My Name is George Hammond

I am preferring On Their Turf for the location with a moderate stance as inviting them to our world increases the risks that something goes wrong isolating SD-4 to prevent disease spreading is easy the entire base if they come into contact with visitors is a lot harder. It also reduces the risk of spies and other infiltrators if only our team goes to them instead of the other way round.
Trading Technology is an easy choice we both have things we are more advanced in and we can hide the results as the inventions of our researchers on earth until the project goes public.
I would request diplomatic ties, maybe sending an ambassador to their world and them sending one to the mountain base(two separate offers).
The president seems to prefer results over secrecy to help with the cold war so let us do the resource trade.
Trading cultural and historical information will help prevent misunderstandings.
I would offer Jake Mallory's 'betrothal' as a gift Jake wants to else I am against it(forcing our men to marry of the world when they do not want to will be bad for morale).
Ask/Offer them if they would be interested in contact information with other world and us giving out the address for their world but only if both worlds agree.
Ask/Offer Goa'uld if they are willing to help fight them by asking for volunteers and or hiring mercenaries to fight at our side.

With such a large amount of offers I have the following priories for our negotiators:
1: Get the tech trade
2: Get the resource swap
3: The request for help against the Goa'uld
4: ambassadors
5: cultural exchange
If we're going to be making a technical exchange, I would strongly suggest a medical exchange program. Leaving aside the varying techbases, odds are both of us have access to a variety of substances that the other party would consider wonder drugs.
I think a moderate stance is good, I just don't know if we should do their turf or Abydos.
I really don't care too much about the marriage, I think we should ask the soldier first,
I say a gift could be some Cultural stuff, or food, maybe entertainment.
the "safe" world with giant animals is the only gate code I dont feel bad trading, but dont know if we want to give it or safe it for trade.
Straight up trade I would say do a tech and resource trade
The one thing I think we could offer that isn't written is an offer to let them retreat to Abydos if the Gould ever come back for their world
Jake is undecided, but seems interested overall.
You would be giving them the gate code for an inhabited world.
At the moment, yes, you are rather limited in what offers you can make, but they're not a SMALL people, it would be almost impossible to evacuate even a significant fraction of their population in the face of a Goa'uld invasion.
First, 1 day moratorium, no voting yet, second they have about the same tech level as us, we can have a pretty even trade, but he didn't mention what either side was better at.
You don't yet have enough of a feel for them yet to know, as with several other vague bits in the negotiation section.
We also need more info on what type of things would be valuable to the Andanian's that we have better access to to provide as gifts. So additional info on that as well as info on the specific Andanian ambassadors would be highly useful if you, @Powerofmind, can provide that.
Part of this meeting is to find out things like that. You've only had limited contact, most of it oriented around a personal rescue.
Boils down to this Andanian's want the marriage to move forward and are ambivalent about technological exchange because of parity. So we are ambivalent to marriage but want technological exchange. Lets do both, so I'm hoping you, @Powerofmind, can provide more info on the differing areas of focus on our respective technological curves so we can maximize mutual value for the exchange. I would recommend the technical exchange be the demand as they are ambivalent so since they don't care either way they are unlikely to strongly oppose it and it might not otherwise happen. Then we offer the marriage.
The best I can tell you (considering everyone's asking), is to think on the general necessities of a world at war and a world that's ostensibly unified.
I would request diplomatic ties, maybe sending an ambassador to their world and them sending one to the mountain base(two separate offers).
Having them put up people is a request; you'd be imposing on their world to have a long-term guest, just as it'd be a bit of an imposition on you to have the same (which is why you have to offer it).
I would offer Jake Mallory's 'betrothal' as a gift Jake wants to else I am against it(forcing our men to marry of the world when they do not want to will be bad for morale).
As above.
@Dragonvx100 I significantly changed the plan based on Powerofmind's comments

[X] Plan Trade all the things
-[X] [Stance 1] Moderate Security - The host will be expected to make reasonable security accommodations.
-[X] [Stance 2] On Their Turf - Send the team to their world to act as diplomatic liaisons. They will be given negotiating goals in keeping with your directives.
-[X] [Gift] Fine art, Classic literature, nothing recent or with actionable info on Earth
-[X] [Gift] Move forward with the marriage
-[X] [Trade] Technology exchange
-[X] [Trade] Research collaboration
-[X] [Trade] Trade Agreement
-[X] [Request] A copy of all the relevant information you have on the Goa'uld, we don't like those guys.
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[X] [Stance 1] Moderate Security - The host will be expected to make reasonable security accommodations.
[X] [Stance 2] Homeworld Invite - Request their diplomatic party visit Earth directly, escorted by SG-4. The mountain isn't pretty, but it is an impressive feat of engineering, and you would negotiate from a place of power.

[X] Gifts Have a small amount of staff weapons and Military grade weapons as a basic gift.
[X] [Offers] Bulk Materials Trade, whatever is profitable.
[X] [Offers] Technology exchange, whatever try for maximizing benefit for both sides from what we are able to determine (have a couple of general scientists and specialists in a variety of fields on standby they don't need to know about the alien situation or be briefed about the Stargate program but if we have people feed info we learn about the Andanian's capabilities they can probably assist with finding areas of mutually beneficial exchange.
[X] [Offers] Bulk Medicine Trade, whatever is needed by each others people.
[X] Verify Mallory wants betrothal, if so proceed otherwise remove this option.
[X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Medicine
[X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Industrial technology (Naquahdah Power Generation?)
[X] [Offers] Can we Buy Naquahdah?
[X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Military
[X] [Stance 1] Moderate Security - The host will be expected to make reasonable security accommodations.
[X] [Stance 2] On Their Turf - Send the team to their world to act as diplomatic liaisons. They will be given negotiating goals in keeping with your directives.

[X] [Offers] Technology exchange
[X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Medicine
[X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Industrial technology (Naquahdah Power Generation?)
[X] [Offers] Swap crop seeds
[X] [Offers] Bulk Materials Trade, whatever is profitable
[X] [Offers] Bulk Medicine Trade, whatever is needed by each others people
[X] [Offers] Can we Buy Naquahdah?
[X] Move forward with the marriage
[X] [Offers] Exchange ambassador
The vast majority of these are trades, exchanges of similar diplomatic items, not things you're offering to give them. Offers are primarily concessions you make yourself, with little to no expectation of immediate reciprocity.

Gift - You will give this to them as a nicety and courtesy. There is no expectation of reciprocity.
Offer - You will present this item in negotiations if the other party is reticent to accept a current deal without it's inclusion.
Trade - This item is presented by you as a mostly-equitable agreement, where both sides would benefit from including it. Some parties won't like these just because it implies ongoing relations or they feel they have a superior position. Arguably, a trade should have roughly no cost or benefit in a negotiation for other items, unless the other party has expressed specific interest in it.
Request - You will present this item as something your side would like to acquire from the other party that you either do not want to give back, or do not possess something of equitable value to make the item a trade instead.
Demand - This item is presented in such a way that there is an implication of risk for refusing it. If you can feasibly strong-arm the other party, or could appeal to moralism or some other agreement they are bound to, they will be much, MUCH more likely to accept such a thing.

[] [Trade] Technology exchange
[] [Trade] Research collaboration (For the most part, there is no need to be specific. Keep in mind that such a trade would naturally require the assistance of a research division)
[] [Trade] Trade Agreement (Again, I will handle many of the particulars of supply, demand, and key expectations. A basic trade agreement umbrellas most bulk goods, some rare natural resources, medicines, and more. The only real step up you can do from such an agreement is to also include trades of military hardware, which is exceptionally difficult for your side to commit to given your situation. You could REQUEST that they put military hardware on the table, but it would be an unbalanced trading situation and they would probably have other expectations of you in that case)
They do not have naquadah to trade; non-terrestrial elements or NT strategic resources are always specifically noted on planet information, since it's such a major factor in your exploration.
[] [Offer, or Gift] Move forward with the marriage (Since they have expressed a preference for this, you have the initiative to give it or not give it, making it an offer, if you want to use it as a bargaining chip, or a gift, if you want to be nice)
[] [Trade] Exchange ambassadors (This would be exceptionally difficult, as they have expressed an antipathy to becoming diplomatically entangled with you)
[] [Gift] Have a small amount of staff weapons and Military grade weapons as a basic gift. (This costs power, and is strongly against Hammond's better instincts at the moment)

There is no need to be exceptionally granular for the sake of min-maxing your gains. It can be assumed that the specifics will be hashed out by politicians, lawyers, or other experts once you've decided the broad strokes.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Powerofmind on Mar 3, 2021 at 11:24 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Trade all the things
    -[X] [Stance 1] Moderate Security - The host will be expected to make reasonable security accommodations.
    -[X] [Stance 2] On Their Turf - Send the team to their world to act as diplomatic liaisons. They will be given negotiating goals in keeping with your directives.
    -[X] [Gift] Fine art, Classic literature, nothing recent or with actionable info on Earth
    -[X] [Gift] Move forward with the marriage
    -[X] [Trade] Technology exchange
    -[X] [Trade] Research collaboration
    -[X] [Trade] Trade Agreement
    -[X] [Request] A copy of all the relevant information you have on the Goa'uld, we don't like those guys.
    [X] [Stance 1] Moderate Security - The host will be expected to make reasonable security accommodations.
    [X] [Stance 2] Homeworld Invite - Request their diplomatic party visit Earth directly, escorted by SG-4. The mountain isn't pretty, but it is an impressive feat of engineering, and you would negotiate from a place of power.
    [X] Gifts Have a small amount of staff weapons and Military grade weapons as a basic gift.
    [X] [Offers] Bulk Materials Trade, whatever is profitable.
    [X] [Offers] Technology exchange, whatever try for maximizing benefit for both sides from what we are able to determine (have a couple of general scientists and specialists in a variety of fields on standby they don't need to know about the alien situation or be briefed about the Stargate program but if we have people feed info we learn about the Andanian's capabilities they can probably assist with finding areas of mutually beneficial exchange.
    [X] [Offers] Bulk Medicine Trade, whatever is needed by each others people.
    [X] Verify Mallory wants betrothal, if so proceed otherwise remove this option.
    [X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Medicine
    [X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Industrial technology (Naquahdah Power Generation?)
    [X] [Offers] Can we Buy Naquahdah?
    [X] [Offers] Research collaboration, Military
November, 1950 P3: Cold War, Cold Shouldered?
[] Plan Trade all the things
-[] [Stance 1] Moderate Security - The host will be expected to make reasonable security accommodations.
-[] [Stance 2] On Their Turf - Send the team to their world to act as diplomatic liaisons. They will be given negotiating goals in keeping with your directives.
-[] [Gift] Fine art, Classic literature, nothing recent or with actionable info on Earth
-[] [Gift] Move forward with the marriage
-[] [Trade] Technology exchange
-[] [Trade] Research collaboration
-[] [Trade] Trade Agreement
-[] [Request] A copy of all the relevant information you have on the Goa'uld, we don't like those guys.
Calculating Negotiation weighting...
Measuring effects...
ROLL - Technology Exchange: 97 (Exceptionally lucrative trades, for both of you)
ROLL - Research Collaboration - Advantaged: 11 (Unfortunately they're a little wary of all the war-focused advancements you've made, and your other overtures of battle against the old gods)
ROLL - Trade Agreement - Strongly Advantaged: 54 (Their unique concerns prompt a desire for basic construction materials, such as concrete, steel, and wood. They are offering a number of comparatively rarer elements in exchange)
ROLL - Goa'uld Info: 100! (As a former slave world and a people with a fierce independence streak, the Andanians possess quite a trove of oral tradition, written accounts, and even an abandoned Ha'tak construction site)

---Report as compiled by Doctor Daniel Jackson---

The Andanians, as originally speculated, are the cultural end result of an ancient group of people called Frisians being taken from pre-Christian Europe, from the region we know today as Holland. They appear to possess a number of similar cultural traits with modern Dutch, with few differences. Curiously, despite having so much free space and land to claim, they prefer to cultivate and improve rather than spread widely or break into smaller communities. This solidarity may have been very helpful for them while they were slaves, and likely helped their eventual rebellion end so productively for them.

They appear to have a cultural distaste for grudge-taking and violence in general. They seemed disturbed when one of SG-4's members playfully struck another on the arm with a closed fist, and on following up with them I learned that the use of a closed and empty fist was considered almost threatening in most contexts. The one notable exception to this cultural dislike is in their representations of gods and other superstitions. Common prayers and dedications all seem to begin with a variation on "and may the gods of the south ever suffer," likely a reference to the Roman Pantheon, since the god that took them from their home was apparently named Jupiter, often believed to be an appropriation of the Greek god Zeus.

Technologically these people are at a similar level of development to modern Earth, and it's likely they were only constrained in their development by a period of enslavement to the Goa'uld. Once freed of Jupiter's influence, they developed industry, pioneered advanced land reclamation techniques for farming, and developed advanced philosophies all focused around the relationships between objects and people, which later developed into something that roughly means the psychology of groups.

As to their initial Goa'uld enslavement, the Andanians have many valuable insights and comprehensive, if dated, records of the enslavement. They were brought from Earth to mine Naquadah, which was originally present on this planet in quantities that were supposedly very high. However, after the initial pit mining process, Jupiter became 'suddenly vexed, as our true gods had cursed the land'. This may have been because the initially promising vein didn't pan out as expected. Without Naquadah to mine, and a slave population that hadn't yet returned on it's initial investment, Jupiter set them to work building ships instead. Here I have to speculate that Jupiter may likely have been on a downturn in terms of importance in Goa'uld hierarchy, as, when the Andanians initially rebelled, Jupiter was 'forced away from the land upon his half-built ship' and never returned. Their speculation implies he drowned in the sea of stars, but it is more likely that with the planet's inability to produce Naquadah and his inability to start his ship building industry, he may have simply been defeated by whatever enemies he had out in the greater galaxy.

The Andanian reaction to the knowledge that other, more powerful Goa'uld were out there was a combination of concern and vindictive joy, once I explained that we were fighting them to prevent the same enslavement they suffered from happening again. They began to share things they had originally kept secret for fear we would use it against them, such as stolen staff weapons, a few Goa'uld trinkets of technological value, and the existence of the Ha'tak drydock Jupiter made his retreat from, complete with a number of tools and rare elements they had simply left alone as cultural relics and mementos which commemorated the defeat of their oppressor.

I have already begun translation of several tablets that appear to be important documents on prospecting for Naquadah, possible holdings and hidden worlds, as well as one detailing the basic blueprint of a Ha'tak mothership.

---World News---


Last week, rumors of yet another round of leadership purges in Soviet Russia culminated in the sudden assassination of Joseph Stalin by elements of the KGB, with the backing of multiple moderate voices in Soviet politics and international relations. The USSR as a faction is in total disarray, as the loss of their central figurehead and the growing voice of a moderate movement have all but shattered the fragile unity of the bloc. Many European and near east countries are flocking to the recently-renamed Soviet Social Democratic Union, led by more moderate Russian elements, while the far east and Asian elements of the USSR are rallying around the People's Republic of China, which appears to be the spiritual successor to the USSR, albeit much more inwardly focused. Already, leaders are praising the strength and bravery of the leaders of the SSDU for their incredibly dangerous coup, as multiple NATO powers and the US have pledged to aid them in ensuring a peaceful transition to a more peaceful power, even as the wary eye of the modern world shifts to the Chinese, who are desperately scrabbling for anything they can get of the former Soviet nuclear program.

The sudden loss of soviet support, despite the rise of the PRC, is projected to lead to the swift collapse of the North Koreans in the current war.


In the wake of several major political upheavals, several critics have expressed their doubts in the necessity of such a broad defensive agreement between the United States and the European powers, with the US voices questioning the need to protect the world from a threat that has already passed, and the European powers increasingly disappointed in the inward focus of the United States. The former European members have instead begun talks about including the SSDU in a new regional trade agreement as tensions across the world plummet.

The talks have garnered attention from several of the post-colonial African nations, which have expressed a strong interest in similar cooperative treaties amongst themselves, fearing continued interference by their former colonial masters.


Major developments in energy sciences, declining military spending, and the discovery of what the USAF calls 'a nearly bottomless mass of rare earth metals' deep in Cheyenne mountain have caused the federal government's budget to soar. Multiple Republican incumbents have lost ground to their social democratic counterparts as their platform of staunch anti-communist readiness has effectively fallen out from under itself, and as a result, the Senate and House are due to be squarely under the thumb of the social democrats in Truman's last two years in office.

---December Planning---

The world is a madhouse, but at least it's a friendly one. As much as I'll never understand how Stalin managed to get himself offed by his own assassins, I'll be grateful to whoever pulled that trigger, and let the whole world breathe a collective sigh of relief. Somehow, the Russian nukes haven't been fired in the chaos, and things are looking up for the free world. Truman was even so happy with the turnout of the November elections he's seen fit to give me even more leeway in the future...

Monthly Change:
Pressure: -1 (+Getting into fights, ++Current scope, -Acquisition of useful tech, -Acquisition of rare elements, --Significant Goa'uld technology finds)
Power: +1 (+Raided Goa'uld Cache, +Gifts of the Andanians, -Destructive biological testing)
Reputation: +2 (++Very good diplomatic outcomes with Andana)
Knowledge: -1 (+Gifts of the Andanians, +Destructive biological testing, ++Passive Research Trickle, -----Development of enhanced batteries and fuel cells)
Steam: +2 (+Mallory married an alien princess, ++Thumbed our noses at some Goa'uld for the first time, -Didn't get away completely clean, though)

Current Command:
Companies - "Alpha Company"
Platoons - "Sunchasers", "Snake Charmers", "Guardian Angels", Fourth Interplanetary
Squads - SG-1, SG-2, SG-3, SG-4

Scientific Divisions - "Unknown Element", "Rainbow Bridge", "Relative Space", "Zig Zag"

Generating (4) Cartouche missions per month

Command Approach:
[] [CA] Harsh - Lose steam, take up to four offworld missions, gain bonus to Fireteam effectiveness
[] [CA] Normal - Regular operation conditions with three offworld missions
[] [CA] Relaxed - Gain steam, take two offworld missions, Fireteams may not arrive on time for support requests

Company Orders:
Abydos Base - You have command of a single company, which is tasked by it's captain to man the Abydos base full-time, with rotating leave. This occurs automatically, without voting.

Platoon Orders:
Cartouche Missions - The platoon on this duty will take recon missions to the addresses on the Abydos Cartouche.

Fireteam Support - The platoon on this duty will be stationed at Abydos to act as a support team on missions that radio in for additional firepower.

Establish Offworld Outpost on [planet] - The platoon on this duty will take a medium-term mission to a previously explored planet that has an Opportunity on it to study, mine, or otherwise manage it.

Assault [planet] - The platoon on this duty will be sent to raid a known enemy world.

Squad Orders:

Cartouche Missions [address] - The squad will take recon missions to the addresses on the Abydos Cartouche.

Deep Recon [planet] - This squad will take a deep recon mission on a previously explored planet.

Study Site on [planet] - This squad will provide protection for a short term scientific study of a previously explored planet with an Interest on it.

Diplomatic Engagement on [planet] - This squad will act as delegates or ambassadors with known neutral or friendly aliens on their planets.

Infiltration on [planet] - This squad will gain intel on enemy operations on known enemy worlds.

Assault [planet] - Squads can't do this unless assigned together with other squads, or platoons. More flexible on the offense.

Scientific Focus:

Establish Offworld Outpost on [planet] - The lead scientist believes this site may have vast opportunities for research. Necessary to exploit a Knowledge-oriented Opportunity.

Study Site on [planet] - The lead scientist believes this site may be useful for research purposes. Have to provide squad escort.

Present Theoretical Papers - This division's studies have produced papers that can viably be disseminated to the public, with some obfuscation of the source. Costs 2 Knowledge, improves Earth technological level, might increase U.S. Stability.

Present Practical Advancements - This division's studies have produced tangible new advances that can be disseminated to the public. Improves U.S. Power, might increase U.S. Stability, might increase Steam. Costs 1 Power and 3 Knowledge (theoretically behind penalty).

Develop SGC Assets - This division's focus on project advancement has borne fruit. Currently might produce anything, but chances are good that based on current research it will be energy related. Costs all knowledge, more equates to greater success chance. Failures refund the cost and may give more knowledge. Success will also likely result in improved Earth tech and U.S. Power/Stability.

Study Alien Technology - This division focuses on captured alien devices in an attempt to determine the theory behind their function, or at least the practical use of it. Needs unstudied Power (currently 2), generates Knowledge, lessens the chance that captured alien devices backfire if used.

Reverse-Engineer Technology - Ambitiously attempt to determine the theory behind alien technology with destructive research. Needs alien Power (currently 2), very likely to generate more Knowledge than study, might explode (or worse), might immediately result in Steam, loss of Pressure, or a significant increase in U.S. Power.

Hammond's Desk:

Request funding [Steam X] - Ask the President for more money. He'll expect more from you, too. Grants a chunk of Steam immediately, increases Pressure gain for a while.

Request manpower [Companies X/Platoons X/Squads X] - Ask the President for more men. Easier to part with, harder to maintain security. Grants more teams in your command, but may trigger oversight, or information leaks, if you overuse it.

Request additional nuclear devices - Ask the President for more bombs. Grants a boost to Power, increases Pressure a lot if you have more than one of these at a time.

Have more experts read in [Steam/Pressure] - Ask the President for permission to headhunt more people for science divisions. Get a science division, either by squeezing your men a bit to fit them on payroll, or in conjunction with a funding request.

You can request each item multiple times, but additional manpower and science divisions quickly run up against diminishing returns due to the strict needs for secrecy during the Cold War.
You use Companies to man permanent offworld sites or organize large invasions. Platoons are used to project a lot of power in one place or do significant mapping expeditions, but they're not very friendly looking, and are unwieldy with gate travel. Squads don't have a ton of firepower, but are pretty hard to pin down, and make good diplomats and recon teams.
Science divisions should rarely, if ever, have no active project. If you have inactive teams, you don't need more.

Please format votes in the following way:
[] Monthly Plan: Title
-[] [CA] your approach
-[] Platoon/Squad/Science Division nickname : Assignment
-[] Platoon/Squad/Science Division nickname : Assignment
-[] Platoon/Squad/Science Division nickname : Assignment
-[] Hammond's Desk options
-[] Hammond's Desk options

Well, I'm not going to say you were solely the ones that caused all this. The USSR got some very unfortunate quiet rolls, despite me giving large bonuses to keep OTL on the rails. I guess they're social democrats now.
If the entire Earth in ITL ends up as a giant Norway in terms of social and economic policies (with a sprinkling of progressive libertine policies) I will call that a mild win.

Wow just wow and Europe sucks
Fuck the ex-colonizers.
Let's help industrialize Africa and India.
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giant Norway in terms of social and economic policies
Big Centrist Energy, but also
Let's help industrialize Africa and India.
The untapped potential of these regions could be more then enough to ward off the Goald. The continent of Africa could give birth to many powerhouse nations as well as house a population of a couple billion. On the other hand India already has millions and it's trending to billions in the future. The problem is adequate tools at the nation's disposal which industrialization could solve. Just set up some clean nuclear reactors and engineering programs to train/ manage personnel and then we'll zoom.
So, I wrote something up.
Comments appreciated. (honestly, I am not sure I got it correctly, pls correct me if I got it wrong...)

[] Plan: Double Time
-[] [CA] Harsh - Lose steam, take up to four offworld missions, gain bonus to Fireteam effectiveness
-[] Sunchasers: Cartouche (NR8-D6O) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] Snake Charmers: Fireteam Support
-[] Guardian Angels: Cartouche (E76-8OT) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] Fourth Interplanetary: Fireteam Support
-[] SG-1: Study Site on Andana (A7E-OKR)
-[] SG-2: Cartouche (NR7-8ZW) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] SG-3: Deep Recon "Retirement Fund" (Z2P-7DQ)
-[] SG-4: Cartouche (OQF-3Y7) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] Unknown Element: Study Alien Technology
-[] Rainbow Bridge: Study Site on Andana (A7E-OKR)
-[] Relative Space: Study Alien Technology
-[] Zig Zag: Establish Offworld Outpost on "Zombie World" (AU6-M5K)
-[] Request Additional Manpower [2 Squad]
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ROLL - Goa'uld Info: 100! (As a former slave world and a people with a fierce independence streak, the Andanians possess quite a trove of oral tradition, written accounts, and even an abandoned Ha'tak construction site)
Out of everything we could get the 100 on, I think this is the best options(I really like this world, it just keeps giving us good stuff)

[X] Plan Consolidating Gains
-[X] [CA] Normal - Regular operation conditions with three offworld missions
-[X] Sunchasers: Cartouche Mission NR8-D6O
-[X] Snake Charmers : Fireteam Support
-[X] Guardian Angels : Establish Offworld Outpost on Retirement Fund
-[X] Fourth Interplanetary : Establish Offworld Outpost on Retirement Fund
-[X] SG-1 : Study Site on Andana
-[X] SG-2 : Deep Recon on Andana
-[X] SG-3 : Deep Recon on Retirement Fund
-[X] SG-4 : Cartouche Mission NR8-D6O
-[X] Unknown Element: Study Alien Technology
-[X] Rainbow Bridge: Study Site on Andana
-[X] Relative Space: Secrets of Zeus
-[X] Zig Zag: Establish Offworld Outpost on Retirement Fund
-[X] Request manpower - Companies 1 [Garrison on Retirement Fund]

So this plan is mostly us using what we found last turn.
I sent our best recon/diplo team to explore a new world
For Retirement Fund, the base is for us to start mining, SG-3 is good at dangerous terrain recon, and I figured the guy who cant crit fail would be a good choice on a dangerous world like this, also I ordered a company to protect this world
I sent some right people to study to Goa'uld site, I think Sam's ability should let us understand it better

@Powerofmind I wasn't sure if i picked the right study option for the Goa'uld on Andana, and to make sure, the outpost will let us mine and research on retirement fund? Also, since it was announced that the mountain has a huge store of rare metals, the President wont mind us basically claiming a resource world

So, I wrote something up.
Comments appreciated. (honestly, I am not sure I got it correctly, pls correct me if I got it wrong...)

[] Plan: Double Time
-[] [CA] Harsh - Lose steam, take up to four offworld missions, gain bonus to Fireteam effectiveness
-[] Sunchasers: Cartouche (NR8-D6O) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] Snake Charmers: Fireteam Support
-[] Guardian Angels: Cartouche (E76-8OT) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] Fourth Interplanetary: Fireteam Support
-[] SG-1: Study Site on Andana (A7E-OKR)
-[] SG-2: Cartouche (NR7-8ZW) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] SG-3: Deep Recon "Retirement Fund" (Z2P-7DQ)
-[] SG-4: Cartouche (OQF-3Y7) - Unknown Cartouche world.
-[] Unknown Element: Study Alien Technology
-[] Rainbow Bridge: Study Site on Andana (A7E-OKR)
-[] Relative Space: Study Alien Technology
-[] Zig Zag: Establish Offworld Outpost on "Zombie World" (AU6-M5K)
-[] Request Additional Manpower [2 Squad]
too many different world, your going to 7 different world
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