It's interesting that that's the component you would drop, however! You could simply change your action plan and keep Undying!
I mean, is Vanguard really the most important part of the vote considering that it's likely not too much danger between now and summoning?
I mean there could be danger, in which case props to LP he's really on the ball.
If you want to take Vanguard, we can simply decide to [ ] Crush Them !

I don't know if I would compromise a long term priority that has been waiting since page 188 just for using a certain plan (that might not even be the best plan!) against the LP. We're powerful enough that we don't really need Versch in the Human Sphere, and it's not like Crush Them Hunger can't rescue it.

What's the point in allowing a wizard more time to build his prep? We don't know whether the 25th hour is significant or not. What if he has an ability like the Pennants of Daybreak that scales with each 5^n hours he is given to prep? I'd rather just finish him before he can introduce more variables and waste more of our time.
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[X] Rescue Versch
[X] Take Adorie

There are pros and cons of course. But mostly I want to save Versch for our fifth Panoply slot. It's unlikely, but Letrizia's themes put her at odds of dying heroically if her mecha goes first. If it lives and becomes ours though, she can retire without major narrative conflict.
The summoned entities exist for a Lunar month at most. Maybe the Tomb can overwrite the limitation if we capture them, but I wouldn't bet on it. More likely they'll either disappear directly from the HT or do so as soon as we take them out.

Edit: Though you're right that there is some synergy, since they'll probably still be categorically incapable of defeating us even after being unsummoned. Only question is how do we call specifically them back?..
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Actually, let me pitch an almost certainly incorrect, but kind of fun argument for Rescue Versch.

Plan Rescue Versch presumably trades a relatively high chance of actually rescuing our Ro-Bro for a pretty high chance of walking into a trap and Hunger either taking a serious Condition (up to and including Death). However, we know that generous souls have gifted Hunger with a small number of re-rolls, to avoid an early quest end. Certainly, we don't want those to go to waste unnecessarily.
However, we also know that rerolls will be burnt to save companions (c.f. Rihaku's comment that we almost used one this update to save Letrizia). Thus, in order to minimize wasted rerolls, we should try and save Versch!!!
( :V )
Build Option Analysis & argument for Rescuing Versch
1745 Words

Vote OptionBlurb NotesBring AdorieDon't
Bring Adorie
Crush Them
  • Annihilate Fifth and Thirteenth Legions: -Adorie, +1 Pick
  • Violent Conflict is Hunger's forte
  • Unlikely to spare enlisted soldiers, auxiliaries might rout & survive
  • Lord Protector might get away
  • Tactic of Cutting Through delivers reliable success
  • Hunger will call LP's bluff if Versch is threatened
  • Potential ---Letrizia if Versch is sacrificed
  • 15-30% increase in Praxis usage, incl. Refinement of Quickness
  • LP, LP-aligned Legions might balk at regicide
  • +Adorie relationship boost is probably outweighed by [-Adorie] from Crush Them. Potentially dramatic net loss of Adorie Relationship +s.
  • Mirellyian bloodline might awaken under serious combat stakes
  • Serious liability in open combat
  • No additional RoQ activations beyond baseline Tears boost
  • No diplomatic win conditions via Adorie Interrupt
  • Baseline [-Adorie] from Crush Them is unaffected. Nets out to ++++Adorie or lower when we're done with the battle.
  • Starts out on a bad foot with our regent while we're in the HS
Rescue Versch
  • Hunger is capable of tracking Versch. Following the connection into a trap is likely.
  • Gisena and Hunger are potent team.
  • +Letrizia is enough to unlock SJUC
  • Hunger has divination immunity, unexpectedly steep power curve, generalized defenses against magic (Gisena, ADS, Rank)
  • Securing Versch makes the cleanup straightforward
  • 15-30% increase in Praxis usage, incl. Refinement of Quickness
  • Interaction between LP's trap & Adorie is ???
  • Intelligent decision making in recovering war materiel asset might impress Adorie after our disastrous negotiation rolls
  • Mirellyian Patron Spirit might be willing to intervene against Claumgnor if Adorie is on-site
  • Adorie might have knowledge about LP's capabilities or general limits of Nilfel magic
  • Adorie is a noncombatant. She is not ready to face-plant into a situation this dangerous.
  • Adorie's bloodline might require a scenario this dangerous to reactivate
  • With Hunger forced to respond to LP's use of Versch as bait, additional coordination is needed to stabilize surviving Royalists
Oblique Means
  • Consolidate armies, summon minions.
  • Astral Being could rescue Versch (high negotiation difficulty) or nullify LP's abilities (lower negotiation difficulty)
  • Leaves Nilfel's army more intact: [++Adorie]
  • More preparation time for LP
  • Allows *some* preparation time for Hunger / Gisena.
  • Public Relations gambit pushes moderates our way
  • LP requires more multipliers than Hunger to attain win condition
  • Brings Adorie into the fold: nets [+++Adorie] by default before bonuses for good decisionmaking
  • Adorie's EFB is not too far away, and got praise for being strong. Obvious speculation: Hunger could get another bloodline!
  • Praxis boost is somewhat less valuable for Oblique Means than for more direct approaches
  • Leaves Adorie free to coordinate boring details and logistics
  • Adorie is already getting ++ relationship because we are respecting her wishes
  • Even if Adorie's EFB is strong as hell, it's competing with already chosen expenses of picks (2 for Fisher King, 2 for OaF2, 1 for Pillars, 3 for Pearlescence :V) and Arete (12 for Fisher King, 25 for OaF2, 25 for PIllars, 9 for Pearlescence :V)
Shock and Reason
  • Show of strength before starting negotiations: demonstrate MAD to push for better terms
  • Gives full Holy Shit bonus plus Gisena's genius
  • No way to ensure compliance with agreement
  • Nilfel should be able to handle LP on their own
  • Thread discussion has not settled on tolerable terms
  • Chance of diplomancing LP
  • 15-30% increase in Praxis usage, incl. Refinement of Quickness
  • Adorie improves odds that Legions will abandon LP
  • Adorie is the one who would have to enforce agreed upon terms, having her on-hand clarifies Hunger's negotiating bounds
  • Makes a big show out of obeying Adorie's wishes re: casualties
  • Despite bad rolls vs. Hunger, Adorie is a talented negotiator and would triple down on Holy Shit / Gisena combination
  • Keeps Adorie safely off the field of battle, but limits Hunger's ability to use Mirellyian bloodline for political clout
  • Prevents Adorie from interrupting negotiations with petty considerations like "feasibility" when our first priority is recovering Versch
  • Effect of Holy Shit + Gisena is probably enough to cow legions, bringing noncombatant into the same room as LP just gives him a vulnerable target
(Sorry for the weird alignment issues in the table!)

The analysis for this vote is made a lot simpler by the overwhelming advantage that Take Adorie currently enjoys. When I compare the choices conditional on Adorie's presence it is surprisingly easy to argue that we should Rescue Versch. The alternative Shock and Reason is a close runner up. However, I think that there are good reasons to avoid Oblique Means + Bring Adorie.

First, I think that Versch's popularity among the voters is hard to dispute. Each vote combination should be evaluated in terms of its likelihood that he will be returned safely (which requires Hunger to survive, of course). Rescue Versch + Bring Adorie seeks to cut through the Lord Protector's plan, without giving him any additional time to fester or fortify. The full weight of Rank from Hunger and Adorie, alongside liberal applications of Artful Thorn, should be able to pierce any misdirection being employed. Shock and Reason + Bring Adorie allows the LP to set up a few more surprises or deadman switches, but a deal is possible if we can demonstrate to the LP that there is no scenario where he lives after hurting Versch.

By contrast, Oblique Means + Bring Adorie allows the LP to initiate yet another volley of contingencies and connivance. It seems likely that LP will get his hooks deeper and deeper into Versch as time goes on. Meanwhile, Hunger is busy showboating for Adorie to demonstrate his concern about her citizens. Oblique Means is not just limited to a ritual summoning for an Astral denizen. There are other Nilfel aristocrats under siege: Even listening to Adorie ask us to spend time liberating the ruling class while Versch is being suborned is a real failure to set reasonable priorities.

Second, even setting aside the urgency of liberating Versch, the narrative beats unveiled by Rescue + Adorie are simply more exciting. The Lord Protector had some reason to keep Adorie alive in the Opalescent Tower for a decade. What does he want with her bloodline? If his traps are designed so that he doesn't accidentally end the Mirellyian bloodline, then Adorie will be invaluable for liberating Versch. If his traps don't have safety measures, then the mechanics of the Realm of Myth are likely to give Adorie a major power / progression boost so she can rise to the occasion as the rightful heir to Nilfel. Seriously: how could there ever be a better narrative beat for the powers of the Mirellyian dynasty to reveal themselves?

If that's not compelling enough, we have just seen an example of LP's patron deity intervening in mortal affairs (called it, btw). Adorie's presence in the LP's trap is an open invitation for her family's Patron Spirit to also toss its hat into the ring. Though it has probably been diminished by the LP's ascendence, there are lots of myths about a defeated royal lineage biding its time and returning in full glory. Give 👏 Us 👏 Arulothel's 👏 Return 👏

The narrative beats we'll get with Oblique Means + Bring Adorie are interesting to me, but they aren't cathartic. Seeing Hunger summon something dangerous would be cool, but it's just a powerup. It's hard for a single technique to compete with the rising tension of ideological conflict between a villain like LP and someone as personable as Adorie. Hunger has just gotten done with a bunch of introspection about his responsibilities as a ruler, and about the versatility of Cutting Through. Demonstrating commitment to Versch is compatible with the characterization decisions while also providing a nudge towards a more selfless attitude as was desired by some voters.

As I mentioned, I'm more open towards Shock and Reason + Bring Adorie. However, the Royalists have not shown themselves to be a match for the LP so far. It is a bit daunting to imagine the Royalists trying to keep LP contained while wrestling his new military-industrial complex into submission. If Adorie is present at the negotiating table, will she even allow us to make concessions just to recover Versch? These are are some seriously rocky waters that we'd be negotiating in front of our enemy. Adorie would surely be a net positive for the overall Hunger/Royalist negotiating position, but it isn't clear that she'd be focused on recovering Versch, the way that we are.

One strong argument in favor of Oblique Means + Bring Adorie is that it is likely to give the largest boost to Adorie's relationship and get us closer to her EFB teased by the update. However, her EFB is in direct competition with many other appealing purchases: SJUC, OaF2, Pillars, Fisher King, RW, Sword in the Stone, plus whatever rare Praxis blurbs are unlocked by "Never Better." Hell, racing off to rescue Versch might unlock Companions of the King! I am always down to see more shiny blurbs, but no blurb is worth Versch's safety.

One strong argument against Rescue Versch is that we could be walking into the LP's trap completely blind, with only generalized esoteric defenses against his area of concentration. However... Rank, ADS' Ruin, and Nullity are a potent anti-magical arsenal. The Tears of Winter grant Hunger and Adorie a wide remit of esoteric effects themselves. While the LP certainly has the advantage, Team Hunger is hardly fighting unarmed.

(Just as a note, I'm really feeling the anti synergy between Gisena's time intensive abilities for Artifice & Grace Design vs Hunger's ring incentive to flit from one mortal peril to another. Giving her more than an hour or two to tinker up some equipment would be a dramatic power multiplier for Aeira, in particular. And if we manage to buy Threnody Sorceress, the payoffs for Gisena's grace R&D efforts will be doubled!)

To summarize, the voters overwhelmingly chose to Bring Adorie. Assuming there's no mass betrayal over the next 12-18 hours, we have to choose the best plot option contingent on Adorie's presence. I think that Rescue Versch has a better chance of his safe return than Oblique or Shock, even accounting for the danger of going along with the LP's maneuvering. I think that the plot where Adorie comes along and rises to the occasion will fulfill lots of the foreshadowing (Claumgnor, Adorie's bloodline, Hunger's approval of the Forebear's philosophy, etc). Concerns about Esoteric traps are overblown imo given Hunger's Rank casting abilities in the domains allowed by the Ring and Tears.
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[X] Rescue Versch.

I guess I can agree with that reasoning, so it's back to my original vote. The 2 options I'm most okay with are leading anyway, so it's time to go back to my original preference. As I said many times, the only thing that prevents an simple solution to this conflict is the Lord Protector's possession of Versch. So seizing him back should absolutely be the priority.
Boarding Call
I wake up in the passenger seat of a mail van. The man to my left is wearing a black-and-gold uniform that reads 'United Delivery', and the road sign we're about to pass says Great Falls, Montana. There's a folder on my lap, and a pamphlet in my hand - or actually, it looks like a letter addressed to Santa Claus.

...It's asking for any kind of assistance with hunting the Slaughterhouse Nine, who the sender is sure will attack him soon, and signed by Nonstop. That's a lot less whimsical than it started. I guess he's worried about Mannequin? And probably kind of desperate for assistance. It's postmarked July 27, which I think means the Swedish containment zone just broke and drained most of his support. Oof.

Okay, so that's my excuse for being here. What's in the folder? Ah, a summary of known and suspected Nine members. Looks like they have most of their Brockton members, which does not bode well for Nonstop, but they're missing Burnscar, Hatchet Face is still alive, and there are three 'maybe' entries - Miasma, Belabor, and Jungle.
I'm pretty sure Miasma showed up in the Nine Squared arc, sort of an earlier version of Fog like Nice Guy was an earlier Imp, but this says he's a reactive Breaker - explodes into toxic mist whenever he's injured. There's speculation that he can possess people killed with his mist, but that could just be Bonesaw's spiders. Fortunately, Nice Guy is not on the list.
(Oh, there's a list of believed-dead members with reasons to believe said deadness, attached to Bonesaw's dossier. Looks like he and Winter killed each other. Huh.)
I glance up at the driver, but he's focused intently on the road. I don't think he wants to know who I am. In the circumstances, I'm okay with that.
Belabor's a touch-range telekinetic whose power spreads through solid objects, and he's got kind of a chain-gang aesthetic - long shackles on both arms, brown pants and suspenders, white Oxford. Was a vigilante down in Chicago, suspected in two deaths, vanished six weeks ago alongside rumors of the Nine being in the area. The file calls him a Striker/Blaster 4+, and I'm not inclined to argue.
Jungle is a roving villain from Kansas who is known to have met the Nine, but may not have been recruited. His powers are less clear, but appear to be based on warping his surroundings into a primordial forest and then jumping around it Tarzan-style. He's listed as a Shaker 3 Mover 3, but those aren't useful to me - I have no idea which of his powers are modal, if either is. I'd guess Cloaker if he's as mobile as stated, but maybe he's a mobile-home sort of Shaper, like Velvet.
(Speaking of Velvet, I think she and Prancer were somewhere around this part of the country? Probably not relevant, though.)

Anyway, in-depth psych-profiling the Nine is going to have to wait, because it looks like we've reached the trainyard. The driver tells me it's my stop, which I was expecting, and asks if I want help unloading, which I was not.
I recover quickly. "Yes, please."

In the back, we grab... (Select one:)

[ ] Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Two suitcases, containing identification papers, full-body armor, several large firearms, and five million dollars. The guns appear to be registered to 'Horatio Von Becker' - my name, while I'm here - as is an official-looking mercenary charter.
Oh, and there's a flip phone with a note saying it's got lawyers on speed dial. I recognize the name Quinn Calle, although I thought he was the PRT costume guy? No, that was someone else.
*I don't know how to use most of the gear, but it shouldn't be terribly difficult? Not worse than learning combat in the first place, and my Element should help with that.
*Sets me up for the medium term, and gives me something to pay for tech with.
*Can you really afford to focus on the future right now?

[ ] Power Now
A metal crate that turns out to house a fusion reactor, built to Nonstop's tech donation specs (no silicon), stamped with a Toybox logo. (That boxing-glove-on-a-spring is a cute touch.)
It also comes with a Toybox catalog, informing me that a reactor like this is worth two and a half million, or three with one-week delivery. Discounts available for tech barter or "interesting data".
*Nonstop's train will be faster and have much better fire-rate while connected. Significantly improves his chances of survival; may pay for itself if it means more of the Nine's bounties can be collected.
*Doesn't include ID for me, making some things harder. You guys wanted me to work with Cauldron, apparently? I might have to.
*Reliant on other donations for personal enhancement.

[ ] Pale Horse
A zebra-like Nightmare with a mouth dripping blood; my first Evil Elemental. Presumably based on the Siberian. It's wearing a collar that timelocks it when the switch is flipped, and it pretty-much-certainly wants to eat people when that's turned off. I have never ridden a horse before.
*Fantastically powerful, but major control issues.
*I will not get any other tech from Devil's Toolbox, and I won't properly awaken the Third Gate until this arc is resolved. But hey, if you still prefer Go Further, this is your option!
*Like seriously, it may be quite difficult to keep it from eating people. This is not a joke. (And kill-ordered corpses are valuable on several grounds, so, like, keep that in mind.)

(Vote call was here. Also, 940 words.)
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Horatio-SI just got here, and he's already completely done with this shit.
You guys wanted me to work with Cauldron, apparently?
I have never ridden a horse before.
*Like seriously, it may be quite difficult to keep it from eating people. This is not a joke.
I love it. And the Quinn misremembering is a nice touch.

Pale Horse is kinda having the Go Further cake and eating it too, since it doesn't render main quest XP inapplicable. Only problem is, the cake is made of people. If you were in a white room with the S9, it would be great... actually, a wild uncontrollable Siberian should send Jack stumbling a bit.

Armor might be especially useful against Miasma? Incredibly tenuous vote-

[DD] Power Now
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I guess it is some good insurance, knowing that his author-self will just pull the plug if things go too far south instead of writing out his death or a fate-worse-than-death.