For the boon, the military unit would be interesting, I think. Muscle when intriguing, backup when going into trouble. Something that would actually see direct use - I know of the utility of the title, but would prefer something more material. A knight should have a lance along, but that never happened originally, so if it's a choice between the title and the lance I'd prefer the soldiers. Especially as it's a road not taken.

Exactly what I'm not sure - the classic option for a wizard would be halberdiers or crack swordsmen, I think, to hold back swarms and keep cavalry/monsters at bay and buy time for the spells to be cast.
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For the boon, the military unit would be interesting, I think. Muscle when intriguing, backup when going into trouble. Something that would actually see direct use - I know of the utility of the title, but would prefer something more material. Exactly what I'm not sure - the classic option for a wizard would be halberdiers or crack swordsmen, I think, to hold back swarms and keep cavalry/monsters at bay and buy time for the spells to be cast.
The problem with that is that Mathilde is much more mobile than any of her escorts.
Which will therefor be left behind.
The thing is that no military unit can keep up with us in battle and as the agent of an Elector Count, we can always requisition troops as needed for other purposes.
That's actually part of it, as well: at this stage she's missing a lot of the magic and spells and items people got used to. She can't teleport, she doesn't have the magic greatsword, or the regenerative seed. A bodyguard unit would provide a safety net.

One could in theory be requisitioned as needed, but that didn't happen originally, and even if it did there's a significant difference between an ad-hoc grouping of whoever wasn't fast enough to avoid being dragooned, and an actual coherent unit trained and accustomed to backing up a wizard.
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Moratorium is over, I believe.

[X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We have the list Abelhelm created up until his death, Regimand had his own list.

[X][Boon] A holiday (no assignment next turn)
A holiday would allow us to retrain to our prior status earlier.

[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)
The nostalgia option.

[X][Boon] Trading company (found a new trading company in the vacuum using the League's confiscated resources, with the official backing of Stirland)
The money option.

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
-[X] Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 60%, with a further 30% lost to damage or scavengers.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight (Like Wilhelmina's, especially if she sets up a Guild) it will be impossible.
-[X] Acknowledge the Arcane Marks. It's a private matter, and one that was somewhat harrowing, but you'll be fine.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven it's usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.
I refuse to suggest investigating Drakenhof until we have relearned some of our spells at least. Like Doppelganger and Invisibility.

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
-[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
-[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.

[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire - Vlag
-[X] Ask for Regimand to be read in on the Time conspiracy, partly for his sake as your Master
-[X] Partly because you have incomplete future information about a high-ranking Lahmian conspiracy that Regimand was responsible for taking down
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Voting is open. It may last up to 48 hours because I'm supposed to be busy both tomorrow night and saturday daytime, so don't feel like you need to rush things.

I will try and update and/or transfer some more of the informational stuff over the voting period, so feel free to ask questions etc. and point out things that will be needed sooner rather than later.
[X] [Boon] A holiday (no assignment next turn)

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
LL makes a good point here.

[X] [Abel Report] Close to the Truth
-[X] "The snake is no more, but... something didn't go like it was supposed to, and I went back to Altdorf to seek the assistance of my Order, which they provided, but in return I was instructed to assist with a new College-wide priority situation I am forbidden from talking about."
-[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.

Not sure about Algard yet.
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I will try and update and/or transfer some more of the informational stuff over the voting period, so feel free to ask questions etc. and point out things that will be needed sooner rather than later.
Do you intend to use the old voting system in use at this time of the quest or the newer one?
How much money do we actually have?
The Golds keep it secret to avoid Witch Hunters getting the wrong idea about funny magic. Algard is not a Witch Hunter.
Eh, true but I still don't like telling him after we promised Feldmann we wouldn't, even if that never happened.

[X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We have the list Abelhelm created up until his death, Regimand had his own list.

Slight tweak of LightLan's report to specify that this is just Abel's list, not the whole thing.

[X][Boon] A holiday (no assignment next turn)

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
-[X] Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 60%, with a further 30% lost to damage or scavengers.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight (Like Wilhelmina's, especially if she sets up a Guild) it will be impossible.
-[X] Acknowledge the Arcane Marks. It's a private matter, and one that was somewhat harrowing, but you'll be fine.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven it's usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.
I refuse to suggest investigating Drakenhof until we have relearned some of our spells at least. Like Doppelganger and Invisibility.

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
-[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
-[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.
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-[X] "The snake is no more, but... something didn't go like it was supposed to, and I went back to Altdorf to seek the assistance of my Order, which they provided, but in return I was instructed to assist with a new College-wide priority situation I am forbidden from talking about."
Intrigue: 8 - His paranoia and knowledge of the enemies of the Empire only go part of the way to make up for the fact that he's as subtle as a brick.

I'd rather keep him in the dark. His Intrigue sucks.
Trading a huge personal opportunity for what, two actions worth of holiday makes little sense to me. Temporary short term benefit instead of a massive elevation in our social status? Why?

[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)

All day every day a better choice.
[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)
Trading a huge personal opportunity for what, two actions worth of holiday makes little sense to me. Temporary short term benefit instead of a massive elevation in our social status? Why?
We didn't get much use of that noble title, imo. I can't think of any doors it opened for us, other than perhaps Mandred's godmother.
Magister elevates us to lesser nobility anyway, and Lord magister gets us even higher.

Holiday does seem underwhelming, but having the free time to act on our future knowledge could let us act on things we would otherwise have to neglect due to doing our job.
I will try and update and/or transfer some more of the informational stuff over the voting period, so feel free to ask questions etc. and point out things that will be needed sooner rather than later.
You wanted to figure out how to handle the interaction of our old library and Eidetic Memory.

How expensive will materials for a mundane staff be? (there is interest)

Accumulated Artefacts is too empty. We still had the Shyish Swords lieing around, I think? Ranald's Coin has also been listed in there over in DL.
Do you intend to use the old voting system in use at this time of the quest or the newer one?
How much money do we actually have?
The Office of Spymaster has 270 gp, and a net 120 gp/turn income, minus embezzlement (currently 35 gp/turn).

Mathilde has 250gp and a net income of 45 gp/turn, plus embezzlement (currently 35 gp/turn).
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The Office of Spymaster has 270 gp, and a net 120 gp/turn income, minus embezzlement (currently 35 gp/turn).

Mathilde has 250gp and a net income of 45 gp/turn, plus embezzlement (currently 35 gp/turn).
Nice, we got some money at least, I expected worse.
Before you head out you take a few minutes to get your things in order - you grab a pack full of trail rations, collect a small vial of Aethyric Vitae before it finishes evaporating
We also have one small vial of AV. No idea what we can actually do with it, but we have it.
[X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We have the list Abelhelm created up until his death, Regimand had his own list.

[X][Boon] Trading company (found a new trading company in the vacuum using the League's confiscated resources, with the official backing of Stirland)

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
-[X] Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 60%, with a further 30% lost to damage or scavengers.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight (Like Wilhelmina's, especially if she sets up a Guild) it will be impossible.
-[X] Acknowledge the Arcane Marks. It's a private matter, and one that was somewhat harrowing, but you'll be fine.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven it's usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.
I refuse to suggest investigating Drakenhof until we have relearned some of our spells at least. Like Doppelganger and Invisibility.

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
-[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
-[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.
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Not sure if Knighthood is that important tbh. Remind me, are Magisters considered nobility? Surely it won't take us long to get promoted to Magister and get equivalent perks?
[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire

[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire - Vlag

[X][Boon] A holiday (no assignment next turn)

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks

Not sure if Knighthood is that important tbh. Remind me, are Magisters considered nobility? Surely it won't take us long to get promoted to Magister and get equivalent perks?
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At the same time, us taking a holiday means that whatever work Mathilde did on that turn in OTL will not get done. Is that going to be a big issue?
Not sure if Knighthood is that important tbh. Remind me, are Magisters considered nobility? Surely it won't take us long to get promoted to Magister and get equivalent perks?
Magisters are nearly considered Nobles. Have Article 11 which states it:
11. All Magisters may expect to receive accommodation, benefits, respect, and fair treatment, as would befit any noble of Sigmar's Holy Empire, while in the employ of the Electors of Sigmar's Holy Empire.
We are to be treated as a Noble would be while working with an Elector Count, but technically we aren't one.
Not sure if Knighthood is that important tbh. Remind me, are Magisters considered nobility? Surely it won't take us long to get promoted to Magister and get equivalent perks?
Not in quite the same way as a knight is.

Being a knight means being expected to be a competent and noble warrior by default. Being a magister means being expected to be a competent and important person-who's-prone-to-exploding by default.

Amongst Dwarves the knight title was irrelevant - of course a master craftsman is a skilled warrior - but amongst humans it hits a different chord from the Magister one.
At the same time, us taking a holiday means that whatever work Mathilde did on that turn in OTL will not get done. Is that going to be a big issue?
Might be:
[*][Action] In The Darkness We Watch
-[*] Rewrite the relevant part of the legal code of Stirland so that the Watch reports to you, personally. (will face pushback from existing Watchmen; will take two turns; the Watch will come permanently under your control)
-[*] Spread some coin around so that a cross-section of the Watch passes on information to you as well as their superiors.
-[*] Delegation - Ground Floor: Start putting people on your payroll into the EIC before it even begins, so you'll have information flowing right from the start. (NEW)
-[*] Investment: Wilhelmina has offered you the limited-time chance to become a founding shareholder in the EIC; the buy-in will be a cool 1000 crowns, but with Van Hal's permission, Wilhelmina has offered you an interest-free loan from the Stirlandian Treasury to cover it, and promises that unless something goes terribly wrong, the dividends will more than pay for it. (NEW)
-[*] Knighthood: There's a ceremony, of course. And a number of oaths to make. And you'll have to visit your 'estate'. But gosh. Dame Mathilde. (NEW)
-[*] Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try again with local goods. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
--[*] If unable to buy the stuff(again) do this instead of setting it up:
---[*] Final Round-up: You're so close to mastering all the lesser magics. Just one final push and you'll have them all. (NEW)
-[*] Weber's Box: It has a nice ring to it, but you've got no idea what 'Weber's Box' actually is, or what's going on in there. Have a very, very careful look at it. (NEW)
--[*] Ranald's Blessing on Weber's Box

-[*] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required) (NEW)
--[*] Kasmir
---[*] Apologize for your previous sharpness, which was partly due to finding out just how badly the castle was infiltrated and having spent nearly the whole year on rooting them out.
This is what we did.:
We rewrote the watch document (Eidetic Memory should help with both finding and rewriting it)
We infiltrated the Watch with our spy network
We infiltrated the EIC with our spy network (timesensitive) (delegated to Julia)
We tried to learn how the EIC works and failed.
We got knighted.
We don't have a Box anymore
We won't find enchantment equipment if we look and learned spells instead
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