...... soooo we at leas know what kind of Warhammer world we are getting and another universe has been revealed, the Godzillia verse.... this does not make me feel better as sooo many horrible things i am now aware can breach into our area
...... soooo we at leas know what kind of Warhammer world we are getting and another universe has been revealed, the Godzillia verse.... this does not make me feel better as sooo many horrible things i am now aware can breach into our area
*Canonically uncontrollably egotistical prick voice engaged* Do you doubt the worthiness of I, Cato Sicarius to be the undisputed leader of the efforts to save humanity from extinction and enslavement when I, Cato Sicarius am so very clearly the most competent, able, and gifted of all the Ultramarines who are the envy of all loyalist Astartes and I, Cato Sicarius, am surely destined to one day gain the eye of our Primarch and lead us to glory so that all may know the name and glories of I, Cato Sicarius?!
*Canonically uncontrollably egotistical prick voice engaged* Do you doubt the worthiness of I, Cato Sicarius to be the undisputed leader of the efforts to save humanity from extinction and enslavement when I, Cato Sicarius am so very clearly the most competent, able, and gifted of all the Ultramarines who are the envy of all loyalist Astartes and I, Cato Sicarius, am surely destined to one day gain the eye of our Primarch and lead us to glory so that all may know the name and glories of I, Cato Sicarius?!

god please not him, anyone that's not Chaos or him, we can't even punch him yet.
*****Going with anime catboys and catgirls, albeit with retractable fingernail claws that are really, really quite sharp; along with enhanced strength and speed and reflexes.

Why would you do this?
Omake Rewards
Alright this took a while (literally months to figure out a decent system lmao) but I've finally sorted out an omake reward system. If you go exceptionally above and beyond the call of duty with longform omake rewards can be increased; such as say, being able to suggest an OC for recruitment into the team, another level (unlocking higher level gear and generally some behind the scenes stat improvements as well as further incarnate slots), a new incarnate slot, potentially new gear outright, a bonus to your allies, as well as more SRI. But when you're writing 2k+ words, those extra rewards (on top of doubled SRI rewards) will be determined on a case by case basis.

Influence can also be used to purchase things at exchanges between missions as a way to quickly grab up some stuff immediately, buy some useful consumable or extra gear, or some potentially useful special crafting ingredients needed to make some special super gear or enhancements without having to do special missions or dispatch allies to get them among other things. Some allies can only be recruited via influence spending too. You can also essentially trade influence into more SR.

As you obtain better relations with more allied or at least friendly factions the Exchange can get more and better stuff and you can acquire some stuff for less influence or more efficient I to SR (or vice versa) ratios.

Non-Canonizable but enjoyableAcceptable QualityGood QualityStellar Quality
0-250 Words125 Salvage and Resources, 500,000 Influence.250 Salvage and Resources, 1,000,000 Influence500 Salvage and Resources, 2,000,000 Influence1,000 Salvage and Resources, 4,000,000 Influence
250-500 Words375 Salvage and Resources, 1,500,000 Influence750 Salvage and Resources, 3,000,000 Influence1,500 Salvage and Resources, 6,000,000 Influence3,000 Salvage and Resources, 12,000,000 Influence
500-1000 Words1,125 Salvage and Resources, 4,500,000 Influence2,250 Salvage and Resources, 9,000,000 Influence4,500 Salvage and Resources, 18,000,000 Influence9,000 Salvage and Resources, 36,000,000 Influence
1000+ Words3,375 Salvage and Resources
13,500,000 Influence
6,750 Salvage and Resources, 27,000,000 Influence13,500 Salvage and Resources, 54,000,0000 Influence27,000 Salvage and Resources, 114,000,000 Influence

PS: This is the Homestuck number post.
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Alright this took a while (literally months to figure out a decent system lmao) but I've finally sorted out an omake reward system. If you go exceptionally above and beyond the call of duty with longform omake rewards can be increased; such as say, being able to suggest an OC for recruitment into the team, another level (unlocking higher level gear and generally some behind the scenes stat improvements as well as further incarnate slots), a new incarnate slot, potentially new gear outright, a bonus to your allies, as well as more SRI. But when you're writing 2k+ words, those extra rewards (on top of doubled SRI rewards) will be determined on a case by case basis.

Influence can also be used to purchase things at exchanges between missions as a way to quickly grab up some stuff immediately, buy some useful consumable or extra gear, or some potentially useful special crafting ingredients needed to make some special super gear or enhancements without having to do special missions or dispatch allies to get them among other things. Some allies can only be recruited via influence spending too. You can also essentially trade influence into more SR.

As you obtain better relations with more allied or at least friendly factions the Exchange can get more and better stuff and you can acquire some stuff for less influence or more efficient I to SR (or vice versa) ratios.

Non-Canonizable but enjoyableAcceptable QualityGood QualityStellar Quality
0-250 Words125 Salvage and Resources, 500,000 Influence.250 Salvage and Resources, 1,000,000 Influence500 Salvage and Resources, 2,000,000 Influence1,000 Salvage and Resources, 4,000,000 Influence
250-500 Words375 Salvage and Resources, 1,500,000 Influence750 Salvage and Resources, 3,000,000 Influence1,500 Salvage and Resources, 6,000,000 Influence3,000 Salvage and Resources, 12,000,000 Influence
500-1000 Words1,125 Salvage and Resources, 4,500,000 Influence2,250 Salvage and Resources, 9,000,000 Influence4,500 Salvage and Resources, 18,000,000 Influence9,000 Salvage and Resources, 36,000,000 Influence
1000+ Words3,375 Salvage and Resources
13,500,000 Influence
6,750 Salvage and Resources, 27,000,000 Influence13,500 Salvage and Resources, 54,000,0000 Influence27,000 Salvage and Resources, 114,000,000 Influence

PS: This is the Homestuck number post.

I mean it's basic addition or subtraction. I'm not doing compound investments or something like that.

As for the exchange stuff; I to SR or SR to I would be handled by a simple ratio and the goods available would just be different every time you go to an exchange during an intermission.

And as for keeping track of relations to factions, it's something you can easily track with a table.
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[X]: Fighter Jet: Comes with an emphasis on speed, flying capabilities (allowing for greater flight capabilities in all modes), and agility adding back mounted multi-missile launchers that fire half strength missiles that consume only half the usual missile supply, and comes with the Null-Ray subweapon that is extremely effective against mechanical targets, dealing greater damage to shields, shutting down or at least interfering with mechanical enemy or power armour clad enemy functions and disrupting energy beings while its charged shot can chain between targets and also overload organic neurosystems. Adds less extra damage resilience and strength. Adds wingblade weapon melee weapon when you want to go for a proper dual wielding stance if you retract the arm cannon.

[X]: Helicopter: All-rounder alt mode, augmenting nearly all things save for subterranean or liquid manoeuvrability. Adds the rocket pod secondary weapon which will release a spray of terminally guided rocket munitions that are most effective against a large number of foes but are slow to reload between bursts in recompense for not consuming ammunition; also adds the cacophony blast subweapon which detonates in a wide burst that will scatter all enemies affected by the blast while causing moderate damage and significant disorientation, making it an ideal tool for crowd control; with the charge shot forming a continuous bubble of the effect. Also adds the helicopter saw melee weapon which can blend through softer targets or defend against additional incoming attacks.
[X]: Fighter Jet: Comes with an emphasis on speed, flying capabilities (allowing for greater flight capabilities in all modes), and agility adding back mounted multi-missile launchers that fire half strength missiles that consume only half the usual missile supply, and comes with the Null-Ray subweapon that is extremely effective against mechanical targets, dealing greater damage to shields, shutting down or at least interfering with mechanical enemy or power armour clad enemy functions and disrupting energy beings while its charged shot can chain between targets and also overload organic neurosystems. Adds less extra damage resilience and strength. Adds wingblade weapon melee weapon when you want to go for a proper dual wielding stance if you retract the arm cannon.

[X]: Helicopter: All-rounder alt mode, augmenting nearly all things save for subterranean or liquid manoeuvrability. Adds the rocket pod secondary weapon which will release a spray of terminally guided rocket munitions that are most effective against a large number of foes but are slow to reload between bursts in recompense for not consuming ammunition; also adds the cacophony blast subweapon which detonates in a wide burst that will scatter all enemies affected by the blast while causing moderate damage and significant disorientation, making it an ideal tool for crowd control; with the charge shot forming a continuous bubble of the effect. Also adds the helicopter saw melee weapon which can blend through softer targets or defend against additional incoming attacks.
Pick a crafting plan smh.
Yes but I'd like at least a second vote for it. :p

[X] Plan Tannhauser

[X]: Fighter Jet: Comes with an emphasis on speed, flying capabilities (allowing for greater flight capabilities in all modes), and agility adding back mounted multi-missile launchers that fire half strength missiles that consume only half the usual missile supply, and comes with the Null-Ray subweapon that is extremely effective against mechanical targets, dealing greater damage to shields, shutting down or at least interfering with mechanical enemy or power armour clad enemy functions and disrupting energy beings while its charged shot can chain between targets and also overload organic neurosystems. Adds less extra damage resilience and strength. Adds wingblade weapon melee weapon when you want to go for a proper dual wielding stance if you retract the arm cannon.

[X]: Helicopter: All-rounder alt mode, augmenting nearly all things save for subterranean or liquid manoeuvrability. Adds the rocket pod secondary weapon which will release a spray of terminally guided rocket munitions that are most effective against a large number of foes but are slow to reload between bursts in recompense for not consuming ammunition; also adds the cacophony blast subweapon which detonates in a wide burst that will scatter all enemies affected by the blast while causing moderate damage and significant disorientation, making it an ideal tool for crowd control; with the charge shot forming a continuous bubble of the effect. Also adds the helicopter saw melee weapon which can blend through softer targets or defend against additional incoming attacks.
Right, to assuage worries; this system is all much simpler than it looks due to the lack of numerical stats besides SRI.

You basically just decide what to spend money on for qualitative bonuses and I copypaste the acquired stuff into the relevant sheet.

Sheets that my Google Hangouts friends look over while we basically debate the outcome as per the Kriegspiel system.

Vehicles basically just mean you're fighting with another character profile.

Allies outside of immediate team members are mostly a background thing that help slow down or push back the doom counters or can handle stuff offscreen if say; a mission has rewards you want but you want/need to do something else first; or fetch something for you or otherwise help out invisibly.

Only certain missions would have you fight alongside large numbers of generic allies; and even in those; they'll generally be more in the background due to being well; good guy mooks.
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Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour. Intermission 1 Part 12
(Going to save you guys from wasting the extra SRI by building two of each gear when they can do a suit-handshake on down time and just share the gear outright and instead give you the "items of equal value" deal. So you get the Gamma Beam, the Radiance Beam, the Elemental Warhead Suite, the Thunder Disruptor, the Resonance Suit, and the Phasewave Beam.)


"Okay, I think I know what to make." You said, smiling as you stepped towards the workshop and quickly had a scan of how it worked. Ah, seems like you'd be able to direct it with thought now that you wired it through your suit.

"Chris, Wheeljack; want to join in?" Arne asked, flicking his eyes towards the two who looked to each other briefly and then nodded; Chris seemingly ecstatic at the chance to just play around for a while.

"I'll show the other kids around while you guys are busy then. Have fun!" Arcee said as she offered a wave goodbye and made a "come hither" gesture, leaving Sari and Olla behind as the two approached and joined in themselves.

"So...I wanted to get started with a few things. First, I need to explain to you how a lot of things in my reality works, so please try to pay attention. We'll start with something simple like Kid Win's spare power suit." You said, Olla folding her arms while Sari tilted her head with interest.

"Standard energy field, fractal bubble, or space altering shielding can be bypassed with a pretty large number of means, so a compound shield is needed to ensure really reliable all-purpose defense." You started as you started using the holograms to create the diagrams while Arne tapped at his chin and pointed something out.

"This also means multi-layered shielding. A bit past your armour, just above the armour, and on top of the armour itself, with the zero suit having the same layering." He said, altering the diagram to show how the shielding was divided into layers to ensure that the user was as protected as possible.

"Auto-regenerating shielding tends to be more of a modification than a standard-issue deal since getting more energy isn't that hard; but if you're interested here's some of the notes I've put on it." He started, letting the equations flow into being in the air, looking to you for approval, fearing perhaps he was losing some of his audience with an avalanche of math.

"Huh, interesting designs. Lot of similar theory between you and I. But let's see what I could change up if I added some energon based power systems to the mix." Wheeljack said as he started to add his own input, the diagram altering like a living thing before Chris raised a hand.

"Oh, oh...you'd probably want this to be a bit more modular, like your suits are. Don't hold back for my sake guys." He said as he scribbled down some notes and put in some additional work into the joint project.

"Hrm, now if we just added some synthetic biology here and there..." Sari said, working in some of her understanding of the anatomy of the cybertronians. The joint brainstorming process and learning jam going on for quite a while longer.

... Three hours later ...

"Hey, Samus can you pass me that omnitool? I might need it for this concept I've got in my head after getting a good look at some of this." Chris said, the Cybertronian device being passed into his hand and a grateful nod being given while Olla wiped her brow and raised some googles as she worked on the reactor concept.

"Arne, what did you say this stuff was called?" She asked, looking at the somewhat cerebrum like substance that you had synthesised.

"Zebetite. At least, that's the Federal Name for it. I call it Haximak." He said as he adjusted some of the controls on the nanolathe according to his specifications, sensing some of the changing parameters and stretching slightly while he continued to work; having moved your ships closer for easier access to the tools aboard.

"Huh, kind of gross but the energy output here's incredible. I could boost a lot of my suit outputs a ton with this...and it regenerates?" She said.

"Even if completely disintegrated." You said with a small while Chris tapped onto the laptop he had brought with him and you offered him a small drive that he thanked you for and took in hand, looking at the data shown on the screen and then making some additional adjustments.

"Now I'm not exactly the best with magic but this looks like it ought to make sizechanging a lot easier and less complicated. Wouldn't want to attempt it without some understanding of transformation science though, going in blind would probably get test subjects all mangled." Wheeljack said as he worked on a t-cog, taking influence from some morph ball schematics. You were supposed to keep most of the treasures of the Chozo a secret from people, but the Cybertronians seemed worthy of at least having some understanding and the strange Malware wasn't present here at least.

"Maybe if you make these adjustments it'd be easy to sizechange without even changing form?" You say, pointing out the necessary shifts to Wheeljack who snapped his fingers in understanding.

"Ah-hah!" He said, his optics glowing a bit more brightly than before in a way that made you slightly concerned, something Sari noticed as she looked towards you.

"Oh don't worry. Ah-hah is good with Wheeljack. It's Uh-Oh you should be worried about." She said.

"Because he's got incredibly devastating mishaps, I know." Arne said as he took a look at the beam components he was assembling and showing them to you, his worksmanship was impeccable to be sure, but slightly too by the book. Just a bit too according to the listed specifications rather than having some of his own flourish or improvements which you knew he could make.

"If you tune this part a bit more you could get some added efficiency out of the charge process. Give a bit of the Arne flourish that you do with the Sleipnir." You said to him as he looked at what you were working on and then back to his own work before nodding.

"I know it's just how...well...I was taught to build something like this." He said with a sigh.

"Zurvduat isn't here to beat you for not following the manual Arne." You said with a reassuring smile and a hand on his shoulder that made him melt a bit, nodding and taking another look at his device and looking to Chris.

"Noticed that these "elemental beams" need another component to stack into each other...so I'm working on something that might be able to do that. Might need a few visits here to finish though and well uh...joint tinkering sessions if you're interested. Might even just be you and I, Sam-" Chris said as he looked up and noticed Arne quirking a brow with a smirk, Olla grinning and Sari giggling.

"I mean uh...not in that way. Like...you're really, really pretty and all but uh, I'd definitely ask your current boyfriend first before doing anything like th-not that I'm trying to do that because I'm not a horny creep and I..." Chris said as he looked like he was about to die at any given second as you just gave him a little smirk and laugh before Arne gave him a thumbs up that if anything, made him even more embarrassed.

"Hey, hey no getting your organic fluids on my work bench." Wheeljack said, getting everyone to think about the innuendo and then breaking down into laughter.

It took a good few minutes for everyone to regain their composure, your sides heaving as you couldn't stop laughing. Even Wheeljack himself got in on it and you couldn't help but find a growing appreciation for the autobot master scientist's wit as you realised that his remark was completely intentional rather than an accidental double entendre.

Your laughter though was interrupted by Vista bringing some food in boxes, stepping through one of the door and having a bit of a skip to her step, clearly in a good mood. One of the other Wards, Cerebro; was following her, his hands folded behind his back as he sipped on a cup of what you recognised to be coffee through the scent emnating from the sip cup. From some brand called "Starbucks" that you'd seen an inordinate number of in your short time in Brockton Bay. Alice stood next to her, with Joseph following suit; hands in his pockets and shrouded by his cape, sucking down soda through a straw while Tyrius and Raelamiel offered a wave.

"Hey guys, thought you might be hungry so I went to the space bridge and got you guys something to eat! You've all been cooped up in here for a few hours and well...I don't know what a lot of you like so I just got Pizza. Though I heard from the Soviet team that some of you are...space vegan? So got a vegan pizza too." She said as she looked for an empty table and set the boxes down, with Alice's demons following suit shortly afterwards, cackling as they put down the food and the drinks. Your nose briefly wrinkled at the smell of the beef on some of the pizzas and you muttered an apology to the animal that was slaughtered to make it. Unless they found some way to synthesise

Showing this world how to synthesise meat to both raise the appalling quality of some of their ingredients and never have to take life for meat again had just jumped up many notches on your list.

"Samus, come on, be polite." Arne said as you forced a smile. To your hyper-enhanced senses nearly all the food you've gotten close to in this universe smelled of so many low quality ingredients and cheap processed chemicals that made your stomach do loops that you came to expect from the primitive technology available to the Earth of the 21st century. You'd have to suppress part of your senses to make it palatable. But then...he did that all throughout the stay in Munich himself.

"Alright. I'll give the food a second try if you are." You said, ruffling his fluffy, silky white hair and getting a laugh out of him.

You sat down with the group at the vegan pizza which at the very least, looked properly seasoned and not choking on an ocean's worth of salt unlike that...monstrosity you had back at the Munich airport. It smelled a lot better too. Something approaching edible without muting your sense of taste and smell. Perhaps good even. Hrm, this might be worth a try then.

"Where did you get this from?" Chris said, taking a look at the box with a marking that labelled it as "Ave Maria's Italian Food" with a kindly looking grandmother and the tricolour flag of Italy behind the stylised representation of the old woman. He then at the pizza itself, thin crusted with delicately sliced toppings and seasonings.

"Tyrius showed us around Paragon City for a bit after I finished some of the base touring. The city is uh..." Vista said before shaking her head and giving a thousand yard stare.

"Absolutely and obscenely insane." Cerebro said as the young Jewish boy continued to drink his coffee and let out a prolonged sigh.

"Yeah, there were people with like; Helicopter gunships firing missiles into the street who were supposed to just be organised crime groups until they got eaten by a toad the size of a skyscraper that exploded out of the sewer and half the people just shrugged and went about their day like this was normal." Vista said, shaking her head at the memory of the encounter.

"That's Paragon for you. Every day is a new adventure. Or near-death experience." Tyrius said with his usual charming laugh.

"I mean like, yeah; s'why I love it. Always fun there. You should try it out with us some day Sammy." Raelamiel said, giving you a finger pistol and a wink that made your cheeks go red and a nervous chuckle coming from your mouth as you went and tried the pizza to try and bury your emotions, Arne laughing slightly as he flicked open the cap for the root beer and poured you a glass.

"I still don't understand why a city where every borough has its own rogue's gallery of regular endbringer attacks is considered livable." Cerebro said as he helped himself to a slice, curly hair glistening a bit in the light of the base.

You hesitantly took a bite out of the Pizza and on your tongue detected. "...Magic..." You said, eyes going wide as you started to chew and then look at Arne and repeat the word, pointing at the Pizza as he was already chewing his first bite. An agreeing nod was given by him as he chased down what he swallowed with a glass of root beer and let it swish a bit in his mouth before swallowing.

The rest of the slice took an eyeblink to disappear as your initially snobbish attitude towards the Pizza disappeared and Tyrius offered a smile.

"Told you she'd like pizza made by a Lares from Rome." Tyrius said to Raelamiel who rolled her eyes and passed him a twenty dollar bill in what seemed to be the conditions of a bet.

... Six Hours Later ...

"Why is she curled up her ball form?"

"Something about how it provides an out of body experience to help with meditating." Wheeljack said as he went through the Data.

"Mistress friends think deep about Well of Furies in seance. Big brain stuff. Yes." One of Alice's demons said while you pondered the nature of the Well of Furies. She was supposed to be the embodiment of human potential and creativity, and those of the species tied to humanity as well. You sensed that she was a tremendous power to be sure. But she was just a gateway to the power, she had tremendous power of her own yes, but beyond her was something far more.

"Hey Sari, uh...mind checking this math for me? Not the best with numbers." Kid Win said, looking to Sumdac as she passed Wheeljack an energon snack while he worked on something, the Indian girl stepping over and having a quick look while Olla peeked her head in only for Sari to gently ease her away with a finger press.

She extended a stylus and made some corrections and wrote down a few notes and handed him the tablet back and gave him a smile while Olla leaned further in once more, trying to look at the Tablet while Chris looked down at her.

"...You okay?" He asked.

"...I'm just seeing if this math might be relevant for my stuff, that's all." She said. "...It's okay." She said, backing off a bit.

"...Okay." He said, a bit baffled.

"Nah you're more than Okay there Chris boy." She said with a smirk as Chris flushed. But elsewhere, the festive mood was hardly universal.

"...I buy King's Cross Station." Galen Witwicky said, Raelamiel looking like she was on the verge of losing her sanity while Tyrius tried his best to maintain a smile.

"...Just so you know, this game sucks dick." Vista groaned.

"I...I don't get it...is this a torture device? It's certainly not fun." Arcee groaned.

"Oh come on, it's just monopoly, lighten up." Galen said as bumblebee rolled the dice and landed on the newly acquired property, the Autobot staring intently at it while Buzzstrike looked like he was about to pass out and Cerebro was busy reading a book, Galen folded his arms and looked up at Bumblebee with a smug look on his face while Strongarm stared intently, trying to plot out her next turn.

"Time to pay up Bumbleb-" Galen managed before an irritated bumblebee swatted at the monopoly board and stood up with a profuse amount of swearing in his beeping language followed by some rather rude gestures and playing a "Fuck this shit I'm out" clip, prompting Galen to shield his face with his hands and Raelamiel to stumble awake, fall on her face and shout out some choice swearing of her own.

"...Can we play a less shitty game please?" Cerebro muttered.

... Three Hours later ...

After all the work spent, all your labours were built and your allies had gained new understanding, just as you had advanced your own understanding of the well of furies.

The upgrades were packaged together, the product of assembly, labour, and effort, and the two of you looked to each other for a moment with pride. Like making a child together...not uh...in that way...you went pink at the thought and harrumphed a bit to clear your head.

"Knew you guys could do it." Tyrius said with a thumbs up as Wheeljack stood back.

"Alright...commence acquisition...now!" Wheeljack said as the two of you reached for the upgrade simultaneously.

Arne's armour was changed from the black hues of the ghost armour into something a bit different. The masterforce armour absorbed itself into his squire suit and then with the masterforce suit you yourself were taking into yourself. A combination of Cybertronian and Progenitor technology took place that Wheeljack and Sari couldn't help be amazed by. First came the transformation of the ghost suit into the Frequency Suit.

A gorget emerged to provide his mouth with additional projection, emerging from the chestpalte of his armour and going up to somewhat in front of his nose; still allowing him the full range of head movement due to the spacing, but significantly reducing the space to target his head, which when combined with the back of the collar of his armour, gave something of the impression of a turtle. Crystalline formations, white in colour, emerged from his pauldrons. Blade shaped antennae emerged from the sides of his helmet, while diamond like reinforcement strips wrapped around the edges of major plating as his visor and highlights changed in colour to white. His chestplate and helmet retained their coal black colouration, while the limb armour changed to steel grey, and his abdominal armour and crest turned into a stony brown. The armour thickened somewhat, looking more powerful and durable, as the Diamont made upgrade was assimilated into his armour.

Your own armour had a rather similar list of transformations, the Valkyrie like wings on the sides of your helmet being subsumed into antennae blades while your helm and chestplate transformed into a brilliant diamond like hue, the visor and highlights taking on a more blackened hue, black reinforcement strips around the brown coloured major plating and steel grey abdominal, inner thigh, and hip armour coming into being. Your pauldrons took on a demispherical, more rounded shape, and the gorget emerged in front of your face from your chestplate, ensuring greater defence for your head in tandem with an emerged collar.

"Primus blessed." Wheeljack said with awe as your suits transformed with the substantial arsenal absorbed into them. The thrusters on the back of both of your suits expanded into a substantially sized black (or white in your case) jetpack, about the size of your unarmoured torsos, encased in a sleek shell. The helicopter forms rotorblades extended behind you, folding into a black cape like structure that could fold out of the way of your jetpacks as needed while the wings of the jet mode emerged from your backs, going a bit beyond your shoulders and shifting around the tailfins emerging from your pauldrons. The stabiliser fins folded over the pauldrons, reinforcing them while the jet-mode wings folded over his chestplate, giving it a more traditionally knightly armoured look; with the cockpit of the Jet-mode emerging from the midsection of both of your chests. Your own jet-mode wings shifted into a sort of loosely fitted metal tunic of flexible plates that would move out of the way of your legs as needed, your own tailfins facing the opposite way Arne's did.

The engines of the jet found their way to your boots, adding to your flight mobility while the blades of the tail rotor split into two, one half going into side-arm and elbow blades emerging from your left-arm and the other going along the sides of your arm cannon; able to fold up as needed or collapse into a singular tonfa if he desired; or spin up into saw-blades should you desire. The turbines of your new jet-mode emerged on the front of your pauldrons, spinning up briefly just to give it a whirl before the wrist-gun manifested onto your left arms, a smaller bore version of the arm cannon that fit itself neatly from just a bit before the joint of your arms all the way out to stopping a bit past your wrist; with a hinge able to give your hands mobility; important when the grapple tether emitter was below the wrist.

Your helmets changed again, the air intakes of his alt-modes finding their way onto the cheeks of your helm, mostly for show. The horn or crown like crest from the ghost suit on his helmet remained, as did the antennae from the frequency suit. You retained the gorget and the crystals from the Frequency suit emerging from your pauldron and its reinforcement strips. Your neck, once covered wholly by black segmented soft-armour, was now covered in segmented-hard plates over the softer plates, akin to what protected your abdomen to still allow for full flexibility while adding to your defence; coloured black in his case and white in yours. He clenched his fist and let time briefly come to a halt, leaving just the two of you now.

The Gravity Boost regulates and controls gravity for the user and those somewhat around them, rendering them able to function at their preferred gravity in all cases and also neutralizing unwanted friction and drag such as that created by water. The Gravity Boost also allows for flight through activating its thrusters and gravity regulation. The Gravity Boost furthermore negates the harmful effects of most gravitational attacks.

Samus' Notes: Ah, all the places I can now explore freely thanks to this little invention! c:

Arne's Notes: Always room to improve the Thruster's top speeds.

The Frequency suit alters the composition of the armour and its multilayered shielding to allow it to absorb energy; particularly vibrational energy; into itself. This notably has the benefit of preventing the overwhelming majority of damage from blunt force conduction through the armour, keeping the wearer safe from even the hardest blows should the shielding fail. The Frequency suit also cancels out the effects of high-frequency weapons, absorbing their vibrations and making them considerably less threatening to the wielder. The Frequency suit can store energy that can be used for many purposes, such as refilling energy, recharging the temporal distort, recharging the shielding, or releasing it in a bomb-burst of energy or to augment specific attacks. The Frequency suit will also cancel out the effects of unusual vibrations and sonic fences, preventing them from impeding the user. It finally improves all physical augmentations, enhances the resilience of the shielding and armour plating, and the antennae on the suit allow for improved signal interception.

Samus' Notes: One thing that the description doesn't talk about is how it also cancels out most of the sound of your footsteps, allowing you to sneak up on enemies you normally wouldn't be able to otherwise. Shouldn't take too long before I come across a situation where this helps out.

Arne's Notes: It's worth noting that only some of the energy will be absorbed into the batteries while the rest will still end up going into the shielding. It's mostly the damage that the shielding hardness manages to cancel out entirely from what I've been able to glean.

The Phase Wave Beam is an Augment Beam that utilises phasic technology to harmlessly pass through non-target obstacles such as cover or walls while still imparting damaging levels of energy into enemies. Best paired with visor technology that allows for vision past obstacles or with a spotter, the Phase Wave beam will make engaging with enemies in hardened positions a much simpler prospect. The Charged version of the Phase Wave Beam is the Phase-Storm, which will create a short-lived vortex of phasic energy upon impact, damaging everything it comes into contact with.

Samus' Notes: A beam like this will need more caution for use in Urban areas since a missed shot has a much higher chance of hurting someone you didn't mean to. But I guess that means I have more reason to fine-tune my marksmanship.

Arne's Notes: There's going to be a lot of cases with entrenched enemies where something like this is going to come in handy. Or in dealing with enemies that rely on moving cover around to obstruct fields of fire, shame most energy fields block it out though.

The Temporal Distorter allows for altering of the flow of time for a duration affected by the intensity of usage. At maximum, at its base level the temporal distorter can pause time entirely for only six seconds from the user's perspective, which will allow them to make maneuvres and attacks as they deem necessary within the period. Upon depletion of its stored up distortion, the Distorter requires a recharge. The distorter can also be used to target another individual, but this halves the duration in which it will last. Upgrades to improve the distorter are available however, derived from your accel charge stockpile. It can also be used to slow time.

Samus' Notes: I know the Chozo made their own equivalent to this not long after the N'Kren revealed their first models. It's definitely a tool that should be used responsibly, however, manipulating time in such a way is way too easily abused for this to be something for any situation...but I have to admit, there's definitely some fun ideas for it.

Arne's Notes: Samus has used this to pull so many pranks on me...and all my retaliations are kind of lame as Solveig would say.
Elemental warheads such as Toxin grenades, Ice Bombs, Pyro-Missiles and similar devices augment your existing explosive arsenal by offering them increased damaging effect as well as the capacity to deliver elemental effects. The user may swap between or combine compatible effects as deemed necessary to create differing types of warheads as the situation demands. Elemental warheads may be applied to superlative but more ammunition intensive munitions such as super-missiles, power bombs, and ultra grenades.

Samus' Notes: More versatility is always welcome. I'll try out some of the elemental combinations as soon as I can get the chance.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, as soon as I get the time I'd like to just sit down and tinker with some new warheads. I should probably get some charge combos going too.

The Ice Beam is an Elemental Beam fires a globule of anti-energy that neutralises most energy within the target upon impact, arresting momentum, eliminating temperature, damaging binding energy, and even neutralising the gravitational potential energy required for a frozen object to fall. The reverse-annihilated energy is converted into water-ice while the atmosphere around them also freezes, freezing the target in an icy prison if they survive. The charge shot fires the absolute zero blast which entraps the foe in a much larger section of ice and strips out most forms of binding energy as well as virtually all thermal energy, being far more likely to cause a target to implode as potentially even its gluons will have no energy to hold together if it lacks sufficient vitae to avoid death.

Samus' Notes: Ah, I've missed you old friend. Glad to have you back. c:

Arne's Notes: Well, can't have too many ways to freeze enemies I suppose.

The Positron Beam is an Elemental beam releases a stream of positrons which are then followed by a "chaser" of protons which following catalysation, impact with greatly enhanced reactive power at near light-speeds, which can be improved with realspace FTL projectile augments. The impact of the positron beam annihilates the target's electrons and protons, rapidly collapsing their atomic structure into neutron slurry while the reactant is released primarily as electricity that will arc into other targets for additional damage. The charge shot fires the anti-matter storm which will cause the beam to chain; still in anti-matter electrical current format; into multiple other targets, each of which releases conventional electricity.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, it's definitely one of the most overtly destructive beams around, but thankfully the electricity arcs won't direct into friendlies and will ignore neutrals unless I want them to.

Arne's Notes: Now this? This here is my favourite beam. There's something just endlessly fascinating about electricity and anti-matter. Really hoping to never leave it at home again. So many times I wished I could have fired it.

The Gamma Beam is an Elemental Beam that fires a catalysed beam of ionising gamma radiation that will penetrate through many forms of obstacles and deal severe damage to both organics whose tissue will liquefy if they lack sufficient resistance to the beam's enormous energies as well as machinery as the beam plasmafies most forms of matter and tears apart the more delicate components of many forms of technology. The Charged Shot fires the irradiator wave, which will not only deal increased damage but leave the afflicted targets enormously but briefly radioactive, allowing it to function as a short-lived area denial weapon or turn an enemy durable enough to survive into a hazard for more fragile allies. The Gamma Beam is regarded as a generally horrific weapon due to the extremely graphic nature of the death it inflicts.

Samus' Notes: I've never been entirely fond of this beam to be honest, it seems...excessive to turn a target's flesh into glowing and steaming gelatin and watch their charred bones flail around as they disintegrate. It's undeniably effective and harmful to most targets but...hrm...

Arne's Notes: Conflict is conflict and there aren't really any nice ways to die. It is awful to watch, and the death it inflicts is one of a great deal of short-lived pain. But is being blown in half by a missile any better?

The Radiance Beam is an Elemental beam that fires sanctified light energy that is of significantly greater effectiveness against "dark" opponents such as demonic, unliving enemies, Nictus, possessed foes, darkness based or suffused life forms, dark energy dependent shielding, or dark magic users. The Radiance beam will pierce through enemies and cause them to burn in proportion to the amount of darkness they have become suffused with, even metaphorical darkness such as evil committed as per the moral standards of the Ylla. The burning also affects the soul of the evildoer, and can bypass many conventional forms of defence or immortality; and as a secondary effect can induce temporary blindness and stun many enemies. It is however less effective against soulless enemies. Its charged shot fires the Judgement Hammer which debilitates targets with the agony they have unjustly inflicted and turns the afflicted target into a lighthouse that will strike other targets temporarily.

Samus' Notes: The Ylla were always a little bit sanctimonious, but the ones I've spoken to always thought highly of me. So it's good to know that they think I'd be worthy of this sort of weapon, especially if I am to put so many undead back into their graves.

Arne's Notes: I'm not entirely sure on the Ylla's moral standards if they think I'm unquestionably worthy of using this. But if they have confidence in me I guess I shouldn't put it to waste.

The thunder disruptor is a melee augmentation that allows the user's melee weapons to accumulate charges that will be released upon impact to create a concussive blast wave that can knock down, around, and stun enemies, causing not simply just much greater impact damage but also leaving them more likely to be unable to properly fight back in return. The impact will also allow a blow to affect multiple enemies at a time, though it will need some time to recharge between usages.

Samus' Notes: This also notably applies to unarmed strikes with the arm cannon or my limbs so being able to thunder punch people should be plenty fun!

Arne's Notes: Hrm, could be excellent for a good drop kick into a fight I'd say.
The wrist gun is a secondary ranged weapon attachment designed for usage on the freehand. While its projectiles lack the raw power of the arm cannon's; they allow for additional fire capabilities and can serve as a backup tool in case multiple avenues of fire are required. The wrist gun can utilize all the same weapons that the arm cannon may utilize at reduced strength. It may also be separated and used as a sidearm should the need arise and is able to be used while in any alt-mode.

Samus' Notes: You could get a lot of use out of it in melee honestly. But usually, I'd say I'd only really need my arm cannon most of the time? Still, not bad to have as an option, especially with morph-ball hit and run attacks.

Arne's notes: Using this for the shock coil should be handy for getting energy cycled back into my suit.

The Basic Agility Alpha Incarnate Power taps into the human potential for speed and grace, imbuing them with fragmentary aspects of divine figures such as Hermes or Zoran; as such increases the user's speed and response times by three-fold and similarly improves turning circles and acceleration/deceleration times; including both themselves and their equipment and the projectiles they launch or vehicles they pilot; even if such would induce realspace FTL travel; preventing the expected time dilation or reversed flow of time as one approaches or exceeds C. This also affects the user's endurance and the recharge rates of cooldown limited abilities as well as the recharge rates of abilities with a limited amount of time operational. Agility also increases the rate of fire of all weapons and the rate at which concentration can be used to restore shielding, armour integrity, or munitions as well as the rate that charge weapons accumulate their charge. Regeneration rate of damaged tissue is also increased somewhat, as are reserves of energies such as mana or the winds of magic. With the alpha incarnate slotted, the user is considered an Incarnated Deity and gains the requisite resistances and immunities.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, I'm going to need to meditate on what "the winds of magic" refer to, but from what I have been able to discern...I think I should get a try for how I can manage the obstacle course with this kind of performance boost. I could get my best time down even faster I think.

Arne's Notes: I really, really want to see how the Sleipnir can handle now if I really press it. I find it...almost wrong that now I kind of want to fight much higher grade enemies to really try this kind of power out. But I should probably watch myself, accumulating a lot of power can make it hard to see other perspectives.

Multi-missiles allow the suit to generate and then fire upwards of twenty four sub-missiles at a time; which can be combined with the charged missile, the seeker missile, elemental warheads, and/or super missile for even more destructive power. Though note that this increases the recharge between usages of the multi-missile. Multi-missiles are homing and will track all designated targets to the best of their capability at full speed, taking slightly longer to travel due to needing to curve around the user's back or from special pods fitted into the user's alternate modes, including the Morph-Ball and Psychomorph. Multi-missiles do not consume ammo, but do have cooldown between usages once all twenty-four missiles in a battery are fired, though the missiles will replenish faster the more of them are still in the battery, allowing the user to fire more sustained bursts or even constant one or two missile bursts. Accel Charges will enhance the rate at which the missiles are replenished.

Samus' Notes: Ooooooooooh. Missiles are always fun to use and having free missiles always on hand would be a huge benefit. Especially in my alt-modes. Hrm, now I'm thinking about preparing some sort of submunitions missile. Maybe when I have some spare time?

Arne's Notes: Added ranged firepower is never a bad thing, especially ranged firepower this versatile.

Rocket Pods allow the user's suit to generate and then fire a large quantity of minimally guided rockets that while able to course correct towards a target; are not capable of radical manoeuvres unlike true missiles. However they compensate for this with sheer volume of fire; saturating the target with upwards of 120 rockets in a single burst can be combined with the charged missile, the seeker missile, elemental warheads, and/or super missile for even more destructive power. Though note that this increases the recharge between usages of the rocket-pod. Rocket Pods do not consume ammo, but do have cooldown between usages once all one hundred and twenty rockets in a battery are fired, though the missiles will replenish faster the more of them are still in the battery, allowing the user to fire more sustained bursts or even constant bombardment from a few rockets at a time. Accel Charges will enhance the rate at which the missiles are replenished. The rocket pods can still be used in alternate modes like the Munitions Launcher and Wrist-gun.

Samus' Notes: Saturation fire weapons like this would be very useful against hordes of enemies I'd feel. Going to need to experiment to find the best usage for them in my fighting style.

Arne's Notes: This sort of ranged firepower is likely better suited for suppression fire rather than direct damage against most enemies capable of rapid movements.

The Cacophony Blast unleashes sonic pulse blasts that carry their own atmosphere to allow them to continue to inflict damage in vacuum environments; kinetically accelerated to catch supersonic opponents. The cacophony blast causes significant shaking and rumbling in targets that it passes through as the blastwave expands to its designated full size, not only dealing substantial damage but also stunning, disorientating, and weakening the resistances of all enemies it afflicts; often knocking them down as well. A charge shot will fire a larger bubble that will remain in its target area for some time, causing damage to anything that passes through it. While relatively slow to fire, the Cacophony Blast is devastating against large numbers of enemies or enemies weak to sonic attack.

Samus' Notes: With all the enemies we're fighting, more area of effect weapons I think are going to be necessary. I might be able to tune the weapon a bit farther for a wider array of sonic effects too. Based on some of the beneficial or simply debilitating sonic effects I've seen used on Primal Earth or Earth Bet.

Arne's Notes: Stacking multiple resonance bubbles on top of each other seems to have an intensely compounding effect, I should probably be careful with the force-concentrators unless I want to create a major earthquake.

A cybertronian devised Subweapon, the Null-Ray combines a blast of deadly energy with an overload and energy arrester bolt that will at the very least deal additional damage to mechanical targets and energy shielding or at worst shut them down outright and can disrupt the neurosystems of organics as well; frequently knocking out those it fails to kill or forcing them to abandon mechanical equipment. Particularly effective against vehicles improperly hardened against the Null-Ray's shutdown effect, the Null-Ray can allow for many important enemy assets to be captured intact. Note that many systems such as Progenitor grade systems will at most be inconvenienced by the null-ray and will not shut down; simply taking extra damage and receiving some HUD static and specially hardened equipment will be able to shrug off the shut down effect of the null-ray.

Samus' Notes: The non-lethal settings should be very helpful in situations where I don't want to outright kill someone I think. And being able to capture samples intact is going to be a huge benefit to our cause.

Arne's Notes: Going to have to be careful to not assume I can just go through every situation without thinking about de-escalation simply because I can end it nonlethally.

The Wingsabre detaches the user's tailfin wings to form a blade that can be attached with the user's existing arm blade, cannon bayonet, or used on its own to similar effect. Configurations can include a greatsword, a double sword, a curved sabre, a bayonet, a rapier, or any other configuration the user can imagine. The Wingsabre shares an upgrade pool with the arm-blade and the same overall effects and capabilities. The user can also add energon charging to their melee weapons as recompense for already having a similar weapon, adding significantly more damage to the user's melee weapons; enhancing their cutting power and shield penetration, and adding an order effect that increases their effectiveness against malicious entities such as the unliving, demonic or darkness based entities. In the jet alt-mode, the wingsabre can be used to charge the alt-mode wings with cutting energy to slice apart enemies. The wings can also be charged in their resting positions, adding additional protection, deflecting attacks that impact the shoulders or chest and a risk of harm for grappling enemies. The wingsabre can also be thrown or launched at foes and will always fly or teleport back to the user and can be used to fight separately from the user temporarily. As these weapons are spirimetrically linked to the user; they cannot be used by enemies.

Samus' Notes: Ironically, I don't think I'm going to be using them in sword mode very often. But the anti-grappling features or the ability to quickly add to or modify my blade would be extremely useful; or when detaching and fighting on their own.

Arne's Notes: In alternate mode the blades should probably turn out to be extremely useful at least for strafing attacks.

The Rotorsaw is used from the tail-rotors of the user's helicopter mode to form a rapidly spinning saw of field sheathed and energon charged cutting surfaces that while lacking in the striking power of the wingsabre or armblade. It can be extended from either arm or used from the sides of the arm or locked into a side-blade position for additional cutting surface, folding over the wrists to be used as claws, assisting user flight as rotors, or as tonfas; making them extremely versatile. They are also able to deflect incoming attacks that strike them, can be launched either individually or in saw form; returning to the user when called via flight or teleportation, and are able to use the same bonuses as the arm-blade, including using beam weapons to augment their cutting ability with other effects such as freezing, anti-matter, radiation, phase-waving, and other myriad effects just as the Wingsabre and Rotor saw can. They can also be detached from the user to fight on their own temporarily, with a recommended tactic being to use them as additional defence, deflecting incoming attacks. As with all detachable weapons, due to linkage to the users, they cannot be stolen or used against them and are harmless to allies.

Samus' Notes: Saws are a bit...gruesome as melee weapons but the versatility of these tools should make for extremely capable tools for other purposes, especially as deployable shields. Though extremely rapid firing or well aimed weapons are likely to be able to slip by. But I think I can modify my more conventional arm shields with the same technology.

Arne's Notes: Saws are clumsy and inefficient as melee weapons and are more intimidating than effective. Very little possible finesse and even with complete RPM control, they're always going to be more awkward than a proper blade. But the individual rotor blades can be used for all sorts of purposes. The claws might be handy and even in saw mode; sometimes you really do just need a blender.

Bonus Scan Logs:

Real Name: Chris Johnson Maverick
Age: 14
Parahuman Power: Shard gives Chris a heightened and almost savant-like understanding of modular devices that can be encouraged and fed through exposure to sources of inspiration that the shard is capable of comprehending. While the shard is incapable of directly understanding magic or similarly esoterical forces, the shard may attempt to replicate the effects of magic as it and its host understand the phenomenon. Chris is a student at Arcadia High school in Brockton Bay during his civilian life and has been diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Disorder and Dyscalculia that makes him easily distracted and surprisingly given his engineering focus; poor at math without the assistance of calculators. While more effective with medication, he has spurned it following undesireable side effects.

Chris makes use of power armour made with materials he was able to assemble together following his recruitment into the wards. While the materials used are grossly subpar by your standards, by the standards of the time and general level of technology, they are exceptional; allowing him to safely engage most low level criminals or "capes" with minimal risk of injury. His arsenal is largely nonlethal and designed for apprehension rather than fighting to the death. While he has little experience in lethal conflict, he has earned a reputation as a valued and versatile member of the team as a part of the Brockton Bay wards. One of his most valued inventions is a cannon meant to be deployed against high grade threats that would require lethal force to put down.

Addendum: Following modification to Federation standard genetic augmentations and the acquisition of a United Nations of Sol Argonaut pattern Exploration Suit, Chris' combat capabilities are significantly enhanced and will continue to rise as he gains greater understanding and appreciation of the technology involved in the adventurer model suit. He has so far managed to integrate his hoverboard as a deployable portion of the armour and most of his weapons into the suit's melee and ranged suite and is currently working on alt-mode technology after seeing it in action repeatedly; he is however, afraid to test it on himself for the time being. While augmentation has treated his dyscalculia, he is still looking to improve his ability in mathematics despite his distaste.

Samus' Notes: He seems like a sweet boy to be sure, but I'm hoping that spending so long in law enforcement hasn't made him too rigid in the way he handles problems

Arne's Notes: He's nice enough but as far as I can tell a large portion of his interest in us is down to wanting to watch us work. I'll need to look more into how these beings affect personality development..

"Nice work." He said to you, gently as he let his cannon, other weapons, and helm fade away, a gesture you repeated as you brushed some of the hair away from his eye and kissed his forehead.

"Of course we could do it." You said as he let out a little laugh, taking a moment to share a hug with you, everyone else frozen around you. Eighteen seconds all to yourself, lengthened by your accel charges into a more impressive eighteen seconds. As you would count such passage of time, which was plenty.

The wonder of this upgrade had passed a long time ago since you first acquired it on Zorant, but the use for it as a means to just have private movements never faded as you and Arne just sat down for a bit; all by yourselves.

"I feel more confident in our chances at least but still...this feels like stuff we were supposed to handle when we were adults. This all feels so...sudden and early." He said, his lack of confidence starting to eat at him. Two years on and you two were still picking up the pieces of the shattering Zurvduat had done to his soul. But then...you weren't exactly an unbroken person yourself.

"Well, if it is early...then it must be important. We don't really have a choice." You said. "But, we'll face it not just together but with well...all of our new friends." You finished.

"Do you think we'll be able to do it...deal with something this big so soon?" Arne asked you as you flicked your eyes towards him and nodded.

"Of course. We have to. We're here for a reason. And I think that reason is to help these people where we can...and ourselves." You responded as he gave a nod and clasped his hands in yours and the two of you leaned in.

"You know...meeting you made me so much happier." He said, so close. So soft and gentle beneath the layers of armour that he wore. The tired bags under his eyes you knew him for when you were both two years younger mostly faded.

"You say that as if you haven't made me happy." The two of you laughed and drew close, then shared a deeper meeting of the lips. Long yet just a bit too brief before you pulled away from each other. He looked at them for a bit before turning back to you, his smile fading.

"Samus I..." He paused for a bit and frowned. "...I wanted to say that I'm glad that I could at least do this with you." He said as he brushed some of your hair. It wasn't what he was initially going to say. But you could confront him on that later.

"I know, but well, if my assessment of the current time is correct we should be getting ready for night time arrangements." You said, humming as time resumed itself around you and you caught one of the flung monopoly pieces with an idle hand and lowered it to the ground.

"Heh, that's some mechanisms you've got there kids. Any time you want to work with me, hit me up. Or if you've got ideas or want to help me test something out well...Ol' Wheeljack's got you covered." He said as he chuckled to himself.

"Aw damn it's nine PM...gotta get ready to head home. Ugh...not fair when I can stay awake forever." Chris groaned as Cerebro rubed his eyes and yawned. He took a moment to look at his new suit, which you couldn't quite see at the moment; with some pride though, patting it and high fiving Olla afterwards.

"Maybe I should go through that station myself...blergh..." He groaned while Vista helped to collect all the missing pieces scattered around by Bumblebee's tantrum.

"I could open a hellgate for you all if you want, just get us anywhere we need in a hurry." Alice offered, spinning open a circular portal to her Hell dimension with a quick incantation.

"I mean, if you guys want to do a sleepover I'm fine with it." Chris said. Hrmm...

"Is there anything that needs our help at the moment Wheeljack?" You asked the Autobot before he shook his head.

"Nah, things are kind of quiet after the Munich mess went public and the fight at Brockton Bay. Besides, you're on off-duty time. Take a load off." He said, returning to his work as he looked through the schematics you shared with him and hummed to himself.

"Well if there's nothing to do then it can't be that bad to take a nap right?" Arne said.

Sleepover Options

[]: Sleepover at the Autobot Base (Already have bunks for you two. Hang out mostly with masterforce recruits. Chris might ask his parents if he can spend the night.)
[]: Sleepover with Assault and Battery (They already have a room for you two and won't have you sleep separately. They aren't kids though, and with the portal back home to Paragon established; Nightcaster and Eudaimonica won't be there. It'd be more of a surrogate parent bonding thing.)
[]: Sleepover at PRT base with Vista (Meets other wards, Wards will likely try to ask Arne and Samus to sleep separately due to the general rules against letting people of differing genders share a bed; especially when known to be involved. So Arne would mostly get to hang around other boys and Samus around other girls. If you pick this Chris will sleep over at the ward base.)
[]: Sleepover at Chris' House (Chris' Parents will probably just have you all use sleeping bags next to his own.)
[]: Sleepover at Starsetter base (Meet the other Starsetters; they have zero rules on sleeping arrangements and frightfully little adult supervision.)
[]: Sleepover at Freedom Phalanx HQ (Positron wouldn't be expecting you but there are spare rooms, no rules on sleeping arrangements. He's not Statesman. Hang out at really fancy Avengers grade superhero base.)
[]: Sleepover with Eudaimonica (She literally sleeps in her parent's castle in the Frostflame hell so you'll get to meet all the demon buddies she has.)
[]: Sleepover with Nightcaster (He sleeps in his parents' spooky castle in the shadow realm full of benign beings of shadows and darkness.)

Solitary asshole options

[]: Just sleep in your ships (Separately: Not recommended, they don't like to sleep alone for good reason.)
[]: Just sleep in your ships (Together. Don't invite anyone else. Gives you privacy and basically an absolute guarantee of safety but also does nothing to build friendships.)
[]: Keep working at the Autobot Base, Sleep is for losers and who needs friends when you have more weapons? (No stress relief, no plot advancement, no social links you can get in one free project in though.)
[]: Go on a night patrol in Paragon City. (Sleep is for losers, cool heroes come out at night, and there might be adventure. (No allies will be able to attend as this would be unsanctioned, you might meet new ones though. Earth Bet villains and loot.)
[]: Go on a night patrol in Brockton Bay. (Sleep is for losers, cool heroes come out at night, and there might be adventure. (No allies will be able to attend as this would be unsanctioned, you might meet new ones though. Primal earth villains and loot.)
[]: Investigate the psychic signal, who needs sleep? (No allies will be able to attend as the autobots would not sanction this op and the starsetters and wards need to go home, it'd be just you and Arne. Will build stress)
[]: Investigate the Technological Signal, who needs sleep? (No allies will be able to attend as the autobots will not sanction this op and the starsetters and wards need to go home. This is also the moon so don't expect many new allies. Will build stress.)
[]: Fight the Progenitor Relic Guardian for its power-ups (You two would have to do it on your own, though some autobots might come since it'd be a personal thing and a learning experience.) Will build stress.)
[]: Check for any other missions you can do (No allies will be able to attend due to the unsanctioned nature of this op and the need for the kids to go home.)

This is a lot of options to be sure but this is mostly to determine the sort of shenanigans you get up to in order to close this intermission and possibly start the next one or transition to mission 2 if you want to live dangerously and immediately start making the Autobots regret taking you in.
Scheduled vote count started by Krasnyy Spartak on Jan 5, 2021 at 4:33 PM, finished with 41 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Tannhauser
    -[X] Craft: Gravity Booster (x2), Temporal Distorter (x2), Tier 1 Agility (x2), Wrist Gun (x2), Ice Beam (x2), Positron Beam (x2), Diffusion Beam (x2)
    -[X] Research: How does it even work?, Attunement with the Well (x2)
    [X]: Fighter Jet: Comes with an emphasis on speed, flying capabilities (allowing for greater flight capabilities in all modes), and agility adding back mounted multi-missile launchers that fire half strength missiles that consume only half the usual missile supply, and comes with the Null-Ray subweapon that is extremely effective against mechanical targets, dealing greater damage to shields, shutting down or at least interfering with mechanical enemy or power armour clad enemy functions and disrupting energy beings while its charged shot can chain between targets and also overload organic neurosystems. Adds less extra damage resilience and strength. Adds wingblade weapon melee weapon when you want to go for a proper dual wielding stance if you retract the arm cannon.
    [X]: Helicopter: All-rounder alt mode, augmenting nearly all things save for subterranean or liquid manoeuvrability. Adds the rocket pod secondary weapon which will release a spray of terminally guided rocket munitions that are most effective against a large number of foes but are slow to reload between bursts in recompense for not consuming ammunition; also adds the cacophony blast subweapon which detonates in a wide burst that will scatter all enemies affected by the blast while causing moderate damage and significant disorientation, making it an ideal tool for crowd control; with the charge shot forming a continuous bubble of the effect. Also adds the helicopter saw melee weapon which can blend through softer targets or defend against additional incoming attacks.
    [x]: Tank
    [X]: Motorcycle (Samus)
    [X]: Helicopter (Arne)
    [X]: Fighter Jet - Samus
    [X]: Tank - Arne
    [X]: Submarine - Samus
    [X]: Fighter Jet - Arne
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