Having a vote update titled 'precipitous span' is so reassuring... it can only mean good things for the future!
As usual, I have trouble deciding which vote combination I want. OTOH, it has been said several times that Hunger needs to relax and take some time off from doing insanely dangerous things. But how am I supposed to commit to that when we're offered so much value for a little Mental Stability? Selling your sanity for power just means that what little of it you have left gets increasingly valuable and can be sold for more later! Basic economics.
But then I start thinking about what exactly could hide behind an innocuous phrase like 'Neglect to properly maintain your position abreast of all Curses' and why it would give -Mental Stability. Decimator is on stand-by and Geas isn't a Curse that needs constant attention, so those two can be ruled out. The added % to Apocryphal difficulty likely means that we ignore the lead-up to the next Apocryphal proc, but it's also possible that we let the Doom off its leash for a while, which could indirectly cause the proc and make it worse. -Mental Stability isn't good news either way, because it takes something truly extraordinary to do that to Hunger. Not sure I want to find out what it'll be this time.
Still, not taking any power options at all this time would rankle. It's not often that we're effectively offered free Arete and picks! And my inner completionist rebels against the idea of taking Intensive Research without both Consolidate Power and Regency, because that's enough value to almost override my many concerns about the Strain. Getting two Signs, a ton of +s to Adorie relationship and Rank, prosperity for all our conquered lands, possibly even more Rank for Hunger... yeah, I can see why the combination is popular. And strangely enough I didn't see many arguments about the necessity of Regency for our future plans - without it Adorie apparently won't count as ruling our territories, which in turn means that Apocrypha will still target them.
...Right, there's also the Gisena option, but there's like two people voting for it. Only Dungeoneering has less on account of us being too scared of Shard taking us to task for killing her daughter. Funnily enough they're both options with the clearest path towards solving our current problem. Maybe we're hoping Gisena will later produce a solution without us having to put in any work again? It worked once already after all.
So, to sum it up, I'm a bit scared of what the Strain could represent and want Hunger to relax more, but I also don't want to completely miss out on the opportunities presented here. I guess a compromise is in order? And lo and behold, one of the more popular combinations has both Sightseeing and Praxis. Blue and Green is the Balancebro combination, right? And Sightseeing even gives +Wis and +Mental Stability! Considering we can use Arete to buff Praxis Study, it's not like we'll come out of it without any additional power. And while not getting more Praxis picks for 'free' sucks, not getting Willpower maluses feels kind of good too.
[X] Sightseeing
[X] Study the Blade