Mandate of Heaven (Three Kingdom Quest)

[X]Plan Ready To Hold The Line
-[X] Charismatic Figure: Some people are born with a special light or fire that draws people in. You are among those. When you enter a room, people turn towards you. While others try to make friends, everyone wants to become yours. (Unlocks Trait Personal Magnetism: Provides a Bonus of +5 on all personal interactions with other persons like talking to a person, recruiting someone or increasing their bond etc.)
-[X] Martial Education: From an early age you pursued the study of the military classics and learned what you could about leading men in times of war. The Six Secret Teachings, the Methods of the Sima, the Wuzi and Wei Liaozi became your daily companions. Hours and days spent discussing and learning their teachings. All to prepare you for a military post. (Unlocks Trait Martial Education: Prerequisite to earn a higher military post. Provides a bonus of +2 to all actions concerning the military from commanding armies to organizing them.)
-[X] Rude and disrespectful: You were always lacking in decorum. You saw no reason to waste time with it. Better to speak your mind and, if this insulted someone, so be it. They deserved it.
-[X] Clan of Officers and Generals: Your mother comes from a long-line of military officers. Her father, brother, uncle and cousins all have served or serve in the Northern Army or in one of the frontier garrisons. (Upgrades Military Education to Extensive Military Education increasing the bonus to 4, One Military Item as present)
-[X] Father is alive: Your father was nominated as filial and incorrupt some time ago and has even gotten a post as prefect. He is currently in the process of organizing the defenses of the county against the rising rebellion of the so-called Yellow Turbans. The warning has come before anything horrible could happen and he has already called for troops to gather to face this menace.
-[X] Of the counterattack: Yingchuan had its own problems, but here the counterattack of the Han Empire truly began. Yellow Turbans came from the bordering commanderies and attacked, but two Han armies are on their way to beat them back. Your father's county stands in the way of both. (Hard Difficulty)
-[X] The silos are filled with grain ready to sustain the city in case of a siege or the people in case of a famine.
-[X] Decent sized force of soldiers dedicated and trained by your clan meant to protect its interest.
-[X] Strong Walls were built during the tenure of your father to protect the seat of the country and showcase the promise of protection.


Charismatic Figure: Personal Magnetism appeals to me.

Martial Education: I would like to be a commander.

Rude and Disrespectful: Honestly, I don't really like any of these all that much - with some exception of Unsocial and Sheltered, but that's incompatible with Charismatic Figure - so I'm going with the one I dislike the least.

Clan of Officers and Generals: Doubling down on the Martial here.

Father Is Alive: Let's keep the family together at the start, shall we?

Yingchuan: I want to join up with the Han Armies. Also, this start position looks fun.

Preparations: Grain in case of a siege, soldiers so that we can defend ourselves until the Han Armies arrive, and walls to make that easier. Overall, these options seem very compatible to me.
Odd thought, did people in Ancient China actually have underwear?

Or rather, anything equivalent to modern underwear?
Every man had a beard, so liberties can be taken with adaptations.

Edit: I wonder if the Lecherous Younger Brother would have turned this into "I Want You to Show Me Your Panties with a Disgusted Look on Your Face" - Three Kingdoms Edition?
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[X] plan king of coin and numbers
-[X] Charismatic Figure
-[X] Scholarly Education

-[X] Clan of Scholars: Your mother comes from a clan of scholars, who have spent their time dedicated to study of the five classics, the composition of poems or contemplation of the great mysteries of the world. (Upgrades Classical Education to Extensive Classical Education increasing the bonus to 4, One Scholarly Item as present/heirloom)

-[X] Lecherous: You always liked women. No that is wrong, you love women. And if your hands often wander that is just a sign of your appreciation. It is not like anyone ever said no.
-[X] Father is alive: Your father was nominated as filial and incorrupt some time ago and has even gotten a post as prefect. He is currently in the process of organizing the defenses of the county against the rising rebellion of the so-called Yellow Turbans. The warning has come before anything horrible could happen and he has already called for troops to gather to face this menace.
-[X] Last Stand

-[X] A champion, formerly a wandering xia, decided to enter the service of your father as his bodyguard in gratitude for helping his village through a plague.
-[X] Full contingent of crossbows safely secured in a warehouse for use in emergency situations.
-[X] The silos are filled with grain ready to sustain the city in case of a siege or the people in case of a famine.

sorry but i fear all other plan will make us to similar to the other quest, i wish to be the brillant man!