So I found an unfinished reaction I had sitting around and I decided to finish it. Word Count once I libreoffice (Edit: Word Count = 1421 Words)
Sounds like a Kevin Crawford RPG book. Stars Without Number, Worlds without number that's in kickstarter right now IIRC, Silent Legions, etc. The green in the title is kind of surprising, we took intensive research as a blue option so where did the Green come from?
The work, it appeared, was neverending. Gisena was occupied with research, and so the burden of rule fell to him, all the countless details and arrangements that had to be properly rectified before the two of them could depart the Voyaging Realm.
We're a dumpster fire for ruling though. Unless this has shifted us in a better direction characterizationwise. Also this is a warning that we may need Veil of Grandeur to get Gisena involved in Synthesis in any meaningful capacity.
Scarce had he dispensed with some document or administrative minutia, before another would rear upwards. There was no slaying the bureaucratic hydra.
I wonder if Tears of Winter would give us an advancement that would help us deal with paperwork. Or if sufficient intelligence would enable us to work out a more efficient way of organizing the Kingdom?
Nilfel had the manpower, infrastructure and institutional alignment to rule capably and well, but installing Adorie as Regent of both the Elixir Kingdom and Stenallon's breakaway civilization was still a monumental task, especially in the wake of Adorie's own coronation and ongoing consolidation of power at home.
So the country is well designed enough to function well even though we/Adorie are at the helm. What convinced people to support the Lord Protector in the first place anyways.
The Mirellyian princess had also promised to assist Hunger in researching the sorceries inherent to his Cloak of Sky, as soon as matters settled down for her to spare the time.
It turns into an embarassing noodle incident. Seriously. If I knew we were going to throw all our money into the cloak I might have argued more stridently against this plan. Was this why Adorie got deposed, because Royalists were doing things like this?
Thus he had wholeheartedly flung himself into the endeavor of rule, a task made considerably easier by his world-warping Rank: merely tedious and draining rather than nigh-on impossible. Capable and promising administrators swarmed to him like flies around honey, but it still fell to his own faculties in order to vet, train, augment and organize the forces that surrounded him.
A nice demonstration of just how overwhelmingly HAX rank can be.
Unfortunately this was a task in which the Elementalists could assist little. Letrizia was, by experience, a combatant first and a duchess second, while Aobaru and Aeira were precocious for high-school graduates, but nowhere near the standards of high-level Nilfellian diplomacy.
While we are a walking cognitohazard, a hypercharismatic hammer.
Nilfel was vast, its people naturally talented, but they were human all the same; their mortal foibles as-much exaggerated by the power of Myth as their capabilities.
Oh God. Heroic Passions. We are going to have to remember everyone from Nilfel is like this.
Augustine had preyed on and amplified their natural superiority complex, and many of the ministers, unwilling to support a queen who would amputate the status-creating economic engine of expansionistic dominion, had to be dislodged and carefully replaced - peacefully in most cases, though some few remained with Legions at their call and the willingness to use them.
That helps explain how Augustine took power fairly well I think.
There was much fallout still to clear up; the international situation avoided a state of maddening complexity only because Augustine had so thoroughly decimated the capacity of neighboring countries to resist Nilfellian dominion.
That's good. Let's not do anything that might set off the Apocrypha before Adorie can get properly situated as regent. Like expansionist wars. Or questionable economic transactions. Time for Magiscience.
Faced with Adorie who was at least willing to relent on the matter of conquest, they reacted not with indignation or advantage-seeking but exhausted, half-disbelieving relief.
I imagine it's a similar sensation to the possibility of getting somebody competent in power after Trump's reign.
Even bereft of Augustine's runes or Hunger's raw power, Nilfel was by its Legions alone the sole hegemon of the Realm of Myth - at least so long as Augustine's mother still slept.
Long may the Shard of the Arcanist sleep then. Seriously. Sleep as long as you want.
At times like these, it was all he could do to channel the all-defeating stance of the Forebear and embody stillness, grateful that the energies which it harnessed fortified not only his body but his spirit and mind.
Turning the power of entropy to that? It seems like it should be conceptually impossible. Seriously. Is this the power of To Shatter Heaven? Did the Forbear have some version of that to apply to the Power of Ruin?
It was the master of Ruin, so much so that Ruin could safely infuse his form, eradicating flaws and imperfections on a modest but comprehensive scale. It was a swifter and more concrete power than Rank, and the form of the stance itself implicitly conveyed to all who beheld him the sheer might embodied by its vessel.
A pity we can't get inanimate objects into the All Defeating Stance. That'd be great from a Synthesis standpoint.
The Blade was the Forebear's instrument, and perfected towards that purpose: with it physically present he needed only to align his internal energies, body free to take any action it pleased. The process was difficult but somewhat self-maintaining, Ruin itself destroying the pathways of causality by which carelessness or inattention could disrupt its alignment.
That is pretty farking ridiculous. I can see why it gets compared to Rank. Entropy as Fate manipulation? I suppose it makes sense in Mage the Ascension but I'd have to think a bit to get how that's possible. Entropy is randomness/Disorder. Entropy is Ruin. Therefore Power over Ruin is power over randomness.
One more power in a litany of powers. He stared down at the Ring on his finger. In less than two months he'd grown far beyond the Tyrant's might, if not the Tyrant's prowess.
Between Arete shenanigans and the Ring of Hunger we've done what would be decades of work for the "Average" progression type cursebearer(If any of them can really be called average). And it's a litany because we've been trying to break out of the Ring of Hunger's Incentive structure and because we think the Praxis is cool.
There was little question in his mind that he would convincingly prevail against even that foe in the majority of circumstances.
That sounds awesomely cathartic for Hunger knowing you can curbstomp your old nemesis now.
With a few days' spare effort he could wield the Ring of Blood with effect against the cursed wounds that troubled him, enacting with brute force what he lacked the skill to unweave.
A few days? That's unfortunate. We might have to wait until our first Pillars Proc to make that happen. We're still acting like the protagonist of Crank. *Cue Kickin' from the Crank 2: High Voltage soundtrack*
And yet like the Forebear his powers were unbalanced, focused almost-unceasingly on combat or wide-scale devastation, utility emergent but mostly incidental to the true purpose of war.
A Synthesis acheivement may help with that Lord Hunger. Also taking Skyward Claim or Veil of Grandeur. Synthesis is also likely to give us utility options for our 5th sign.
He'd turned to the sorceries of the Cloak to rectify that matter; one path of many they were pursuing in search of a solution to the magus-extraction problem.
Glad it's not the only one. Deathly Star seems like an option that may help solve the problem but the question is whether or not it's a Red Herring.
The Voyaging Realm was unkind to those magi who wished to leave its borders, and to powerful magi even more so; the tribulations it forced to prevent their departure almost resembled the Apocryphal Curse in nature, if not in scale.
My brain is going really random places right now, I'm thinking of the music video for Hammerfall's Any Means Necessary and the opening to the First season of One Punch Man. The part where Lightning Strikes Saitama.
Gisena's True Nullity was of course the obvious means, but bereft of a specific target to nullify (the Realm itself? some administrative command of unknown location or nature? an underlying phenomenon, possibly emergent, arising from interactions within the Realm?) progress was slow.
If Synthesis gives us a Research aid for the fifth sign that might help.
Letrizia entered his office, alongside Adorie who carried a large stack of tomes.
We're in Science Adventure mode now. Deceive Yourself. Deceive the World. That is the only way you can reach Steins Gate. El. Psy. Congroo. *Cue Sky Clad Observer*
"Hello, Lord Hunger!" The pilot greeted cheerfully, her wounds magically healed in the wake of the battle's conclusion.
"That's King Hunger to you. You're in a good mood."
Playing around with your usual aversion to the title of Lord today, Lord Hunger?
"Naturally," she said, sitting down in the plush chair facing his desk. "Verschlengorge is as close to fully-healed as he has been.
Rank 9.X Verschlengorge? That sounds powerful when it brings the Shroud abilities out. Either that or there's been no change in Verschlengorge's level of healedness. I'm not quite sure.
I think he really likes the new weapons and armor we've installed.
Whoever set Letrezia up is going to be so surprised when we get her back out of the Voyaging Realm. In hindsight now that I'm writing this I don't know how long later, Verschlengorge could end up utterly ridiculously strong if Armory of Night wins.
I've been thinking of asking Miss Gisena to take a look at him as well. According to her, the Foremost used magics similar to the Graces of her Maiden. Maybe she could fix him with the Ring of Artifice!"
Whether or not Gisena can fix Verschlengorge is something of a moot point at this point if Armory of Night wins. Also it turns out she probably didn't have the time? I forget what's been happening and when sometimes.
"Gisena's got a dozen projects commanding her research attentions," Hunger mused. "What's one more?"
"I know, right?! What can't she do?"
I don't know. The fact that she has Retinue means that she's one of those people who can say things like "All the light in the sky may be my enemy, but that simply means I must strike them all down" and genuinely back it up one day.
"Find a way to extract Aobaru and Aeira in a timely manner. Hence the purpose of your visit today, I assume." He addressed Adorie.
We still don't have a solution to that are we going to have to bum one off an Astral Denizen or attempt to fight the Apocalypse or something?
"That's right," The presumptive queen said, slamming tome on to desk with a satisfying thud. "I spent all morning looking through my library and finally found these! If your Cloak of Sky does wield sorceries incipient to the Realm of Myth, you should be able to find reference materials in here."
In hindsight this is going to go hilariously badly and I'm going to need to put a boatload of effort into saving us from the terrible consequences of non-synthesis options fairly soon.
"And I'm going to help!" Letrizia volunteered. "My Pressure may not be as strong as yours, but since it's my Element I have much greater fine control. I may be able to channel your Pressure towards more directly useful ends, like damming the flow of a river. Though in your case it's more like an ocean."
I wonder what our rank would be like if it hybridized with an Armament. Rank 10.5? Rank 11? Like a Galaxy? An Endless sky of rank?
He shrugged. "Let's try it."
This is going to end with stupid use of money we were lucky enough to be able to science our way out of but that's the spirit Hunger. Seriously if I had known we were going to do this I would have fought harder against intensive research.
He cracked open the topmost tome and let his Pressure flutter the pages, then laid his hand on the text where it landed. The page was waxen yellow, the words spindled and raggedly; there was much unnecessary capitalization.
Make reality give you the page of the book you're looking for like a boss. That's cool.
He began to read.
"The Sigils of the Arcanist are an expression of Form, by which energies Arcane are bent to her purpose. Hers is magic as Science, the technical manipulation of symbols with control over underlying reality, expressed ideally through the medium of appropriate energies but imperfectly through runes of air, stone, ice, steel, or flame. It is nothing more or less than a Language of marvelous intricacy and surpassing access, and any with the Arcanist's Knowledge could in theory wield her Science, though comprehension of her runes is beyond the Logic of our plainer minds..."
Appropriate energies is of course, either Findross or ISH elevated Findross with a Praxis Blue Aura. We could probably make some Arcanist sigils with Edeldross but that's a giant batch of effortposts I have no desire to retread here.
'...the Sorcery of the Well is an altogether different phenomenon, not science but Art: Will rather than Mind, Spirit rather than Reason directing the purpose of the magic, and it is the substance of the Well itself which is the essential component, that which responds to the workings of the Will and instantiates the sorcerer's implicit design. Our Art is not so precise, but of grandeur and spontaneity unmatched, not mere Iron to her Bronze but Water to her Stone, and it is not the tide that falters eventually in that contest..."
I suppose the Well Sorcery fits Hunger... unfortunately.
"Our modern techniques are nowhere near either the Arcanist's runes or the fabled Well Sorcery," Adorie said, "But just as Princess Gisena has theorized she may embody the former, though through a lens of her personalized design, I feel your Cloak of Sky may embody something like the latter. Perhaps something more ephemeral still, Air to its Water, but following the natural progression within! Or maybe the Waters of the Well came first from the rains which are contained within the full expanse of the Sky? Such wondrous possibilities!"
We're going to need more science here to fully explore Adories theories I think.
"The description of Well Sorcery does seem to match my own experience," Hunger replied. "I needed to travel to my Decimation target and developed teleportation. I needed information on the Lord Protector and summoned an Astral Entity that could provide it. But wells run dry, and the inherent potential of the Cloak to respond to my arbitrary demands has a while to go before it recharges. Nor does it have the power to do anything I desire, it's still constrained by its mysterious reserves. It could transport me across the Voyaging Realm, but only once a day. It could summon a being specialized in divination, but only one whose overall strength was much weaker than my own."
Least Foresleep would make getting our party from Nilfel to the Voyaging city an utter pain in the you know what.
"Hm..." Adorie frowned. "By what means is the Cloak's potential recharged? Only the passing of time, or are there other ways? "
"I assume the Well of which this text speaks has already long run dry," Hunger said. "If not, that sounds like the first place to look."
It might have been in some obscure tunnel in Nilfel.
Adorie nodded. "The times when we had a physical Well to call upon are mythical even to us. The power of House Mirellyian is merely to preserve the workings of that sorcery against future degradation, though it's not clear to us which are the results of Well Sorcery, versus the spells of the Arcanist. We've lost so much..."
Not necessarily. If Myth and Legend wins you're about to take a level in badass Adorie with whatever Oath of Winter means in practice.
"A well of myth, whose waters respond to the will, and do whatever you need..." Letrizia said thoughtfully. "A wishing well?"
"Good thinking," Hunger raised his head. "The Wishing Well, perhaps, since this is the Land of Myth. Maybe we need to look at the lore of old Earth for inspiration as well."
Adorie blinked, innocently tilting her had in confusion, while Letrizia preened.
"Let's try it!" The duchess said excitedly. "I know lots of Old Terran lore, like the archetypical cliche of cross-dressing swordswomen. How do you charge a wishing well? By throwing physical currency within, usually in the form of coins! Let's see if your Cloak can absorb any of the platinum we've got stored in Versch!"
Research continued apace.
This set us up for some nasty consequences if we couldn't science our way out of our problems because we were all acting like a bunch of overpowered rich twits for some reason in this update. Seriously, if I had known we were going to do something this dumb I would have put a lot more effort into fighting it.
The winner was [X] Consolidate Power, [X] Regency and [X] Intensive Research. You have unlocked the 4th-5th Signs of the Empyrean and gained 1 Cursebearer's Strain. The means by which these Signs were unlocked shall remain classified.
You are out of platinum with which to pay Aobaru and Aeira. Also, you owe Adorie 10 billion currency units worth of Myth-infused platinum, or goods and services of equivalent value. This is after she waived 99% of the debt as compensation for your services during the contest against the Lord Protector (on top of the favorable trade arrangements, possession of the Opalescent Tower, and possession of the Tears of Winter that Hunger had initially negotiated). As a reminder, 1 season's worth of labor for a mid-level employee in the Elixir Kingdom is worth 1 currency unit. A considerable quantity of Mythic platinum was consumed by the Cloak of Sky.
Nilfel's store of Myth-infused platinum, the primary component of their coinage, has been all but depleted by this experimentation. They will need to conquer or purchase additional deep platinum mines from the surrounding nations. As circulation of glyph-printed platinum coinage is a component of the working that sustains Nilfel's prosperity, a substitute will need to be found.
Ouch. Just... ouch.
[ ] Liberation - Bring these benighted peoples the glorious freedom of Nilfellian citizenship by liberating them from their current unenlightened governments. Nilfel will only conquer the areas surrounding the mines, and will not make use of reaver-squads or forced conscription of subject populaces. Compared to Augustine's wars, this is downright beneficent, and the Nilfellians do enjoy a generally higher standard of living than the Mountain-Holds.
*Maintains some degree of continuity between rulers.
*The quickest, cheapest, and easiest way to replenish Nilfel's platinum. The Mountain-Holds cannot withstand the power of Hunger to storm their fortifications and break their carefully-maintained defenses.
*Adorie does not support this option, but it would be popular among the demographics most skeptical of her rule. +Nilfel Strength.
*Nilfellian rule is both competent and benevolent, and the resources of the nation immense. The lives of these new subjects actually will be improved by their integration into the kingdom, though they are still being inducted against their will.
It also sets up the Apocrypha curse to send a mountain-holds nationalist assassin after us, or we get waylaid by some balrog analogous figure, or the terminator could have showed up, this was terrible from an Aobaru safety standpoint.
[ ] Territorial Commission - Sell back the lands Augustine conquered to their original nations in exchange for their platinum reserves. Will be deeply unpopular among many of the powerful Nilfellian constituencies, somewhat reversing the political effects of your previous Consolidate Power action.
*Won't fully replenish the platinum expended, but goes far enough to just barely maintain the workings involved
*Will reduce Nilfel's overall strength and prestige in the long run
*Adorie is indifferent to this option
*Will empower several disgruntled neighboring empires who, while not a match for Nilfel in war, could complicate matters on a number of fronts later on
This one was fairly obvious about its consequences.
[ ] Reformation - Abandon platinum-backed currency entirely (despite its magical protections against strong inflationary/deflationary shocks and concept-level maintenance of a prosperous economy) in favor of a state-issued fiat currency. With proper management, could in theory approach the pro-social efficiencies attained by the previous system, but this is unlikely.
*Neatly sidesteps the problem at the cost of existential diminishment.
*Likely to strongly reduce Nilfel's economic strength in the long run
*Adorie is cautiously supportive of this option.
This one could have pissed Aobaru off, we become a part of the problem of the Voyaging Realms diminishment with all the other farked up consequences that entailed.
[ ] Synthesis - Attempt to generate a solution via magical means. Very difficult.
*Consumes research time & priorities
*If successful, resolves the matter fairly easily
*Responsive to tactics
*Unlikely to work on the first few tries; myth-infused platinum could not be manufactured in any relevant quantities even by Augustine at the height of her power
Here is where I went onto a ginormous ride into obsession that 80% delivered. I am very glad it work. It's a pity Blood Sorcery got overshadowed by Haeliel though. We could have had so much wealth to feed our cloak if we had Daylian with us, and then we would have our own Perfect Susanoo/Armament of Midnight/Apocryphal Armament.
[ ] Fourth Sign: Skywards Claim [Vast Empyrean] - To they who aimed always heavenwards, make right their claim.
Casting time: Fifteen minutes
Duration: Indefinite or until dispelled
Cooldown: Fifteen minutes after dispellation
The caster elevates the direct physical-combat related Attributes (Might, Agility and Wits) of one character to a level roughly appropriate for the caster's Rank.
Does not work on the caster himself. Does not benefit from the military Rank bonus of Once and Future, but does stack with Vigorflame or Ring of Blood augmentation.
The uses are varied and potent. Enhance Gisena or Aobaru to staggering heights, or make Aeira relevant again in direct combat... perhaps even augment Adorie to create a potent military force ex nihilo! Could also serve as a half-measure for keeping Aobaru in the Voyaging Realm - Skywards Claim + Undying Vanguard means that the space of opponents capable of slaying him becomes much narrower.
Immediate power made us pay dearly. I wonder how well we would have done against Procyon with Skyward Claim enhanced Gisena or Aobaru. Or Veil of Grandeured Gisena letting her research combat graces. We got stupendously costly victory from a reroll department, some of the conditions aren't so bad depending on how you look at them/what you take but others make Myth and Legend practically mandatory, but we could have always ran. Trained in the Realm of Evening. Then curbstomped Procyon like sensible people after training with Aobaru.
[ ] Fourth Sign: Deathly Star [Evening Sky] - 'Such force as to reduce entire worlds to ash, a pantheon-slaying strike of truly foremost malice.'
Casting time: Five heartbeats
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: Until Next Evening
The obverse reflection of Augustine's supreme offense, absorbed and now reflected by the Cloak of Sky. This is an onslaught of sheer destroying force that strikes across every level of the physical and conceptual gradient, targeting Health as well as the target's Attributes, both fundamental and emergent. Virtually no defense short of perfection absolute can shield against all the vectors by which this strikes. Cancel the apocalypse by marshaling power greater still.
Naturally, though imperfectly, scales with the caster's Rank. An attack that will almost never be irrelevant by virtue of its immense destructiveness, stellar precision and comprehensive scale. Theoretically useful even against Armaments in a direct contest.
We got a costly victory out of the combination of this and our own recklessness.
[ ] Fourth Sign: Veil of Grandeur [Noonday Sky] - Like the sun swallowed by clouds, his light is no blinding glare but a simple radiance suffusing; revelation without anguish, illumination without searing heat.
Casting time: Five minutes
Duration: Indefinite or until dispelled
Cooldown: None
Knowledge of this spell grants +++++Strength, Charisma, Intelligence and Appearance.
The recipients of this spell may make full use of their superhuman power-type Attributes, even if unbalanced, without the negatives consequences typical of such (insufficient durability, collateral damage, addiction, values warping, sensory burnout, etc). Each casting affects one recipient, but this spell may be maintained on up to one billion recipients at once.
Frees up some of Gisena's research time. Also you can be smug at her for having discovered a flawless solution to one of her research topics well before she did.
I can't begin to fathom what might have changed if we took this one in conjunction with Synthesis.