Pillars does still need a pick. At our current power level those have become somewhat rare. Unless we start a fight with the shard we'll be going to the HS after this and picks will become even rarer. This fight may very well be the last pick point we get for a while.

I don't think it's super realistic that the apocryphal curse will leave Hunger alone for a entire month, no.
I don't think it's super realistic that the apocryphal curse will leave Hunger alone for a entire month, no.

The apocryphal targets us in the worst way possible. Relying on it for picks may very well cause it to attack us using other avenues. Also some of its procs target us in the future like Ber. It's not impossible that it could put all its power into the ring war or causing us complications in leaving the VR. Of course it could also send in something capable of actually killing us like lucent thorne. So we'd either have to fight an incredibly dangerous enemy or run away and thus lose any experience. Too many things can go wrong with apoc and we should by no means rely on it for anything.
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The apocryphal targets us in the worst way possible. Relying on it for picks may very well cause it to attack us using other avenues. Also some of its procs target us in the future like Ber. It's not impossible that it could put all its power into the ring war or causing us complications in leaving the VR. Of course it could also send in something capable of actually killing us like lucent thorne. So we'd either have to fight an incredibly dangerous enemy or run away. Too many things can go wrong with apoc and we should by no means rely on it for anything.

It's really weird that the curse that targets us in the worst way possible has gained us pick after pick along with enemies they weren't so dangerous that we had to run away, it sounds like their could have been way worse to target us if that was the case then some of the stuf we literally beat and we're substantially better off for it. I also imagine that, between Hunger not doing a single think worthy of a pick in a month on his own despite the entirety of the quest as evidence to the contrary and us soon starting our conquest of the human sphere in earnest that we know has enemies stronger then us, cancelling the apocalypse from going to the Human Sphere will also be cakewalk?
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[X] Diplomacy

[X] A Burning Spirit

I think we might as well try and co-exist with a fellow vengeful spirit. We can offer to leave her uncontested rule over this realm (we didn't commit magically to Adorie, thank god) and maybe some combat tasks we can quickly do before going to the Human Sphere.

LIke, ideally I don't want to re-organise their entire government after we win. Having a known ruler who has proven her competence in charge would be cool.
[X] War
[X] A Burning Spirit

Again, spending Arete on companions is a bottomless pit of expense. Spend 7 Arete on Aobaru previously, unlock the opportunity to spend 25 Arete on him here, next thing you know we're 100 Arete into the chargen of Aobaru Quest. And well, that sounds cool and all if that's the planned next phase of the quest, I'm still playing Hunger Quest in the meantime and I'm committed to Hunger's story.

I just have extremely little interest in having to invest mechanical currency into other characters. Can't their in-story breakthroughs and power-ups come without expenditure on the players' parts? I already have enough SALT about never unlocking Ring-lore (not 1 [non-Chief] Dominion over the course of the Temple Arc!) while Praxis lore looms far in the distance with ever-increasing Arete costs, spending on Aobaru and thereby necessitating spending on Aeira, Letrizia or god forbid, Gisena on the basis of 'wanting our companions to keep up with Hunger' will just drain away precious thread attention and wordcount from Hunger's storyline and progression. Frankly speaking, even Arete-doubling doesn't suddenly allow us access to an infinite surfeit of rihakubux.

There are numerous plotlines I'm interested in investing in, Praxis-lore and Ring-lore foremost among that weave of threads, such as Armament lore or Cursebearer influence in this universe. All of that requires Arete and I'm not keen on spending here. Also, as a personal preference, I don't want to intervene in the natural progression of other character's power levels anyway. I'm not interested in their characters because of their relative power to Hunger anyway, I'm interested in their interactions with him and their character backgrounds and none of that requires spending hard-earned Arete so it's kinda a no-brainer to me.

I'd rather spend Arete on lore-stuff and get back to investigating things that have been unfortunately left on the waysides of the quest.
After accounting for your latest expenditures (Undying Vanguard and Glimpse), you're at 10.95 Arete!
Hm, if we'd saved that seven Arete we could be within striking distance of A Chosen Purpose. As things stand, that's a lot of solid stone for the men of the Miners' Guild to tunnel through. The light at the end is gloriously incandescent, Aobaru as an allied peer level combatant who can hand out fractional ISH steps like candy on Halloween would be worth his weight in orichalcum. But the resources just aren't there, so I can't in good conscience vote for it. A Burning Spirit is a serviceable substitute, cultivating his drive and competence while indirectly improving Hunger by buffing the buffs. It gives us a tenth of an ISH step and hopefully more mentoring moments and creative uses of magic, which are always fun to read. Rank is Hunger and Letrizia's thing, and setting Aobaru's to six could go to waste if we pick up Companions of the King or a near-equivalent down the road; the literal firepower option has its appeal, but seems unnecessary given recent scaling.

[X] Diplomacy
[X] A Burning Spirit

I was all set to shrug and put Augustine down as a lost cause, but the tactical tradeoff here doesn't seem that bad? Somewhat suboptimal Ultimate positioning still leaves the option on the table as a trump card. The biggest risk would be her somehow stalling to sac Versch, but unless she can co-locate or pilot the Protector protoplasmic mass remotely that shouldn't happen during the talks. It'd be a chance for Adorie to redeem herself after several subpar showings, if the curse of the Mirellyian line doesn't manifest in the rolls. She really should get checked out by Gisena, who's an accredited mitigation specialist by now! Speaking of, we'd definitely want Gisena to have eyes on the negotiations, to watch for social and magical cues. Maybe not in person, that risks hitting a hot button of Augustine's; do her Eyes of Envy work remotely? If so, scrying and/or good old-fashioned tech could help. Latter's probably better, the Nilfellian aesthetic tends toward the fantastical.
25 Arete is what, Refinement of Battle?

Everyone wanted King Fisher too, so there's that.

Aobaru is cool and all, but amg. Hunger been slowing down faster than expected.
I don't think he does. In that vote, we didn't pick the Shard, we picked Adorie. The next update, we met a Royalist agent who told us how to get to Adorie. I'd assume that therefore, Hunger does not in fact know where the Shard is, because we did not pick the option that would have given us the directions to the Shard in the next update.

The spirit told Hunger about Augustine, and about her mother, and about Augustine's personal thoughts and opinions on whether her mother was a threat. It'd be odd to tell Hunger what the Shard is, and Augustine's personal thoughts about it, but not where it's located.

There are a million ways to shoot this write-in down. What if the spirit decided to tell us what the Shard is, but not where it's located? What if the spirit doesn't know where the Final Vestige is? What if the entrance to the Final Vestige is inside Augustine's lair? What if there's no way to ensure Augustine sees us going into the Final Vestige? What if she can liquidate Versch in 30 seconds if we don't immediately engage her? But Rihaku didn't tell us any of that, so clearly it wasn't all that important.

I like write-ins. I like the idea of Hunger and Augustine having their final showdown (fight? talk?) in the otherworldly Final Vestige, surrounded by insane chromatic monstrosities. I think that drawing her away from her prepared defenses is the correct strategy.
if we had the arete... would you change your mind?
It depends, the effective Apocryphal mitigation sounds like it blows Grand Nullification's ten percent out of the water. On the other hand, a martial or social victory against Augustine is bound to yield interesting picks given her heritage, and we have Fisher King to finish. I'm kind of relishing not having to choose in truth yet!
25 Arete is what, Refinement of Battle?

Everyone wanted King Fisher too, so there's that.

Aobaru is cool and all, but amg. Hunger been slowing down faster than expected.
What? I'm confused. How would you say Mr. 3 EFBs in a few days IC and another EFB in less than a day later as a cherry on top is slowing down in any shape or form? We've completely outpaced the LP in power by a magnitude, the only real difficulty here is protection for our allies.

Having 1 ally EFB for once is hardly a slowdown, I'd say. Besides, Aobaru's fundamentally a buff-type Surgecrafter. His attributes improving means Hunger's attributes improving, which is especially relevant considering our Rank has far outstripped our stats at this point.

More pertinently, there's the +0.3 to ISH tier, which in confluence with RoQ (Which we just enhanced our ability to spam) means an absolutely titanic ISH 2.7-2.9 Speed.

For reference, the outlier feats of the Flash were performed with a similar ISH tier. While our AGI isn't high enough to fully copy him yet, it's still a useful bit of perspective.

Like, while I can vaguely see the issue with ceding agency with RW, Aobaru's EFB is a massive boost to Hunger himself in a very direct way.
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No that's imprisoner.
let me rephrase:
is this the Seven Seals magic system?

Remember that the native magic system chosen by the thread was used by everybody in the Isekai world (including the Tyrant). The unchosen magic systems never existed in the isekai world at all, so LP might have access to it instead.
After accounting for your latest expenditures (Undying Vanguard and Glimpse), you're at 10.95 Arete!
Well that settles that part of the vote!

[X] A Burning Spirit
Moreover, I like Vali's write-in, and am not sure I'll be closely following the thread in the event of a switch, thus:
[X] Vali
That said, @vali -- do we even have any idea of where the Shard is? Additionally, does the Lord Protector? If those two conditions aren't satisfied, I'm not sure the strategy works.
Preliminary count?

It depends, the effective Apocryphal mitigation sounds like it blows Grand Nullification's ten percent out of the water.

Weakening every Apocryphal proc is considerably more potent than having to take slightly fewer procs overall, actually! As a level 20, would you rather fight a steady stream of level 15 NPCs, or a slightly less steady stream of level 17s?
I have a potential write-in. It's mostly for laughs but it may actually be viable.

[ ] Surrender
Augustine is prepared for a confrontation and she is convinced that Hunger and co are agents of her mother. It is quite likely that she will assume any negotiations to be in bad faith on Hunger's part. Good faith would need to be established with her to ensure cooperation. What better show of good faith than the imprisonment of Hunger himself? He is the only hope of victory for the Royalists. Allowing Augustine to put Hunger under her mercy would prove to her that they don't mean to harm her.
- Incredibly risky.
- Augustine is more likely to believe that her mother didn't send you.
- Events would proceed the same as with diplomacy after the surrender...
- This is assuming she doesn't kill you right away of course.
- Resorting to War if negotiations break down would be almost impossible.
- Are you insane?
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Weakening every Apocryphal proc is considerably more potent than having to take slightly fewer procs overall, actually! As a level 20, would you rather fight a steady stream of level 15 NPCs, or a slightly less steady stream of level 17s?

Makes sense.

Though, at our current tier, we're likely going to cap out at Stage 2 Mitigation soon (Currently 1.75 for Apoc), so finding methods of indirect mitigation like this may still be a good idea.