Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

I have a suggestion, it goes with the short duration thorough vetting option,
Limit the candidate pool to his top 5, that way you have enough for your two choices and up to three alternates.
That's what I mean. 6 months is too long, clock is ticking till everything explodes. We need more people, but we need those people working.

So I standby that we shouldn't solo long.
On one hand, Daniel thinks that he can get in done in three months, on theother hand.... shit definitely happens, yes.

I have a suggestion, it goes with the short duration thorough vetting option,
Limit the candidate pool to his top 5, that way you have enough for your two choices and up to three alternates.
With all the vetting options, Daniel will present to you a list of candidates that he has selected based on his own judgement, which he has then vetted. Your involvement will be choosing from whatever he gives you. Remember, we're the manager here, not the recruitment exec.

On one hand I feel if I do an infopost on what the various combinations can get you, that might be construed as manipulating the vote, but otoh idk, so far a lot of the more subtle points I drop seem to be not noticed...
Alright its vote time

[X] Plan First come
-[X] Short duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
-[X] Request Navy assistance

part of me wants to ask the IRG as well, but I'm assuming that we are limited to one or the other.
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Wow, I forgot to hit post on this.

[ ] Short duration
[ ] Long Duration

How thorough should Daniel be?

[ ] Expedited Vetting
[ ] Thorough Vetting

Will you reach out for third party assistance, at the cost of an unspecified favor? (Will turn Long Duration into Short)

[ ] Request IRG assistance
[ ] Request Navy assistance
[ ] Do not request assistance
Short+Expedited: Hasty vetting of a small pool. Chekov's HR Knife, but unlucky.
Short+Thorough: Thorough vetting of a small pool. Medium risk. Maybe.
Long+Expedited: Hasty vetting over a long time. Unknown risk. Nope.
Long+Thorough: Low risk. Long time. Nope.

So, what about IRG/Navy/No assistance?

No assistance is "do it alone". I don't have a good enough read on the themes, so I'll count that as a neutral factor. They have equivalent effects: long -> short, or improving what can be done in a short period of time. @Whiskey Golf confirmation?

Between the IRG and the Navy, we know that the IRG has questionable alignment wrt our goals. The Navy has potentially rogue factors. What sorts of contacts would be tapped? Probably Kanda and Salt Admiral, but who else?

Without further information, I'm leaning towards Short+Thorough+Some Assistance, or Long+Thorough+Some Assistance.
Thoughts on vote Combinations
As a general breakdown of the options:

Duration: Short gives you the chance to Investigate the Anonymous Lead from the last ep that was passed over, at the cost of shorter time to vet, Long gives you more time. Not also that because Daniel is doing things solo, in the worst case Long will take up to six months where he's tied down, so yanno, priorities... you're basically balancing between time to do work and needign to be ready for any crisis.

Thoroughness: Expedited is a shallow dive, Thorough is a deep dive into the candidate's background. Depending on your chosen timeframe, this will limit how large your vetted candidate pool is, because Daniel can only do so much in so little time.

Assistance: IRG or Navy assistance allows you to expand the candidate pool because you can vet more people, and complete vetting a shorter time frame (i.e. get extra in same time, or get same in less time), at the cost of an unspecified favor. Solo YOLO means you keep everything in-house; on one hand nobody has their nose in your business, otoh there's only so much daniel can do by himself. Large Candidate Pool, No Surprises, On Time: pick 2 out of three. That's basically what this vote is about.

Welcome to the senior leadership life.
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Wow, I forgot to hit post on this.

Short+Expedited: Hasty vetting of a small pool. Chekov's HR Knife, but unlucky.
Short+Thorough: Thorough vetting of a small pool. Medium risk. Maybe.
Long+Expedited: Hasty vetting over a long time. Unknown risk. Nope.
Long+Thorough: Low risk. Long time. Nope.

Generally correct, except that Short+Expedited is hasty vetting of a large pool. You've got more characters to gacha, but you dunno who's sus.

Expedited and Thorough is the difference between a deep dive and a shallow look on the background checks; basically, every time you choose Expedited, you get a larger candidate pool because Daniel can do more shorter shallow dives than long deep dives.

So, what about IRG/Navy/No assistance?

No assistance is "do it alone". I don't have a good enough read on the themes, so I'll count that as a neutral factor. They have equivalent effects: long -> short, or improving what can be done in a short period of time. @Whiskey Golf confirmation?

Pretty much this, yes. For example, for [X] Plan First Come, Navy assistance for Short+Thorough means that you'll get a larger candidate pool (since there are more people to do deep dives).

Between the IRG and the Navy, we know that the IRG has questionable alignment wrt our goals. The Navy has potentially rogue factors. What sorts of contacts would be tapped? Probably Kanda and Salt Admiral, but who else?
That will be revealed in the later update, if you choose Navy. The uncertainty here is deliberate. I'm dipping my toes int the @Gazetteer school of vote options some more. :p
...THe IRG dudes may or may not try to coup...But it occurs to me weirdly enough that if they build some kind of successful religious case for the Mandate of Heaven to pass to Yui instead of Ahri it's better to have Yui in the loop then not.
The Navy on the other hand, could open us up to....Other....Concerns.
But the trouble is if everyone KNOWS the IRG wants Yui in charge instead of Ahri, then actively reaching out to them reeks of COUP! And will spook the Houses, who might otherwise be more likely to do things useful for Salt-meister and cover the borders of the Empire better.
Navy, on the other hand, potentially opens channels for the angry people of the border to be heard...It could also invite them to try and blow up Ahri to prove the Mandate of Heaven has left the Imperial House, fracturing the Empire in the process. And they'd say GOOD RIDDANCE!
I'm not sure who to go for.
...THe IRG dudes may or may not try to coup...But it occurs to me weirdly enough that if they build some kind of successful religious case for the Mandate of Heaven to pass to Yui instead of Ahri it's better to have Yui in the loop then not.
The Navy on the other hand, could open us up to....Other....Concerns.
But the trouble is if everyone KNOWS the IRG wants Yui in charge instead of Ahri, then actively reaching out to them reeks of COUP! And will spook the Houses, who might otherwise be more likely to do things useful for Salt-meister and cover the borders of the Empire better.
Navy, on the other hand, potentially opens channels for the angry people of the border to be heard...It could also invite them to try and blow up Ahri to prove the Mandate of Heaven has left the Imperial House, fracturing the Empire in the process. And they'd say GOOD RIDDANCE!
I'm not sure who to go for.
Honestly the IRG is most reliable to their goals. They're not the late-era Janissaries or who think they should be running the empire or the Praetorians who believe they can pick and choose. They're fanatically loyal to Ahri. Not to the office. The person. They haven't met her, they don't know her, but they will gladly kill everyone in a room then themselves for her. Which makes me think they haven't crossed the Rubicon of thinking they are the only ones who know what's best for the Empress, and that Ahri cannot be trusted with anyone's input or exposure but themselves.

We just got through a major episode where a shooting war nearly started between people wanting the same exact thing because a lack of communication and trust snowballed into battleships jumping into places they wouldn't ordinarily go. Paranoia is what's killing this empire, not naked ambition. The IRG's motive is straightforward and simple to understand. That makes it easy to pitch something to them. But it has to come from someone they'd listen to. They'll have to be eased in to the family circle, but once they start to see the state Ahri's been in and how she's improving, I think it's a safe bet they'll work with us.
Honestly the IRG is most reliable to their goals. They're not the late-era Janissaries or who think they should be running the empire or the Praetorians who believe they can pick and choose. They're fanatically loyal to Ahri. Not to the office. The person. They haven't met her, they don't know her, but they will gladly kill everyone in a room then themselves for her. Which makes me think they haven't crossed the Rubicon of thinking they are the only ones who know what's best for the Empress, and that Ahri cannot be trusted with anyone's input or exposure but themselves.

We just got through a major episode where a shooting war nearly started between people wanting the same exact thing because a lack of communication and trust snowballed into battleships jumping into places they wouldn't ordinarily go. Paranoia is what's killing this empire, not naked ambition. The IRG's motive is straightforward and simple to understand. That makes it easy to pitch something to them. But it has to come from someone they'd listen to. They'll have to be eased in to the family circle, but once they start to see the state Ahri's been in and how she's improving, I think it's a safe bet they'll work with us.
That's where I was leaning- like worst-case scenario IRG starts pushing for Yui to be Empress, which uhh...
Ahri: Yui, awesome, gloriously groomed-tail kicks-butt at everything Yui as Empress? SCREW SUCCESSION RULES!
Yui: You could have said that more diplomatically Ahri...
Ahri: Tell me it wouldn't solve like 90% of our problems right now.

Meanwhile, Navy failure case is angry Rebels getting a voice in government+roll to assassinate important officials.
Just a reminder, but voting closes in 22 hours from now, so yanno, speak now or forever hold your peace. :p
I think that for our intelligence assets, we should aim to keep them as un-compromised as we can, even from the IRG. Therefore:

[X] Plan: Rushed Reliability
-[X] Short duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
[X] Plan: (not) A Coup!
-[X] Short duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
-[X] Request IRG assistance

Daniel knows his business, and we do not have a lot of time, especially if you want to chase that lead before it goes cold. And if we cannot trust the IRG, we are really up Shit Creek. Therefore, we should put our trust in them and get them to buy in on our 'support the empress' plot of sorts and get them in our corner.
[X] Plan: (not) A Coup!
-[X] Short duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
-[X] Request IRG assistance

Strypgia votetrain? Stypgia votetrain.
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[X] Plan: (not) A Coup!
-[X] Short duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
-[X] Request IRG assistance
[X] Plan: (not) A Coup!
-[X] Short duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
-[X] Request IRG assistance