Mandate of Heaven (Three Kingdom Quest)

So I cannot choose the best option of "Three Younger Sisters who are all mischievous and troublemaking who each keep shifting blame onto the other two because they are all triplets"?
I think you are kidding and the vote is kind of over, but I will still answer. No, you cannot. I have written out ambitions, character quirks, likes/dislikes and future plots for every archetype and troublemaker. I would need to switch things around to account for that, because I did not want siblings to resemble each other too much. On the one hand for recognition and on the other to have more balls in the air.
For the mother thing, I have already plotted out what it would have been and that would not have been the case. Ignoring how it would essentially harm the major bonus from your chosen starting location, if I would play this straight it would really fuck you over in the long-run because there would be a Yuan out there pissed at your family.

Last thing, this is not a Yellow Turban Quest, you do not play as a member of that sect. At the current point the rebellion is already doomed. It would be a short quest.
Of course that's not the real reason she died, it's a red herring. And I do want to harm the starting location, since I wanted a reason to join up with the Yellow Turbans. And why would the Yuan(s) be all that pissed if Mom let him watch and introduced his own wife to new pleasures?

The YTR has no chance of success? Well, not with that attitude, it doesn't! And they didn't all die when the Rebellion was defeated, there are plenty of remnants to be part of and things to do even in defeat. I think living the cultist life could be interesting.
Tbh, and this applies to Quests in general, it's a bit too much to ask for a QM to allow broad Write In options for Character Creation. QMs usually go into prepping for their Quests with a set array of options and story beats in mind, it's much more difficult to start a Quest, and continue it long term, if you allow a blank canvas from the very start. Some QMs can pull it off, of course, but it is rare, and allowing such Write Ins tends to result in short lived Quests in my experience.
Of course that's not the real reason she died, it's a red herring. And I do want to harm the starting location, since I wanted a reason to join up with the Yellow Turbans. And why would the Yuan(s) be all that pissed if Mom let him watch and introduced his own wife to new pleasures?

The YTR has no chance of success? Well, not with that attitude, it doesn't! And they didn't all die when the Rebellion was defeated, there are plenty of remnants to be part of and things to do even in defeat. I think living the cultist life could be interesting.
Social norms in a short term. Harems, wives and their relations were quite clearly defined. This would fall under bad conduct and could be enough to force his wife to commit suicide. Depending on how much he liked her, that alone would be reason enough for him to heavily dislike the Long Clan. Then you have the rumors about him not being able to satisfy his own wife in bed. Somewhat crude, but incredibly harmful. Especially when he is prideful. These are just things from the top of my head.

Yeah, they had none at the moment. Their biggest chance of victory would have been if they could have started with their allies in Luoyang being able to disrupt court. This quest starts after that. With that not being the case, they got crushed. Utterly! One minor victory against the Han armies is all they could show, Bo Cai against Zhu Jun. The rest losses all around. In fiction, it is often made out to be more than it was in reality. The Liang Rebellion was far more effective and had long term repercussions in comparison. The YT was like a big showing, of why the Han Empire rulez.
The remnants are different things, most of all because many groups just took this name to inspire fear. The few, who did not join the initial uprising and have a true claim to that name, then later tried where either crushed or joined up with a warlord. None of them amounted to much.

I mean I get wanting to play a villain quest, but this is not the one. If I would ever write a rebellion quest in this time I would go for a different one. Essentially just being part of a plundering horde in a historical setting is not that enticing to me.
A Yellow Turban Rebellion quest would be interesting (I'd certainly follow it) but would likely have to start a decade prior, in the early 170s, to make real sense. A differently prepared and schemed and planned rebellion could have succeeded, but alas it was not to be. In 184 the whole plot was uncovered and Zhang Jue was forced to act whilst unprepared and unready, against a Han court he no longer had the advantage of surprise over. A Quest involving playing a Yellow Turban in 184 would likely be a rather depressing and miserable one
I mean I get wanting to play a villain quest, but this is not the one. If I would ever write a rebellion quest in this time I would go for a different one. Essentially just being part of a plundering horde in a historical setting is not that enticing to me.
Yellow Turbans aren't villains, no more than the Han are. You've said that nobles joined up with the Yellow Turbans, and from my picks of the siblings I've chosen scholarly types. The intention being a more orderly part of the Rebellion.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Erzherzog_Karl on Jan 8, 2021 at 4:30 PM, finished with 59 posts and 32 votes.

  • [x]Plan Bros with the Zhous
    -[X] Lujiang Commandery: Situated in Yang Province your family has their estate in Shu County near their close allies the Zhou Clan. Together these two clans are one of the commanding presences in the commandery. Alone already considered a considerable force in the region together they cannot be ignored in their home. Your father has become an especially close friend of Zhou Yi and his son has come to see yourself as some kind of older brother.
    -[X] Mother is alive: Your mother is Long Baiye. She is the official wife of Long Weimin. Their marriage is a loving one, and even though him taking a concubine has soured their relation somewhat, she is the pillar supporting the family. Keeping you and your siblings out of harms way and helping each of you coming into your own has been her life-long dream.
    - [X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is turning into a true beauty and her charm has already produced a small list of suitors.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is known as a mischevious little troublemaker, but quick-witted enough to never be blamed for her deeds. It was always 'someone else'.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother takes deep pride in your lineage of officials serving the Han and has dedicated his youth to trying to emulate his ancestors in the future.
    -[X] Wrathful Brawler: Quick to anger and quick to fight, your younger brother has been in fights since he can walk. And most of them have been started by his own hand.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
    [X] Plan Land and Aide
    -[X] Nanyang Commandery: Situated in the Jing Province your family has their estate in Xinye county close to the town that gave the county its name. Nanyang is blessed with people and fertile lands. Your family has etched out their own little paradise. Great stretches of land and many tenant farmers, wage-labourers and some slaves work your clans vast fields. These lands have made your clan the dominant force in the county and most of the local posts are filled with clan members or close allies.
    -[X] Mother is alive: Your mother is Long Baiye. She is the official wife of Long Weimin. Their marriage is a loving one, and even though him taking a concubine has soured their relation somewhat, she is the pillar supporting the family. Keeping you and your siblings out of harms way and helping each of you coming into your own has been her life-long dream.
    -[X] Two Siblings: You were not the only talented child of your parents. Your other siblings, while not quite as gifted as you are, can still be considered blessed with talents beyond the norm. (Choose two options from the archtype list)
    -[X] Elder Sister: Mischevious and studious, your older sister enjoyed studying the classics but often used such knowledge for her troublesome schemes.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother takes deep pride in your lineage of officials serving the Han and has dedicated his youth to trying to emulate his ancestors in the future.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
    [X] Plan: Money Earned.. and Wasted
    -[X] Nanyang Commandery: Situated in the Jing Province your family has their estate in Xinye county close to the town that gave the county its name. Nanyang is blessed with people and fertile lands. Your family has etched out their own little paradise. Great stretches of land and many tenant farmers, wage-labourers and some slaves work your clans vast fields. These lands have made your clan the dominant force in the county and most of the local posts are filled with clan members or close allies.
    -[X] Mother is alive: Your mother is Long Baiye. She is the official wife of Long Weimin. Their marriage is a loving one, and even though him taking a concubine has soured their relation somewhat, she is the pillar supporting the family. Keeping you and your siblings out of harms way and helping each of you coming into your own has been her life-long dream.
    -[X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
    -[X] Elder Sister: Mischevious and studious, your older sister enjoyed studying the classics but often used such knowledge for her troublesome schemes.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is turning into a true beauty and her charm has already produced a small list of suitors.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother grew up with tales of mighty generals and since then has tried to emulate these tales with an extensive study of the art of war.
    -[X] Greedy Gambler: Your younger brother is a well-known gambler and in his greed to accumulate riches he never knows when to stop. This is why he has lost a not insignificant amount of wealth to your family.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
    [X] Plan Brawling Brother...
    -[X] Nanyang Commandery: Situated in the Jing Province your family has their estate in Xinye county close to the town that gave the county its name. Nanyang is blessed with people and fertile lands. Your family has etched out their own little paradise. Great stretches of land and many tenant farmers, wage-labourers and some slaves work your clans vast fields. These lands have made your clan the dominant force in the county and most of the local posts are filled with clan members or close allies.
    -[X] Mother is alive: Your mother is Long Baiye. She is the official wife of Long Weimin. Their marriage is a loving one, and even though him taking a concubine has soured their relation somewhat, she is the pillar supporting the family. Keeping you and your siblings out of harms way and helping each of you coming into your own has been her life-long dream.
    -[X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
    -[X] Elder Sister: Bold and ferocious, your older sister pursued a path seen unfit for a woman. She wanted to be a warrior.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is turning into a true beauty and her charm has already produced a small list of suitors.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother grew up with tales of mighty generals and since then has tried to emulate these tales with an extensive study of the art of war.
    -[X] Wrathful Brawler: Quick to anger and quick to fight, your younger brother has been in fights since he can walk. And most of them have been started by his own hand.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
    -[X] Donghai Commandery: Situated in Xu Province your family has their estate close to the town of Qu in Qu county. Over time your family has taken many different merchant clans under their wing. Through the patronage given by your clan these itinerant merchants could grow rich through the trade with pearls and the South. Your clan could partake in this wealth through their deep bonds to the merchants. A local ally is the powerful Mi Clan, which is also the Clan of some of your childhood friends Mi Fang and Mi Zhu.
    -[X] Nanyang Commandery: Situated in the Jing Province your family has their estate in Xinye county close to the town that gave the county its name. Nanyang is blessed with people and fertile lands. Your family has etched out their own little paradise. Great stretches of land and many tenant farmers, wage-labourers and some slaves work your clans vast fields. These lands have made your clan the dominant force in the county and most of the local posts are filled with clan members or close allies.
    -[X] Lujiang Commandery: Situated in Yang Province your family has their estate in Shu County near their close allies the Zhou Clan. Together these two clans are one of the commanding presences in the commandery. Alone already considered a considerable force in the region together they cannot be ignored in their home. Your father has become an especially close friend of Zhou Yi and his son has come to see yourself as some kind of older brother.
    -[X] Runan Commandery: Situated in Yu Province your family has their estate in Xiyang county close to the namegiving town. The position of the Yuan Clan in this commandery is domineering and other Clans either rise or fall through them. Your ancestors have proven themselves able and have joined the long list of clients of this mighty clan. Your father was during his time at the capital among the many companions of the leading characters of the younger members of the Yuan Clan.
    -[X] Mother is alive: Your mother is Long Baiye. She is the official wife of Long Weimin. Their marriage is a loving one, and even though him taking a concubine has soured their relation somewhat, she is the pillar supporting the family. Keeping you and your siblings out of harms way and helping each of you coming into your own has been her life-long dream.
    -[X] Mother is dead: Some time ago tragedy has struck your family. Your mother, the lovely Long Baiye perished. Her loss left a hole in your life as well as in the life of your siblings. Your father was consoled by his concubine and she even tried to step into the former role of your mother. But something about your mother's death was suspicious...
    -[X] Two Siblings: You were not the only talented child of your parents. Your other siblings, while not quite as gifted as you are, can still be considered blessed with talents beyond the norm. (Choose two options from the archtype list)
    -[X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
    -[X] Elder Sister: Renowned as a local beauty, your older sister is known for her charm and beauty.
    -[X] Elder Sister: Studious, learned and obedient, your older sister is the ideal wife to be.
    -[X] Elder Sister: Bold and ferocious, your older sister pursued a path seen unfit for a woman. She wanted to be a warrior.
    -[X] Elder Sister: Mischevious and studious, your older sister enjoyed studying the classics but often used such knowledge for her troublesome schemes.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is turning into a true beauty and her charm has already produced a small list of suitors.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is born a little more on the shy side and has sought refuge in books and ancient journals.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister has joined you on more hunts than you can count and has pestered everyone for lessons in archery or with the dao.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is known as a mischevious little troublemaker, but quick-witted enough to never be blamed for her deeds. It was always 'someone else'.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother has trained relentlessly with the bow, sword and the horse. He is boisterously claiming to become unrivaled under the heaven in battle.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother has a deep love for the scholarly arts and has learned to recite the classics by heart.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother grew up with tales of mighty generals and since then has tried to emulate these tales with an extensive study of the art of war.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother takes deep pride in your lineage of officials serving the Han and has dedicated his youth to trying to emulate his ancestors in the future.
    -[X] Greedy Gambler: Your younger brother is a well-known gambler and in his greed to accumulate riches he never knows when to stop. This is why he has lost a not insignificant amount of wealth to your family.
    -[X] Arrogant Drunkard: Arrogance is only a sin, if you cannot back it up. Sadly your younger brothers fascination with drinking addles his formidable mind and this has led to more than one unfortunate event.
    -[X] Lecherous Troublemaker: Even at a young age your younger brother has lusted after woman. It started with him harassing the maids at your family manor, but has since then only escalated.
    -[X] Wrathful Brawler: Quick to anger and quick to fight, your younger brother has been in fights since he can walk. And most of them have been started by his own hand.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
    -[X]Start after Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your name first entered the annals of history with the recent rebellion. While not one of the main actors crushing the rebellion, you still accumulated merits and proved your worth. Enough to draw the attention of the court.
    [x] A Tree Pruned in Blood
    -[X] Nanyang Commandery: Situated in the Jing Province your family has their estate in Xinye county close to the town that gave the county its name. Nanyang is blessed with people and fertile lands. Your family has etched out their own little paradise. Great stretches of land and many tenant farmers, wage-labourers and some slaves work your clans vast fields. These lands have made your clan the dominant force in the county and most of the local posts are filled with clan members or close allies.
    -[X] Mother is dead: Some time ago tragedy has struck your family. Your mother, the lovely Long Baiye perished. Her loss left a hole in your life as well as in the life of your siblings. Your father was consoled by his concubine and she even tried to step into the former role of your mother. But something about your mother's death was suspicious...
    -[X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
    -[X] Elder Sister: Bold and ferocious, your older sister pursued a path seen unfit for a woman. She wanted to be a warrior.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister has joined you on more hunts than you can count and has pestered everyone for lessons in archery or with the dao.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother has trained relentlessly with the bow, sword and the horse. He is boisterously claiming to become unrivaled under the heaven in battle.
    -[X] Wrathful Brawler: Quick to anger and quick to fight, your younger brother has been in fights since he can walk. And most of them have been started by his own hand.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
    [X] Plan Mom Was Also a Troublemaker Now That I Think About It...
    -[X] Runan Commandery: Situated in Yu Province your family has their estate in Xiyang county close to the namegiving town. The position of the Yuan Clan in this commandery is domineering and other Clans either rise or fall through them. Your ancestors have proven themselves able and have joined the long list of clients of this mighty clan. Your father was during his time at the capital among the many companions of the leading characters of the younger members of the Yuan Clan.
    -[X] Mother is dead: Some time ago tragedy has struck your family. Your mother, the lovely Long Baiye perished. Her loss left a hole in your life as well as in the life of your siblings. Your father was consoled by his concubine and she even tried to step into the former role of your mother. But something about your mother's death was suspicious...
    -[X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
    -[X] Elder Sister: Mischievous and studious, your older sister enjoyed studying the classics but often used such knowledge for her troublesome schemes.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is known as a mischievous little troublemaker, but quick-witted enough to never be blamed for her deeds. It was always 'someone else'.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother has a deep love for the scholarly arts and has learned to recite the classics by heart.
    -[X] Lecherous Troublemaker: Even at a young age your younger brother has lusted after women. It started with him harassing the maids at your family manor, but has since then only escalated.
    -[X] Lecherous Troublemakers: Ever since the scandalous reveal of Mom keeping company with the wives of Yuan clansmen, your sisters started lusting after women too.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
    [X] Plan: The wheels of war are turned by coin
    -[X] Donghai Commandery: Situated in Xu Province your family has their estate close to the town of Qu in Qu county. Over time your family has taken many different merchant clans under their wing. Through the patronage given by your clan these itinerant merchants could grow rich through the trade with pearls and the South. Your clan could partake in this wealth through their deep bonds to the merchants. A local ally is the powerful Mi Clan, which is also the Clan of some of your childhood friends Mi Fang and Mi Zhu.
    -[X] Mother is alive: Your mother is Long Baiye. She is the official wife of Long Weimin. Their marriage is a loving one, and even though him taking a concubine has soured their relation somewhat, she is the pillar supporting the family. Keeping you and your siblings out of harms way and helping each of you coming into your own has been her life-long dream.
    -[X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
    -[X] Elder Sister: Bold and ferocious, your older sister pursued a path seen unfit for a woman. She wanted to be a warrior.
    -[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is turning into a true beauty and her charm has already produced a small list of suitors.
    -[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother takes deep pride in your lineage of officials serving the Han and has dedicated his youth to trying to emulate his ancestors in the future.
    -[X] Greedy Gambler: Your younger brother is a well-known gambler and in his greed to accumulate riches he never knows when to stop. This is why he has lost a not insignificant amount of wealth to your family.
    -[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.
Well now looks like we'll be the Political power clan! Can't wait to see what comes next!
Yellow Turbans aren't villains, no more than the Han are. You've said that nobles joined up with the Yellow Turbans, and from my picks of the siblings I've chosen scholarly types. The intention being a more orderly part of the Rebellion.
A religious sect rising up to overthrow the legitimate government and setting the countryside aflame is not the villain in this story...that judgement is weird. Yes, nobles joined up because they were already part of this sect. The sect was active for over a decade and for many high ranking people the mysterious aura of their teachings was interesting. They were part of this plan for uprising. For joining up with them after they started, there is no example. Yes, they spared some nobles. But they killed thousands of commoners. Villages were ransacked and officials killed. All to take over the country. There are many rebellions during the Han dynasty where you can make a decent case for the rebels, but the YT rebellion is not a good example for this.
Character Creation Part 2
Character Creation 2
[x]Plan Bros with the Zhous
-[X] Lujiang Commandery: Situated in Yang Province your family has their estate in Shu County near their close allies the Zhou Clan. Together these two clans are one of the commanding presences in the commandery. Alone already considered a considerable force in the region together they cannot be ignored in their home. Your father has become an especially close friend of Zhou Yi and his son has come to see yourself as some kind of older brother.
-[X] Mother is alive: Your mother is Long Baiye. She is the official wife of Long Weimin. Their marriage is a loving one, and even though him taking a concubine has soured their relation somewhat, she is the pillar supporting the family. Keeping you and your siblings out of harms way and helping each of you coming into your own has been her life-long dream.
- [X] Four Siblings: While three of your siblings are following in your footsteps, one among them is a true troublemaker. The black sheep of the family, a headache at the moment he could become a real problem for the future. (Choose three options from the archetype list and one from the Troublemaker)
-[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is turning into a true beauty and her charm has already produced a small list of suitors
-[X] Younger Sister: Your younger sister is known as a mischevious little troublemaker, but quick-witted enough to never be blamed for her deeds. It was always 'someone else'.
-[X] Younger Brother: Your younger brother takes deep pride in your lineage of officials serving the Han and has dedicated his youth to trying to emulate his ancestors in the future.
-[X] Wrathful Brawler: Quick to anger and quick to fight, your younger brother has been in fights since he can walk. And most of them have been started by his own hand.
-[X]Start with Yellow Turban Rebellion: Your tale begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. In times of chaos heroes rise and with your father beset by danger the moment for you to stand up to do your part has come. All he has build up and the fate of your family may depend on your actions.

You are Long Wanru. In your family you are known as a great talent. Your father himself is fairly well-regarded for his good looks and charismatic aura. The former is quite common among your family. In your home county your family is famed for producing famed beauties and good-looking scholars. But even among their numbers your father is exceptional and the same goes for you.

Born with the beautiful features your family is known for, you always stood out from the masses. However your good looks are not your most striking feature.

Strengths: You were born with many gifts, but among all your gifts like good looks, an amazing mind and a strong body one thing stands out above all. (Choose one option)

-[X] Strong Body: When others needed rest, you persisted. When others were plagued by fatigue, you were ready to go again. From birth you have been blessed with a strong body, allowing you to work harder and longer than other contemporaries. Towering over your contemporaries, you strike a tall and powerful figure. (Unlocks Trait Strong of Body: Provides a Bonus of +5 on any physical task like fighting, hunting, running or working in the field etc.)
-[X] Loud Commanding Voice: When you speak people listen, if they want to or not. Your voice echoes over their cries, talk and protestations. (Unlock Trait Natural Born Leader: Provides a Bonus of +5 on commanding troops, rallying men or giving speeches before battles etc.)
-[X] Clever Mind: Quick witted and gifted with a cleverness rarely seen, you were always able to think or talk your way out of most situations. (Unlocks Trait Sound of Mind: Provides a Bonus of +5 on debates, schemes or plots etc.)
-[X] Charismatic Figure: Some people are born with a special light or fire that draws people in. You are among those. When you enter a room, people turn towards you. While others try to make friends, everyone wants to become yours. (Unlocks Trait Personal Magnetism: Provides a Bonus of +5 on all personal interactions with other persons like talking to a person, recruiting someone or increasing their bond etc.)

Outside of your outstanding feature, one of the most defining parts of your young life has been the education your parents provided to you. As the son of a nobleman you learned horse-riding, shooting a bow and enjoyed a classical education. Some things you liked, others you neglected. Thankfully your parents were willing and able to indulge you. Instead of forcing a certain education on you, they saw where your interests lay and helped you on your chosen path. Or you just ignored it all.

Education: No one knows everything at birth and a child has to learn to walk before it can run. The same goes for the mind. An education is what a child needs to come into its own.

-[X] Martial Education: From an early age you pursued the study of the military classics and learned what you could about leading men in times of war. The Six Secret Teachings, the Methods of the Sima, the Wuzi and Wei Liaozi became your daily companions. Hours and days spent discussing and learning their teachings. All to prepare you for a military post. (Unlocks Trait Martial Education: Prerequisite to earn a higher military post. Provides a bonus of +2 to all actions concerning the military from commanding armies to organizing them.)
-[X] Martial Training: From an early age you were schooled in martial skills. Trained by famous xias and martial artists they honed your body into a well-crafted weapon. Under their eyes you learned about the different weapons you can wield and studied one in particular.(Unlocks Trait Martial Artist: Provides a bonus for duels (+2) and without it you suffer malus during it. Allows picking for Weapon Focus.)
-[X] Scholarly Education: From an early age you were schooled in the Classics. The Five Classics became your companions for years. Learning their secrets and deepening your understanding of the Confucian values a gentleman has to encompass. Reading the commentaries of your forebearers, discussing the Five Classics with your father and laying the foundation for the path of the official occupied most of your time. (Unlocks Trait Classical Education: Prerequisite to earn a higher civilian post. Provides a bonus of +2 to all actions concerning the civilian side of governing from administrative duties to simple accounting.)
-[X] Played around: From an early age you disliked studying and training. Far more interesting were games or frolicking with friends. Going hunting or around the taverns in town. Flirting with the beautiful maidens and spending the one or other moment with them alone. Your activities did not please your father, but you made friends far and wide and know how to entertain a crowd. (Unlocks Trait Gregarious Nature: Provides a Bonus of +5 on all interactions with persons. Unlocks Trait Disappointing Son: Malus of -10 to all interaction with family. Unlocks OC Friend: One character will be a close friend made by MC, skill is dependent on roll and origin).

But every man has his weaknesses. Be it a certain character flaw, a desire unfulfilled or bad influence. There are numerous cases for such a weakness to come forth. In your case, everything came together. Your older half-brother Long Guan was always there as a comparison. He is the son of a concubine and you, the son of the official wife. Put against each other either through circumstances or in a deliberate effort, you don't know which it was, just that everything turned into a contest and your relationship suffered for it.

Compliments for your skill and flattery by a myriad of sycophants put only more pressure on you. All this could have led to your own flaw, or you were just born that way.

Weakness: No one is perfect and sometimes our greatest weakness is just that, a major weakness.

-[X] Frail and sickly: You have been born with a frail and sickly body. Often you are plagued by sickness or have to rest to recuperate. (Incompatible with Strong Body!!)
-[X] Poor self-esteem: You were always lacking in self confidence. Doubt gnawed at your every decision. Always you felt yourself to be lacking in something. Not smart enough to offer your answer, not sure enough of your knowledge. Just not enough. (Incompatible with Loud Commanding Voice!!)
-[X] Rude and disrespectful: You were always lacking in decorum. You saw no reason to waste time with it. Better to speak your mind and, if this insulted someone, so be it. They deserved it.
-[X] Arrogant: You always knew you were special. Better than your contemporaries, siblings and friends. Nothing is impossible for you.
-[X] Unsocial and sheltered: You never liked going outside the mansion or leaving the room. Talking to people was a chore and proved to not be your forte. (Incompatible with Charismatic Figure!!)
-[X] Vain: You were always mindful of your appearance and the appearance of others. With the rank of your family came certain expectations and you deemed your meticulous appearance to be one that was utterly necessary to be upheld.
-[X] Lecherous: You always liked women. No that is wrong, you love women. And if your hands often wander that is just a sign of your appreciation. It is not like anyone ever said no.
-[X] Wrathful: You always were quick to anger. A wrong word, or the right insult was enough to have your temper take control.
-[X] Distrustful: You always had a hard time trusting people. If it was with a secret or to complete a task, it did not matter. In any case you prefer to go about it on your own.

Your mother's family is the Jiang Clan. Some of your cousins are better known to you than others, but the family of your mother has welcomed you and your siblings with open arms. The Clan was famous for housing many heroes and noble folk. But they are especially known for housing one kind of people.

Choose your Mother's Clan Roots: Clans that have existed for a long time will have accumulated a rich history and numerous accomplishments. The Jiang Clan of your mother was no different.

-[X] Clan of Scholars: Your mother comes from a clan of scholars, who have spent their time dedicated to study of the five classics, the composition of poems or contemplation of the great mysteries of the world. (Upgrades Classical Education to Extensive Classical Education increasing the bonus to 4, One Scholarly Item as present/heirloom)
-[X] Clan of Officers and Generals: Your mother comes from a long-line of military officers. Her father, brother, uncle and cousins all have served or serve in the Northern Army or in one of the frontier garrisons. (Upgrades Military Education to Extensive Military Education increasing the bonus to 4, One Military Item as present)
-[X] Clan of Martial Artists and Xias: Your mother comes from a clan of martial artists and travelling xias, which made the development of martial skills into a question of family honor to her. (Upgrades Martial Artist to Skilled Martial Artist increasing the bonus to 4, One Weapon Item as present and another Weapon Focus)
-[X] Clan of Merchants: Your mother comes from a line of merchants, not registered ones but itinerant ones. They always bring many presents when they visit and remain open-handed with their accumulated wealth. (4 Items from any category and higher starting wealth)
-[X] Clan of Officials: Your mother comes from a long-line of officials. Her family has had grand administrators, inspectors and even one minister among their ranks. ( Unlocks Trait Familial Connection increasing Guanxi gains by 5%, Two Scholarly Items as presents)

Apart from your mother, there is of course your father. While your mother stands beside you at the beginning of your tale, what about your father? Did he perish upholding the law? Or did he call for you when the messenger came? A father has much influence on the decisions of their children. They can sponsor them and bring out the best in them, or stand in their way to true greatness.

Fate of your father: Your the begins with Yellow Turban Rebellion, but is your father alive to witness it or does his fate compel you into action.

-[X] Father is alive: Your father was nominated as filial and incorrupt some time ago and has even gotten a post as prefect. He is currently in the process of organizing the defenses of the county against the rising rebellion of the so-called Yellow Turbans. The warning has come before anything horrible could happen and he has already called for troops to gather to face this menace.
-[X] Father is dead: Your father was a valiant man. When duty called and the Yellow Turbans rose up, he stood ready to protect the Han empire and the people under his protection. As a prefect he was gifted and well-loved, but sadly he was never a warrior. Far more famed for his scholarly skills, he failed in battling the rebels. Together with the commander of the county, he perished fighting the Yellow Turbans, leaving you and his family behind.

With your home province being Yang Province, there were many posts open to your father. Before he became a prefect he served in other positions. When the order came for him to assume his post, he was truly happy. It was seen as the first major step for a long and glorious career. No one could know that it would put your family at risk and embroil you in a conflict such as the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Father's Post: Your father could not take up an official post in his home province, therefore his post as prefect had to be somewhere else. It could be fate, good or bad luck that it ended up being here. (Choose one location)

-[X] Early disaster: Runan is one of the commanderies, which was overrun early on in the rebellion. Barely a month into the rebellion and the grand administrator was killed. Officials run, villages burned. Your father's county in the middle of it all. (Nightmare Difficulty)
-[X] Of the counterattack: Yingchuan had its own problems, but here the counterattack of the Han Empire truly began. Yellow Turbans came from the bordering commanderies and attacked, but two Han armies are on their way to beat them back. Your father's county stands in the way of both. (Hard Difficulty)
-[X] Last Stand: Nanyang was another centre of Yellow Turban activity in the South. Here the uprising was planned meticulously and executed without fail. Officials slain, villages burned and the administrative centre conquered. The Yellow Turbans resisted regardless how often their leaders fell. They truly fought till the last. Your father's county is a distance away from the main fighting centres, but still in danger.(Normal Difficulty)
-[X] Woes of a king: Xiapi is ruled by a chancellor and the fief of a prince. While the fiefdom did not suffer an all-out uprising from the Yellow Turbans, the rebels did crossover from Runan. The prince fled and the people suffered. Your father was tasked with the governance of one of the counties in Xiapi. (Easy Difficulty

In the end he finally secured his current post. For two years he has now served as a prefect and during this time he did many things. At first he built up a rapport with the local gentry and increased his own power base. Then he got to work. Diligently he recommended the able and punished the wicked. His two reviews were passed with glowing recommendations sent to the court. In these two years he did much that can be considered a meritorious service and these accomplishments can now be the one thing standing between him and a horrible end to his life.

Father's Accomplishments: During his time as a prefect your father did not stay idle, he served the people as well as could be expected and as a result at the start of the Yellow Turban Rebellion he had some accomplishments to his name. These accomplishments granted him some advantages compared to the other prefects in the commandery concerning his attempts to battle the threat of the rebels.(Choose three options)

-[X] A skilled commander, who has served in some military campaigns in the North and is considered a mighty warrior in his own right.
-[X] The silos are filled with grain ready to sustain the city in case of a siege or the people in case of a famine.
-[X] Decent sized force of chueh chang, strong men capable of loading the strongest stationary crossbows.
-[X] Decent sized force of soldiers dedicated and trained by your clan meant to protect its interest.
-[X] A group of loyal and able retainers make up the higher echelons of the county. All of them are sworn to your family and proven to be skilled in fulfilling their given duty.
-[X] Promises of support from the local families. Most of them look to the prefect for leadership.
-[X] The grand administrator has pledged his support to your father in exchange for some favor he did for him.
-[X] Some local merchants stand ready to support your father on a moment's notice. Offering their wealth in thanks for his noble governance.
-[X] Strong Walls were built during the tenure of your father to protect the seat of the country and showcase the promise of protection.
-[X] Full contingent of crossbows safely secured in a warehouse for use in emergency situations.
-[X] A champion, formerly a wandering xia, decided to enter the service of your father as his bodyguard in gratitude for helping his village through a plague.
-[X] Gratitude and admiration of the people inside the county. The people love and respect your father.
-[X] The inspector of the province has shown clear favor to your father and has bestowed multiple signs of favor upon him.
-[X] Early warnings and his own suspicion led to your father taking matters into his own hands. He opposed the Way of the Great Peace even before their uprising, lowering the chance of insiders in his ranks.
-[X] Respected by fellow prefects. During his tenure he coordinated more than once with his fellow prefects to better help each other, be it through battling bandits together or coordinating the trade in the region.

AN.: To make it clear the choice of your mother's clan does not balance out the normal education choice. If the corresponding education is not chosen, the upgrade part will just not happen.

The location is roughly a difficulty level, but there is no high reward attached to it, just to make that clear. Runan will be a hard, really fucking hard. A miracle would be needed to save the grand administrator and go on the offensive. Doing a Liu Chong would be a strong recommendation from my side for that option. Xiapi has the lowest danger rating and the other two sitting between these two, but for that there will be little chance to really fight or join up with one of the main Han armies. Yingchuan is sitting a bit higher than Nanyang.

Fate of your father will be important. He will not risk your life on a vain quest for glory or something like that. Please remember a son at that point will obey his father.

Lastly for weakness, I cannot stress this point enough I go about it differently than Gaz. If you choose poor self-esteem, I play it differently. He went for fragility, I go starting at the bottom. You need to build it up and will refuse to put yourself forward. It would take time and achievements to build self-esteem up.
The government wasn't legitimate because the Blue Heaven times were over, the sky was yellow from then on. There were clearly reasons why the Rebellion happened from the Han's end, incompetence, ignorance, greed, poverty, gluttony, famine... the YTR happening was only natural.

And on the other hand, the YTR is a violent uprising out to destroy the Han, so the Han has to fight back.

Both sides had their own justifications for fighting, saying that one didn't because of the historical result speaks of bias.

Anyhoo, I wonder if we can conquer Nanzhong from Wu?
[X] Plan This Charming Man
-[X] Charismatic Figure: Some people are born with a special light or fire that draws people in. You are among those. When you enter a room, people turn towards you. While others try to make friends, everyone wants to become yours. (Unlocks Trait Personal Magnetism: Provides a Bonus of +5 on all personal interactions with other persons like talking to a person, recruiting someone or increasing their bond etc.)
-[X] Martial Education: From an early age you pursued the study of the military classics and learned what you could about leading men in times of war. The Six Secret Teachings, the Methods of the Sima, the Wuzi and Wei Liaozi became your daily companions. Hours and days spent discussing and learning their teachings. All to prepare you for a military post. (Unlocks Trait Martial Education: Prerequisite to earn a higher military post. Provides a bonus of +2 to all actions concerning the military from commanding armies to organizing them.)
-[X] Vain: You were always mindful of your appearance and the appearance of others. With the rank of your family came certain expectations and you deemed your meticulous appearance to be one that was utterly necessary to be upheld.
-[X] Clan of Officials: Your mother comes from a long-line of officials. Her family has had grand administrators, inspectors and even one minister among their ranks. ( Unlocks Trait Familial Connection increasing Guanxi gains by 5%, Two Scholarly Items as presents)
-[X] Father is dead: Your father was a valiant man. When duty called and the Yellow Turbans rose up, he stood ready to protect the Han empire and the people under his protection. As a prefect he was gifted and well-loved, but sadly he was never a warrior. Far more famed for his scholarly skills, he failed in battling the rebels. Together with the commander of the county, he perished fighting the Yellow Turbans, leaving you and his family behind.
-[X] Last Stand: Nanyang was another centre of Yellow Turban activity in the South. Here the uprising was planned meticulously and executed without fail. Officials slain, villages burned and the administrative centre conquered. The Yellow Turbans resisted regardless how often their leaders fell. They truly fought till the last. Your father's county is a distance away from the main fighting centres, but still in danger.(Normal Difficulty)
-[X] Respected by fellow prefects. During his tenure he coordinated more than once with his fellow prefects to better help each other, be it through battling bandits together or coordinating the trade in the region.
-[X] A group of loyal and able retainers make up the higher echelons of the county. All of them are sworn to your family and proven to be skilled in fulfilling their given duty.
-[X] Promises of support from the local families. Most of them look to the prefect for leadership.

Let's woo the underwear off China.
[X] Plan This Charming Man

This work we're a political based clan and while we'll need to be skilled in war given what's to come growing our power base early on is very important so securing more allies and retainers to our side is something we should do now in character creation if we can.
[X] Sicky Commander.
-[X] Loud Commanding Voice: When you speak people listen, if they want to or not. Your voice echoes over their cries, talk and protestations. (Unlock Trait Natural Born Leader: Provides a Bonus of +5 on commanding troops, rallying men or giving speeches before battles etc.)
-[X] Martial Education: From an early age you pursued the study of the military classics and learned what you could about leading men in times of war. The Six Secret Teachings, the Methods of the Sima, the Wuzi and Wei Liaozi became your daily companions. Hours and days spent discussing and learning their teachings. All to prepare you for a military post. (Unlocks Trait Martial Education: Prerequisite to earn a higher military post. Provides a bonus of +2 to all actions concerning the military from commanding armies to organizing them.)
-[X] Frail and sickly: You have been born with a frail and sickly body. Often you are plagued by sickness or have to rest to recuperate. (Incompatible with Strong Body!!)
-[X] Clan of Officers and Generals: Your mother comes from a long-line of military officers. Her father, brother, uncle and cousins all have served or serve in the Northern Army or in one of the frontier garrisons. (Upgrades Military Education to Extensive Military Education increasing the bonus to 4, One Military Item as present)
-[X] Father is alive: Your father was nominated as filial and incorrupt some time ago and has even gotten a post as prefect. He is currently in the process of organizing the defenses of the county against the rising rebellion of the so-called Yellow Turbans. The warning has come before anything horrible could happen and he has already called for troops to gather to face this menace.
-[X] Last Stand: Nanyang was another centre of Yellow Turban activity in the South. Here the uprising was planned meticulously and executed without fail. Officials slain, villages burned and the administrative centre conquered. The Yellow Turbans resisted regardless how often their leaders fell. They truly fought till the last. Your father's county is a distance away from the main fighting centres, but still in danger.(Normal Difficulty)
-[X] Respected by fellow prefects. During his tenure he coordinated more than once with his fellow prefects to better help each other, be it through battling bandits together or coordinating the trade in the region.
-[X] A group of loyal and able retainers make up the higher echelons of the county. All of them are sworn to your family and proven to be skilled in fulfilling their given duty.
-[X] Promises of support from the local families. Most of them look to the prefect for leadership.

This would be sort of the opposite of our father who is probably a politician through and through. We on the other hand are a young genius skilled in war who still has to learn the ways of diplomacy and intrigue.
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I don't want to interfere in the choices, but @Gaz most of your chosen accomplishments are bound to the position of the prefect and with a dead prefect...well do you get what I mean? Respect for the father is not equal to respecting the young son. The retainers are one thing, but the others...will be uphill battles.