[ ] A King For All Seasons - Not merely of Winter, but of all seasons, King.
Purchase Refinement of Purpose for 1 pick, 25 Arete (Arete -> Praxis picks), then purchase Sword in the Stone for 1 pick, 25 Arete. Finish by purchasing Tenfold Echo + 1 additional Echo for 3 picks. You will need to generate some Arete to afford this option, but it's not overly ambitious.
Question, what happens if the absurd happens and the Thread manages to make it all the way to 57 Arete? And then decides to take the 7-Arete-0-picks variant of Tenfold Echo rather than the 0-Arete-3-picks variant? ((I realize that this isn't happening because we'd need to generate 12 Arete, but I'm curious!))
What would Hunger spend the 3 spare Picks on? ((... Feat: Saber?

xD For 3 Picks and another 12 goddamn Arete. Because we can definitely generate not just 12 but 24 Arete in one turn, yes...))
Also: what exactly does the Heroic Upgrade do? Since, it'll be picked to go on any one given Advancement...
Might: The Mirellyian may designate one champion to share the Rank and All Stats bonuses conferred by the Oath of Winter. This would not affect Hunger's Combat or Blood Ranks at all, as those already exceed 10 with Feat: Saber, but would improve his general and casting Ranks substantially.
Question, does this sharing also include the "-.5 Rank Penalty" of the 'Destruction' ability? Or is that unnecessary, as anybody opposing Adorie's ally Hunger would count as opposing the family of Mirellyian?
Also also, question... Is the "pick one Champion" permanent or can it be switched around?
Because, y'know... It occurs to me that we don't have to pick Hunger... We can pick somebody else to boosted to get Rank 10 and +10 All Stats.
Like Aobaru or Gisena or Letrizia or Aeira. Aobaru would make for an amusing pick, as he'd then be the Hero of the Voyaging Realm and the Champion of Realm of Myth's Nilfel too.
*Alongside Renaissance Woman, may unlock Status: Foremost Maker for Adorie and Gisena given sufficient time and research. Among other things, this would prevent Armaments from directly attacking them.
*Alongside Feat: Saber, unlocks Inheritance: Pierce Through.
*Alongside the Empyreal Signs, further accelerations Sign development
This has a lot of interesting and intriguing synergies. I really want to take this, because of that. (Also, we get Feat: Saber, which means if we get Feat: Orb in the future, we can get whatever Special Advancement comes from that! Hooray!)
I mean, hell... this means that Gisena and Adorie working together to do research, would be able to unlock Empyreal Signs and Foremost stuff.
And probably means that them working together, would mean the two of them can find a good way for Hunger to take mages out of the Voyaging Realm safer faster. (Meanwhile, Hunger can heal up Verschlengorge and/or train Aobaru.)