The Interface would be well-suited to Gisena.

Potential ***** - Given time and practice, an intelligent wielder can harness its implicit and emergent capabilities alone for comparatively immense, rapid and comprehensive growth up to a reasonably high level of the ISH.

Gisena is certainly intelligent.

I'm not sure what a "reasonably high level" ISH is, but given this power was considered balanced for combat Cursebearers we can assume that reaching High Cursebearer even with this power is unlikely. There is also the fact that Haliel, a High Cursebearer, is described as having "power beyond logic", which is hardly a "reasonably high level".

There are combat types in the High Cursebearer ranks though, and she does have Hunger along with 75 arete-equivalent invested in her. At the very least this would insure that she stay relevant for quite a while, which I like.

But it breaks the ring, and maybe breaks her personality. I don't want her to turn into some power-optimizing machine. 50 arete is also a pretty huge ask.

It's less obvious whether this is the "mid game" or the "late game". The long term goals like ruling for 50 years, or defeating a multiverse-spanning conspiracy by the Hidden ones... those might be outside the scope of this quest.

Ruling 50 years can be done with time-skips, Rihaku covered a couple thousand years in Most High. I don't think time-skipping over billions of years while Hunger powers up to Hidden Ones level would work though. A single time skip straight to the final battle would work, but having like a dozen timeskips up to that level and having them all be narratively meaningful would be tricky.

Actually fighting the Hidden Ones is impractical but an arc where Hunger fights a pawn (of a pawn, of a pawn...) of the Hidden Ones could happen. This may already be planned; having the Hidden Ones be in some way partially responsible for all the dead Foremost is a good 'surprise' twist, since it gives Rihaku the opportunity to drop hints about the Hidden Ones and hype them up.

Hunger's greatest enemy in the narrative is the Apocryphal curse. If you look back, you'll see that this current activation of the curse is the Apocryphal giving it 100%, the most it can do without overstepping its bounds. "It's time to marshal all your grit, all your credibility and ingenuity to craft a scenario truly interesting... ". And in the original Apocryphal voting option, "The challenges this presents will usually not be beyond your ability to overcome, but very occasionally you will be forced to dig deep and discover whether you are truly worthy of the Accursed's mantle."

So a possible ending is that Hunger wins here, gets another Apocryphal mitigation, and is declared worthy of the Accursed's mantle. There will be further Apocryphal activations but Hunger has made it past the dangerous early stages and proven he can handle them. Time-skip to the epilogue where he beats the Hidden Ones and gets his wife back, the end.
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ok, now I'm free and awake, and can continue! I wanna see which cursebearer won!

All things considered, my current pick would likely be either the 50 arete Haeliel (though I wince a bit at the price tag), or the Imperial Praxis user, though they're objectively all good. Committed version for the cheaper ones, obviously.

As for the uses of Haeliel... well, resurrection of Catherine is a must, simply because of characterization. I can't really imagine a Hunger that can get his wife back, at NO RISK, and refuses the chance.

Other than that... probably ordinal spiral, because I think it would synergize pretty well with Gisena, and even just the lowest levels would be very good power multipliers for the rest of the party. And if we take the Sign that boosts intelligence, well, that synergizes even more.

Also there's a not-zero chance of us getting access to chrysopoeia that way (maybe through attainment?), and I'm kinda curious of how it would interact with Rank/Accretion, as they DO share some similarities.

I'm Also curious if we can combine ordinal spells with our other powers. For example, say, Terrascape with Evening Realm, or Teleportation with the teleportation sign. Or fire element with Vigorflame, the inventory spell with Heavenly Tomb...

Even at a mortal's rate of learning (and, still, a mortal with above average intelligence, especially if we take the boosting sign), Hunger could likely learn the first few spells pretty quickly, and then, as always, he can get more in battle.

On a slightly related note: I saw in the comments how the cursebearer association is basically thanks to a lesser wish from patreon.

Personally I kinda dislike the thought, though very slightly. It just feels like it cheapens the narrative a bit.

Still, Rihaku understandably wants to make some money out of his work/hobby (whichever it is of the two, not sure. It's a pretty nice sum), so I don't really have much room to complain, or really want to. I said it here, I won't bring it up again.

And it's not like I didn't enjoy the update anyway, after all :V

ok, now the reaction.

Lies the Crown

What was the Fifth Sign of the Empyrean unlocked at the cost of so much treasure?

oh, so it's already fifth sign time? I'm actually not sure which of the 4th one won, let me check...'s not written anywhere!

Last tally was 29 to 21 for Deathly Star vs Veil of Grandeaur, but it wouldn't be the first time omake power had the less voted option win...

Well, I'll assume Deathly Star won for now.

The Limit Break attack, AND the 4th sign of the Evening Sky.

I liked the Noonday sign more, but oh well.

Maybe there's a good utility sign here...

the tally was 28 to 21
[ ] Fifth Sign: Procrustean Valor [Noonday Sky] - In uniformity, is fungibility. In uniformity, is cohesion. In uniformity, is order.

In uniformity, is strength.

Before the glance of Noon, each photon is equally swift and equally purposeless. So too with those that crawl beneath, not swift but purposeless still. Concern yourself not with the harshness of the sun at your back; look forward at what its illumination reveals!

Casting time: Passive
Activation speed: Thought
Duration: Permanent, Special
Cooldown: None
Reagent: Health

At any time the wielder of this Sign may activate its effects to copy over one Attribute of their enemy during a contest in which that Attribute is highly relevant. Only contests with substantial stakes may qualify, with about the same degree of freedom as defined by the Ring Hunger.

The character suffers physical damage proportional to the difference in final values between their Attribute and their opponent's. One Attribute may be copied per contest, and copying persists for the duration of that contest.

Eligible Attributes include: Might (Str, Con), Agility, Intelligence, Wits, Charisma, Appearance (will also cause wielder to steal their opponent's appearance), Protection, (Effect) Resistance*, and Luck.

*Such as Adorie's resistance to existential diminishment

Ineligible Attributes include: Wisdom (Locked for safety reasons, can be forcibly unlocked but severely not recommended), Manipulation (A fundamental flaw of the Sign; it seems to lack the finesse necessary to even conceive of such a thing)

Only Attributes whose final value is no greater than 1000 +s may be copied over in this manner. Final Attribute values are copied over without being subject to further modifiers. Attributes fade upon completion of the contest in question.

*Equalize in stats, then crush them in Rank!
*Prevent yourself from being speedblitzed as long as you have time to process a single thought!
*Defeat strange outlier-tier enemies with outrageously high Luck, Charisma, etc, should they appear.
*Prevent unfair 'symmetrical' field effects from screwing you over!
*Withstand the colossal Might of enemy Armaments!
*Hunger is mostly immune to the downside, as his massive physical durability, quick regeneration and wound penalty negation make physical damage less relevant. Worst case he can go Second Stage.

...ok, this one I REALLY REALLY like.

We can basically copy an enemy's strongest stats for the duration of the fight!

Just imagine how TRIVIAL this would have made the fight against the Armament Fish, for example, if we could have copied his Might!

And it even synergizes (please don't be offended, I swear it's not a bad word!) with our health regen powers!

And it's passive/thought-activated!

Whenever we fight ANYONE who's better than us in at least a single stat, we can simply copy it! A great equalizer that brings us to the enemy's level AND THEN ABOVE THEM THANKS TO RANK AND OUR OTHER POWERS!

Are we facing a mage? copy Int.

Are we facing a shonen hero? we can probably steal Luck, they usually have lots of it.

An Armament/Kaiju? Might!

A tank? Might and/or protection!

SOCIAL CONFLICT? CHARISMA (though, admittedly, ours is probably higher than most challengers we'll face anytime soon, but who knows)...

Yeah, I really REALLY REALLY like this. It makes most fights against specialists of one stat much easier, and helps against anyone who has even the slightest edge on us.

Against Gisena, for example, we could steal Int and Cha.

Against any boss/ 4 pick fight: Start with Deathly Star/Artful Thorn, steal their best stat, and in most cases we already won.

And with this being thought activated it makes for a good last-second save in many cases. Never be speedblitzed! Never be outsmarted! Never be outlasted!

Again, LOTS to love from this one. And I like it much more than the Armor of Midnight we saw before, because it has no cost and can be used all the time!

[ ] Fifth Sign: As Above [Vast Empyrean] - The most foundational of sorceries wields the most fundamental of principles. That is all.

Required for Tenth Sign: So Below.

Unlocks [ ] Feat: Orb at an identical Arete and picks cost to Feat: Crown. Offers an impressive +.125 Base Rank, which is fully affected by Rank Gain modifiers.

Casting time: 12 hours
Duration: One Spell
Cooldown: 1 year

Reagents: Reagents of value sufficient to acquire the Fifth Sign by the wealth absorption method, or burn .1 Rank.
The caster's next Empyreal Sign is treated as if upgraded when cast. If their Rank would be lower than 10, elevate it to 10 for purposes of the casting. For example, Supreme Enclosure would be cast as Bring to Heel with an Astral Rank of 10. Does not affect Passive Signs.

Halve the Reagent cost of this spell and reduce Casting time to Instantaneous if performed on the summer or winter solstice of the caster's native world, or a world sufficiently similar. The Voyaging Realm qualifies, though winter solstice is far away...

*I probably don't need to advocate for this option, given the ludicrous power and versatility it represents.
*Mind the costs, though. And the cooldown...
*Somewhat synergistic with your high +Rank gain % build, though Rank is not easily won in this world.

mh.. an interesting option. In some ways even better than the previous one.

first of all, I'd like to point something out: We can probably use this in the Evening Realm, feeding the cloak with reagents from the Evening Realm to speed up the casting.

After all, while we can't bring anything we create OUT of it, that doesn't mean we can't use it while IN it.

We might even be able to create enough money to unlock the sixth sign, actually, though that would likely be something requiring either some level of mastery, or some arete, or both.

My point is that, while maybe not on our first evening vacation, we'll probably be able to boost a spell for free at least once every vacation, and more if we use them in there to train.

Maybe we can even manipulate the Realm to be in a perpetual solstice, though it probably doesn't qualify as "similar enough"...

The annoying part is that we can't actually choose WHICH spell to boost. It's automatically the following one.

Also it comes with the second Feat of the new trinity, giving us another way to get even MORE rank relatively soon, right after we finish Fisher King for the extra rank bonus...

Now, let's think of possible ways our signs could be boosted.

1st sign: Nightmare Flight

[ ] Nightmare Flight [Evening Sky] - As sudden and total as the onset of night.

Casting time: Fifteen minutes to charge
Duration: Once charged, persists up to 24 hours or until used
Cooldown: Until Next Evening

The caster and up to four additional individuals immediately teleport to any location under the same sky. The location must be familiar to the caster. Can pierce wards created by lesser magics. The Empyreal Signs sit only modestly below the Royal Praxis in potential power, though such is difficult to realize...

Can act as perfect defense against attacks of insufficient range / area or spatial penetration, should the caster react in time. Allows the traversal of far greater distances in the Voyaging Realm than the Noonday version of this sign.

well, the obvious possibilities are that it will either allow us to teleport more people (which means we won't need multiple teleportations to bring a bigger party with us, so we won't need to leave anyone behind), maybe it could allow us to teleport enemies away... and, maybe, just maybe, it would allow interdimensional teleportation, or teleportation to places we HAVEN'T been (or scried) before.

For example, say, Letrizia's lands? Or the Astral Realm?

This might very well allow us to bypass the Voyaging Realm's defenses, AND allow us to teleport between the Human Sphere and Our VR Kingdoms easily and cheaply.

Of course we don't know exactly which of these boosts are likely to be applied, but at least one of them is very likely I think.

...ok, I JUST noticed the 1 year cooldown for this 5th sign. THat's annoying, and pushes me a bit more towards the noonday sign.

On the other hand, it also means the boost is likely to be greater than I expected. a teleportation directly to Letrizia's lands with our whole party sounds like something we could DEFINITELY use, though it has to contend with the other possible uses.

2nd sign: Bastion of Myth
[ ] Second Sign: Bastion of Myth [Evening Sky] - Ineluctable and unconquerable as a neutron star; merely to approach is to be bent into his sway. Hostile gravitation finds little purchase against such deeper might.
Synergy: Hero-Defeating Stance - Doubles the effects of Hero-Defeating Stance in all parameters. Hostile Rank greater than the caster's has its respective difference halved, then halved again. Increases Rank by a total of +0.4 (does not stack with Once and Future). Discounts Once and Future by 2 instead of 1. Grants additional commensurate Might, Agility, and Wisdom.

Casting Time: Instant Upon Acquisition
Duration: Permanent

If this counts as passive, we can ignore it. but technically it's not defined as passive, but as "permanent, with instant casting upon acquisition".

Could we maybe cast it again, and so get a higher bonus from it?

If so, it means we can get some extra power from boosting this. Still, the "1 year cooldown" makes this a bit hard to justify any time soon, especially as we don't know just what the power boost would be like.

3rd sign: Supreme Enclosure

[ ] Third Sign: Supreme Enclosure [Evening Sky] - The Luna Conquerer extends his reach, and within his grasp finds clutched a minion or servitor from beyond the arc of the physical.

Casting time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 Lunar month or until dispelled
Cooldown: 1 day after dispellation

Summons an Astral Entity of Rank no greater than the caster's own, minimum 7. The entity is incapable of directly harming the caster but is otherwise free to act, unless binding negotiations are entered into. If so, then both caster and entity will be bound to said conditions by the power of this sign; the summoned entity is by default unaware of this, but sufficiently powerful or capable entities may have means of making themselves aware. Entities can be dispelled by slaying them, or by waiting out the duration of this spell.

The summoned entity will tend to be useful for the caster's current short- and medium-term purposes, but this is not always the case. Their powers, tendencies and skills can vary wildly. Take care that you do not call forth what you cannot put down.

I don't remember where the Bring to Heel upgrade was showed, but it was basically "you can use this on Astral entities not summoned by you to take control of them, and you don't have to pay the Astral entity for their services".

So, in other words, we could summon a rank 10 astral slave. I think it's obviously tempting.

4th sign: probably Deathly Star

[ ] Fourth Sign: Deathly Star [Evening Sky] - 'Such force as to reduce entire worlds to ash, a pantheon-slaying strike of truly foremost malice.'

Casting time: Five heartbeats
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: Until Next Evening

The obverse reflection of Augustine's supreme offense, absorbed and now reflected by the Cloak of Sky. This is an onslaught of sheer destroying force that strikes across every level of the physical and conceptual gradient, targeting Health as well as the target's Attributes, both fundamental and emergent. Virtually no defense short of perfection absolute can shield against all the vectors by which this strikes. Cancel the apocalypse by marshaling power greater still.

Naturally, though imperfectly, scales with the caster's Rank. An attack that will almost never be irrelevant by virtue of its immense destructiveness, stellar precision and comprehensive scale. Theoretically useful even against Armaments in a direct contest.

I'm not really considering this one. Sure, it basically means our limit break will be even stronger.. but as we can only use the boosted spell ONCE PER YEAR, and it AUTOMATICALLY BOOST THE NEXT CASTING WE USE... it means we'd have to NOT use the signs at all to keep the super-ultimate ready.

Now, admittedly we'll probably not use summoning that often, but this means that, until the time we want to use the super ultimate, we won't be able to use the "normal" ultimate (deathly star) as well.

Or the teleport.

Or the Summoning.

Basically we need to either decide to actively NOT use the signs until necessary, or have enough forewarning (and no cooldown active) to prepare.

Ok, so, if we take this, I think we basically have a solution on how to leave the Voyaging Realm, possibly going as far as to reach Letrizia's territory in a single teleport with our whole team. After that... well, next time we could either summon an astral slave, or maybe recast the 2nd sign's boost, or prepare the super-ultimate.

Or, potentially, boost any sign we unlock in the future.

Definitely a good choice, all things considered... I THINK it's a good choice if we don't take the Imperial Praxis cursebear, actually.

I imagine the Imperial Praxis could offer protection from the Voyaging's realm defenses against mage extradiction, but the other two either can't (Hubris All Might) or shouldn't (I refuse to wish a lesser wish from Haeliel on this!).

So, In my opinion this sign offers an easy solution to the "how do we leave the VR" problem, and in a year (so after a timeskip) we get to use it for something else.

Like, say, before declaring war on enemy armaments in the Human Sphere, and destoying them with a boosted Deathly Star, for example.

Or summoning a Armament-level Astral being to permanently control.

[ ] Fifth Sign: Armor of Midnight [Evening Sky] - The Cloak of Sky is the heavens and all their intervening vastness unfurled, yet that which was the Shroud of Evening has not forgotten the form of its predecessor. He who dons the Armor of Midnight becomes nigh-invincible to harm or ill, for the aegis of his panoply is as vast and unconquerable as the universal void.
Returns now the Evening Sky - not merely of twilight, but of all darkness, king!

Casting time: 10 minutes
Duration: 8 hours
Cooldown: 1 week

Reagents: If below Rank 11, burn .1 Rank, otherwise burn .01 Rank.

The wielder is nigh-invincible. Treat his Protection as effectively infinite for purposes of defending against any form of harm incapable of destroying the entire universe, otherwise treat his Protection as increased by one thousand. Non-damaging hostile conditions and unwanted esoteric conditions have their impact mitigated by three orders of magnitude or by a degree appropriate to the effect if it had attempted to target all interplanetary space within the entire universe, whichever mitigation is greater. This grants effective Stage II mitigation of all Curses while active. Returns the appearance of the Cloak of Sky to that of the Evening Sky while active; the disguise function of Skyveil may not be used for the duration.

*The Fifth Sign: Taking five Signs of the Evening Sky alone unlocks a moderate (for the Empyreal Signs) bonus, or, you may choose to defer until seven Evening Sky Signs are acquired for a major bonus.

*Rank burn is rough, but this would allow Hunger to tank even the Curse-unique Ultimates of most Armaments without their Shrouds and even some inside their Shrouds.
*Could also be used alongside Refinement of Quickness to intercept cosmically destructive blasts that would otherwise harm those you care about, or simply to project an air of invincibility that cows most opposition, extinguishing the possibility of dissent in their minds.
*More useful, though much more expensive, in truly dangerous situations than Procrustean Valor, though one does need forewarning to set it up. Still, the top end of Procrustean Valor is the Armor's barest minimum...
*The Evening Sky set bonus is fairly good but not worth compromising your build over, if you believe the Armor of Midnight to be a suboptimal pick. The Fifth Sign represents a substantial fraction of your total Sign-related power, and its careful selection should not be overridden for reasons of moderate synergy. The set bonus is roughly equivalent to half the benefit of a Third Sign-level spell.
*A major set bonus could have an impact on every Sign picked before, but who knows how long (if ever?) it will take for Hunger to get all the way to Seven Signs, and all of them Evening Sky


ok, Armor is a slightly better option now that we know of the sinergy buff from all evening signs.

Half a third sign means half the summoning, or the weather control, or the "at minimum charge +1 rank power" Pennant.

I don't think we're unreasonably far from the 7th sign, if we want to go in that direction, but that's because I expect us to be able to use Evening-Realm-generated wealth to buy the 6th sign (and possibly the 7th with enough mastery over it). Not getting to choose the 6th and 7th sign (or, alternatively, give up the sinergy bonus) is admittedly annoying though.

It's, in a way, making the "utility vs power" trade-off worse, though it does it by strenghtening the "power" side.

Now, let's consider this: Admittedly we can't use it as often as the Noonday Sky sign.

Also admittedly, this is much stronger than that.

Of course, it has a a pretty high cost for use.

This is also likely a solution to our "how to leave the VR" problem, by the way. After all, with a 1000+ protection at minimum (especially if we also take Iridescence), and Undying Vanguard possibly granting a fraction of it to our party, we can probably tank whatever the VT will throw at us once we try to leave.

This is, probably, the sign that helps with the actual conquest of the Human Sphere the most, by the way, as it's the only one that makes us nearly certain to defeat an Armament, and that can be used with relatively little warning.

The Noonday sign boost would allow us to copy an Armament's might, which puts us more or less on equal ground, but after that we have a difficult fight, depending on the match-ups between our powers and theirs.

The boosting sign would give us a super-ultimate, but it's a 1-per-year thing, which kinda makes me dislike it a bit.

This one, though.. this one, we can use relatively often, though we have to be careful to not overspend our hard-earned rank.

With all our rank-gain bonuses, this is not actually as bad as it sounds, and any fight that would have us use the armor would likely grant rank on victory.

So, all in all... I have NO IDEA which sign to pick!

I tentatively would NOT take the boosting sign if we took the praxis cursebearer, as I think he can protect us while leaving the VR, so we wouldn't need the boosted teleport to leave.

Other than that... I think I'm sliiiiiiiightly in favour of the Armor, but I can be convinced to go for the Noonday boost instead. Less raw power, but basically always active/usable and at no cost.

[X] Synthesis was the victor last vote, what will be the method?

oh, it did?

Well, let's see what are our possible solutions to the problem then.

[ ] Direct Line - With the knowledge now that an Apocryphal-influenced event is on the way, time is of the essence. There is no longer space to experiment with potentially frivolous paths of research. Instead, apply pure power to the question with overwhelming resources and might.

Requires the Fifth Sign of the Vast Empyrean.

Hunger will use As Above, burning .1 Rank, to summon an entity capable of dispensing sufficient quantities of Myth-infused platinum to run Adorie's government and replace all that he consumed. This would not normally be a practical method of addressing the issue, Myth-infused platinum being both highly specific and exceptionally scarce, but sheer weight of ability suffices to scour the field in this instance. This is more than enough to clear Hunger's personal debt and pay Aeira & Aobaru, although spending Rank for mere money is arguably the one of the worst trade deals in history...

*You pay a premium for convenience, but it's important to recognize when advantageous trades aren't a priority.
*A "good enough" solution that resolves the problem and frees up your further time and energy for other pursuits
*Expends your As Above cast for this year, as well as .1 Rank. Costly, but allows Hunger & party to orient totally towards the upcoming Apocryphal proc.
*You still effectively got the 4th Sign and all future uses of the 5th Sign for "free"
*Don't rely on chance, guarantee that you'll resolve this problem! Hunger's sense of honor will not allow him to simply renege on paying Adorie.
*Frees you to retreat from Nilfel, potentially (?) delaying the Apocryphal proc

mh.. I'm only willing to consider this if we also take the Praxis Cursebearer option, as I'd want to use "As Above" to leave the VR instead, either by using a boosted teleport, or maybe by summoning an astral being capable of smuggling us away.

Or... maybe we could instead boost the 4th sign, and use the super-ultimate on the "conceptual" defenses of the VR, if that's possible?

Even if it worked, though, it would likely make it easier/possible for the OTHER empires to smuggle mages away, which would likely become a problem for us thanks to Apocryphal, and might make it easier/possible for both the Chains of Fate enemy and the Shard to follow us in the Human Sphere.
[ ] Amplification & Distillation - As Gisena noted before, this entire realm is suffused by magic in the form of mythos. Myth-infused platinum merely holds a much higher concentration in a far stabler form. Given that the baseline essence exists elsewhere, it's a straightforward (if neither simple nor easy) matter of either distilling sufficient quantites of mythos from the external environment or amplifying the mythos inherent in objects, then extracting it and infusing it into mundane platinum. How specifically this is to be done is an extremely formidable technical challenge, since the very stuff of myth seems like something that actively opposes corporeal embodiment, much less scientific distillation, proliferation and perfusion. Still, it should hardly be beyond the bounds of Progression itself, or of Gisena's scientific insight. There's always a greater power, after all.

*Hunger & Co will attempt various means to synethesize Mythic platinum, such as by using Aobaru's Vigorflame to smelt and fortify mundane platinum while Gisena & Hunger attempt to infuse it with Myth via the causalty-warping effects of their Rings. Perhaps purified findross might serve as an adequate substitute, in which case Gisena merely needs to develop a Grace that can manifest such (not trivial). Perhaps Gisena could turn her attentions to repairing Verschlengorge in the hopes that Shroud Manifestation might be a useful tool for the purpose, even if this isn't even close to Verschlengorge's domain. Maybe they can try chipping off parts of the Walls of Myth for infusion. There are limitless possibilities!
*Success will depend on rolls with a bonus for both existing and novel tactics, as well as for relevant Attributes (General Rank, Int, Wis, Wits and Luck being relevant).
*Degree of success could vary wildly. The primary objective will be a quick & cheap solution that generates enough MYP to tide over Adorie's administration for a few months, though it's potentially possible to come up with a means of creating arbitrary quantities of the stuff.
*Will take time & energy.

mh.. I wonder, could we copy Gisena's int to face this challenge at her side if we took the noonday sign? there ARE stakes here, after all.

Still, we might not have the time to try this.

[ ] Blood Sorcery [12 Arete] - What Hunger needs now is effectively the inverse of Adorie's bloodline power: an effect that, rather than resisting existential diminishment, actively refines the essence of a material or person. This would normally be impossible to derive from current materials, but the power of the Blood Ring is not so easily denied, especially at such cosmically relevant Ranks as Hunger occupies by virtue of the Crimson Flare. Hunger can manifest a Blood Domain effect that allows him to directly invert the bloodline powers of another, even, to a degree, when this would result in elevation far beyond the target's station. It'll require a hero's determination and a virtuoso's finesse, but who would expect the Realm of Myth to demand anything less?

*Unlocked by generating sufficient tactics last pick
*This will definitely work, and will generate 2 picks. But can you afford the Arete cost at this juncture?
*Adorie will be able to generate Myth-infused versions of any object given a mundane version of that object. She can also slowly elevate a character's Rank over time, though the benefits of this ability are negligable for someone of Hunger's already high Rank.
*Requires Hunger's complete attention to buff the target safely, and is somewhat exhausting for Adorie to use, but that reduces the problem to a simple matter of keeping up Adorie's strength.
*After she deals with the current budget shortfall, Adorie will be able to mass produce mythic platinum for the Cloak's consumption whenever Hunger is able to visit her in person. Could lead to further "free" breakthroughs in the Empyreal Signs.
*Hunger can use this technique on other characters with bloodline abilities, including Surgecrafters, allowing him to either instantly neutralize most Surgecrafters with a modicum of effort, or spectacularly augment certain Surgecrafters with intense concentration.

mh.. a solution, a new power, an Adorie boost (..she ISN'T loosing her original powers, right? Or at least, the praxis-effecting part that we got from Tears!?) and 2 picks, in exchange for 12 arete.

Adorie could also maybe boost the ranks of our party members, though not Hunger himself. Maybe she could activate Gisena's rank, for example? Or help Letrizia with hers?

We can also obviously use this to possibly empower other surgecrafters (most of them are weak enough that we don't really need a weapon AGAINST them specifically), and if we come back in a few months/years Adorie might have managed to create enough magical platinum for our signs.

Actually, if she enters the Evening Realm with us, maybe she could boost mundane platinum created there? That's probably easier than outright creating the mythical platinum directly.

I'm willing to consider it. It depends on our arete reserves though. If we had 12 more after taking this, we could also take Fisher King (2 picks + 12 arete)..

...ehi, wait, Blood sorcery? Does this makes us an ACTUAL FINDROSS USING Sorcerer?

Probably not, but that would be nice...
[ ] Complete Overkill (Requires Daylian or Haeliel) - Have your sponsor intervene to resolve this problem for you. Daylian's geokinesis can summon enormous quantities of Lazulite, which by its own ineffable nature can assume a variety of functions, including the replication of a substance functionally similar to mythic platinum for purposes of the prosperity technique. Haeliel can directly intervene to guarantee Nilfel's outrageous and ever-increasing abundance for ever, or empower Aobaru to the degree that Vigorflame could smelt Mythic platinum into being through sheer supernal veracity. Of course, these options have costs and risks in their own right.

This empowering of Aobaru is tempting, though we have to remember that "small chance of death, no rerolls against it".

Which, technically, means "small chance of Apocryphal Onslaught", to which follows "moderate or above chance of game over".

I think that if we take Daylian though we should choose this.

Sure, it will have a few downsides, but we'll have to deal with his Hubris anyway, so we might as well take advantage of his powers when they're the best suited

At least I think summoning Daylian would be better than using the 5th sign to solve this instead.

2559 words
You know, there is another big brain combo we could do: SitS + Cold Light.

Now, Hour of Reckoning doubles our OaF II gains, which increase +ISH boost to 0.2, or 0.4 for war purposes. Now, this should apply to our stats too, and thank to RoP we are using Willpower for Praxis casting. In other words, we will be able to massively expand our Praxis casting pool with that additional +0.3 ish boost, which can then be used to nuke the shit out of everything with Cold Light.

As an aside, man that makes RoP so broken. +ISH on Willpower directly translating into greater Praxis casting pool is very pog.
You know, there is another big brain combo we could do: SitS + Cold Light.
Our sword is cracked which limits our praxis endurance in long engagements (and Cold Light is potentially endless as long we have the endurance ). You might say we will fix it in Pillars but here is the catch.
We have 3 weeks of time. Each week can be used to either fix sword of get picks. If we fail to fix swords in 2 weeks, we need to choose between 3rd try or getting picks (which we cannot utilize to the fullest)
Man, it's absurdly bizarre to see the sudden surge in Broken Kaleidoscope votes. Kinda disappointing too. Goes to show that when there's options to blow as much Arete as possible, people will always pick it - so long as the disadvantages of it are not immediately obvious in the text itself or definitely visible.

Where the heck was all this support for BK in Even Further Beyond? There, it didn't even come the possiblility of personality death - just Heroic Passion: Hubris, which is presumably still weaker than the Curse of Hubris and even got rid of the dreaded Spoiled (!). And all for F R E E (literally no Beyond Point cost)! It truly boggles the mind.

I really don't see the pressure to sacrifice the mind of Gisena or destroy the Azure Ring at all, particularly when we managed to save the latter from torture and non-existence after an arc consisting of 35 updates revolving around its salvation - probably around 70k words of story-content. Maybe Gisena is feeling the strain of trying to keep up with Hunger when his Progression is boosted by outside forces, but literally risking soul destruction is way too extreme at this juncture. She doesn't even have Hunger's excuse of immediate companion death to risk herself for! Shattering Blow is meant to be a last resort, not the first option - no matter who does it.

Maybe people aren't really feeling all that attached to in-story things anymore, but burning up Arete while throwing away things built up over the course of the quest seems premature. Sure, the Azure Ring doesn't have immediate relevance but it still has a will and we still chose to save it. Not even considering the fact that Artifice has produced exactly one artifact (Decimation Lens) and people are so wiling to kill it - exploiting the Ring, without its consent, just like the Temple civilization did might I add? It's just... kind of gross.

I'd much rather just buy 2 Renaissance Woman equivalents, even with my hangups over Arete being poured into companion power-levels instead of Hunger. At least there, we know it's certainly a positive thing for the character. Broken Kaleidoscope might well end in Gisena's mental death or equivalent. Gambling on such a power just seems crazy, especially when there's alternatives with the Praxis. Doesn't even seem aligned with Gisena Gang priorities at all too!

Just... so, so confusing.
Haeliel's Heroes. World of Wheels.

Theus got up, and began his routine. First, maintenance of his clocks. With the eternal twilight the disc was cast into, it was the only means of telling time. The sun's rotation was at different speeds in different spots, and varied with it's activity to boot, even if it's sheer luminosity could be overcome with the right mix of darkened lenses and refractions. So, in order to maintain his schedule at all, the clocks he'd made were completely, utterly crucial. Even taking care of the necessities of life could be put off at least for a few minutes, given how much depended on specific amounts of time allotted.

Figuring out the clocks had been quite the boon to the Kingdom of Wheeled Walls, improving efficiency in virtually every walk of life. It wasn't his only discovery, nor the most well-known, but it was the one he was most proud of. He'd found means to forge steel from pig-iron, and fold metal to avoid shatterpoints, but he much preferred to directly create machines. It didn't even matter if they were purely for creation or not. He simply preferred his works be complete ideas, rather than techniques to do something better. It made him feel a bit less inadequate whenever he looked sunward or darknessward.

The Kingdom of Wheeled Walls was a nation known for semi-mobile fortifications, perhaps taking inspiration from their proximity to what had been called the Air Wall for longer than the kingdom or any known civilization, or any civilization known to their neighbors, had existed. Two thousand kilometers high, it was clearly a vital component of the Great Disc, with their sun cresting over it and casting them and all others half in shadow. The wall provided shelter from the sweltering heat, creating a habitable zone of roughly 1000 kilometers, before a massive stretch of land where the temperature hit 90 degrees Celsius in the sun's dimmest and coldest periods, and 130 frequently.

They knew this, because there were 'maintenance tunnels' which allowed a journey of 5000 kilometers to reach the other side, where a similar band of temperate climes existed around the Air Wall, and a kingdom which traded with Steam Elementals existed on that side. The Elementals were completely unbothered by boiling temperatures. For obvious reasons, this let them exist in large numbers in the hotter band, and trade with the humans to procure things their amorphous forms made it difficult to acquire was not uncommon. Additionally, the fact that the Great Disc had been constructed by human efforts meant that they had the advantage of a continuous line of ownership, if only collectively, so the Steam Elementals were inclined to bend the trades a bit in the favor of humans to cover their 'rent'.

He'd finished his early morning rituals, and was just about to begin proper work in the forge, when he paused at the eruption of GLORY in front of his house. Stepping outside, he found a six-winged woman, bursting with Glory to the point he was conflicted over whether to fall to his knees in awe or stand tall in the face of such might as Glory demanded. After the initial eruption, she'd clearly turned it down so he wouldn't have his eyes burned out without a wall preventing physical sight from acting as a vector to transmit her majesty. "My greetings, Hero!" she somehow shouted without raising her voice, though it was happy rather than the anger he might have expected from such. Some sort of 'conceptual' effect, rather than a trick of intonation. It was not in Glory's nature to be restrained, and that apparently included volume.

He cautiously asked "Who... are you?"

"I am the Seraph of Heroism, Haeliel!" she announced, her voice booming but not deafening. He very much got the impression she was actively restraining herself from destroying... everything, from him to the entire Great Disc. It wasn't merely the echoes of Glory from before. He suspected she was more than strong enough to do it with her bare hands. "I am quite pleased to tell you, you are the Chosen One of your world, Theus Prom!" she answered.

"Some sort of magical roster picked me?" he asked, somewhat baffled. There had to be billions of blacksmiths on the Great Disc.

"Yes! Your task is to restore the billion galaxies of the old human civilization, or at least set things up for your successors." she replied.

"...No offense, but I'm a blacksmith, and a clockmaker. My social skills are barely acceptable in civilized society. I don't even know what a galaxy is, nevermind how to rule it." he replied, still baffled as to why he would be selected. Surely someone who'd actually led people would be better?

"That's where I come in! Though I oversee Heroes, I am not limited to observation alone. Even if you're not quite flame-related enough that I can augment you too much without serious risk of your death, I can provide a 675.62% bonus to your and your future Party's Attributes and a 1,170,429.95% bonus to Quest rewards, Hero." she smiled and answered the question springing to his lips. "The effects will transmit to any who you deem a Companion, for as long as you continue on your Quest. A different means of enhancement available to me will directly bolster your abilities. Your skills as an engineer and blacksmith will be further augmented, both in terms of direct combat relevance, and in terms of your current and potential mastery. Magics related to forging will also respond to you more easily in general."

"Hm..." he considered. If, after all this time, no one had restored this great civilization she spoke of, then he might as well give it a shot. With the sort of support she'd offered, he might be able to achieve his dreams of works greater than even the disc. Besides, what did he have to lose? His whole family had died of the Yellow Plague years ago, and he hadn't seen his teacher in years. He had business partners, not friends, and he lived alone.

"Alright. Why not? If nobody else is going to, it might as well be me." Theus nodded.

"Have more confidence in yourself. A Chosen One is always chosen for a reason." this smile was softer, reassuring, and then he all but exploded as power surged through him. He felt as if the raw strength flowing through his limbs ought to have triggered some sort of transformation or growth, but he did not appear any different outwardly. Meanwhile, his mind expanded. Ideas discarded as unrealistic suddenly seemed eminently achievable, as his skill in creation grew, if anything more than his mind did, the effects compounding on each other.

He stared at his hands, ideas whirling in his mind, before turning to look at Haeliel, his augmented constitution enough to gaze upon her without risk of strain, as she was still dimmed for his sake. "Thanks." he nodded.

She smirked. "Good luck, Hero." and with that, she was gone. No doubt off to explain this to another Chosen One in another world. He, meanwhile, turned to his forge. Though he'd need better tools and materials, his increased intellect gave him ideas on that front with even the relatively poor materials he had left from his most recent order. The first blow of his hammer, though none knew it yet, would signal the beginning of a new era for the Great Disc, and the entire universe in time."

AN: So, I decided to set this in a potential future where Haeliel's gotten Anita's contributions to her battery of Hero Enhancement magics, with the Job System Jobs dedicated to the enhancement and control over her Avatars. She can still do the direct buffing thing, but these magics are less likely to make the Heroes combust/explode. In rare cases, she'll do the boost she offered for Aobaru as well, which creates people capable of going toe to toe with a brand-new Combat-Type Cursebearer. If they don't die. By the way, does anyone imagine 40K's Saint Celestine but with 6 wings whenever Haeliel is mentioned?

This setting takes some cues from the Age of Strife in 40K, only instead of psychic powers becoming a thing, it was magic abruptly resurging. This wrought chaos in the strict semi-hard sci-fi society which existed, as people would gain immense power, or even a relatively minor benefit in large numbers, seemingly at random. Warlords appeared, and compounded on the damage from the laws of physics changing very slightly from magic returning as a fundamental force. Bizarre effects occurred when the technologies relying on the Unified Field Theorems either stopped working, or actively erupted in chaos and fire. HALO Ring effects, but with electronics instead of organic life with a nervous system or any real size. Mass emitting anti-gravity instead of gravity, while the Weak Nuclear Force caused atoms to fuse instead of break apart. Entire galaxies fell apart in the aftermath, and none touched by human hands were undamaged. Some of the magic beings freaked out at this mess, and attacked the humans to try and shut these things down before they ripped reality apart, which ultimately just made things worse, especially when the humans understandably became suspicious of the neutral and benevolent ones as well, which crippled their efforts to rein in their wayward kin.

The Great Disc is an Alderson Disc. A huge amount of matter, harvested from dead systems and black holes, manifested from atomic transmutation of gas giants, and generated from the principles behind virtual particles via quantum field manipulation to essentially create something from nothing, was made into a doughnut-shaped disc around a sun. The wall around the innermost area kept the atmosphere from falling into the sun, while artificial magnetospheres block the solar wind from driving it away, though the heat circulation systems have begun to fail, excluding proximity with the Air Wall because that's one of the things keeping everyone alive. The inner edge is roughly Venus' orbit from a slightly smaller Yellow Dwarf than our own sun, mostly because of massive amounts of harvested matter, while the outer edge is close to Jupiter's orbit. Even the remaining habitable zone is millions of times Earth's size. Even with most societies having only clawed their way back to Middle Ages technology only recently, there's trillions living on the ring in humans alone.

As mentioned, magic resurged, and magical creatures with it. The cold section on the edge has a lot of Ice, Hail, Cold, etc. Elementals, just as Steam, Fire, Ash, etc. congregate on the inner edge. Many similar Megastructures have similar arrangements, though a few are held solely by humans or magical creatures. These have the most frequent instances of bitter grudges regarding the other side, mostly on the latter's behalf because they don't have normal lifespans as we would understand them.

1835 Words, discounting this line.
Where the heck was all this support for BK in Even Further Beyond?
Broken Kaleidoscope did have a lot of support, as far as I recall...


Wha? I didn't even vote for it?

*rereads own posts*

So apparently I had some cockamamie idea at the time about allying with the Heroine, then giving her the Nebula Battlesuit to kill her with the backdoor.

Since we could only ever have one Magnum Opus that precluded Kaleidoscope. No idea why the thread didn't go for it though. They rarely seem to vote for my crazy ideas for whatever reason.

I'm so disappointed. :( I wanted to post, "I voted for Broken Kaleidoscope before I voted against it," but John Kerry I am not.

Edit: How do I post a vote with the color formatting again? I thought quoting would do the trick, but it doesn't seem to.
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Getting Nebula Battlesuit over Broken Kaleidoscope was indeed the most ??? we've made. Not because battlesuit was bad per se, but because it was super boring while BK was very interesting.

I don't have as much interest in this BK. However, do consider that this will likely get us faster to next level of mitigation. Getting Apo to Stage 3.75 this early would be very nice.
ok, from the preview I saw Haeliel won.

That's fine. I feel a bit weird about spending 50 arete on her, but I can't say she won't be worth it.

She'll be a good mentor for Hunger, she'll be by definition always relevant... and I imagine that, in time, we might actually unlock the "committed" version, by arete or deeds.

..I wonder, if we focused all our tools and buffs on strenghtening Aobaru (blood, graces, Vigorflame, Edeldross, put him inside Verschle in Totality...), would that maybe raise his chances of surviving Haeliel empowering him?

Also: holy fuck how is that cyoa with >37k words even possible?

I'm not reading it yet (I'm at page 1436 (Yet another simple transaction part 10) in terms of omake, skipping most reactions), but I'll definitely enjoy it once I get there.

Now let's see what Haeliel is like... A bit strange for a Cursebearer to go with ordinal purism, but maybe she had taken it before the offer itself? I suppose she decided to double down on it later on, as I find it hard to believe a cursebearer couldn't find a way around the rite.

ah, for fifth sign, considering that Deathly Star previously won, I think I'm, after all the arguments and some extra thought, slightly in favour of "As Above". Again, I'd probably appreciate any of them though.

I wonder, would "So Below" be something like "boosts all other signs on all castings automatically" maybe? It seems like a logical evolution of "As Above"

ah, I skipped the Ninefold/Interface/Lioness threadmark in terms of reaction. After all the blurbs are not complete. I'll just say I enjoyed them, and that all things considered I DEFINITELY wouldn't choose Praxis as a cursebearer for myself, simply because "each step you take in the art will be the hardest thing you've ever done", and I'd much rather choose a less tiring power to develop.

Ok, I had to go out, I'm back, I can now write this again before dinner.


The Accursed departed, saying only that Hunger's sponsor would be along shortly. Sure enough, time had not even resumed before there was a blinding flash of light, fire and glory as to sear his eye from its socket; pain, yes, but also beatific awe vast enough to drown out all sensation from that mere husk, the physical form.
Well, she's barely even appeared and we ALREADY lost our eye.

At least we should be able to heal it trivially, as long as it's only a physical wound...

Hunger re-created his eye, and the Seraph of Heroism was before him, six-winged fire and hair of the same hue, though it was not truly flame but Glory, bound to a vessel inadequate to its expression, bursting through the pauper's shell of a reality too thin to constrain it. It went almost without saying that she was transcendently majestic, beautiful, elegant and magnificent, but those mere attributes of the physical vessel paled before her Glory, reduced to its place-setting like candle-wax beneath the flame.

"Greetings, brave Hero!" She said cheerfully, extending a open-palmed hand. Her voice was clarion, sweetness and melody but shining sharpness also, an emanation of meaning that blazed through the soul. "It's wonderful to meet you! Be not afraid; I am Haeliel, your sponsor to the Cursebearer's Association!"

mh.. now that I'm thinking about it, how did the OTHER two possible choices become possible patrons to the cursebearer's association?

OBVIOUSLY a high cursebearer would be qualified, but Hubris Might was presumably still in his first world. Did he get into it out of boredom? Did they have their own patrons, once upon a time?

Also, pro tip: while we should not be afraid, we should DEFINITELY be cautious.

Also buffed to the max of our possibilities, and with our health reagen up to 11.

I wonder, would we be able to at least stand in her presence without damage if we activated the armor? It might allow us to talk to an Haeliel not quite as dimineshed as this one, though obviously the rank cost makes it very high cost..

Hunger regenerated his eye again.

I can see a trend already :rofl:

"It's an honor," Hunger said, bowing, mindful of the Accursed's admonition. "In truth, I wasn't expecting my sponsor to be as manifestly stronger as you clearly are. Thank you for inducting me. I've been told I will need your help."
Well, Tyrant doesn't stop us from being respectfull at least.

As long as she doesn't order us around, which she KNOWS not to do.

Isn't it nice, to talk with a cursebearer who KNOWS the big DON'T of cursebearer etiquette?

Don't order around a Tyrant, try to force yourself to be polite to the Wretched, give as inane a quest as you can to the Champions..

"Nonsense!" Haeliel waved him off, looking brightly around the room they occupied. "What matters power in the true consideration? A mere quirk of circumstance; just as greatness without kindness is nothing to be commended! And there's no need to be so formal here. You can just call me Big Sis Haeliel!"

Hunger regenerated his eye again.

"Oh, is this form hurting you? Sorry! I'll turn it down."
Rule of three has been satisfied.

Also yeah, this is most definitely Caroline, the heroine from Terrascape.

Or, well, a version of her. She WAS an Ordinal Purist too, after all.

At least she DID notice she was hurting us in the end. It ONLY took three popped eyes!

I wouldn't say that "greatness without kindness is nothing to be commended" though. It's still worthy of respect, at least.

After all, the Forebear was great, but I wouldn't call him "kind".

Glory receded somewhat, the light of its flames become ineluctably dimmer. The world was lesser for its absence, but also relaxed, exhalation of relief after the passing of a strain.

"See?" said Haeliel, slightly chagrined. "There's nothing praiseworthy about power, especially when misdirected. But don't worry, I'll be extra-gentle when helping you... the chance of side-effects will be definitely, absolutely minimized!!"
not minimized enough, I fear...

I'm honestly tempted to only talk to her while wearing the armor of midnight (if that won).

By the way, One of the questions I'd want to ask her is definitely about curse mitigation strategies. After all, she managed to FULLY MITIGATE INDENTURE (and the other are a VII stage!).

Did she actually serve the full sentence?

This had certainly been a humbling experience. Hunger was entirely aware that even the form Haeliel had initially presented was in all aspects an immense, nigh-unfathomable diminishment from her true face. In both behavior and demeanor she'd worked to be as approachable as possible, perhaps concerned that the gulf of power might otherwise prevent authentic expression.

That he could not withstand her mere presence spoke to how far he had yet to go. Was she simply imprecise as a consequence of a Curse, or had he failed to live up to some unspoken expectation? And, if this terrible shining apparition was her beneficence, then how fearsome indeed was her ire?

Hunger, as always, is being too harsh on himself.

Haelie is a HIGH CURSEBEARER. SHe probably went through, at minimum, hundreds of Indenture's quests, and quite possibly many more than that.

Maybe even an infinite number, who knows.

I wonder how she made peace with the idea of having to kill heroes, though. Maybe she reincarnated them away in other worlds, and completed their original missions in their place? (well, at least when they were what we'd call good heroes, and not, say, Jotarun-like heroes).

"Now, don't worry overmuch about your responsibilities to the Association," Haeliel continued. "We don't operate on a favors system or anything like that. Everyone pitches in if and when they're able. Crowning Curses are serious enemies, so stay focused on your own Progression, because the assistance we can offer is always limited. So too will be yours, when you're in my position!"
admirable. Truly admirable.

Sure, it's at least in part a case of enlightened self-interest, but who could understand the problems of a cursebearer more than its fellows?

I hope we manage to become someone's patron at some point. It might even get us some Accursed Favor, and it certainly can't hurt to have the gratitude of other cursebearers, and a good reputation with them in general.

We might be able to call for help once we decide to act against the Hidden Ones, for example.

Hunger shook his head slightly. "It doesn't quite feel right, accepting help for nothing."

"Heroes commonly have that problem," Haeliel said. "Would you feel better if I made you undertake a grand quest first, with a guarantee of terrible suffering and only uncertain promise of reward?"

Hunger said nothing, but glanced briefly to the side.
..Hunger, no. PLEASE, tell me you are NOT considering it!


"More comfortable with that?" She chirped. "It's more familiar, in some ways. But part of heroism is expanding past your comfort zone, so you'll just have to endure it and let Big Sis Haeliel completely spoil you!"

Please spoil us then, Caroline Big Sis Haeliel!
"If you want to resolve all my problems and turn this into a paradise realm, then, by all means." Hunger gestured outwards. "I know your actions here will necessarily be limited. How much freedom of action do we have?"

"Technically speaking we're not supposed to help each other at all," Haeliel nodded. "And it's even more strict for us High Cursebearers. Every time I appear, I'll be bending those limits just a little. You can think of it as having three wishes of reasonable scope. You could wish for something singular and great, or something reliable and persistent, but not both. With one wish I could resolve one Apocryphal-level event, or empower a single ally, or establish a longer-running habit of dropping in on you, though in a form even more constrained than this."

She winked. "You should choose the last one!"

I agree! It's the "ask for advice" option, right? I have so many questions!

Curse-mitigation strategies! Ordinal Spire instructions! How do you cope with having to kill heroes! Romantic advice for Gisena and our wife!
"I don't suppose I could simply ask you to simply put your efforts towards whatever's in my best interest," Hunger said wryly. "You would know better than I, O Seraph of Heroism."

That sounds like the perfect wish...which obviously means it will NEVER work.

narrative reasons, really. If we could ask THAT, we'd have nothing to vote on.

"I'm afraid not!" Haeliel said. "The reward for heroism is choice, the power to decide for one's self. Fitting, isn't it, for this privilege to also be a burden?"

"Ah," said Hunger. "So you're the one I complain to about that."

Ehi, Hunger found his sense of humour again!

"If unsatisfied with your heroic role, you can quit at any time," Haeliel said primly. "That, too, must be decided for one's self. Speaking of which, you're raising a junior Hero of your own! I could empower him very easily, as his power is derived from mine."

"Aobaru?" Hunger raised an eyebrow. "What does becoming a theme-park manager have to do with Heroism?"
Seriously, Hunger? You're going with the theme-park manager thing as well!


"His Element, the Vigorflame!" She said happily. "It's a far emanation of one of my Aspects, the Vitalizing Flame. All fires of positive valence are somewhat linked to me, but this one's more direct than most. Still, I understand if you'd rather be selfish and select my Advice Corner instead. Even heroes have their moments of weakness, especially when the alternative is this tempting!"

I'm honestly a bit surprised about this, though I probably shouldn't be.

I just thought that "imaginary element" meant that any connection to things that actually... well, exist, would be weak.

THen again, we're talking to a HIGH Cursebearer, so I should learn to revise my expectations upward, I suppose.

And honestly, the Advice Corner is VERY tempting. Even if reduced to mortal intellect, she still has a LOT more experience than us on basically anything after all.

She hasn't mentioned the chance of killing Aobaru yet, though :p.

will she go with the anime oops pose if she accidentally kill him?

"I'll think about it," Hunger temporized. "What does it mean for you to drop in more consistently? I assume direct intervention would be off the table, but would I be able to call upon your... advice at-will?"

"Not quite," said Haeliel. "We could schedule a yearly check-up or the like, but consistency beyond that would truncate much more of my latitude. Such is the nature of our kind. To beseech is a privilege, to be beseeched is a burden; that's so for heroes and Cursebearers both. I'll drop in as much as I'm able, but more often than not you'll simply have to carry on without me!"

"How dire," Hunger mused.

"There, there." She patted him on the shoulder. "It's the way of the world, unfortunately. Help the Accursed win if you'd like things to change. And now, your wishes."
ehi, I want to hear more about the Accursed's goals!

still, even with the restrictions such advice would be invaluable.

She rose above, wings flaring with argent brilliance beyond even that of her arrival, incandescence to rival even the Praxis' firmament-blue. The Praxis exposed the fundament on which all reality was founded, but this was the silver shining above; that which the real could aspire towards, were it strong enough, and noble.
As a reminder that while the Praxis is one of the best magical systems, it's not THE best one.

Just one that the Accursed made himself, and that is NOT dependent on talent, but only on effort and dedication.

For a moment - an infinitesimal briefness that was swift beyond harm - he perceived Haeliel as she truly was, the Seraph's own power fortifying his mind to contain all the fullness of Glory Itself. Light and fire and beauty that to him presented only a hearth's welcoming cheer, but he was all-too aware of its power to destroy; yet knew self-evidently that such power would never be aimed with ill intent.

It struck him then, that there was justice in the world, imperfect and clumsy as it could sometimes be. And to carry forth its banner was no shameful thing; for though it could not right every wrong, never had it been for lack of trying. And he felt his blood rise at the thought of his mercenary disposition in the past; for what did it matter, that circumstance favored the monstrous and the calculating? They who pursued virtue did not do so out of expectation of victory, or acclaim, or of any reward material or otherwise: else it would not be virtue, but expedience only.

And for all its advantages, it was not given to expedience, to summon the greatness which Heroism required.
A humbling moment. Still, even a hero knows to be pragmatic sometime, at least in worlds such as the ones Hunger lived in.

Still, when possible and not crippling, We'll try to be worthy of Haeliel's approval and aid.

We already did a good job, I think. just as an example, the Armament Fish was a good example of a heroic decision.

Nothing stopped us from going against the Lord of Stalks instead, for example, or to take an extra day to prepare against the fish (at the cost of millions of lives).

Or we could have NOT bothered to save the civilians in the temple, or risked less against the Rotbeast.

She laid a sword against his shoulder, and then against his brow; where the silver-blue flames kissed him, he felt his old wounds ebbing, lung and liver and second eye returned at last.

"Hero," said the Seraph, whose gaze was judgement but also softness, "You've worked hard."

She paused, and continued gently. "Your actions have not gone unseen. Ask freely; for though not every desire will be granted, each will be answered in its own time."


What did Lord Hunger ask?

Choose up to 3.
ehi, we got our wounds healed! We FINALLY have two eyes!

Also we can now honestly tell Gisena we met a girl better than her in every conceivable way (and a lot of inconceivable ones as well!) :V

..ok, dinner time. I'll be back for vote analysis later...

dinner is over, vote time!

[ ] "I wish my reprieve be deferred." - Saves a wish for later, though be aware that Haeliel is not at your beck and call. Useful if you wish to safely revive Catherine at a later date, the wish to be employed to deter the notice of the Hidden Ones. It would be unwise to bring Catherine back into the jaws of a high-tier Apocryphal proc, and staggeringly wasteful to spend a second wish on the revival and transport, when the latter is far more within Hunger's reach than would be deflecting the Hidden Ones.

Also generally useful if you encounter some circumstance in the future which Hunger cannot deal with, and must. Can be taken multiple times.

probably at least one of this, though it heavily depends on the alternatives.
[ ] "I wish for the Seraph's grace." - Once per Geas task, Haeliel turns aside any foe that has attained an otherwise-insurmountable edge against Hunger, or any one negative circumstance that would otherwise overcome him.

Coverage not quite as encompassing as a defensive Lesser Wish from the Accursed, but can be used much more frequently in most cases. Good for long-term survival.

a very useful long-term pick. We won't get to use it more than once in this quest (probably. I suppose we MIGHT be able to cover a second world if we're lucky and have enough timeskips), but Hunger could certainly use it.
[ ] "I wish for my junior's exaltation." - Haeliel will enormously empower Aobaru's inherent Progression and ultimate ceiling. There is a small chance she will accidentally kill him instead, reincarnating him to a different realm with his enhancements intact.

Can provide an immense degree of firepower (through Vigorflame) and utility (through the subordination of Voyaging Realm elements) in the medium-term if successful.

Can be taken multiple times, though empowering any non-Aobaru character is less safe and not as effective. The potential utility is still vast... Letrizia's also a strong candidate!

..I'm now actually a bit tempted to take both Aobaru and Letrizia, though the risks are high enough to make me hesitate.

Also hey, Letrizia counts as a heroine!

I think we could value this as close to Aobaru's original EFB. Probably better, but it comes with a chance of death...

Still, this by itself is probably worth 25 arete at least.
[ ] "I wish for the Seraph's guidance." - Allows Haeliel to open up her Advice Corner from time to time. You should pick this one.

you know, I think we should pick this one. :V

Thousands of words have already been spent both by myself and by others on why we want her advice. The Ordinal Spiral itself is already worth an EFB, and the advices.. well, that's more subjective, but probably them too.
[ ] "I wish for the Seraph's favor." (2 wishes) - How forward. Haeliel will give Hunger her handkerchief, an oriflamme to be worn wrapped around his right arm or the Forebear's Blade. Takes up a Panoply slot, but does not provide Advancements on its own.

Grants +Heroic Progression: Hunger will always benefit from the next stage of [Once and Future], currently [Once and Future] II, without fulfilling the requirements or taking the Mental Contamination from that stage.

Enhances Holy Shit: Some entities will recognize Haeliel's favor and thus refrain from meddling with the bearer. Especially likely to deter foes that might otherwise be unassailably potent. This will sometimes (~5%) foil the plans of the Apocryphal Curse.

...this is unexpected.

It's, effectively, an EFB that ALWAYS puts us beyond our current OaF EFB.

Right now, this would mean ISH bonus, which is a LOT of power.

Plus a 5% anti-apocryphal chance, which is in some ways actually better than a 5% extra mitigation.

If we were to value this in arete, it would probably be worth at least 30 arete I think. 25 for the OaF, 5 (at least) for apocryphal mitigation and the fact we don't have to spend picks on it.

Even 35, maybe.

The extra power from OaF 2 could likely help against the coming apocryphal proc, and the ISH bonus was to EVERYTHING...

You may desire to organize your votes with the Plan Voting format, though this is not necessary.


I'm honestly not sure... I think I'd want proactive power instead of, say, a defensive lesser wish, simply because it's more interesting like that.

Maybe Hunger and Aobaru empowerment?

Wait, no, I want the advice corner!

...ok, so Advice Corner... and, I think, Hunger Empowerment.

Or, alternatively, Aobaru's and a delayed wish (possibly for Catherine).
You've completed Five Signs of the Empyreal under the Evening Sky! Choose one set bonus:

[ ] Night's Ambition - Defer until the Seven-Sign bonus, which will be mightier still. But can you really afford to wait in this circumstance?

[ ] Twilight Cladding - The Armor of Midnight now grants +10 Protection and planetary-grade Condition mitigation with Indefinite duration, beginning immediately after its primary benefits expire.

[ ] Moonlight Delusion - Deathly Star's windup and casting procedure are much more subtle; the attack could be mistaken for a natural phenomenon until the moment of impact. This attribute scales with Rank alongside the rest of the spell.

[ ] Stars Align - Initiating Supreme Enclosure on the night of the full moon grants +.35 casting Rank. Substantially affects both the strength and the compliance of summoned Entities.


so, defer to 7-sign bonus, moderate protection after our first casting of armor expires, deathly star's is more subtle, summon gets to use extra rank if done on the full moon (so once a month... or maybe we could teleport/visit a planet which has ALWAYS a full moon, maybe?)

Of this, armor is (to me) the LEAST interesting. 10 protection is good, but we already have quite a bit, and the other bonuses are just more interesting.

I'd probably go with either Stars Align, or Night's Ambition, though I could be persuaded for Moonlight's Delusion.

Basically, everything but the armor is fine by me.

All things considered the bonus is nice, but not THAT nice. If I could I'd probably go back and take "As Above" instead.

Then again I ALSO didn't want Deathly Star...

1781 words
Destroying the Ring that took the entirety of the Temple arc to save at the first sign of a true challenge isn't cool, especially when doing so requires spending fifty Arete that could go toward Hunger's Praxis or creating opportunities. What is Hunger going to think, when the party's reunited and he finds Gisena has shattered the Azure? That she has no sentimental attachment to the Ring does not mean the same's true of Hunger, who bears the Crimson's name. The damage to Gisena's also likely to be enormous, akin to her performing the Shattering Blow. The hour's nowhere near dark enough to merit measures like this, though in hindsight we should've definitely picked Total Annihilation.

[X] On the Trail
[X] A Hard Counter
[X] A Promising Lead

For now I'm approval voting for both viable alternatives. A Promising Lead could offer domain-relevant knowledge allowing Gisena to craft a less suicidal solution or gain us access to a Shard Hunger can Close the Fist with, if he picks that up with Enough Gun or during his next trip into Pillars. That shouldn't be too far in the future, and three weeks of crafting/training time should make Dien less of an existential threat. A Hard Counter is also promising, we know anti-Ruhuk Graces exist; the Vanish Sorceress had one that could mind control all orcs in a large radius and Gisena's already replicated one of her Graces.
We are in a bit of a bind, however. We keep making shit fucking decisions - picking Surgeon when we know we are bad against him is a big one, as is taking Seal instead of just getting November Sky. Later was especially egregious as it was blatantly obvious what we need to win and we completely ignored that in favor of ability that is doing nothing and that, unlike NS, doesn't have clear line of progression. And that lack of progression is an issue at hand, right now.

Now, obviously getting On The Trail is go-to. It puts both Breaker and maybe even Seal to some actual use, so it is natural follow up to our previous choices. The issue I've mentioned earlier is - what next? I am not seeing the combination of Advancements that can comprehensively address Dien's abilities and getting NS now(and by now I mean whenever Pillars proc) just means we've wasted weeks of it slowing down Dien for no actual reason, so it's just bad.

So that's pretty much why I support BK, I suppose. I am not seeing path to victory using our current Advancements. So until someone can provide an actual plan of action that doesn't include Gisena going BK I'm considering not voting for it to be basically griefing.
Why are people voting for Hard Counter? If we don't have enough raw power to deal with the Surgeon we are already beyond fucked. Currently the biggest obstacles to his defeat are far more strategical than tactical, so a Grace that allows Gisena to communicate with Hunger will likely be far more useful than a Combat Grace, simply because raw power isn't an issue at the moment. if you don't want to spend Arete just vote to Keep it Simple.

So that's pretty much why I support BK, I suppose. I am not seeing path to victory using our current Advancements. So until someone can provide an actual plan of action that doesn't include Gisena going BK I'm considering not voting for it to be basically griefing.
The BK-less plan of action that I would support would basically just be playing whack-a-mole with Dien. His Advancement requires his genius to manage his infrastructure, which we hopefully can stop him from doing by performing a decapitating strike just after Pillars grinding. Then we just need to keep suppressing him until he's gone, and hopefully we will eventually be able to delegate this task to Novakhron once's weakened enough while we deal with other shards.

However, this does rely on not only finding him in a somewhat timely manner, but also on him having an window of vulnerability at all or we have to forcibly make one; which has an unknown cost. Obviously, also requires us to take A Promising Lead right now. We'd have to rely on Gisena and that Foremost for information, and anything that boots that should be taken. We will also be opposed by Dien's Rank, which is troubling. Hunger might be the most adept at gathering information due to this, but doesn't have the analytical suite nor the know how to get the most out of however. Breaker of Suns should mitigate this, I hope.

We also can take a gamble on the 8th sign, but I'd at least wait for Pillars to see if we have better information about what we need.

The ideal would be to get tons of information with Trail and the Foremost we meet, enough to realize the Surgeon in behind it, locate him, grind and plan in Pillars for the operation, and just try to alpha strike him. As the update said, our Rank will take care of the vast majority of his contingency plans, and can we either send Nova plus Gisena to mop up the rest while we do something else or we have the kids hold the fort with two Armaments while Hunger deals with what remains with Gisena and Adorie.

It's a broadstrokes plan, but I think it's workable as long as the info-gathering phase goes well.
[X] Do Something Else
-[X] What is the Evening Sky without Stars among it? Something lesser the the Evening Sky with Stars. Lord Hunger will slay the very stars of the Republics realm and add them to his Cloak.
Seems like an interesting suggestion, a good way to justify Hunger dealing with Dien's feeders in-character, and the main risk is that it wouldn't work, in which case Hunger is probably smart enough to know as much and disregard that vote.
[X] keep it simple.
Adhoc vote count started by BrainInAJar on Feb 26, 2021 at 9:36 PM, finished with 138 posts and 35 votes.
[X] A Broken Kaleidoscope

Maybe the banter bot will become someone actually somewhat interesting after this? Worth a try imo:V
[X] On the Trail

[X] Keep it Simple
[X] A Hard Counter
[X] A Promising Lead

Approval voting all non-BK options. If you view past voting options, I don't think this is necessarily an efficient use of Arete, and I agree with all the worries about Gisena's personality and breaking the ring. Even if Artifice only has produced the Lens so far, it's been quite useful. Also, Gisena's in the "make better Graces to make better Graces" part of her power curve, so Artifice is being put on the back burner for now. Look what Nameless did with Artifice - if we aren't that impatient, it will eventually become quite valuable.
[X] On the Trail
[X] Keep it Simple
[X] A Hard Counter
[X] A Promising Lead
I'm getting sentimental, don't hurt Gisena 🥺
[X] Enough Gun
[X] A Promising Lead

I dislike Broken Gisena and will vote for whatever has the best chance of beating it.