Chosen Purpose is incredibly strong. Curse Mitigation, another Hunger-tier Combatant who scales, and that deadly threat that's coming for Aobaru sometime in the future? Much less of a problem.

The only real downside is Hunger's apprentice catching up to him too fast. We'll pull ahead again soon enough I expect though. Also 25 Arete that we may not have right now? It's been a long time since I went Arete mining, but perhaps I could brush the dust off my pickaxe. Aobaru is a mage after all, it totally counts.
Chosen Purpose is incredibly strong. Curse Mitigation, another Hunger-tier Combatant who scales, and that deadly threat that's coming for Aobaru sometime in the future? Much less of a problem.

The only real downside is Hunger's apprentice catching up to him too fast. We'll pull ahead again soon enough I expect though. Also 25 Arete that we may not have right now? It's been a long time since I went Arete mining, but perhaps I could brush the dust off my pickaxe. Aobaru is a mage after all, it totally counts.

Keep in mind as well that his scaling also helps Hunger scale, along with a bunch of other combatants.,thanks to how long lasting and how many people he can effect with his VIgourflame buff.
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Again, considering we have two days to do this and likely more than 11 Arete I view a push as perfectly doable. And having another combatant at our tier is pretty good if we want to spend any amount of time using Fisher-King. Never mind the buffs we ourselves receive and and the indirect Apocryphal Mitigation. I view it all as pretty viable, no matter if we choose to War or to Diplomance the Lord Protector. More power is always welcome, after all.
Guh. I'm torn between my dislike of Augustine and my respect for her power... but like Hunger says, the only evidence of Shardmom is in her mind. Though isn't that itself a reason for diplomacy, to find out more?

No, wait. The Shardcanist probably is a threat, but also probably isn't an immediate one (fingers crossed). So let's smash Augustine now, and not provoke her mom. When her mom pops up we'll smash her then, when we're Rank 15 and have a trillion stat pluses /exaggeration.

So, unless we get a snazzy write-in,

[X] War
@Rihaku assuming that we haven't spent any monthly income Arete yet (I still don't really have a good way of telling whether we've dipped into that reserve or not, other than directly asking you), we have 9.14 Arete from monthly incomes specifically. If we have spent an amount of monthly income arete, could I ask how much, so I can add it to the the spreadsheet and get a new, more accurate figure?

You're referring to the total Arete gained from monthly income, not just from this month, correct?
You're referring to the total Arete gained from monthly income, not just from this month, correct?
The lifetime total, yes. From just September it would be...about 0.4 Arete, I believe.


0.7 for just September, actually, I forgot to include the character sheet as different from tier-1 signatures in my informal sub-count.
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Upon reflection, I'm actually feeling very lazy this weekend, so let me at least vote in a form consistent with that! I just want to solve this as quickly as possible. So in the name of least effort:

[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit
Upon reflection, I'm actually feeling very lazy this weekend, so let me at least vote in a form consistent with that! I just want to solve this as quickly as possible. So in the name of least effort:

[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit
"Feeling very lazy" isn't very Praxis of you
Yeah, it is. Basically, 7 arete worth of effort over two days.

It is a fair bit of work, though. Modestly above our typical generation level... But with Aab's bonus time slowly edging to a close, perhaps desperately mining and making use while we still can of it is a good idea.
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Or we could just not spend here and proceed at a normal pace. We would be in range for pillars which is something that we absolutely definitely need to get eventually.
[ ] Write-In - Sufficiently novel and clever write-ins will receive an effectiveness boost.

[X] Draw Augustine to the Shard

Augustine has prepared heavy defenses under the assumption that we'll attack her. The idea of this plan is that if she sees us going towards the shard she'll panic and immediately attack rather than let us join up with her mother. This will force her to abandon all her current plans and defenses.

This plan has the following assumptions
-Hunger knows where the shard is.
-Augustine realizes we're going to the shard.
-Liquidating Versch takes long enough that if she doesn't fall for the bait we can transition to plan b before she kills him

Rihaku let me know if this isn't viable.

[X] A Burning Spirit

Gotta save Arete.
We're going to have almost a ingame month before pillars because relevant again. Given how slow our progression through times tends to be, I don't think this should be a worry.

Pillars does still need a pick. At our current power level those have become somewhat rare. Unless we start a fight with the shard we'll be going to the HS after this and picks will become even rarer. This fight may very well be the last pick point we get for a while.
-Hunger knows where the shard is.

I don't think he does. In that vote, we didn't pick the Shard, we picked Adorie. The next update, we met a Royalist agent who told us how to get to Adorie. I'd assume that therefore, Hunger does not in fact know where the Shard is, because we did not pick the option that would have given us the directions to the Shard in the next update.