[X]: Ranged assault. (Samus and Arne) Use your superior firepower to gun down high priority targets such as spellcasters before they can act, shooting down enemies as they pop up and suppressing them; preventing them from having free movement towards allies.

[X]: Bastion: The least risky and most defensive tactic, the team works primarily to guard each other and prevent people from getting hurt as best they can. Low risk but low offence.

[X] Assault: "I don't suppose anyone else brought their vampire hunting kit with them? Just me? Alright then." Arne: "Nightcaster, Eudaimonica, Winterpyre can any of you disrupt the big bloodsuckers defences?" Find or make stakes for use against the vampire(s) and disrupt the barrier.
[X]: Ranged assault. (Samus and Arne) Use your superior firepower to gun down high priority targets such as spellcasters before they can act, shooting down enemies as they pop up and suppressing them; preventing them from having free movement towards allies.

[X]: Bastion: The least risky and most defensive tactic, the team works primarily to guard each other and prevent people from getting hurt as best they can. Low risk but low offense.

[X] If anyone's religious start praying. Focus on good and righteous things. Certainly couldn't hurt.
[x]: Ranged assault. Use your superior firepower to gun down high priority targets such as spellcasters before they can act, shooting down enemies as they pop up and suppressing them; preventing them from having free movement towards allies.

[x]: Advance by Fire: The team will move its tankier combatants forward to help take hits and tie up the enemy in close range combat while ranged combatants and support offer assistance, suppressing enemies, dropping down crowd control, and passing out buffs/debuffs.

Gonna do the same stuff I did last time. I'll basically always support the use of as much heavy firepower as possible without sacrificing too much defensive.
[X]: Ranged assault. (Samus and Arne) Use your superior firepower to gun down high priority targets such as spellcasters before they can act, shooting down enemies as they pop up and suppressing them; preventing them from having free movement towards allies.

[X]: Bastion: The least risky and most defensive tactic, the team works primarily to guard each other and prevent people from getting hurt as best they can. Low risk but low offense.

[X] If anyone's religious start praying. Focus on good and righteous things. Certainly couldn't hurt.
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour. Mission 1: Nazi Punks Fuck Off! Part 11
[X]: Ranged assault. (Samus and Arne) Use your superior firepower to gun down high priority targets such as spellcasters before they can act, shooting down enemies as they pop up and suppressing them; preventing them from having free movement towards allies.

[X]: Bastion: The least risky and most defensive tactic, the team works primarily to guard each other and prevent people from getting hurt as best they can. Low risk but low offense.

[X] If anyone's religious start praying. Focus on good and righteous things. Certainly couldn't hurt.



"If you believe in anything, pray to it." You said, holding your cannon and muttering a few words to your Gods, your parents, and your guardians; finishing with a request for the watcher of the dead to forever keep you in her care. Samus had made her own requests to ancient Chozo spirits and ancestor-gods, and both Eudaimonica and Nightcaster made benediction to a number of spirits whose names you didn't recognise. The Vampire recoiled, hissing with seeming pain as the lights in the room seemed to get a little brighter.

"Hey, he's a vampire right?" Assault asked.

"Yes!" Samus responded enthusiastically, seemingly enjoying this way too much as she just about bounced from step to step.

"What's the biggest piece of wood in this place?" He said, realisation flashing before your eyes as you pointed to a broken column.

"If we can impale that through Todesscheri we should be able to end this." You said as you rushed into action, a spray of multiple charged beam shots emerging from your cannon, dancing between the hordes of ghosts that streamed to you, moving too quickly for them to even touch you as you tried to clear a way towards the wood while Heinrich snarled and conjured a blood red mist of death and hurled it forward like a wind; the energy of raw destruction having a considerable tell as it moved towards you with supersonic speeds.

"Clever boy, but cleverness will not be enough to save you. I will have those shards, and I will see you and all your allies as my bloodkin." He howled as Maria let loose a simple sigh and pushed the deathwind closer to you as you dodged around; demons touched by it being rent apart and dissipated into oblivion as the death wind homed in on you like it had a personal vendetta against you. Missile fire from your cannon raked against Hollenmord's wings, tearing holes in them, but as you kept on trying to avoid the wind of death, you noticed that the spell was losing energy far too slowly for you to practically wind it down.

Arne Missile Count: 95/170


It would only dissipate upon contact with you, and until then it posed a risk to your team mates.

To Samus' alarm, you threw yourself into the magic, her shout at your direction being barely audible as the necromantic magic tried to tear at your body, armour, and soul. You endured without harm to your flesh, but you could feel your pulse pounding. Your soul was inviolate, safe both with its progenitor blood and your armour, and your shielding stood up to the foul energies as whispering and howling of death and despair surrounded you. You kept to your feet, and pushed through, continuing to fire at the Vampire as he reflected a charged shot back at you, crashing into you and throwing you out of the dissipated cloud.

The dull ache that pervaded you cleared as you picked yourself up, shaking your head as the fog of the magic vanished.

Arne Energy Count: 05(34)

That hurt for sure, but you weren't properly guarded by the augment magic, and Samus' sigh of relief when it seemed that you were okay made you feel better about yourself while you stood back up.

Winterpyre, shifting some of the invisible chains around their enormous power to let loose with just a bit more of it; conjured forth the powers of abyssal cold and the corrosive potency of hellfire to further shield the team with cryonic and infernal magics that mingled with the shadows and fire of your other allies. The magic tingled slightly as it wrapped around you and you allowed it to seep into you, grabbing at the energy and letting it sink into you; allowing you to enjoy a substantially higher chance to deflect incoming attacks and a sudden infusion of unnatural speed and regeneration interfering enervation while you activated the Berserker Boost; letting the energy surge through you like what you imagined stimulants would have felt like if you weren't so insistent on going completely straight edge.

Hollenmord, with the assistance of the magic of Maria and Heinrich was rapidly patching themselves up; ruined flesh pulling itself into one piece as they let out their hellish howl once again, taking to the skies with a single beat of their wings and spiralling as they swept the ground with their deathshriek, cascades of dark magic infused sound pulverising into the ground with force to rock the earth.


"Keep close and keep them off." You said, looking to Eudaimonica as she directed her demons and fire elementals with the professionalism of a dedicated commander. You smiled a bit at her as she gave you a thumbs up and brought forth her wand, twirling it like a baton and using her cheerleader skills to push the team forward as she threw a wave of magic into the team to reinvigorate them as fast as she could.

"Come on! Hit 'em hard and mop the floor with 'em all over the yard!" She cheered, calling forth her demons and letting them throw a cascade of mystic firepower at Hollenmord's direction, her hellfire whip extending and cracking into Heinrich's face as he prepared yet another spell to augment his creature.

"You really are a wretched little brat aren't you?" Heinrich glowered before you took the opportunity to let the shock coil explode out of your cannon in a storm of neutrinos and the electric pulsation of the shredded atoms following the stream with an eruption of blue-white lightning while Samus let loose with the Laser-Cutter; a red ray stabbing into Hollenmord and stabbing into the bat beast's chest.

"Aaaaaaarghh!" Heinrich snarled as he tried to move his shield into the path of the shock coil, your will moving the stream around his barrier to still stab into his face while Hollenmord stumbled backwards.

"Hey, Gold Render, you up for a teleport?" Eudaimonica asked as Samus grabbed onto Hollenmord with her grapple beam, twisting her body to avoid its raking claws and sweeping the cutting laser downwards, Hollenmord's quills shrieking through the air and glancing off of Assault while he rushed towards a missile launcher left behind by one of the Ubermensch, grunting a bit before hitting the monster in its face with a rocket that made it snarl and stop its flight.

"I uh...sure." She said before a rune flew over her to her surprised yelping, engulfing her and then spitting her out on top of Hollenmord where Heinrich was there to quickly slash his sword at her. She was pushed back by her spacewarp field, but knew she couldn't hope to match the Vampire at this range, and ducked down to grab hollenmord's back and start tearing at his spine. Undying tissue came apart, twisting with an awful noise as she pulled at the directions of its cells, horrific sprays of ichor meeting her before another rune was cast to pull her out just as Maria caught her in a death howl.

You flinched at that sensation, briefly stopping your shock coil as you switched to super missiles. You could feel Gold Render's spirit frayed and body harrowed by the experience as she dropped to the ground, vomiting out blood profusely and shaking as she seemed to have aged a decade in a second while Doctor Black tended to her; holding back the unliving hordes that reached her with black shadows and undoing the curse to the best of his ability.

Arne Universal Ammo Count: 140/240

Arne Energy Count: 08(99)

Samus Universal Ammo Count: 140/240

You took a blood beam and a full power banshee wail and about a dozen hypersonic quills to the face that sent you head over heels and smashing into the wall behind you, groaning a bit before you picked yourself out of the indentation you had made a few dozen rooms behind you, finding yourself face to face with a Vampir whom you quickly impaled through the chest with a nearby piece of wood, not looking at them as you ran back into the fray with your speedbooster.

Arne Energy Count 07(22)



Your heart briefly quailed inside of you at seeing Arne take more hits and Gold Render seemed drained and scarcely able to carry on fighting. Molotok was backing herself into a corner with a group of fire elementals, panting as their heat made her sweat profusely while she was surrounded by ghouls. The team formed a circle around its wounded, Serp's sickle slashing around while Molotok's hammer crashed into the skull of another pair of whites, splintering them while Battery panted and tried to recover her energy after expending it, Winterpyre's hellfire breath scouring the unliving who had the gall to touch it.

But you had almost won, Assault had finished shaping a sharpened point out of the wooden column, using his kinetic energy manipulation to let the axe he stole from a fallen wight do the word of hours in seconds. He just needed a bit more time. And you'd give him that, firing away at Hollenmord's chestpiece with pyromissiles to open up its chestplate and alternating with spazer beam fire at Maria to disrupt her spellcasting whenever possible; using your thrusters to manoeuvre around Hollenmord's flailing.

Making a twist of your body, you flung Hollenmord back onto the ground, arresting its flight and emptying your remaining super missiles into the creature; which staggered backwards with each powerful blow as you made a prayer with each one, asking a different spirit to bless each warhead and tearing increasingly jagged holes into the creature's chest as it vomited out blood and scurried away from you on ragged, damaged wings.

"I fear not the darkness, for I am light's warrior; I stand in the light of Zotek-Xa and I smite the evil of the unliving denied their rest." You said as you charged and fired off the last super missile, exposing Hollenmord's unbeating heart and sending splinters of bone outwards while the beast tried to spread its wings and fly away.

"What sort of warrior are you, girl?!" Heinrich said, alarm in his voice as you dodged around his blood lance and yanked the weapon out of his hand with your grapple beam, roping him towards you off of his footing as you jumped ahead; your arm-sword emerging and clashing against his broadblade briefly atop of Hollenmord's head. You traded sword blows at incredible speed, strikes going between you too fast for the observers to follow until you got in an opening and severed his shield arm at the elbow; the Vampire letting out a howl of outrage as the blade dug into armour weakened by hell-magics before you teleported out of the way of his next swing and shoved him into the path of Maria's banshee wail, getting the Vampire to vomit out blood and his teeth until you shot the Banshee in her face and teleported out once again.

"Heiress of the Chozo. And now, protector of this world. I'm giving you one chance to leave." You said as you shot Hollenmord through the neck with a pair of fully charged shots, tearing open ragged holes in its ruined flesh and creating panic in the beast as it sought to fly away right before you teleported off.

Arne crashed into it hard enough to completely tear off a wing; a red comet of speedboosted energy and his shinespark form arresting its glow as he brought himself to a halt and Winterpyre let forth scalding hellfire on its other wing; Eudaimonica and Nightcaster chanting to bring forth chains of hellfire and darkness around hollenmord.

You and Arne fired off your grapple beams, the Brute's desperate desire to continue its unlife and the magic that the two spellcasters upon it were dumping into it giving it incredible strength. But it could not escape and it fell to a knee as Heinrich realised which way the wind was blowing. Fear clenched at the old vampire's still heart, and his eyes widened with alarm as Assault got onto Jackie Noir with his massive stake in hand. If Hollenmord were to perish; in his bound state; so would he. Good, let the coward run.

"Minions, guard my escape!" Heinrich shouted as he disintegrated into a swarm of bats; the remaining undead hurling themselves at you with all they had, crashing into the demons, elementals and shadows with a wild frenzy in an effort to cover their master's escape while Maria tried to hold you back, only to receive a barrage of beam fire into her ghostly form that made her already transluscent body start to flicker in and out of existence.

"Assault! Come on! Finish him!" You shouted, firing off the grapple voltage to sap energy from Hollenmord and counteract their regeneration; Serp, Molotok, Render, and a newly recovered Battery and Sidewinder focusing on clearing a path for the bounding umbral wolf even as Caustos wreathed their fiery body around Hollenmord to continue burning its flesh; the fire elemental lord whispering prayers of hatred for the unliving as it flowed into the vampire's eyes and mouth.

"God, please let this work." Assault said as the wolf rushed forwards into the Vampire bat and he shoved the stake into its still heart with all the force he could muster, breaking its skin and pushing into its still damaged back. All at once, Hollenmord began to jerk around like a puppet in the hands of a possessed man, shrieking, flailing and howling as its body began to steam. Its regenerating wings stopped dregrowing, and the evil force in its body began to leave like air seeping out of a balloon. With a final jerking motion, it tried to snap its jaws at you and then once more, it was a corpse, greedily drained blood flowing out of it in a foul smelling pool.

The undead, abandoned by their masters, began to crumble once more. Bones clattered to the ground, followed by weapons and armour, Serp's attempt to sword fight a plate armoured Wight who had his black armoured hands around his throat coming to an end when the Wight Knight fell behind him, Molotok's wrestling with dozens of ghouls ending as the ghouls felt a sudden panic and abandoned her, fleeing and hissing before you shot at them to end their miserable existences; dust flowing from their corpses as your prizes were left standing in the open in the wake of the battle; Maria shrieking as her incorporeal body unravelled into tendrils of ectoplasmic smoke, leaving behind some prizes in her wake.

"...Holy shit we did it." Battery said, panting and wiping off her sweat encrusted brow as she threw off a massive monstrosity made out of the bones of hundreds of corpses before it could crumble into a pile of remains, sidestepping away from a loose jaw that rattled towards her with a grimace on her face.

Even better, it seemed that the signals your suit were picking up were indicating that the fighting really was over.

Ubermensch: What does יור mean? I can't read Jew-Script.
Vampir: Does it matter, kill them!
Wolfpack Mk II: High concentrations of lethal pathogenic gas detected, recommend non-NBC combatants evacuate battlezone.
Wight: Death to the psychics!
Warwolf: Loud Howling sounds
Necromancer: At least they seem to have as much trouble going through the machine infested areas as we do.
Ubermensch: Tch, or the freaks below, an utterly miserable collection of mutated monstrosities.
Obersturmbannfuhrer: The Pyroclast teams should have purged most of the degenerates, have yourselves screened and detoxed afterwards, exposure to such mutation must be met with assurances of purity. Especially after the psychics' mutation gas.
Gruppenfuhrer: You are all hereby ordered to withdraw. We have our secondary objectives.
Necromancer: But what of Heinrich?
Gruppenfuhrer: Let Bose Hexe deal with him for his failures.

Captain Wolfgang: How many of us are left?
Sparkstart: We're at 25% strength at this point.
Captain Wolfgang: Fantastic, where are the reinforcements the boss promised us?
Razorblade: Fuck knows, between the psychics throwing around the wildest shit I've seen, the magic undead nazis, the...things downstairs or the people eating machines you assholes let loose by poking around where you shouldn't have I'd wager the reinforcements probably all got killed off.
Captain Wolfgang: Team in one of the tunnels say they got an assist from some parahumans and giant robots.
Razorblade: Great more corpses. Or more monsters spat out by whatever the fuck it is they've got up their sleeves.
Sparkstart: Hey, the boss pays great.
Kickflip: Hey they're pulling out.
Captain Wolfgang: Are you serious?
Kickflip: Yeah they're in full retreat. Did we win?

Unknown #1: Ramiel team has the objective in hand. Begin exfiltration now.
Unknown #2: Glory be, let us be done with this accursed place. Return to the portal.
Unknown #3: Provide us with cover, my kin.
Unknown #2: Psychic Communications only from here on out. The psychic static from the monsters has diminished with their destruction.
Unknown #1: The Disciple will see us through.
Unknown All: Hail to the great one.


You had won, and you had just the right idea for how to handle it.

You grabbed each and every one of your friends that you could, Arne included; into a fierce hug and jumped a bit with them in hand.

"WE DID IT! OH SPIRITS AND GODS YOU'RE ALL STILL HERE! OOOHHH YOU MADE ME WORRY SO MUCH! AHHH PLEASE DON'T GET HURT LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN FRIENDS! HOW COULD YOU BE SO BRAVE WITH SUCH POOR ARMOUR?! AAAAAAAAAH" You squealed in rapid succession as a choke informed you that some were not quite happy to be hugged by someone who won an arm wrestling contest with a being who could stand upright on a neutron star.

"Oh Please...don't wanna...die being hugged...after all this...please...restrain yourself..." Viktor gurgled before you let him go and he flopped onto his back with a metallic thud, giving you a thumbs up as he hit the ground.

"Good to see such...enthusiasm comrade...I will...call a chiropractor..." He said breathlessly as you and Arne shared another armlock and headbutt gesture that lingered for a moment; your visors going transparent for you to stare into each other's eyes before you pushed a finger onto where his nose would be.

"Arne...don't make me worry like that about you. We've talked about this before." You said as he looked a bit guiltily and nodded.

"It was just the best way to keep anyone important from getting hurt." He said before you shook your head.

"You are important too. Not just to me either." You said as you brushed a hand against the side of his helmet, his own hand resting atop yours and nodding as you gave him leave to separate. "Check on them, okay?" You said as you looked at the lock of the door ahead of you, letting your scan visor get to work at unlocking it. The code was sophisticated by this planet's standards, but hardly beyond your ability to force open. You set it to an open position, and looked behind you at what the foe had left behind.

"Anyone need any assistance?" Arne asked, Doc Black assuring him that everyone would be in fighting shape.

You tapped Arne on the shoulder and directed his attention to the menagerie of upgrades left behind, and he smirked beneath his helmet shortly afterwards. With a nod, the two of you went out to fetch them together.

The items split in two and passed themselves into each other's suits; gathered from the defeated enemies and the prizes they left behind. Heinrich's lance and shield, Todesscheri's body and the armour peeled from its Hollenmord form, and Maria's remaining sonerous screech and her ectoplasm were all pulled into your armoursuits in a flash as you were carried aloft. Brilliant light flickered around your forms as you curled into a ball and then flicked your arms outwards to complete the transformation, all eyes on you with interest and fascination. Winterpyre perhaps most of all, the ancient Demon having the best understanding of what was happening as sorcery, psionics, and science came together to make for a miracle.

Your armour had changed; as did Arne's. It had taken on a ghost green and bedsheet white colour scheme with trimmings of deathly purple and highlights of spectral blue, your visor shifting to a blue colour while your pauldrons had shifted into a more rounded shape, two glowing pools of light in it almost suggestive of eye sockets with glowing orbs within. The armour was a bit more slender now as well, and the limb plating had faint traces of ribbing going across them, as did the chestplate. Your helm changed slightly, with two prongs emerging downwards to the sides of your mouthpiece slightly suggestive of fangs while small hints of wings emerged from the sides of your helm, like a ghostly valkyrie come to collect the dead; completed by the sift of two wings emerging from your armour's back with spectral blue energy membranes that stretched out before curling back into yourself and disappearing as you hit the ground.

Arne's armour changed as well, his suit a combination of indigo and black, with witchfire green trimmings and menacing blood red highlights that made his armour suggestive of an altogether more malevolent sort of spirit than yours did. The blood red highlights of the wings taken from Hollenmord giving him the suggestion of a demon, and the crest of his helmet moved somewhat formward to suggest either a crown or a set of horns depending on how one looked at it. The ribbing on his limb armour was more pronounced, as were the small fangs on the bottom of his helm. His pauldrons had changed into articulated pieces shaped like extended and distorted versions of his helmet, with glowing "eye"pieces at their centre while the frame of the suit had become a bit more slender. He looked at his armour and projected a shield from his left hand, and a scarlet energy blade from the barrel of his cannon.

You however, checked out a rather familiar beam now made accessible to you once more, firing off a burst of sonerous energy that accompanied the electric and light energy of your current beam stack; leaping outwards and passing through a wall with a reverberating jackhammer noise; your armour noting the rapid recovery of your lost shield energy. During the upgrade process, you had also taken the time to "handshake" with Arne, passing on to him a copy of the upgrades you had just as he had to you; and your suit noted the acquisition of the Star Beam, Prism Beam, Quantum Beam, Shock Coil, Lightning Sphere, and Berserker Booster just as his noted the acquisition of the Adaptation Module, the Blink Pack, the Seeker Missile, and the Electro-Wave and Spazer beams.

Not quite what you had in the battle with Trace, Sketch, Kanden, and Weavel or the engagement with the Moon Hunter and Sun Stalker, but definitely a very formidable arsenal all things told.

Allows your shielding, armour integrity, and body to recover over time without external input, even regrowing components or limbs. While vulnerable to alpha strikes, the regenerator can consume missiles or power bombs to accelerate its regeneration rate; and it will also steadily recover ammunition and power reserve supplies as well. The more enemies surround you, the faster this upgrade will work. Unlike most upgrades, it does not require your armour or zero suit to function. Acquire more regenerators to bolster regeneration further.

Samus' Notes: Not exactly a glamorous upgrade, but definitely a necessary and useful one.

Arne's Notes: Well, should be useful for taking hits at least.

Augment Beam

The Seismic Beam is a sonic weapon that releases a hyper-pressurised air burst of air in front of it, generating it from the armour's zero point systems and then having it trailed by a powerful vibrational frequency. The more that the beam hits a target, the more it will resonate with the target, increasing the damage with each following hit until the target is destroyed or until the resonance stops. The beam will also traverse through multiple targets and can ignore many forms of cover. Its charged form is known as the Seismoquake and causes the afflicted target to resonate violently, echoing outwards and damaging all nearby enemies.

Samus' Notes: Ah, finally; something to penetrate through multiple enemies. I just need to be careful with missed shots.

Arne's Notes: Thanks to the pressurised air wave, it will work in vacuums. Fortunate since its such a handy beam.

The Ghost Suit is similar to the N'Kren Phantom Suit, albeit less potent. Derived from Maria's phasing capabilities, the Ghost Suit allows for the user to go intangible and phase through incoming objects and weapons or through many forms of obstacles. It also allows for the user to fully interact with intangible objects as if they were solid; augmenting the user's progenitor blood and armour ability to prevent intangible objects from phasing through them. The Ghost Suit also augments defences and user physicality, and allows for the user to enter areas charged with ectoplasm without risk or harm. Unlike the Phantom suit however, the Ghost Suit does not add living metal construction nor does it augment stealth capabilities and it does not ward against dimensional instability. When phased, the user can better track phasing objects, but a visor upgrade is still recommended for best effect.

Samus' Notes: Ah; here's something that should come in very handy! I already loved the Phantom Suit so even an inferior substitute should be very useful!

Arne's Notes: I like the aesthetics of the Phantom Suit better honestly, but this will do.

The Shield projector adds a module to the joints of the arm able to create a reflective barrier that may be used against both melee and ranged attacks. The barrier has a limited diameter, but careful angling can reflect incoming ranged attacks towards their senders. The energy and dimensional field is also able to be utilised as a deadly weapon in melee and can even be detached and thrown, upon which it will gradually dissipate over time but will damage all targets it impacts. A new barrier can be projected immediately afterwards. If the user desires, a physical shield can be extended instead, but only one at a time.

Samus' Notes: Ah, that's to be expected from Heinrich's weapons to be honest. Definitely going to be very handy! Especially now that I've got a good look for it in mind.

Arne's Notes: Feels a bit retrograde as always, but I suppose there's a reason why these kinds of shields have been in use for as long as we've had tools.

The Bayonet Projector allows the arm cannon to fire either a coherent energy blade or extend a physical energy sheathed blade from either beneath or above. The blade, like the Arm-Sword; is upgraded by beam weapons and a certain number of melee blade specific upgrades. The primary effect of this is to double the avenues of bladed melee attack the user can make in combat.

Addendum: With Heinrich's blood lance, the projector can also extend out to a distance roughly three times longer than the user is tall as a spear, which can also be projected from the free hand. Note that doing so will disable its usage from the cannon hand.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, I do need to practice pole-arm fighting more, but I feel like this would work best if I had something to ride atop.

Arne's Notes: Ah, I was wondering how long it'd be until we met again my old friend.

The Flight Pack is derived from Hollenmord's dark magic augmentations to its wings, properly purified before integration and adds a deployable set of wings to the armour suit that can be used for flight, combat, providing cover, or aesthetics. When not needed, the wings are consumed into the armour's zero-point form, whenever they would interfere in user mobility, and at full length have a wingspan equivalent to twice the user's height. The energy membranes of the wings will also serve as an additional layer of defense as well as weapons; as can the outermost fingers of the wings. Flight speed will be equivalent to five times land movement speed, and the speedbooster is able to apply to flight mode. The Flight Pack will also be able to operate in airless conditions; but a liquid movement module will be required for full function in high drag environments such as water.

Samus' Notes: Ahhh! Do I deserve to fly with wings like Old Chozo Warriors did? I guess..I must be if this is what the suit got from Hollenmord. I'll make sure I'm worthy of this gift.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, the bat stylings look a bit threatening...maybe I could modify them into something less scary?

Energy Tank Acquired (Energy Total now 09(99)

Missile expansions acquired (Missile total now 200/200)

Super missile expansion acquired (Missile total now 40/40)

Universal Ammo Acquired (UA total now 280/280)

Shield Resilience upgrade acquired (Damage reduction now at 90%)

Charge accelerator acquired (Charge speed now at x4)

This was quite the significant haul from a single battle to be sure, and there was still the shard and the two remaining statues to acquire. So overall this had been a good day. But on the other hand, this was a menagerie of alien artifacts and a major invasion focal point. You were unsure of whether other places would be so generous with their bounty. But with everything in hand, you turned ahead and looked down the hall.

"Hrm, we seem to have the run of the facility now. Shall we take the time to examine what is left to us?" Winterpyre offered. It was a tempting offer to be sure...

"Well...as long as we're not going into combat again any time soon because...oww..." Assault said, shaking his hands and rubbing them, a cursory glance telling you his knuckles were bruised and bleeding as he wiped more sweat off of his brow.

"Yeah I...ah...you don't suppose they've got something to drink here? I am...running on like...zero hydration." Nightcaster said, inhaling and exhaling rapidly.

"Da...the tank is...empty as you say." Molotok wheezed out, kicking a skull aside.

Author's Notes:

While this is a very generous haul, this was a large and complex battle (and a learning experience), and generally most missions won't be quite this generous. This is also the early game where your team is very dependent on you to do a lot of the work or fight a lot of weirder opponents. So you're kind of crutch characters. Consider this a crutch for your player characters to better carry the team until they can start to catch up later.

Suit wise; Arne and Samus' abilities will largely be broadly similar with the exception of some particular upgrade affinities, where they'll diverge is in more spiritual and esoteric abilities once you start unlocking them.

Actions: (Sort in order of priority to finish. The mission is complete and no further combat encounters will be had. Voting period will be shorter due to the next post coming out sooner.)

[]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[]: Check the haunted path.
[]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
[]: Write in (You may have up to two.)
Last edited:
[X]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[X]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[X]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[X]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
[X]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[X]: Check the haunted path.

this seems like a good order of operations for me. check on allies, collect lot, and then do the investigation.
[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[2]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[3]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[4]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
[5]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[6]: Check the haunted path.

This order of options while more likely to let those eight unknowns leave, does prioritize the important stuff we need to check on, like our allies, the Weltreich assault and the pickups. and I'd like to know what kind of Nazi science was being done here, see if we can get a better idea of what they might be making, and yes I know we could do that a little later, but I don't want to risk some data being wiped away due to a back up plan.

Also liking the quest so far, a sick part of me is hoping for some Purple Space Dragon to make an appearance in one way or another, love him as a villain.
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[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[2]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[3]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[4]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[5]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
[6]: Check the haunted path.

Check on our allies, check the unknowns and then start looting.
Last edited:
[X] Plan case the joint
-[X]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
-[X]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
-[X]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
-[X]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
-[X]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
-[X]: Check the haunted path.

Not sure how individual voting will show order priority so I just put it into a single plan. Check on our allies, check the unknowns and then start looting.
Oh just put numbers in order of most important to least.

6 eetc
[2]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[3]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[6]: Check the haunted path.
[4]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[5]: Investigate nature of the facility itself

Well, after this hard difficult battle we need to check on our allies, then grab the alien stuff plus we need to figure out where that meta team went to figure out like what do they want then afters we can find the weltreich assault and the faucility while starting our journey towardss the haunted path.
[2]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[3]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[6]: Check the haunted path.
[4]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[5]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
[2]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[4]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[6]: Check the haunted path.
[3]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[5]: Investigate nature of the facility itself

Won't add any write in options. For future reference will all suit upgrades be usable at once, or will they form into different templates or versions?
[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[2]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[3]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[4]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
[5]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[6]: Check the haunted path.
[2]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[4]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[6]: Check the haunted path.
[3]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[5]: Investigate nature of the facility itself

Won't add any write in options. For future reference will all suit upgrades be usable at once, or will they form into different templates or versions?
Generally speaking, all will be usable at once, but you're going to need it. Things are gonna get wild and until you can help uptech a lot of your team mates; you're going to have to protect your squishies who bring utility or support powers. Hard since currently, you don't have access to a true tank character supernaturally skilled in drawing attention to themselves. Just characters who can substitute in a pinch.
[1]: Check on survivors and allies (Autobots, remaining security staff, team mates.)
[2]: Collect all pick-ups (The Incarnate Fragments in the Vault, the remaining Chozo and Alimbic artifacts etc)
[3]: Investigate any leftover clues regarding the Weltreich assault or the other parties involved.
[4]: Investigate nature of the facility itself
[5]: Check where that team of eight metas went (if they are metas)
[6]: Check the haunted path.
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour. Mission 1: Nazi Punks Fuck Off! Part 12 (Mission 1 End/Intermission 1 begin)
Okay going to do a sort of ranked voting for this.

1 and 6 are unanimously:

1 Check on allies

6 Check the Haunted path

Ultralickus, Coffeelatte, Lupercal, Baron, Premise, Steel, and Patrick put pick-up collection second.

3 is split fairly evenly between investigating everything the Weltreich wanted out of this place and finding out who was the other metahuman team, but jwolfe put this at 2, which I'll count as a vote for 3. Putting it at 5 votes to the Weltreich's four.

4 will have investigate the Weltreich's votes filtered into it.

5 will be looking at the facility itself.

6 will be looking at that path where people got demeated.


You were the somewhat more social out of the two, so you decided to make the call. You cracked into the autobot network to make a quick check for vitals, and were relieved to see that most of them were fine, and the few injuries were already being taken care of. Your heart sank at the sight of how much of the site's security staff were injured. 75% of the security staff was outright dead, much of the research staff was missing, presumably kidnapped. By any reasonable definition this facility was utterly gutted and would never be operating back at its full capacity any time soon.

Arne and yourself were fine, but most of your own team were injured. Only Molotok, Battery, Assault, and Eudaimonica had avoided getting seriously hurt throughout this battle, and Sidewinder had only just finished begin thawed out of the ice she was frozen in. You felt bad, like you weren't able to be there to guard them properly against the beating being thrown their way. You knew academically that there was only so much you could do; you couldn't force your enemies to prioritise you over less agile and durable opponents. But every hit more vulnerable people took made you feel like you hadn't done enough.

Arne remained quiet, looking at the readout with a sigh and muttering that they should have been here sooner.

Winterpyre gazed towards you with a sad look in his eyesockets.

"It is hardly my place to offer comfort, but you have given them rest at least. Take pride in that, if nothing else." He said, as avuncularly as a massive fiery demon could manage.

You let yourself calm down for a bit, shaking and nodding as you used the meditative exercises taught to you by old bird to regain control over yourself.

"Maybe we should...just commhail everyone?" Arne said, trying to push himself back into the focus of duty. Tasks to do, objectives to complete, missions to finish. Those were certain things, there was comfort in certainty, safety. You understood that, but yet you wondered if he was latching onto it too much. The comfort friends could offer was better therapy than work in your experience, yet Arne was always choosing the latter. You then thought more about it, what sort of people raised him after he lost everything on Cylosis...you dropped the thought, chiding yourself for even going down it.

"You're right. You guys are alright at least yeah?" You said, trying a smile beneath your helmet.

"Yeah just epic here. Hey uh...can I try cheering you up?" Nightcaster said, clearing his throat.

"I...sure...go ahead." You said, giving it a thought and then nodding, having a good feeling about it based on your distant sight.

"That was totally BDE as fuck just taking on a thousand-year-old vampire knight in a swordfight like that." Nightcaster said, giving you a thumbs up with his good arm even though his other arm had by now, been fully healed.

"...B...D...E?" You asked, head racing through possible acronyms, eyes narrowing at him.

"You know...big dick energy...just...you were badass." He was fumbling his words, was this some sort of complicated concept important to 2020s culture. But...you didn't have those genitals, let alone a big one...and how would it have energy? Even the Earth Bet humans were confused, quizzically looking to each other and whispering before scratching their heads and shrugging their shoulders.

"I'm...still lost? I don't...what?" You said, even more confused now.

"It just means like...confident, you know you had me like, pogging watching you kick ass."

"...What's pogging?" Arne asked, equally confused.

"Well you see it all starts with this streame-" Eudaimonica cast a spell of Silence on Joseph before he could finish and sighed, pinching her brow.

"Please don't get the memelord going." She said as you couldn't help but start to double over and laugh. Ah, you got it now, this was all some sort of joke to make you feel better! Even Arne started to make some wheezing laughing noises at how stupid this all was.

"You're good friends you know! Making such fools of yourselves just to make me feel better. I'm very glad I got to meet you." You said bluntly as Nightcaster seemed to do his best impression of a chameleon trying to hide as he gave off a confusing array of emotions mostly revolving around shame and regret.

"I told you that trying to shitpost in real life wasn't going to get you a date with her." Eudaimonica chided him as if you couldn't hear them just fine as you continued to laugh and shook your head, your mood brightened considerably.

"This conversation is making me feel like my parents...God...I can just feel my hip throwing itself out already." Battery said, rubbing at her side.

"Boomer Alert." Nightcaster said across the room before Eudiamonica pinched his ear and dragged him off to his protests.

"...What?" Battery asked, more confused than offended. Giggling a bit, you decided to patch into the comms before they made you laugh even harder.

"You're good with kids you tell me what that means." Battery asked, Assault simply shrugging.

"I...I have no idea. I...I think I'm scared of the next decade now." He admitted.

Samus: Hey, is everyone alright? This is uh, Aine. The enemy's pulled out. You're all okay right?
Bumblebee: Just peachy.
Arne: You're not a peach nor do you possess peach-like qualities.
Bumblebee: Haha, I'm fine is what I'm saying.
Bulkhead: These the two?
Captain Wolfgang: Who's the two? Who are you guys?
Bulkhead: Scrap...open comms.
Captain Wolfgang: Look, we've taken enormous losses but...the survivors will make it at least.
Samus: Well, that's great! Or...it's not great that you took those losses but it's great you're still here!
Starstreaker: Can't believe we got bailed out by this rookie.
Strongarm: Hey, watch it! That Rookie took down an entire army of these creeps!
Arne: You don't uh, need to stand up for us. It's fine, I think.
Bumblebee: Hey I don't let people talk scrap about my friends.
Captain Wolfgang: Who the fuck says scrap?

Well, it seemed that everyone was fine on that front at least.

There was still the matter of the leftover relics to pick up. The Incarnate fragments were the items that the Reich wanted the most desperately, and so you couldn't let them have it at any cost.

"Come on, let's hurry before any of them get other ideas." You said, gesturing for them to follow you as you rushed forward.

You raced past a menagerie of objects under less than careful guard, all filed into an array of storage units. An archaeologist's dream come true. Your eyes couldn't help but drift over the catalogued and stored items, your visor feeding you a wealth of information about what the people working here were devoting so much resources into trying to understand.

I've got no idea who the boss is, but they've got so much money I don't think I really care at this point. Still, from what I've been able to discern from my time here, many of these relics date back to antiquity and the bronze age and are charged with some unknown sort of force that lets them defy numerous laws of reality. Sort of like parahuman powers for objects I suppose? Reading the tablets here speaks of how they were blessed by some sort of secret society. The Fellowship of Marduk seems to be the first iteration of them, but the society seems to have stopped functioning after Emperor Theodosius banned all non-Christian religions, and the newest of these artefacts dates to the Plains Indians wars. They call it a form of magic, but I'm not willing to accept that sort of Hocus Pocus when there's much simpler explanations. Just some form of pre-scion parahumans, which mind you is still big; especially as these items still retain their unusual properties centuries after the death of the parahumans involved.

Some of the more unusual relics are the remains of some strange animals and humanoids that I presume are either severely mutated parahumans or are animals afflicted by some form of transformative Master Power. Maybe this might explain some of the creatures of classical mythology? Though the weirdest thing is that the radiological dating is all a little off. Like it's happening at a very slightly wrong rate and some of the Thinkers we've gathered keep on reporting that they're extradimensional. Which I suppose would explain some of the discrepancies. Hrm, I'm sure I'd get castigated in mythological studies circles if I came to them with my thesis that religions and mythologies were just early parahumans; especially since I'd need to explain why they only became easily verifiable recently and where so many of them went in the intervening time. Best to not risk my career until I have enough evidence to prove I'm not a crank.

There's something that they had a particular reverence for though. A number of relics they say came directly from the will of a distant God. Thinkers say they definitely have power, but most of them can't get any response out of it. A few, usually the most powerful, well known, or just plain stubborn; do cause the relics to disappear though after bringing the relics in contact with fragmentary crystals or threads, and this causes the individual in question to show a steady but dramatic increase in powers and a receptiveness to other similar objects, even weaving the fragments and threads into new relics for them to consume. Like they're collecting pieces of themselves to build themselves into something more. Some of them also report, very briefly, a feeling of something else watching them when they collect these items, one or two even saying whatever is on the other side is talking to them. Laserbolt straight up proclaimed herself to be a goddess and took off and I'm pretty sure she's gone and founded a cult in South America after making Behemoth decide he had better things to do.

Until we understand what exactly is going on though, we've stopped running tests, but the boss is very adamant on collecting any items with this sort of signature and putting them in drop-off points for his men to collect after making sure that they're the real deal. Not sure if being as rich as Smaug and Scrooge McDuck put together counts for whatever the criteria of this stuff is, but hey maybe he'll get lucky and being an enigmatic billionaire with endless wellsprings of fuck you money is a path to godhood.

Well, as long as he's paying for a private jet of mine or three he can do whatever he wants with it. If he's even a he. I don't even mind him signing off his letters with "Mysterious Benefactor" at this point.

- Doctor Werner von Gelt

Samus' Notes; I can't get any record of this benefactor's identity from any of the computers. But this all seems interesting...Primal Earth and Earth Bet must have had contact for a long time.

Arne's Notes: This guy's stubborn refusal to accept that something might not fit into his preconceived notions is both amazing and infuriating.

You looked at one such crate under the most scrutiny, and you chanced opening it to find a few scraps of paper covering some broken fragments of crystal and in a box next to it a number of artifacts gathered together in a container labelled "fragment reactant" that drew your interest.

These artefacts originate from the Sourcewell metaverse and possess a steady link to an extradimensional power source of enormous potential which itself serves as a well into a reservoir of "source" power normally inaccessible to conventional reality. Analysis shows they are not related to the extradimensional entities within the native parahumans. They respond to individuals or items deemed to be of sufficient power, will, or notoriety to draw the interest of the Well entity that manages the connection to the Source; though due to the steady-state of the link, the entity does not control access to the power that they will grant as would be the case with methods that would forge an instant dynamic connection to the Well. Sufficient accumulation of these Well-links would allow for the user to forge their own direct link to the source as well; which wou-

Your head starts to spin as you reach for the artefacts and touch it, cosmic energy swirling around you and the minds of yourself and Arne accepting an invitation into a strange and dark plane with nothing but a luminous vortex at the other end, countless strands and tendrils emerging from the pit and reaching into many realities. It was bright, and you squinted at it, looking briefly away before refocusing your eyes and getting a somewhat feminine impression from the vortex, as well as a distinct feeling of interest.

Samus, Arne, approach. You are not of my realities, but you have potential.

You will have your path to what I offer, though I sense I will never get you to accept the fast path.

I would expect nothing less of you, nor would I have the interest in you that I do if I knew you to be so easily tempted by easy power.

But know that I am the Well of Furies, I have waited eight long years for one suitable to be humanity's defenders against the Coming Storm that seeks to snuff it out.

You are young, orphans of alien worlds in a distant future, yes, but I see the same possibilities in you that your caretakers did.

The power of the Source is not good or evil, it is not a force of chaos or order. It is whatever those who claim it will make of it.

The power you will claim will need care, time, and collecting to flourish. But through it, you will be able to fend off what may very well be the demise of humanity itself.

Not just in this reality, but all realities; yours included. Discord seeps through the firmament of existence, you must be ready for it.

I watch the progress of yourself and many others with great interest, for humanity's fate is my highest concern.

Now claim it, see who among you is worthy to start the path of the Incarnate.

"What's with you guys?" Gold Render asked, touching the relic and the shard and getting absolutely nothing out of it, shrugging and putting them back where she found them. However, the items that were touched by Eudaimonica, Assault, Molotok, Serp, and Nightcaster had disappeared, just as the ones you did had. You felt a bit...different? Good different though, somewhat tingling, almost like you were flying just a bit. But so far, unless you could properly form that connection to the source into a coherent link; it would do relatively little for you besides a few important interactions. But your eyes could also see a faint glow to some of the other objects. As could your visor.

The Incarnate Visor augments the user's ability to detect objects with connections to the Source of the Sourcewell metaverse as well as threads and fragments of Source connection or power. The Incarnate Visor is also able to perceive into other dimensions as it looks for any possible connection to the Source; revealing many other varieties of extradimensional entities such as ghosts or parahuman shards. However, the Incarnate visor does not counteract conventional visible light cloaking. Note that many forms of Ghosts can utilise conventional spectrum cloaking to evade tracking if their dimensional phasing is foiled.

Samus' Notes: Huh. Definitely going to be needing this a lot in the future now.

Arne's Notes: Well, having warning before my next religious experience would be nice.


"...Felt like talking to the Politburo blech." Molotok said with a shake of her head, removing her helmet and blinking a few times as she banged on a vending machine to get out some Gatorade and just guzzled that liquid as fast as she could, panting and shaking her head, sweat-stained hair clinging to her face in a less than flattering way and a few bruises already visible on her skin.

Serp coughed a bit as he took a sip for himself, finishing the second bottle in a hurry while Nightcaster sat atop the back of Jackie Black while a groundbridge opened up to reveal Jetfire with an autobot team behind him, getting Nightcaster to almost fumble with the tea he was trying to drink before Doctor Black caught it for him and patted him on the head. You stepped back a bit, unsure of what possessed the autobot to bring him here in humanoid mode, but assuming it was serious based on his demeanour and the force he was bringing.

"Oi, gud work luv. But we've ran some checks an' well...this facility's a bit dodgy. 'Ad meself a look at the dosht rail. It's legit, but ain't connected ta anyone on the up-and-up or anyone down-low either. Lot a' fumbles on the trail though, someone ain't to keen on other people pokin' 'round the trail. Also...twist and twirly..." You....still had some issues following everything he was saying but nodded as if you understood. After finishing his little speech, he looked down to a very surprised looking Gold Render as one of his minicons slid down his shoulder and presented her a pink slip. You got a feeling of unease from the slip, knowing what it signified in this culture.

"'Found this in the company e-mail. Figured ya lot deserved ta know 'fore ya got back to that computers."

"...Termination of employment? What?!" Gold Render said before Sidewinder grabbed it and looked at it quizzically. You felt bad for her, money was so important to cultures like these that to have no source of it was a death sentence.

"Came as soon as the raid breached some of the vaults. Cuttin' loose ends an' focusin' on other prospects." He said before the Minicon offered another slip.

"...A job offer?" She said. Ah, well, at least that would work out well.

"See, this facility's pretty hush-hush...location's the bee's knees. Could do with some Autobot repainting and refitting. But I got word from the big man that we're escalatin'; so we need some new bases. Now, you lot already gone an' seen of us metal lads so we figure if ya can keep it a secret fer now, we could keep the paychecks rollin' in if ya switch jobs?" Jetfire offered.

"I...we...yes...I need the money." Gold Render sighed as she leaned back.

"Smashing luv! Smashing!" He said as the minicons started to catalogue the inventory of the vault closely while Jetfire turned around, hands folded behind his back.

"Aren't you worried about what they're going to do to Brockton Bay?" You asked as Jetfire took a look at some of the relics, opening the container gently with his giant hands, nodding and then putting them back where he found it.

"Damn right I'm worried. Got Rikti and now bloody Nazis and Primus knows what else. Gonna drive me circuits in a tizzy." He said with a sigh as he shook his head.

"Enemy's gone low for now so you'd just be well....long-duration recon is what they call it in the biz." He said, shrugging as you groaned internally. Sitting around for long periods of time waiting for things to happen was the very worst sort of mission to both you and Samus.

"Anyway...I can't make use of these bloody things...but I think these belong to you lot eh?" He said, holding a Chozo item sphere and an Alimbic relic pyramid and lowering them towards you.

The two of you reached out and repeated the fantastical process once again, your suits shifting as a new weapon fitted itself to your other shoulder, an armature fitted barrel with a somewhat wide opening like a mortar, while you both felt a sudden desire to curl into your alt-modes and extend a set of spidery-limbs from them, crawling in a manner somewhat like some rather horrible sort of insect, finding purchase that your more roll prone forms would sometimes struggle with, and extending energy sheathed scythe claws and leaping around a bit, making a few testing stabbing motions before uncurling.

The munitions launcher serves as a platform for releasing extra munitions without occupying the attentions of the arm cannon. Primarily a method of firing grenades, specialist projectiles or fluid streams, the Munitions launcher is also able to be utilized while in alternate form to allow for ranged combat capability in the alternate mode. It comes preset with Cluster-Flechette, the AMEAT Mortar, and the Corroder; each of which draws on the Universal Ammo stockpile. Cluster-Flechettes are useful against large numbers of soft targets, the Mortar is best against smaller numbers of hard targets as it launches a directed jet of armour piercing ejecta before impact, while the Corroder is best against targets vulnerable to chemical attack, in hardcover, or against charging foes. All munitions can be charged for greater effect.

Universal Ammo Count: 320/320

Samus' Notes: The range on these weapons is pretty good, you could get a lot of use out of them indirectly bombarding distant targets I'd imagine.

Arne's Notes: Enemies in cover I'd imagine would be a primary target for the munitions launcher; a well-timed airburst could clear out most enemies in hiding.

Crawler limbs allow for the user to engage in close-ranged combat against enemies that might be resistant to bombs and boost attacks or might approach within the time frame of those attacks. They also allow for a boost to the jumping capability of the alt-mode and allow for greater purchase on surfaces that the alt-mode might slip on or when rolling or hovering is otherwise inadvised. Crawler Limbs strike in melee with reduced power compared to the arm-sword, but are still formidable in the right hands.

Samus' Notes: I really hope I don't run into anyone who's afraid of crawling things while we're out there.

Arne's Notes: I uh...I guess this can be useful...sometimes? I'll need to figure out more uses for it besides scaring people.

Hrm...rather disappointing, just another weapon and well...a sort of utility upgrade? It wouldn't change a great deal but the option was there you guessed. They couldn't all be winners though.

"Flash innit?" Jetfire said, prompting you to just...nod like you understood that.

"Do you know anything of a second metahuman team sent here?" You asked.

"Yeah, were they from uh, Primal Earth?" Eudaimonica stopped to tilt her head at Jetfire who gave a large shrug.

"Sorry mates, 'aven't the foggiest. Was a portal there though...not from the Sourcewell metaverse. It's from a reality we're monitoring but it's one where I haven't really checked through the files of. Looked through the records, lots of psychic mumbo-jumbo I'll let the city-speaker boffings 'ave a go at. I do on the other 'and, got meself the dimensional siggy of that portal. Any gate to that reality opens anytime soon, we'll know." He said proudly. So...not a whole lot of answers then.

"What sort of psychic powers?" Samus asked.

"TK, TP, PK, whole nine yards, one of 'em could even turn the living into big 'ulkin' things with some kind of beam. Caused a lot of ruckus they did." He said. No that...didn't narrow things down any, but it was good to know you could follow them later on.

"What do they look like?" Eudaimonica asked.

"That's the thing...some kinda cloakin' field. Part of 'ow just eight of 'em could rummage through without being stopped." Well, that was concerning.

"Thank you." You said as you looked at one of the computers here and let your gauntlet rest on it.

"How much of this places files do you have?"

"Most of it...Seems like this place was just...built to stash up weird gubbinz for the "mysterious benefactor" 'ere. Certainly seems to be the draw for the Fash. Best guess, someone blabbed." He said while you looked into the files with your suit, digging through all the various communications in and out of this place. You stopped and had a look at one brief exchange that drew your interest.

Oculos: The Old Man collects his crops, the field is fallow.
Kriegsfresser: The Wolf will howl for his sheep at full moon.
Oculos: What sheep does it bay for?
Kreigsfresser: The sheep that drink of wellwater, the sheep that eat of heavenly grass, the sheep that trod the wizard's fields, and the sheep that dream beyond the stars.
Oculos: Where should I sow next?
Kriegsfresser: By the bay of the Imperial Apothecary.
Oculos: Will the witch be there?
Kriegsfresser: She will sample his wares.
Oculos: A fine game.
Kriegsfresser: The most excellent game.

Cryptic, but you weren't stupid. The Old Man was the benefactor, whoever he was, the field is fallow; as in he has no further interest in this base. The howl means the attack, the full moon means when they are ready. They're looking for artefacts relating to the Well, to space, to magic, or from other dimensions. The Witch was probably Bose Hexe, and while you weren't sure what the Imperial Apothecary meant, you figured it was Brockton bay.

"They really want to get to Brockton Bay for some reason." You said, passing the conversation out to everyone else's devices.

"I should probably get back to my team then, give them the heads up." Battery said with a sigh as Serp and Molotok shrugged.

"We'd need permits to reach America anyway. We will probably have to sit that one out for...just a bit..." Molotok said before winking at the two of you.

"But if you are in the mood to come to the Soviet Union, visit Arkhangelsk eh? I can show you a good time." Irina said with a wide, mischievous grin.

"So...that just leaves the..." You said before Samus finished for you.

"Path of the Dead." She said.


You had brought Arne to the last hallway, where a number of corpses were strewn about, stripped of flesh; reduced to dust or floating particulates, or reduced to charred remnants. A glowing green ankh symbol that made your stomach churn blocked the way forward, black stone immobile and unmoving. The chill of the air had diminished from earlier as the Ankh's glow began to fade, but the sensation of not belonging here remained strong. As if this was not a place that life was allowed to prosper in.

You scanned the door, hoping to find some manner of entrance.

This Door cannot be opened by any means presently available to you. No weapon currently available to yourself, the Autobots, or the local strain of humanity can breach it. Analysis of this door indicates an age of at least sixty five million years, and study of the movement of dust particles nearby suggests the door was opened some hours ago before closing upon sensing weapons discharge. Residual energy signatures confirm recent teleportation, likely of defenders moving in to eliminate the attempted intruders. The lack of defensive casualties is suggestive of a significant disparity in the combat capabilities of the Weltreich assault soldiers and the defenders.

The door might be openable by means of a key device created by the civilisation that invented it, but is also impervious to attempts to teleport or phase through it. The original makers of the Door are not of this Metaverse based on dimensional signature analysis.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, the culture that made this door was clearly highly advanced. But I don't recognise them. Best to not disturb it until we're ready.

Arne's Notes: I'd...really prefer to not poke into this at this moment. It feels cursed and I don't like how the bodies left behind all seemed to die in a panic.

You backed out of the room and nodded at Jetfire. "Let's get going." You said, letting the groundbridge take you back to the Autobot base in Russia; stepping through the swirling green portal as calmly as you could manage, looking around to see that a number of new Autobots had arrived, being directed to their new stations while Jetfire walked alongside you. A salute was given to Jetfire as he approached a heavy set Autobot festooned with weapons, red in armour plating and clearly heavily armoured, a massive cannon emerging from his centre.

A long time veteran of the Cybertronian Civil war and one of the relatively few military officials who joined with the Autobot Revolution rather than staying with the Imperidroids or defecting to the Decepticons. Loud, boisterous, belligerent, and an afficianado of all forms of firepower, Warpath is called when conflict with other Cybertronian factions or hostile powers increases to a point where his often reckless aggression is needed to push back the tide. Due to using military alt-modes exclusively, he is less able to sneak about unnoticed on the planets that the Autobots operate on than those who use civilian alt-modes. Warpath takes pride in his raw durability, with his regenerative armour plating and multi-layered shielding allowing him to take a degree of punishment more often associated with warships than individuals. As such, he also fits himself with gravimetric and magnetic devices to attract harm his way so that more fragile combatants will avoid being harmed; all while he taunts, berates, and mocks his foes to direct them into a brawl with his superior firepower and strength.

Samus' Notes: Oooh, I've always wanted to drive a tank! He seems like he'd be a lot of fun to hang around with...but with that alternate mode I'm not sure how I could get him to sneak around.

Arne's Notes: It's a shame that he'd be hard to sneak into position because he'd make it so much easier to protect more vulnerable team members.

"Heard you needed some help and came rushing over for some KAPOW!" He said with a hearty laugh as Jetfire rested a hand on his shoulder and laughed with him before nodding.

"Good ta see ya ya cheeky bugger. Ya ready ta krump some fash eh?" Jetfire asked.

"Damn right I am! These servos were BUILT to smash some creeps. When do I get started?" He said, slamming his fists together with a resounding thunderclap before

Maulenov harrumped as he held a tablet in his hand to grab the attention of the autobots.

"Jetfire, I have people breathing down my necks demanding to know what on this Earth drove you to trash the University of Muni-" He said before he looked at his tablet as it pinged, his eyes widening as he read the title and abstract of the report before calming down.

"Multiple extradimensional invaders...an entire multiversal empire of nazis...and someone with impossible sums of money we can't even put a name to?" He said before Jetfire gave him a thumbs up.

"...Blyat." He said under his breath as he stroked his moustache firmly before handing the Tablet to Piggot as she got close, ready to belt out the exact same line of questioning and then having a roughly similar response.

"So...Brockton Bay is next, is that right?" She said, gulping a bit hard.

"'Fraid so luv." Jetfire said.

"If the Empire-88 gets word of thi-" She started before Wheeljack once again cut in over the intercom.

"Already have! Have been for YEARS based on the data I'm going through. Got all kinds of people poking stuff in that little city of yours." He said as she paled and looked around at one of the Minicons.

"You...you get me a coffee! I n-n" The minicon shook her head and stepped back.

"I'm not your service maid lady, just ask the fabricator machine for some! Primus...I swear some of you just act so entitled!" She said before storming off to her work station in a huff while you and Arne had a small snigger.

"Oh, by the by; kiddies. Got you your ships back, all spick and spam and ready ta go!" Jetfire said with an excited voice as you looked at Arne with a wide grin.

"Hold up, if we're heading to the bay, can I at least have a word with you two?" Battery said, stepping up and sidestepping some autobots moving some heavy looking equipment to reach you.

"Aw shoot, we were gonna try talking to them first!" Eudaimonica said with a huff, folding her arms.

"...What for?" You asked.

"Well, stuff you should know about like...incarnate stuff...and stuff...hangoutwithusplease." She said, awkwardly and then jolitng a bit forward with her hands clasped in prayer.

"I mean...I've got the ground bridge ready to go so you can just...go whenever and check the bay out, or have a look around. Don't have anything for you right now but give it a bit of time." Wheeljack said over the intercom before something crashed in the background.

"Ah...scrap, hold on a second let me make sure that doesn't blow up and reverse the local flow of time. Or was it invert the strength of gravity and the strong atomic force?" Wheeljack muttered.

"Could I just have...one moment to get a debrief from you two?" Emily managed, looking at the Demon eyeballing her cup of coffee as if it was out to steal her soul through its eyes before the bovine skull managed a grin that made her offer a nervous smile in response.


Choose one. Voting period will be truncated because the next posts will be shorter and less plot-heavy.

[]: Head to Brockton Bay, handle the talking on the way (Arne, Samus, Assault, Battery, Eudaimonica, Nightcaster, Bumbelbee, and Strongarm have all done multiple missions in a row and are at heightened risk of stress build-up without destressing. Thus even if you pick this option, you shouldn't go straight into the first sign of trouble and should instead do some casual stuff, chilling and walking around. Going straight away also means being less prepared for the civilian/social phase which is likely to result in more hijinks).
[]: Speak to Eudaimonica and Nightcaster about the incarnates. (More incarnate and primal earth information, destress)
[]: Debrief with Piggot and Maulenov (More Earth Bet information, starts contact with Parahuman agencies)
[]: Speak to Battery for her advice (Minor destress, more information about life in the bay in particular)
[]: Check around the autobot base (Quick base mechanic tutorial, greater contact with Autobot command)
[]: Check on your ship (Quick introduction to your starships)
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[X]: Speak to Battery for her advice (Minor destress, more information about life in the bay in particular)

we need to take a break, and considering where we're going next this might be useful; we are going to do options 3, 5, and 6 sometime in the not-so-distant-future though, so I can see simply starting with one of those as well.
[X]: Speak to Battery for her advice (Minor destress, more information about life in the bay in particular)

This looks like a good starting point. Besides, I feel bad for Battery after everything that happened. Let's talk to her, get her mind off of what just happened.
[X]: Speak to Battery for her advice (Minor destress, more information about life in the bay in particular)

This looks like a good starting point. Besides, I feel bad for Battery after everything that happened. Let's talk to her, get her mind off of what just happened.
Poor lady got called a Boomer in her early 20s.
[x]: Speak to Battery for her advice (Minor destress, more information about life in the bay in particular)

Learn and destress. Always want to avoid making dumb decisions and both of those should help with that.