

"Not that the table-ruler knew that was where I had been. These people only knew that Erweh had come for me and that I was gone. There are Erweh worshippers in the region, but not many and almost never among the prosperous. The rulers well remember that Erweh left that upstart to die against the hosts of the Free People of the Ten Nations. I am told that Gazark and all his family and all kin of Kuwuzt the Great were slain, to the last child. And, what do you know, other rulers took that as a lesson on the trusting of priests and new gods.

"The School of Hosts turns young people into disciplined warriors called 'soldiers.' But this is incidental to the table-rulers taught there, who may work as table rulers in a village or anywhere else, but are especially taught to work as table-rulers to hosts. Some select of these, who are also warriors or soldiers or whatever, are also there taught to be warparty leaders and leaders of hosts. All the greatest leaders of hosts are taught at the School of Hosts, or are created by gods or rare happenstance among outsiders. The School of Hosts, of course, claims that they once ran the lands of the Ten Nations. And just know that each of the Five Great Schools have this claim. I will not mention it again.

"The School of Wreol is where nearly every table-ruler of the Gulugr Tribe and even some lesser giant outsiders are taught the craft. It is said that that particular temperament of lesser giants demands special accommodations, and the School of Wreol is where these are found. They also have the finest horses, though even still a full grown lesser giant cannot ride any horse for long. They have also the finest keepers of horses, as you might figure, and the soldier table-rulers among them are easily the most feared table-ruler soldiers on any battlefield.

"Finally, there is the School of the Forsworn. Not every table-ruler who learns here joins the Forsworn. Many do not pass the tests. And there are some table-rulers from elsewhere who come to the School of the Forsworn to be assessed and are met with success and do join the Forsworn. And there in that place is the most and best knowledge of what are called 'demons.' These are what is made when two or more spirits are damaged by some means and mend to each other. If at least one of those spirit pieces is the spirit of one of the Forest People, the demon is especially dangerous but also especially useful. Even demons of other spirits will bargain. And the School of the Forsworn has a record of all bargains officiated or made by any Forsworn. Good bargains may be made again and again, until the spirit is exhausted or the bargain is no longer needed.

"Speaking of which, that deceiver Mekosé is well remembered as the First Oathbreaker. And she led others away with her, breaking their forsworn oaths and engaging in reckless deal-making. There is no peace between the Forsworn and the Oathbreakers. And the Oathbreakers may have been broken and ground away, except they were found useful.

"Some time after I left, the table-rulers of the people, calling themselves the Grand Tabulation, made note that the land was producing less. They directed fields be given more spare seasons, that forest be converted, and that the more of the people should move from the Old Tribelands. But nothing looked to be preventing the march toward famine.

"And when that famine came, the nearly-ground-away remnant of the Oathbreakers began to approach villages with new bargains. For a small cost, the health of one youth here or a few children there, a life or maybe just a token for a life to be called later, demons of the Stormwoods Host would revitalize fields and pastures, woodlands and even make gardens flourish. And since their deals were not allowed the Forsworn by the nature of their oaths, the Oathbreakers made themselves invaluable.

"Still, the wise abhor them. Their deals go wrong and not rarely. In rare events the people are fed but their hunger grows until they consume each other and a whole village dies in terror. The Forsworn must be called in to contain these, about which they are ever cross. The table-ruler I spoke with said that the Forsworn undertook regularly sought knowledge they would not have, were it not for the Oathbreakers seeking it for themselves. No thing may be set aside as unsafe if its understanding might limit the damage done by Oathbreakers.

"It is said that the deals with the greatest reward are made by those who know no better than to ask for the most without concern about the cost. So it is that a village may prosper well by protecting the 'innocence' of one person, usually a young outsider. If that person does not learn to distrust, but asks freely and for the benefit of others, then much prosperity may be had for a price that fool will pay the most of.

"Perhaps most notably, there is a line on maps north of which vineyards do poorly, or increasingly poorly. The people use vine walls to some effect. But even then, wine production drops off. And for this there are well known deals to be made with demons. So while a farming village needs only bargain with demons once or twice a decade, a vinter in the Land of the Ten Nations must find something or someone to offer up every year. Vintners, therefore, have a nasty reputation. But the people do love their wine, and the wine of the Land of the Ten Nations is much more affordably had than wine from further south. It is likely that all redewings of wines within the Land of the Ten Nations make use of this demon wine.

"I asked after the person I left as First Chieftain of the Ten Nations. Kartz of Lan is remembered for the School of Hosts, for defeating that upstart, and for his missing head. When he grew old and his death was approaching, Kartz of Lan directed that when he died his head should be cut from his body and taken to the Sovereign of Azule. And when he died his body was emptied of blood and such and dried by smoke and salt and other things. They cut off his head, tarred it, put it in a box, and sent to Azule. But it never got there, having gone missing along the way. This angered the Sovereign of Azule, who did not believe this when he was told it. So every so often he sends warriors enslaved in their thoughts and conceptions to make trouble in the lands of people of the Ten Nations. Sometimes they're worse than others. Apparently the last time they had warhorses and rider and horse both would be set ablaze before battle, though neither was too concerned and carried on as warriors and warhorses do until they apparently burned too much to go on, at which point they burst with greater flame. Another time his attack was a thousand cote wagons each containing four hundred doves which did not fly home but spread out and the shit of which was poison to the land and water.

"Oh, that table-ruler? He did a very poor job of assuring me of his silence, so I made him drink a poison for which he acted wildly drunk, but not in a way inclined to rest. That is to say, no one will listen to him or take him seriously until I am known to truly have returned. I also did many things to the interior of his house that will make him appear foolish. I had granted him his life early in my questioning to silence his begging on the topic.


"Oh. Along the way I learned there are still no real cities among the Lands of the Ten Nations. Some villages are very large, but they have no walls and do not live like people who live in cities. Bond captives or other slaves are not common, outside the mines and 'smelters,' where bond captives are freed after five years labor and to which no bond captive is sent twice. -- I suspect those standards of treatment are not met when it is inconvenient to meet them, but the table-ruler assured me they are followed, for whatever his opinion on the matter is worth. -- All the people work, and many travel to join Hosts of Conquest. Some of those return with riches. And the Ten Ways Pact is not entirely kept. Their laws are different.

"The land is not so much divided by tribe any longer. A family may know which tribe it comes from, but there is little in meaning beyond that. And there is no tribal authority in the Land of the Ten Nations.

"Each area with so many people chooses one they call their Elder and send that person to a great stone hall where all such people sit under a great roof of thick cloth. There these Elder Speakers dispute with each other and with a great deal of shouting. And that is how they decide the law. Some disputes are questions of dealings with outsiders. Others are over use of pasture or theft of cattle or injury of people. If any person wishes to leave a marriage with more than they can carry or that will come when they call, and if the remainder of their marriage does not wish them to, they must give their dispute to the Elder Speakers of the Ten Nations.

"It is said by some that this name is a lie. Tashburgeck Tribe does not send Elders and have all moved to the lands around Unmarked, nor does Galugr Tribe. And neither marry much with the other People of the Ten Nations. The Galugr do not often marry people of the other tribes because Fisher People and lesser giants do not often find each other to be good partners in that fashion. And Tashburgeck does not because they say the other people of the Ten Nations have been overrun with outsiders and are people of the Ten Nations no more.

"So the great families of Tashburgeck rule their land, served by outsiders they do not marry.

"The villages of the Galugr are run in many ways, whether around Wreol or retreating from the Stormwoods, which has grown much larger with time. Sometimes, I have been told, whoever can shout the loudest is in charge. I doubt that is true. It sounds like one of the stories people tell about things they do not understand. But the city of Wreol is ruled by the School of Wreol.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm… Ah!

"Boats move all about, wherever there is water. They have crossed the seas to great islands with strange people on them. People of the Ten Nations went to rule those places, and in some the rulers still claim to be descended from or still be part of the Ten Nations.

"So it is in all places the People of the Ten Nations have gone for conquest. They tend to end up living as people there lived before, even speaking their servants' tongues from birth in some cases. If they follow nothing else from the Ten Ways Pact, they still will not give tribute to anyone and will feed, clothe, and shelter other people of the Ten Nations. So it is that in battle one person of the Ten Nations may slay another. But if one yields, another of the Ten Nations will not take them as a bond captive, but will keep them as they would members of the nearest family that is not their own -- such as the family their mother or father were born into, but married out of -- so long as the one who yields can identify their own family lines and such and until the war is complete. Which is to say that the one who yields must work, but no lesser work than the one to whom they yielded.

"And rulers in these places do not, as a rule, pass their rulership on to their children or grandchildren as outsiders do. When one ruler tries to do this, their own family will try to dissuade them or will withdraw support from them. This is the other lesson of the Doom of Gazark. And they bear it out, as well. If one ruler names someone from their family but especially their progeny to succeed them and that new ruler or their similar successor fails as a ruler themselves, then it is expected that whoever next takes power who is not of the same family will have the entire family and all blood kin of the one who named their family member to succeed them, and have them all slain. The fear of such slaughterings even drives outsider rulers to name someone who is not of their family to succeed them. And well they do: the children of great people are more often remarkable fools than remarkable themselves.

"Since the People of the Ten Nations give no tributes, where an outsider ruler would take money from lesser rulers, the People of the Ten Nations write up lists of what is being exchanged and for what. Other than Tashburgeck, who claim they are the only People of the Ten Nations left, no one of the Ten Nations will even try to exact tribute from another of the Ten Nations. So they call it 'payment for protection' or 'payment for general order' or even 'payment for promises of prosperity.' And on the same list there will be these supposed services along with water for irrigation and grain and meat and hides and metal and any number of other things that the greater ruler provides to the lesser. They have all become traders and cannot do without the table-rulers, who are everywhere.

"And traders, hah! You may recall, voices, that I permitted some traders to keep their own hoards at my great house. These persist in many separate bands of greedy fucks. And somehow they relate to the paper coins.

"There are islands which were never conquered. Lesser giants live there and care not who comes to speak with them or to steal from them. They kill anyone they or their arrows and spears can reach who is not of themselves, even other lesser giants. Their boats are not as good as the boats of other people, but I have heard that they came to build theirs in imitation of what they saw and what they could take from fools who came too close. These lesser giants also hunt whales by rowing up to them, leaping from their boat onto the whale, and driving a barbed spear into the whale, from which a stout rope runs back to their boat. If the whale is too big, it will pull their boat under. But if the whale hunter has chosen wisely, the whale will be unable to pull down the boat. It will run until it tires itself out, then the whale hunters row it back to shore, pull it in, and butcher it.

"So it is important that boats do not stop at those islands and not get caught by their rowers. But beyond there, there is a land of boiling water, burning stone, and sulphur. This is a great island and beyond it is another land with great ice wastes and beyond that is other land. There is a great river there in that far land, it is said, so wide it cannot be known to be a river except that its water flows out. They call this place the Sunset Lands and there are very few people of the Ten Nations there because it is difficult to reach and there is little point to going.

"Rorqual is out in the water that separates the edges of the land I am on from the Sunset Lands. She is angry, perhaps about the time Fisher People tried to kill her, perhaps about the killing of whales, perhaps about some other thing. It may not matter. The larger the boat that attempts to cross the great sea, the more certain it is that she will find and break it. She has missed small boats in the wreckage of great boats, and so some survive to tell of her matchless greatness and her terrible wrath. But if one is careful, one may take smaller boats from land to great island to lesser islands, avoiding the lesser giants, to great island, to land of ice wasteland, to the Sunset Lands.

"Surely these are the lands across the sea you voices spoke of. I know you said there were good plants there, but I am told that nothing which survives the trip back prospers. And little is brought back in any case. The people of the Sunset Lands do not have gold or gems or anything so precious as to be worth the trip. And no host of conquest is known to have reached the Sunset Lands in sufficient numbers to meaningfully conquer the people here, though there have been at least two such attempts.

"My singers are still around. I have not spoken with any of them. But they are welcome everywhere I have seen them. And the table-ruler said none dare to abuse them for the things their enemies will learn if they do.

"And the once-Blind Devicier, Peyuvo, still lives. Within the Lands of the Ten Nations there is a place set aside for her which sends no Elder Speaker. And no one interferes with her. She built and taught the building of devices as small as my fist and as large as a great hall which mark the time, from the years down to the heartbeats. The smaller ones are rare, precious things that are the product of great skill and expense. I don't know what anyone does with them.

"There is a skill of hands on bodies, of heating and cooling and pulling and twisting and applying tiny lightnings to and shoving at flesh that healers do now which is said to be of Peyuvo's invention. The table-ruler says it is the best medicine for regaining strength and stature after injury, but does more besides that. And those outside the Lands of the Ten Nations who have more wealth than their fellows enjoy the efforts of those who practice such arts yearly or daily, according to their means and desires.

"There is another matter of medicine said to be her doing, rules of record and action for learning the nature and effect of medicine. This sounds in ways like what you voices have described. And it is said by these means that poisons are known from medicine, tiny life known from spirits, and one day all things will be known. This is practiced as schools for table-rulers that are made into 'physicians.' They are called lesser schools for that they have no claim to the heritage of the Great Tabulation. But they are well regarded anyway. Still, some complain that the things done at these places are ways of suffering, and not just of outsiders but also of the people who should benefit from it. Well, there will always be those who complain.

"The table-ruler told me of great wonders that are done in these schools for physicians. A hand that was cut off was reattached. A liver from one person was parted and placed in the body of their sibling, whose liver had failed in its duties. They have learned how to give blood from one person to another, and of which person blood may be taken for another. They have separated babies that were born joined to each other such that both lived their full lives. There is treatment in these places for illnesses untreatable anywhere else. Rulers who are People of the Ten Nations and rulers who are outsiders beg these schools to come to their lands, and some do fragment in these ways. And some of those prosper, especially in the distant south.

"But the strangest thing to come from the Refuge of Grace are the small squares of paper ink-stamped with numbers and promises on both sides. People use these like traders use coin, exchanging them between each other for tools or trinkets or sex. They mark them as they go, I do not know what for. But in the Lands of the Ten Nations they come from Peyuvo's villages and they return to them. There is some counting of the things, as well, which I do not understand.

"The table-ruler tells me that my the School of the Palace has its own paper coins, but that Unmarked uses Peyuvo's when they use any. Rulers out in the Conquered Cities and outsider rulers beyond that also stamp their own paper coins if they have the means to make paper sufficiently freely. He tried to describe to me how that can go ruinously wrong if not done properly or if fortune turns bad enough. But it made no sense. So I stopped him with my hand mercifully open.

"Both the Glass Tree of Light and Color and the Mystery Box were smashed by order of the Great Tabulation, ostensibly to prevent them from ever coming into the hands of Peyuvo the Graceful. Several other gifts were sent by Bear's People in the first century of my absence, which were likewise smashed. This displeased Bear's People and there has been some conflict about that and other things.

"Bear's people have hand cannons. They have steel wagons proof against arrows. They have steel boats which run through other boats, though they must stay close to shore and fare very poorly in storms. It is good fortune for the Fisher People that Bear's People are mostly satisfied to keep to their own lands and their own gods and also that they have so few children. And it is good that horses hate them, so there is always a trade of mules to Bear's People: mules, secrets, and redewings of diverse flavors.

"Tohn of Glass never got over their indignation at the glassmakers who are not Bear's People. But Bear's People got over indulging their god in this tantrum. If either god could lower themselves to work with the other, Tohn and Erweh would likely make a great deal of trouble for me. But to Tohn, Erweh is a murderous usurper who murdered Deer and then died like a fool. And to Erweh, Tohn is a haughty priss who was given divinity by Bear, who both abandoned the world and threatens its destruction. So they won't.

"When someone says that Bear's People are the greatest maker of this or that thing, that no one else's work can compare to their craft, their art, always the response must eventually include the true saying, 'Bear's People have no god of iron or steel.' And so people remember that though Bear's People had glass since before anyone else had copper, still iron-making was the work of the Ten Nations. Tashburgeck claim iron and steel as their own glories, of course. And they are not entirely wrong, just somewhat.

"Other than killing some deserving fools, bullying one table-ruler, and stealing… this, I have not acted to extend my authority over anyone or anything, yet. Once I am known, some will no doubt come to me offering their loyalty in exchange for considerations. Some might come begging for me to save them from whatever crisis currently afflicts them. And I expect that any group truly of the Ten Nations and not opposed to me will accept my authority if I take the time to seek them out myself. Which group should I seek out first?"

Despite other encouragement to win bigger prizes by
'thinking outside the box' and dreaming big with
write-ins, there isn't a way to secure more than one of
these choices in this vote.  You may use write-ins to add
specificity to the choice of a single group.  You may use
write-ins to choose something not listed here, like
telling Bianca to leave the Tenner homelands and go flex
on the Bosphorus or similar.

The special bonuses here represent the faction working
extra hard for Bianca because she came to them first.  If
Bianca takes over the Palace School LATER, for example,
she'll still be in charge of the Palace School, but there
will be magical resources she'll have to put extra work
into getting, if she can get them at all.  If she
approaches the Palace School first, on the other hand,
everything they have is hers, along with their awe.

[ ] [Return] Singer Society - infiltration pretty much anywhere within reach (except Azule)
[ ] [Return] Peyuvoists - research test every 5 years in the manner Burgeck used to
[ ] [Return] Elder Speakers of the 10 Nations - authority over TennerLand
[ ] [Return] School of the Palace (actually located in Biancvint) - top sorcerous resources & spirit catalog
[ ] [Return] School of Wreol - top hostlers, horses, and lesser giants
[ ] [Return] School of the Hosts - organized military
[ ] [Return] School of Unmarked - return to the 10 Ways Pact
[ ] [Return] School of the Forsworn - top diableristry resources (enmity with Oathbreakers)
[ ] [Return] Oathbreakers - nastiness and damage control, basically (enmity with Forsworn)
[ ] [Return] Fuck it all, start over in the Sunset Lands - Erweh doesn't catch up for 500 years, minimum
[ ] [Return] Things are fine here and will probably stay that way, go east and see what's out there - Exploration by Bianca!
[ ] [Return] Write in​

"It is known that the Noarites did, in fact, conspire with Erweh and his followers and that upstart against me. They no longer rule cities, but the People of the Family, as they called themselves, persist. The 'spirit' which they are now known to call into themselves is likely some manner of demon or a spirit of the Forest People which has diverged remarkably from their normal ways. It apparently still exists and continues to guide them, whatever it is. The People of the Ten Nations were never roused against these successors to my enemies, seeing them as someone else. But they still exist and so do I. How shall I respond to these revelations?"

[ ] [Revisit] Leave it be. We've got bigger fish to fry.
[ ] [Revisit] Send a message demanding recompense.
[ ] [Revisit] Try that sneaky killers thing again, with witches for the spirit
[ ] [Revisit] Send a host to kill them all, with witches for the spirit, or get started on it anyway
[ ] [Revisit] Invite them to come to the Palace School under law of truce and with all hospitality, see what they're about
[ ] [Revisit] Write in​

"For a time, I am told, rulers who are People of the Ten Nations great and small would collect tribute in my name, and hold it while waiting for my return. Eventually they stopped keeping it for me, and made use of that tribute themselves. The last such waiting hoard in the Conquered Cities was exhausted over two hundred years ago. When I start taking tribute from the People of the Ten Nations again, what should I demand of the rulers of the Conquered Cities?"

[ ] [Backrent] Full repayment of all that is owed back to the beginning, the table-rulers will have a count or produce a fair estimate, immediately due on threat of death
[ ] [Backrent] Full repayment, but broken out over two hundred years
[ ] [Backrent] Fractional repayment, to be negotiated by Bianca with each ruler according to their means
[ ] [Backrent] No repayment: just start over
[ ] [Backrent] Write in​

"Once I have first revealed myself to my new favorites, how shall I proceed?"

[ ] [Reintegration] Send messengers to all authorities who are of the People of the Ten Nations, demanding they come to me to pledge themselves
[ ] [Reintegration] Send those messengers to all authorities who are of the People of the Ten Nations and within the bounds of Ten Nations rule at the time Bianca was captured
[ ] [Reintegration] Send those messengers to the leaders of the schools, the Singers's Society, the Elder Speakers, and Peyuvo
[ ] [Reintegration] Go on tour, visiting everyone until that gets old - WARNING: big time sink
[ ] [Reintegration] See who comes on their own
[ ] [Reintegration] See who comes on their own and kill any ruler or leader who doesn't in the next year
[ ] [Reintegration] Write in​

Voting closes at 0100 GMT on Tuesday, 2021-04-27
Last edited:
[X] [Return] School of the Palace (actually located in Biancvint) - top sorcerous resources & spirit catalog
For the first one I am torn. It is less a matter of what is the best choice, they are all good, but what do we actually Want? I guess I will default to Palace just because they seem a good balance between giving us authority & access to magical lore that might lead to a defense against being sent to the underworld again.​
I could definitely be argued to a different position on this one.​

[X] [Revisit] Send a host to kill them all, with witches for the spirit, or get started on it anyway.
More of a long term issue. The actual people who originally did it are all dead, but the spirit could still be a threat in the future. Also pretty peeved about the time skip.​

[X] [Backrent] No repayment: just start over
They may not have been paying tribute to you during all that time, but they were certainly paying tribute to someone. Demanding some sort of repayment would be almost like demanding twice the effective tribute. Besides, consider for what purpose do you even collect tribute?​

[X] [Reintegration] Go on tour, visiting everyone until that gets old - WARNING: big time sink
Time is scarce an issue from our perspective, and I believe that Bianca has only barely begun to appreciate the changes that took place during her incarceration. It is likely that the ways people live has changed more in the last 500 years than in the previous 5000.​
It is my hope that Bianca will spend some of this time traveling to gain some more detailed understanding of the new ways of doing things. Of how the system of paper money works, of the methods used by metalworkers, clocksmiths, and cobblers. And though I know it may be frustrating, I think Bianca would really benefit from a deeper study of mathematics & geometry.​
Salutations, Bianca!

I am Mechanical Lizard of Metal. Before we, the Cacophony, were so rudely interrupted, I had been formulating some things to say about the creation and application of organized violence and the creation of writing implements.

Now, I will indulge myself by muttering some commentary on what you say. More the benefit of myself and my fellow members of the Cacophony than for you. When I say something especially significant, I will put emphasis on it like this.

"Their clothing was stange: knit strangely, woven strangely, dyed strangely. Some of it was more familiar, of course. But much was not. These bandits had fine steel weapons, and bits of metal in their clothing and their packs and all. I took what I liked and made it fit me. I found their stash of riches nearby and clothed myself better and more colorfully from that, leaving the rest for some lucky hunter.
So it seems that the making of steel has advanced - the Ten Nations know how to make more steel, and how to make it more cheaply without sacrificing quality, to the point that even common bandits living roughly in the woods make use of steel weapons. The making of textiles also, though I'm not sure in what way.

"There are planks of wood along the roads and it was easy to use them to find my way back to my great house. It was easy to move unobserved once it occurred to me that I might want to do so. I did not see any other pages held to trees by so many nails. Most were fixed to the tree with dried paste. Some were pasted to boards then nailed to a tree by a single nail. I suspect that the first page with its many nails was a message of some sort that locals might understand but I did not. Still, such frivolous use of paper and metal!
As has the making of paper! That the Ten Nations use paper so much and so casually suggests there is much, much more to make use of.

"He thought it normal for cats to behave so! Hah! And there was no keeper of cats for the village. Some person or another might have special affection for one or all, but they mostly made their own way through life. Some might choose a house for winter, he said, but that was all.
Oh, look at that. It seems that "Black Cat's" dogged determination to introduce domesticated cats to the Ten Nations finally paid off.

"The School of Hosts turns young people into disciplined warriors called 'soldiers.'
Excellent. It seems the Ten Nations have been learning the formalization of the art of organized violence. And they have learned the merits of professional soldiery. I would have advocated for the creation of such an institution if we as a whole had not been so rudely interrupted.

"And when that famine came, the nearly-ground-away remnant of the Oathbreakers began to approach villages with new bargains. For a small cost, the health of one youth here or a few children there, a life or maybe just a token for a life to be called later, demons of the Stormwoods Host would revitalize fields and pastures, woodlands and even make gardens flourish. And since their deals were not allowed the Forsworn by the nature of their oaths, the Oathbreakers made themselves invaluable.

"Still, the wise abhor them. Their deals go wrong and not rarely. In rare events the people are fed but their hunger grows until they consume each other and a whole village dies in terror. The Forsworn must be called in to contain these, about which they are ever cross. The table-ruler I spoke with said that the Forsworn undertook regularly sought knowledge they would not have, were it not for the Oathbreakers seeking it for themselves. No thing may be set aside as unsafe if its understanding might limit the damage done by Oathbreakers.
Oh...oh, my.

It was obvious that were going to be famines in the aftermath of your disappearance. I wasn't expecting pacts with malevolent corrupted spirits to be the solution, though.

Hopefully, with the return of you and your magic, the Ten Nations will need to rely less on these "demons" and will cannibalize each other significantly less often. That might actually be a good thing to mention when you are reintegrating the Ten Nations under yourself...

"I asked after the person I left as First Chieftain of the Ten Nations. Kartz of Lan is remembered for the School of Hosts, for defeating that upstart, and for his missing head. When he grew old and his death was approaching, Kartz of Lan directed that when he died his head should be cut from his body and taken to the Sovereign of Azule. And when he died his body was emptied of blood and such and dried by smoke and salt and other things. They cut off his head, tarred it, put it in a box, and sent to Azule. But it never got there, having gone missing along the way. This angered the Sovereign of Azule, who did not believe this when he was told it. So every so often he sends warriors enslaved in their thoughts and conceptions to make trouble in the lands of people of the Ten Nations. Sometimes they're worse than others. Apparently the last time they had warhorses and rider and horse both would be set ablaze before battle, though neither was too concerned and carried on as warriors and warhorses do until they apparently burned too much to go on, at which point they burst with greater flame. Another time his attack was a thousand cote wagons each containing four hundred doves which did not fly home but spread out and the shit of which was poison to the land and water.

And this has been going on for around two centuries?

Bizzarre. Why is this head of your deceased First Chieftain so incredibly important to this Sovereign? Or is he simply extremely talented at holding a grudge? Worth looking into.

"Oh. Along the way I learned there are still no real cities among the Lands of the Ten Nations. Some villages are very large, but they have no walls and do not live like people who live in cities. Bond captives or other slaves are not common, outside the mines and 'smelters,' where bond captives are freed after five years labor and to which no bond captive is sent twice. -- I suspect those standards of treatment are not met when it is inconvenient to meet them, but the table-ruler assured me they are followed, for whatever his opinion on the matter is worth. -- All the people work, and many travel to join Hosts of Conquest. Some of those return with riches. And the Ten Ways Pact is not entirely kept. Their laws are different.
"The land is not so much divided by tribe any longer. A family may know which tribe it comes from, but there is little in meaning beyond that. And there is no tribal authority in the Land of the Ten Nations.
Probably a good thing - it seems that the people of the Ten Nations now think of themselves as of the "Ten Nations" as a whole rather than of any one tribe. The benefits of this should be obvious.

Well, except for Tashburgeck, I suppose. Fortunately, it seems their views have been relegated to angry little hold-outs.

"And rulers in these places do not, as a rule, pass their rulership on to their children or grandchildren as outsiders do. When one ruler tries to do this, their own family will try to dissuade them or will withdraw support from them. This is the other lesson of the Doom of Gazark. And they bear it out, as well. If one ruler names someone from their family but especially their progeny to succeed them and that new ruler or their similar successor fails as a ruler themselves, then it is expected that whoever next takes power who is not of the same family will have the entire family and all blood kin of the one who named their family member to succeed them, and have them all slain. The fear of such slaughterings even drives outsider rulers to name someone who is not of their family to succeed them. And well they do: the children of great people are more often remarkable fools than remarkable themselves.
It seems the Ten Nations have avoided the problems of hereditary rulership...

"Each area with so many people chooses one they call their Elder and send that person to a great stone hall where all such people sit under a great roof of thick cloth. There these Elder Speakers dispute with each other and with a great deal of shouting. And that is how they decide the law. Some disputes are questions of dealings with outsiders. Others are over use of pasture or theft of cattle or injury of people. If any person wishes to leave a marriage with more than they can carry or that will come when they call, and if the remainder of their marriage does not wish them to, they must give their dispute to the Elder Speakers of the Ten Nations.
...and have set up government by a committee of representatives of villages and communities.

These representatives will want to know where they stand, now that you are back.

"There are islands which were never conquered. Lesser giants live there and care not who comes to speak with them or to steal from them. They kill anyone they or their arrows and spears can reach who is not of themselves, even other lesser giants. Their boats are not as good as the boats of other people, but I have heard that they came to build theirs in imitation of what they saw and what they could take from fools who came too close. These lesser giants also hunt whales by rowing up to them, leaping from their boat onto the whale, and driving a barbed spear into the whale, from which a stout rope runs back to their boat. If the whale is too big, it will pull their boat under. But if the whale hunter has chosen wisely, the whale will be unable to pull down the boat. It will run until it tires itself out, then the whale hunters row it back to shore, pull it in, and butcher it.
Ah, the hunting and harpooning of whales.

This can be useful. Whale flesh can be used to create oil that is useful for a variety of purposes, especially for oil lamps or as a lubricant for machinery such as water-wheels and time-keeping machines. You'll risk further angering Rorqual, though.

"There is another matter of medicine said to be her doing, rules of record and action for learning the nature and effect of medicine. This sounds in ways like what you voices have described. And it is said by these means that poisons are known from medicine, tiny life known from spirits, and one day all things will be known. This is practiced as schools for table-rulers that are made into 'physicians.' They are called lesser schools for that they have no claim to the heritage of the Great Tabulation. But they are well regarded anyway. Still, some complain that the things done at these places are ways of suffering, and not just of outsiders but also of the people who should benefit from it. Well, there will always be those who complain.
A philosophy of discovery of natural universal constants, which has yielded some results. Very, very good. I suggest congratulating Peyuvo when you see her.

Now, Bianca, please indulge me. Did you notice what manner of writing tool the table-ruler you interrogated was using to ink his pages of paper? I. Must. Know.

[X] [Return] Singer Society - infiltration pretty much anywhere within reach (except Azule)

Assuring your control over the Ten Nations seems to be the first step here.

Other voices suggest approaching the Committee of Representatives who decide by shouting at each other. I suggest a different point of contact.

The Singers were your first first major institution. Before the soldiers, before the Table-Rulers, before the currently governing committee of representatives, before the inventors who make time-keeping machines, the healers who can now reattach limbs, the Singers carried your will to the people of the Ten Nations. And, in your absence, I strongly suspect they have been key in maintaining your myth and elevating it to the height of the monuments that now line the giant raised road you told us about.

While revealing yourself to the Committee first would entrench your returned rulership in name, I think approaching the Singers first would entrench it in fact. The Singers will announce your arrival with great drama and fanfare, they will legitimize your return in song, and with the Singers firmly under your sway, you will gain insight into the inner workings of anywhere under the sway of the Ten Nations. Consequentally, any attempts to usurp or undermine you will be reported to you before they properly begin. This I know beyond a doubt. The governing committee may give you the crown, but the Singers will give you the levers of power.

[X] [Revisit] Invite them to come to the Palace School under law of truce and with all hospitality, see what they're about

It's been two centuries since their ancestors wronged you. They don't seem to be of threatening intention, and it will cost little except perhaps time to see if we can come to a beneficial relationship with them.

You can always kill them later, if you really need to.

[X] [Backrent] No repayment: just start over

[X] [Reintegration] Go on tour, visiting everyone until that gets old - WARNING: big time sink

In addition to making it clear to Bianca how things have really changed (as @Ciber suggested), this is important for really making it clear to the 10N that Bianca is back. If they get a representative, they might be suspicious of some sort of soft-coup or a pretender. Bianca herself turning up on their doorstep with an awe-inspiring entourage will make sure they get the message.
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Honestly I have always found this system kind of opaque when it comes to determining the true a-priori probability distribution. I believe rolling multiple die makes it a sort of T curve?

well the thing is that flat dices are awful representation of difficulty

in a flat dices all outcomes are equally possible ,for example,the chance of rolling 1 in d100 is 1/100 and the chance of rolling 100 is 1/100 too
where in real life,certain outcomes have higher probability than others (the chance of dying as 5 year old are massively less than dying at 80)

i think using ''sum dice'' of ''best of/BO'' is a better method

you roll several dices and then you either take the higher one or sum them

the reason why this is so good is because certain combinations are more likely than others (the chance of having 4 coins all falling on face is massively less than the possible other combinations)

lets roll 2d3 and sum them,lets call the first d3 = A and the second one d3 = B

dices outcomesB=1B=2B=3

we have 9 total possible combinations
we have 3 possible combinations that gives us 4,we have 2 possible combinations that give 3 and 5,we have 1 possible combination for either 2 or 6

so the chances of rolling such sum in each case are


as you can see the extreme values have lower chances of being rolled
this is a graphic for it

another good thing of using a sum dice method or BO method is that bonuses really help a lot
lets say you do 2d3+1

a 1 would be roughly like adding 1/9 chance to each outcome,wich is roughly adding 11% chance
so it ends up looking like this for the probability of rolling 3

p(2+1)=1/9 +1/9 = 22% ( a doubling/100% of chances)
p(3+1)=2/9 +1/9=33% (50% increase)
p(4+1)=3/9+1/9=44% (33% increase)

for the ''average'' or median,the chance increase aint that big,but for the extreme values it does rise chances a lot

you can play with sum dice and BO a lot (add dices,do debuffs,add modifiers,choose lower/middle/higher dice etc)

personally i would go with BO system

the QM rolls 2d100 and chooses the higher one,with him adding negative modifiers or positive ones depending on the difficulty of the action/research
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Certainly "no" to repayment of tribute. After 500 years tribute would be too enormous and would seriously damage things that are working well enough.

[X] [Return] Peyuvoists - research test every 5 years in the manner Burgeck used to
[X] [Revisit] Leave it be. We've got bigger fish to fry.
[X] [Backrent] No repayment: just start over

Not sure about reintegration yet.


[X] [Reintegration] Write-in: Go on tour, visiting everyone that is nearby enough to be visited in reasonable time, use for that less than two years. Also, send messengers to more distant authorities to inform them about your return
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Power, glory and prosperity to Bianca the Great, Bianca the Wise, Bianca the Undying and to all those that remain in her favor!

I am the voice Rafin and I have long waited to finally speak with you. Though I had thought that it would be under very different circumstances. Ten thousand curses upon the upstart godling Erweh, who abused his power so. May his Ichor one day be used by the more deserving.

My first advice to you is that, because things have changed so greatly, this is an opportunity to rethink how you used to rule over the Ten Nations. They have changed greatly and trying to change them back will only cost you.
Think about all the things that you actually want from the Ten Nations. The things that are truly important to you.

I believe that you should travel to the greatest places ruled by Ten Nation People and prove to them that you have indeed returned, but also flatter the powerful enough so that they do not feel the urge to "disbelieve" that you are truly who you say you are, because they fear of losing their power. You are revered enough among the people of the Ten Nations that they might well sacrifice their lives in an attempt to futilely combat an evil immortal sorceress due to their loyalty to you. Which means that a greedy liar could rally your own loyal people against you simply by abusing the fact that they don't recognize you.

[X] [Return] Elder Speakers of the 10 Nations - authority over TennerLand
[X] [Return] Singer Society - infiltration pretty much anywhere within reach (except Azule)

[X] [Reintegration] Go on tour, visiting everyone until that gets old - WARNING: big time sink

First visit those that consider themselves to rule your people. It is the fastest way to spread the news of your return far and wide. After that though, turn to your Singers and grant them the most of your favor.

Once established, continue by visiting each of the five Schools, proving to them who you are and congratulating them for keeping alive the traditions of table-ruling. Then call for a conference of the leaders of all five so that they may "convince" you and each other that they are the rightful table-rulers. Finally, stop them once they inevitably start fighting and wisely decide that a new School that rules above all five Schools should be founded and that the five of them should head it under your guidance.

Return the Tashburgeck and Galugr to the fold, by any means necessary.

Finally find the time to personally visit all cities and spend at least some time there.

[X] [Revisit] Leave it be. We've got bigger fish to fry.
[X] [Revisit] Invite them to come to the Palace School under law of truce and with all hospitality, see what they're about

Do not seek enemies when you do not yet fully grasp your own people and also already have two powerful enemies seeking your destruction, one of them the despicable godling Erweh.

[X] [Backrent] Write-in: Symbolic but meaningful and difficult repayment. Enough to make them feel it and require overcoming of reluctance, also enough to recreate some personal funds to draw on proportional to the size of the empire, but no more.

Let us be honest. Do you truly need all of that tribute? No. What you do need though is to remind them all that only you may receive tribute. So I say, do not ruin any rulers who just used resources instead of letting them lay around, but do make sure that all of them know that you and you alone have absolute power over them. Make them give you a meaningful and almost painful personal tribute to you and then declare after each such tribute that you approve of their judgement of how the rest of what should have been owed to you was used during your absence.

And just know that each of the Five Great Schools have this claim. I will not mention it again.

"The School of Wreol is where nearly every table-ruler of the Gulugr Tribe and even some lesser giant outsiders are taught the craft. It is said that that particular temperament of lesser giants demands special accommodations, and the School of Wreol is where these are found. They also have the finest horses, though even still a full grown lesser giant cannot ride any horse for long. They have also the finest keepers of horses, as you might figure, and the soldier table-rulers among them are easily the most feared table-ruler soldiers on any battlefield.
It is strange that the School of Lesser Giants would claim to be the direct descendant of the table-rulers who clearly were mostly Fisher People.
nor does Galugr Tribe.
Why do the Galugr not send Elders?
"So it is in all places the People of the Ten Nations have gone for conquest. They tend to end up living as people there lived before, even speaking their servants' tongues from birth in some cases. If they follow nothing else from the Ten Ways Pact, they still will not give tribute to anyone
This would mean that there are no places where lesser rulers of Ten Nation heritage submit to more powerful Outsider rulers. This alone provides an invaluable unity that will become even more invaluable if maintained into the future.
Other than Tashburgeck, who claim they are the only People of the Ten Nations left, no one of the Ten Nations will even try to exact tribute from another of the Ten Nations.
How is it that the others tolerate Tashburgeck, if they dishonor them by forcing tribute from them? How have they not been destroyed?
So they call it 'payment for protection' or 'payment for general order' or even 'payment for promises of prosperity.' And on the same list there will be these supposed services along with water for irrigation and grain and meat and hides and metal and any number of other things that the greater ruler provides to the lesser. They have all become traders and cannot do without the table-rulers, who are everywhere.
So long as the Ten Nation way of giving to others in need is still maintained, then this new relationship is a good thing. For now.
And somehow they relate to the paper coins.
I might explain to you the paper coin, if I find the time.
And it is good that horses hate them, so there is always a trade of mules to Bear's People: mules, secrets, and redewings of diverse flavors.
Do you see how this is a sign of beneficial trade? Bear's people do not have the manpower to crush the Ten Nations and the Ten Nations do not have the craftmanship to crush Bear's people, so neither has to truly fear the other as of now. Yet Fisher people can produce mules better than Bear's people can and can so get crafted goods that Bear's people have in abundance. Both are better off for it.

"I do note that there was no such dispute when a voice said that people should not fuck animals, another passtime I regard as foolish but of no great note. So if this is madness it is particular to certain restrictions of behavior.
Within the culture the voices come from, fucking animals has become reviled and forbidden by most religions for centuries. Since most people do not naturally enjoy fucking animals and, within cities, many people don't even get the opportunity to do so, it is easy to hate any who continue the practice. Even among those who do not trust the laws and rules of religions without scrutiny anymore, the underlying logic that it brings diseases and the social mores around sex that make us hate rape enough so as to even hate it when it happens to animals are enough to make the vast majority of people look down upon anyone who fucks animals even without actively following any religion.

Drinking alcoholic beverages on the other hand, due to being healthier than water back when we didn't know to kill germs, has been a tradition among most of our cultures for thousands of years. There are a few religions that forbid it, but even there people frequently disobey. And when a great nation tried to forbid it without the backing of its major religion, the smuggling and secret consumption of alcohol and the massive cost in resources and lives trying to enforce the ban was so horrendous that the the law against it was removed again. In said country there is still a law banning it for anyone under the age of 21, but it is a law that is often broken without too much consequence.

I also have a question of personal curiosity. Your Singers came from the tribes and sometimes returned to them to found a family. But what would happen should a Singer that wishes to remain a Singer find herself pregnant? Especially if her lovers were also Singers who wished to remain Singers? How would the child be raised? And how frequent were such events? I cannot imagine that Singers would refrain from having sex. Did they know of a way to reliably prevent unwanted pregnancies?

This is all for now, Oh Great, Wise and Undying Bianca. My voice falters and falls tired. I may return, should I recuperate in time.

Edit: @LoserThree
Are we allowed to inform Bianca of information glimpsed from OOC sources like the texts?
Also, is there a way to share music with Bianca IC? Like, if I embed an instrumental music video into an IC message, would she be able to hear it?
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Do you see how this is a sign of beneficial trade? Bear's people do not have the manpower to crush the Ten Nations and the Ten Nations do not have the craftmanship to crush Bear's people, so neither has to truly fear the other as of now. Yet Fisher people can produce mules better than Bear's people can and can so get crafted goods that Bear's people have in abundance. Both are better off for it.
I would like to second this.

...Oh, goodness sakes, I don't remember what name I gave you except that it wasn't Fish. It has been...Perhaps a year, by our perception? Time passes strangely, for us. But I was talking about exactly this sort of mutually beneficial trade when last we spoke.

It's good to be back, by the way.
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Just Write here again.

First and foremost, I am pleasantly surprised by just how far the study of medicine has advanced during your imprisonment. Reattaching limbs and performing organ transplants is far more than I ever thought they would achieve by this point in time, though I had already known it to be possible.

That said, there isn't actually all that much technical or medical knowledge I can provide at the present time? Not because I don't have access to information about useful inventions, but because so much about the Ten Nations has changed that I'm unsure what the current state of the various crafts is. As such I have little way to know whether something I would suggest is already in use, beyond the current reach of the tools and skills available, or within the range where implementing it would be feasible. If you could please talk with Peyuvo, some of the people running the steelworks, and the physicians about such before the next time we speak and relay the information it would be extremely helpful.

As for the choices you wished for advice on.

[X] [Return] Peyuvoists - research test every 5 years in the manner Burgeck used to

Peyuvo and her followers now represent what is possibly the greatest accumulation of mechanical knowledge anywhere in the world (aside from Bear's People). They represent an invaluable resource that must not be squandered, especially since their talents will allow us to provide much more useful technical advice.

[X] [Revisit] Leave it be. We've got bigger fish to fry.
[X] [Backrent] No repayment: just start over

Old issues that will cause more trouble than it's worth if you try to do much with them. Leave them be.

[X] [Reintegration] Write-in: Go on tour, visiting everyone that is nearby enough to be visited in reasonable time, use for that less than two years. Also, send messengers to more distant authorities to inform them about your return

Much has clearly changed during your absence, and you need to re-familiarize yourself with the Ten Nations. In addition, this tour can serve as an opportunity to revitalize the fields, which will prove a major boon to your legitimacy. Indeed, this will also prove an opportunity to get rid of the Oathbreakers; with your superior agricultural magic they will no longer be necessary in any way shape or form, meaning that it will be much easier to muster support for crushing them. As for why you should get rid of the Oathbreakers, they're a subversive group. Letting them continue to operate will simply cause un-needed harm to the Ten Nations and undermine your authority.
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Black Cat here, I'm still here. I still exist.

The situation is both terrible and better than expected.

It's terrible that you were imprisoned. I wanted to share advice, and instead of talking with us, you were forced to waste so much time. Terrible.

Still. It's better than expected, because DESPITE this defeat, people still remember about your authority and mostly prosper. Even if they prosper with less unity that could be desirable, it's still good, very good. Much better than could be expected after so many generations of mortal stupidity without divine guidance. Benefits of table-rulers-servants and writing, I must say.

One of the other voices is mistaken. I'm Black Cat, but I was never suggesting cat domestication. That was another voice a long time ago. Well, not important... It's useful that these cute evil cats were breed to be more useful. Enough time can be a wonder for breeding.

Demon wine out of people sacrificed annually, how lovely. I mean, sounds lovely, but to be honest, that sounds also pretty wasteful and dangrous from risks of discord. Murderers and other people "outlawed" by authorities could be used, perhaps without great discord, yes. But it sounds like wine production consume more people than numbers of serious criminals. Even if outsiders are used, it's still very troubling for disharmony.

So, only Bear People's use great machines of steam to move their devices and ships. Unfortunate, good that they are few, but still slightly unfortunate. It's something that should be possible also for the Fisher People's. If time-keeping devices were possible, I see no reason as to why steam devices shouldn't be possible after a decade or two with a group of people looking into them.

Steam powered enormous ships, and steam powered wagons moving on rails in between great mines and smelters, oh yes.

We tried to suggest such wonders even 600 years ago, but we were much too early, so early to sound like words of the mad. But now crafts are so enormously better.

Humph. Over five hundreds years ago you said, quote: "I'm certain, though, that some bad food is not the result of undercooking". End of quote. Yes, yes, you said that. I'm not sure that answer is in any way needed anymore after so much time... And given that healing arts developed enormously... But eh, I shall answer anyway because answer is simple. There are kinds of tiny life that produce poisons. These poisons can persist even after tiny life is killed by cooking. So this is one of reasons, beyond smell and taste, as to why you cannot salvage rotting meat by cooking it well. Sometimes smell is not yet noticeable... in some unfortunate cases meat still look rather fresh... and yet tiny life managed to do some damage already. So I have no advice beyond obvious "people should eat meat faster after killing the animal, or freeze meat faster, or preserve it better". People probably know this already, especially after additional five hundred years, but eh, no harm in saying it...
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The greatest limitation on steam is good steel. The natural behavior of a heated gas is to expand. The greater the heat, the greater the desire to expand, and the stronger the container required. The bursting of a boiler can be just as dangerous as the bursting of a failed cannon. With the addition of flesh scalding steam.
21.a. Clarification or elaboration on the vote options
I think that we should assume control over the School of the Palace (actually located in Biancvint) first. Not even because of bonuses, but because they have the city of Biancvint.
Emphasis mine

I strongly encourage players to make their [Return] choices based explicitly on the bonuses. I'm not often so direct about what a vote choice will lead to and I think those bonses are worth considering. And as you may already understand from the presence of the threadmark, I am definitely not replying for liberty90's sake alone.

For those of the Cambria-Anglo tradition, imagine if King Arthur showed up today. Imagine the different reactions there would be if he first approached and spent his time with the British Royal Family, or the House of Lords, or the House of Commons, or at Oxbridge, or with Senedd Cymru, or the British Labor or Green Parties, or Plaid Cymru, or Lloyds Banking Group, or Glas Cymru. There would be a big todo about it no matter what. And there'd be very different results from different choices on Pendragon's part.

Some of those bonuses won't be available in the future because they represent unique reactions to the incomparable honor of being the first one approached by the hands-down, most important figure in their culture's history when that figure returns from the literal land of the dead after centuries. In fact, Arthur might not be most analogous example readily available for the English or maybe even the Welsh. Charles Martel might be more appropriate despite his Frankishness, or Julius Caesar, or a certain Yeshua ben Yusuf.

Other bonuses prevent harms or sub-optimal conditions from persisting where connecting later on means letting things continue down the track they're on until then. One of these is obvious, I'm sure. But the setting doesn't stop and wait for Bianca to get around to a side quests. So this applies to others as well.

Finally, even if the case of those bonuses that can be effectively acquired later, those future acquisitions will still have an opportunity cost.

Y'all can choose what you want. But I don't want you making decisions uninformed.

Speaking of which, please be aware that the "Kill 'em all" choice for [Revisit] is explicitly calling for a population who don't even have municipal-level regional control any more to be exterminated for choices made by ancestors removed from them by twenty-some-odd generations. Most of the time, most or all players avoid the most explicitly evil of Bianca's proposed options. I'm not sure what makes this one so popular, so far.

(No, if it matters, the options aren't exactly written in Bianca's voice: in Watsonian terms they're something created by the magic that facilitates Bianca's connection to the Astute Cacophony. But they're at the very least heavily influenced by her character, which is evil.)

And on the subject of things I am concerned players might not have recognized the significance of, I will ask players to note that I don't usually put warnings on individual voting options. I don't mean to discourage the Grand Tour choice for [Reintegration]. But I hope players understand that the benefits of spending time traveling around and visiting everyone Bianca thinks matters before she gets tired of it will come at a greater price than any other offered choice on that list. In particular, taken as originally presented, it will largely prevent Bianca from getting anything else done during that time.
Are we allowed to inform Bianca of information glimpsed from OOC sources like the texts?
Also, is there a way to share music with Bianca IC? Like, if I embed an instrumental music video into an IC message, would she be able to hear it?
All that gets through is the contents of your text. Even that is translated into the otherwise dead language (with loanwords from more contemporary languages in the setting) that Bianca uses when she talks with the Astute Cacophony. This is partially for narrative consistency, but mostly to make things easier on me by limiting what gets through and therefore what I need to produce.

I'm not sure what out of character information you mean. If you're talking about outside sources, you can rewrite or even cut-and-paste if you clean up the formatting. Just make sure to cite sources in either case you use external sources like that because I don't want to run Plagiarism Quest.

If you mean something I said in an ooc spoiler or code block, you can, but I don't intend to let things get too meta. Bianca is readily inclined to assume things she doesn't understand are madness. In fact, I don't know if I ever made it sufficiently clear but she hears voices that don't come from you players. There's plenty of babble and she might mistake things that don't fit her context for more of it.
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Emphasis mine

I strongly encourage players to make their [Return] choices based explicitly on the bonuses. I'm not often so direct about what a vote choice will lead to and I think those bonses are worth considering. And as you may already understand from the presence of the threadmark, I am definitely not replying for liberty90's sake alone.

For those of the Cambria-Anglo tradition, imagine if King Arthur showed up today. Imagine the different reactions there would be if he first approached and spent his time with the British Royal Family, or the House of Lords, or the House of Commons, or at Oxbridge, or with Senedd Cymru, or the British Labor or Green Parties, or Plaid Cymru, or Lloyds Banking Group, or Glas Cymru. There would be a big todo about it no matter what. And there'd be very different results from different choices on Pendragon's part.

Some of those bonuses won't be available in the future because they represent unique reactions to the incomparable honor of being the first one approached by the hands-down, most important figure in their culture's history when that figure returns from the literal land of the dead after centuries. In fact, Arthur might not be most analogous example readily available for the English or maybe even the Welsh. Charles Martel might be more appropriate despite his Frankishness, or Julius Caesar, or a certain Yeshua ben Yusuf.

Other bonuses prevent harms or sub-optimal conditions from persisting where connecting later on means letting things continue down the track they're on until then. One of these is obvious, I'm sure. But the setting doesn't stop and wait for Bianca to get around to a side quests. So this applies to others as well.

Finally, even if the case of those bonuses that can be effectively acquired later, those future acquisitions will still have an opportunity cost.

Y'all can choose what you want. But I don't want you making decisions uninformed.

Speaking of which, please be aware that the "Kill 'em all" choice for [Revisit] is explicitly calling for a population who don't even have municipal-level regional control any more to be exterminated for choices made by ancestors removed from them by twenty-some-odd generations. Most of the time, most or all players avoid the most explicitly evil of Bianca's proposed options. I'm not sure what makes this one so popular, so far.

(No, if it matters, the options aren't exactly written in Bianca's voice: in Watsonian terms they're something created by the magic that facilitates Bianca's connection to the Astute Cacophony. But they're at the very least heavily influenced by her character, which is evil.)

And on the subject of things I am concerned players might not have recognized the significance of, I will ask players to note that I don't usually put warnings on individual voting options. I don't mean to discourage the Grand Tour choice for [Reintegration]. But I hope players understand that the benefits of spending time traveling around and visiting everyone Bianca thinks matters before she gets tired of it will come at a greater price than any other offered choice on that list. In particular, taken as originally presented, it will largely prevent Bianca from getting anything else done during that time.
C: Sorry, we hadn't read closely enough and it hadn't sunk in that the noarites are no longer a significant threat. As such we've revised our vote about [Revisit].
So, if we should consider mainly bonuses, maybe our immortal inventor first, not Palace nor Singers? For these tasty research rolls after every 5 years? I think that we want to focus on steel, steam and railroads?

And I corrected my post to select a less bloodthirsty option, I misunderstood that one.
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So, if we should consider mainly bonuses, maybe our immortal inventor first, not Palace nor Singers? For these tasty research rolls after every 5 years? I think that we want to focus on steel, steam and railroads?

And I corrected my post to select a less bloodthirsty option, I misunderstood that one.
Z: Peyuvo, definitely Peyuvo.