[X] Strife Without End
[X] Barricade of Myth

I want the Halo advancement, but I think the Decree where our territory's cant be touch so long as the Champion stands is too good here. Change the game so that Dien must confront us instead of avoid and wreck him. Use Adorie's upgraded social to add territory quickly.
[X] Strife Without End
[X] Full Throttle

Pretty tentative with this, but goddamnit I wished for an Armament, I want to see it in action!

But if it turns out to be really important that we pick something else, I'll change.
I've usually been a proponent for advancements to the party, but I kind of think that I want Strife + Full Throttle.

It would be sad to miss out on the Grace singularity but I'm not hugely impressed (at first pass) by the Halo advancements for Gisena.

I'll probably end up voting with Reader here, but at least for now I am open to other argumentation

The difference between Adorie and Gisena paths is that grace development doesn't require us to spend Arete to benefit. We just have to invest some time to make the Graces develop faster. Myth though actually requires us to spend our all our Arete on it to benefit from protecting our territory because we still have to get November Sky. Without spending Arete on Adorie's advancements we get almost nothing for it. Grace path though requires no Arete to get benefits. Spending some would probably get us stronger Graces but it's not necessary. This let's us invest more into Strife and get powerful upgrades for Hunger.

There's also the consideration on how each path will effect the war with Dien. Myth basically amounts to a slow conquest that helps us liberate planets from Dien and defend them. It's effective and likely to work but the war with Dien will end up prolonged. It's the slow and steady path. Grace development is the quick and dirty way. We invest in Graces that allow us to quickly find and reach Dien and we then use our power from Strife to kill him. It's a gamble but one that I'm willing to risk. If it works then the war is basically done. Any Graces we get would also likely help track down any of Dien's contingencies.
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[X] Strife Without End
[X] Critical Mass

There's no problem we can't solve by killing stuff and trusting Gisena!!
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The first choice of the pair isn't too difficult, it comes down to which of our Companions we want to provide the solution to Dien's more subtle offensive vectors. And, no offense to Adorie, I trust Gisena more on this. Her abilities are best suited to countering the Foremost, plus I think defeating this orc infestation herself will do wonders for her trauma. And compared to Adorie we have invested very little Arete into her despite her being our original Companion and Lesser Remittance, her sole EFB being Patreon-bought. This is a good chance to rectify that embarrassing state of affairs.

I'm not certain which Halo she should choose, both have their own appeal, but for now I'm leaning towards Renaissance Halo, thought it depends on just what Graces she has encountered so far. I remember that one anti-orc Grace from AST0, but maybe there are more, plus whatever Graces she will learn from the Foremost Shards in this universe. We'll just have to make sure that her Halo doesn't get destroyed, cause having to pay the Arete again would suck.

The second choice is much more difficult. Do we train Hunger, improve Mental Stability, or learn how to pilot our Armament? They all seem not just beneficial but almost necessary.

Tbh, I'm severely tempted by Strife Without End. Not only is it a really cool name, it's hard to go wrong with making Hunger stronger. Still, it might not be the best focus right now, when we've already exceeded Dien's best works in power so thoroughly. There's some worry that he'll out-Progress us if we don't keep up, but for now we have a comfortable lead and time outside doesn't pass by, so things won't change for him while we're in here.

Our next opponent is going to be the Surgeon-enhanced Etrynome, so Full Throttle might be a better option to prepare for that. Hunger is mighty, but he is still dwarfed in terms of stats and Rank when compared to his Armament. Too bad for Aobaru, but in the end this is Hunger's Armament, carrying his Curse. The is the weapon we built to strike back against Apocrypha with raw, unstoppable power, and maybe it's time to embrace that. It would enhance our power (perhaps more than what Strife would avail us), give us the ranged options we lack so dearly (if the comment about interstellar ranges is anything to go by) and give us more information about Etrynome's potential upgrades (maybe Catherine doesn't pose a lethal threat at Hunger's current level, but what if we want to save her?).

And of course there's the relaxing option. Frankly, we're better off picking up November Sky if we really think it's such a critical matter. Or maybe we can just wait till we defeat Dien, that's bound to be much more effective for Hunger's mental state than pretending the problem doesn't exist and drowning in luxury. But the comment about an extravagant flaw is kind of worrying. I don't think just one Mental Stability minus is enough for that, but it's hardly going to be our last...

Well, for now I'll go with these ones, though I'm still iffy on the second choice:

[X] Critical Mass
[X] Full Throttle

Let's not give Novakhron the wrong impression that we don't love want to pilot him!

559 Words
Which would be no-selled by the Decree against "any plague or contagion of Foremost design". That's not an option he could take.

That depends on the definition of annexation. If we say a land is ours and Dien's efforts are futile to reclaim them, I'd think that would suffice, tbh.

We don't necessarily have to set up proper rule in order to conquer an area, though naturally that is helpful. In the present, a looser definition is good enough.

Though I guess I should probably ask @Rihaku about what the threshold of annexation is, before I make any more assumptions.
The preconditions for legitimacy are strict; ostensible rule does not suffice, only the true power of a de facto monarch can establish such totality of influence. A governor may administer such territories in her place, so long as their role is contained to the execution of her overriding policy.
The option outright says that the conditions are strict and only the true power of a monarch suffices; if we can conquer land but people can't obey us due to being controlled by Dien, that's something very far from true power. And of course, we need to be able to make Decrees in the first place to make our subjects immune.

Now, if we captured Republic citizens and brought them to Nilfel I could see this working on them, but again this doesn't very relevant to me until after he is neutralized as a threat. Besides, conquering territory is inhently a slow strategy which is something that advantages Dien. Since we do actually need to rule over territory to use Decrees, we can either return to Nilfel or take a bite of other Human Sphere territories and hole up, essentially giving Dien all the time in the world; and I don't think we'd vote to abandon the Republic anyway.

It's just not very relevant currently. It definitely could be in the future, but not right now. I'd recommend something else.
We essentially get two of:
Power up Hunger
Power up Gisena
Power up Adorie
Disregard Power, acquire Comfy
What if we finally did a Cursebearer+Armament synergy?

Updated Renaissance Halo is nice. Any two Graces, at the power level of True Nullity? It's supremely versatile. I love versatile.

[X] Strife Without End
[X] Critical Mass

Going with this for now. I like Renaissance Halo and I'd also like to get November Sky to counteract Mental Stability drops. Alternatively we could grab a Praxis spell instead of NS if we need that more then Mental Stability.
Pretty sure we aren't being offered options that are useless for our current circumstances and Adorie won't be getting ++ to Mental Stability from something that doesn't help with Dien. No need to be so pessimistic!
Actually, on re-reading Hail to the Queen, I notice that lovely Sorcery dominion. Perhaps Hunger can finally be a mage instead of making Gisena do all the work?

The decree preventing Nilfel being effected as long as Hunger is undefeated is also potentially amazing. Hunger conquers a system, it's now part of Nilfel, and thus invasions fail unless Hunger is taken down. It would allow us to rapidly take, and hold, territory, and combined with the Foremost Plague decree that would let us save a lot of people... It won't do much to stop Dien's stuff outside our domain though.
The option outright says that the conditions are strict and only the true power of a monarch suffices; if we can conquer land but people can't obey us due to being controlled by Dien, that's something very far from true power. And of course, we need to be able to make Decrees in the first place to make our subjects immune.
Huh. I actually did not notice that part. Well, that makes it a bit more risky, since we only have baseline Ennoblement to buff said governor after we clear up the area with a Decree.

I guess if we had Sublime Fulcrum with either the Vitruvian Template or a more social based one that might work out, but that's another 26 Arete on top which we currently don't have access to.

Probably unviable, then. That's unfortunate. Though, we could put a Decree that helps defend the land, so even a plain Ennobled Governor would be enough to hold the area, and we do have three Decrees to work with so it's not like we lack the slots.
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Pretty sure we aren't being offered options that are useless for our current circumstances and Adorie won't be getting ++ to Mental Stability from something that doesn't help with Dien. No need to be so pessimistic!
You may say this, but we not only got offered Seal of Ruin earlier, but we actually picked it! Something even less relevant then Hail the Queen in every way I can think of; good for some nebulous future opportunity but that so far has had zero utility. So yes, I do think there's a risk we can pick something useless here.
Alright, first of all, lets talk about Ze Build 2.0. It is very fun.

1st, you guys saw what Supreme Commander does. Now, that might not seem as that good, but fun starts when you get Regalia - it changes Supreme Commander so it activates moment someone learns about us, allowing us to instantly Pressure any enemy aware of us, regardless of their distance and stuff. Sounds decentish, right?

Here is where fun starts; we get Perilous Grandeur. Quick reminder, this allows us to talk to, buff or social people under effect of our Rank. With Regalia, that means that everyone who knows about Hunger, regardless of where they are, is a free target. We can buff anyone anywhere with Edeldross, we can communicate with anyone anywhere and, and you will love this, we can instantly hit our foes with our 40k Charisma dick Regalia got us.

Sounds absurd? Lets turn it up a notch. Remember Pathway to Idyll? Long story short, it allows us to enter the Pillars and chill there. This basically allows us to get a ton of free Stage VI Apo mitigation because fuck Apo, while we still can communicate and fight from Realm of Evening using our busted ass combo. We'd lose current burst of training at the end of each month, but that is small price to pay for bullying Apo.

Now, overall cost of 50+25+7 Arete is by no means small, but we kinda want to get all of that shit anyway, so it is nice.
You may say this, but we not only got offered Seal of Ruin, but we actually picked it! Something even less relevant then Hail the Queen in every way I can think of; good for some nebulous future opportunity but that so far has had zero utility. So yes, I do think there's a risk we can pick something useless here.

Also, it seems way more likely that the reason it grants mental stability is the same reason it's perquisite November Sky did then anything to do with Dien.
Huh, Gisena can only switch out the Graces once every three months now? That's basically an eternity in Hunger-time... OK, maybe not that bad if Auspex Temporal applies (just 9 days). If it doesn't, the Realm of Evening would make it into around two months before she can switch, which is still a lot of time.

Hmm, I suppose getting any two Graces she has seen might still be worth it.

You may say this, but we not only got offered Seal of Ruin earlier, but we actually picked it! Something even less relevant then Hail the Queen in every way I can think of; good for some nebulous future opportunity but that so far has had zero utility. So yes, I do think there's a risk we can pick something useless here.
The situation is different, Hunger has a measure of Dien now and is specifically training the team for the purpose of defeating him.
The option outright says that the conditions are strict and only the true power of a monarch suffices; if we can conquer land but people can't obey us due to being controlled by Dien, that's something very far from true power. And of course, we need to be able to make Decrees in the first place to make our subjects immune.
Nope, it is just about conquering:
Hail the Queen is also a means of repelling Dien's contagion, if you can get Adorie's Rank high enough

[10:30 AM]
since anywhere Hunger conquers can have a Decree set to counter Dien
It is most "deal with Dien" option right now.

I'll go over both soon.
It is most "deal with Dien" option right now.

That's pretty tragic, I was super emotionally invested In Gisena being able to get a main onscreen role comparable to Hunger in taking down the returned incarnation of what she failed to stop from destroying humanity in her last world. Empowering Adore to do it for us feels a lot more lackluster from a narrative intrest, atleast to me specifically this is all subjective after all, then with her.

I really loved that one update we got from her about it too. :cry:
That's pretty tragic, I was super emotionally invested In Gisena being able to get a main onscreen role comparable to Hunger in taking down the returned incarnation of what she failed to stop from destroying humanity in her last world. Empowering Adore to do it for us feels a lot more lackluster from a narrative intrest, atleast to me specifically this is all subjective after all, then with her.

I really loved that one update we got from her about it too. :cry:
I would say Adorie's advancement is the most obvious in how it solves the problem. For Gisena much depends on the type of Halo and how she uses it, but I'll trust our resident genius to know how to apply her powers best.
Out of curiosity @Rihaku, how good of an idea would it be to get Sublime Fulcrum and spend the 25 Arete to use Legendary on Gisena's Total Eclipse?

It already is pretty crazy, so raising its current power and future potential by 1 full stage on the Infinite Singularity Husk sounds like the type of bonus that would exceed even Mythology Halo, tbh. After all, the higher you are on the ISH already, the more valuable advancing another step is.

For someone in the mundanity of ISH 1-1.9, advancing a stage means moving to the supernatural. For someone within that area, advancing one stage means moving to the domain where perfect effects usually are within, and things get crazier and crazier. Legendary might make the ultimate cap of True Quintessence higher than ISH 3.9, or even within the 4-4.9 range.
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