Ah, I don't use it for voice, I use it for rhythm and grammar. Because I'll overlook a missing word or the like if I already know the feel of the paragraph or sentence.

Whispering is a solid idea that I haven't tried yet, but soon I will add it as another tool to my arsenal!
It can be pretty creepy when considered from the perspective of someone who doesn't know what the fuck you're actually doing. Imagine you stumble on a random dude who's staring at a screen and muttering nonsense to himself, pretending to be multiple people.

"You betrayed us, Zidhas."

"Hmph. You're so amusing, John. It's what makes you so lovely. You're the ones responsible for your betrayal. I merely acted in accordance with my nature, as I said I would."

"E-Even so... To think you'd go through with it... Jason trusted you!"

Like, what the fuck, right?
Blurb Library updates! This one contains certain Broken Kaleidoscpe advancements potentially available to Gisena as well as some further Techniques of the Imperial Praxis. Much of the content is here, but the full versions are on the Patreon for Foremost+!

[ ] Autumnal Glare - A Remittance of the Broken Kaleidoscope.

Bright the leaves of flashing folly,
harsh and bare autumnal light:
Smiling bone and curling holly,
Withered now on scales of blight.

The wielder becomes a master of all formal and quantifiable systems, instinctively anticipating the future developments of any milieu from the scholastic to the social. Grants 75 Manipulation, Wits, and Intelligence +s. Treachery to them is as effortless as breathing, the bio-electrical dynamics of the sapient mind no more mysterious than the simplest of arithmetic equations.

Should the wielder never have encountered a formal magical system which they were eligible to employ, they will be initiated into the Signs of the Diagram, granted Sigil, Battle and Grand Diagrams for one of the Ascendant and each of the lesser Signs. In conjunction with their improved Attributes, grandmastery and attainment of the Logos ought not be far beyond them.

If instead they have encountered such a system, they will be granted access to and proficiency within that system to at least a level equivalent to the above; greater if they are already proficient, stretching the bounds of that system if necessary. For Gisena Allria, these would be the Foremost Runes employed by the Arcanist and Augustine Mirellyian, now usable extemporaneously and without the context of a containing Grace. This ex parte authorization also grants her the status of a Foremost Maker.

It should not take long for the Nullity Sorceress to replicate the Lady Protector's feats and more, given her superior medium of findross itself, though the rate of consumption given limited supply will continue to be a notable constraint. One Maiden-prototype can only produce so much findross, after all! But perhaps that is a problem her enemies could solve...

The wielder experiences a tendency towards passivity, stasis, indirect action and gradual decline, which can be mitigated somewhat by internal passions, but most effectively by external factors. They may de-activate Autumnal Glare to uproot this tendency, but the crippling loss of Wits and Intelligence - the world illuminated then plunged into obscurity - is too much for most wielders to bear.

[ ] The Fruit of Discipline - Imperial Praxis, 1 + 7 Praxis Picks / 25 Arete. Requires Imprisoner's Refinement: Flood of Runes.

....Is Strength.

The wielder can seal his abilities temporarily, conserving their power in the present to burst forth with spectacular dominion during the hour of reckoning. The longer and more severely his powers are constrained, the deeper the well of their might upon its awaited release. See the chart below:

Sealing Magnitude (each step grants one point): 25%, 50%, 75% and -0.2 ISH, 99% and -0.5 ISH, 100% and ISH set to 1 or 0
Sealing Duration (each step grants one point): 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 century, 1 millennium, 1 million years, 1 billion years...

The wielder must commit to a given level of Sealing Magnitude and Duration in advance; holding the seal after the Duration is reached yields no further benefit, except for delaying the moment at which their true power is unleashed. Time spent within atemporal spaces does not count towards the Sealing Duration.

Points accumulated are distributed between Duration and Potency. Duration determines the length of time for which the wielder benefits from increased power; potency determines its magnitude.

Unleashed Magnitude (each step costs one point): 2x, 8x, 8x + 0.1 ISH, 16x + 0.2 ISH, 32x + 0.3 ISH, 64x + 0.4 ISH, 128x + 0.5 ISH, etc...
Unleashed Duration (each step costs one point): one microsecond, one second, one minute, one hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 century...

To begin with, the wielder may seal any one Attribute at a time. Composite Attributes such as Might and Charisma must use their components. With practice and further Advancements, the wielder may seal greater concepts such as All Attributes, Rank, Advancements, techniques of the Imperial Praxis and so on.

I reserve the right to adjust this technique if it becomes narratively unworkable.

[ ] The Lunarch's Scepter - A Remittance of the Broken Kaleidoscope.

Who wields the scepter governs temporal might; and this scepter, issued on behalf of a higher power, grants all the object of one's governance that might be desired. A knife-thin rod of silver and amethyst that allows its wielder to exemplify all the strengths of her species, talent or station.

The Scepter's chief ability is the Amplification of Greatness, which vastly increases the Attributes and capabilities relevant to one component of the wielder's identity. For example, towards an ordinary human with no particular specialties the Scepter might amplify the attributes of their human identity, creating of them a preternaturally skillful hunter, rhetorician, administrator and technologist. A Sorceress might put forth her human identity, or the Graces of the Maiden, or the title of her noble station as valid aspects to be uplifted; but the Scepter may always and ever only emphasize one.

Therefore, even free of mental or spiritual influence, so long as its prospective user desires a nuanced or multifaceted identity, they must be cautious of its overuse - for no lady is her title, just as no monarch is their crown, or Praehihr their Implement.

No matter how much they might desire otherwise.

The augmentation of the Scepter is as comprehensive as it is redoubtable, but it is wiser to shift between varying areas of emphasis lest one fall into the trap of monomaniacal focus and emerge into sanity only after one's flanks are crippled.

*Use of the Scepter on a component of one's identity may improve up to four aspects of that identity, each themselves no broader than an Attribute, in the following ways:

Stage I

*Add the equivalent of 25 Attribute +s to that aspect, then elevate it by 0.5 on the Infinite Singularity Husk, and improve its resistance to hostile or absent meta-ontologies to 75% (minimum 25% accounting for enemy action).
*For aspects broader than a single Attribute, instead add the equivalent of 10 Attribute +s, then elevate it by 0.2 on the Infinite Singularity Husk, and improve its meta-ontology resistance to 50% (minimum 20% accounting for enemy action).

For example, one who directs the Scepter towards 'the human identity' would receive its attenuated bonus towards their Mighty, Agility and Prowess, and its full bonus towards their Manipulation, Wisdom and Intelligence, and would find the value of these Attributes, even in eldritch or hostile environments wholly inimical to logos and human prospering, to be not much less than their value on Earth. They would at once become a fearsomely superhuman tracker and warrior, a stunningly persuasive orator and socialite, and a majestically capable leader and inventor capable of propelling humanity across centuries of technological advancement.

As one uses the Scepter, its focus sharpens and power narrows, intensity heightening like moonlight through crystal. After one lunar cycle applied towards a given component, the Scepter instead grants the following bonuses:

Stage II

*The Scepter may target only three aspects of the chosen component, but now grants 50 Attribute +s, 0.5 ISH elevation, and 90% (35%) meta-ontology resistance. The conceptual barriers constraining the aspect weaken. Even within earthly physics, an inventor of this ability could well create a gigawatt-level reactor in a cave from a box of scraps.
*Affected aspects broader than a single Attribute are truncated in scope to that of a single Attribute.
*All aspects (Attributes, abilities, skills or otherwise) un-augmented by the Scepter suffer a 5% malus to their baseline and +s.

One who directs the Scepter towards a single component for three or more lunar months instead receives the following bonuses:

Stage III

A prospective wielder with no identity whatsoever would find the Scepter's attenuated Stage I applied to all of their Attributes and abilities, with no escalation possible. For those without such blessed void of nirvana, one had best discern multiple viable components of one's identity - or develop them with speed.

The target of the Scepter's enhancement may be switched once per lunar cycle, so long as the final stage is not reached.
Hm, being able to save up strength during normal times and then disgorge it during an Apocryphal Proc would be very useful... The trouble would be guessing the timing!

The Broken Kscope remittances are very cool. Downsides are serious, but not as bad as I expected - unless, of course, there are additional costs to attaining the Broken Kscope beyond the ones specified in the remittances themselves, which is perfectly possible.
Hm, Autumnal Glare and the Scepter's side effects strongly suggest some sort of really nasty mental flaw is common to all of the Remittances Gisena could grab here, so I'm sticking with my current vote.

Like ImperatorV just thought of, there's a good chance BK has side effects itself.
Silver of Evening makes the Sealing Praxis option very good. Slap down two stages of Apo-Mitigation, seal an attribute to 99% for the day, and then wait for Apo to activate. It's not terribly difficult to afford the 8x+0.1ISH unlock level.

Risky, I admit, but feasible with careful preparation. The real trick would be if Apo didn't activate for another three weeks, during which you're stuck walking around at 1% or 0% of your actual STAT value.
So, Autumn....

[ ] Autumnal Glare - A Remittance of the Broken Kaleidoscope.

Bright the leaves of flashing folly,
harsh and bare autumnal light:
Smiling bone and curling holly,
Withered now on scales of blight.


This ex parte authorization also grants her the status of a Foremost Maker.


The wielder experiences a tendency towards passivity, stasis, indirect action and gradual decline, which can be mitigated somewhat by internal passions, but most effectively by external factors. They may de-activate Autumnal Glare to uproot this tendency, but the crippling loss of Wits and Intelligence - the world illuminated then plunged into obscurity - is too much for most wielders to bear.

The Glare of the Accursed could fry anything that messed with Seram's mind; naturally the glare of Autumn isn't nearly as potent. Also not surprising that Autumn's glare would grant the Logos/Diagram, immense skill at treachery, and skill with formal systems. Pretty clear this is Autumn from EFB, same as past mentions of Winter.

That Autumn's glare gives Foremost Maker and applies to Foremost Runes also draws more links between EFB and Simple Transaction. I'm more confident than ever that the Tomb of The Netherine held a Foremost Builder. And don't forget the "archiac runes" aka Foremost Runes in the palace where the fates lived.

This power, in addition to granting some of Autumn's power over formal systems and Logos, also grants some of his personality (passivity, stasis, indirect action and gradual decline). Not ideal, but maybe Gisena could become the next Autumn? Or Autumn's heir?

The mention of "blight" and gradual decline mentioned at the same time reminds me of the Furthermost Reaches
[ ] Blight - ...

*The Waning - All wonders diminish in time. So long as you live, the magic, spectacle, and overall greatness of the realms in which you abide will continuously lessen over the years, become progressively more mundane and dreary. You yourself will diminish as well, the reach of your powers shortening year-by-year, strength of will sapped by a steadily mounting passivity and ennui that gives way to despair.

Is Autumn responsible for the slow decay of the Voyaging Realm? Seems unlikely given how weak he was. But perhaps he has more powerful cousins, or that he's merely a pallid reflection of some infinitely greater power of decay/waning that is slowly dragging the multi-verse down.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence. But themes of decay have been basically omnipresent so figuring this out is critical to unraveling the mystery of the Voyaging Realm.

There's been quite a bit of talk about how the voyaging realm and all connected realms are slowly decaying.
The Glare of the Accursed could fry anything that messed with Seram's mind; naturally the glare of Autumn isn't nearly as potent. Also not surprising that Autumn's glare would grant the Logos/Diagram, immense skill at treachery, and skill with formal systems. Pretty clear this is Autumn from EFB, same as past mentions of Winter.

That Autumn's glare gives Foremost Maker and applies to Foremost Runes also draws more links between EFB and Simple Transaction. I'm more confident than ever that the Tomb of The Netherine held a Foremost Builder. And don't forget the "archiac runes" aka Foremost Runes in the palace where the fates lived.
I think somebody broke the balance of the Voyaging Realm.
Remember Foremost Makers are humans, who apparently are really gifted but prone to passivity and decline (and depression as Dien noted). We also know from AST 0 that they produce findross.
The Stewards(elves) as the name implies are supposed to keep the Realm from declining and withering and probably manipulate the other two castes
My guess is that the Heroes(orcs) are supposed to keep the passion of the Makers so they don't wither to nothingness. Their ability to reproduce and use findross seem to point that they were designed to alwasy be complementary enemies/rivals of the Makers.

This is just a hypothesis but I think it fits.
(each step grants one point): 25%, 50%, 75% and -0.2 ISH, 99% and -0.5 ISH, 100% and ISH set to 1 or 0
Sealing Duration (each step grants one point): 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 century, 1 millennium, 1 million years, 1 billion years...
Unleashed Magnitude (each step costs one point): 2x, 8x, 8x + 0.1 ISH, 16x + 0.2 ISH, 32x + 0.3 ISH, 64x + 0.4 ISH, 128x + 0.5 ISH, etc...
Unleashed Duration (each step costs one point): one microsecond, one second, one minute, one hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 century...
So we can earn up to five points via Magnitude and then variable amount via Duration. On the other hand, we can choose between long term burst and combat burst.

Long term burst would be something like 2x Might for a year, which requires full sealing(5pts) for a month(4pts). Combat burst would be something like 32x + 0.3ISH Agi for a second, which requires full sealing(5pts) for a day(2pts).

General timescale of the quest makes this very awkward. That and being unable to store unsealing and having to work with lesser stats until you want to unseal.
Silver of Evening makes the Sealing Praxis option very good. Slap down two stages of Apo-Mitigation, seal an attribute to 99% for the day, and then wait for Apo to activate. It's not terribly difficult to afford the 8x+0.1ISH unlock level.

Would a mere two stages of mitigation suffice to handle the Apocryphal Curse when Hunger only has 1% and -0.5 ISH of his Agility or Might (or worse, Intelligence!?)? She could simply attack that very day, even if she's weakened Hunger himself would be dramatically more so.

Still, there is substantial value in even low-tier Unleashed Magnitude and Duration; given Hunger's speed an 8x Agility boost for one minute could well be decisive against many foes. Similarly, 8x Might plus Seal of Ruin allows one to contain enemies that might otherwise be staggeringly more powerful. Even 2x Agility for a minute is a pretty good trump card with fairly minimal cost - certainly cheaper than getting enough AGI +s to manually raise Hunger's speed to that level.
I would prefer a version if Fruits of Discipline more akin to the slumber ability we have. Even if weaker.
Turn on Armor of Midnight, get Sleep of the Just which increases durability when sleeping, activate Silver Apoc mitigation and get into Nova's cockpit to sleep.
1 hour duration + 1 Point
99% reduction + 4 points
GG no re, ez
Would a mere two stages of mitigation suffice to handle the Apocryphal Curse when Hunger only has 1% and -0.5 ISH of his Agility or Might (or worse, Intelligence!?)? She could simply attack that very day, even if she's weakened Hunger himself would be dramatically more so.

Still, there is substantial value in even low-tier Unleashed Magnitude and Duration; given Hunger's speed an 8x Agility boost for one minute could well be decisive against many foes. Similarly, 8x Might plus Seal of Ruin allows one to contain enemies that might otherwise be staggeringly more powerful. Even 2x Agility for a minute is a pretty good trump card with fairly minimal cost - certainly cheaper than getting enough AGI +s to manually raise Hunger's speed to that level.
What makes it bad(or at least very awkward) is that you can't "store" Unleash. So say you go "I will nerf my agi for one day to get 8x minute". And then you do that. And then you keep your stats nerfed for two months because you can't just store the proc.

And you need to either take very severe downsides(basically losing ruin or speed) that make saving them over longer period of time and multiple engagements very difficult, or take them for completely unfeasible amount of time(as month is already pushing it given the timetable of this quest). You can't just go "I will completely seal Ruin for a year" because that is just not safe so you will naturally gravitate towards much weaker "i will save for a day" choices, which are just not good enough to justify spending 25 Arete on this instead on literally anything else.
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The burst will pair really well with the realm of night. Seal our strength there and we can have a month long burst till the next time we enter the realm.
... @Birdsie @DarkSideBard , you're mad.

just how many words did you write in support of your favourite Haeliel boons?!

It was, I think, close to the lenght of the whole quest!

Haven't read the omake yet (As i said before, I'm still some 450 pages behind the actual updates for the omake), but daaaaaaaamn.

..I kinda want to skip ahead and read all the Kazuma/Gabriel subquests...

eh, maybe later. At this point I'm close enough to catching up that I might as focus on that, and go back to the omakes later.

By the way, If I was there at the time, I probably would have voted Favor+Guidance.

OaF 2 is a LOT of immediate power AND potential in ALL fields, And we basically immediately unlock OaF III at the cost of OaF II (and so on for following OaF upgrades) guidance gives ordinal access to Gisena and, through her, to the whole party (I imagine Gisena would go with a generalist build, avoiding to specialize in a specific ordinal but instead taking as many as possible. She has the mental stats to manage all the different skills, after all), plus the obvious value of advice from an experienced High Cursebearer.

In the end I wouldn't take the "defensive" boons for one simple reason: Power begets power. If we're stronger, we can face bigger challenges for less risks (or the same risk for bigger rewards), which obviously leads to an acceleration of our growth.

Also, as other have said... well, geass save would help once, maybe twice in this quest? I prefer something we can use more often.

It's one of the reasons I was so tempted by the Noonday 5th sign, even as it was just that much weaker than armor of midnight. We could have used that MUCH more often!

At this point I think I'd give up on Catherine. It's either we resurrected her as soon as possible, or only at the epilogue, as she'd simply be too outclassed to keep up if we waited for much longer (unless we took something like companions of the king, I suppose).

Also we kind of already have enough female companions at this point. Letrizia and Gisena are enough for me.

so... I think Guidance and Favour are basically the equivalent of about 3 EFB, maybe a bit more.

OaF 2 (and easier unlock of the following ones) is worth AT LEAST 1.5 EFB. Ordinal Spiral is an EFB by itself for Gisena, and a moderate 7 arete option for the rest of the party, even if they only develop, say, the first 5 ordinals or so.

And Guidance (ordinal counted separately)..yeah, It's probably a 12 arete value at least.

so, to me, we're paying 50 arete to get the equivalent of (35+25+7+7+7+7+12=93 arete).

Obviously just a rough personal estimate, but we're basically getting a massive upgrade to Hunger and Gisena, a few small upgrades (low level ordinals) for everyone else, and the advice corner itself.

And to that we have to add that the Ordinal Spiral is actually a magic system that we can TEACH in the Human Sphere, if we want.

Lots of valid uses for it too. Conjure and Elements can be used to boost the economy. Examine might help to learn/analyze ancient Foremost tech, including the Armaments, and understand how they work.

Teleport can be used for logistics, especially if it works on interplanetary distances.

Terrascape... well, anything from improving towns, to training grounds.

Nexus I think allowed for the development of rituals, which could then be used by other ordinalists.

And so on.

...ah, right, the reaction!

as always I didn't react to the library blurbs. I'll just say that while I really like Biannium, I don't like Face Card much.

A categorical "you'll never get above the third stage of any magic system" is just SO annoying!

...I suppose there ARE ways past it, though. For example, if you learn enough magic systems, you could learn the basic rules BEHIND their working, and create a new magic system above them all with only three stages of progress!

Basically, if a magic system includes the "become omnipotent" spell as its first stage (or, in this case, one of the first three), do you REALLY need to go above that?

I had already reacted to the EFB interlude, so I can proceed to

ok, after peace was reached I'm, like, 99% sure Favour+Guidance won.

As it was my favourite combo, I'm pretty satisfied.

Lord Hunger spoke his wishes, and the Seraph nodded once. Then her power poured forth, a limitless ocean as to shatter all bounds, surging might that climbed ever-higher as if to engulf the universe entire - for what was this dismal place but a speck of a sliver, infinitesimal before that angel's eye, the regard of Heroism Itself which was potential attained and in all ways exceeded ad infinitum? Even this ocean, which to him appeared to encompass all realities that he could or might ever conceive, paled before the infinitely vaster strength that Haeliel bridled still, contained for fear of annihilating him by mere exposure, fury and grandeur such that the scarcest reflection seared his mind even to contemplate-

The fever dream broke, and time resumed, power beyond reason rewoven into a handkerchief the color of the Seraph's hair, which appeared wrapped around Hunger's right arm.

Haeliel smiled softly. "Go forth, my Hero. You, who have wished only for even greater burdens, should bear them with pride."
Yeah, a good (and positive) interpretation of our request.

Hunger shall bear the burden, so that his companions won't have to.

It might even be true, and not just be that we wanted the power (and the handkerchief) all for ourselves!

...will Gisena be jealous? I wonder what she'll see in that handkerchief...

Still, I don't think there's much better we could have done for our 5th panoply slot than a symbol of favour from an High Cursebearer.

Hunger, still bowed, returned her smile. "Stop by and visit at any time. I'd like the others to meet you, once they can withstand it."

"Then you must ensure they keep up," She teased, "For I am only ever growing stronger! Now that I've imparted you my favor, I expect you to join our ranks someday."
but of course!

And yeah, we should remember that Haeliel is, above everything else, a progression-type cursebearer.

She's infinitely stronger than us, but that doesn't mean she won't grow even stronger in time!

..I'm still wondering if it's theoretically possible for a cursebearer to catch up to the Accursed and/or surpass him...

...Damn, I want Gisena to meet her! It would be hilarious!

She laid a hand lightly upon Hunger's head, who shivered at the touch, and made to depart. Swiftly her form dissolved into motes and clumps of pure radiance, soft warmth transposed with the sharp brilliance of Glory unconstrained.

Hunger stood, touching the kerchief once, before returning to work.

Haeliel's favor appeared to the eye, and all mystical senses, merely to be a handkerchief of exceptional materials and design - yet held an ineffable presence that all but declared it was something greater.
Gisena: I don't get it, to all my senses and graces it appears to be just a normal Handkerchief! That's not possible!

...nah, she wouldn't show her distress, I think. And she already got a peek at the Lathe of Heaven, so she KNOWS just how far the power-scale goes.

Defying every conceivable method of supernatural accounting, and yet somehow supernatural nonetheless. That was one way of impressing the object's importance onto even formidable observers, while to the common folk it might seem a relic like any other, perhaps even debatably so.
mh.. makes sense. To the most powerful beings, the ones used to know and understand such things at a glance, the sheer dissonance between what their magics and their instincts tell them would certainly make them cautious, which easily explains the apocryphal mitigation it offers.

To its wearer, no such ambiguity existed. It emitted a bone-deep, soul-deep radiance, something like light and heat but invisible to the mundane perception, an echo of an impression of the Seraph's notice which declared, you can be more. The weight of that impression settled on him like a mantle, and he felt the power of Progression itself stir in response, augmented by its presence, shifting into a higher calibre to reinforce his every word and deed.
or, in other words, we got the ISH bonus from OaF II.


Gisena walked by the room, turning to greet him. "Afternoon, hun! Aww, you healed yourself without telling me?"

She pouted, gliding closer to examine his features. "How strange. Your wounds are all gone, but that grimly sullen expression hasn't changed at all!"

If she was at-all bothered by the kerchief's invisibility to her mage-sight, Gisena gave no indication whatsoever.
oh, come on, I want her to comment on it!

the matter-of-fact way in which she reacts to our being healed is still funny, but then again she saw much worse.

Like that time we came back to her as a ghost :p

"Of course it hasn't. I know you're a fan," Hunger deadpanned. "And it wasn't my effort that healed these. The Accursed sent me a... sponsor because he was concerned that the Apocryphal Curse would soon end me. Interventions such as these are extremely costly, so we've got to take full advantage of this forewarning and prepare."

"Naturally I wouldn't let you die," Gisena said breezily. "Though you do seem... mightier in some indescribable way. How dashing! I assume your sponsor has already departed? And they left you with this cute kerchief? Hmm, should I be jealous?"

"Do as you please," Hunger grunted. "So long as you work diligently on the former, you can indulge the latter as much as you like."

aaand the banter is back.

I'd normally say I missed it, but Haeliel distracted me enough that I honestly didn't feel it's absence yet!

Also isn't Hunger just so generous, giving her permission to be as jealous as she wishes to? :V
"So imperious," Gisena said, laying dramatically against his desk. "It sounds like you've got much to do, and too little time in which to do it! How fortunate, I just happen to have the perfect solution for that."

"I'm listening."

Me too! what is it? Time related powers from ring or graces, maybe?

Gisena smirked. "Oh, were you expecting it for free? Even Kings don't receive such exquisite answers gift-wrapped. Shouldn't you reward your poor overworked Princess Regent first?"

"It's customary to issue rewards after the task is completed. And you call me imperious. I've got a Curse, what's your excuse?"

"Well, I'm spoiled?" Gisena cocked her head. "And it really is a wonderful solution. You're getting off cheaply by any reasonable expectation. After all, even an emperor must pay respects to the Sage!"
Ah, right.

She's spoiled.

That's certainly equal to a Curse (capital C) from the Accursed, how could I overlook that?!

ok, you get half the compliments and headpats first, and one princess carry later. If it's beyond our expectations we can discuss further rewards.

If you're really nice we might introduce you to our sponsor, she knows this one magical system which you'd certainly love to learn... :whistle:

Hunger closed his eyes. "If your solution is as wondrous as advertised, I would not be opposed to any reasonable favor. Explain and you may be able to name your price."

"You absorbed Augustine's power, which has been percolating ever since..." Gisena began, tapping a finger on her chin. "She was able to compress days, maybe even weeks, of preparation into a single hour. Had any results digesting it?"

"Nothing so far," Hunger frowned. It had been a while, unnaturally long for his Ring to process a defeated foe's mythos.

"I performed some calculations with the Truth aspect of the Azure," she said, flashing her own Ring. "You should be able to fully manifest the power you received on the night of the new moon. Which just so happens to be tomorrow night!"
Wait, is this the Pillars proc?

NICE! I thought it would be further away!

Also it's always admirable and praiseworthy how Rihaku explains the reasons behind our gaining a specific advancement from the enemies we defeat.

So, the explanation for Pillars here is that we're basically copying/learning/improving upon Augustine's methods of gaining more time to prepare... I wonder, did she actually have a pocket dimension, maybe related to the Primordial Earth instead of ours being related to the Evening Sky?

"That's it?" Hunger asked. "How do you know this power will be relevant to our situation?"

"I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise," Gisena smiled. "Trust me, you'll find it wonderfully appealing. The real difficulty will be deciding, what to do with the time you're given? When that decision is upon you, don't forget your favorite Princess!"

With her mysterious assurances complete, Gisena departed to work on her research, while Hunger turned his attention to the matter of Nilfel's platinum reserves.
..she's fishing for a 3-weeks vacation in heaven!

...well, it's not like it wasn't our plan anyway. Hunger REALLY needs to relax a bit, so we can take it a bit easier in the Evening Realm.

Empowered by the Seraph's favor, he was confident in at least one solution - he could chip 'pieces' off of the Walls of Myth surrounding Nilfel and infuse mundane platinum with the same, though the details of distillation would be a substantial technical challenge. However, a quicker and dirtier solution now presented itself: with the kerchief expanding his abilities, and the Ring of Blood already operating at a heightened Rank in its chief domain, he could simply use his own blood as a vehicle of essence to infuse the platinum in question, with the Ring manifesting the desired result so long as he could afford to pay the cost.

He would be diminished thereafter, but it was a small loss in comparison to the power Haeliel had granted him; nothing that was unrecoverable with time, and unlikely to make the difference in any serious fight. There was something to be said for discharging his obligations to Adorie swiftly. While he was at it he could grant his companions a sympathetic blood-bond to himself, such that it would be infeasible to physically harm or slay them without overwhelming the regenerative power of his Ring.
ok, so we can either use the Walls, or our blood.. maybe we'd lose a bit of rank from that? or some stats?

It's not exactly clear what the cost would be, though it's at least stated to be much lower than ISH regression.

Perhaps he might even deplete a greater portion of his essence, sprinting for the Sixth Empyreal Sign? But he was not sure Adorie even had that much mundane platinum on hand, to say nothing of the other risks.
if only we got access to the Ordinal Spiral, all we'd need is to have one of our party members pick the metal element!

Sadly it seems like the Advice corner won't be an immediate thing.. hopefully she'll come back soon, we could definitely use a few Ordinal spells (mostly for utility rather than raw power, at least at the lower levels).

Also can you imagine just how happy Letrizia would be to get access to ANOTHER magical system?

Gisena too, but she isn't the "I'm a Wizard, Hunger!" girl!

Hunger sighed. Haeliel's favor had opened vast realms of possibility, avenues of research with the Ring of Blood alone that would take years to fully explore. But his foremost priority at the moment had to be the upcoming Apocryphal event, which meant familiarizing himself with the effects of the kerchief on his basic abilities in combat.

As it turned out, it augmented every aspect of his person in battle, from strength to Rank to his techniques of the Praxis; but every aspect included finesse and ease of control, so he hadn't needed training at all to utilize these enhancements in the heat of battle. He almost felt bad for continuing to trounce the teenagers after coming to that realization.

mh... 1 rank was mentioned, at our rank levels, to be enough (all else being equal) to COMPLETELY decimate an opponent.

I wonder how much ISH would be needed for the same. I think 0.1 might be enough, actually, in which case I might have underestimated just how GOOD it is when it was first offered.

Yeah, the teenagers are by now hopelessly outmatched. Then again, it's still doubtful if we want to invest too much in them, as we don't know just for how long they'll follow us.

Aeira, at least originally, was in it just for the money. Aobaru has his own quest to pursue, so we'll have to either go our separate ways or follow him on it at some point.

Gisena is the only one I'm completely confident will follow us in the longest-term, and she should be able to keep up for at least a world or two, and likely more if we spend some arete on her semi-regularly and/or get her access to new magic systems.

Letrizia.. I'm not sure.

I trust she'll stay on our side for the whole of our quest, but once she gets back to her lands.. won't she have other duties, as a noble AND pilot armament? and, in the long term, she probably wouldn't want to leave this world.

I think that, in the longest term, we'll probably leave her as the new empress once our geass quest is over and we have to leave for another universe.

I suppose that giving her some extra power wouldn't hurt though. Even beyond the value in the short-medium term, it will help her after we leave.

mh.. Would we even want to bring Verschle with us in the next world? Thought for later I guess.

Before him, Aobaru groaned, and Verschlengorge fell over limp, its mythic armor-plating now badly graven and scarred. Repairs would be a matter of hours, but luckily Adorie's magic engineers were highly attentive and diligent. Letrizia clambered out, picking her way gingerly across Verschlengorge's battle-scarred expanse, while Aobaru turned on his other side and emitted a second groan.

It was a beautiful day in Nilfel.

Eh, if we can still defeat Verschle AFTER he's been completely repaired, THEN I'll be satisfied.

For a short time, at least.
"How am I supposed to compete," Aobaru said. "You weren't even using your Rank that time. What sort of Chosen One am I supposed to be?"

"To be fair," Hunger mused, "Theme park managers don't often engage in combat."

Aobaru, my dear boy... don't overestimate yourself. We're a cursebearer progressing a hundreds of time the usual rate of progression.

You never stood a chance! You don't even your chosen one powers unlocked yet!

Letrizia hopped down, poking Aobaru with a foot. "Hey, it's not so bad. Versch thinks you've been getting stronger. Just because you can't compete with Lord Hunger's rate of growth, doesn't mean it's unimpressive!"

"Thanks," Aobaru said flatly. "I really feel better about myself now."

"I get it, it's a lot of pressure," Letrizia frowned. "But there's no use moping in defeat! You've just got to rise to the occasion even if you don't feel ready! If you had to fight someone on Lord Hunger's level you would be dead already. Just worry about your mission and the entity hunting you"

"Not everyone can be the Duchess Artriez," Hunger remarked. "A prodigy from childhood in the piloting of bio-mechanical war machines."

ehi, He's a prodigy of the Surgecraft magic! Probably the strongest one known yet (except for Hunger, but he doesn't count!)!

that's equally impressive, if not more!

Suddenly he perked up, drawing his Blade again as a party of humanoid figures de-cloaked several kilometers from them, gunnery arms pointed at that very Duchess. Exerting his Pressure to defend the teenagers, he rushed over to the incursion site, where the very first figure - a construct of azure metal and ceramic, man-sized but bristling with stub turrets and missile racks - had begun to aim in Letrizia's direction. Against the influence of his Pressure it moved as if through molasses, and he easily severed the offending arm before disabling its counterparts.

Only now were they beginning to register his presence. A single punch and the Power of Ruin shattered the exoskeleton of one suit. The men inside he extracted swiftly, and quelled his blood into unconsciousness. The magus accompanying them, a young woman with hair in braids of neon pink and green, was only halfway through her warning shout before they were laid all at his feet.

He dispatched the magus with a pommel-strike, holding his strength to leave her alive for interrogation; and, keeping them recumbent with his Pressure, took an example of both man and suit as he returned to Letrizia.
...well, that came out of nowhere.

So, Republic Kill team with magus prisoner/ally. Maybe the divinator of that old blurb? I think she was mentioned to be a Fairbright.

...wait.. Republic kill team + fairbright... will Lucent Thorn make an appearance as well? That would be 2 of the not-picked Apocryphal procs from that old update... If I remember right he others were a contest of primacy for the rings, and..

wait, let me check

ok, in order

1)we already killed Bearic

2)We already killed the Rotbeast

3)We just defeated A Republic kill-team + mage. Gisena might be able to learn something from examining the prototypes.

if 3 was the actual apocryphal proc right now, it was a bit disappointing.. then again we DID just become THAT much stronger through OaF II...

4)Lucent Thorn might be on its way. Gisena is supposed to be the target. Unlikely to be a threat unless in the hand of an actual Fairbright though

5)We'd probably notice if a contest of Primacy was started

And of course, other things might be happening. Maybe the proc is waiting for us in Voyaging City, or in Letrizia's duchy.

well, let's see what Hunger can get out of the would-be-assassins...

"These men just tried to kill you," He said, placing the captive on the ground. "Look familiar at all?"

Letrizia paled. "That armor... a Republic Armor Prototype. Looks like one of their newer models, bleeding-edge tech! They sent a Voyaging Realm kill-team against me... why? How would they even get this far in?"

"There was a magus accompanying them. I've disabled them for now. Aobaru. Go get Gisena."

"On it!" The boy sprinted away, twin jets of Vigorflame propelling him at an impressive velocity.

"Unless they're hardened against social influence to an absurd degree, Gisena will break them trivially," Hunger said cautiously, "But if one kill-team can find you, what's to say there won't be another? Re-locating might fail to shake them, in which case our best option would be to meet them head-on."

"Even their strongest kill-teams should be no threat to you, Lord Hunger." Letrizia said firmly. "But if they bring Procyon, or any other Armament..."

..yeah, the kill teams themselves are definitely not a threat, but an Armament.. I don't think we're quite to that level yet.

It would definitely be AT LEAST a 4 pick fights, even with OaF 2. Maybe a 5 picks.

If we get to prepare, we should be able to win though. We need the time to don the Armor of Midnight, and then we can go hard with Artful Thorn, Cut Through and Deathly Star. Maybe summon an ally to fight against the armaments as well.

..yeah, I think that with preparation we should be able to win, but if they got us by surprise... probably not.

and we can't teleport the whole party away! We can take 4 people with us, so... Hunger, Gisena, Letrizia, Verschle, Aobaru.

yeah, I suppose we could leave Aeira behind, with her stealth she should be able to hide, and Adorie should not get involved anyway.

We might want to talk to Aeira about this, by the way. She's simply the best suited to be left behind if we need to escape, and she can just wait a day or two for us to come back in stealth mode.

"It's possible," Hunger said. "Armaments have an advantage in navigating the Voyaging Realm. For all we know this was the reconnaissance arm of a larger attack, set to break shortly after. In that case, they've likely stalled against the Walls of Myth, but who knows whether those can hold against a full-strength Armament."

"Tsch." Letrizia sighed. "The timing couldn't be worse. Versch is nowhere near fully recovered, and even his auxiliary armor now needs repairs. Not that he would stand much of a chance while injured against a properly-maintained Procyon."

"Nilfel is the most defensible land we've come across," Hunger stood, eyes scanning the horizon. "If we have to fight, we'll fight. I'm confident I can withstand an Armament, at least defensively, with proper forewarning."
Yeah, they really chose a bad time for us. Verschle is not at full strenght, but it can still play support at least!

Well, it could, if it we didn't damage it again..

If we could just hold out for a day.. then we'd get access to the Evening Realm, and 3 more weeks to prepare! That might be all the edge we need against an enemy armament, especially if we can exit the Realm with all our buffs active.

..maybe we might want to teleport away, leave Aeira behind, and hide for a day? We risk leaving an Armament to attack Nilfel though.

"It's not just their Rank," Letrizia said worriedly. "The effects of that Rank are magnified enormously by their Shroud, and then you have their Curse-specific abilities as well... How could things break down like this? I've been gone less than two months!"

"Their raw strength and speed will be an issue as well," Hunger continued, "If they can move quickly enough to be relevant at interstellar scales, and destroy flotillas by hand. But I have more than a few tricks of my own. You needn't be worried. I've directed my growth in ways to counter Armaments for some time. I should be able to hold my own. In some ways it's exciting."

"If they're coming for someone like me, then that almost certainly means war," Letrizia said. "And not just a border skirmish, or they'd have just left me lost in the Voyaging Realm. Assassinating a Duchess and an Armament Pilot... diplomacy must have broken down completely. And there's no way they'd go against an Armament without deploying one of their own, because who knows how badly Versch was hurt, if at all? Hunger, you don't have to do this."
Of course we do!

It's the job your'e paying us for! Hunger's word is his bond, after all.

Letrizia is right to worry, but she IS underestimating us.

Which makes sense. She hasn't seen us use Deathly Star and the Armor of Midnight yet, after all, and admittedly if we only had our previously shown powers (rank, edeldross, stats, first 3 signs) + the ISH boost from OaF II... yeah, that wouldn't be enough.

She also didn't really get to appreciate just how broken Artful Thorn, Refinement of Quickness, Cut Through and our rank-difference debuff are against stronger enemies!

Well, the Apocryphal was hard at work. We'll have quite the interesting situation to go back to, once we reach the HS.

"Of course I do," he scoffed. "Have you forgotten? I'm your bodyguard, hired at tremendous expense. Once this is over, I intend to collect."

Letrizia smiled sadly. "Who ever heard of a King playing guard to a Duchess? Well, don't take all the glory. You still have a theme-park manager to raise, so no heroic sacrifices, okay? Besides, even if I fall Miss Gisena will surely find some way to bring me back."

"Your surfeit of faith in Gisena is disturbing. But all right. If it comes down to that exact decision, I'll sacrifice you to save my own hide. A mercenary bodyguard is still a mercenary."

"Hmph. I'll hold you to that!"

..well, at least we have her permission.

She's still underestimating us, though. She's basically broadcasting how she doesn't think we have a chance!

..whic his totally understandable, as Hunger has never shown even half the power needed to face a full-strenght armament.. but we can do this!

ESPECIALLY if we can gain just one day of time for Pillars to proc.


Live, and grow strong. Time for that resolution to be tested. Gisena confirms what you'd already suspected - War in the Human Sphere, and an Armament well on its way to finish Letrizia.

mh.. Without Haeliel this would have indeed been a hard challenge. Not impossible, but REALLY hard.

We might have faced it by, saying, summoning a "As Above" boosted astral being to fight the armament, or using a boosted Deathly Star maybe.

We could have teleported away, running and leaving one party member behind, but that would have meant leaving Nilfel vulnerable if they decided to take it hostage against us..

I think we would have had to run away, and hope that the 3 weeks in the Evening Realm could cover the difference, and after that maybe ignore them and try to reach the Empire as quickly as possible...

well, next vote will definitely be interesting.

I expect a "cast armor, go fight" option, a "summon support" option, and a "run away and wait for Pillar Proc" option.

Also, maybe a "get Nilfel's armies to support you" option, but they might simply be too outmatched to add anything beyond, maybe some support depending on the magics they have access to.

2678 words
You've reached the first Omake War, I see, back in the ancient days, before the CYOA Alliance was ushered into being... Those were dark, but beautiful times.


not so ancient, really.

It's what, 4 months ago?

I really want to find the time to read the various omake though (I really did enjoy the first Gabriel omake, by the way, which I think was the only omake you posted before the omake war), but at this time my priority here is get through the last 300 pages of updates.

by the way you're only my SECOND favourite bird writer right now! :evil::p
What makes it bad(or at least very awkward) is that you can't "store" Unleash. So say you go "I will nerf my agi for one day to get 8x minute". And then you do that. And then you keep your stats nerfed for two months because you can't just store the proc.

And you need to either take very severe downsides(basically losing ruin or speed) that make saving them over longer period of time and multiple engagements very difficult, or take them for completely unfeasible amount of time(as month is already pushing it given the timetable of this quest). You can't just go "I will completely seal Ruin for a year" because that is just not safe so you will naturally gravitate towards much weaker "i will save for a day" choices, which are just not good enough to justify spending 25 Arete on this instead on literally anything else.
I think should Gisena develop some precog/future modelling capabilities then it can definitely be worth 25 Arete, but currently Gisena is swamped with things to do anyway and we don't have other ways to foresee confrontations ahead of time.

I think it will be good eventually, even if it remains Apocryphal bait; it's just eventually in this case means "not in the foreseeable future".

EDIT: Also Fruits of Discipline may finally give us an incentive to pilot an Armament; we have no idea what the Praehir bonus for using them even is and losing 99% of out power doesn't matter if we are just using the mech's stats anyway.
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Hmm. We've really gotta come up with some strats for Hunger or this shit is going to be really rough.
  • For Dien to be consuming entire star systems worth of people, surely there must be traces of such actions in the Republic's databases or among their committees. Could we attempt to seize relevant figures or locations with a lightning fast attack and interrogate them to get a better understanding of Dien's plans? Or at least any unusual disruptions in the logistics of the Republic indicating missing worlds? If nothing else, it would give the boss an excuse to loredump about the Human Sphere's economy :V
  • Perhaps we could summon an Astral Denizen and ask them for information on the location of the Republic's Armaments on the basis that we're likely to destroy them since they're probably very helpful assets for Dien and their pilots are irrevocably hostile to us. Maybe even hitch a ride, using whatever method to Sovereigns use to randomly ambush them.
  • Make his actions public and start leveling serious accusations against the Republic on whatever the Human Sphere uses as the Internet. With a few propaganda actions (like destroying his megastructures, maybe healing the sick and Ennobling worlds etc.) and our existing commitment towards peace, we could cause some serious disruption within their power structures and maybe pressure the leadership into turning away from Dien. Or at the very least, maybe get a few to defect. Either way, with Hunger's absurd charisma and genuine heroism, we should at least be able to disrupt the Republic.
  • Pressganging some analysts from the Republic to put together the pieces with whatever information we get might also be helpful. I don't think either Hunger or Adorie are familiar with the Human Sphere but between superhuman intelligence and Ennobled specialists, they should be able to manage.
  • We could try unleash blood plagues that use human beings as asymptomatic carriers targeted specifically at Dien/Ruhuk biology and essence. If they're sufficiently virulent, then maybe they'll spread across the Republic in time to leave Dien a fun surprise when he attempts to expand into more systems.