King of Thieves, truly the most grievous loss for Hunger and the thread as a whole...

All these attempts at 'Absorption' and 'Abduction' are but pale shards of the glory that could have been.
Remember well the weaknesses of Hunger-outlined in Who Dares Wins! And the shrewdness of Augustine who bent all Nilfel to her will...

OTOH, one of the strengths of Hunger as outlined in Who Dares Wins is his adaptability. The ability to recognize an opportunity such as this and take it, even in the midst of pitched battle. Should we not play to Hunger's Strengths?

Well, in the case of the Who Dares Wins philosophy, playing to the strengths also means playing into the weaknesses. Something to keep in mind, I guess.
Guys, are you sure you want to do this? To spring a trap can be boldness, but to do so for a wizard in her inner sanctum, after she's unloaded all her castings of Time Stop for buffing spells and summons, could be nothing less than recklessness!
Guys, are you sure you want to do this? To spring a trap can be boldness, but to do so for a wizard in her inner sanctum, after she's unloaded all her castings of Time Stop for buffing spells and summons, could be nothing less than recklessness!

What need is there to characterize recklessness if the voterbase is willing to be even worse! Fighting!
I must say, if Augustine erected the Tower of Earth with the specific intent of us grabbing for it, she has pegged to an incredible degree despite no use of analytical magic whatsoever. Stealing the thing is very reckless and greedy, and so plays perfectly into Hunger's faults; something we wish to avoid given a smart opponent who needs to rely on treachery to win!

[X] Cut Through

Just Cut Through, and be done with this.
King of Thieves, truly the most grievous loss for Hunger and the thread as a whole...

All these attempts at 'Absorption' and 'Abduction' are but pale shards of the glory that could have been.

No. IIRC we had a word of Rihaku that King of Thieves would have made mage-type options appear less. In my book, that's unacceptable. Unless maybe mage-options appearing less would make the thread jump on them when they did appear, then maybe it'd be OK.

But honestly, I'm pretty happy with where we are now in the quest. I can't really think of anything that I think we should have done drastically differently - well, maybe getting Outer Sky. We could have had a stained-glass halo of all heaven and earth. And Supreme Enclosure would have fit Outer Sky's themes, I think.

[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth


How many sudden swaps will it be this time I wonder...
[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

Trap option best option. More realistically I will probably change my vote, but honestly this is just absurdly good. It is also completely in character for hunger to walk into a trap for a reward of such magnitude. On the other hand maybe we don't want to be that person.
A point that was brought up in the discord: Augustine knowing that Hunger ate the Opalescent Tower doesn't just mean that she probably trapped this tower too. It means she knows that towers can be consumed for potentially massive power boosts!

If we don't eat it, maybe she will!!
Guys, are you sure you want to do this? To spring a trap can be boldness, but to do so for a wizard in her inner sanctum, after she's unloaded all her castings of Time Stop for buffing spells and summons, could be nothing less than recklessness!
So, out of curiosity, how would the hypothetical Hunger with Iridescence that consumed the Tower of Earth for that universe-tanking Sign go? Am I right that universe-tier PROT providing protection to a giant scale of effects would be sufficient to just facetank whatever Augustine could pul?
Ohh no, we're going to do this aren't we. Just in case, let's press the tactics button to not die. Or at least the random brainstorming button.

Gardener's Hallow would be nice, I keep thinking that putting some Life on the Earth would be helpful for absorbing it.

Digging it up seeems like a reasonable-ish approach conceptually, if not practically.

My instincts say that going inside the Earth is more meaningful than standing above it, but we did that for the Sky, so shouldn't this be opposite?

Why does the Earth Tower boost the Empyreal Signs? That's pretty sus.

Are we really gonna steal from Augustine again, that definitely gave her zero advantages last time. /s

Gisena has the moon ring, we got a whole band going on. She should orbit the tower lol, there should be a clever plan but I can't think of it.
it's been like 30 minutes and i still don't even have any thoughts

what an unreal piece of bait
I don't think we've ever had a more obvious marshmallow test than this so far, and that's saying something. The update heavily foreshadows the fact we are the foe with greater power, and Augustine is in our usual position of having to win with trickery. And then, we are presented with bait that is highly enticing and maximally plays into our observed behavior so far; we have literally stolen a tower for strength from her before. Like, the very fact that this is also a tower is probably not a coincidence considering she could have shaped it like anything, especially things more conductive to defense! None of this feels like happenstance, but like obvious bait. And we really don't need to fall for it.
So, earlier, @BrainInAJar was calling me out for never using my markers. Thanks for reminding me! I'm calling in one on Absorb.
Return Fire!

Anyway, this is, in fact, a risky play, which I recognize. But it seems really fun, so I want to do it. Also Supreme Enclosure upgrades~
Hopefully, no one thinks this isn't bait. The question is whether we have strong evidence for it being a trap that will deal Hunger more than a significant but not mission-killing wound.
[X] Cut Through

The bait honestly isn't even particularly amazing, paying 12 arete for a mystery effect and the equivalent of a 19 arete/3picks action, is pretty meh when you consider the likely costs that come bundled in.
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[X] Absorb the Tower of Earth

Thanks for absolving any responsibility I have to fight against this future shitshow, @ImperatorV, I actually really appreciate it. On a totally unrelated note, you should probably be more strategic with your markers; calling them at the start of the vote with no plans to astroturf support is very inefficient; there's a high chance this call will be wasted.
Don't... take the bait?
[X] Cut Through
Geez folks, remember well the lessons of the marshmallow test and deferred gratification!
Pls tell me it isn't time for Tower Salt 2: The Two Towers. My poor heart can't- well, no, it can deal with it just fine tbh. Anyway.

Earth is basically blood, so the +2 bonus obviously applies :V. I was making an incredibly shitposty reach, but according to wikipedia I'm only 99.99% wrong! So there!
Adamah (Biblical Hebrew : אדמה) is a word, translatable as ground or earth
There is additional relationship between the words adam and adamah and the word dam (דם), meaning blood.
Maybe we should slaughter the army first, bathe the tower in their blood, and only then absorb it, just to be sure. I am not saying this with the ulterior motive of not absorbing the tower, why do you ask?
[X] Cut Through

Enough of this horseshit, we can finally finish off all the bullshit sidequests we've embroiled ourselves in and actually move on with the main plot. Given our previous actions, I don't think she'd expect us to just Cut Through so I think this has quite decent odds of success while minimising the chance for any bullshit to happen.

[ ] Absorb the Tower of Earth [12 Arete, if successful]

>if successful

for fucks sake

Meanwhile, in the Apocryphal negaverse, the voters are rubbing their hands with glee and praying their read on us is accurate.

Ganbare, Apo-chan!
[X] Cut Through

Urg, can we please, for the love of ######, not do this again? Taking the first Tower was objectively the worst thing we've ever done, and yet, here we go again..
Hopefully, no one thinks this isn't bait. The question is whether we have strong evidence for it being a trap that will deal Hunger more than a significant but not mission-killing wound.
Plus, we can make up tactics!

These are approaches that deserve a more wordy effort post, but the obvious ones in my mind are:
  • Nullify the exterior perimeter before starting to consume the tower. This would presumably hit the thorniest and most dangerous outward-facing wards, leaving behind only things like conceptual poison and subtler booby traps
    • In general, passing the tower through a filter of Nullity before eating it might be smart
  • Channel our Abduction through the Tears of Winter, which include the domains of rulership and purity.
  • Adorie might also have a claim on this tower by right of rule: she could stake a claim and grant it to Hunger, which would blunt the edge of Augustine's "equivalent exchange" nonsense
  • Supercharge Adorie's bloodline ability to resist existential diminishment, as a sort of broad-spectrum antivenom. If she can't control her bloodline, use our Ring to try to briefly mimic its effects in our own blood
This isn't long enough to deserve a wordcount, but I'll be sure to copy/paste these ideas if i write a real tactics effortpost!
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[X] Cut Through

Man, almost twice as many votes for Tower as for all non-Tower options combined, Augustine truly is a master baiter.