Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

[X] Investigate the anonymous lead

I love the update. However, one thing that I do miss is the explanation of the Malaysian pidgin that we so often get from Johnny. It makes me feel like I'm actually learning a little bit when I read this quest.
[X] Investigate the anonymous lead

I love the update. However, one thing that I do miss is the explanation of the Malaysian pidgin that we so often get from Johnny. It makes me feel like I'm actually learning a little bit when I read this quest.
Oh rip i forgot about that lol ^_^,;

I'll edit and drop that in later after tonight's church service

(This is what I dislike about Christmas on friday, back to back church services day and night that I gotta be at. In the words of my mum: "I need another break to recover from Christmas break.")

Edit: Nvm, it's edited in haha, I had some time. Glory be to my A71, which is a bit less cancer to work with than my Note 3. (Maybe I'll voice act Johnny's dialogue for extra cringe lmao)
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1 - Investigate The Lead
2 - Expand The Team

The Dice Have Spoken.
[X] Investigate the anonymous lead
Thebigpieman threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
Thanks to everyone who has voted. For those still on the fence, voting will close in 48 hours.
Thing is, these sorts of decisions are going to keep coming. There'll always be some sort of time-critical lead, and the only way we can get ahead of that is to start expanding the team.

[x] [X] Expand your investigation team
I wonder if we played as Shikki would we be able to solve half of the galaxy's problem by romancing foxgirls?
I wonder if we played as Shikki would we be able to solve half of the galaxy's problem by romancing foxgirls?
There is a saying from the ancestors: "A fox may have many men, but woe betide the man who tries to have many foxes." IF he romances Taihou, Akagi will lead Sumeragiexit and invade Hoou. If he romances Akagi, Taihou will do that in reverse. If he romances Yui, both sides will coup (or at least Hard Brexit with no lube :V).

Johnny will be sitting in the background, splitting his time between laughing at Shiki and yelling at him for making his life sial while smugging about how as a bachelor he avoids all these shenanigans (and then goes home and has depraved handholding with his Sumeragi honeypot ninja girlfriend).

Also, be afraid, people. Be very afraid. Right now, Johnny is behaving himself and being a parental figure for Ahri. But who knows what will happen six, twelve months down the road. is this the birth of a new shitposting duo
Also, be afraid, people. Be very afraid. Right now, Johnny is behaving himself and being a parental figure for Ahri. But who knows what will happen six, twelve months down the road. is this the birth of a new shitposting duo
Look, if Ahri isn't being a smug little shit when she's on the throne, making everyone simp for her at fancy events, and stopping by the Royal Troll Farms to shitpost on the Houses behind seven proxies, then we have officially failed Comrade Putin.:V
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[X] Expand your investigation team

On one hand, investigating the lead might prove interesting, if only to see who's sticking their proverbials into this whole mess and why. On the other, my default move when a trap is sensed isn't to spring it (Obi-wan get outta here).
[X] Expand your investigation team

I don't like the anonymous tip, feels like someone's trying to get an in for what the team is investigating.

>Maybe also check space foxgirl 4chan along for any similar info for luck?
Our own team is saying that everyone and their cat are trying to get more ships, FoxFoxFoxChan is going to be a bottomless pit of worry. Bother the IRG if you want a wider net, better yet, let them bother you.
Look, if Ahri isn't being a smug little shit when she's on the throne, making everyone simp for her at fancy events, and stopping by the Royal Troll Farms to shitpost on the Houses behind seven proxies, then we have officially failed Comrade Putin.:V
Or we might could possibly end up with this cringe, where Ahri falls under Johnny's sway amd cuts a CD of Ossan songs:

(Also I'm making it official, for the live action kdrama we beed Yoo In-na to play Yui and IU to play Ahri, esp because IU is Korea's little sister and smol.)
Your writing is amazing, @Whiskey Golf, and I'm actually kinda disappointed I haven't read your previous work before. :smile:

...also, goddamn, I wish the Warrant Officer I had been attached to was half as fun as Yonatan...:sad:
Ngl I'm still tempted to make it canon that Warrant Officers are addressed as Encik.

Also Johnny is still secretly scared of Warrant Officers, when he was enlisted he made it as far as Petty Officer 1st Class before he went officer. Doesnt matter if you're a 5 star: dont fuck with the Encik, the Encik fucks with you.
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