The win was Forebear-alike, not the power up that followed.
Besides, a black hole of overwhelming might is totally in-line with his iconography.
I wonder, if we got a giant robot of our own instead of stealing Letrizia's, would it carry a sword too?
The win was Forebear-alike, not the power up that followed.
Besides, a black hole of overwhelming might is totally in-line with his iconography.
I wonder, if we got a giant robot of our own instead of stealing Letrizia's, would it carry a sword too?
Maybe? It's established that at least one of its weapons will be Deathly Star blasts though. It'd be nifty though. Lots of room for Madara Uchiha perfect Susanoo jokes.
Wait a second
Refinement of Quickness gives +1ISH speed.
Refinement of Quickness is a Sword Technique, like all our Praxis.
all our Sword Techniques have +1ISH via Cut Through.
Refinement of quickness, without any bonuses, can't have a +0ISH speed, that would be useless and an embarrassment to the Praxis, which is possible to learn without Cut Through via for instance choosing it as your remittance (and choosing it as your remitance doesn't grant you +1 ISH since it would have to be +1 ISH to everything and Praxis is the Maximum Potential option.). therefore, the +1 ISH speed is its base form without bonuses.
Therefore, Refinement of Quickness, a sword technique, should be at 1(base)+1(Cut Through)ISH speed bonus, meaning we should've been exponentially faster when using it then we actually were.
Any flaws in my logic?
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Lord Hunger? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about All-Defeating Stance Lord Hunger. I'm not talking about Chosen One Lord Hunger either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Elixirdross Chosen One Once and Future Lord Hunger with the Refinement of Purpose, equipped with the unshattered Forebear's Blade, in totality with the Apocryphal Armament, with Refinement of Battle, All and Foe Defeating Stance, with Crown, Orb, and Saber for Trinity Stage two.
I'm also not talking about Eyes of Kong Elixirdross Chosen One Once and Future Lord Hunger with the Ring of Essence unlocking diagram signs, combined with the 9th Empyrean Sign and having used the Rune of Ascension to unlock Arcanist Sigils, with the Findross Runes taken even further beyond by channeling the silver light of the Realm of Ideals while in Totality with the Apocryphal Armament to warp the environment in his favor. I'm talking about Immortal Ascended to the Realm of Ideals Lord Hunger with the Eyes of Kong, Elixirdross, having Awakened the Essence powers of the Ring of Blood, with the 14th Empyrean sign and second major set bonus for Empyrean Signs, Findross Arcanist Sigils Elevated to the Realm of Ideals, the Unshattered Forbears Blade reinforced with Chosen One Aobaru's Vigorflame, while channeling the full power of the Forbear, in Totality with the Apocryphal Armament, having attained the Imperial Refinement, hybridized the Empyrean Mantle with the Outer Shadow to create the Transcendent Mantle of Evening and Darkness, and with all Trinity Stages active.
Ya all really should consider voting for Hero. As far as conditions go, last time we met Halael healed all of Hunger's conditions for free as an aside not worth mentioning; we could reasonably expect the same benefit this time.
Also you should consider that arete and pick efficiency, on average, grows immensely as long it is concentrated in a single option; this is the same mechanic that typically makes one EFB to be a more efficient buy than, say, three 7 Arete options+leftover miscelania.
Hero's composition is a 50 arete, 5 picks, 1 Heroic advancement; it is a Beyond-EFB unlocked by a Beyond EFB that was, in turn, unlocked by a Wish. This an unprecedent concentration of Arete and picks; it also solves a pretty serious long-term problem we have with chains and Apocryphal onslaught while boosting both our immediate power and progression.
I'm talking about Immortal Ascended to the Realm of Ideals Lord Hunger with the Eyes of Kong, Elixirdross, having Awakened the Essence powers of the Ring of Blood, with the 14th Empyrean sign and second major set bonus for Empyrean Signs, Findross Arcanist Sigils Elevated to the Realm of Ideals, the Unshattered Forbears Blade reinforced with Chosen One Aobaru's Vigorflame, while channeling the full power of the Forbear, in Totality with the Apocryphal Armament, having attained the Imperial Refinement, hybridized the Empyrean Mantle with the Outer Shadow to create the Transcendent Mantle of Evening and Darkness, and with all Trinity Stages active.
Haeliel could not only touch him, she could give him another headpat!
Anyway, Accursed Implement is getting zero traction, so it's time to swap to see if something can stop Myth and Legend's bandwagon. What a pleasant vote this is, where the prospect of defeat is so palatable. Still, taking Adorie as a companion not only costs word-count by keeping the cast expanded, it leaves Nilfel in the lurch by catapulting them into another succession crisis. Maybe Lord Eruntael could take over as the next most prominent Mirellyian loyalist, but bailing on the country after ransacking its coffers to empower Hunger is not a good look for Adorie. We lose the benefit of deflecting Apocryphal procs away from polities under our control, the Temple and Elixir Kingdom won't benefit from her administration, it's a bit of a mess. So why not place our trust in the Seraph of Heroism once again?
[X] A Hero's Reward [X] Grievous Exertion
It's a mystery box, yes. But it's also a 5-pick Advancement benefiting from a Heroic Upgrade, costing twice as much as an EFB. Even sight unseen, we can pretty much guarantee it's the single strongest option we've ever been offered. I don't think anyone has the appetite for another 5-pick fight; if we don't take this now, we never will. There is a chance of it backfiring, but Haeliel herself promised she'd do her best to minimize the chance of mishaps, and rereading her introduction it says she reincarnates heroes in 'more glorious' worlds to compensate. I don't know what's more wondrous than the Voyaging Realm, but if the worst outcome on the table is finding out? That's not so bad. We have Indenture mitigation anyway, so Gisena could come as well.
I mean, by process of elimination, who else would we bring? Letrizia, tearing her away from her life and duties, possibly Versch as well? Aobaru, who has his heroic task to complete? Aeira, who'd be leaving her family behind and would be outscaled in the new world as well? The only other reasonable choices are Versch or Adorie, but that screws over House Artriez and Nilfel respectively. I dislike Gisena, I'm not blind to her utility.
Honestly, perhaps the biggest thing about A Hero's Reward is redirecting the assassin to us. This guy is like Bearic+++ so outscaling him is going to be non-trivial for Hunger, let alone Aobaru. If we get embroiled into the Human Sphere's bullshit, we're not going to be able to guard him effectively, which means he could easily be taken out while Hunger is engaged with an Armament or whatever, at which point the Onslaught would just murder us.
If we don't take A Hero's Reward, we should really have Gisena work on divination in the Realm of Evening so we can proactively hunt his ass down before we leave. Failing that, we should hit up the Shard and see if she can provide any help; with out current level of power and Charisma, that encounter would be a lot safer than previously and she's a timebomb anyway.
I talked about this in the discord but just to say it here for people concerned about the instant death chance, it's been implied we can use rerolls on it. If we do an extreme highball, and say a low chance of death is a 10% chance (I would actually put it more around 5% but regardless), using one reroll would mean we have a 1% chance of that effect occurring. 99 out of 100 times we would survive. IF god forbid, we manage to reach that extremely low chance, a second reroll would put us at 0.1%. Having two rerolls would mean that the chance of dying would be 1 out of every 1000. In an extreme highball where the base chance is likely less than half of what I'm saying here. If you're concerned about using a reroll that's understandable, but the chance of us getting obliterated is so low it's borderline negligible. We risked a huge amount in this 5 pick fight on terrible odds, and y'all are worried about the by far shiniest option because of a 1% chance of bad things? This is gonna be bar none the most impactful advancement we will ever see, Rihaku prices things fairly and this advancement is ridiculously expensive. It is an absolutely ludicrous investment, we have to get something spectacular out of it.
I could no longer contain myself from my urge to try writing a resident of the Great Basin from Sorcerously Advanced getting an offer from the Accursed. But first, some important disclaimers/context.
Disclaimers and Context: I did PM Rihaku for permission for this a while back. Nothing in this quest should be treated as canon. Colin was not consulted in the making of this subquest, synthesizing these two settings like this is entirely my idea. This is a mix of Beta 3 for Lore/Mechanics information in spite of its significant imperfections and ambiguities I have written extensive notes on, the Alpha 6 naming conventions that aren't present in Beta 3 and may or may not be present in the next release, headcanons and extrapolations of mine that should not be treated as canon, and stuff that may be only be on threads on or the Wikidot boards at the moment. Given that this is based on an open beta/work in progress, details are subject to change in future releases. Further, various setting details which may be left to GM judgment calls are influenced by the desire to make the Rihakuverse and Sorcerously Advanced fit together in interesting ways. None of this should be treated as canonical in any way whatsoever. Seriously. Some new version may be coming out within a week if this Colinpost is indicative and I may be adapting stuff in depending on when my next update comes out but that doesn't change the fact that none of this should be taken as canon. (NaGaDeMon 2020: Days 12 and 13 - Sufficiently Advanced).
Now that we've got the disclaimers out of the way I've got a couple of player character candidates and an infodump because this is the kind of setting that NEEDS one.
In the beginning was the Great God Aum.
Aum took of its hands and made a bowl, and this bowl is the world.
Aum took its eye and made the sun.
Aum took its hearts and made the moons.
Aum's every wish becomes a star.
Aum gave life to its thoughts, and these are the Worlds Beyond and the gods who dwell there.
Aum gave life to its hopes and fears, and these are the people of the world.
Aum gave life to its dreams, and this was the Gift.
This creation myth is literal in many ways. In the Universe where humans are the dominant species, there's a 24-armed, 1 eyed Titan and a hole in its chest that holds up the world, a plate roughly 10 light-seconds in diameter, over 15000 times the surface area of the Earth. The Worlds Beyond are literally Aum's Mind. Heavens are manifestations of Divine Self-Love. Hells are manifestations of Divine Self-Loathing. In other universes, there are different Titans holding up the world in the shape of the Dominant Species.
The focus world of Sorcerously Advanced is known as the Great Basin. 400 years ago in the default timeline, Aum gave everybody easy access to magic more powerful than anything anybody had seen before, at no metaphysical cost whatsoever. Before, there were metaphysical costs, and you needed the right bloodline too. This led to... basically apocalyptic, total collapse of most of the established order level consequences in a lot of the world. A post magical singularity world at war. Revolutions. Ideological disputes. Resource conflicts caused by the new economic paradigm magic made. There are civilizations formed from groups that managed to run and hide in various places and there are civilizations that ended up participating in the fighting. Most of the major players in one region have found some level of peace. But who knows how much of the world is still fighting. Every civilization's got skeletons in their closet and/or unfortunate qualities, nobody's hands are clean.
Anybody who remembers the days before the gift probably has a serious case of future shock.
The Great Basin is also mostly populated by people with skin in the brown to black range, though there's plenty of room for variation in that majority, there are groups with skin tones comparable to clay(Sovereigns of Hell) or terra cotta(Worldbuilders) for example.
All characters practice derivative styles of magic from the same source, the Gift of the god Aum. It utilizes a metaphysical substance called flow that constantly enters most of the cosmos(the Sorcerously Advanced Multiverse/The Worlds Beyond(Aum's Mind)/Dream Realms made by other living beings) via various sapients generating it and extradimensional fountains(Certain presumably artificial dimensions don't have the fountains) described as eternal, untouchable, and beyond all worlds. Flow well... flows towards the edge of the world in the Great Basin. Flow is modified with aspects by emotion and flow affinity, or the environment it entered the world in. Access to properly aspected flow is of extreme importance to any magical working of significance.
It can be stored in containers and transferred via ley-lines and soul to soul communication. The number of possible flow aspects is in the same territory as the number of adjectives in multiple languages combined. Excessive usage of a specific type of aspected flow gives an individual a flow affinity and makes them start producing it in their body, a process with psychological and otherwise side effects but one that can grant an individual who's a source of a rare and desirable flow type considerable economic advantage, for aspected flow trading is a pillar of the Great Basin's economy. Excessive concentrations of an aspect of flow in the environment warp the environment to magnify that aspect the same way they warp individuals, creating a feedback loop as more aspected flow enters the area.
While magic can be used as an act of pure intent and will, to do so with any level of effectiveness at the higher levels necessitates at minimum, a level of devotion to an ideal sufficient to drive a character to take action in its name(beyond merely arguing for it) to maintain capabilities at the current state of the art. The magic granted in this way cannot challenge the ideal(People running their magic on their devotion to pacifism can't use it to kill people for example). The alternative to belief for willworking is extreme mental discipline, making many choose to utilize tools and other techniques instead which may provide their own unique benefits. These techniques, mental and otherwise, are known as paths and are used in conjunction with metaphysical constructs known as founts(Elementalism, Glory, Alchemy, Necromancy, etc...) to generate effects. The Gift derived combination of techniques/path and fount is known as a tradition or style.
The Greatest Strengths of this system of Magic are Esoteric Defense(Spirit of the law always on immunities I'm choosing to interpret as ISH 3 are available with 5 minutes of work albeit with considerable drawbacks), general utility, Sympathetic Magic based attack targeting via a diverse array of mechanisms, and Magical engineering megaprojects powerful enough to shake the multiverse like the Universal Repositories(Multiversal Magitech Pseudo-Internet), or the Travel Lattice(A multiversal bridge dimension connecting every point in the Sorcerously Advanced cosmos it reaches to every other point with a 10 mile path).
The Greatest Weaknesses of this system of Magic are Esoteric Attacks(No Soul Annihilation) and Mobility(safe instantaneous teleportation is impossible).
While more challenging techniques exist that demand skill and preparation to use efficiently, there is a portion of the gift that is easy on a metaphysical level, that leaps to the service of all, no matter their preferred style of magic. Magical techniques have 6 categories known as natures, Communion, Industry, Self, Mystery, Trickery, and War(Dominion in a previous era before the Gift rendered elements of it useless like death magic and mind control). Strength and/or skill in a nature is typically described in terms of depth("Deep in the Trickery/War/Etc nature"), and depth in a nature is a nebulous mix of personal enlightenment(defined as how in touch you are with aspects of your current personality), your training in your style of magic, and your access to various advancements in sorcery techniques such as but not limited to magitechnological enhancements like magic tattoos or wards worked into your soul. A complete lack of environmental flow can significantly weaken a Sorcerously Advanced mage and I intend for this to be relevant for Remittance decision making purposes, lack of environmental flow can reduce all but the most capable mages to baseline humans who may happen to possess conditional immortality.
On the Natures:
Communion: Communion is Social as in connecting with people. Advanced techniques include various forms of dream magic, healing others(especially healing others, a Sorcerously Advanced mage would never be doing this normally without some degree of training as a healer), memory manipulation, and alternatives to soul to soul contact for long range communication.
Metaphysically Easy Communion Techniques
Rapport - Soul to Soul communication that for communion magic users near the current state of the art with a sympathetic magic connection, can even reach individuals on distant planes of existence.
True Speech - A Language independent technique for sharing of meaning that in practice removes spoken language barriers. The side effects of this have led to somewhat unusual naming conventions developing in the setting.
Core Value Scanning - Rapport or a few minutes of interaction are sufficient to discern the Core Values/fundamental beliefs of anybody not utilizing countermeasures for any reasonably capable communion magic user.
Disconnection from Communion renders one unable to use Communion techniques, has additional drawbacks, but is one of the ISH 3 defenses I spoke of. The benefits and costs work on spirit of the law logic. The effect is reversible with effort and planning.
You cannot communicate with others in any
way that allows you to get your point across.
No one has any idea what you want, what you
need, or what you're thinking - unless you
attempt to mislead them, in which case they
immediately see through your flimsy
deceptions. You are incapable of art. In return,
no one can change your mind in any way. Your
emotions and intellect are barred to outside
influence of any kind. So long as you do not
try to lie, no one can determine what your
motivations are.
Industry: Industry is about making things and other forms of magic useful for economic production and trade. Advanced techniques include conversion of flow to matter(aka permanent object conjuration), cloning, telekinesis too unwieldy to be used in combat typically, conversion of matter to flow aka deconjuration, storing flow in containers, and matter transmutation.
Metaphysically easy Industry Techniques
Distillation - Conceptual tuning of the properties of objects rendering material science into a polite suggestion, a science minded individual from our modern world would find it easy to make Vantablack or high quality railguns with this. There's a lot of possibilities. Anything small enough to be held in the hand can be enhanced quickly, anything bigger necessitates a project.
The exact words are...
Everything that is made and shaped in this
world takes on aspects according to its function
and use. Distillation is the process of enhancing
or suppressing those attributes. With this art
mages create perfectly transparent glass, or
remove its fragility. They make houses that
resist hurricanes and provide comfort even on
the dreariest days. They make tools that work
faster, as if they were eager for use. They
remove cracks from pots, smooth roads, and
make drinks more potent.
Whatever an object
is, distillation can make it more so, or less.
Objects small enough to be hefted can be
enhanced quickly. Larger ones (such as
buildings and bridges) should be handled via
To enhance warlike aspects – a sword's
sharpness, a bow's reach, a poison's efficacy –
see the art of Weaponry instead (page xx).
Drawing on Ley Lines- possible for any reasonably capable industry magic user
Disconnection from Industry renders one unable to use Industry techniques, has additional drawbacks, but is another of the ISH 3 defenses I spoke of. The benefits and costs work on spirit of the law logic. The effect is reversible with effort and planning.
You cannot create, build, craft, or design in
any way. You can undertake artistic
endeavors, but not practical ones, and your
attempts to beautify the works of others
introduce disastrous flaws. You lose things
easily. In return, you need nothing from your
surroundings. You always find shelter, food,
and water. If you need to cross an ocean, you
can walk across the waves. You cannot provide
for others, but your own needs are always met.
Aum is not generous when considering your
Self: The Self nature is about self assertion, changing, and enhancing the self. Magic Defense. Also Soul magic, whether your own soul or the souls of others since it's a pantheistic cosmology. Advanced techniques include flight, non permanent shapeshifting that's faster and more limited then becoming, soul magic such as working wards into somebody's soul to augment their capabilities, and switching from being a being of flesh to being a ghost or energy being until you feel like using the technique to change again.
Metaphysically Easy Self Techniques
Becoming: A constant yet slow working permanent shapeshifting effect that alters the body to match the mind's desires and provides some capacity for mental self-editing. This can have surprising applications, for example, if you get stuck in a volcano while immortal and can hold out long enough with the right mindset, you can eventually turn into a lava swimming creature by using this.
Reduction in Physical Needs: Around the point a mage attains sufficient aptitude to attain immortality in the self nature(not that hard), they can start reducing their need for food/water/sleep.
Conditional Immortality: The immortality provided by this technique shields against age and injury. A Character with this technique need only press their decapitated head against their body for it to reattach, and if the conditions are not met, will eventually reconstitute themselves even from total bodily annihilation. This technique can be sustained entirely off the flow generated by the body, at the cost of slowed recovery time. Characters can only have immortality in one style of magic at a time. For a character who has attained immortality to die, they must...
A. Fall victim to their specific immortality flaw that varies depending on the method they used to reach immortality
B. Knowingly and Willingly commit suicide
B.1. If their will breaks in a hostile environment constantly injuring them, this constitutes suicide.
C. Fall victim to Soul Annihilation, followed by killing them. Or be injured beyond the capacity to normally function and then get their soul obliterated. (These scenarios cannot happen in the Great Basin due to the Gift's inability to obliterate souls)
While it takes some degree of self nature training to attain, it is so overwhelmingly easy for the benefits that basically the entire magic using population of the Basin has reached immortality level, its roughly middle of the road compared to the current state of the art.
Disconnection from Self renders one unable to use Self techniques, has additional drawbacks, but is another of the ISH 3 defenses I spoke of. The benefits and costs work on spirit of the law logic. The effect is reversible with effort and planning.
You feel that you are not real, and thus may
have no true value or meaning. Your
thoughts and feelings seem detached from you,
and you find this very disturbing. In addition,
these detached thought processes are often not
aware of each other. For example, you might
take actions based on one Core Value that you
would normally avoid because it conflicts with
another, and then simply ignore that you ever
did so. When you are in this state all the pieces
of your soul, no matter where they are, fold in
on themselves and become inert. You can still
use the Gift (except for expressions of Self), but
others who have obtained pieces of your soul
cannot use them in any way.
Mystery: Mystery is the nature of solving and creating mysteries. Research and investigation magic, combined with stealth through undetectability as opposed to the stealth through deception of trickery. Advanced techniques include things like precognition(Extremely challenging, few ever manage it), psychometry, and various techniques for bypassing physical barriers such as windform and shadowform among other mechanisms that fall under the umbrella term spirit walking.
Metaphysically Easy Mystery Techniques
Sixth Sense - The Ability to sense flow. With a reasonable degree of Mystery magic capability, its aspects can be sensed and the skills/magical capabilities of a character can be discerned with a bit of observation time. This also grants some level of sense for what's going on in nearby dimensions with sufficient skill, such as the travel lattice or red space in the Great Basin. Greater precision is possible with the correct tools and more skill.
The Shroud - A Stealth technique. Particulars are
At lower levels, the Shroud allows one to move
without being seen or heard, and without
leaving traces behind. Higher levels allow one
to vanish from plain sight, hide objects in clear
view, and even cause memories of one's
presence to fade quickly.
The Shroud's particular chakra occlusion is
fairly mild: it prevents one from using any
Loud arts. Someone skulking about must drop
their concealment in order to Travel or launch
an energy wave, for example.
Disconnection from Mystery renders one unable to use Mystery techniques, has additional drawbacks, but is another of the ISH 3 defenses I spoke of. The benefits and costs work on spirit of the law logic. The effect is reversible with effort and planning.
You cannot learn or remember coherent
information. You eat when hungry, sleep
when tired, and do not ask questions or
exercise your will. You almost certainly
become a hermit or a beggar. In return, no one
can find you or learn about you. Your enemies
will only find you if they literally stumble
across you, and even then they may not realize
who you are until you have already
disappeared. You may even accidentally fall
between worlds if someone devises a clever
enough scheme to track you down.
Trickery: Trickery is the nature of putting up a front. Lying. Stealth through deception. Advanced techniques include cultivation of alternate personalities to avoid mind reading, creation of prison dream realms, and projecting illusions into the minds of targets.
Metaphysically easy trickery techniques
Magical Scanning Countermeasures - If you're better at trickery than the person scanning you is at communion or mystery, your capabilities can be obfuscated
Disconnection from Trickery renders one unable to use Trickery techniques, has additional drawbacks, but provides an immunity to illusions and deception I'm choosing to interpret as ISH 3 in roughly 5 minutes. The benefits and costs work on spirit of the law logic. The effect is reversible with effort and planning.
You cannot tell a lie. You become honest to a
fault, but also tactless and crude, blurting
out secrets that you would rather keep. You
may even find yourself bringing up things
you've done in the past - likely quite
incriminating for a master of Trickery. When
you are in this state, you see through illusions
and dishonesty as if they were a child's
scribbles. Any such expressions of the
Trickery-Nature that would affect you are
powerless against you.
War: The War Nature is about violence and conflict, favoring offense over defense. Advanced techniques include curses that can be targeted via sympathetic magic connection(caution, the target can try countercursing if they know how), and energy blasts of various methodologies. At the current state of the art, these energy blasts can ignore mundane matter and be targeted by sympathetic magic connections(Preventing the target from dodging or blocking without magical methods such as counterblasts or jumping into other dimensions). At the high end these blasts reach kiloton territory, which is why well-secured cities use energy shields that can reflect such blasts.
Metaphysically easy War Techniques
Weaponry - When the art of distillation is applied to combat. Flaming Swords, Lightning arrows, making seeds into strangler vines, and making acorns explode like grenades are among the myriad of potential applications.
Terror - Fear effects
Disconnection from War renders one unable to use War techniques, has additional drawbacks, but is the last of the ISH 3 defenses I spoke of. The benefits and costs work on spirit of the law logic. The effect is reversible with effort and planning.
You cannot intentionally harm others. You
cannot cause violence, encourage people to
violence, threaten and yell, or even make or
interpret tactical plans. If you lift a heavy
object, perhaps with Industry, you simply
cannot drop it on someone. In return, no
creature living or dead can harm you. Arrows
turn before striking your body. Attempts to
drain your power or set a curse on you
abruptly fail. A net might catch you, but if it
were weighted or painful, it might phase
through you instead. Portals to the elemental
plane of fire will refuse to admit you. War is
probably the most common Nature from
which people disconnect.
Uncategorizable due to multiple potentially applicable natures or being a fringe benefit of the Gift:
Advanced Techniques that fall under this subject include minion/servitor creation(There's servitors for each nature), warding(There's wards for each nature), a don't make me stick out field to help one fit into alien cultures(Can be acquired through Communion or Trickery), and physical enhancement magic(Can be acquired from War or Industry)
Mental Acuity - The exact words are...
The Mystery-nature and the Trickery-nature
have several things in common, and one of
them is being smart. Mental acuity is the
general term for improvements in mental speed
and function that result from an individual
being deep in those natures.
Characters who have easy access to this
expression become excellent at calculation,
have near-perfect memories, solve puzzles
quickly, and can piece together evidence with
leaps of intuition. Those who gain acuity
through Trickery are more likely to create
problems than to solve them.
Most people are so steeped in the techniques of
this art that they use them constantly and
surreptitiously. Those who are concentrating
on difficult tasks might use the tools of their
Tradition, often in more noticeable manners.
Enchantment - A Time consuming methodology for sharing a measure of your power with others, and for those willing to put the effort in for a long term project, bestow the gift on individuals who do not possess it by some unfortunate circumstance. The gift bestowance process can also be used to give intelligence/free will to things without it.
Sovereignty(AKA Mind Control Immunity): Exact words from Beta 3 are...
All characters who have received the Gift are
immune to effects that control their minds.
This is true even if they were born into a Null
Zone and have never felt magic in their lives.
Many effects skirt the edges of this power:
curses, for example, can compel certain actions.
Sovereignty does not guarantee freedom from
confusion, mental illness, or emotional urges. It
only guarantees that no living being may force
another's mind into a particular action.
Changing someone else's Core Values by means
other than conversation expressly falls into the
actions that are forbidden by Sovereignty.
[]Verity, who sabotaged Diadem's 3rd- The 33 year old Unroyal Intelligence Operative known as Verity got his start with operations cursing and sabotaging Diadem mercenary companies. 2 years ago from their standpoint, they moved to a joint operation with the Golden Aegis to assist dissident Sovereigns of Hell with regards to the ethical disaster that is mainstream Sovereign society's Grand Conquest in seeking an alternative. In the process, they have discovered Aegis and dissident Sovereign survey data of the souls of the dead suggesting one's afterlife is essentially up to random chance. That salvation or damnation is near completely independent of everything one does in life. The Gift is salvation through immortality, even the dead can be resurrected in spite of how much benevolence aspected flow it costs, and yet the wars it kicked off are damning who knows how many souls? Now, 300 years after the gift, this discovery will set them up for conflict with their employers and a meeting with the Accursed.
While their skills with the Key of Freedom, the Unroyals characteristic earthpower fount magical style utilizing chaotic mixes of flow to influence the natural world are too poor to be worth discussing(enough to use conjuration magic to feed themselves but that's about it), they do possess noteworthy capability in the Key of Courage, which uses their opposition to tyranny to fuel Glory effects. The second style of magic they possess notable skill in is the Diamond of the Soul, the budding necromantic martial art formed by collaboration among the Unroyal/Aegis/Dissident Sovereigns bloc with a penchant for exploiting one's spiritual refinement to perform all manner of techniques. Since the souls of Great Basin residents are their shadows, from an outside perspective it looks as though their shadow takes the field with them. They have not seen the appeal of the practice of the Living Pantheon and therefore not learned the Archetype channeling techniques of the Unroyal due to fear of the psychological side effects.
Verity has a Necromancy fount immortality flaw and must be forcefed chunks of the Souls of Basin Residents or analogous sapient spiritual essence to be slain via its exploitation.
Primary Natures(State of the Art, still somewhat operational even without a remittance or specialized training): Communion, Trickery
Secondary Natures(Needs a bit of effort or specialized training to make somewhat operational without a remittance, though they're still immortal): Self, War
Weaknesses(Will take significant effort to make even somewhat operational without a remittance): Industry, Mystery
[] Constructor of Intelligence(Cons for short) - 400 years after the gift, this 250 year old Nova Commonwealth magical engineering genius and skilled crafter of Servitors is a member of the international research group known as the Mindweavers. For all the nations that have found relative peace so far in the Gift's wake, so much of the world is still fighting. It will take a truly transcendent intellect to solve the problems of the Interregnum. Given the absence of any such transcendent intellect so far, such a being must be made. The determination of whatever group in the distant past made the travel lattice, the sheer magnitude of the achievement in an environment where economic manipulation magic pulled at the strings of fate itself, inspired her to the point of an obsession with building something so grand, to the point where she's one of those people who gets called things like "Special Strategic Asset" or "Satori". With the right supplies she could make a town into a null zone in less than 3 minutes. Even for her though, the research is proving to be exceptionally challenging. One of the colleagues in her research group suddenly and inexplicably tendered their resignation and she doesn't know why. The Accursed shows up when she's running her nose to the grindstone with the truth and an offer.
She practices the Mercurial Set, the Runic language style of the Nova Commonwealth's Light of Reason Sect that produces effects from the Fount of Alchemy. She also practices, albeit with significantly less enthusiasm, the Oneiromantic sigil and shape-laden art known as Analysis the Mindweavers developed as a neutral research style to ensure everybody is sharing information on the same Universal Repository.
Constructor of Intelligence has the Alchemy fount immortality flaw. Killing her necessitates a unique poison that demands analysis of her blood or knowledge of the ink used in her immortality tattoos to properly formulate.
Primary Natures(State of the Art, still somewhat operational even without a remittance or specialized training): Industry, Mystery
Secondary(Needs a bit of effort or specialized training to make somewhat operational without a remittance, though they're still immortal): Self, Communion
Weaknesses(Will take significant effort to make even somewhat operational without a remittance): War, Trickery
[]The Brush that Erodes Deception(Brush for Short) - Born in the Worldbuilder underwater research community of Verdant Lake, Brush has gone by several names over the course of her 225 year lifespan as she changed vocations, from a brief career as a research assistant before discovering her love of battle, to a soldier in several city militias since nobody actually wanted to try and take the city of Verdant Lake from the Worldbuilders. She found Aum to be an exceptionally kind god for enabling people who don't enjoy War to exclude themselves via the rite of disconnection.
In a world where nobody who's unwilling to get hurt by war has to get hurt combined with ubiquitous immortality, war became a game for her, and she was one of the best and most enthusiastic players, the kind of combatant who gets names like "Special Strategic Asset" or "Satori". She was a pioneer in geometric Parelthonia and she literally designed the tattoos that let her fire entropic blasts large enough to lay waste to cities. Ever since the Diadem stopped messing around with sending mercenaries at people 50 years ago though, Brush has been incredibly bored from lack of worthy opponents. She's currently working as a head of security for a temporal magic research group. When things go wrong though, she's going to meet the Accursed.
Brush practices Parelthonia, a form of time manipulating necromancy that uses a mix of art and geometry to manifest its effects. Her skills with Symmachis, the Worldbuilders system of elemental magic where they exploit arrangements with nature spirits they elevated into empowered gods for worshipping so that they provide their worshippers with elemental magic capabilities are lackluster enough to be meaningless. She could never really reconcile the mix of worship and business transaction that Symmachis was.
Brush has the Necromancy fount immortality flaw. Killing her necessitates feeding her pure elemental spirit essence.
Primary Natures(State of the Art, still somewhat operational even without a remittance or specialized training): War, Self
Secondary Nature(Needs a bit of effort or specialized training to make somewhat operational without a remittance): Mystery, Trickery
Weaknesses(Will take significant effort to make even somewhat operational without a remittance): Communion, Industry
If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask. Advanced techniques(Which include but is not limited to the specialized training for low environmental flow) will be decided on in a future vote. Given that even if I pick some, there's a lot of options, it'll probably be slates of abilities unless somebody is willing to go far enough to provide a Write-in.
I talked about this in the discord but just to say it here for people concerned about the instant death chance, it's been implied we can use rerolls on it. If we do an extreme highball, and say a low chance of death is a 10% chance (I would actually put it more around 5% but regardless), using one reroll would mean we have a 1% chance of that effect occurring. 99 out of 100 times we would survive.
Depends on what's available and what wins. If Armory of Night wins I'm thinking the Outer Shadow, Edeldross, or Crimson Flare.
Edit: Maybe Once and Future, or the Opalescent Tower.
AN: The age for starting wizards is 16 in this universe as giving magic to 11 year olds is recipe for disaster.
Also a if you want to see how the Harry looks in this universe:
Also: [X] Myth and Legend
[X] Grievous Exertion
Harry Potter and the Gift of Modern Weaponry - 6700 words
Hagrid moved towards the house of the Dursleys to get Harry Potter and bring him to his rightful place in Hogwarts. It was weird – none of the other means of communications worked so he was sent to finally get the sixteen year boy who lived and introduce him to the world of magic.
The house was peculiar, high walls and some weird white lamps that followed him as he moved. Perhaps muggle science was more advance than he thought and invented moving lamps to always show the way. He ripped open the door and entered the house, as they were muggles and did not deserve the courtesy of knocking. A searing pain exploded into his knee and he almost fell down. A fat man came out of the other side of the hallway holding some long metal object.
"You seem to be a bit bigger than a normal burglar, but you really have no idea which house you are trying to steal from"
"I am here for the boy" Hagrid screamed as he moved towards the muggle, intent on grabbing the weird object and shoving it down the throat of the fat muggle.
Hagrid fell down on his knees as he felt both of his Achilles tendons being cut. A slim middle-aged woman was behind him without him noticing holding two bloody knives in her hands.
"Wow, a burglar who wants to steal our boy? My, my I think I need to educate you on proper etiquettes"
"He has magic, and I want to take him to our school" Hagrid tried to grab the woman behind him but a shot from the stairs hit him in the elbow and he could not keep his hand straight
A sixteen year muscled boy with glasses and cold eyes was pointing a gun with a smoking barrel.
"Get away from my parents you fucking psycho"
Hagrid had to focus but he recognized the boy by his scar on the forehead.
"Harry, it is you. I have come to save you"
"Don't talk to me as you know me psycho, also don't you dare touch my parents"
"Harry, it is me. I brought you to this house sixteen years ago"
"Petunia dear, I think this is one is telling the truth."
"Vernon, dear, I think you are right. I do remember the security cameras showing a giant that brought Harry home. Also he might be related to the magic world that my dear sister told me about"
Hagrid was aghast, this was not happening. He a half giant, on his knees in front of some muggles. He attempted to stand but felt something touch his temples.
"I suggest you don't move while my parents are talking" a bigger boy met his gaze coolly from the side. Bloody hell – does everyone in this house move like a cat?
"I think explanations are in order" the man finally said "Harry, please get the first aid kit, Dudley if the giant move, kill him"
In the first time in his life Hagrid felt afraid from muggles.
Harry felt weird – it seems he was actually a wizard and he was invited to some high school for wizard teenagers. His parents were supportive, after all a new perspective could help expand the family business of weapon smuggling and black ops. Still, they insisted on coming with him to this so called Diagon Alley and see the magic for themselves.
The giant – Hagrid, was a bit scared of them and stayed a respective distance from him. Still, he healed fast and only limped while moving fast. Perhaps if more of his kind can be recruited they could be an elite mercenary unit for which his dad could charge extra.
Diagon alley was weird and full of wonder, yet mostly stuff which was parlor tricks. His parents exchanged their money in the bank and went to explore for possible new ventures while Hagrid took him to get his wand. Honestly he already had his boomstick – a Heckler & Koch HK45 handgun with tungsten ammo – a gift from his parents for his eleventh birthday.
He managed to get a wand relatively fast and went to meet up with his parents in the pub. The giant mumbled something about 9 ¾ and ran away. His parents were sitting on a table talking to some kind of goblin who looked shady but that was the usual clientele of his parents anyway.
"Ahhh, the boy who lived. I was just talking to your parents about some joint operations we can do – Vernon, Petunia, it was a pleasure. I wish you well in your adventures in Hogwarts."
"Ah, Harry excellent. First put those charms on your weapons, the magic here could interfere with technology so we found this anti-magic charms." Vernon passed a dozen round coins with some weird symbols on them.
"Also did you managed to find everything you need?" – Petunia passed him some fries.
"I still need to get some sort of familiar – I think I can bring Tommy – no one said that I could not bring a drone as familiar"
"That's my boy! Please write mail or call regularly from that school. Keep a diary as well so you can see if the mail have been tampered. Also eat regularly and train your body well."
"Thank mom and dad I will"
And thus began the first year of our protagonist:
AN: The rest of the story is inside the spoiler as to avoid polluting the thread too much:
Year 1
Day 1:
I got on some old train from a magic platform. Those wizards are so behind the times, coal-burning as fuel? Really? Also some shit tried to talk to me about blood purity. I beat his ass and reminded him one of my dad favorite sayings "Humans are born unequal, but Samuel Colt made everyone equal"
We arrived at some dope ass castle, not gonna lie and we were going to be sorted by some talking hat. I had to ask if those hats could be duplicated, attach a binoculars to one such hat and you can have a spotter for the sniper team that could be used as a backup that takes no space.
Still, once the hat announced "Boys, we got ourselves a Slytherin demon amongst us". Everyone started booing and throwing whatever they had at the teen.The headmaster of the school levitated some tomatoes and started launching them at the kid who was crawling towards the table in the corner where only scraps of food could be seen. Some Goth looking guy tried to protect the kid without much success.
I naturally entered Gryffindor.
After that the headmaster (called Dumbledore) made a speech about the unity of the wizards and also not to forget that some rooms of the castle could kill the teenagers that enter them and if we want to go outside in the forest, we might face certain death. Also a dangerous artefact was hidden in an institution for children, guarded by deadly challenges instead of a secure safe. Damn this school was almost as dangerous as an American school.
Day 4:
I learned to summon stuff to my hand, useful when I am looking for the remote. The teachers told me that using magic outside school is illegal but I was sure I can find a loophole
Day 8:
Finally some action, a troll was roaming the castle. Some weird ass ginger asked me to help find some nerdy girl. Probably had a crush on her. I had nothing else to do so I just followed him. We found the troll was in some bathroom but the problem was that the girl was also inside. Charging from the front was stupid and suicidal so the ginger wanted to do it. I just shook my hand, went to the adjacent bathroom and set up some charges on the wall. After that it was just a simple execution of breaching the walls, throwing a flashbang and shooting the monster in the knees and when it fell down I shot it in the head two times with my trusty handgun. The other teachers found me a bit later along with the headmaster. He took -100 points from Slytherin for not helping me and awarded Gryffindor 100 points.
Day 13:
I rode some broom which was uncomfortable so I called my parents to order me a better and faster one and also let my brother Dudley pimp it out. My brother was an expert in CQC but his true passion lied in tuning cars and long distance sniping. Anyway, the official sport was called quiditch or some similar lame ass name so I decided to join. After I received the better broom, I dominated and won the match. This shit was so pay to win, I thought EA was the official sponsor behind it. Still I managed to start some unofficial gambling on the side.
Day 15:
While I was jogging early in the morning in the forest of death I met some weirdo who was sucking "something" from what appeared to be a unicorn. The floating cloak tried to intimidate me but I quickly pulled out my boom stick and filled his ass with lead. A wild centaur appeared and explained the situation. Blood from a unicorn could keep you alive but you would be a cursed existence. When the centaur left I pulled out my flask which was filled with Gatorade and filled it with unicorn blood – this stuff would sell well on the black market and my parents would share the profit with me.
Day 17:
I decided to look for this Philosopher stone to see if I can take it and sell it on the black market. I looked for some closed doors and managed to find some on the fifth floor. It was magically locked but I brought a crowbar so after some applied muscle magic I entered. Inside was a giant three headed dog which tried to bite me. I just used a flashbang to disorient the poor puppy and entered the door that it was guarding. Some overgrown vine was the next trial but a bit of napalm grenade cleared the way. Finally some chessboard with giant figures that prevented me from moving forward so I just threw some frag grenades and cleared the field. At the end I saw one of the teachers looking at some dope ass mirror.
"Fascinating isn't it – the Mirror of Erised shows our deepest desires" he said calmly while inviting me to take a look.
I already knew what I was going to see - Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet arsenal nothing was more profitable than the Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947. More commonly known as AK-47 or Kalashnikov. It's the world's most popular assault rifle, a weapon all fighters love; an elegantly simple nine-pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood. It doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It'll shoot whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. I wanted that gun so much, but my parents had a strict policy – no automatic weapons before 18 years of age. I loved them but sometimes I think they treated me like a child.
I explained that to the stunned professor who started that I got it all wrong and I need to get the Philosopher stone from the mirror. I think this guy was a not all there. He said something that he is some evil wizard called Voldemort and started to turn his head like some Exorcist reject but I just pulled out my gun and shot him three times in the head. Do those wizards think I am just going to stand here while they are monologing .Talking is not free action you little bitch. The headmaster appeared shortly after
Day 18-200:
Nothing to report, lame ass classes and boredom
Day 201:
Final day of school and the house cup would have been awarded. Those Slytherin demon spawns have been nerds all year trying to win and they had around 150 more points than the rest of us. Losers.
Just before the winner was announced the headmaster called me to speak with him privately for a bit.
I came to him and he started his clearly rehearsed speech:
"Harry, do you know who created the world"
"Dunno, probably some big shot"
"…it was god you twat. Anyway I wanted to tell you that when time moves forward so do we."
"Yes, everyone knows that. Please stop acting as you are making some profound statement. It is wasting time"
"Harry, I consider myself a patient man – I know you have been doing illegal gambling with the students about the quiditch matches and also fix some of the matches yourself. I overlooked that you have pimped out your broom to have nitro and flares to distract people that are after you. I know that you have stolen some unicorn blood and sold it to billionaire muggles, I know that you killed a teacher and destroyed several artefacts that served as traps. After saying all of this, I hope you understand the gravity of this situation, and see why I'm only awarding you 151 points"
As I went back to my table the headmaster addressed the school and congratulated the Slytherin House. But just before announcing the winner he said "However" and I saw complete PTSD occur from the side of those wretched.
The headmaster awarded me 151 points and Griffyndor won.
Year 2
Day 1:
I was going to be late so my brother Dudley drop me off at the train station and stayed for the goodbye. Just as I was going to pass through the magic entry I hit the wall. What the fuck! It seems someone was trying to stop me from going to the magic school. I pulled out a claymore, confident I can breach the brick wall relatively quickly but my brother stopped me.
Too crowded and might draw attention. We quickly went outside and hopped into his sports car. The plan was to intercept a train above a bridge or a cliff and get me on it. My brother drive like a madman but he successfully managed to catch up to the train and we were near a cliff that oversaw the passing train. I thanked my brother and we fist bumped as he jumped out of the car near the cliff while I waited a bit to be over the train and dropped on it. A bit rough landing but I was on my way to Hogwarts.
Day 3:
There is some killer that petrifies its victims. Kind of a weird flex but okay. I decided to investigate, perhaps it would be interesting.
Day 5:
I figured out that the quitich matches are only 6 and the final are always Ravenclaw vs Griffyndor. That meant those two could decide the outcome as long as they agree beforehand. As Ravenclaw had the lowest chance of winning the quitich cup and thus the highest return on investment at the bookie I bet 1000 galeons and went to talk with the Ravenclaw team. A bit of bribes and the final match was fixed. I will not even bother to show for the other matches. Wait, my brother installed a subwoofer and some nice audio system on my broom, so I thought of a little prank for the Slytherin demon spawns.
Day 8:
Griffyndor vs Slytherin quitich match was going smoothly when I started my plank, I turned up the audio system to the max and played a continuous loop of a recorded message from Dumbledore saying "However" – the effect was instantaneous and all of the team fell down to earth due to panic attack. We easily won and the headmaster awarded me 50 points for creativity and took -50 points from Slytherin for being little bitches.
Day 15:
The nerdy girl that I saved last year had a theory that the killer is a giant snake called Basilisk – nice. I always wanted snake boots and a snake wallet. Apparently it had killing gaze and was only afraid from crowing of a rooster. Naturally I immediately recorded one on my phone and also ordered remote controlled robot with camera from home.
I sneakily added the method for creating those giant snakes to my letter – an egg under a toad for a year seemed relatively easy to industrialize.
Day 19:
The robot got its camera fried which means it saw the basilisk somewhere around the Slytherin part of the castle. No wonder – those demon spawn must be up to no good.
The nerdy girl offered some polyjuice potion to enter the Slytherin house and snoop around, I decided against it but enquired about this polymorph potion. It had interesting implication – both for my mother who was a black ops agent and also for some interesting ways to generate money from simps.
Day 21:
I used my scuba diver gear to go to the lake and install microphones on the glass windows on the Slytherin dungeon. I stayed a bit listening to their chatter but nothing important happened so I decided to surface.
Day 25:
I rigged a few bombs on the robot and had my gear on me with the night glasses and armed with a lot of grenades and guns. I was going to get my snake boots and wallet today. I used the robot to scout the Slytherin part of the castle. Few hours later I saw one of the cameras on it going out and I immediately triggered the bombs. A massive explosion and an even more massive inhuman shriek shook the castle. I ran after it with my night vision goggles and just managed to see it enter one of the sewer vents. With no time to hesitate I just jumped in and after a long slide entered a massive chamber.
Was this the fabled Chamber of secrets – looked cozy but nothing special? My glasses showed me the massive snake – shit I miscalculated, it was bigger than I thought to put down so I tearfully pulled out my napalm grenades and threw several at it. It shrieked a few times and I cried after it died. So much skin lost to the fire.
On the other side of the room a big door was opening and I quickly hid behind the corpse of the Basilisk to see what is going on.
A small girl – a ginger entered the room and when she saw the dead snake started to curse in a language and voice that was definitely not her. Ah – a possession. I quietly sneak behind her and put the poor kid into a chokehold until she passed out. I quickly looted what I can from her and I found a black journal. It had the Slytherin logo on it so I decided to do the smart thing so I pulled out my gun and shot it several times.
The book bled for a few seconds and after that it was no more. The girl stirred so I put her on my shoulders and went to see the headmaster.
He congratulated me for my bravery and pretty much repeated the same speech from last year:
"Harry, I consider myself a patient man – I laughed when you manage to trigger the demon spawns for Slytherin in the quitich match to become catatonic and I did not punished you for that, I know you have bugged the Slytherin room invading their privacy and I know you have sent your family the recipe for creating Basilisk which they sold to the American government. You have triggered a massive explosion causing untold damage to the Slytherin wing of the castle to kill some overgrown sanke. I don't want to even talk about the polyjuice stuff – that is disgusting way of exploiting simps. I want you to understand that you are a hero but a reckless and sociopathic one and understand why I'm only awarding you 750 points"
Day 201:
We won the House Cup. Dumbledore played a prank by awarding Slythering 1000 points but after letting them celebrate he dropped the "However"-bomb and awarded Griffyndor 2000 points. It was funny. Hopefully next year is better than this one. I am still missing my snake boots.
Year 3
Day 1:
I entered the secret train station normally this time. No need to do a train chase scene, which was fun. My brother had tuned his car for more air time and I am pretty sure he was disappointed. Anyway I when I entered my compartment some old guy was sleeping on in the corner but I paid him no mind.
The trip was uneventful until suddenly the train stopped and the lights went out. Knew it – bad infrastructure would be the death of the magic world. Everything went cold and a poltergeist looking mf tried to open the door. Not today bub, I have prepared some holy water and different religious spices and I put this concoction on my fists.
The poltergeist tried to suck my face, but my mother raised a gentleman so I politely rejected his advances by giving him the left right hook combo and the poltergeist whimpered and ran away.
At Hogwarts the headmaster explained the situation – some guy escaped from some secure prison and soul eating poltergeists would roam the school premises that were meant for children. That meant no more visits to nearby villages during the weekend and effectively made everyone to stay in the castle. That gave me an idea – two actually.
Day 3:
I managed to transform the chamber of secret into a bar. Hired some house elves to serve drinks (which I brewed in the back of the room) and also ordered several roulette and poker tables. I planned to bring some slot machine as soon as I get the diesel generator working.
Still, idle hands are the devil's business so I contacted Miss Sprout to see if she can help grow several rows of hemp – as remedy for my glaucoma of course.
Day 5:
I received a gift that was meant for Christmas but it was date 2 years ago. Man, British Mail suck at their job. It was an invisibility cloak, which was nice and opened a few possibilities of what to do. I ordered a tranquilizer rifle from my parents and prepared a potion that would easily knock out a grown ass man. I planned to hunt the escape prisoner and hand him over to the authorities.
Day 6:
Tears of joy were streaming down my face when I opened the package from my parents. Inside beside the tranquilizer rifle was AK-47, the dream of my childhood. Thank you mom and dad – you are the best.
Day 10:
I tried to do some good deeds around the school. Some kids were attacked by Dementors (the name of the poltergeists) and mugged so I decided to investigate.
I flew to the site of the crime.
Activated my wizard vision.
"Mhmh, face frozen in fear. It's gotta be Dementors"
Summoned my broom – Roachbolt 6000
Flew to the next area.
Followed my magic enhanced nose which showed a red line that I could see going in the woods.
Some Slytherins in costumes appear and start attacking me
I used rubber bullets this time and shot them in their guts causing them to fall over and puke. I pepper spray them and confiscate their wands.
"Hmmm, Slytherins pretending to be Dementors and mugging mudbloods…Hmmmm, gotta tell Dumbledore about it"
Summoned Roachbolt 6000 and flew to the castle
I presented the ten wands to the headmaster along with the location of the bounded teenagers.
100 points to Griffyndor received.
Day 15:
The mood of everyone is down so there is almost no money in the pot for the quich championship so I decided I would not even bother with this whole quich shit. As usual Ravenclaw and our house can decide the outcome of the thing.
Day 17:
While I was hunting in the woods with my thermos vision goggles and invisibility cloak I saw a figure trying to sneak up. I quietly prepared my tranquilizer gun and shot him while he was not looking. I was not surprised when I saw that this is the escaped prisoner – Sirius Black. I sedated him more with some magic potion that I had on hand and tied him up. He was easy to carry and I hid him in one of my safe houses. I planned to keep him sedated until I manage to establish a betting pool when the Dementors would leave the school.
Day 19:
Betting pool established – in two days I would reap the most benefit so meanwhile I just prepared some proposals to the Ministry of Magic about muggle security forces. Casually I mentioned my dad and I think it is going to be a success.
Day 20:
Well that is weird – there is a clone of me on the opposite site of the safe house waiting for me. I quickly used strategy – 8453 to establish that he is from the future. Apparently that nerdy girl had a time machine at hand – to study no less. What a fucking nerd! Anyway my clone gave me a list with the stock market fluctuations for the past 3 months so I decided to call my parents so they could profit. Family first after all.
Day 21:
I brought the prisoner to the Dementors who left the school and I collected the prize. Easy money.
Day 22-200:
Nothing to report, lame ass classes and boredom
Day 201:
The Slytherin House busted their ass to get around 200 points more than the other Houses but I wondered why they even bother?
The headmaster called me again to the table and I saw the mounting terror of realization in the face of the demon spawn of Slytherin who again were going to be cheated.
"Harry, I consider myself a patient man – I knew you made an illegal bar who served alcohol (which was made with no regulatory control no less) and gambling to kids. I knew you rigged the quidditch Cup again. I knew you captured Sirius Black but kept him in a safe house sedated until you can reap the most benefits. I knew you sold weapons the Aurors, weapons of mass destruction no less. I want you to understand the severity of your actions and understand why I'm only awarding you 201 points"
After that the customary H-bomb was dropped and Griffyndor won the House Cup.
Year 4
Day 1:
Huh, it seems there would be some weird tournament and the qich cup is canceled. I was bored of that qich sport anyway. Still we would also meet representatives of two different school which is nice. I am a social guy.
We got some clearly bad guys in disguise from some weird school called Durmstrang. I will be keeping an eye on them.
We also got some French school which would be filled with hot chicks. Nice!
Anyway the traditional speech of the headmaster was a bit changed. Perhaps just showing off to the newcomers to establish who has the longest staff in the school.
"Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts. Despite it being the safest place in the wizard world there is a significant chance that one of my employees is on a first name basis with the most fearsome evil wizard in living memory. I am talking about Voldermort. I am not scared to speak his name but you should be. If you are particularly unlucky you would even be taught by him as it happened 3 years ago. So which one is this year? We have an ongoing bet going where you can chip in your hard earned galleons for the grand prize of probably Avada Kedavra to the heart. Personally my bet is on professor Snape.
I am also pleased to announce that we have a Death Tournament this year that would be held in this school. The three contestants will endure three deadly trials for no other reason other than my personal amusement. I encourage anyone from a monetarily struggling families to enter so that you can recover from the outrageously expensive equipment we required you to purchase in order to attend this institution. So please enter. Speaking from experience the casualties are frequent and crippling but they are amusing.
Lastly I need to address the elephant, or rather the snake in the room. I personally distrust and loathe the members of the Slytherin house so if by any miracle of hard work and effort that accursed house manages to gather enough points I will overthrow the results by giving arbitrary points to whatever house I feel like, which most likely to be Griffyndor."
Well I gave him points for honesty at least.
Day 3:
Today was the day of the selection for the Death Tournament. From Hogwarts a guy who looked like a YA brooding hero, from the villain school some Bulgarian dude and from the French school some hot chick.
Suddenly the goblet of fire spewed out a fourth name – mine specifically. What the fuck? I did not want to attend – I had business ventures to do.
Still I was sent to the other contestants and after that headmaster came to ask me some questions calmly while screaming "HARRY" calmly.
He shot a bunch of rocks towards me which I avoided
I pulled out my gun and started shooting at him but he made a shield that stopped the bullets
He shot a Crucio towards me but I managed to avoid it
The other teachers tried to subdue him but he was fast and disarmed them
I shot a few knives with embedded anti magic charms which penetrated the barrier
The headmaster levitated me but I knew this requires constant eyesight with the target so I triggered a flashbang
While everyone was disoriented I quickly moved towards the headmaster and punched him in the face
He rolled with the punch and kick me in the groin while shooting Avada Kedavra at point blank range
Miraculously I managed to dodge and made some distance between me and the calm headmaster
I said no calmly and the headmaster accepted my response calmly as usual.
Day 10:
The first trial was a hostage situation in the lake. We had to save our loved ones from the clutches of some mermaids. I awoke refreshed but suddenly I felt something was missing. My beloved – the AK-47 that was a gift from my parents. I could only see blood – it is all fun and games but you do not touch a man's gun.
I picked up a bag full of explosives and ran towards the lake.
I was expected to be the first contestant so I just started throwing mines and explosives inside the lake while screaming
"Give me back my gun or I swear to god I would bomb your entire habitat. Giant Squid I am counting to 5 and if I don't have the gun in my hands by that time I swear to god I would order artillery strike on this lake and eat sushi tonight"
"One, two, thr…" a giant tentacle hurriedly came out of the water holding my gun and gave it to me.
I carefully caressed it with tears in my eyes
"My precious, I would repair and dry you up. Don't worry, I would use that oil you love so much, don't worry my precious."
Apparently I won this trial by beating it under a minute – a new record for the tournament.
Still the other headmasters were not amused so it was decided that I am only allowed to use magic for the second trial.
No biggie.
Day 30:
The second trial would be in three days and it would involve a battle with dragons so I quickly ordered 100 brooms and ordered my chamber of secret elves to start brewing some nitroglycerin potions.
After all, I could only use magic for this trial.
Day 33:
I had a giant ass flying dinosaur in front of me which tried to eat me. I quickly ducked and ran past it while pulling out my wand.
"Accio Salvo 1" I screamed and after a second ten brooms flied towards me from the rooftop of Hogwarts towards me. I angled myself to be between the brooms who carried bunch of nitroglycerin potions attached to them as the ten brooms hit the dragon and exploded on contact.
"Accio Salvo 2 to 10" I screamed as I did not wait for the dragon to attack me again. I again positioned myself between the dragon and the other 90 broomstick missiles and after the massive explosion that followed the only thing left of the dragon was some horns.
A ginger guy near me was screaming something weird but I ignored him – everybody knows gingers have no souls.
The three headmasters were speechless which means I won
Day 50:
We had a giant maze to navigate. I had on me my trusty AK-47 and the red bandana given to me by my father to look badass. I had it on my forehead while I was covered in camouflage paint. Tonight I would win the cup. I had the second lowest chance after both of the Hogwarts champions winning at the same time.
The judge called and we started running inside the jungle like maze. Foolish scrubs, my parents left me in the Amazon forest for three weeks as a training, I was so ready.
I hid inside a mud swamp and soon I sensed the hot chick come near me. I quickly emerged from the swamp and suplexed her until she was unconscious. One down.
Next I encountered the Bulgarian champion. He was tough and I had to fight seriously but still I managed to win in the end.
I ran towards the center of the maze and I saw the cup. On the other side of the clearing the official Hogwarts champion was running as well. Hmmm, perhaps if we can both touch it I would get the bet where both Hogwarts champions win at the same time. The odds were 2500 to one so I would win at least 50 000. I easily came first to the cup but I matched my hand so we both touched the cup at the same time.
I felt something weird and suddenly my body could not move. I think I was in a mage trap
A weirdo looking guy killed the YA novel hero and took a bit of my blood to put it into a cauldron.
Oh shit, it is either vampire or cannibal. Just my luck.
Anyway some pale looking ugly looking bastard came out of the cauldron. What the hell is going on?
Ah, this is that Voldemort shithead. Normally I would not care but that guy killed my birth parents one of which was my mother's sister. His skull would be a great gift for mother's day.
I flexed my muscles and broke the magic bindings. I quickly pulled the body of my schoolmate on my back. Not for some sentimental reasons or anything, just wanted to have a shield on my back while I was running towards cover.
More guys were teleporting in the clearing and the main guy – Voldemort started taunting me:
"Come out Harry Potter and I would Avada Kedavra you fast"
I was fed up with this bullshit so I pulled out my AK-47 and threw a flashbang from behind my cover.
After the explosion I jumped out and started spraying and praying while screaming:
"Let me introduce you to my little friend – Avtamata Kalashnikova"
The wizards tried to do some shields in front of them but my bullets contained anti magic charms on them and easily ripped through any hastily put magic.
A couple of magazines and I counted at least two dozen dead mages. I moved toward the head honcho who was wheezing and bleeding on the ground.
"I better hope you have some essence of dittany for that chest wound, and the other thirteen"
"You cannot kill me Harry Potter – I have seven Horcruxes."
I pulled out my first gun – the one my dad gave to me on my seventh birthday – the trusty Colt 1911
"Well it is a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1 bullets"
I shot him in the head and he was dead.
I got both my schoolmate and Voldemort on my shoulders and went to the cup. I touched it again and I was back in Hogwarts.
I presented Voldemort to the headmaster and went to bed – I was tired.
Day 51-200:
Nothing to report, lame ass classes and boredom
Day 201:
The Slytherin House busted their ass to get around 300 points more than the other Houses to try to break the curse. But usual scene repeated itself – the headmaster called me to the table:
"Harry, I consider myself a patient man - I tolerated someone putting your name in the Goblet of Fire. I tolerated you destroying the eco system of the Great Lake for some gun. I tolerated that you killed a dragon – a rare specimen in the world for some tournament. I tolerated that you specifically waited for the other Hogwarts champion to both touch to cup, indirectly killing him. I tolerated that despite all the death and destruction you caused you still collected the Tournament black market winnings. I want you to understand the severity of your actions and understand why I'm only awarding you 301 points"
After that the customary H-bomb was dropped and Griffyndor won the House Cup.
TO BE CONTINIUED in part two where we cover year 5,6,7
Some snippets from part 2:
"Professor Dumbledore! Did you order the Slytherin Genocide?!" Harry asked
"You want answers?!" Dumbledore said calmly
"I want the truth!!" Harry insisted
"You can't handle the truth! Harry, we live in a world that has points, and those points have to be awarded to houses with students. Who's gonna do it? You? You're a wizard Harry?
I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Slytherin and you curse Professor Snape. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that genociding Slytherin wasn't tragic because they're probably all Voldermort loving shits. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me in that office. You need me manipulating your entire life. We use words like "house cups", "muggle-born", "did you put you name in the Goblet of Fire". We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something.
You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps because I saved his life when he was a baby, and then questions the manner in which I did it! I would rather you just said "thank you", and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a wand, and earn some fucking points for Griffyndor. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!" Dumbledore said calmly
EDIT: I have to thank @Birdsie for being the inspiration for this omake with his Harry Potter quest
Ruling Ring would be nice, Cut Through would also be pretty great, IMPERIAL REFINEMENT would be the coolest-- attaining something like the Heroic Praxis would be cool as heck
If we can get Ruling Ring then I'd spend it on that. If not then I'm thinking either Pillars or Cut Through, depends on if we need immediate power or not. Uttermost would also be cool to upgrade but I don't think many of us would be willing to spend it on a non EFB.
I could no longer contain myself from my urge to try writing a resident of the Great Basin from Sorcerously Advanced getting an offer from the Accursed. But first, some important disclaimers/context.
Activate Omake Vote Power: Ranked Choice Voting [CB3]Verity, who sabotaged Diadem's 3rd
+ Upset with Afterlife amenities, wants to speak to the manager
[CB1] Constructor of Intelligence(Cons for short)
+ Cool researcher who is not stuck in graduate school Hell. God i wish that were me.
+ Boss just quit mysteriously.
[CB2]The Brush that Erodes Deception(Brush for Short)
+ Security guard for (shady?) experimental lab
My favorite option is Cons - I think it has the best plot hook. My second favorite option is Brush, and you might have more fun writing from their perspective. Verity is cool too, but takes a little bit bigger bite into the worldbuilding and it seems like the hardest storyline to initiate.