Haeliel typically adopts her Herald appearance of a six-winged angel with hair the color of flame.

Huh. Does that make the Heart of Magic God, for some value of God? Either way, nice to have the slightest hint of what Herald does, the Ordinal Spiral was a very interesting system and I'd enjoy being able to explore it further.

Interesting that she's an Ordinal Purist, which means she presumably lacks mental enhancement outside of what's natively available to Ordinalism, which doesn't seem like a lot, while her mental stats probably dwarf ours regardless, with only the fragment of her attention I imagine she'd dedicating to us, she might not be infinitely beyond our own faculties.

I'm settling in on our wretched friend Wolber. Though is having him committed worse for us than basic? I'm not sure, but it was a thought I had. Regardless, he does solid work at an affordable price, and sometimes that's just what you need.

Welcome to the W O L B E RFORCE, glad to have you on board.
[X] Wolber Strobe [Committed, 12 Arete]

After a bit more thought, I like him being committed more. I think his presence is worth the cost of his apocryphal procs we'll have to help with.

With that being said, I'm quite happy with him occupying a spot in the narrative corner for the most part, he's no Catherine worth stretching ourselves thin for.
I don't have any super-strong preferences, but I'd like to point out that Wolber does have Apocryphal Curse himself, which may mean twice the number of procs or procs at double strength, which could be really painful. Especially since it's the next proc in particular where it's strengthened by up to 50%, which is also when or rapport with him would be lowest due to our lack of time to work out Brand of the Wretched. In that sense, Daylian is much safer since he won't bring his problems with him when he helps out, even if he's generally less useful.

@Rihaku Does Daylian's Remittance allow him to get more reversions like New Game Plus? Or is it like Regalia where there's no chance of getting more?
Interesting that she's an Ordinal Purist, which means she presumably lacks mental enhancement outside of what's natively available to Ordinalism, which doesn't seem like a lot, while her mental stats probably dwarf ours regardless, with only the fragment of her attention I imagine she'd dedicating to us, she might not be infinitely beyond our own faculties.

She has effectively a full range of effects including true intelligence mental enhancement due to her Infinite Attainments, she just won't be benefiting from them while giving you advice if you choose the advice option.
It is a goddamn pity we do not have Retinue; boosting what is clearly a very talanted Combat-Type would have been such a nice way to use it...

Well, maybe he could crib some notes off Gisena, or something.
The cost of doing so without provoking the Curses would not be trivial even for me.

Given this, I don't think its too likely that the results of our Apocryphal will add themselves together because that would leave us significantly worse off than we'd be separately. Or if they are added, they'd be added linearly and not logarithmically, which could very well be worth it due to how we'd be able to empower and be empowered by our partner. If not, then a mere increase in frequency is well worth the help provided.
I really, really want to pick Haelial, everything about her characterization matches my aesthetic, but 50 Arete is such a ludicrous cost.

As I'm not too drawn by Wolber and his additional Apocryphal Curse, I'm gonna go with the crazy guy, he seems pretty fun.

[X] Daylian Erranthus [Committed, 7 Arete]
note: after looking at the previous discussion, I'm still of the opinion that the combo "apocrypha: at most once per month"+"decimator: hunger sated more often" is better than going direct mitigation.

I'm also still of the opinion that it's not worh it to worry about mitigating indenture so soon. It's something that could feasibly be done during the 50 years of rule, or even the 10 years of downtime. Or at least closer to end of this world. I mean, if Gisena somehow died that would likely be a slot wasted!

I did change my mind about the fish's reward and tyrant though. Healing (especially short term healing) is less important once we have the defense of the evening sky, which makes me favour the stat boost. Rank would not be bad either, except the stat boost is ALSO useful while we're exhausted/tired.

About Tyrant, the explanation that Trusted Counsel would only work on a single custom ever makes me find it less interesting. Being able to acknowledge important laws and customs is not quite as good in any specific case, but it's always effective. At least we won't be provoked quite as easily.

now, on to the panoply!

I. The Forebear's Blade

Tenfold strength and speed, and the resilience to withstand such exertions
Infuses all attacks made by the bearer with the power of Ruin
The power of Ruin ravages and destroys without leaving trace, penetrating - at least partially - almost all defenses
Grows steadily in power and refinement alongside its wielder (abstracted as an extra Experience multiplier)

[Thick as Thieves] II - ++Intelligence, ++Charisma, ++Heartlessness
[Fell-Handed Stroke] - A devastating blow of unutterable magnificence from which no recovery is possible. A powerful, but draining strike that inflicts cursed wounds from which spirit and will leak as freely as blood. Resists healing.
our dear old sword.

...now that I think about it, wasn't the power of Ruin a DxD thing? Rias' family magic? It IS basically the same concept... probably a coincidence though.

Maybe we'll find a way to have our sword "absorb" other special weapons in time, stealing their strenght. Other than that it's an incredible sword, nothing to complain about.

Potential Advancements

[Iron Curtain] - 7 Arete. The Forebear could not be dissuaded, nor could he be stopped. To dissent was folly, to resist was death. The laws of the Forebear were as natural law, and just as inevitable. When active, ++Willpower, +++Protection, ++Constitution, Ignore Wounds, Deflect Exotic Attacks. Become Tired afterwards.

[Once And Future] I - 25 Arete. Channel a fraction of the Forebear's true might, and glimpse a small fraction of his true history. +1 Astral Rank, applied externally after all other factors. Does not raise the difficulty of improving Rank. +2 Astral Rank in matters military.

Iron Curtain = super mode (shounen version)

Once and Future= Ultra mode (conceptual).

And they stack together!

they're a bit generic, but certainly VERY effective.

II. Hunger

Imparts noticeable spiritual vigor and a thirst for life's pleasures
Cripples non-combat, non-conflict advancement, but dectuples progression from any conflict with serious stakes

[Ring of Power] - Asserts bearer's will upon the world, bending it to his designs.

[Might's Repose] - Only grow stronger, more glorious and more capable with age, so long as bearer sleeps 9+ hours per day. Life- and healthspan can be indefinitely extended in theory. Modest bonus to physical actions, minor bonus to mental actions when well-rested. Immune to hostile sleep / tiredness effects.
Ring of Power can probably help a little to deal with Apocryphal (and really, with all our curses).

Might's repose is a wonderful alternative to battle-growth when we're not really able to profit from normal training anymore. Sleep IS one of life's pleasure after all. The immunity to sleep magic is just a nice extra.

And obviously we need all the exp multipliers we can get if we want to get ahead of apocryphal.
Potential Advancements

[Ring of Blood] - 2 Arete. Wielder fully recovers health with [Might's Repose], can use [Ring of Power] to restore health, though inefficiently.

[Ruling Ring] - 25 Arete. There can only be one Ruling Ring. Enormously increases the strength, range, and control of the [Ring of Power] effect. ++All Stats, ++Progression.

well, Ring of BLood is a decent and reasonably cheap health regen option. It might also give us healing ability as well if that "restore health" also applies to other people, which is always nice.

Ruling Ring is OP, and I want it. Extra stats, extra growth.. what's not to love?
III. Evening Sky

Deflects physical attacks within its coverage less powerful than an atom bomb
Imparts 75% resistance to almost all other forms of damage
Imparts 75-90% resistance to most inimical status conditions
Grants breathtaking majesty of the evening sky [++Charisma]

-Physical attacks stronger than an atom bomb no longer count as "mundane force" - capable of blotting out the sky. Magical attacks reduce this protection proportional to the strength of their magic.
-The attack of a Rank 2 being bearing signature weaponry is slightly magical.

..oh, look, we're now immune to less-than-nuke-attacks!

AND we have high damage reduction against nearly everything else!

AND we have extra charisma!

Truly a wonderful choice. most likely best long term than the thousand cuts option, especially in terms of the survivability it offers us, and if we can find another hunger sated target before the month is over it will have been the objectively best choice I think.

Potential Advancements

[Opalescence] - The soft light of evening before which all attacks falter. Improves defensive parameters. +Protection.

[Winter Moon] - 2 Arete. The cold bright orb which presides above all nocturnal wisdom. Gain access to the wearer's [Soul Evocation], though no especial talent is guaranteed.

[Pillars of Creation] - 25 Arete. At the end of each lunar month, wearer and companions may steal away to the realm of Evening, during which no time passes in the mortal world. Divine opulence and every conceivable luxury await the fortunate interlopers, restoring wholeness of mind, body, and spirit.

The realm of Evening responds to the desires of the wearer and can be shaped to induce a variety of effects at nigh-deific scale - worthy enemies, fields of unique reagents, anagathic peaches, arms and armor of myth. Only one rule is absolute: that each stay lasts seven days, no more and no less. Items typically cannot be carried out, though the effects of items consumed within the realm remain after departing it.

All Curses save the Geas of Indenture are only at one-third severity within the realm, though this does not stack with other forms of mitigation, nor impede their function outside.

Not sure what Opalescence not having an arete cost means. Probably that it will be offered as a random reward in the future.

Winter Moon gives us access to our Soul Evocation, which If I remember right was supposed to be something we would have gotten with the seven seals. We can basically consider a minor alternative magic system I think, which is nice.

Pillars of Creation is... wonderful. Just wonderful.

Temporary mitigation, comfort, safety, worthy opponents on which we could likely get hunger sated if in combination with Huntress' Moon, ingredient for consumables (though we'd need to consume them before leaving the realm)...anagathich...(quick search of what it means)...

!!! An anti-aging measure for our companions! THis basically works as a mitigation for Decimation for them! It might even synergize with MIght's repose, as that one stated that "becoming stronger with age" is not the same as "keeping the vigor of youth". But we could have both!

Basically we get our own dimension in which to rest, recover, enjoy life and train. Our own monthly vacation free of worries from everything else, in which we can train, rest or have fun as much as we want.

I'm not sure what I want more, Pillars of Creation or Ruling Ring (Probably Pillars), but I KNOW I want both more than Dead but Dreaming.

I wonder if one or both of these was taken by now... I DO have 1600 pages to go through yet..

Don't tell me. I'll let it be a surprise :D

701 words. Ehi Rihaku, do I get anything special If I actually go through every chapter? Just wondering :p
Committed: You have yet to unlock this level. Good thing, too, as some endeavors are too much of a stretch, even for Hunger...

Considering the basic level is roughly equivalent to the committed level of another partner in terms of affinity, I'm curious what this would've meant. Some kind of Haeliel Dojo where sensei periodically gives us personal tutoring on living up to her example as a Hero? No wonder it would've been too much of a stretch, even with her holding back, a High Cursebearer's Doom of Ineptitude would've made it perhaps more dangerous than the Apocryphal!
Adhoc vote count started by runeblue360 on Oct 11, 2020 at 11:31 AM, finished with 109 posts and 25 votes.
[X] Wolber Strobe [Committed, 12 Arete]

Ill switch to angel lady if we get Close enough in Arete. 26 Arete before next update without the doubling bonus...
Ill switch to angel lady if we get Close enough in Arete. 26 Arete before next update without the doubling bonus...

We do currently have the doubling bonus and at a significant fanwork on the verge of deployment. Its very possible to reach that level: we've done it before on multiple occassions and with even less time available to us. Just gotta build up that discussion multiplier and post everything we've got.

That said, if we don't, W O L B E R is a very good consolation prize!
Something of tremendous value to note is our (potential?) access to the Realm of Evening. I am unsure if we have our hands on the Pillars of Creation, but if we get it we're a reliable source of STAGE 6.66 MITIGATION every lunar month for nearly a month's time.

Making friends with any of these people is a matter of surviving until the next opportunity to get in opens. Daylian's obscene arrogance got you down? Survive Mrs. Apocrypha's wild ride until you can go to the chill dimension. Him learning how to chill the hell out could produce significant gains, including a greater personal motivation to mitigate that curse.

Wolber's society afflicting curses preventing you from optimizing strategies, making allies and bootstrapping yourself to ever greater heights? Grin, bear it and keep him in the corner until the next plane to the chill dimension arrives. It's much easier to make friends and feel like you matter when your magical super-leprosy is in remission. For him, mental stability must be highly prized, and the ability to more clearly leverage his obscene talent through a significantly improved body can only do good things for his Praxis Mastery.
To reiterate some data on how Ordinalism stacks up for anybody who may have forgotten.

26th Ordinal level mages are capable of fighting Yog Sothoth/Azathoth level beings(Even Further Beyond [Complete] Original). Haeliel has gone even further beyond by applying TSH to Ordinalism.

Engaging a competent Rank 10 in direct combat would probably require access to around the 20th Ordinal(A Simple Transaction I Original).

A Stage 15 cultivator vs rank 10 depends on the ability matchups(A Simple Transaction I Original).

Moving on, I would like to reiterate what Basic vs Committed means from a characterization standpoint.

basic-level sponsor is corresponding with you because the Accursed told them to.

A committed sponsor possesses some unusual level of affinity for Hunger, his mission, or his circumstances such that they are both willing and capable of going above and beyond to offer assistance, as well as being highly compatible from a personal standpoint.
Haeliel is already like Committed at basic.

Rihaku has expressed doubt in discord in the recent past about sheer power being enough to deal with apocryphal procs. Assuming Deathly Star as opposed to Skyward Claim or Veil of Grandeur caused the defensive wish to proc based on that and that he wasn't just Devils Advocating, we must ask... what kind of utility are are going to need, and what Utility did the other signs provide? For whatever share I may possess in this by deciding to make a deal to back Deathly Star instead of Veil of Grandeur, I apologize for that. Skyward Claim makes Gisena or Aobaru significantly more powerful improving our force projection capabilities and with the Adories Blood stablizes Edeldross Hypothesis, helps her endure the strain, though ideally we'd be providing blood too from having replicated her bloodline. It could even have made Aeira relevant in direct combat. Veil of Grandeur frees up some of Gisena's research time, though in Hunger's opinion that wouldn't help much with Synthesis. It would however, help her research a solution to whatever Apocrypha is going to throw at us. Or let her bodyguard Aobaru.

Honor demanded that he instead return all of what Adorie had given, but he had no idea of the timeframe required for such a task. Ideally they would stumble upon some means of generating arbitrary amounts of mythic platinum, but that was essentially a pipe dream. Perhaps Gisena might be able to do so with specialized Graces and a surfeit of time, but it was not a task even the Renaissance Woman could expect to complete within the year.

Both Wolber and Daylian could conceivably be helpful from a Synthesis Standpoint, Wolber for insights/work checking, Daylian for generating a material connected to immortal myth and general Geokinesis powers, however getting around the first impression with Wolber is still problematic even at Committed so it will take some time for us to listen to him. Translation: DO NOT PICK BASIC WOLBER, IT WILL ONLY END BADLY BECAUSE HE HAS NO AFFINITY TO US AND IS ONLY INTERACTING WITH US ON THE ACCURSEDS ORDERS. Haeliel could just solve the problem by letting us wish it solved.

Moving on to the Apocryphal Perspective...

Daylian has the AZURE HERO title
[The Azure Hero]: Daylian wields geokinesis and healing magics on a cosmic scale. He may summon, banish, create and manipulate the arcane substance Lazulite, an azure stone infused with powers from immortal myth, granting access to a fairly broad range of effects.

Super Earth powers, being really good at healing people, and whatever utility options Lazulite provides.

Wolber has the Imperial Praxis, which can do basically anything if you put enough effort into it, though it specializes in offense and defense and struggles in the area of renewal and restoration. In Wolbers case, he's put enough work into the imperial praxis to have a modest array of utility spells
[The Work]: Mr. Strobe wields the Imperial Praxis with virtuosic efficiency, though given the nature of the Art is unable to offer much direct assistance in Hunger's development of the same. Still, he has access to a range of extremely potent offensive and defensive effects, as well as a modest variety of utility spells. At Hunger's current level, most of Wolber's spells are effectively agnostic as to the strength of their target, so he possesses effectively automatic scaling against most types of foes.

Wolber spends most of his time developing in the Praxis, so he will continue to improve in power and skill during your association. Though, being a Combat-type, it is almost inevitable that he will fall behind Hunger's level at some point.

Haeliel gives us four apocrypha applicable benefits

*Once per Geas task, she may turn aside any foe that has attained an otherwise-insurmountable edge against Hunger, or any one negative circumstance that would otherwise overcome him.

*She may divert the attention of the Hidden Ones, allowing Hunger to resurrect one of his previous companions (including Catherine) without complication, should he possess the means.

*She may enormously empower the Hero or Chosen Hero(es) of any given realm, stupendously increasing their rate of growth and ultimate ceiling. There is a small chance she will accidentally kill them instead. Re-rolls cannot defend against this.

*She may utilize one of her Ordinals, once, to perform an effect no greater than that of a Lesser Wish; or, when directly countering the efforts of the Apocryphal Curse, no greater than that of a True Wish or that of her full capacity, whichever is lesser.

*She may give Hunger mundane advice, though without the aid of any of her Ordinals. As she is an Ordinal Purist this would consist of assistance that is entirely non-magical. This includes relationship advice, general life advice, Curse-mitigation advice, and instruction in the Ordinal Spiral for either Hunger or one of his party members. It is recommended to select a party member with high Intelligence and Wits. Haeliel will not always be available for consultation; her duties and challenges are commensurate to her might.
The otherwise insurmountable edge could conceivably apply during an apocryphal proc once a Geas task.

Enormously empowering Aobaru is skyward claim on steroids with a small risk of killing him and making us waste Haeliels other benefits on helping us last longer against the Apocryphal Onslaught.

She can provide a true wish or her full capacity, whichever is smaller, towards countering the efforts of the Apocryphal Curse once

She can give us or a party member Ordinalism tutoring, making them stronger. Or perhaps her mundane advise could help Hunger from a mental stability standpoint.

Right now, the only thing I know is that I do not want Basic Wolber to win.
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Hmm. Considering this was the result of a Lesser Wish proc, we really should take as best advantage as we can.

I want to clarify that I'm 90% sure this is not a defensive Lesser Wish! It's the same as the wish for RW: the narrative has aligned to provide a good fit for the request.

As mentioned by runeblue's post right above this one, our collection of trump cards is stronger than ever. It's hard to imagine an apocryphal Proc that is certain death in the face of Deathly Star plus Armor of Midnight, for example.

This isn't a punishment for taking Cursebearer's Strain, is what I'm saying.
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I want to clarify that this is not a defensive Lesser Wish! It's the same as the wish for RW: the narrative has aligned to provide a good fit for the request.

As mentioned by runeblue's post right above this one, our collection of trump cards is stronger than ever. It's hard to imagine an apocryphal Proc that is certain death in the face of Deathly Star plus Armor of Midnight, for example.

This isn't a punishment for taking Cursebearer's Strain, is what I'm saying.

If so, that is good, it's a load off my mind.
She can give us or a party member Ordinalism tutoring, making them stronger. Or perhaps her mundane advise could help Hunger from a mental stability standpoint.
What party member has high Intelligence and Wits? Arguably, economist Aeira might have been a good candidate but we didn't let her apply for college. Aobaru is kind of a blockhead (I still like him though). Letrizia is a jock not a nerd. Gisena is busy enough designing graces.
Gisena is busy enough designing graces.

That's exactly why she should get it: between Legion and Accelerate, she'd benefit massively in her ability to advance across all areas. Considering how she has more demands on her time than Hunger in a lot of ways and is our primary source of utility, I'm not sure how we can justify not giving it to her.
What party member has high Intelligence and Wits? Arguably, economist Aeira might have been a good candidate but we didn't let her apply for college. Aobaru is kind of a blockhead (I still like him though). Letrizia is a jock not a nerd. Gisena is busy enough designing graces.
Don't know Aobarus exact numbers but he got two intelligence and 2 wits with A Burning Spirit. He might have been able to get more benefit than expected, especially if Skyward Claim had somehow been stacked with that to escalate his wits to planetary level. Or if we risked Haeliels enhancement on him.

Gisena would have the benefit of being thrice great and being able to do serious synergy hunting across the ring, true Quintessence, and Ordinalism.

Business Aeria may have been a good candidate too.

Letrezia is nerdier than you think given her interest in Astral Science.

There's also us as a candidate. We could use conjure to get an inventory.