Pokemon Orange Version

-[x] Leer!
--[x] Scratch till it drop!
---[X] Tie up the unconscious body and bring Bidoof with you, Toto can carry it around to work on her strength! "I'm going to name you Biscuit!"

[X] "Yeah, sure!"
-[X] "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"

This is a good plan, and nothing can go wrong.
-[x] Leer!
--[x] Scratch till it drop!
---[X] Tie up the unconscious body and bring Bidoof with you, Toto can carry it around to work on her strength! "I'm going to name you Biscuit!"

[X] "Yeah, sure!"
-[X] "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"
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-[X] What do you say?
"Sorry about that, your camoflage was strong enough that i didn't even know you were there. would you like some Pizza as compensation for the injury?"

[X] "Yeah, sure!"

and i mean, while Totodile might not know the Dark Type Move "Bite"
he can probably still bite things, just without elemental effects.
BIte was a normal type move once upon a time after all
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I'll weigh in on the really amusing "drag the pokemon to the city and use a pokeball when you get there" vote.

There are many ways to catch pokemon, but battling a wild pokemon and nabbing them in a pokeball is as common as it gets. Most pokemon like where they live, so battling them to prove your strength is a form of persuasion. They'll get used to the new situation and come along for the ride.

Trying to catch a pokemon that has been knocked out, however, is a faux pas. Pokemon caught this way are liable to hold a grudge and may try to escape.

TLDR: I'll let you try to catch Bidoof in your backpack and take it to Rosemaburg because it's really funny. Don't bother to change the vote or anything, just keep that in mind if that vote wins.
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Vote update!

Adhoc vote count started by weredrago2 on Apr 11, 2021 at 6:14 PM, finished with 30 posts and 17 votes.

I'll close in a few hours.
Yeah, I can see how the Biscuit Bidoof thing is a bad idea.


-[x] Leer!
--[x] Scratch till it drop!
---[X] Tie up the unconscious body and bring Bidoof with you, Toto can carry it around to work on her strength! "I'm going to name you Biscuit!"

[X] "Yeah, sure!"
-[X] "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"

-[x] Leer!
--[x] Scratch till it drop!
---[X] Tie up the unconscious body and bring Bidoof with you, Toto can carry it around to work on her strength! "I'm going to name you Biscuit!"

[X] "Yeah, sure!"
-[X] "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"

Not even sorry.
-[x] Leer!
--[x] Scratch till it drop!
---[X] Tie up the unconscious body and bring Bidoof with you, Toto can carry it around to work on her strength! "I'm going to name you Biscuit!"

[X] "Yeah, sure!"
-[X] "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"
-[X] Leer a bit and Bite the hell out of it! But like, you know, in a Clever way.

[X] "Yeah, sure!"

I don't think that breaking Pokemon social rules will help make Totodile respect or like us.
-[x] Leer!
--[x] Scratch till it drop!
---[X] Tie up the unconscious body and bring Bidoof with you, Toto can carry it around to work on her strength! "I'm going to name you Biscuit!"

[X] "Yeah, sure!"
-[X] "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"
Voting is closed!

Adhoc vote count started by weredrago2 on Apr 11, 2021 at 8:53 PM, finished with 36 posts and 22 votes.
Battle: Wild Bidoof & Capture Tutorial Gone Awry
-[x] Leer!
--[x] Scratch till it drop!
---[X] Tie up the unconscious body and bring Bidoof with you, Toto can carry it around to work on her strength! "I'm going to name you Biscuit!"

This is the same song from the prior post, reposted for your listening pleasure.

You scramble away from the enraged Bidoof and throw your pokeball!

"Go, Totodile!"

Totodile materializes in close range to the Bidoof!


Totodile Initiative: 1D6 + 3 = 7

Bidoof Initiative: 1D6 + 2 = 6


Totodile is quicker on the draw! She's ready to fight while the Bidoof is still groggy!

"Use Leer!"

Scratch: Accuracy Check
Totodile's Dexterity + Brawl = 2D6
1, 5 = 1 Success!

Scratch: Damage Roll
Totodile's Strength + 2 - Bidoof's Defense = 3D6
2, 4, 6 = 2 Damage!

Totodile scratches the Bidoof on the head!

Bidoof loses -2 HP!

"I said Leer!" you shout.

Totodile looks back to you, then back to her foe.

Bidoof stomps in place and charges Totodile!

Tackle: Accuracy Check
Bidoof's Dexterity + Brawl = 2D6
1, 6 = 1 Success!

Tackle: Damage Roll
Bidoof's Strength + 2 - Totodile's Defense = 2D6
4, 5 = 2 Damage!

Bidoof pushes Totodile off the road and into the tall grass!

Totodile loses -2 HP!

Totodile growls!

"Fine! Scratch him!"

Scratch: Accuracy Check
Totodile's Dexterity + Brawl = 2D6
2, 2 = Failure!

Totodile claws at where Bidoof is, but it sidesteps the attack!

Totodile missed!

Bidoof rams Totodile in a flank!

Tackle: Accuracy Check
Bidoof's Dexterity + Brawl = 2D6
1, 2

Totodile avoids the Bidoof's charge!

Bidoof missed!

Now she tries to take him out with her Scratch attack!

Scratch: Accuracy Check
Totodile's Dexterity + Brawl = 2D6
3, 5 = 1 Success!

Scratch: Damage Roll
Totodile's Strength + 2 - Bidoof's Defense = 3D6
2, 3, 3 = Minimum Damage!

Totodile is able to sneak around and nick Bidoof in the tail, causing him to squeal in surprise!

Bidoof loses -1 HP!

Bidoof is at low health! If you had a spare pokeball, you'd catch it!

You look in your bag for anything you can use instead. Rosemaburg is right around the corner, but you don't have ropes or zip ties to keep it still!

Your eyes draw away from the things inside your bag, and then towards the bag itself. The Bidoof eyes you curiously. Then it looks very concerned as you start running towards it with the bag open wide!


Bag Escape Check
Bidoof's Strength 2D6
2, 3 = Failure!


[X] "Yeah, sure!"
-[X] "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"

"Yeah, sure!" You unzip your bag. "We can practice on this Bidoof I found!"

The old man blinks.


"I caught a Bidoof, but I didn't have any pokeballs. So I caught it this way."

He took off his glasses, checked them for spots, and then put them on again. After a furious battle with Totodile, Bidoof was tuckered out and sound asleep in your messenger bag.

"Oh dear. It looked like you needed this tutorial more than I thought. Let's er, get this presentation started!"

The old man gets out of his chair and raises his pokeball in the direction of the Pidove. You zip the bag up again, leaving it partially open so the Bidoof can get some air.

"This here's a pokeball."

"I know what a pokeball is."

"If you knew what a pokeball was, you wouldn't need to go catching Bidoofs in bags! We haven't had to use traps for decades because of the invention of the pokeball!"

He reels his arm back and throws it at the Pidove! The Pidove gets knocked in the head by the pokeball, which draws it into the ball with a flash of light! The ball rolls off the trashcan, wobbling back and forth as it blinks red.

"To catch a pokemon, you need to throw the ball like that! The pokeball will incapacitate the pokemon for a few seconds, but there's always a chance they'll break the seal and be free! Weakening the pokemon with damage and status effects will increase your chances of catching them for real!"

Translation: Normal pokeballs let you roll 4D6 to try and catch pokemon. You need a set amount of successes to catch a wild pokemon based on their rank (3 for Starter Rank) or they fail. Low HP and status effects provide flat successes rather than extra dice, giving you much better odds of victory. Specialty balls increase their chance of catching pokemon in niche circumstances.

"When the pokeball clicks, you've got it!"

The pokeball wobbles around, and--

A horrifying laughter fills the air as a dark spectre flies down and presses the button on the pokeball, releasing the Pidove!

Wild Duskull appeared!

You gasp in awe!

"Wow! A ghost pokemon!"

"Blast it!" the old man yells at the floating ghost pokemon! "This bugger keeps getting in the way of my tutorials! Go on, git!"

The Duskull ignores the man's pleas to stop annoying him, instead floating around and causing a ruckus with its obnoxiously spooky noises. A few tourists walk away in irritation, while others continue what they were doing on their cell phones.

The man sighs.

"How about you just take these pokeballs and we call it a day?"

Add to inventory: Pokeballs X 5.

"Danged spirit ruined my presentation..." he grumbled to himself.

You look at the Duskull "haunting" the plaza. It would make for one crazy catch if you can grab it, but he seems pretty wily.

The Bidoof in your messenger bag yawns. You might want to do something about him, too.

What do you do next? Vote on the following actions.

Keep Bidoof?
[ ] Keep Bidoof
[ ] Let Bidoof Go

Try to Catch Duskull?
[ ] Try to Catch Duskull
-[ ] How?
[ ] Ignore Duskull for Now

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Crimeing with Grunkle McCormick

"Aurelia! Your present from your grunkle's arrived!"

Aurelia raced down the hall eager to grab the package. Every year her Grunkle out in the Unova region sent her a video letter; another part of the series he had started for her called "Crimeing with Grunkle McCormick." It never arrived on her birthday, but it always arrived the same month. Today's had arrived in the week before she started her journey which was great because that meant she had time to memorize her grunkle's sage advice.

After shutting her door, Aurelia popped the tape into her VCR.

"Hey there! How's my second favorite grand niece?" The video opened up. Aurelia had no idea who his first favorite grand niece was, or even if he had another grand niece at all. But there was a lot of stuff that was weird about her grunkle McCormick.

"Hah! got you! this recording isn't haunted at all! I'm just using my keen understanding of early teen psychology to anticipate your ever word! Like It? I read all about it in this book form the 80s called 'Rapping With Your Teen! X-Treme edition!' Which thanks to a little copyright lawsuit I still got about two warehouses full of the things if you want one."

Aurelia didn't.

"Great! I'll ship you half a dozen!" Her grunkle replied on screen. "Now, This time on Crimeing with Grunkle McCormick, I'm gonna show you how to run a simple confidence game using just a string, some buizels, and a bar of soap that'll fleece your mark of all his worldly possessions in under a minute. 20% of the time It'll work all the time. Your Grunkle guarantees it!"

Aurelia nodded, opening her notebook to take down her Grunkle's instructions. After all, She wouldn't have a VAR on the road with her, but a notebook full of all the helpful hints her Grunkle could give her? Aurelia'd always have room for that!

EDIT: Names were changed to protect the incredibly Guilty. They were changed specifically to McCormick because Pokemon Already Used Saffron and Sunsola already had Mace.
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[x] Let Bidoof Go
-[x] Chuck it as far as you can
[x] Try to Catch Duskull

I'll take the full odds on getting a tanky ghost.

Edit: If we end up taking the Bidoof, then I want it to be named Doofenshmirtz
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