Yep, you are correct, I forgot about it. That was a bad purchase decision.
Yep, you are correct, I forgot about it. That was a bad purchase decision.
Vote King of Winter. Avoid Regret.Discord said:[1:41 AM] R': I do predict
[1:41 AM] R': that you will regret not getting Season's Greetings
[1:41 AM] Aabcehmu: I'm going to quote that in the thread
[1:41 AM] R': Given your overall disposition to the Apocryphal Curse
[1:41 AM] R': the thread has tended to underestimate it
I do. I can think of number of EFBs i would take over it. Fact of the matter is that CON and PROT part is just not very important, so it's just Ruin buff. And since I can think of at least three different EFBs I'd get over RoB(RoP, OaF 2 and SitS, probably SJUC too) I don't see why we would ever get it, with Arete at least.Does anyone in the thread actually think RoB is not great? I feel like "Refinement of Battle is one of the best EFBs we've encountered" is a pretty uncontroversial statement.
Yes, but blood tripling also works on other stats too, so we would get better Agi, Cha and other mental stats. It's also not one time thing, as it will buff our future gains for Blood picks, which are already the most efficient ones anyway.The actual numbers all factors (including Willpower) included are 18,460 KoW vs 17,159 CF. Then you apply 25% or 75% Condition/Damage Resistance for the two subjects comparatively. So you have 18,460 ADS with 4x Survivability or 17,159 with 1.3x Survivability. It's about a 330% aggregate difference initially, growing larger as Hunger picks up Tenfold Echo / Refinement of Purpose, etc.
It's pronounced like "ab" like in abdominal, then "say" like the word for speaking, then "moo" like the English onomatopoeia for a cow.your words convince me, vowelnamed person
[X] The Tears of Winter: King of Winter
*Other Ennobled henceforth still receive +8 All Attributes, a healthy lifespan of ten thousand years, and +1 Rank (to a maximum of 7), a formidable boon. An immensely potent tool in trade, negotiation, or the demanding of subservience.
*Season's Greetings: The hands of Fate are not the Apocryphal's alone; and though her power is by far the greater, still she may acknowledge the sanctum of her kin. Allows Nilfel to be shielded by Spare the Innocent even if Adorie is not physically present. You can move your other populations into Nilfel if you want. Given the massive lifespan and vitality upgrades, it's unlikely they would complain. Perhaps more importantly, by retreating into Nilfel Hunger may earn a modest reprieve from whatever interesting times are troubling him at the moment. Abuse this privilege and the consequences will be dire: but sometimes all you need is a day and a night.
[1:41 AM] R': I do predict
[1:41 AM] R': that you will regret not getting Season's Greetings
[1:41 AM] Aabcehmu: I'm going to quote that in the thread
[1:41 AM] R': Given your overall disposition to the Apocryphal Curse
[1:41 AM] R': the thread has tended to underestimate it
Vote King of Winter. Avoid Regret.
Discord said:[11:59 PM] if you changed you voting behavior such that the Apocryphal Curse was less of a problem
[11:59 PM] then Apocryphal mitigation would be comparatively less valuable
[11:59 PM] given how Hunger approached this latest Apocryphal proc, however
[11:59 PM] it does seem like you need all the mitigation you can get
It's interesting that so many people insist that Hunger needs to be more cautious to survive the Epilogue, insist that that they objected to the 4-pick fight, insist that a 5 pick fight will never happen again... but then act with near certainty that no change in behavior will be forthcoming. These voting patterns aren't just coming from me being a virtuoso advocate whose preferred option wins every single time, after all.I mean changing our behaviour probably includes less heroism which the thread may not do especially with Haelial being a thing and our previous actions.
We have limited wordcount and I don't really want to waste more of it on Voyaging Realm stuff. Resolving the Shard 1) gets the loot and info from it, 2) removes the knife in our back and 3) stops further wastage of wordcount on stuff I don't care about that much.Pacifying the Arcanist via a blurb doesn't feel like a victory, and the thread might also regret taking Season's Greetings. If we turn Nilfel into a safe-house from the Apocryphal Curse, we are also turning it into a no-fly zone. Hunger will only be able to return for infrequent, short visits. That's fine, up until you realize that this closes off the Shard of the Arcanist plot, restricts our access to the newly awakened Fonts of Myth, and kicks Hunger out of his own territorial conquests.
[citation needed]
Also removes the very interesting worldbuilding opportunity to talk to an actual Foremost. If we go of our own volition it wouldn't even be an Apocryphal Proc.
saying you don't care about the Voyaging Realm is turning into a cliche in the thread ever since Long Voyage. BUT: about 99% of the wordcount from the quest is about the Voyaging Realm. Repeatedly insisting that you don't care about any of the settings that we've explored just sounds to me like you aren't enjoying the queststops further wastage of wordcount on stuff I don't care about that much.
We have limited wordcount and I don't really want to waste more of it on Voyaging Realm stuff.
saying you don't care about the Voyaging Realm is turning into a cliche in the thread ever since Long Voyage. BUT: about 99% of the wordcount from the quest is about the Voyaging Realm. Repeatedly insisting that you don't care about any of the settings that we've explored just sounds to me like you aren't enjoying the quest
Nothing in this thread really makes me more sad then hearing people refer to stuff happening in the Voyaging Realm as a waste of wordcount
[ ] Seed of Genesis - Remittance will be sequestered into a psuedo-autonomous vessel with corporeal form separate from your own. The vessel's personality and values will be created favorable to your interests. The vessel is subject to your Curses and affected by them. The vessel gains XP at 70% of your own rate and is responsible for administration, advancement, and control of the Remittance. If its physical form is destroyed, the vessel will re-manifest over time so long as you remain alive.
RoB doesn't affect +Attack Speed, and it's not easy to get from what we know.Rihaku said:[2:35 AM] RoB does not affect attack speed
[2:35 AM] You think Attack speed
[2:36 AM] is so easy to get
[2:36 AM] as to merely buy a 7 pick praxis technique
[2:36 AM] I laugh
[2:36 AM] The only sources of explicit attack speed
[2:36 AM] are
[2:36 AM] Graces
[2:36 AM] Titles
[2:37 AM] and Heroic Advancement Upgrade of those titles
[2:37 AM] and Battle Magic
[2:37 AM] that you've seen so far
Wolber has a good grasp on managing & mitigating Apocryphal. Unlike Hunger, he does not care for Heroics.Rihaku said:[2:48 AM] Wolber also has extreme sagacity
and thus very capable decision making
and his powers are mostly praxis based and somewhat agnostic to enemy strength
and he has almost no one he cares to protect over his own life
Hunger would not have needed a Full Shattering Blow against Augustine.Rihaku said:[3:40 AM] Augustine wouldn't have beaten Hunger, only forced a moderate Shattering Blow
[3:40 AM] if Gisena hadn't intervened
No, it's still based on your level of injury. The Seed of Genesis pokemon/dog/superweapon can still train in tandem with you, though, leading to faster advancement.
Wha... ? Your dog will throw himself into the line of fire for you! Don't underestimate the power of a familiar with up to four dump stats!
or Seed of Genesis to create a respawning scout / physical intruder.
As noted, "The vessel's personality and values will be created favorable to your interests." It won't be an actual puppy per se, but there's nothing stopping it from looking like a young pokemon or whatever.
That'll only be for its weaker stages, though. At higher levels, it's more like an Endbringer. I suppose there's nothing stopping it from being a cute Endbringer.
To be fair, I don't think it's that much of a longshot to have it cleaned up and its remains carted out to us while we're off oppressing the runic glacier civilizations we saw on the way to Nilfel or something
Does anyone in the thread actually think RoB is not great? I feel like "Refinement of Battle is one of the best EFBs we've encountered" is a pretty uncontroversial statement.
The question is when the next opportunity to buy it, when some other nearly-as-good-but-also-time-limited EFB isn't being presented alongside it.