-[X]The West: Break off the western KPD states – create new states of Rhineland, Schleswig-Holstein, Westfalen, Hannover while enlarging Braunschweig, Hesse and Thuringia to take in some of the formerly occupied areas of Prussia. Keep the rest of Prussia intact, and with the industrial, restless west sliced off it might be easier to manage the nation. Not to mention, of course, the Zentrum's popularity in the industrial west makes this a natural proposition for the Zentrum to back. +5 Coalition Stability, angers the Prussian traditionalists in the army, angers the monarchists, angers the far-right. The south Germans in the army are willing to tepidly back this for regional interests.
-[]With a referendum: While we don't need it, we can call a referendum in the affected areas to see if the population are willing to go along. This can lead to voter intimidation and far-right violence, but if it goes off and we get what we wanted, it shows that the people are backing this initiative. The army will be tense, but the prospect of another popular insurrection will make them stay their hand. I will roll for voter intimidation and the referendum. You do not know the DCs. Rolls remain hidden.
-[]Without: Article 167 allows us to redraw the border without a referendum, although the law was intended for the post-Versailles border adjustments. This bypasses potential agitation, terror and voter intimidation not to mention action by the army, but it means that we rely on the southerners and the Zentrum (and regional parties like the Schleswig-Holstein Party) to shout loudly enough to outweigh the Prussians in the army.
You'd be doing that, yes. Turn 1 would have options to organize and handle the referendum if that is the path you choose.Hey, @mouli ,could we by any chance nudge the Reichsbanner leadership to keep their eyes open if we are doing a referendum?
Oh, good catch! Yeah, I'm going with a referendum for this one; very much an all-or-nothing plan, but worth it IMO.@Baltika9 You haven't put if we are doing this with our without a referendum in your plan.
Eagle Unbowed. I'll edit that into the update that followed the intropost.Hey, can someone clarify whether The Heir is Dead or Eagle Unbowed won the first vote? It's not totally clear how the votes were counted and the updates haven't specified on the natter.
Eagle Unbowed. I'll edit that into the update that followed the intropost.
Will do.Could you put the winning options from the previous vote at the top of the update? It makes it easier to figure out what happened when you got back and look at older updates or for new readers catching up, especially if they are doing so in reader mode. The second bit admittedly isn't a concern right now, but hopefully it will be.
PLAN: Vox Populi, vox Dei.
[X]The Australian System
[X]The West
- [X] With a Referendum
I'm not?