Alright, lets consider what Crimson Flare offers:
- Tripling Quickening stats is actually super good. Not only we gain ~45 stats immediately, but it also triples the value of future Quickening picks. In other words, our Progression+ get tripled in value! And just as we are about to enter Pillars too. Talk about efficiency
- Bigger sensory range has obvious upsides and combos with our various abilities. However, especially nice thing about is that it scales with Int and Wits - and we have option to get Honing, which increases INT, and thus our Blood range, in combat
- Our First Flaring will massively empower all our allies. Letrizia, in particular, will benefit a lot from that added Rank, but everyone will get a significant increase in power. Additionally Architect should do wonders for Gisena+Adorie combo. We did unlock Foremost Builder, might as well make use of it
- Needless to say, combination of empowered Ennobling and increased range allows us to improve powers of any kingdom by a lot. This and Architect both have massive synergy with SitS, which we do plan on grabbing at some point
- While Winter King prevents Apo stuff, Flare introduces good to counteract the bad. An interesting proposition..
- Our Bloodcasting gets improved in an insane manner. This not only acts as awesome immediate power boost, but will make any future Rank gain that much more valuable
- Overall, we gain a lot of immediate power(stats+stronger bloodcasting+buffed allies), long term scaling(tripled Blood+better value from bloodcasting rank+Architect) and we address the issue of Adore not being there for Apocryphal procs. What's not to like?