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As the saying goes: "Prussia controls Germany and the Junkers control Prussia."

Either make sure we can control Prussia or break it up if that seems unlikely.
[X] Plan: Zentrum is Bae

And there is a way to avoid the army couping us in the next ten minutes. The issue with that is, well,

I hope you like the taste of Bavaria's bottock, because we're going to have to kiss it for hours on end.
[X] PLAN: Vox Populi, vox Dei.

I'm not completely sure of this, but the arguments are valid...

We'll just have to suck off the Bavarians for a while, until we have at the very least a decent amount of control in our own country.
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-[X]The West: Break off the western KPD states – create new states of Rhineland, Schleswig-Holstein, Westfalen, Hannover while enlarging Braunschweig, Hesse and Thuringia to take in some of the formerly occupied areas of Prussia. Keep the rest of Prussia intact, and with the industrial, restless west sliced off it might be easier to manage the nation. Not to mention, of course, the Zentrum's popularity in the industrial west makes this a natural proposition for the Zentrum to back. +5 Coalition Stability, angers the Prussian traditionalists in the army, angers the monarchists, angers the far-right. The south Germans in the army are willing to tepidly back this for regional interests.

@Baltika9 You haven't put if we are doing this with our without a referendum in your plan.
-[]With a referendum: While we don't need it, we can call a referendum in the affected areas to see if the population are willing to go along. This can lead to voter intimidation and far-right violence, but if it goes off and we get what we wanted, it shows that the people are backing this initiative. The army will be tense, but the prospect of another popular insurrection will make them stay their hand. I will roll for voter intimidation and the referendum. You do not know the DCs. Rolls remain hidden.

-[]Without: Article 167 allows us to redraw the border without a referendum, although the law was intended for the post-Versailles border adjustments. This bypasses potential agitation, terror and voter intimidation not to mention action by the army, but it means that we rely on the southerners and the Zentrum (and regional parties like the Schleswig-Holstein Party) to shout loudly enough to outweigh the Prussians in the army.
[X] Plan: Zentrum is Bae

Now that the plan is complete with the option I prefer, I'm voting for it.
Hey, can someone clarify whether The Heir is Dead or Eagle Unbowed won the first vote? It's not totally clear how the votes were counted and the updates haven't specified on the natter.
Call me a contrarian, but I'd like to offer an alternative course.

[X] PLAN: Vox Populi, vox Dei.
[X] The Australian System
[X] The West
- [X] With a Referendum

Electoral reform is needed, yes, but people need a stable system, not a legislature whose membership numbers keeping going up and down like a whore's drawers. Ranked electoral choices may be bizarre to German sensibilities, and there'll be a learning curve for the voters, but it'll give Germany a legislature where the membership numbers don't change with the weather, and each electorate's results will be swift and clear.
Prussia needs to be dealt with now, at the height of our influence and the nadir of its own. We can't afford Triad 2.0 coming out of the East to trash everything we've managed to rebuild so far. At the same time, we do need to reassure the other parties that we are committed to democracy as a principle, and simply using Article 167 is just a touch high-handed and unilateral for my tastes. Throw them a bone by redrawing the map and enlarging the other states with popular assent. It'll grossly annoy the Junkers and the far-right, both of whom I weep bitterly for (/s) and who will just have to suck it up, considering how much of their credibility just went to Sweden with the Three Stooges, but we'll have to think about doing something nice for the monarchists for the near future to soothe their ruffled feathers. I admit, reading the previous quest the last couple of days makes me a teensy bit nervous about this, since it comes with hidden dice-rolls and the RNGenerators tended to be feast-or-famine, but hopefully, the Reichsbanner and our new Special Branch police will keep the undue influences to a minimum.
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Eagle Unbowed. I'll edit that into the update that followed the intropost.

Could you put the winning options from the previous vote at the top of the update? It makes it easier to figure out what happened when you got back and look at older updates or for new readers catching up, especially if they are doing so in reader mode. The second bit admittedly isn't a concern right now, but hopefully it will be.
Could you put the winning options from the previous vote at the top of the update? It makes it easier to figure out what happened when you got back and look at older updates or for new readers catching up, especially if they are doing so in reader mode. The second bit admittedly isn't a concern right now, but hopefully it will be.
Will do. Give me a bit and I'll edit 0.2 to reflect the winning vote. Done.
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I recommend strongly going for the referendum, the referendum would be administrated in parts of Prussia in which our coalition is extremely dominant, enough so that I think we will almost certainly be able to obtain the 3/5ths required in the relevant areas.

Plus, this is probably a more pessimistic view of our electoral chances given that the KPD no longer has a significant electoral presence, and that the DNVP kind of shot itself in the foot compared to real life. If we strike while the iron is hot I am overwhelmingly confident in the referendum at least achieving a majority if not the 3/5ths.
I'd like to observe that there's a good chance that with Eagle Unbowed narrowly taking the palm, Poland may very well owe the fact of its continued existence to GEN. Lettow-Vorbeck pulling some of his WW1-era brilliance out of his hat. That will have to stick in Warsaw's craw*, but however grudging it might be, Polish gratitude might win us... well, not Polish goodwill, given the history, but perhaps they might be less inclined to take the hardest possible line with us.

* I picture something like the exchange in Lethal Weapon 1:
"General... thank you. I'm not sure Poland could have survived without your help."
"... saying that must have hurt."
"You will never know, General."
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[X] PLAN: Vox Populi, vox Dei.
-[X]The Australian System
-[X]The West
— [X] With a Referendum
[X] PLAN: Vox Populi, vox Dei.
-[X]The Australian System
-[X]The West
— [X] With a Referendum
Voting is open